Agenda 1997 10-06 .. ` AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY,BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse . ~~pNOVeR ~oGy 24 North Third Street, Room 301 -. ~ ~. ~~ L =~ Wilmington, NC , . r :~~? r ~ •- _,,;,,, o ~ '~ ROBERT G. GREER CHAIRMAN • .WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ FNDRTH~ $IR2ENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COM MISSIONER ~~ ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COpLEY••COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO TH E BOARD -0 `. ~ . ' ~: ctober 6, 1997 6:30 .m. , ~ P ' , ~ , .. _... ., ., ~ •. e ~/i MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer)~~ ~} ~ INVOCATION , ~ 3 . ' . , -' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7 ' ,.NON-AGENDA ITEMS.(Limit three minutes per item) ~ :: , ; i APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA - _ ' ESTIMATED. . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE .' °" TIMES - - f O N • 6:30 p.m. 1. Presentation of Cogeneration.Projeet of the Year Award to 1 ~ WASTEC and New Hanover County Board of .Commissioners ~ ;• - . 6:45 p.m. 2. Presentation b Libra Adviso Board Recommendin the Y ~Y rY g 3 ' _ ~ :.County Acquire the Hannaford Buirding on Military Cutoff , Road' for Use as a Library ~, ^" , 7:00 p.m. 3. Presentation of Proposed Structure of Sofid, Waste Advisory Board S ~ ~~~ ; ,per 'iF 7:15 p.m. 4. :Consideration of Carolina Power and Li fit £ner Conservation Stu .g gY . dy 15 7:25 p.m: 5.. ~ Consideration of Resolution Supporting the November 4, 1997 Bond 19 Referendum from Cape Fear Community College and New Hanover - County Schools ' ~ 7:30 6 l • p.m. . ub ic Hearings • y- , , ' ~ Ttem'A: Rczonin Appealed Case -Request by Henry McNeil 23 ' to rezone 5 acres at 6634.Carolina Beach Road to Conditional ' ~ . ~ Use B-2 Business, Mini-warehousing, from. R-15. Residential. (Z-606, 7/97) The Planning Board recommends denial. • 8:OO~p.m. Item 'B: Rczonin -Request by Jackson Landscaping to rezone 33 " .97 acre at 7741 Market Street to Conditional Use B-2 Business for a landscaping service and from R-15 Residential. (Z=609, . ~ '9/97) The Planning Board recommends approval'. ~. 8:lOp.m. Item C: Special Use Permit -Request by Warren,Wilson to con- 41 strucf a 3100 square foot child day care center at 6.102 Gordon. •~ . ~ . 8:30 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 8:40 p.m. ~t~ 9:20 p.m. 9:40 p.m. 9:50 p.m. 9:55 p.m. 10:00 p.m 10:30 p.m Road. The facility would house up to 100 children. The property is zoned R-IS Residential. (5-414, 9/97) The Planning Board recommends denial. Item D: Special Use Permit -Request by William Towles to expand Wheel Estates Mobile Home Park by adding six lots/spaces. ' The existing park, located on the north side of Station Road, con- tains 23 lots/spaces (S-415, 9/97) The Planning Board recommends approval. Item E: Special Use Permit -Request by William Towles to expand Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park by adding six lots/spaces. The existing .park, located on the east side of Military Cut-off, contains 56 lots/spaces. (S-416; 9/97) The Planning Board recommends approval. " Item F: Zoninb Text Amencfinent -Request by William Dobo to clarify language concerning the placement and' size of accessory buildings incidental to principal uses. (A-286, 9/97) The Planning Board recommends an alternative version of the applicant's proposal. Item G: Road Naming -Request by W.B. Warren and others to name Service Road "C" (SR1938) to Eashvood Service Lane. It is located'on the northside of Eashvood Road approx- imately 400 feet east of the Market Street and Eastwood Road intersection. (SN77, 10/97) ` ' Non-public Hearing Item H: ~Resofution of Intent -Request by "Skip" Lowell to close an unnamed alley on the south side of Eashvood Road approximately 125 feet east of the Pavillion Place and Eashvood Road intersection. (SC72, 10/97) 7. .Committee Appointments 8. Consideration of Resolution Requesting New Hanover County be Selected as an Electing County for Purposes of Welfare Reform 9. ~ Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager ' ADJOURN 47 51 55 63 67 71 81 93 .. _ ~~ ~. _. r" ,'~ _V ~ _ . i .. !: MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ~ . ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY.COURTHOUSE ' 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 - . ~ r OCTOBER 6,1997 - .~ ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS 4 .. PAGE . NO. ~ .` ~ 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three.minutes) ;, 93 . .. 1 2. ,Approval of Minutes ~ 95 ` ~ ,. ~~ A O . DJ URN. A, ~ .. ~. ~ - ~ ~~ ~ s. ~: -. . - - ~... - - ., ' . ~ / ~. ' _ :. ~ ' 1 ,~ . ,. 1- ...F ~ ~ - ~ . 1~ .. [~ . CONSENT AGENDA 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSLONERS OCTOBER 6, 1997 . ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. 1998 Schedule of Board Meetings PAGE NO. 99 101 3. Award of Bid #98-0102 and approval of contract for the purchase of 107 A man lift for the'WASTEG Facility 4. Emergency Dispatch Consoles and E911 Telephone System Upgrades 129 5. Approval of disposal of copier and approval of Budget Amendment 143 #98-0039 and resolution related disposal of copier 6. Award of Contract #98-0141 for the purchase and installation of a 147 baffle in the lagoon to Containments .Systems Corporation 7. Award of Contract #98-0063 to Law Engineering and Environmental 149 Service for installation of Leachate Collection Wells -Cell # 1 at the New Hanover County landfill 8. Acceptance of Foster Grandparent Program Grant for the Department 153 Of Aging from the Corporation for National Service 9. Approval of contract #98-0136 with Midwesco Filter Resources, Inc. 155 For 1024 filter bags and 1024 Cates for the baghouse at WASTEC 10. Adoption of resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway 159 System: Roads in Sentry Oaks Subdivision Roads in Beacon Woods Subdivision 11. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-13 to increase budget for additional 165 revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff Deems necessary 12. Approval to authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with UNCW 167 To conduct Cemetery Delineation Services for the Oak Grove Cemetery on 17th Street and approval of associated Budget Amendment #98-0004 13. Authorization for submittal of grant application to NC Department of 185 ' Correction, and if awarded, authorize acceptance of grant • Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management Presentef: Ray Church Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Ra Church t> ,. .. t . SUBJECT: Presentation of Cogeneration Project of the Year Award to WASTEC and New Hanover County Board of Commissioners BRIE RY: •The Cogeneration & Competitive Power Institute, a division of the Association of Energy Engineers confers ~. prestigious awards each year to individuals and companies who have achieved national. or international , ,prominence in promoting .practices and principals of cogeneration and competitive power. This year WASTEC was chosen to receive the Cogeneration Project of the Year Award (between 5 & 25 MW). Mr.' Walter E. Johnston, PE, President of WEJ Energy Management Specialist, Inc. and a member of the Association of Energy Engineers will be on hand to present the award to the New Hanover County, Board of Commissioners. Mr. Johnstonwho,is Certified as an Energy Manager, Plant Engineer, Cogeneration ' Professional, Lighting Efficiency Professional, and Demand. Side Manager will provide information on the • Association of Energy Engineers, the Cogeneration. and Competitive Power. Institute, and the selection process for. the award. ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the. Board hear the presentation by Mr. Walter E. Johnston, PE,,and accept he award. r f~ • .FUNDING SOURCE: ~. - Federal ~: State: $:' County $: User Fees S: Other S: , . Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced:. •' ', REVIEWED BY: • I;GL: FIN: BUD: HR: TY ER' i E D R N ~ Recommend acceptance of-the award from Mr. Johnsto ~ ~ - . ~ ~~ ~'~ ~ '~ • 9 ~ i ~ f~. • Rcfer to Office Vision $ulletin Board for Disposition ,:;f . . This page intentionally left blank ,.. Regular'Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item # ' Department: Library ~ Presenter: F.Lapitino, Chairman Library Advisory Bd. Pa e Count Iri A enda Parka e: Contact: D. Pa nter - , SUBJECT:. Northeast.Branch Library ~ ~ , , BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ , . .The Library Advisory Board has met. and unanimously approved a recommendation that the County acquire the Hannaford building on Military Cutoff Road for use as a library. This recommendation is based upon three criteria:. asuperiorlocation, strong public supportfor the conversion, and a favorable cost analysis based upon sale of existing property and a fund raising campaign. Meetings have been held over the past several months with various County staff - and Commissioners concerning this property. At the direction of the. Chairman, staff has met with the Library Advisory ..' ~ ~ Board and other interested citizens to assist them in preparing information on this Hannaford site. A financial analysis has been prepared assuming he Advisory Board can raise approximately $1,000,000 and the land owned. by the County can be sold for approximately $500,000: The financing method would be COP's. Also enclosed in thefinancial analysis provided by the Library Advisory Board on estimated operating expenses. • 4 RE ED E ED .. ~ .. •, b~`-" ~ • Recommend the' Co Manager be given authority to enter int negotiations with Hannaford, Inc, for the purpose • of executing a`bti~e agre merit fotjthe'ir property on Military Cutoff Road,and to establish a means of financing the r project, if approved, through certificates of participation. ;.. - ,. ~• .. FUNDING SOURCE: . Federal $: State S: County S: 3,800,000 User Fees S: ` Other $: 1,000,000 Money IS In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: yes . Btid et,Amendment Pre ared: No REVIEWED BY: LGL': ~ FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN : N/A AMALLETT ~QUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCO NDATIONS•, Hear presentation, con ' er options and directstaff. ~~~~- lk''r , '_ ~: , RAT . . . ~ 1 ~ . ~~ (~~/ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition • . ~` Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item:#; Additional Item #: r Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church . Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Geof Little . SUBJECT: . ' Proposed Structure of Solid Waste Advisory Board _ BRIEF SUMMARY: - , ,. At the September-15; .1997 meeting~of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, the Board was requested to consider establishing a Solid Waste Advisory Board to assist in guiding the Co`unty's approach to managing solid waste: After discussing the proposed Advisory Board,. the Board of Commissioners decided to postpone any decision on establishing the Advisory Board until staff developed a recommended ~: membership. Attached is a proposed Solid Waste AdvisoryBoard Structure. Additional information " - including by-laws, studies, and reports has been requested and is being submitted for our consideration by the Wake County Solid Waste Department.. This information will be made available to the Board of Commissioners as soon as it'#~ arrives.. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REnUESTED ACTIONS• Staffrecommends the Board of Commissioners consider the proposed structure of the Solid Waste Advisory Board and adopt resolution establishing a Citizens Sold Waste Advisory Board. ~ err+~.~~l-t-irou~9~ ~ ~/3r~g9 .. . Z~cc o f tJi ~Yw ul. Rots.. I C~ plcl.., • " I tGu.rt &,t~:, .., 2 bUaskr tk~.2.t.1s ~I L9. /sw,.) , ~.. ~ _ _. o FUNDING~SOURCE: . Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: ;~ ` Money Is In Current Budget:. ~ New Appropriation Request: ~ "•~ ,Bud et Amendment Pre aced: ~ • - REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: .COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION • ~. ~~ Recommend Board consideration of the. proposed Advisory Board. I am of the opinion that an Advisory " ' Board.would be very usefiil, I also recommend the Board of Commissie~-~r}1~~ on~d~~r~appo~'~~'' ,a . County Commissioner to serve on the Board, either. as a voting member~o-;~~eXJso~cio„~m e . _ ~~~~ ~ , ~a161.q ~ ~~yy~ ~ '~ ~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~T~ ~""~"~' `„" ~~~'""''-~' . . NEW H.ANOVER COUNTY INTEROFFICE ~NNlEMMO September 22, 1997 To: Ray Church, Director From: Geoffrey H. Little, Solid Waste Planner Re: Proposed Structure of Solid Waste Advisory~Board Proposed Solid Waste Advisory Board Structure ~ ` Number and Qualifications: The Board shall consist of 15 (fifteen) members, including a Chairperson, aVice-Chairperson, and a Secretary as elected by the Board membership. The Board membership shall include persons selected from among the following disciplines or groups: Disci lines Business Sector Or anizations • Engineering/Technical Waste Haulers Local Civic, Community or Environmental or anizations • MedicaUScientific • Industry/Institution • County and Municipal Mana ers • Le al Commercial Caunt and Munici al Staff • FinanciaUAccounting Trade Association Representative, Keep America Beautiful of such as Builders, Restaurant, New Hanover County Hotels/Motels; etc • Academic Citizen Re resentative ' Members ofi the Board shall be: 1. Residents of New Hanover County, and shall be persons having some concern, interest and/or expertise in managing solid wastes, 2. Appointed for three (3) year terms, with unlimited number of terms, ` 3. Approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The M,`e~mb",e~TSh'~iPfi~th~e`~Board shall consist ofi ~.s 1. Eleven (1'~1) persppointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~~~~' J •y- A total of~four~'(~4f)Xp'esons appointed by the municipal governments. ~~. ~~ 1 1 1 Board. Se ment :Number of Members 'A. Nlunici al Management,-Staff and/or Citizens ~ ~': 4 B. Coun Mana ement, Staff - 2 C: Waste Haulers , ~ 3 D.. .. Disci line. ~ 2 E. ~ Business Sector .. 2 ~,F.~ ,.. Kee America Beautiful - 1 G. Or anization ~, ~ , 1 Total 15 ~ : ~ ~ ~. ~ .,. . A .- . ~.:~ _ :.. ~ . ~ .. . ~ . .. ~ ~ r, -~ ,. ~4 ~ ~ ~ - 7 ~c~ . NEiN HANOVER COUNTY CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD BY LA~I'JS ARTICLE I -NAME This organization, established by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners, shall be known as the "County of New Hanover Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board", hereinafter referred a to as the Advisory Board.. 'ARTICLE II -PURPOSE Acting in an advisory capacity to the New Hanover. County Commissioners, the purpose of the Advisory Board shall be to evaluate all pertinent aspects and issues relating to the management of solid waste in order to achieve the following goals and objectives: I. To assist local governments in New Hanover County in the development and implementation of a coordinated, long-term solid waste management plan that is acceptable to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, and the City and Town Councils; . II. To recommend sound, sensible and practical solid waste strategies that address, but are -not limited to: U A. Distribution of the .waste stream among the integrated management options available: material recovery, energy recovery, landfilling and waste transfers; t-~ B. Alternative or expanded material and resource recovery systems. a III. To assist in developing the most effective allocation of solid waste management functions among all local governing bodies in New Hanover County; IV. To review and make recommendations on the awarding of any major planning, engineering LJ or construction contracts involving or affecting the County solid waste management program; . V. To annually evaluate and provide recommendations to, the County Commissioners for (~ modifications to and implementation of the New Hanover County Solid Waste Management U Plan; VI. To review, comment and provide recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for capital projects regarding: A. Initial plans and concepts; B. The selection of engineers, financial and legal consultants; C. Final designs and specifcations; O D. Award of construction contracts; and 8 E. Construction progress. C:1Planning\Solid WastelAdvisory BoardlAdvisory Board Bylaws.doc Page 1 of 4 09/11/97 4:01 PM annually during July, thereafter. IV. Officers of the Advisory Board: Offcers shall hold their offices and exercise powers and duties given to them under these Bylaws during the term of one year. No term limits are ~° placed on Officers of the Advisory Board. V. The County staff member of the Advisory Board shall maintain minutes of the Advisory Board meetings, and prepare reports for circulation to each Advisory Board member and -the Board of County Commissioners. ARTICLE V -COMMITTEES The Advisory Board stiafl establish as many committees or ad-hoc committees as the Advisory Board may deem necessary to carry out its goals and objectives. Each committee shall have at least one Advisory Board member as a committee member. Non=Advisory Board personnel serving on committees~will have no voting power within the Advisory Board proper. ARTICLE VI -MEETINGS ~ . I. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held as established by a majority of the Advisory Board, but at least once every three (3) months. 11. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Advisory Board may be called by the Chairman or at the request of a majority of the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. At least three (3) days advance notice shall be given. III. Advisory Board Committee Meetings: Meetings of the Advisory Board. Committee shall be held at the frequency deemed necessary by`the Chairperson of such committee and upon due notice in a timely fashion to committee members. IV. Quorums: Unless otherwise established bylaw or these Bylaws, a quorum shall consist ." of a majority of the membership. If a quorum fails to attend any meeting, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting until 'a quorum shall attend. V. Actions of the Advisory Board: An affirmative vote of the majority of members present at a meeting of the Advisory Board shall be required to constitute action of the Advisory Board. ~ ~ .. VI VII. VIII. `~0 C:1Planning\Sol'id WastelAdvisory BoardlAdvisory Board Bylaws.doc 09/11/97 4:01 PM Action By Consent: Any action may be taken without a meeting if all entitled to vote thereon consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution authorizing the action. Attendance: Each member shall be expected to attend all regular Advisory Board meetings and Committee meetings on which the member serves. Open Meetings: The meetings of the Advisory Board and its Committees shall be open to the public in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. Rules of Procedure: Roberts~Rules'of Order Newly Revised, subject to these Bylaws, shall govern the procedures of all meetings of the Advisory Board and its Committees. Page 3 of 4 t .: .r.~ { . -. ARTICLE VII =AMENDMENTS , Amendments to the Bylaws of the Advisory Board may be considered and approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the membership of the Advisory Board at any regularly scheduled or special meeting,,provided, however, that written notice of the proposed amendment must be sent to each member of the Advisory Board. Also, such amendment shall be submitted to the " New Hanover;County Board of Commissioners for approval.., . ARTICLE VLII -DISBURSEMENTS. ' ~ . The funds approved and budgeted for the~Committee shall be disbursed by the Director of the .New Hanover County Finance Department in the same manner as other County Department funds :~ are disbursed. All funds received from revenue producing activities shall be deposited with the i ° ' New~Hanover County Finance IJepartmentto the credit ,of New Hanover County and shall be disbursed ,by the ,County's Finance Director: ,ARTICLE IX -PUBLIC INFORMATION .. The New Hanover.- County Public Information. Officer shall-.assist the ..Advisory Board. in the " disserriination of information to the public. ,, ARTICLE X, - 'GENERAL POWERS r The Advisory Board shall have no powers, except as stated in previous articles or as entrusted to it by City, County or State authority. Specifically, the Advisory Board shall not.have the:power ' to:~ . .. ,. ., 1),. Borrow money" 2).: ~ Encumber property 3) Dispose of any properties either real or personal ~ `~. ,, . .: .. ,y ~ ~ ,. .. ,. .. , ~ -~ ~ 11 -. CalPlanninglsolid WastelAdvisory BoardlAdvisory Board Bylaws.doc Page 4 of 4 09/11/97 4:01 PM ,. . RESOLUTION ESTABLISH3NG A~ CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARa WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely developed coastal County with sensitive environmental conditions; and WHEREAS, the County has developed innovative and integrated technological systems for the disposal of solid waste •to provide environmental protection; and ... WHEREAS, the County.desires to continue planning for sound, efficient, and economical solid waste collection and,disposal services; NOW; THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED: That the New Hanover County Board of _ County Commissioners does hereby establish the New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as "Advisory Board", and charges it with the following Purposes: ~ - 1. To review with County staff all information relevant to solid waste collection and disposal; 2. To evaluate and recommend short- and long- range plans for waste disposal, including . WASTEC, Landfill and Recycling expansions or additions, with considerations given to any economical alternatives; 3. To evaluate and recommend public service programs for litter control; and 4. To evaluate and make recommendations regarding along-range comprehensive collection program BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall consist of 15 members, appointed by the County Commissioners, who shall serve until the work of the Advisory Board is completed. The Advisory Board members shall serve without compensation, but maybe refunded necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties consistent with the adopted budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory. Board shall operate in accordance with the Bylaws as established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and according to the following guidelines: 1. A majority of the members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An~affirmative vote of the majority of members present at a p~ meeting of the Advisory Board shall be required to constitute action of the Advisory U Board. 2. The officers of the Advisory Board shall be chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary shall be elected by the Advisory Board 1 2 from its membership at the organizational meeting. . .. -` , ', :. ; ,. . ,. ~. Th i l h i / a ~~ ~ . ' . 3. _ e or an zatrona ~meet n s all be g g c lled by the Chairman of the Count , Y Commissioners `and shall be held within thirty days after. the appointment of the members of the Advisory Board. All appointments to the Advisory Board shall be ' made b the'Board of Count Commissioners wittun ninet da s. y y y y 4. = The Advisory ..Board ..shall continue -until the New, .Hanover County Board of ~ . Commissioners~declares the Advisory. Board to be dismissed. ~ S. New'Hanover County shall bear all the. costs of the Advisory Board. As soon as . . ractica le after rt o ~ _ p b s rgaruzatlonal meeting, the Advisory Board shall prepare a budget for. its operations. The budget shall be reviewed and subject to the approval of the ~ . County Commissioners. For the purposes of the Local Government Budget and . Fiscal Control Act, the e to ent of ersonne urchasin rocedures and financial mP ym P ~ P g P ' ~ management, ,the Advisory Board `shall be deemed to be a department of New r Hanover County under the governing body. 6. The Advisory Board may utilize officers, employees, agents, and facilities of New Hanover County as needed to carry out the_Advisory Board purposes. 7. -: ' The. Advisory Board shall have the authority to appoint such subcommittees consisting M ~ of its membership as well as other citizens as necessary for the accomplishment of its _ purposes. ~~ ~i Signed this the ~ - ~ day of , 1997.. ~ ~ . ~; , ' . .~ .. - ~~. I~ ~ '. . . . _ . _. LL ~ , .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , - ' -~ ~. - 13 ,~ This page intentionally left blank 1-4 Re ular Item #: 4 Consen g t Item #: Additional Item,#: Department:.MIS and Property Mgt Presenter:-Bill Clontz-Winfred Simpson ~ • Pa`e Count In A enda Packa e: 1 Contact: Bill Clontz-Winfred Sim som • SUBJECT: Carolina Power and•Light Energy Conservation Study ~ • BRIEF~SUMMARY: CP&L, in conjunction with ACT Controls~Inc., has proposed to the~County that they undertake an energy conservation study of all county facilities. The study .will address energy usage of electrical, water and natural gas resources. In some cases,'they may recommend that certain building or equipment modifications be made in order to achieve greater savings. Their proposal is based on the assumption that all modifications ~,' . ~: will be budget-neutral. This will be accomplished.by redirecting the energy savings to cover all costs that . might occur. There will be no costs associated with the study. When study results are. known, the County ~• . will have the opportunity to accept or reject it without acquiring any obligation. to CP&L: They claim to have successfuilyim demented this ro am in several counties of the state includin the schools stem of ' P P ~' , . g y New Hanover County. ,; RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Move that the -Board endorse the County Manager's decision to proceed with the study. • . ±, °~ FUNDING SOURCE: :. Federal S: '. State S: County ~: User Fees $: Other S: • ~ - ~.. Money Is In Current Budget• ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre tired: ~ ` . ~- ~ '' ' ~, .., , .. REVIEWED BY: ~ .. . - ; ~ •. LGL: FIN: BUD:. ~ HR: • COUNTY MANA ER' COMMENTS AND R OMMFNDATIONS• ~, Recommend endorsement from the Board to proceed with the. study. .. APPRt~VI:p '~' . 13E,1EC`IF }~~ ~ REMQV&fi ~ ~5 - ~a~ -~~ ~~ Refcr_to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~Q IO. 1700 Eastwood Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 August 8, 1997 Mr. William C. Clontz, director Management Information Systems New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 • `Dear Bi11, CP&L with ACT Controls has formed a new company, Strategic Resource •Solutions, dedicated u to providing services, solutions and technology for Total Facilities Management. By gathering information and data on how a public facility(s) is currently operating, we are able. to provide facility improvement programs that lower the actual cost of operating that facility or facilities. This cost saving is used to fund the cost` of the building improvements we provide. In' essence, ~'°j our customers aze able to modernize their facilities without capital or using the General Fund. LJ We are specialized in helping public school systems, municipalities and government organizations. Within these organizations we have improved on the efficiencies of operating multiple facilities, and not had to seek improvement funds, but work out of the operating budget. When applied to multiple facility operations, our programs have been able to lower operating costs by as much as 20-25%. In many cases our customers are able to correct HVAC, Lighting, Control, and general-building needs that have long gone unattended due fo budget constraints. For example, a Western Carolina municipality was facing a major hvac problem. Their central cooling plant was old, costly, and a constant source of breakdown. They were faced with the possibility of closing their downtown facilities due to the enormous cost of replacement. ' We were able to lower the operating cost to the point of offsetting 90% of the cost of replacement: All of this was done while still not elevating the monthly electric bill. Anew cooling plant; upgraded outside and parking ramp lighting, and new control systems-were-also provided. Savings have been generated to the point where we are able to help fund expenditures within. the existing operating budget, and not go to Capital Improvements, General Fund or meet`lengthy State funding requirements. ` `` e^fee'1„at~si'rn%lar~'ur,`e--salts can be achieved in New Hanover County. To begin, we would need your appro,~~al~,tq~startpthe process. This requires no monetary cost, only labor. ~~ ` ~~~' 1, 6 • •. ,. We would need to work. with your facilities people to gather the cost and operational" data ' re uired to develo a recommended rogram. When we have developed our proposal, we would q P P then present it to the approval board for evaluation and recommendation. Such a ~~, recommendation comes in the form of a Letter of Intent. This states that if the formal contract meets the savings and benefit levels as shown in the proposal, the County intends to enter into an agreement: The only time funds are required is when you approve the program: The letter of intent allows us to perform the detailed engineering required to give you a risk free ' _ opportunity. If for some reason the County decides not to~enter into the agreement, then final engineering costs would be required only if the final program meets the savings and benefits '~ " level of the.. proposal. ~ . Our progiarns have been proven time and time again, to be a crucial aid in operating a public' network of facilities, and still maintain tight control. of public funds. We ask that you consider our organization as a tool in these efforts, and allow us to begin working together for a program.., for New_"Hanover County. . Sincerely, ~ . . ~ \\ ., ' ~'1 ~, . , Gary Teachey Mike Enyart . ,~ CP&'L . SRS Account.Manager Industrial Sales Rep. . ~` ', ,. 5 ' This page intentionally left blank 1 i8 Regular Item #`. 5 ~ Consent Item #: ~ ,. Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's Office Presenter: Allen ONeal Pa e Count In A enda. Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal . SUB.TECT: Consider Adoption of Resolutions in Support of November 4, 1997 School Bond"Referenda ~. .. .. BRIEF SUMMARY: The' Board of County Commissioners have approved placing the Cape Fear Community College $38:3 million referendum and-the New Hanover County Schools $125 million referendum on the November 4, ' 1997 ballot to be decided by the voters of New Hanover .County. The .Board of Commissioners is encouraged to consider adoption of a resolution in support of each referendum:' . ... , .~y . ,. ., ,. - , D TI ~ D . _ MMEN)E M• •N AN) RE UESTE ACTI~NS• Consider adopting resolutions in support of the Cape-Fear Community College and New Hanover. County Schools Bond Referenda. e s ~. . FUNDING SOURCE: . Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: , ~' Money Is In Current Budget: ~, .New Appropriation Request: .Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED~BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ... T NA E MEN SAND E A I ~ _ Adopt resolutions. '. C~IfNTY C~M~~ t~RAR~311~~? P"/ l~~,DgC`t'r ~ - ~~ . ~~ ~ g~ ~ ~ Rcfcr to O~cc Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~" ~/~~ (I ~° , . f RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS BOND REFERENDUM Whereas, the overcrowded and inadequate school facilities adversely affect the quality of education in New Hanover County Schools, and Whereas; population and enrollment projections show continued growth attesting to the necessity of pursuing an aggressive new building construction program and rehabilitation of existing facilities, and Whereas, state and federal laws mandating classroom size, exceptional children's classes, media/resource centers, and accessibility requirements and reinforce the need for new and renovation of existing schoo{ buildings, and Whereas, New Hanover County Schools have developed a prioritized ten (10) year Long Range Building Program which identifies approximately $500 million of the school district's critical capital needs, and Whereas, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has approved placing a $125 million referendum on the November 4, 1997 ballot which, if passed, will initiate design and construction of one new high school, a new middle school, and a new elementary school, renovations to several existing schools and athletic facilities, and enhancements in technology; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports passage of the $125 million New Hanover County Schools Bond Referendum on November 4, 1997, and strongly encourages citizens to demo°nstrate support for building and improving the facilities which impact the quality of education children receive in New Hanover County Schools. Adapted this sixth day of October 1997. Robert G."Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners "~x ~ "e`.., t ~ ti i~L ~"4d ~ p ~ isP~x $~ ~?~a'V~?~ le~~ ~ ~a?a~i4r~~~ ~~~. i X2`0 ~'` ~~~ _._ _ _ . ,, , . } '• .. . ~ rt. RESOLUTION CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOND REFERENDUM. ,~ ~~ .Whereas, workforce training is essential to a strong. economy and Cape Fear ; ' Community College is a primary resource for world-class workforce development in the ,, Greater Wilmington region.; and. Whereas; Cape Fear Community College's Wilmington campus enrollment more - ~ than tripled between 1976 and 1996 with no construction of new buildings on that campus during the same 20-year span; and ~. Whereas Ca pe Fear Community College currently. uses its limited facilities to enroll over 21,000 students per year who attend its various credit.and .continuing - ' education programs during day, evening, and weekend hours; and ~' Whereas; Cape Fear Community College must respond to unprecedented - demands for training services due to population growth of the Greater,Wilmington . , region, increased workforce training needs of local employers, the need,for more- . ~ technical and vocational training opportunities for the vast'majority of. high school graduates who are not university-bound, and federal and state welfare reform initiatives; sand . { Whereas, sufficient space is not available in downtown Wilmington to ,' accommodate -Cape Fear Community College's long-term growth; and ' Whereas, the-.New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has a roved PP _ placing a $38.3 million referendum for Cape Fear Community College on the November ' 4, 1.9.97 ballot that would include the acquisition and development of a satellite campus .:~. in northern .New Hanover County, construction of a major technical and. vocational `~ ~ training center at that satellite campus, construction~of an addition to he. Allied -Health/Learning Resources Building at the main downtown campus, and acquisition of _. ~~ ~ property,: renovations, and other improvements as remaining funds allow; Now, Therefore Be It,Resolved.that the New Hanover County Board.of ~. Commissioners supports passage of the $38.3 million Cape Fear Communi Colle e ty , g Bond Referendum on November 4, .1997 and strongly encourages citizens to: demonstrate support providing sufficient facilities needed to meet the expand. ing workforce~training needs of local employers and residents. Adopted this sixth day of October 1997- Robert G. Greer, Chairman _ .2.1. :,~ ., . :. . .. . . r~ s FUNDING SOURCE: - -- Federal $: State $: County S: 'User Fees S: ~ Other S: , ~. Money Is In Current Budget: - ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~ - •- ~: ; REVIEWED BY: - • ~ LGL: ~ FiN: ~ BUD: ~ . HR: ` COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ; _ ' ..~ ~ C~UN'tl( CgMMfiS~t~~t AF!~?ROV~€~• ~/ .. ~ REJ~C ~Ei~ ~. . REMdV€t7 .. ~ ~ PdS7}'~N~D ~1. ~~ ~ ~ 3 ~~ - ~, . DATA ._°~~,~a7«~. Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ • • • ITEM A a CASE: ~-606. 7/97;. Applicant: H. McNeil REQUEST: R-15 to CD(B-2) Nlini-storage ACREAGE: 5 LOCATION: 6634 Carolina Beach Road LAND CLASS: Limited Transition-Identifies areas where increased development is likely to occur. Residential density is limited to 2.5 units per acre, but lower density is more desirable. •. , Planning Soard Summary The Planning Board first heard this petition at its July meeting. However, due to concerns from property owners primarily in Lords Creek; which is adjacent to the property proposed for rezoning, the applicant asked the Board to table the matter for 30 days so he could sit down with those residents to discuss possible site plan revisions. The Board agreed and rescheduled the hearing for August 7, 1997. ,,~ The applicant noted at the August meeting that he had met with the developer of Lords Creek, who in tum met with residents, builders and sales people and others involved with the subdivision to see what if anything could be done to make the plan amenable to all concerned parties. Speaking on behalf of most but not all of the Lords Creek residents, Chris Stephens said the proposed development would be acceptable to his company and most residents if the site plan incorporated a list of specific design changes that included architectural controls, additional landscaping, retention of natural buffers, fencing and related aesthetic controls. A copy of that listing is attached.- The applicant readily agreed with the additional standards: ' - ~ "" Despite the willingness of the applicant to commit to additional design controls, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend denial. The ,Board agreed that rezoning the site would be inconsistent with the land Use Plan and lead to similar requests, making it difficult to prevent strip commercial development. They were also concerned about encroachment into residential areas and extending the B-2 District across the street. The intense use would also require substantial amount of impervious coverage. - - - : ~" Planning Staff Summary T~he~s eplanlsfor he construction of 64,800 square feet of storage space. A total of eight buildings, ranlging~in~s zes'~between 20'x80' to 40'x360', are planned. An on=site resident manager's ~: ~ "~"E~3 : -mot ~`~ ~, quarters would also~be provided. ~~ ~' x w cess to the stite~ulb~e directly to Carolina Beach Road. Internal circulation would be provided ' ~a series~ofpaved dnueways. No other road improvements are planned. Minimum setbacks include ~Yi " t t ~- 1 1 1 1 ~, a 30. foot side yard and.3$ foot rear yard. The average building height. is 8 feet. The minimum required buffer yard is 20 feet. The site plan shows a 11 foot buffer on the side yards and a 15 foot buffer on the rear yard. These will have to'be increased to the 20 foot minimum. The plan also shows the placement of an eight foot landscape strip along the road frontage. The original zoning for this property was established in 1971. Many of the existing commercial districts haphazardly located along the road were established in recognition of existing land uses. Also, since that time, several `of those districts, particularly to -the north, have been expanded, creating a classic example of strip _commercial development.. Recently, a few of those commercial districts have been developed, partly in reaction to a residential boom in the area and partly due to the availability of sewer. The growth of commercial/retail services is expected to continue as residential projects flourish. ~ - The predominant land •use in the• general area is residential. The most. recent residential project approved in: the area is Lord's Creek, a planned 200+ lot single family development which borders . the subject parcel to the southwest. Constn.iction has begun on the'subdivisio~n with five sections ' recorded to date.,Other land uses near the subject parcel include several churches,'a small cemetery, and adouble-wide mobile home subdivision to the north. Scattered residential uses. are located along" the road frontage "~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ . * Preliminary Staff Findings ~ ~ ' '1. The Board .must find that the use will not materially endanger the public"health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The .planned uses "have, rrunimal needs "for water .and -sewer services. County sewer and - community water 'are. available, however, the resident/managersquarters .could probably be served' by a well and septic tank.. B. The site has direct access to "Carolina Beach Road. - C. The site is located in the Myrtle Grove VFD District. ~ - 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. , ~ ~ ~ .. .. _ . A. A site plan pursuant to the requirements of the Ordinance has been submitted. B. The minimum setbacks and buffer yards currently illustrated on'the site. plan, do not meet ~" County standards. Each will have fo be increased in total width: ' C: No data are provided for night hghtmg or site identification signs `,w_ 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the•use is a public necessity. A. With the exception of .nearby churches and a small cemetery, the primary land use in the area is residential.. . .. 4; "The Board must findthat the•location and character of the use if developed according to f,,v • the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it into be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover Coun - A. The nearest commercial zoning district is located approximately 1400 feet to the n~ls _ ., ~• B. Adjacent land uses include a new single family subdivision, y scattered residential uses, a ~~ church and a cemetery. Conclusions ~ _ Policies for growth and development in the 1993 Land Use Plan Update state that commercial uses .should be located in nodes along major- thoroughfares formed by intersections with other major roads: The policies strictly discourage the linear progression of commercial uses along the road and the encroachment of those uses into residential areas. Those, same policies also infer that the haphazard placement of commercial uses creates, an undesirable land use pattern and detracts from the ,true function of major roads, that is moving high volumes of traffic safely and efficiently. Not mentioned but always a concern in these types of isolated situations is whether approval would constitute spot zoning. The Zoning Ordinance states that the placement of conditional use districts is deemed appropriate when it can be demonstrated there is a need to establish transitions between land .uses for zoning districts of ~dissirrular character. This .zoning procedure attempts to provide for land uses that ordinarily wouldn't be permitted without special conditions and safeguards. Before the development of the Lords Creek project, there was no compelling reason to believe that a land use transition would be needed at this location. Wth the exception of scattered residential uses, the cemetery and a small church, the lands were predominantly vacant. Though the development of the subdivision has changed the circumstances somewhat, questions remain about the appropriateness of the planned uses at this location. The, planned buildings are relatively short in ,height when compared to the permitted building height,, however, constriction of the facility will result in over 158,283+ square feet in total impervious coverage. To accomplish that intensity of development, much of the site would have to be cleared, resulting in a significant loss of canopy trees and understory. And to shield adjacent residential uses, only a modest buffer is planned. Substantially enlarging the width of the buffer yard would soften the impact, but would not eliminate it. Other impacts this project could generate. that would substantially affect adjacent, residential uses include light pollution, the loss of privacy, and noise. ~ - It is inevitable that residential uses.and non-residential uses+will be adjacent to each other. There are many examples in the County where this~has occurred with great success, thanks in large part to stricter setback and buffer standards adopted by the County. A good example of that is the Weatherfield/Summerfield Subdivision adjacent to Dutch Square Industrial Park. However, there are also many examples of where this land use pattern has been a complete failure.. While the .new regulations increase the chances that the adjacent'residential uses will receive adequate protection, there is no guarantee. If the project is approved, several specific needs should be addressed. Needs 1--J -Specify type of lighting.and signs. Permit only ground signs with a cumulative square footage not to exceed 100 square feet. Permit only directional lighting. -Subject to NCDOT approval, require deceleration lane for entrance to the site. - ~odify setbacks and buffer yards to meet current minimum standards. Should the Board ~ ''L'-.. ~ ~ - - . ' ~ .. recommend approval of the plan, Staff suggests that the width of the buffer yard be increased substantially utilizing existing natural vegetation along the frontage as well as the'adjacent subdivision lots.. -Project could be scaled back to better fit the neighborhood. =No commercial development should be permitted on the east.side'of US 421. _~ . . . .; ., ~, • , ~> ~ ~ ,. . ~. ~ _ , ..; . ., ., - .. . . - .. .. , .. :~ ~ I i ~~ - ., ~ .: 2~7 ~ - -' . ~ ~ ~ .~ . ~. •• ~ .•_• v •.. a u u a t1 1. .1 1 L/ ~.j A~ 1 i~. CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OF PROPERTY Z~~ • Conditional Usc District Zoning is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with Utc New Hanover County Land Usc Plan and tltc Zoning Ordinance objectives but for which none oC the general •roning disvict UUU cl;usifications which would allow the use arc accepuble. Howevci•, since amendmenLS to zoning maps should also be based on tltc Land Usc Plan, you must captain in the space below how your request satisfies each oC the following rcquircmcntsc 1. Haw would the rcquasted change be consistent with the County's Policies fur Crotvth and Development? The requested change would allow, the requested plan to aciromodate the need for. storage due to: the average size of'homes being built in area. 2. How would the requested Conditional Ux L~strict be consistent with the property's clarification on the County's Land Classification Map? The requested condition use district would be consistant because the land would be used to alleviate shortage of available storage space. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurcd to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the arcs pci•rttitted under the existing zoning? The noise level on Hwy 421 is too high to accomodate residency because of the growth within the last few years. 4. List proposed condition, and restrictions that would mitigate the impacu of the proposed tut. Lighting would be minimized and turned away from outside area. Buffer zone of trees and bushes between site and adjoining area. Operating hours to be consistent with working hours. Tract boundaries and total area, plus location of adjoining land parcels and roadways. Existing zoning oC the tract and neighboring parcels and propoxd tract zoning. Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uxs, this shall include number, height and type of units and site plan outlining arcs to be occupied by each swcture and/or subdivided lot boundaries. . For non-residcntal arcs, this shall include approxirnatc square footage and hcigltt of each structure, an outline of the arcs it will occupy and the specific purpose Cor. which it will be uxd. Development xhcdulc including proposed phasing. Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right-oC- a•ay dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right•o(•way Cor internal streeLS and location, arrangement and access provisions for parking areas. 'All existing and proposed caxincnts, reservations, rcyuircd setbacks, rights-of-way, buffering and signagc Tttc one hundred (l0U) year noodplain line, if applicable. ~- Location and sizing of frets rcyuirccJ to be protected under Section G7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Any additional conditions and rcyuircmenu, which reprcx:nt greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than dtc cortcsponding Gcncral Usc District rcbulations, which arc the minimum rcquircmcn~s in the Conditional Usc District, or other limitations on land. which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. Any other information that will facilitate rcvicty of the proposed change. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing •roning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change s e public insterest. I Curdter understand Thal the singlinb out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to C~l~olicics and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best oCmy knowledge, information, and belief. CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OF PROPERTY ~. Conditional Usc District Zoning is established to address suuauons what a particular land use would be consistent with We New Hanover County Land Usc Plan.and the Zoning Ordinance objectives but Cor which none oC the genera! •roning district • - ctassifiwtions which. would allow the use arc acceptable. However, since amcndincnts to zoning maps should also be based on the land Usc Plan, you must explain in the space below how your rcquael satisfies each oC the following requirements: 1. How would the tcclutstcd change bccortsistcnt with-the County's Policies fur Growth and De~•clopmcnt? The requested change would allow the requested plan to- ac~omodate the need ;for: storage_ due to•. the average size of homes-being built ~-' ,. in .area. • 2. Haw would the requested Conditional Usc C~istrict be consistent with the property's cl~si~cation on the County's Land CliusiGcation~MapT The requested condition use district would be consistant because the land would be used to alleviate shortage of available storage space. . - • 3. WhatsiSnitit:ant neighborhood changes have occurcd to make the on •inal z ni ~, o n unsuiublc for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? S S Inappropriate, or how is_thc land involved The noise•leyel on"Hwy 421 is too high to accomodate residency because of the growth within. the last few years. ~~ . . . ~, 4: fist proposed conditions and r ,. c~trtctions that would mtugatc the impacu of the proposed use. Ligh ing would be tninimized.and turned away from outside area. Buffer zone of trees .and bushes .between site and adjoining area: Operating hours to be consistent .with working hours. - ~: Tract boundaricsand total :irca, pltu location of adjoining land parcels and roadways. Existing zoning of the tract and neighboring parcels and proposed tract zoning. Proposed use of land, strucwrcs and other improvements. For residcnlial uses, this shall indudc number, height and type of units and site plan outlining arcs to be occupied by each strucwrc and/or subdivided lot bound For non-residcntal uses, this shall indudc approximate square footage and height of cash swcturc, an outline of Utc area it will occupy and the specific purpose fog which it will be used. ' --~ Dcvelopmcnl schedule including proposed phasing, • ---~ TrafGe and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, pro osed ri ht-oC .III. way dcdication,'plans for access [o anti from the tract, location, width-and right-of•way for intcrnalstrccts and laation; arrangemcnl and aecca provisions forparking areas. ~, . -.--_ "All existing and proposed casi:mcnu, rescnatians, rcyuirod sctbackti, rights-of-way, buffering and signagc ,\ ~' --=- The one hundred (100) year (loodplain line, if applicable. --~ Ltxation and ~iz;ng of trees rcyuircd to be protected under Section 67 oC the Zoning Ordinance. `-----. ,Any additional conditions and rcyuircmenu, which represent greater restrictions on devdopmcnl and use oC the ` ~;~~ tract than dte corresponding Gcncral Usc District rcbulations, which arc the minimum requirerncntt in the . Conditional Usc District; or otlicr limitations on land which may be regulated by. State law or Caca1 Ordinance. ~. ----•- Any other information that wilt facilitate review o(Ihc proposed change. `„1_ ' In signing this petition; I understand that rho existing zoninb map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden oC proving why a change is in the public insterest. I further undeatand that the singling out of one parcel of land far special zoning treatment 'unrelated to County politics and the stiROUnding nt:ighborhood would probably be illegal, [certify that allihc information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I< Z-~~'c What You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 7 L The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 .The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Applicant: (. , The proposed use will not materially endanger the public health or safety. The site plan consists of.only single level building. General Requircmcnt #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance: ' Sta[entcru by Applicant: ~ ~ . The proposed use 'meets all recjuired conditions and specifications of the. zoning ordinance ,to the best of my knowledge. General Requircmcnt #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Statentertt by Applicant: I have petitioned the adjoining property owners and believe that the. proposed plan would not injure the value of neighboring property. General Requirement #4 _ The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover Courtly." Statemcrtt by Applicant: The porposed use will enhance the harmony of the. area by alleviating a shortage of storage space.. The average size of houses being built is .. about 1300 sq. ft. The Zoning Ordinance in some~instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to dcmonstratc that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). Hc/Shc should also dcmonstratc that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of IYew Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and ~i~ _ I Signature of Applicant and/or Owner _~, . 1, ~;' _ t .. .. ~ • PETITION SUMMARY SHEET ~ . i, ~-6 t - . -Petition Number: ` ., . ' H . 1~IcN e i 1 _ Owner: Representative: ~ same ~ ~ • Request• R-15 to CD (B-2) Minn-storagAcreage: 5 - " Tax ID Number 8200 Location: 6634Carolina •Bch. Rd. , . . 4. ~~ .. :~. LAND USE, ZONING, UTlL1TIES and SERVICES ' • i.. - '~ ~ ~ Limited transition ~ " . .Iand.Classification: _ • f .. . Existing. Land Use: Vacant ~ ' .. r~ Zoning History: Area originally zoned Ar?ri 1 1 471 TTn ra~nn; nn .,Aa,-t, ~ , Community - County Water~Typc: Scorer •Type• . ~ f .Fire.District:. ~ Myrtle Grove R~creAtion Snows Cut Park • ~ , ~` Carolina Bch. Rd. ? R ROad ACCeSS: vOIUInC:.:~.. ~ n A]~T (9 5 r(~tt n t . .. Schoot District: arol ' na A a h~ 1 . ~ , ~ _ • i ~~ MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~ ~ - ~; . ~~ Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Telfair Creek C (Sw) ~~ Aquifer Recharge Area: "outside Prirnary and .Sar-nnriar., arAa~ None ~- Conservation Resources: „ ~' Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None +.l ., • Primarily Baymeade (Be);; some Johnston;(Jo) f Soil Typc{sj and Class: '~.. ~ Class III ~~ Septic Tank Suitability:. F3P m~dPrat-~„ Tn• ~,ns~~ab~ . . Prime Agricµltuc-al Soils: None Be: few limits; Jo: unsuitable .. Building Suitability: _ Tlzis page intentionally left blank ' ~ `. FUNDING SOUR E.. ~ . Federal $: State $: County $; ~ User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~. Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ' ._. .' ~ ., REVIEWED BY: , LGL: F'IN: BUD: HR: ~.. COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• ~ , .. ~` ,~ ~' .: B~~G'C~q = d;~~r~ ,..I ~l~~ Rcfer to Officc' Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ ITEM B CASE: Z-609..9/97; Applicant: Jackson Landscaping REQUEST: R-15 to CD(B-2) Business, Landscaping Service and Offices ACREAGE: .97 LOCATION: 7741 Market Street LAND CLASSIFICATION: Rural- Generally provides for low density residential development not to exceed 2.5 units per acre. The Land Use Plan does not quantify the amount of commercial development that should occur but does encourage it to be concentrated in commercial nodes. Planning Board Summary The Board voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. They agreed the site plan and planned land uses afforded adjacent residential properties adequate protection from commercial encroachment. They also agreed the existing and emerging land use pattern along this stretch of Market Street made conditional use zoning a logical choice at this location. Due to a conflict, Chairman Shanklin excused himself from the discussion and the vote. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary The applicant seeks to construct a 2500 square foot building to house general offices and a small landscape contracting services. The only outside storage planned will be for trees and shrubs. A significant number of trees will be protected because land clearing will be limited to the building envelope and parking area. Two existing structures will be removed. Setbacks and buffer yards . comply_with minimum standards.. _..._._ _. _ ..._~ ... '. .. ~~ Preliminary Staff Findings Per Special Use Permit Phase of Application ~ '~ ' r- 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. _ _.. A. The property is located in the Ogden VFD District. B. The site has direct access to Market Street. C. Water and sewer services will~be provided by an on-site well and septic tank. ~~'~. 2. The~Board,~must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the ~~~~ - Zoning O.'rdinance: ~`{j~1.yq~ . ~` `a ~ 1M~'~C!l~. J' >~ A. A"~'site~,p'la~~m~eeting the minimum requirements has been submitted. ~N_ ~A'te~n~ueyto~ry has been completed. Land disturbance and related clearing will be limited v`t' o the bu~i~lzd~ing<envelope and pazking area. :, - G The:proposed building-height is 10.9 feet. This equates to a 30 foot sideyard setback and ;~. .., rear 40:6~yard setback. A 20 foot buffer is proposed D. ~ _The applicant proposes"additional street scape plantings: As a result, a 25% reduction in the front yard setback for the parking lot and principal use is proposed: This meets the .minimum Special Highway Overlay District requirements: E. ~ Off-street parking is provided at the required ratio. ~, 3. The Board must find that the-use will. not substantially injure the value of adjoining or ,abutting property or thatahe use is a public necessity. ~: ~ A. '.The property .has. direct. fronts a along Market Street: , g ' B. Adjacent properties are developed with housing or are vacant: C: Commercial uses are located on properties to the northeast and southeast. ~. ,.• .. 4. The Board must find that the: location and character of the use if developed according to j :the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmonywith the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. There is a mixture of conunercial and residential land uses along this stretch of Market Street :The emerging land use pattern appears to favor commercial and related non- residential uses. . ~, ~ ~ ~ . ' Zoning Summary The original zoning for this area was established in July 1971:. Many of the initial commercial districts in the area were established either in recognition. of existing land uses or because that was '~ .what individual owners sought. Since that time expansions of many of the existing districts have :been approved as well as the establishment of new ones. In August, the Planning Board ~- recommended that a 13 acre parcel almost directly across the street from the subject property be . ~ ~ rezoned. The_ Commissioners are scheduled to vote on .that matter at its September 2nd meeting: :Immediate relief from the onslaught. is nowhere in sight. Thee Count ~ continues to be bombarded ' ' Y .with requests to convert residential property along this busy road for non-residential- purposes. A recently 'complet'ed wideningproject for the road, paired with substantial residential development' in the general area and the hea load of non-local tourist oriented traffic has further fueled the "Y , :..speculation: Evidence abounds. A substantial shopping center is nearing coinpletionao the north ~; ~ at Porters Neck Road and continued retail expansion~is~evident to the south in the Ogden area. The :resulting land use pattern is a hodgepodge of commercial and retail uses that collectively are ~_ noticeably deficient in character. It has also served to increase the level of traffic congestion for ' the area. Planned road improvements, such as the Wilmington By-pass will provide some relief ' but problems will persist. ~' ~. Policies for Growth .and Development encourage cornmereial uses to locate in "nodes" along major thoroughfares formed by the intersections with other major roads..The policies strictly discourage the linear progression of commercial uses. As for the use of conditional use zonin g, - the Zoning Ordinance states their placement is appropriate when it-can be demonstrated th~~jje ' a x J~ . ~ ~ ;~ .need to establish a transition between competing land uses or uses very dissimilar in character. This'zoning procedure attempts to provide for land uses in situations that wouldn't ordinarily be permitted under general zoning criteria. Borrowing from Staffs position for the rezoning proposal on land across the street, its apparent the current land use pattern makes strict adherence. to the policy difficult. Simply choosing to recommend denial based on policy could lead to arguments that the County isn't being fair or practical given the location of the property. On the other hand, rezoning the site would severely erode the County's efforts to harness strip commercial, development and lead to arguments that the County has shirked its responsibility to adhere to its own plans: There is no doubt that continued linear expansion of commercial zoning along this stretch of Market Street will make current policies obsolete. If that happens, and trends indicate it will, then the County~should look at newer policies or additional standards to address those impacts. The SHOD does help some, however that effort alone will not be adequate•to mitigate the multitude ofill=effects common with strip commercial development. Historically, the County has been hesitant to rezone properties on this side of Market Street. Staff recommends that any commercial expansion here be limited as much as possible. .. ~ . _~.. t. _ ... ;t d ~ 36 ~ - . i . - ~. . ~., ~ ~, ~ Traffic Impact Analysis for - Pond's Edge Office Suites - ~~ Access:.. ~ Hwy. 17 (between Bayshore Drive & Porters Neck Road) The existing roadway frontage is a 60' curb & gutter x-section; there are two lanes for travel ~~. ~ ~ in each direction with a center turn` lane; the public right-of-way width is 100'. . ~ ~ ~ ~' ~0 enera .i a ac ~ Y. Proposed Land Use: 250 s.f. G 1 Offc Sp e .. ,. . Tnp Generation: 86 taps per day (average 2-way weekday volume) . Peak Hour Volume: l L trips - a.m..peak / l2 trips - p.m. peak Reference: ~ ' - ~' ."ITE Trip Generation" ~ ` ~; ~ • , . • .Traffic Count: 24,100 trips per day (count made approximately .1 miles north of Bayshore Drive) Reference• ~N.C. Department of Transportation (1996 report) Design Capacity of Hwy. 17: So, o00 -fP~ /= ~` .. _ _ .. Summary: The development of the proposed use and the projected traffic generation will have minimal impact on the level of service of the existing roadway: - . ~.~ . ~~~ ~ .. ~~ ~ r.. . . .. ..:. . 37 ~~ . - .... h PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: Z-609; 9/97 Owner: Edwin Ilan Request: R-15 to CD (B-2) 3600 Tax ID Number: Primarily Leon; Class III .. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ • Rural • ~ .Land Classification: Existing Land User Residential Zoning $istory: Area originally zoned July ~ ~ . 1971 _ Tr~c--t- t~ the nnrt-h • denied for B-2 in 8/90. IYact to the south denied for B-2 in '92. Water T well Scwcr Type• Septic Yl?s• Fire District: Ogden VFD ~ RccreAtion: Ogden Park US 17 c • a Road Access: V~lura t`•` Flair School District: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Pa es Cre SA (Or~•~) Watershed nndWatcr Quality Classificsttion• ~ Aquifer Recharge Area: None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None 3 Q Soi! Type(s) and Class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricultural Soils: Building Suitability: Moderate to None Representative: Sa"~ Acreage: .97 Location: 7741 Market St. U Some limits due to high water `-`.CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OF PROPERTY" ~ • Conditional UscDistrict•Zoning is established to address situations whi:rc a particular land use would be wnsistent with ' ~hcNew: Hanover County, Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objectives but for which none oC the general zoning district ' . classifications which would allow the use are acceptable.. However, since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on the - Land Use Plan, you must exphin in the space below how your request satisfies tech of the following requirements-. ~. Haw would the. tequcstcd change be eonsistcnt with the County's Policies for l;rowth and Development? '. Commercial and office developments shall be encouraged in designated areas that~ already contain public access.. The design and scale of the use, is compatible , '~#~wi[h adjacent residential development., •• ~ . How would tharcquestcd Conditional Use District be eonsistcnt with the property's classification on the County's Land . ' classification hlap? The "Limited Transition" classification extends from south of Ogden, through ~' '.the commercial area and north to within less than two thousand feet of Chis tract. ~ ' The improvements to Hwy. !7 make the extension of the transitional uses.ex[reme.ly .' • likely along the corridor. . . -lYhat significant neighborhood khan, es have occurcd - ~ ' • ' B to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable (or the tuts permitted under the existing zoning? - The high density"of traffic using Hwy. l7 has made residential development, ~ ~. ' immediately along the corridor, generally undesireable. ' ~. .. , ~. .. .List proposed conditions and restrictions that would mitigate the impacts of the proposed use: The layout and design of the project has been completed with reference to all of'rhe conditions and specifications of the New Hanover County•Zoning Ordinance. Detailed plans must be reviec+ed and approved by all of the individual agencies prior to any- • ' ` --"construct:-ion. • Landscape streetyards and buffers will serve as an attractive separation of land uses. Internal plantings around the building ,and parking areas will add to the ovezali aesthetics-of the project. --~_ Tract boundaries and total arcs, plus location"oCadjoining land parcels and roadways. " ~_ Existing zoning of the tract and neighboring parcels and proposed tract zoning. •. "` • ~_ Proposed use of land; structure and other improvements. For residential use, this shall include number, .height - . and lypc oC.units and silo plan.outlining area to be occupied by each swcturc and/or subdivided lot boundaries. • For non-residental uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each swetucc, an outline of • • •: -the area it will occupy and the spccihc purpose for which it will be used. • ~_ Development schedule inclutling proposed phasing.. • ~, .~_~ Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statcrncnt oC impact conccming local.traftic near the tract, proposed ri hl•of- g .• _ way'dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width grid right-of-way for internal streets and ' location; arrangement and access provisions (or parking areas. ' ~_ All existing and proposed casemenu, reservations, required setback~,,rights-of•way, buffering and signage ~~_ , ~ A The one hundred (100} year floodplain line, if applicable. ' • X Location and siring of trces'i•cyulrcd to be protected under Scctian 67 of the: Zoning Ordinance.. -~-. Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on dcyclopmem and use of the .. tr•.rct than thccorresponding Ccncral+Usc District rcgulrtions, which arc the minimum requirements in the ' , • ~ ~ , ` Conditional Usc District, or other limitations on,land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance:: `'' --.~- Any other information "that will facilitate'rcvicw of the proposed change. , ' ~• ., ^ ' In signing this petition, F undcrstarid that the existing zoning map is presumed to be Correct and that I have the burden oC proving • a change is in the public instcrest. I`furthcr understand that the sin tin out of one octet of land'for s S S D pccial zoning lrtatmcnt. t. ]sled to Count~polie:ics and lJlc surrounding,ncighborhood would probablybc illegal. I certify that all the information ' pr untcd in this•iipplication'is ac;ou`ratc to the bcst'of rny~:nowlcdbc, information, and 13clicf. • • " ~- .. ,, . ~' ~ ", 39 What You 1Vlust Establish Por A. . Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to scction 7 [.The '~ Zoning Ordinance imposts the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. UnderM- , , each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, whcre applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if ncccssary) - " General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially cndangcr the public health or safety if located whcre pro- • • posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." •SlatemenlbyApplica~tt: The project is located on a State public right-of-way. Hwy.' 17 has been improved to five lanes and there is an existing driveway curb-cut to this property. Sanitary Sewer and domestic water services would be supplied by an on-site septic system and well. General Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Stafe~nutrbyAppliCaitl: The layout and the design of the project has been completed with ` reference to all of the•~conditions and specifications of Che New Hanover County , Zoning Ordinance. Detailed plans must be reviewed and approved. by all of the•individual .. agencies prior to any construction.' ~ • • •i General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Stalente~tfbyAppliCaitL• The high density of traffic using Hwy. 17 has made residential • development, immediately along the corridor, generally undesireable. There is an , existing 8-2 district located diagonally across the highway and other office and , commercial uses .are located both north and south along the corridor. The plan proposed is a relatively low-impact use with two offices and, the staging area for a landscape contracting business. ' ~~ General Requirement #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted • and approved will be in harmony with the arcs in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for IVew Hanover County." Statemenlby Applicant: The land development in the general area is a variety of commercial and residential uses. The proposed would be consistent with development found along ~ _ '. roadway thorofares such as Hwy. 17. Landscaped streetyards and .buffers will be used co Separate the project from adjacent properties;.•~ - .~ • .. _, ... • ~~ The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific rcquiremcnts on the use rcqucstcd by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each ~ A specific requirement found in scction 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land •. will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and politics of IYcw Hanover County. The Board of Commis- signers may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they dccm appropriate prior to the issuing of the. • ` Special Use Permit.' I certify that all bf the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informs-. lion, and bclicA,,o • - . • `'}} • Si nature of A lica nd/or Owner _ g PP Regular Item #: C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: - Department: Planning Presenter: ~D. Hayes Pa e .Count In A enda Packa e: 6 Contact:.Pete Ave E SUB.TECT: ~ . - - Special Use Permit (S-4I4, 9/97) _ ~ - = - BRIEF SUMMARY: ' °'Request by Warren Wilson to construct a 3,100 sq. ft: child day care center at 6102 Gordon Road. The t facility would house up to 100 children. The property is zoned R=IS Residential. ~~ - - . ~' , . y ~, -. _ ~ ~ ' - R~~OMMENDED MOTION AND REOiJESTED ACTIONS• , .The Planning Boazd recommends denial. - ' ... , - . :. FUNDING. SOURCE• - • ~~~ , Federal $: State $:. County $: ~ User Fees $: - .Other $: >. - . , F.. .. - ,- Money Is In Current Budget: ~. ~ ~ ~ New Appropriation Request: . {~' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ' REVIEWED BY:=~ ~ .. ,~ LGL: .. FIN: BUD: HR: _ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• i - 9 -~ R~,IEGT~D .:- #3EtVIt?`v ~ d~' . - ' ~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~~ '~rR 1~^"""- -, ~~ ' ` ITEM C Special Use Permit: Request by Warren Wilson to Construct a Child Day Care Center Housing up to 100 Children at 6102 Gordon Road. (S-414, 9/97) .Planning Board Summary ` The Board voted unanimously to recommend denial of the applicant's petition. In support of that position, the Board pointed out traffic generated by the facility, especially at peak periods of the day, would further erode the safety of current traffic conditions on Gordon Road. They were also concerned that the planned use might be incompatible with surrounding residential uses. The Board discussed options that might lessen anticipated traffic impacts, such as adding turn lanes, requiring safer road alignments and limiting the hours of operation, but in the end concluded those requirements wouldn't help much. ` A petition from several nearby and adjacent property owners vas submitted asking the Board to reject the request. They felt the facility would be incompatible with the area and would increase traffic hazards in an area already heavily congested. Preliminary Staff Findings _ 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The proposed facility would be served by County sewer and community water. B. The site is located in the Ogden VFD District. - - C. The property fronts along Gordon Road. - D. A State license is required and will not be issued until all requirements have been met. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Child day care is permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. A site plan pursuant to local the Zoning Ordinance has been submitted: -Access to the site is such that drop-offs and pick-ups can be made without backing into the street. -Off-street parking is provided at sufficient ratios. ~ _ -The play area is to the rear of the principal structure and is enclosed with a four foot fence. -A site identification sign is indicated--the ma~cimum size allowed is 12 square feet. • . C. All required setbacks are met. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or . abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. .- A. The site is currently occupied by a vacant single_family dwelling. The applicant proposes" to demolish it. "" " " B. Land to the north, east, -and south is used for residential purposes. Land to"the west is vacant. ~{ Land on the north side of the street consists of single family subdivisions. A church is located ~-} ~~°6 ~f 4. The Boa d~mu~st~n~d~that the IocaNon and character of the use if developed according to the tplan as suTimittedF and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and /,~r[~eneral#'c-onform ty~'with plan of development for New Hanover County., ~"j `tAG Ex ept`fo ~tlie'~church located on property to the northeast, there are no other large free- ~~:~ ~`~ ~ ~ lJ ~. ~~ >: .. ~ ~ - ,. .,; s, . , ' _ • ~ standin non-residential buildin s neazb . g g y , B. • ~ ~ 'The: proposed facility is in close proximity to several densely developed residential- `. subdivisions. . ~ Concerns: •. ~~ ;~ ~ -single access drive should align with Indian Wells ~ - -parking lot design changes: increase setback to 10' to accommodate future road widenin . . g -turn lanes should be considered. r . ,: ,~ _ - ~ - • ;~' '°_ ~' - . ' . . .. . • . ~• . . , - - ~;° . , - 43 . ~- I ~ ~ •. _:. P k - Subs: ,~- Requirements For~Specia( tJsePemiit Statements .:~~ ~ ~:-~~~-~, ~..~ _ 1- ) .%r ~ mL e., T ~ hJ7 ~ "'^' S.. ~ . "'.'..ai".5..... ,,..,.p.,,,yy.. +w - .::7o r. .vy--"i~' ~c,.c tiY ',' ..'s""~a ~- .. '~E'. '~.. ~~ ~ ..~°~'~,~~-~ ° -~:=(Plariiing App(~cation Form p:2} ~ ~ :~ ~~. u..: ~. _.,~ Y ~ ~~ ~ r.: T `2V.. T^ ..:Y.. ..;`.. •.~n v 'mot ~+Y o General Requirement # 1 The proposed Child-care site will not pose any public health or safety hazard. The services which will be rendered are of anon-manufacturing nature, thereby producing no OHSA.regulated hazardous materials or substances which endanger the public. Secondly, the site plans will be developed to provide first and foremost, a safe environment for all children by constructing a "AA" Licensed facility which meets the higher standards required by "N.C. Child Day Care Law and Rules". Also, the entrance and exit to the business will be designed to provide safe and easy traffic access for parents to avoid creating any traffic problems on Gordon Rd. General Requirement # 2 Granting of a Special Use Permit foc this child-care building will not infringe upon the integrity or intent of the Zoning Ordinances' required conditions and specifications. The proposed child-care center will not create any significant change to the "make-up" of adjacent properties or surrounding neighborhoods, due to the planned building design and architecture being compatible with the houses presently located in . .the neighborhoods. Also, construction of this child-care center would help increase the availability of quality child-care services needed by these communities. General Requirement # 3 The proposed child-care building will not substantially injure the value of adjourning or abutting property. As stated above in # GR # 2, the building design and architecture will be similar to that of surrounding neighborhood homes, i.e. Gordon Woods. Most importantly, the proposed site will not be located next to any major subdivision and will be adjacent on one side by undeveloped land with just }~, trees on it. This proposed site will also provide parents with a convenient and accessible "AA" Licensed j1~~ child-care center close to home for easy drop-off, pick-up before and after work, and or just to have some quality time for themselves. The comfort will be parents knowing their child is safe and close to home in case of an emergency. Moreover, this proposed child-care center meets the definition of a public necessity because child-care is a service needed by parents of pre-school age children residing in the surrounding neighborhoods. , General Requirement # 4 The proposed location and character of this child-care business is in harmony with the area and in conformity with the development plans of New Hanover County. The proposed Child-care Center provides convenient/accessible quality child-care services to parents, who live in these neighborhoods. Proposed child-care location is comparable to the "neighborhood school concept" which so many parents today desire to see happen in the public school education arena. Parents just feel better when their children are close to home and I agree with them. • A random survey poll indicated that the overwhelming majority of parents prefer their child to attend a child-care center close to home, mainly due to safety concerns and emergencies, followed next by convenience. As New Hanover County grows and new subdivisions continue to spring-up, Special Use Permits for child-care centers should be granted so that quality child-care services can keep pace and be available in the expanding areas of the County. In addition, the proposed child-care business conforms with the development plan of New Hanover by contributing to the growth in non-manufacturing jobs in New Hanover County, therefore consistent with the direction of the local economy. (1993 Land Use. Plan Update) Finally, my rationale for starting this new business is based on the ever increasing market for additional child-care and pre-school services brought about by the rapid population growth in New Hanover 44 County, resulting in a steady influx of parents with pre-school age children.. Recent data trends indicates this increase in population has continued since the 1990 Census at an equal or greater pace. PET~IT'ION~ SUMMARY SHEET r~~ .Petition .Number: S -a14, 9/97 . ' ~. Owner: C. Lutlerloah Representative: ~~~• 6~ilson ' ,~1 ~ _ Request: ,Child Daycare Acreage: ~ ._1.03. Taz ID Number: 4300 ~ Location: - rc, don ~ ' •~-.. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES . . .urban Transition • Land Classification: ' ~ '- Vacant residential unit • Existing Land. Use: - ~' • ~ , Area on inall zoned - Zoning $istory: ~' `3 y Jt11Y 7, 1972 I, .. ~ •• "~~ ; ~. WAter T T''ell Sewer T e• County or se:7ti.c yPt• yP Y Fire District: ~~ yFD RccreAtiou: _ (kXden na-r3c ~ Road Access. Gordon Bd. Volume: 13,000 AIli' (1995 count). - School District: Blair . . MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS -" , ' ~ ~ ~ . ~^ Wate Smith Creek C (sc.~) rshed andWater Quality Classification• ' Aquifer Recharge Area: Pr~.n~ry , . ~; None Conservation Resources: ' Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ~. •_ . _~ ~' .. _ soil Type(s) and Class: Septic Tank Suitability: . - .. Prime Agric~tlturxl Soils: B ildi ~ u ng Suitability: _ ~` :. , Smith Creek C {s:a) ~ ' Moderate limits None. Fe~~ limits ' Regular Item #: D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: De artment: Pl . P aruung Presenter: D. Hayes - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e; 6 Contact:- Pete Ave . JE T: - Special .Use Permit (S-415, 9/97).. ' .: ~ -' . ., \ BRIEF SUMMARY• ~ ~ . Request by William Towles to expand Wheel Estates Mobile Home Park by adding six lots/spaces. The existing park located on the north side of Station Road contains 23 lots/spaces. - ~ ` ~~ ~ - _ %~ 1 ,~~. ` .. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION~• ' ' . The Planning Board recommends approval. .~, . ,~ :. . FUNDING SOUR E• ,. _ . ,~ Federal $s State $: County $: User Fees $:. Other $: Money Is In Current Budget:. New Appropriation Request: -;~ ' ' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: - ~~ REVIEWED BY: .. •. LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA ER' COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ,~' :, .. ~Q~N~Y ?~Ql~I~i~t~r l~~a~~71~~. ~1 ~~Y~ ~4 ~~~ ~ ~ _. DAYS ~ ! ~ 6 4~ ~~''"J . Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition r- . ITEM D Special Use Permit: Request by William Towles to Etpand Wheel Estates Mobile Hom e Park by Adding Six Lots/Spaces. (S-415, 9197) Planning Board Summary The Boazd voted unanimously to recommend approval of the park expansion as submitted. The primary issue discussed by the Board was whether the park's new water system could support fire hydrants. Staffpointed out the main lines were probably too small (only 2"). Nevertheless, the Board's motion for approval included a condition that the Fire Marshal review the plan and determine whether hydrants could be installed. Staff met with the Fire Marshal the following day. He concluded-fire hydrants would not be required because the existing 2" lines did not meet the minimum requirements imposed by the State for pressure or flow and the nearest adequately sized line was 1200 feet away. Typically, a hydrant needs to be ' connected to a line 6" in diameter or greater. There was nb opposition. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is served by a community water system acid County sewer. B. The site has access via local streets connecting to Station Road: C. The site is located in the Ogden VFD District. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications. ofthe Zoning Ordinance. A. Mobile home parks are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The planned lots equal or exceed the minimum azea required for mobile home spaces. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The planned spaces are located within an existing mobile, home pazk. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and- approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The existing park has been in continuous operation'for a number of years. A minor expansion would not cause a substantial change in the azea's existing land use pattern. NOTE: The Board may want to consider requiring the installation of fire hydrants since the park is now connected o ;acomnun~'water system. ~,.~':'~ .~ `~;~ ~~ 4 l~ ~~ ~~~ :. •`_ - ,. ,. PETITION SUMMARY SHEET - . ,Petition Number: $'415, 9/97 ~. Owner: ~'~ ibwles Representative:. Same ' ~~ , Request: ~ ~ ?`'Iobile Home Pk expansion Acreage' ~ ~ ~ - • - Tax ID Number: 4300. ~ Location:. T'~eel Estates ,~~ ` LAND USE, ZONING UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ w 1 , ~ : 'Land Classification: =source protection Existing Land Use• = A'lobile Home Park - old. ~ T1 ~; tP • ~'. .~ ~ Area originally zoned 3/1B/71 Zonin • •. g History: ~. -. Water Type: Comrnuiity Sewer Type• ~ County Fire District: Ogden.VFD Recreation: ~BlairNoble nk c ~ ~ n xan .. ,. ~ U RoAd Access:- Stat-i~n Rrl. Volume: _ . . Blair , ~~ Sc)iool District: • ~, ~ MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS - Watershed and Hcxve Creek' SA (On•~) . ~ , Water Quality Classification• _ - - - Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary ~ ~ ~ Conservation Resources: None • '~} Historic Landmarks and ArchcologicAl Si#cs: `None ~~~~• .. . 'Soil Type(s) and Clsus: old. borroi~ oit; filled '~ • ~~ Septic Tank Suitsibility: N/A:. County sewer • - Prime Agricµltur~] Soils: None ~~ i Building Suitability: Few. limits _ ~' Y • What You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Applicant: The present use of the 9,5 acres •is for a mobile home park. Txo of the 9,5 acres have been used as xell sites. l!e are nox furnished xater by Cape Fear Utilities and no longer use the xells. .We xish to utilize 1.8 acres by adding 6 additional spaces at 108 Station Road. ae do not believe this request x111 endanger public .health or safety. This park is hooked up to Nex Hanover County Sewer. General Requirement #2 ~' ~ - The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" ofthe Zoning Ordinance: ' Stnten:ent byAnplicant: ' 'The additional 6 spaces aze inside of an existing mobile home park and Trill meet all set back requirements: General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." " " "" "' StatuneiubyApplica~tt: The mobile home park has been in operation for 22 years. There is a state highxay doxn one side, privately oxned mobiles doxn the other side and the State Highxay Patrol Office and property is doxn the. other. This `tract is a triangle. ~. .General Requirement #4 :The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted • and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is'to be located and in general conformity with the plan . of development for New Hanover County." Staterrtuct by Applicant: The proposed expansion is to be inside an existing •mobile home park and the nex spaces x111 meet all set back requirements and be constructed to meet the Nex Hanover County Mobile Home Park Ordinance, The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of Ncw Hanover County. The Board ofCommis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. • I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and bet , • ~O . ~~-~~~sr~-rs.rz'~rl~~ /~~ ~~ -~ . • Signature of Applicant and/or.Owner ,~ t~F ITEM E Special Use Permit: Request by William Towles to Expand Hidden Lake Mobile Home Park by Adding Six Spaces/Lots. (S-416, 9/97) ' Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the park expansion as submitted. The primary issue discussed by the Board was whether the park's new water system could support fire hydrants. Staff pointed out the main lines were probably too small (only 3 "), however the existing ponds were ideal for the installation of dry hydrants. ' The Board's motion included acondition-that the Fire Marshal review the plan and determine whether hydrants could be installed, and if not, where dry hydrants should be located. There was no opposition. •: , Preliminary .Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site will be served by community water and County sewer. B. The site is located in the Ogden YFD'District: C. The site has access via local streets to Military Cut-off. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Mobile home parks are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The planned lots equal or exceed the minimum required area for mobile home spaces. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting. property or that the use is a public necessity. ~ . A. The planned spaces will be located within an existing mobile home park. 4. The Board must find that the location .and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New.Hanover County. A. The~existing park has been in continuous operation since 1981. A minor expansion would not cause a substantial change in the area's existing land use pattern. N ,~ThreB~©d;rnay~ want to consider requiring the installation of fire hydrants since the park is now conne, ~ctedj"to a~ ommunity water system.(either dry because of the lakes or active.) Also, ' the planned unitsl~shoul'd not be located in the floodplain. ~;3,a~r l ~~~a "' >~ ~1~~`~~4 <~ „b y '. . .. _ . " PET1TiON -SU:M~MARY SHE-ET :~ ~ .. . ~ ~. 5-416, 9/97.. _ . `. Petition Number: "' Owner: I~dn. Bowles • Representative: - S~ ,. • ' . ~~ SL'P ::~Io'oile - Pk expansion g . 1.0 Request:. Acrea e: - . ' , ~ 5100 Fdden Lakes Tax ID Number: Location:.. . ~, ~ LAND' USE, ZONING UTILITIES and SERVICES . ~. ~ - , Land Classification: ~'~source Protection,Con~ervation ~ Existing Land Use: - ~ mobile Hoir~ Park, old *.velL-sites . ` , - - _ ~ Zoning $istory: Area car ci nal .1,~~ ~c~nPC3 Mav 1 Q_ i ~1.7~ ~, Water Type: ~ Conurnuuty _Sewtr Typ;e• . 'County . ` ~I ~ ~' Fire-District: Ogden ~ Recreation: Blair or OcTden Dark ~ . Road Access: To Military Cutoff Volume: -?1,~Iln nr~' (9~ mnnt) • ~ School District:. TTrightsville Beach - ~'~, :~ .. - °.. . MISCELLANEOU'S PHYSfCAL CHARACTERISTICS -~ _ _- ~_ .. H C k ` ave ree SA(Orw) . Watershed andWater.Quality Classifcsition• ` ~ .:Aquifer Recharge Area: Fringe of Primacy. Area ~ ' w None -Conservation Resources: °~~ .Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ~ - •,~ ~ ~ ` Soil Type(s) and Class• P~Iurvlle Class III ' r , -. ~ tY • ~ • Septic Tank Suitstbili t1/A County-sewer - - . . . - : ~ '• ' Prime A nc ltura] Sails: ~ None g µ ~f. , Building Suitability: _ ~~ limits due to high water table ' ~'` ~ - „ - - 'What You IVlust Establish ~'or A Special YJse Permit. Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 7l. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to•thc plan as submitted and approved." • Sraternuu by Applicant: The present use of the 32.2 acre tract is f or a mobile home pack. Txo acres of the 32.2 acres have been used for xell sites. The park is now furnished xater by Cape Fear Utilities and the xell sites are no longer used. !{e xish to utilize an acre by adding 6 additional. spaces at $ti$ Military Cutoff goad. ile are also hooked up to Ilex Hanover County Sewer. tie do not believe this request x111 eni2anger public health or safety. F General Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Srarelneiu by Applicant: - ~ 'The additional 6 spaces are inside of an existing mobile home. park and x111 meet all set back requirements. General Requirement #3 ~ _ -• '" ._ The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." _ _ . ~... ~ _ . ...._ ... ._ Stare~nenr by Applicant: The mobile home park has been in operation for 14 years. One side is adjoined by homes and mobile homes on which xe have a xooden fence and shrubbery. One side adjoins CPScL equipment. yard and privately oxned mobile homes. A sxamp borders one side and a 100' poxer line easement the other. General Requirement (f4 The Board must find "tha; cite location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the arcs in which tits to b'e located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." Statemen! by Applica~tt: T,yo proposed expansion is to be inside an existing mobile home park and the nex spaces xill meet all set back requirements and be constructed to meet the Nex Hanover County Mobile Home Park Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific rcquircmcnts on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate-that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and politics of Ncw Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and bel;~,f~ _, _ __ .: %~~~~ . ~~ w ~ Signature of Applicant and/or Owner t "~ i, ITEM F Zoning Text Amendment: Request by Bill Dobo to Clarify Language Regulating the Size and Place of Accessory Buildings Incidental to Principal Uses (A-286, 9/97) Planning.Board Summary The Board voted 3 to 2 to recommend an alternative version of the applicant's original petition. Specifically, the Board voted to recommend limiting the size of accessory buildings to 30% of the side or rear yard setback or 1000 square feet, whichever is less. In making their decision, the Board noted that the applicant's proposal would allow for unusually large buildings in residential areas, which they felt would be incompatible with the purpose and intent of residential zoning. They also concurred with Staff that accessory buildings permitted in residential areas should be similar in impact, function and character with surrounding dwellings and . •. , in all. cases subordinate to the principal use. During debate, the entire Board quickly agreed that establishing a maximum cap would be prudent and make it-easier to administer local regulations. They differed in how the 1000 square feet would be calculated. Some felt it should apply only to the building footprint while others felt it should be a cumulative total. Several people spoke in opposition to the applicant's proposal. They noted the request would permit the construction of buildings incompatible with traditional residential neighborhoods. Some even questioned whether the purpose and intent of the Land Use Plan could be met if the amendment was adopted. Planning Staff Summary Attached hereto is a proposal submitted by William Dobo seeking to clarify ambiguous wording in the Zoning Ordinance concerning accessory structures. Specifically, the .amendment seeks to -- - ~ establish guidelines for determining the allowable size of accessory structures "customarily incidental to and subordinate to a principal use." - The applicant asserts that the current ambiguity leaves Zoning Enforcement Officials without proper guidelines to make reasonable judgements. ~ ~ - 1 - -- While its true the current regulations do not clearly spell out the criteria for a structure to be qualified - as incidental or subordinate to a principal use or. how large said structure can ultimately be, it does clearly specify where the building can. be located on a lot and what setbacks would be .applicable. The applicant has no argument with the setback controls and propose no changes to them. iTti°ecu`i=~rent~regu~l'ati~o~n says accessory buildings that are 600 square feet or less must meet certain minimasetbacks~while structures exceeding 600 square feet comply with the setbacks of the underlyuag zoning~distnct. This latter section implies that some lots could have rather large accessory - 5 ilding~s re~ative~to~'the total lot area or the principal structure. The applicant'~pro~osal would i~ 11~~'^l n~h'~~~1 i iz n r r ~' S ~ ,~ °~ i ~~ '~~ . . ~~~ f y~. . -~~~~ ,; ~,~t ~. lne applicants suggestion of 15 percent seems overly generous, especially for large lots of record, or where there are multiple contiguous lots of record under single ownership. For example, using -the suggested calculation, someone with a 2 acre parcel could. conceivably construct a~ 13,068 square foot accessory building: (2acres(87120sf) x 15% _ .13,068 sf) Such~a large structure would be ,appropriate in an agricultural situation, but hardly.. seems compatible for residential subdivisions. Without a doubt, permitting the placement of such potentially large buildings in residential districts '.clearly poses a threat to the integrity of residential neighborhoods. _ ` Penmitting larger accessory buildings, especially in residential districts, might be appropriate where minimum lot areas are exceedingly. large, say greater than one acre, or where density allowances are very low, such as rural areas.. Some jurisdictions permit "rural" or "home" occupations that :allow :.. for.the construction of substantial accessory buildings ,. Historically, it has been customary to permit larger accessory structures in conjunction with bona fide farms, such as equipment sheds, barns, silos, , grain bins and related facilities. ~ ~ '; Amore .practical way to address this issue would be to simply place a cap or maximum on the size of an accessory building. ~ This would assure that accessory buildings remain subordinate to the principal use and more importantly do not become a nuisance or look misplaced in .traditional residential settings. Certainly they should be disjointed from the residential use they are associated with. The applicant relies heavily on the City of Wilmington's Zoning Ordinance for guidance.(excerpt of relevant ,section attached.)•. The text does provide language that- guides zoning official- to make judgements on the permitted size, location and total number of permitted buildings. It also infers, according to the applicant, a nearly unlimited size for ari accessory building. The text says i;n part that an accessory building may not occupy snore than 30 percent of the side or rear' yard. Using- that formula, Staff would agree that a relatively large accessory building. could be erected. However, Staff does not,believe that is appropriate, especially in residential areas. In the proposed draft version of - the City/County Unified Development Ordinance that will be studied by the Board in September, . .. accessory building(s) lot coverage would be limited to not more than 3D percent of the side or rear ` yard.setback"area, which ever is greater. Thus, the size would be predicated on a percentage of the . rear :onside yard setback area, not the total of a side or rear yard. This seems to be a good rule of thumb because it would permit buildings that are clearly incidental in size and use to-the principal use .:It would- not. be applicable to. bona fide farms As an alternative to determining size based on percentage of the setback area, it would be-easy to establish an arbitrary maximum; This takes the ;guesswork out of the. process and imposes a maximum standard. without considering the lot size..,.;. }. As to the issue. of what is incidental and subordinate, it is clear, especially for residential districts, that the principal use is first and foremost. a dwelling: Permitting excessively large accessory buildings for storage, hobby,or other non-residential use would detract from that focus and blur the purpose and intent of the underlying zoning classification. Compatibility is crucial. Accessory uses sho '' all instances be similar in impact, function and character to uses permitted in the underlying-~t6ning ' ~ ~. district. OPTIONS - Because the property owned by the petitioner, which is the impetus for this amendment, may ' soon be annexed by the City of Wilmington, do nothing and let current City regulations rule when the annexation goes into effect. - Update the current regulation by adding a statement that places a maximum or cap on the total area an accessory building may occupy. A percentage of the of the rear or side yard setback area, not to exceed 30 percent or 1000 square feet whichever is less is suggested. ~r .. ,, . ::. .. - ' ., 58 ~v ~ t P .. ._ " . - ,. M E M O RAND U M °, .. .. .". •. ., .. . '. • TO: "New Hanover .County'PTanning Department :° ;;~ FROM: ~ G. Wilham. Dobo . . DATE.: August 6; .1997.. ,.• ~ , • ~. a .. '•SUBJECT: Proposed Change 'of~Text Regarding Accessory Buildings. • This proposed text amendment to the New Hanover County Zoning ~• {~~ Ordinance with respect to the. section on" accessory buildings in New - Hanover•County is requested by G. William Dobo. The current ordinance. sections are fully listed below.; with the proposed' . .;revisions following. . . Purpose: The•purpose of this proposed text amendment is.to clarify ambiguous .wording in the current text ~~with respect to : •. accessory buildings which are "customarily incidental and .~.. .subordinate to the principal use or structure" and to provide guidelines for the Code Enforcement Officer to.~mplement when ~. deciding _f ~a'- structure ' is "•accessory. " The current Zoning ': _ Ordinance is unnecessarily vague, in its,' language and~does not t,. provide any ,interpretative guidelines for the.Officer.to use in his/her determination that a structure is or is not accessory. New ~t_ "guidelines will .prevent .future litigation and hearin s before the - g -Board .of Adjustment. - . •, .:. • •.- ' Issue: :,Whether a -~ proposed ., accessory "structure is customaril incidental and subordinate to the rinci al use or structure . .' . • ." . ,. ~_ 3 .. ~ - ~. Current. Ordinance Sections : ~ ~ .:~ ~ ~ ~ f r~, • .. §2,3:-1 Accessory Building or Use - A use or structure of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to the` • _~' , • ~,~ ~ principal use or structure. ~ (9/12/83)' _, . §6? -Accessory Buildincx -•No accessory '`building ..shall be' • erected. in any required yard nor within five. (5) -.feet- of ,° ,any other building except that., accessory. 'buildings not • exceeding 6OO.sq. ft. (9/4/84) may, be permitted i e required side and rear yards provided such acce~~y ~~ ~ - • ~ , ~' " ~ • Memorandum to the New Hanover County Planning Department August 7, 1997 Pane -2- buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach into any required easements. Accessory buildings. not exceeding. 50 square feet and used (sic) exclusively to house well and pump equipment may be permitted in the required front, side and rear yards, provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do. not encroach into any required easements or sight angles. (1/4/88) An .accessory building or use may be located on another contiguous or noncontiguous lot from the principal use .. with which it is associated, only to the extent that the •„ , principal use itself .would also be permitted on such lot . (9/12/83) Proposed Revisions: ~ ~ ~- §23-1 ... Accessory Building or Use - A use or structure of a nature customarily .incidental and subordinate to the principal use or-structure. (9/12/83) ~._- ,. §62 .Accessory Building. - No accessory. building shall be erected in any required yard nor within .five (5) feet of any ,other building except that accessory buildings not exceeding 60,0 sq. ft. (9/4/84) may be permitted in the ,' required side -and rear. yards provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach .into any required easements. Accessory buildings not exceeding 50 square feet and used exclusivel to house well and k" Y .pump equipment may be permitted in the; required front:,,aide.and rear yards, provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach into any required easements or sight angles. (1/4/88) An accessory building or use may be located on another contiguous or noncontiguous lot from the principal use with which it is associated, only to the extent that the principal .use itself would also be permitted on such lot. . (9/,12/83) Ar%acce'ssczr`v..buldia:not.rlrP~#-Pr.."~-1,a";, f~"fit-AAr n one prirzc~.~sal use or structux~ Y; ...,..........v~...R.~-....>~ 6 0 4...~.~, .:. ~.....ti.~...~,.......ti..fi....:::.~,,N.:..~: ~.H..N .,~N.........t .:tt ,' , .~ . f. . _. y ,.r. .. , :;;; ~xt ~~ ~ ~ , '~, ~ Memorandum to the .. ~.New.Hanover County . Planning Department ~ ~~. ~' August 7, 1997 ~ . E. Page -3 - ~, Discussion: _ The City of Wilmington's Zoning Ordinance in Section 19-50, .~~, provides ,various guidelines the enforcement officer can follow in determining whether a structure is permtted~,as "accessory" within '.the City's.corporat.e 1'imits. The City's Zoning Ordinance provides . ' ,, for.the location of accessory structures in §19-50.(b), a required side or -rear yardcoverage limitation for accessory buildings in §19-50{c), a five (5} foot side, rear ands principal structure setback.,line~in §19-50(d), and the total. number of accessory. ~f ~ buildings permitted per lot in §19-50(a). No such guidance or . limitations for .accessory structures are found in the New Hanover County-Zoning Ordinances. ~Y LLThe ro osed.tex - .p p t amendment to. Section 62;'by specifying an - outer limit .for, the size of a proposed accessory structure,, will facilitate the Code Enforcement Officer's implementation bf the ~~ Ordinance and the Board_of Adjustment's- review of the Officer's ' determination on appeal. -Cr The.propo`sed text amendment .will not chan e the re irement g qu . °that.theproposed use of the .accessory building must comply with ' . `the use requirements of the particular zoning district within which the accessory building. will be situated. .. , `~~ - .. ~', °. -. . ~` Y ~` ~ .. ., ~? . T ~WIL cry o nntN~~nJ -~~ Sec. 19-5O. Accessory structures. ' (a) Number of accessory buildings. In the residential district, no more than two (2) accessory buildings shall be permitted per lot, except for bona 1 fide farms. (b) Location of accesso ~' buildings- Accessory buildings shall be }~( located only in side or rear.yards for noncorner residential lots. On corner 1~--~ lots accessory buildings shall be located in the one-third portion of the lot ~ ~ farthest from streets. ! ..~ ~ (c} Lot coverage. Accessory buildings shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the required side°or rear yarrd• (d) Setback.. Accessory buildings shall be set back at least five (5 feet from the side and rear lot~line and~shall be. at least five 5 ) the principal structure. ( )feet from ... ~. ( e.) • :.Dish antennae _ In addition to c ( ) through (d).above, dish antennae that are yisible.fr~omythe public~ieht of- a screened to reduce t~ieir visual impact on the neighborhood• g way shall be the screening shall not prohibit. the proper functioning of ~suchvanter~dewever, Dish antennae map be placed on-roof tops: (1) If it is demonstrated by .the applicant that c~iiance with the applicable yard requirements would result in the obstruction of the antennae's receptive window, such obstruction involves factors beyond _ the applicant's control;' (2) If the height .of the proposed installation does not exceed the maximum height restriction imposed upon permitted uses within the district; and (3) If the proposed installation is not visible to abutting residences when viewed from ground level. (Ord. of 3-27-84, Sec. 32-50; Ord. of 8-5-86, Sec. 2; Ord. of 1-27-87, Sec. 1)' Sec. 19-51. Adult establishment. An adult bookstore,~adult motion picture theatre, adult cabaret, or a massage business as defined in this chapter; and further provided; that as permitted within certain districts, such uses shall be subject to the following restrictions: (1) No adult establishment shall be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of another adult establishment. (2) An adult establishment shall.be located three hundred and thirty (330) feet or more from the boundary line of any district zoned R-3, R-S, R-7, R-10, R-15, MF-L, MF-M, MF-H, HD and HD-R under the provisions of this chapter, and from the boundary line of any district zoned R-10, R-15, or R-20 under the provisions of the New ~( 2,r Hanover County zoning ordinance. 6J, (Rev. 12/95) -83- 1~ Regular Item #: G ~ ~ Consent Item #: ~ . ~ Additional Item #: ' ~ De artment: PI .. P Ong Presenter: D. Hayes ' Pa e'Count In A~' ends Packa e: 3 Contact: Sam Bur ess ~' ~ ' ;, ,, ' SUB.TECT: ' - Road Naming of State Road 1938 to.Eastwood Service Lane -Assignment of street numbers '' . _ ` y ~." ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY• ~~ .. , , SR,1938 is located approximately 400 feet southeast of Market St:- Eastwood Rd: ,intersection, north side. ' SR 1939 has a 60~ ft. right-of- way.which serves access to several businesses. and ga home. Based on an informal petition circulated, a majority of the neighbors agree with the;name Eastwood Service Lane. If approved, a street sign will be installed and street numbers issued by the County. ~+ ~. ~ . ,. , .~. ~ - ... `~ .. ~ .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R D.~TFSTED ACT~ONS• _ ,. Staff recommends approval ,-- . . ~. , , . . .FUNDING SO RCE• ~ - ' Federal $: 'State $: County S: User Fees S: _ ~ Other S: "~. Money Is In Current Budgete , ' New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: :. - { . ITEM G Agenda Information Cover Sheet Meeting Date: October 6, 1997 Subject: Naming of State Road 1938 to Eastwood Service Lane Assignment of house numbers Summary: The subject road is located appro~cimately 400 feet southeast of the Market Street- Eastwood Road intersection, north side. This service road (SR 1938) is improved and contains a 60 foot right-of-way'which serves access to several businesses and a residential home (see map). Based on an informal petition circulated by one of the residents, a majority of the neighbors along the road are in agreement with Eastwood Service Lane as the new . street name. Eastwood Service Lane has been confirmed by Emergency 911. If the .road name is approved, new business and house numbers will be assigned based on the County's numbering grid system and the County will be responsible for installing a street sign. 'The effective date of change will be determined once NCDOT approves the change. Recommendation: Based on the County's road naming and addressing policies and procedures, staff recommends approval. ~z~~:~~r::: ~I~~ ~~~ 64 4 ~ ~ :' '. i! ,... .., '. ~` ~ ~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF ' COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~ COUNTYCO~i IISSIONERS ' ' _ . IN THE MATTER OF NAMING ORDINA.~'V CE SERVICE"ROAD C (SR 1938)TO . ~; EASTWOOD SERVICE LANE It appearing ;to the Board of County Commissioners of New. Hanover. County that . - ; , consideration has been given to the naming of Eastwood Service Lane located approximately 400 "feet southeast from the Market"Street-Eastwood Road intersection, north side, and recorded as part `~ ~ ~ of North Carolina State Highway Project #8.2250104 in Deed Book 1730, page 80S of the New Hanover County Registry; and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, . ~. October 6,~ 1997, at which time allpersons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming ~; - ~ would be in the ublic interest• and it further a earin that notice of said hearin w P PP g g as transmitted to ali resident owners and prominently posted in at least twa (2) locations along said road, and ~. .r published ~in the tar ews local newspaper,. and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said road in New Hanover County should be named and the naming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. ~, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby named Easttivood Service Lane. ~ , " . IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds.of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that. notice of the action taken by ~` " ~ the. Board of Coun Commissioners be transmitted to the ostmaster havin 'ur' tS' p, g ~ isdiction over the .. . ;,~ road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. ~P. - .. - ~,. . This. the.6th day of October, 1997. y ~~ . ~`' . Robert G. Greer, Chairman . , .. - ° , Attest: . . ' ~ ~ Clerk to -the Board ~~ ~ . ~ ~ 65 Tlzis page intentionally left blank 66 Regular. Item #: H Consent Item #: Additional- Item #: Department: Planning. Presenter: D. Hayes ' Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Sam Bur ess. ,. . _. ~. SUBJECT: Resolution of Intent to Close an`Unnamed Alley in Villa ViewSubdivision BRIEF.SUMMARY.' . Request by Skip Lowell to close an unnamed alley located in Villa View Subdivision 125 feet-east of Pavilion Place, south side of Eastwood Road. This 10footright-of--way is unimproved and is about 100 feet . long. ''. ~ ... - f ~ ~' _ y ` .. . . RECOMMENDED MOTION-AND R .O~LESTED'ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution so-that a public hearing can be scheduled on November 3, ' - 1997. 1 ~~ ~ , ,. ~. .FUNDING SOURCE: - Federal ~: State S: County $: User Fees S: Other $: .. - .. . . Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared;_ ITEM H ~. Non-Public Hearing Item Department: Planning Page Count: 3 Presenter: D. Hayes Contact: S. Burgess , " Subject: ~ Resolution of Intent to Close an Unnamed Alley in Villa View Subdivision Summary: Request by Skip Lowell to close an unnamed alley located in Villa View " ~ Subdivision 125 feet east of Pavillion Place, south side of Eastwood Road . (see attached map). This 10 foot right-of--way is unimproved and is " approximately 100 feet in length. Staff Recommendation: The Planning staff recommends adoption of the Resolution of Intent so that a public hearing can be scheduled on November 3, 1997. ~~ ~u.~ ~~ 68 ~~~~~ ~~~ 1~'W°!?iii!liPli~.~b?:~.~iilMesRY':-~f71~e ~~ ..~ . - . . ~ , ' ,• .... ' Resolution of.Intent to ..__ Close an Unnamed Alley'in '"~ ''~M- Vita View Subdivision _ . ." .Whereas, a petition has been filed pursuant to NCGS I53A 241, requesting the Board of . Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described portion of a public .. road; Beginning at the northeast corner of lot S, Villa' View Subdivision as recorded in Book 52, page 563 of the New Hanover County Registry; and commencing from said point 100 ~~ ~ feet south to the southeast corner. o lot 4,Villa Vista View Su div' }• _ b ision,• thence 10 feet east to the southwestern corner. of lot 9 Villa View Subdivision; thence from said point ,~ . . , 100 feet north to the northwestern.corner of lot 10 Villa View Subdivision; thence from k ~ ~ aaid point 10 feet west to.the point of beginning.. - .' - Now, Therefore, be it resolved that this Board is considering closing the unnamed-alley + • to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the~3rd day of November, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Old County Courthouse at 24 North Third Street - in Wilmington at-which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a fnal ,' determination as to whether the unopened road-shall be closed. ,- The foregoinb resolution'was ado ted b the New Hanover C p y ounty Board of Commissioners on the 6th day of October, 1997. ` . i ~ .. Robert G, Greer, Chairman - Attest: .. ~' ~ ... Clerk to the Board ~, '' ' • .. , .. ~ ~ ~ ~. 70 Regular Item. #: 7 ~ Consent Item #: ~ '` Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e' Count In A' enda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell - FUNDING SOURCE:. - Federal $: - ' , State S: Coutity S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request• Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ ~ ~. REVrEwFn BYi _ LGL: ~ ~ FIN: BUD: HR: k COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN TS AND RECOyIMENDAT-IONS: COUNTY COMMISSIQN~'tS . ~ . ~ aPP~ROV~~ v REJECTER . C] , .. . - REM©VED CI ~ POSTPON~p ~I wEARO ~ 1 ~~~~ ~~` DI ~~ ~~~ ~J` , - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 2 VACANCIES At-Large Community Representatives APPLICANTS Gregg A. Daggett Mike Denniston Thomas R. Mull Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~--„; ~lr~~p~ i~~{~p~ 1~ ~~,! U ~ a~r717T 72 ~ ~~~ ~. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS . Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and have no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years-with no one serving more than two full terms. ' Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Emergency Operations Center of the Law Enforcement Building,. Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. CIIRRENT MEMBERS TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES County Commissioners' Appointees: Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. 303 Tennessee Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28480 458-4146 (H) 655-3856 (W) Robert J. enan 1017 Ste nson Drive ~.~-n~- Wilmi on, NC 28405 395- 67(H) 675-6644(W) James W. Sawyer 222 Inland Greens Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 452-9724 (H) first 7/1/99 (Appt. 5/16/94 to unexpired term) (Appt. 8/19/96 to 3-year term) Frederic Worsh 323 Sh e Point Drive ~..Q~-c~`Q-~ Wilm' gton, NC 28405 68 9984 (H) first 7/1/98 (Appt. 11/20/95) first 7/1/98 (Appt. 11/20/95) first 7/1/99 (Appt. 8/19/96) 4 JUN-23-97._pg:54 FROM:GE ECC COMMAt~ED CcNTER. ~ I~D:9,'10'6755850 PAGE 1'/ _.', ,' .. , . - ' _ -June 22, 1997 To: Dominic Bianco, Chairman ~ - New Hanover County - Board of Fire Commission ~ ' ~. ' . • ~ 'Phil Kouwe, Administrator ~ ~ ` ,. • New Hanover County ,~.. .. Fire Services Administration- ' .. ~ . _1 Gentlemen It is with dee p;regret that I .must submit my resignation from the Board of Fire Commission. Due to increased business. duties and responsibilities, as well as -personal and, family commitments, I am no longer able to devote the necessary quality .. time to the' issues facing the Fire Commission. ` ' I have enjoyed, my participation with the board for the lastawo years The . , challenges for the Fire .Services in New Hanover. County,however, require. dedicated . time and effort that I cart -not presently give it. lJnification of the fire services, while mamtarnm • g the participation of the, highly motivated artd trained volunteers, is essential to .providing the protection. and services. to the atizens of this county, ' including'the towns and city. . . !would like 'to thank, alt the .members of the. board for allowing me~ao serve with ~, ~ .them and wish all. of them the best for the future,., Y '`~ ~. ,. . ~ . rt J. Keenan ~ .; .. . ~ _- ~. .. . • c'c ~ _ Allen O'Neal Dave Weaver ~ ~ ' Lucie Harrel 6/23/97 - ~ }~ ^ Lucie, please call 4 F ~` ' ~me regarding how .to proceed with this. ,Thanks. ~ . :, - ~.. ~. Phil Kouwe Y ~~ _ .. . ~ .. 75 .: ,4 To: Dominic Bianco, Chairman New Hanouer County Board of fire Commissioners Phil Kouwe, Administrator New Hanouer County fire Services Administration Gentlemen, 27 Aug 97 I sincerely regret that I must submit my resignation from the :: Board of Fire Commissioners, since I will be moving to Brunswick County.in the near, future. . ~ .After six moues and thirty-sixyears of following me around the country with the U. S. Army and Corning )nc., my wife has accepted the position of~manager of the Brunswick County Office of the NC Employment Security Commission and it's my turn to .be the "trailing spouse" Working. with the fire Commission has beefi a pleasure, the past year has been. very productive and 1 fee( the Fire Services in New Hanouer County are moving into a new phase were the volunteer fire fighters of this county will become an_ example of an -outstanding professional organization to the rest of North Carolina and probably the rest of the country. I'm sorry 1 won't. be apart of it! 1 would like to thank my fellow board-members and Phil for allowing me to serve with them and wish you all the best in the _ coming months as you work your way through this transition. ~J'-~`li1`JL.J pUG 2 8 1';Jl ~~! •:J7 ~~1, ~. ,; J~.....:vJl~lytfls Sincerely, Frederick M. Worsh -~ ~ ~. _ . . IVEW IYANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C(O%V11V1/SS10111ERS ~ - _. . 0 320 .Chestnut Street, Room 305 - Wilmington, NC 2840.1-4093 ~ 101 1 0 1 i; ' ~ Te%phone (9101 341-7149 f:-•• ~y;,.;..., ' .. - FAX (9 101 34 1-4130. , . t ~. t.~ ~ .:::. App/ication for Board of Fire Commissioners ; At-Large Community Representative ~ .. ~ . Name: t ~ .. Home ' ~ How /one have youbeen a ' .Address:. 00 °~ /~~ S/ ~o f~ ~/I • ~ resident of New Hanover County? S Mailing Address: ` - ~, ~ - . City and State: ~':. ~ Zi Code: O P o2- ~ s ~ , Telephone: • Home: ~~/- ~ ~3 $ Business: H S 7 - v?-~o~-1f ,. 'Sex: Yyj 'Race: ./• ,Age. ~ ~ _ 'This inlormanon is requested for the sa/e purpose of assuring thaf'a uoss-- acs lion of the community is ap"pointed •'A person currently amp/o~ed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must rssiyn his/her pasitwn-with , New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ,~ ~ - Job Title: ~cn eo h ~~~~ia. ~S~ ~/ f-C ~ r h2 ~~ /o r~ ProfessionalActivities: ~~11 a~ ~,u,~G,,,~' ~ ~, ~-. ~ . . VolunteerActivities: =1Yr1~~ - _ ._„ . ' ` Why o'o you wish to serve. on the Board of Fiie CommissionersT W 0 What do you feel are'yourqualificafions=for serving on the Board of Fire CommissionersT ~_~s. ~F~.~ ~-- _ , . ~ . ~Let,~-~ / _i`in.+l~n~~~ f.~-i~-s C!7'y ct fr//C.~.~~~~ ,~_~' ~' /6 -~i.s ,C~f,L ' . . ;What areas of concern would you like to see°the Board of Fire Commissioners. address? ^/Q /..~ •~,~,, „ c .v ,. • . ~ .' _ . -Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT /f so, please list:. ' /hereby certify that /pay the New Hanover County Firs Services District Tax grid that /have no aft7iation with y oca/ ' ~o/unteer frra service organization, nor have been an af{/iated member of such organization for t/ie' past r~~ars. Date: Signature ~/L ~easo use rs arse side for addrtione/ comments) ~~~- y ~ r ~;un 15: -~ .. _ _ __. _ P 02_ NBYV NANO tI.~R OOUN7~ BOARD OF. COtLIM1SS~0iY,E.RS' 320 Chestnut Street, Raom 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 l-4093 Telephone ~910J 341-7149 fAX !9101341-4130 .4ppgcation far Board of 1im Contm~ssioners At-Large Commtmtly Repr$sentatrve Namt^• ~c~4 ~ . .1 bar ~T~' Rome r How Ivan have ycv been a Address.' ~] l ~]~ ~ CGF» _ rasldent ofNew Hanover CauntyT ~~~ _ MarTrnyAddless: -.~A~~ . ._. Gry and State: Vt/ i 1 ~ ~ v,o~h,.~ IY.C - - ap Ccda: _ ~8~{ (~ _ • 1'elephane:' Xam~: __~0~~~ Business: (410 ~R6 - ~%~~ 'Sez: I~1 'Baca: ~ •AAe: ` (.-~a, '77eialrtl6meUc~i is nQVasfedfer tbe.sabpurprss~ a1 ~surrny t/rat a posss~actian al tAs aurnwarrtrls aypvlnted "Emp/ayad by: 1~ n n `f{- 1~ro~" r• ~ g Ya,C~I'h ~ C ••RDvruo omrront9yan-0ob7~d by dry e~eReyor awp.renenlla~ w~rch ehisapp/lcab'on h rns4~, iaivtrarlQastis/harpasr7ron wr7A rVwr flernvai CaLnry~ it ~fpoinLn47(, br acnOnd~rru wi111.4rOfd~ 1/L SOG. 4 01 fha /Y6w Harwvar caunry PrrssvnnrtalPoGc~r .~Ob Trde: -- Professional ACbYI~/es ~,~, ~ ~-{ jt. ~ ,x~ Yvluni~eefAcbv~~PS: ._.. ~,, P _ . 1rYhy do you wish tv nerve ar the Board afFte CommissivnersT ~nrv.+~t.A,,,`~,r s tS ~.~ - ' t ~ .' f\ 1 n t .t i .. ~..__ VY1fsr 0o you fQa/ arB your gval~cations for servlnD art the Board of Frye ComrrrissianersT ~, ~~ W!?at areas of concern would you !ka 1a ses the Board of Fire Conxnlssttzners addr~•sT [`f,~lr~ /!ra you cvn~urtfy servufl ca a»orhar boa~4 ar committee apavi»ted by a mun/dpallty ar a cvuntyT /t so, pie 3se list ~f _ /heroby carboy drat! pay tha New Xenovt3r Cocv~ty ~ Service D:sryict Tax and n'rat Ihav~ na aft~abo» with anr/ocsl I J Y~durrted ~'e secvlca orgarriaarr'on, nor hac~ been an a rrate~ memoer ctsucfi oiganza~» ~r tha past U~ra~ tears. Date: 9 ~''r,~, ~ [. UuS~, c Signatulg yL~V"" Q ALG . s 1991 .. fl NEtiV HAN~{~ B0.OFCner~~,,.... ~_ l~ '. 'r. Gr~~ A. Dam"t ' ... • , ' ?I7-b hragg Dr. Wilmington, NC, 28412 .. • ' Home Phone (910) 790-6123 ` • •°;. Persona(Tnformafioa ~ ~ . . Bom: December 31,1954 . . Madricd Augiut 4,1979 - ;. ' ; . I lucvc two soBS RusscII age 15 and Ryan agG 12 _ • lib: S`pocts and Ftpnng, ' .. ~ . ~ IIgt1011 ' r Sigh School ~affi . . S ~ ~ . ip Of Mthigazs: Bv~~s ~, . Can~ct4 and ~ Qf Advanced Tcdmnlogy, • ~ . ' ship Sla1ls £ar Teaming _ . ~ ' .._ ~ . - - ~fher mbject: Emergency Med. Tech Gad from Maine G}imoooal fuslice AKadomty in 1984. + dfinm Maine F• Y is 1993. ._ ~ - ., y' ~ • ' slc~s: I have ac3vsnood coa~utcr 9b7Is is Windnwy 3:11 ~ 95 . m T - ~ Sczoea8 Word, P.xoei. pnaJecf. Powerpoi~ Y~sio and Qwi~nei these ais~ls also . TnrlvdE B.LW.14L~i Fine, BMCS ~s andNe~r~ ... ,` , . .. _ .. " . Bhp I hav+c good working karawiedgc of . ~ta), Orufu mrifilec.~l. ,. ri ce . , _ , ,. .. . 1992-1996 w .. Pmdactian Cout<vl, Bath Iron Wad CSR Bach. Maan~ ' . - ~ ~ .. ~ : w~naait s r~th~ ~ ~~ ~cc . ~. Wtaklp opt revi,cwr uacctings, analpu dam for potential gcohtcm aairs and ~~ ]ab~or , R t s ~ . a e aad budgrtt coas~cd far wozk d®c to scope far IInit tv I3uQ 1990-I9g2 Eyg, Seth Iroa Wow Ca~p~ .. . : • _ _ ., I3u$es mclodr.,d:l2avisw d~ang+e proposal tegaads, . blue prmds and other mclunrai Wig" cr't~-. Develop mater"l Wlcing Pro~ion tna~hrntrs atrisudu tx~dral and .. _ .. mom{; sappart ma~aurs. ~e e+¢curive des for top and .. _..: CEO, as well as arh~r req~utrd forms and curs ztquaed foe subm~tals to tfic , • • _ •1987-1990 • ., Sovcrnza~ and as~Ist wtttl toe fits! andtt Itview. ~ .. ~ _ . _ . w, ..Y.. .... ..:. ..: , .. ,. _ _~.. , .. ,... I j ~~ was, hired zi Hath Iron Words in 1987 as a c~rpc~tct Mp dnrtes fnch>drd t6,c frisiallatfon or . . aa~t wrlcfittg metal lbundations, I trade bade t~ Icadcuax~, wotk leader and roP . money wittzpai a you and a ba11 I eras the du~m far ~ s~cdai task fioztq titled pia Shame . . cut Camp;ction Tcana". Oar jab was tv sta3y the blae prints otany given trade • ~~ omits to determine work g . ~ Referencx _ . . ' Jfm Swengeu ~ Kiik Fffirhiast . . ` Boa s73 : 14 Brewster SL I'O Bax 1014 . Je~cisoq Maine Rocld~d, Maine ~ Waldobbnro .Maine ~ , ' ~• , . .. i ~ . .. - . .: .. _, 79 NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOAR,U OF CO/Y11t~1/SS/ON~RS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 • Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • ~uG • ~ ~ Telephone 1910/ 341-7149 FAX (91'01 3=11-4130 APPt~cafion for hoard of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name: ~ ~ e ~ z° .~iy/ _~ 7`o /~/ ; Nome ~ How long have. you been a Address: ~ ~ `~ /2,2~, / I/~~ resident of ~Vew Xanover Cavnry? Mailing Address: ~ t City and State: /,C/ l ;if ~o,t! 1(f ~~ -Zip Cede: ~i Telephone: Home: _ 7 ~ ~ - 3 l 3 ' ~~ ~O Business: ~ l ~J -- ~ ~~ - ~ 2 Z Z 'Sex: m 'Race: (~c~ •,~ge: ;, ~ 7 ... 'This information is requested Jbr the sofa purpose of ass ring that a rnus-Section of the commune _ •fy n appointod. . `6nployed by: ~ ~~ ~~G ~ ~. ~, ~'Apevson cuirenUyemployed by the 9gencyor department or, pith thia a Irc9fion is mad•, rnusf rear his/her osidon witA N~wHanovar Coon u on pp. 8" p ty P JPro/nUnent, in accordsncs wish A~-trcl• Vf, SaG ~ of the New Hanover Caunry Pcrsonne/ Policy. .. Job Title: - . ~ Q.-l e 5' ~/L S O . ~,_ Professional Activities: ~- VolunfeerActivaies: -' ~ - ~ _ . Why da you wish to serve on the Board of Fite Commissioners? ~i(,Q. U e e l ~ ~ ~WQC.cr~ -~~ ~ ~ de•. Qa~ ~ o ~ •e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .SJg ~ ~ .YJ ~~~ • ~i i ri 2 ~ dam, .~ What do you fee/ are yourlIqualifications for serving on the Board o! fire Commissioners? -~S Z' U U What arras of concern wou/d you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? (~C dz~ ~~~L~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a caunryT if so, please list.• ~D U /hereby c8r /pa y the Nevv Hanover County Fiie Service Distr/ct Tax and that I have no atfrT,ation T • volunteer {ire service organization, nor have been an afft7~ated with anyloco/ member of such organization a past thr8e years. o8te: 8/y~g~ ~,-~~.~~ ~. (f'Iiaae rite rvrrrse rlde !or idditiene/ eommontsJ ~gnatllr'e a Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: r Department: County Commissioners Presenter: Robert Greer Pa eCount In A enda Package: 12 Contact: And Atkinson SUBJECT: . Resolution requesting selection as "Electing County." o '. ~ ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY:, In legislation recently passed in Raleigh concerning welfare reform, the Board of Comm issioners have the opportunity to be, more directly involved in establishing criteria for the Work First Families Assistance portion of the welfare program. In orderto participate in the planning, New Hanover County must be selected as an "Electing County." The first step in this process is for the Board of Commissioners to ask the State to be selected. The attached resolution will ® accomplish the first-step. A chart is enclosed that outlines the steps in the overall,process..rhere is a short time frame :. ^ that we must work.under to have the County plan submitted by February 8, 1998. A committee needs to be appointed in order that work maybegm on the County Plan. The Committee membership is to include representatives of DSS '°Board, Board of Health, Mental Health Board, local school ystem, the business community, Board of Commissioners, and community-based. organizations represtative of the population to be served, and any. others the. Board of~ Commissioners desire. This committee is to work to identify the needs of the population to:be served and to review and assist in developing the County PIan to respond to the needs: - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQLIFSTED ACTIONS• .. ~ .. ~. .. .. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal' $: ~ State $c County $: User Fecs.S: Other S: ' Money Is In Current Budget: ~ - New Appropriation Request: ' - Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEWED BY: i ~ LGL: -. FIN: BUD: HR: . ^ , .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ' . Recommend the tion be considered and the process of appointing the committee begin if the resolution ' is adopt . ~ ~ ~~~' . R~ECTI~p ~: R~MdVEQ l~ . .~ ~~s~~~~~ 8 ~1 . ,~~ r Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~://~: RESOLUTION `• ~OFTHE New HanoveY County Board of Commissioners WHEREAS, Senate Bill 352, passed by the North Carolina General Assembly,on August 28, 1997 made significant changes to the current welfare system, and .. WHEREAS, designations are made in this legislation concerning Standard Program Counties and Electing Counties, and ' i , f n WHEREAS,those counties being selected as Electing Counties will have the ability to alter cash benefits and eligibility criteria in accordance with the Electing Counties submitted plan, ~ t ° • NOW, THEREFORE BE IT .RESOLVED, that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners request to be selected as an Electing County. Adopted this the 6th day of October, 1997 ATTEST: [Seal] Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the. Boazd }- 1 ~4~~~0~~~1~1 ~'~'~Q i 82 ~~~~~a~r~ `~` New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert G. Greer, Chairman William A. Caster, Vice Chairman • Buzz Birzenieks, Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr., Commissioner Charles Howell, Commissioner .. '~- cn . ~, _ ^ ~ _ `. _ - ~~ ~ -co C Q ~ ~ ~ c. c ~, - ~ ~ >+ '~ ~~ G\ cC ~ .~ . N .. ~ R .D ` ~ 3 w-'. 't7' CL ~. ~ W L ~ . ~- . .-. . cC C '""~ y -- G y r.. N V _ c~. . U _ .~ - ~ - .r !' ~ ~ v~ C , ctt v~ ~ ~ O u ~ ~ . ~ ~- ' ~ O v ~ ~ w ~ ~ cC ~ O - . - O ~ ~ ~ v ~" ~ - .. ~ .~ ~ ' . ~, r--I ~ L C ,. ~ • ~ ~ . O .,. - ~ ~' , M O' R ~ r r ~ .~ . V ~ . '>; ~ r i-a ~ ~ " - ~ - U G ~ r ' Q) _ .Q ~ C, : N ~ c ~ O ~ ~ T , . .^. . .. ~ c J ~~ '" ~ ~ - G U . ca "'' c _ ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ G C. . ~"-~ ~ ~ l f ' III/// ~ .r ~ r ~.._ n ~ - ~ ._... .,,, ' ~ ~ V] . -~ ~+ ~ ~ U , , .. - U GD ~ G ~ ~ ~ G :- ~ ~~~11 G ~ r--1 ~ Sl v~ ~ ^- J F--~ .-- 'G-.. N U ~ - N _ y ~ O . ~ ~ c o ~ `~ ~ U . _ _a~-~ ~~ _ cr G ~ ~ Q O ~ ~. ~ ,i ~ L' • ~ ~., . ' . ~' ~~ ~ 83 1 _ ~ , ~, . .. - ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ NOTE SHEET ~ 1 / 1 1 STANDARD & ELECTING COUNTIES. ELIGIBILITY FOR CASH ASSISTANCE & .BENEFITS COUNTY FUNDING/MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (NIOE) FIRST STOP EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (BIOMETRIC IMAGING) TIME LIMITS Q~PROGRAM INTEGRITY ' .. Recommended y . :. : Statewide Work Firsf Goals. , SFY 97-98 ~ ~ . Reducing,.the WFFA Caseload ~ • ~: .. - ,.. , Putting Adults to Work. ' ~ ~ ' ,. - . Staying Off Welfare after Going to Work - . Increasin .Child Su ort Orders & Collections for WFFamilies• _g PP ,. . ~ - .. , .. : .` .. ' • - Meeting the "All Parent" Participation Rate -~ I ~ ~ . ~, ~ ' • ~ .4 ' - Meeting the:"Two Parent" Participation Rate ~ ,~ . - ,. .-• _ ,. . ` . ~ . Avoiding Welfare-through Diversion; Assistance • . ~ ~ - -Improvin Child Well-Bein : g g w ' - ~ ' F 8 5 : ~, . , .., - ; GLOSSARY • Biometrics - a system for identifying public assistance applicants and recipients, including those in Work First, using digitized images of the individuals' physical features, such as fingerprints • Child only case - a Work First case where the only recipient is a child; not subject to requirements and restrictions such as work requirements and~time limits • Community service work -unpaid work performed in exchange for Work First assistance by recipients who are unable to find employment • Cooperation with child support -unless it has good cause, families must cooperate with the child support unit on issues such as paternity establishment and efforts to collect child support payments from the non-custodial pazent • Electing County - a pilot county under the Work First program which may adopt eligibility criteria for benefits and.payment standards other than those specified under .. the Standard Work First program; may adopt services not specified in the Standard program as long as in compliance with federal law • Family cap -unless there is good cause, if a child is born 10 or more months after a ("`~ family begins receiving Work First assistance,`that family will not receive additional (-J cash assistance for the additional child • First Stop Employment Assistance - a program established to provide employment services to Work First applicants; reapplicants; and recipients; administered by the ` Department of Commerce and the Employment Security Commission • Individual Development Accounts -accounts funded jointly by a family and outside resources to assist families with developing assets in areas such as homeownership, business development, and education • Inspector General -office established in the Department of Justice to address the detection, prosecution, and prevention of fraud, abuse, and waste in means-tested public assistance programs including Work First, food stamps, and Medicaid • Job Service Employer Committee.-committee required in every county to oversee operation of the First Stop Employment Assistance Program • Joint Legislative Public Assistance Commission- established. to monitor implementation of the state's'Work First program including the receipt and review of reports from the state; commission consists of l0 legislators from the Senate and 10 from the House of Representatives • Lifetime benefit -per federal"Personal, Responsibility and Work Opportunities . ~. ". Reconciliation Act of 1996 (welfaze reform law), only 60 months of cash assistance may be paid to any recipient not qualifying as a "hardship" case • Maintenance ojeffort -- required minimum funding levels by counties and the state for the Work First program • Mutual Responsibility Agreement - an agreement between the Work First recipient family and a county; it describes the recipient's responsibilities in order to receive Work First assistance, and how the county will assist the recipient with carrying out such responsibilities 86 d NCDSS 921/97 1 1 1 1 _. W .--~ z O .~ zz o~ ~~ M-•~ /'1 z 0 Q ~z Q ~. O .. 3 O . H .Q ~-t V r... .~ N '_ O ~. Ci "O"•WR ~' ~~ O U • ~' t' O ~ ~ O r~~ . fi O ~ CAS U U ~ y .... *, *, .fl V W ~ O W N N O ~'~„ ~ i. ~ ~ ,. N N y V s... L. . C/1 Vl .x ~ .-. . ~~ O U O • C ~ C ._. ~ O O O v '~. •~+ Q ~ .~.. N 4 N ~ -~ •N •~ •N VI N y i~++ ~ ~ U ~ ~ L: O C/1 • N U U U U ~, ~, ~ O ~ x .~ U ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` U ~ O O O O ~ b ~~~ U O U O ~~ . 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F, ~., ca cr a :n p'': ~:: ~ %. : ; ... i ...~.` .Y . ~~'~ In .}:} :4i~~.~.. = ~` 1r 1~ ~:, O " i ' ~ V L+ ° .h y cC cC .:>.~fYi~'::.i. ;;. ry}G~!+G.i:ivi}: ~ ~ ~ ...Y .. ~. ~. r• W r ~ ' ~ }.,,-• ~ , i ~. cn ~, N ~ O . L.' p .~ . N O s Miyi~~H/y: p U J ~ ~r , ~ LN. Lei LN. L~ ~ L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ° L~. ~ ,,>n ., 0 ~ ~ 4~ (v 'v%yai?ki`^y ~. .l.n t-. NY ~-~ ~ ~ _ O ~+ U .jay' ;~^ .C ~ O i z ~' 0 . ... _~Ef To assist counties in the evaluation process, we have listed most of the federal and State legislative provisions that will continue to govern both the Standard and Electing Programs. Remember, these aze programmatic provisions regarding eligibility criteria. The State and counties are still required to comply with other federal laws such as meeting participation rates and reporting requirements.' Federal requirements are generally from P.L. 104-193 unless otherwise noted. In addition to the list of requirements, County Departments of Social Services will continue to be required to administerthe Medicaid and the Food.Stamp Programs according to federal and state law and regulation. Decisions made regarding changes to eligibility criteria in Electing Counties could potentially require that the eligibility determination for Medicaid and Food Stamps be separated from the Work First eligibility determination. '_ • Assistance can only be provided for families where a minor child lives with an adult caretaker relative. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (1)] , • Sanction must be applied for non-cooperation with child support. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (2)] • Adults must assign rights to child support to the State (currently, NC law already assumes the assignment is made when the Work First application is signed). [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (3)] • Teen parents must attend school and.live with parents or in other adult-supervised setting. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (4) and (5)] • Lifetime time limit on assistance cannot exceed 5 years,. with possible hardship extensions. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (7)] • Individual is ineligible, for assistance for l0 yeazs if he is found to have fraudulently misrepresented his residence in order to get assistance in 2 or more states. [federal. -Sec. 406 (a) (8)) • Individuals who are fugitive felons and probation and pazole violators are not eligible for .assistance; certain information must be shazed upon request from law enforcement officials. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (9)) • •Children who are absent from the home for more than 30 but less~than 180 days (# days ;optional) are not eligible for assistance unless they have good cause for being absent. The caretaker relative who fails to notify the agency of the child's absence within 5 days is not eligible for assistance. [federal -Sec. 406 (a) (10)] . All family members must have a social security number or apply for one. [federal - 42 .U.S.C. 1320 (a)(1)J .. .. .. _ • • Class H or I drug felons are eligible for assistance, others are not. [State - 108A-25.2.J • All adults must register for employment with the Employment Security Commission. (State - 108A-29.J • Individuals found to be addicted to alcohol or drugs and to be in need of professional' substance abuse treatment services are required to do so as a condition of eligibility. [State - lOSA-29.1] I~ 91 9/24/97 `VELFARE REFORM SENILVARS - The North Carolina Association•of County Commissioners,-the Institute of Government at UNC-Chapel. Hill, and the Nocth_Carolina Department of Health ,,. and Human Services are cooperatively conducting three educational seminars,to help county officials learn more about the netiv Welfare Reform legislation-which was enacted by the 1997 General Assembly. Targeted towards county commissioners, county manager's; directors of social services, and social services ' board~members, the focus of this in-service-training wilTbe to`review the legislation '' in some detail, to highlight for you the major responsibilities of the boards` of "" '~`. commissioners and the departments of social services; to discuss the variations in '- those agencies' roles depending on whether your county is an electing county or a standard program county, and to provide access to legal and policy expertise to help answer your questions. , ,. PLEASE FAX OR MAIL THE REGISTR4TION FORM BELOW TO INDICATE . THE-SEMINAR YOU PLAN TO ATTEND: 'YOU iV1AY ATTEND~THE ONE ~: ., MOST CONVENIENT TO YOU. ' ` - .. Seminar #1 Thursday, October 9 - Regional Iii-Tech Center -Waynesville; N. C. - 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m: . ~ . _ ... Name. County: Seminar #2 Wednesday, October 13 - Martin Community College - SYilliamston, N. C. -1:00 p.m. 4:30 p,m. .. .. ~ ~ ... _.. ti Name• County• ~ ~ ~ Seminar #3 ~. 7 , ~ .. Thursday, October 16 -Wake County Commons Buildn; -Raleigh, N. C. -'1:00'"' p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ~ ... . ame: ~ ~ ' Count N y RETURN THIS BY' MAIL OR F~+,X TO: ' ~. Karla Gibbs NCACC P.O. Box 1438 ,. d ... ~ Raleigh, N. C. 27602. . , . , ' Telephone: (919) 715-2593 OR Fax to (919) 733-106 , 92. MEMORANDUM -September 30,, 1997 . ~ ~ To: -Board of County Commissioners . Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ . .. . ~ From: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County. Manager ' ~~ RE:= , Welfare Reform Seminars The NCACG the IOG, and the NCDHHS are cooperatively conducting three educational seminars to help county officials learn more about the. new Welfare Reform legislation which was'enacfed by the.1997 General Assembly: The focus of this in-service training will be to .reyiew.the legislation in some detail,. to highlight for you the major responsibilities of the boards of commissioners and the departments of scoial services, to discuss the variations in . those agencies' roles depending on whether we are an electing .county or a standard county., and to provide access to legal and policy expertise to help answer any questions. Thee closest seminar is on Thursday, October 16, in the Wake County Commons Building, Raleigh, NC. The conference starts at 1:00 p.m. and concludes at 4:30 p.m. if you desire to attend confirmation of your attendence should be sent to Karla Gibbs, NCACG, fax .number 919-733-1065. Thursda ,Oct 9 Regional Hi-Tech Center, There are two other locations for the seminar, y , . Waynesville, NC, 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.; and, Wednesday, October 15, Martin Community ', ~ College, Williamston, NC, 1:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. - ., ~ - ^ - ~ 4. _ Regular Item #: -. Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: County Manager Presenter; Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: . Request from Elderhaus for waiver of fee. BRIEF- SUMMARY: . ~ ~ - .Elderhaus is requesting waiver of a $750 sewer impact fee for their project at the Davis Nursing Home property. ` FUNDING SOURCE: FederaF $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget:. New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL::. ~ FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MAN R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • r Consider the re Elderhaus is funded by the County. The FY 97-98 funding is in the amount of $89,03... J11iV~'Y C41~lV4i5'} ARPROVED C`~ . ~ t~E3~C~'twt3 ftEMOV~~ , Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~ ~~ '~ ..., ~~~~~{ ~ ~~~ t~ ~!4 ~~ ilr Y~d#~e G. ~~"~~ . r s, t *r n'4:~: - - r ELDERHAUS, I,NC.~ 2394 Carolina Beach Road ~ Suite A-5 ELDERHAUS Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~- (910) 343-8209 SeF~temt~~er 30, I997 ~ . `, i~~r. ailen ~'Iveal, C:otmn~ R~anager ~ - - - i"~.() C'hesin~rt Street ;~ilmin~ Cn,NC ~84~~ ~ ' Dear ?ter. L3'Nea.l: Llderhaus Iias been ~iyeII ii~:e o~Pc. ~' itgr to open a facility= on the property= ofDa~~is " pursing Home. ~>ur contractor is in the process ofgetting appropriate pzrmits and has found that use are re~uireci to pa=ys se4ver impact fees of seven hundred. and fifty (~7~ii) isolla s ri~,'~,iC,i are collrCtil-iir at t,ie tIII76 of ~.~ermii%IIIg. I arri v~~-iting to rectuest that Nev? Hano~~er C'ouIICy~ ~c~aiue the cost ofthe impact fees.' ~~v'e are a.non-profit, tai;-exempt comoration and finds are extremely limited as v~~e build a . nevv facility c.-bile renoY'aiing this building for occufiancy by-The middle ofAlovember of this year. ~~;tr t.a.~:-e,iempt nurnbar is {8-149301. . any consideration oftliis rectuest i~-ill be greatly appreciated. ~ . . Sncerelz-, C~. G(~ ~~ da A Fearce ~ " F ect>ziue.llirector ~~4 A United Way Agency Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 10/06/97 SUBJECT: Request from Elderhaus for waiver of fee: BRIEF SUMMARY: " ~ , Elderhaus is requesting waiver of a $750 sewer impact fee for their project at the Davis Nursing Home propem'• r~uNlllNC~ suuxc:~: Federal $: State $: County $; User Fees $: Other $: ('''Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: BudgetAmendment Prepared: REVIEWEI LGL: COUNTY M Consider the $89,03 . FIN: BUD: HR: R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Elderhaus is funded by the County. The FY 97-98 funding is in the amount of J~~CT~[~ ~`i£iVfO~'r/Ep ~~~v~~ o Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition r~~g~: P J '' yyk `.Nei}v~^s~~ iA,~ '4i !!4'Y~~ ~~ F~~ ~ . ELDERHAUS .LNC. 2394 Carolina Beach Road • Suite A-5 EL~ERHAUS - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) .343-8209 September ~0, I997 ~~ , 1i~r. ~iilen u'Neal, Co~mty R~ana~er .. 32~ C'hes~tit Street j~ilmin~ on; ~C ,2$401 Dear I1~r. Ci jveal: - Elcierhaus has been ~is-en the opportunitg= to open a facility= on the propert,= ofDa~~is . ?pursing _Home. Chu contractor is in the process c~fgetting appropriate pzrmit~ and has ,found That ~=e are required to pay sewer impact fees of seven hundred and fifty (~ ~~ii) dUliQr~ Y~'l~Slyh drC l:ollectlbie 'tiT Mlle c`.liiie UfperIllllling. I am v~=riting to rectuest that Nevi= Hano~rer ~'oiu~C~• waive the cost ofthe impact fees. Z~r'e are anon-profit, tai:-eaem~t corporation and fiends are extremely limited as vve:build a new fatiiliiv w=hile rnovaring this building for occupancy b_y the middle ~ofNovember of this year.. ~~ir t.a.~:-e,.empf number is {8-I44930I. Any consideration ofthis rzquest will he greatly appreciated. Sincerely, r Vl l~ ~~ da A Pe~.rce Fecutiv~e Director b'" 'Y,~~ A United Way Agency .NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~: INTER-OFFICE - ~ ~. . _ ~V~(~ ~' _ ,T~~ p ..To: , ° , -Board of Commi lone VEQ PQNi~t3 ~ - From: Allen .O'Neal 1 ~, Lucie. Harre - , f~ ~,,,"?,;,,~,,- - - - Subject:. , ~ Personal Computers for Commissioners , - ~ - In response to your recent conversations, we offer,the following historical. "comments _ e - ..arid suggestions": For several years, county employees have used electronic mail (e- mail) a~ the major method of written communications between themselves.. This,has , - proven to be a very.. effective way to communicate because staff can use it at any time: If the person to whom,the communications is addressed is not available, the system:- , - . simply holds the mail until they become available. Responses are received in the same - manner. Often,,the business of the county is conducted without the need for direct - voice communication. We feel that these .advantages should be extended to the ,board. This would .allow you `to be "in touch" with either of us, the'county attorney or any other person at your convenience. ~ Likewise; you. could receive responses at a time that is convenient for , you: What would be required to make these features available to you is the purchase of a laptop computer; the completion of some training classes and the active use, of the system by each board ,member. Unless all members agree to use this system regularly; much of its. value would be lost. One feature that coufd.be included on your system would be an attachment to the internet. This- capability would let you searchfor information from systems all around - the world. For instance, all the significant activities of.the state and federal government . , :are present on the internet. A second feature thatcould be included is e-mail. Again, Phis feature lets you send and receive messages to anyone in the world that has the , same connection:. ' The necessary training could probably be arranged for you at MicroAge. They have the contract to provide. all county training and county staff continually .rate their instructors as "outstanding". We feel that they would tailor a class especially for the -. ` features you will use. The topics that would be appropriate would include Windows95, , , " ~ Internet Browser and E-Mail. This could most likely be completedin 1 or 2 days:. The price.for a laptop computer for each board member is $3,000. r ~; t s t 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THII2D STREET, ROOM 301 OCTOBER 6, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes --~ ADJOURN 93 PAGE NO. 93 95 . . ~ - ~ - This page intentionally, left. blank 94 t t s R s i REQUES'T' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/06/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Minutes of the Water and Sewer District September 15, 1997 Meeting BRIEF SUMMARY• Approval of Minutes RECOMMEND D MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION k'UNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget:, New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: tCC,V1lL' WL' U tiY: LGL: FIN: OLIN N .R' Approve minutes. BUD: HR: Refer to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~~~. APt}V~t? ~+/ RFJ~~T~p ~3 . RAM©~~ > 9 5 ~~~~~~ Q ~~ARa Q +~:/'.. 44;~~c~.~;i~ a~i 96 ~ .;~3~c~°~s°~' ~ ~" ~~ ~~t ~ ~~~:~ _ cJ vv~ . ~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 6, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 99 2. 1998 Schedule of Board Meetings l O l 3. Award of Bid #98-0102 and approval of contract for the purchase of 107 A man lift for the WASTEC Facility 4. Emergency Dispatch Consoles and E911 Telephone System Upgrades 129 - - 5. Approval of disposal of copier and approval of Budget Amendment 143 #98-0039 and resolution related disposal of copier 6. Award of Contract #98-0141 for the purchase and installation of a 147 baffle in the lagoon to Containments Systems Corporation 7. Award of Contract #98-0063 to Law Engineering and Environmental 149 Service for installation of Leachate Collection Wells -Cell # 1 at the New Hanover County landfill 8. Acceptance of Foster Grandparent Program Grant for the Department 153 Of Aging from the Corporation for National Service 9. Approval of contract #98-0136 with Midwesco Filter Resources, Inca 155 For 1024 filter bags and 1024 Cates for the baghouse at WASTEC 10. Adoption of resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway 159 System: Roads in Sentry Oaks Subdivision Roads in Beacon Woods Subdivision 11. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-13 to increase budget for additional ~ ~ 165 revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff µ,~ Deems necessary /12. ~ Approval to authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with UNCW 167 - To conduct Cemetery Delineation Services for the Oak Grove Cemetery on 17th Street and approval of associated Budget Amendment #98-0004 13. Authorization for submittal of grant application to NC Department of 185 Correction, and if awarded, authorize acceptance of grant (~ -] .. 98 ~: r 1 1 1 1 1 r r t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/06/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: GOVERNING BODY Presenter: LUCIE HARRELL Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: LUCIE HARRELL SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Work Session, September 11,1997 Regular Meeting, September 15,1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes r~uNll1NU SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~GL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition AUNTY CQMM1SStONERS Al'PRdVEQ R~,lECT~D R~M~VEC3 ~ 9 ~sTac~N~d ~9 9 w~R~- ~ ~ ~~~~ ~l o~-~~~ ... a. _. .. ,: _ . ._ Tlzis page intentionally left blank ~.. - - - -:..~ a _ _ ~ ~~ti~ ~~~.~ ~~,~, '~arMar~- ~`;:f L j ~";:,~ +p~ ~~~b ~'~~~; ~~ 100: ¢k~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/06/97 Regulai= Ifem #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~- Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: 1998 Schedule of Board Meetings BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of 1998 Schedule of New Hanover County Boazd of Commissioners Regular Meetings RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve schedule of meetings Federal S: State $: County S: -User Fees S: Other S: .Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: "" REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMyIENDATION .. Approve schedule of meetings for 1998: COUNTY CQMMiSS10NERS APpRQV~~ ~,-- REJ~GTEI3 L~ AIwMQV~D PQ~r~~~~1~0 ~ ~~~a Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition AA•t•~ ~l 0~ ("r q ~~~~~ inter. office M E M-O RAN D U M To: County Commissioners From: Lucie F. Harrell ~'~ Clerk to th'e Board Re: 1998 Schedule of Regular Meetings Date: September 24, 1997 Please note the attached 1998 Schedule of Regulaz Meetings for the Boazd of County Commissioners. The following changes have been made: . , (1) Schedule only one meeting in July - July 13, 1997 (2) Change the meeting following the Azalea Festival from Monday, Apri16 to Tuesday, April 7, 1998 (3) Due to the November 3, 1998, election, the following options are available: -- (a) Change from Monday; November 2 to Wednesday, November 4 (b) Change both meetings and schedule on November 9 and. November 23, .which will . be the week of Thanksgiving. Vice-Chairman Caster has indicated that he is not in favor of scheduling one meeting in July. .Also, he does not feel .the Monday meeting following the Azalea Festival should be changed to Tuesday. ~ ... _ .... _ .... .... You may wish to remove this item from the Consent Agenda for further discussion to`reach a consensus of the Boazd. ~ ~ ' r,'~AP ~seGa ,'Z'1 ~L/''~A '~ rP'"~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ C~~u~-~~~`~~ ~n~~i'~w 102 : ~~~~o~~ ~- ~„ !q`M~~nF C~ yz,~~,, r iM r~.~. ~"",. -. ~F:p M'C'P. x~ .. ., t - t t ` ~ REVISED SCHEDULE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiVII~IISSIONERS _ 1993 SCHEDULE OF REGULAR MEETINGS MEETING PLACE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE _ 24 N. THIItD STREET, ROOM 301, WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, January S, 1998............`...........: , ...........................6:30 P.M. TUESDAY, January 20, 1998 .....................................:...:.... 9:00 AM. ~~ MONDAY, February 2, 1998 ...............:........ . ........................6:30 P.M. MONDAY, February 16, 1998 ....................:......................... 9:00 AM. _MONDAY, March 9, 1998 .................~....................... ........... 6:30 P.M. ` MONDAY, March 23, 1998 ......................... ..........................9:00 AM. TUESDAY, Apri17, 1998 ................................ - .......................6:30 P.M. . - MONDAY, Apn120, 1998 .....:.......'...........................:............9:00 AM. MONDAY, May 4, 1998 .................................................. ....6:30 AM. MONDAY, May 18, 1998 ......................................................9:00 P.M. MONDAY, June 1, 1998 .......................................................6:3 0 P.M. MONDAY, June 15, 1998 ...:.........................:.......................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, July 13, 1998 ........................................................6:30 P.M. . _ MONDAY, August 3, 1998 .......................................... ...6:30 P.M. ...... ~, . MONDAY, August 17, 1998. ....................:...........................9:00 AM. . .. ., TUESDAY, September 8, 1998 ...........:.................................6:30 P.M. 'MONDAY, September 21, 1998 ........:............... ....................9:00 A.M. .. '~ MONDAY, October 5, 1998 ......:..:........ ............ .......:.............6:30 P.M. MONDAY, October 19 1998........ .........................................9:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, November 4, 1998 .........................:. ........6:30 P.M. ..... MONDAY, November 16, 1998 .................., ..............:..9:00 A.M. MONDAY, December 7, 1998 ........................................:........6:30 P.M. MONDAY, December 21, 1998 ........:..........................:. ._~_ ..........9:00 AM. ConferenceSi -- .~ t NACo Legislative Conference, Washington, DC -February 27-March 3, 1998 NCACC Legislative Briefing, Raleigh,. NC - June 3, 1998 + - NACo 62nd Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon -July 17-21, 1998 1 0 3 ~ ' ~. r NCACC Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC -August 13-16, 1998 A. .. .. ~. ~O A ~O b J ~ ~ ~ A V W . ~ NI ~ L::JI W '~ O rntON L r~ A V OU ~ 7 m C A ~ I - N T o iONLn V O ~ W Qf W N ~ ~ --aVO W W ~ ~ Cn Oo CIA 1 I N . C i l0 N A •,~ vo wrn ~~ ~NrT ~ ~ . IDNU1 W ~ .. OW N O)tDN VP(yN M~ W r x P m b o~ x p ~ -- ~? ~~~ ~ { p.1 ~n.9 ~ •- j ti a ~ 9' ~~ ~ ~ o . ~ ~ 1Y E €' .~ ~, s ,,, R ~ ^' ~ R 4 e n d.^ v V u Qbaaoo 9 `-`- a~3 ~~xa~,H ~E~ RJR ~~d~~s R g .~ O Iv ~ W ~ ( m~ W 1 ~ ~' ~' cn'oo -~ --I m ', n O N...O ~~ Q. ~ ~ 4Nt W r A T ONi tp N Ln ~ N ~ ~ Oo Jn J P ~+bAO ~~ $a 3 ~R ~w ~~%~€ R c ~ ~ ~~.$ ~ ~ V aQ Nr;N ' b o.~ O. ~~"~3 6. 3 • ~ ~ a ~ ~ w . • v d 47 OV ~' b,a ~m Q ~ a~ a o ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ..~ ~ W W N ~ V O W N N "'~ O O A V Np ~O N N W ~ ~~ N -1 j ~m kpe N C „~ ~ A V ~ W Cb ~ A ~ NN~Clt OD _. G7 O 1 C.~ t7~ lD N __ 3 ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~'~ /'~~ 7 ~ ONit(OINIIJ~ I -1 V O W; O-J ~' W ~ fa, V Cn N W O r fA 'lN.7 ~ Q O A V O W ~ m V7 _ OD _ + A S Q < ~ ON1 (~~ (O 1 [~ 1 (r • ID "~ rn W ~ ONO N A V W 00~°~P'`j}'pQN 4 ~D 'O O~W Nom.. ~~PrN ~p ~ryJ fw to ~„~ J. b~~ g Q A , O p P~ a a a ;~ ; C~ Q •M `O X O~ Q b9~'~ ~9 9 9 9~'9 ~: ~=k E~ E~~ SEE: .QED;€, ~, ~~. ~` ~~ 3~ ~~~ ~ 3;~ 3; R R R g Q' Q g.q~ R~~~ ~~ '+: ~ ~ ~ - a a a~ ~~~ '3 a -Q. a~.. a ~ R R ~ ~ ~ ~RQR¢a ,,~.t ¢~R R G R' g . ~' c. c e. a. ~ . Y ~ C7 7L ~ p a ~ o. Ca m A~~ •~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~c ... ~ ~NN~AI b lA (A r V'O~ V V O\ lA • W W ~ V 'b d ~QbaPa QQaP ~ bxxz,.xP «'bo•x.xx~ 993 3 9a ~•~ 3 ~3 ~ e c~i :c~i o 3 c~i 3 9 3~ a o~ o& ~~,~€~ S ~~~ ~ E ~ _ ~t r~ ~. Q c~m.~c O Y °'ii d R s 1i ii ~ .i ri 'd. ~RRR~Z R~ -~.ri ~~ ~ " " ~ a R R ~ R A ~ R~~~ R R ~ o Q' o. "~Q. ~ Q Q~ Q s s s- s ~ .. c~ ~ ~, n . - ~~~~ ~% I oo~oo ~~:~.~ t cN0 N cn o -. o ~ ~ ~ ~ O W~ N A V O W Z mo ' o cNn m = `< ~ 3 Q oNi N '-1 m . N V W O! ~ ~ ~ A V W ~ f/7 UI OD r AA ONi~NI cnI ~ .. v~wrn, - -1~ I' n ,, N ~ < O O ~ A .V < R ~~ i • ~ 1 W T 01 t0 N W N 1+ V O W vow ~n rn m ~a V ~ .~ W N -+ '. O W-C) W N~ G ~ 'i A ~ ~~~~ ~L_1 1 a -1m tNT~ ~ Cb ~ 1- T Of ID N C7~ ~ O W ~ O~ D. N ~AV W _ ~ - N ~ iW U ~A s c _ _ N ~ C i tONUI C ~: N VO _ W • ... . ...~ ~ N ~ A V N N ~ON N Car W N DD -~ A ~ W ~D N ~ 3. d c 7 W ~ A V < C W ~'N rW~ ~ V: O W Ol 10 N T A V O W ~ I~ ti l 1 ~--t C ~t t"f ~~ ~M ~'! ~,/~ F"'h 1 O • LLL___...llJ ~• O CD H ~ C N + ~ ~ W ~ 'e , V O ~ ~ W N ± a ~ w . y L 1NV Np _ < (.~ W ~ !D N ""~ A V O W T ~ N W ~ A 7 t: ~, Q C' C• ~~ C t JANUARY IMPORTANT DATES JULY. S M T W T F S JANUARY S M T W T F S ' 2 3 ~ ~Ve~.v Year s Day 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 ~~ '~lartir? Luther Kirg. Jr.~s 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 ?irthday t= ~Wartin Luther Kirg. . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jr. Day FEBRUARY 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 t? Lincoln S 6irhda: 1~ '/alentine s Da;: .. FEBRUARY 16 'Nashington - AUGUST S M T W T F$ 1 2 ! incoln Day 22 ~'Jash~rgton s ~~^dav S M T W T F S 3 4 ~ 5 7 8 9 1'0 11 12 13 14 25 Ash Wednesday ~ 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 MARCH t ~ $i. °atnck S ~a•. - 2 3 x 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 _ 22 , 23 24 25 26 27 28 APRIL 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 . 5 calm Sunday ~ Daylight Sa•rrg ";r-e 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 - . ~egins 30 31 MARCH t'~ Good Friday t ~ ?3sscvAr `- . SEPTEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 4 t 2 Easter Sunday Z2 =r f i l S M T W T F S 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 o ess ona S~c:3;ar:es '~7~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 MAY t0 1,1oth~r; Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 30 31 13 Armed =crc,s Da•~ ' • 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 to lictor:a Oay (Canada; 27 28 29 30 25 1,lemcrial Day • Cbs:d. 30 Wemonal0av APRIL JUNE ~ ~ OCTOSER S M T W T F S ?s 'la9.Day 2; father s Day ~ S M~ T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2a ~;-Jean (Cuebec~ 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 JULY 1 Canada Day (Canada; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 •I Independency Cay 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 ` SEPTEMBER 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i Labor Day 21 Posh Hashanah _ MAY 3Q Yom Kippur OCTOBER NOVEMBER S M T W T F$ 12 Columbus Day S M T W T F S 1 2 12 Thanksgiving Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5. 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 Y5 16 (Canada) 24 United ~yations Day . g 9 10 11 12 13 14. 17 t8 19 20 21 ~ 23 25 Caylight Saving i me 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Haldloween 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 31 NOVEMBER ~• 3 Election Day { ~ JUNE t t ~/eterans Day DECEMBER S M T W T F S 11 Rymem jrance Day ~ (~ 1 2 3 4 5$ sa S M T W T F ~-/ 26 Thank ivin g Day 7 8 9 10 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 DECEMBER 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 Hanukkah 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 Christmas Da 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 y ~ . • 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 :~ •25 Soxinq Dav ICanadal - .,~ ,,,, , ,,,, ,, ,, „. 1` ~~ .1995 akHOLI~DAY SCHEDULE New Year's Day January 1 - Thursday ~; Martin Luther King, Jr. January 19 -.~ Birthday ~ Monday' '~ ~, t. - `,~ _ __ .Good Friday : Apri1~~10 . Friday y~ ~~ ' ~- ~ ~ - ~ . , .~~ Memorial Day ~ May 25 ~. ~ ~. .Monday ~: ~~ Independence Day July 3 . ~ ' ~ Friday .Labor Day ~ ~ September 7 Monday Veterans' Day November 11 .. ~ ~ ~... Wednesday ,~, , - Thanksgiving November 26 & 27 . ~ ~ ~ Thursday and Friday Christmas ~ December 24, 25 ~ ~ ..: , ~ ~ ~ Thu{rsday~&. Friday 106 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/06/97 ._..... tegulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: department: WASTEC Facility Presenter: 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin .SUBJECT: Award of Bid # 98-0102 and approval of contract for the purchase of a man lift for the WASTEC Facility. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ .- The Environmental Management Department Facility was aauthorized in the adopted budget to purchase a sixty (60) foot man lift for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department. Staff followed the formal bidding process in securing bids. Staff requested bids on new and used equipment. Bids were received from three companies. All the bids received for new equipment were more than the amount budgeted. Of the three bids received for used equipment, the highest bid was the most responsive to the specifications of the bid; it was the only one that had a diesel engine as required: Attached is the following: .. ._ - ~ . - 1. ~~resolution for award of bid and approval of contract ~" 2. draft contract for approval . . _ _ ~ . ~ . _ _ . . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution: ~ ~ ~ ~"' 1. awarding bid # 98-0102 for man lift to Prime Services, Inc.; the most responsive bidder, in the amount of $66,058.00. 2. approval. of draft contract # 98-0102. ~ ~ ~ ~ " -~ r u1vUtlyG SUURCE• ... _ _ _ ._, .. Federal $: State S: County S: 66,058 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes ._._ ~_ . ._ .._ New Appropriation Request: No ' a Bud et Amendment Pre aced: No LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF OMMENDATIONS• Concur with the recommend motion ted above which is to awazd the bid to Prime Services, Inc., in the amount of $66,058. The contract is o ous and is not attached in your printed material. The contract is available in my office for inspe C4UN1Y C4MMiSStQNERS _ .. - .. APPRQV~ ~ .. . ~ ~~J~GtEl~' . p ` . ~~M~~~ X10 7 ~OSra~v ME~ti~~ 13 Rcfer to Officc Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition /Q~(p/G~~7w~wr. oA~ .+-.~........ +... RESOLUTION ._ __- .. -.:..... ;;. OF THE BOARD OF COIVII~IISSIONERS ~ . OF ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WI~REAS, after due advertisemerit,~bids we're received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 9th day of September, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a sixty _ (60) foot man lift for the WASTEC Facility of the, Environmental .Management Department, ~: Bid # 98-0102: - ~ ~ - BPS Equipment Rental-& Sales Gregory Poole Equipment Co. Prime Services; Inc. New Equipment .: Base Price $73,115.00 $83,120.72 $76,587.18 Optional Features: ~ '~ ~ ' 1. Hostile Environmental Package (+) 1,600.00 _ ~. 3.,183:00 1,118.61 2. Foam Filled Tires (+) 2,751.00 ~ _ ~ 2,799.94 ~ ~ 2,614.05 3. Four (4) Wheel Drive (+) 6,692.00 5,596.94 ' 6,391.45 4. Dual Fuel, Propane/gas (-) 2,100.00 3,49.23 ~ 1,800.00 Total for new equipment with all o tions. $82,058.00 $91,20.37 $84,911.29 Used Equipment ~ . Base Price , No. Bid $60,900.00 $65;90.88 Options Available: 1. Hostile Environmental Package (+) _ . _ _ _. ~ 1,300.00 2. Foam Filled Tires (+) 1647.00 Base Price $66,058.00 Options Available: ~y~~1I`~ 1~°Hostile Eii~ironmental~Rackage (+) ~ 1,300.00 ~p~:u~~a~~, 2. Foam Filled Ttes~(+)}~~ 1,647.00 a~ .s..,n~ ,,~; ~s AND WHEREAS, all the bids received for new equipment were more than the amount budgeted for_the purchase; AND WHEREAS, the used equipment proposed by Gregory Poole was not a diesel powered engine as required and did not have a one year's warranty as required; AND WHEREAS, one of the bids for used equipment proposed by Prime Services, Inc. was not a diesel powered engine as required but the other bid for used equipment was a diesel powered engine with a year's warranty; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Prime Services, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina; the most responsive bidder, for the used, sixty (60) foot, diesel powered man lift, in the amount of Sixty-six Thousand Fifty-eight Dollars ($66,058.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4193-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the. contract for a sixty (60) foot man lift for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 98-0102 be awarded to Prime Equipment Company in the amount of Sixty-six Thousand Fifty-eight Dollars ($66,058.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 6th day of October, 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 109 t COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA .. .... , INVITATION TO BID . ON SIXTY (60) FOOT MANLIFT ~ ~ . Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance, Office, 320' Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR SIXTY (60) FOOT MANLIFT, BID # 98-0102" will be accepted until. 3:00 p.m.,{Tuesday, September 9 1997. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320;Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to acceptor reject ,any or all bids and to~make the purchase which will be in'the best interest of the County: . Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County Advertised: August 24, 1997 110 ~~ ~ ~ ~ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS _._.__ ~....::.__.: .. ~_ NEW HANOVERCOUNTY, NORTH CAROLPi1A BID # 98-0102 SIXTY (60) FOOT ivIAN LIFT . New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 r Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7190 r~1 Schedule ~ " Advertisement August 2-1, 1997 Deadline for Receipt of Sealed Proposals ~ September 9, 1997 at 3:00 p.m. New Hanover County Finance Office 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (Opening to beheld in Room 601 Conference Room) Award of Contract October 6, 1997 ' Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form:.Bids must be on bid. proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid. N_o corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened.. ~ ~ ~ ' Required Specifications: Bidder shall- submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to famish. Bidder's specifications shall be~in strict accordance with the Count}~s specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each exception separately in a letter subnutted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. I-1 of4 1:11 1 Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished`shall be free from all defects, and shall ~- _-.. ... ,conform in all respects .to-the technical°specifications established 6y the County. Bidder shall provide as an attachment to proposal `a narrative of all applicable, warranties and services provided. Repair parts and service shall be readily. available. Twenty-four (24) hour service numbers must be provided. Bidder shall also submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon and a copy of service agreement. . ~. If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which .the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose.. - Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR SIXTY (60) FOOT M~1N LIFT, BID # 98-0102", and shall be addressed to County. at the following address: ~: . - • • New Hanover County~Finance Office - - ` -_ _ Attn: Amy Akin, Prirchasing Agent - 320 Chestnut Street; -Room 602 ., Wilmington, NC 28401'' • ' Condition of Goods Bidders are invited to-bid on new arid%or~used equipment. A manliff proposed'as new equipment shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. , A manlift .proposed as used shall have less than 800 hours running time and a copy of the maintenance record shall be submitted.as part of the,proposal. - _- .. ,, Trade,Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2,.trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept. confidential. This right of privacy .will, be construed as narrowly as, possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting'to maximize .the availability of.information to •the, public. Time. For Opening Bids - ,, ,. Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized -.agents are invited to be present.. Any bids received after the scheduled closing. time ~ for, the receipt of bids will -not be considered and will be returned to the bidder, unopened. ~ ' , ~ ' 112 I-2 of 4 • Withdrawal of Bids 1 Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time prior to the closing time for ~~ receipt of bids. But no bid maybe withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. Award of Contract ~ _ The award of any contract resulting from this bid .will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance, and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract. New Hanover County is requesting bids on a new and/or used manlift. ~ The decision to award the contract for either a new or used manlift will be made based on an assessment of what is most advantageous for New Hanover County. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete items or adjust quantities. .. . Considerations in Award of Contract - ' In determining the lowest responsible bid- in accordance with G.S. -143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modem, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and ,~' performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the r .. manufacturer). ~' Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes. '~i North Carolina Safes Tax ~~ If bidder is re uired t ' q o charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder s sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. .. ~ ~ ~ :.• ~ , ~ Price ", _ , ~ , Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period required. , Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. Wilmington, North Carolina at the address specified on the purchase order and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. 1 I-3 of 4 '~ '~ 3. ~- Instruction in Use of Goods; Demonstration County may require a demonstration of the goods bid upon;: the demonstration shall be at~no cost to County: If bidder cannot. make a demonstration within 7 days of request, bidder's bid may be rejected. Performance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a factor in the award of.the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment as that bid. The County may require the demonstration at the same time competitive demonstrations are, made: . The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and maintenance of the goods. ~ •. - . ~ -. _ Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidders products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities,regardless of whether or not they are referred to in the bid documents. • Indemnity. .. - .,. •. Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents .and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death, or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. Addendum The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible -for any .other instructions, verbal or- written, made by anyone. ~ Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. Compliance With Bid Requirements Failure to comply with these-provisions or any' other. provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result in rejection of bid. Right To Reject Bids The.County reserves the right to reject any or all bids: ~ . 1 14 I-4 of 4 ~, ~ ~~ ~ i ~ . • }~ TECHhTICAL SPECIFICATIONS _ BID # 98-0102 ~, ~ SIXTY (60) FOOT LvIAN LIFT 1. SCOPE The following specifications are the minimum acceptable standard for a self propelled, diesel powered, straight boom aerial, work platform. The function of the lift will be to position personnel, their tools, and materials at work locations above ground level. 2. CONDITION OF MANLIFT Bidders are invited to bid on new and/or used equipment. A manlift proposed as new equipment shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. A manlift proposed as used shall have less than 800 hours running time and a copy of the maintenance record shall be .submitted as part of the proposal. - , . 3. OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 The following minimum performance features are required. 3.1.1 Platform Capacity: 500 lbs, in any boom position 3.1.2 Working Height: 66 ft. 1:J 3.1.3 Platform Height: 60 ft. 3.1.4 Horizontal Reach: 48 ft. 3.1.5 Tail Swing in any position: 52 inches • 3 . ~ '~ -. .. ~ ,. - 3.1.6 Gradeabilit ,... Y• 25% -. ,~ _,.. 3.1.7 . Drive Speed: 3 mph 3.1.8 Turning Radius (outside): .. 22 feet 2 inches 3.1.9 Battery operated auxiliary hydraul ic power source to permit lowering in the ~~ • event of engine failure 3.1.10 Tilt and motion alarms ~• • ~~ T-l of 3 1.15. ~~ 3.1.11 Driveable` at full height 3.1.12 Two wheel drive 3.1.13 Steering: Front and rear steering to be capable of independent operation to allow front wheel only, rear wheel only, coordinated, or crab steering. - - .. .~ . .: 3.1.14. Swing: Multiple rotations in either direction. 3.1.15 Steering. safety lock: Steering enable system that informs the driver the steer functions will' move ` opposite the controller - movements. .. ~ - 3:1'.16 Fuel: ~ 'Diesel ~ . _ 3.2 _ -The following performance features are optional. Bidders are requested to bid on all options; County will deternvne whether or not to secure options. s 3.2.1 Hostile Environment Package: - Cylinder boots or bellows, boom - - - ' °: • ~°~ extensiontube wipers and a control box cover. 3.2.2 Foam Filled Tires - 3.2.3 Four (4) Wheel Drive 3.2.4 Dual Fuel, propanelgas i 4. WARRANTY AND SERVICE ' A. Bidder shall provide as an attachment to proposal a narrative of all applicable, warranties and services provided. Repair parts and service shall be readily available. Twenty-four (24) hour service numbers must be provided. Bidder shall also submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials' and workmanship covering the goods bid upon and a copy of service agreement. . B. Successful bidder shall provide County an operator's handbook, service manual, parts - catalog,- and maintenance inspection manual. ' 1 ~ 6 T-2 of 3 ~~ ~ - ,~ 5. TRAINING __ . 'The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use ~, and maintenance of the goods. 6. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR USED EQUIPMENT A. Used manlift shall have less than 800 hours running time. ,~~ B. Bidder shall submit with proposal a copy of the maintenance record of the manlift proposed. ~t _ _ ~. . T-3 of 3 117 . Vendor's Quote # 3 - o f 3 ,. - - - - - - -COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLLYA ~ . BID PROPOSAL FORM BID # 98-0102 -SIXTY (60) FOOT MANLIFT September 9, 1997; 3:00 p.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for the. same services .and .is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal New Equipment Manufacturer, Make, and Model: - ~i~ Base Price with all required functions: Prices for optional features: S I 1. Hostile Environment Package $ add to or .subtract from base price ~j 2. Foam Filled Tires $ add to or subtract from base price ~~ 3. Four (4) Wheel Drive ~ add to or subtract from base price `!li 4. Dual Fuel, propane/gas $ add to or subtract from base price Delivery: days after receipt of purchase order c. Used Equipment DIESEL Manufacturer, Make, and Model: JLG Industries, Inc. 60H 1997 factory Base Price with all required functions: $ see atta hed Amount of running time used ' 1 ~ hours Delivery: 2 p da s after receipt of purchase order * unit subject to _pr~ior sale 118 B-1 of S :i . . ~ - i~ ~. _ ~ • - Prime Service, Inc. 1020 N. Front St. ~' ~.. ~ [ s e~~: ' P.O Box 2121 Wilmington, NC 28401 . ~ - , .,,: •- ~,. ' 910/343-0031 Fax 910/762-9465 Model 60H S/N 0308609862 '~ Unit - Price $66,058..00 ;. JLG 1997 Factory Reconditioned ~`~ less than 10~hours {1) one year warranty ~ . 2 wheel steer ~ Diesel - ' • 2 wheel drive ~ - Oscillating-Axle L 8' platform Options: Hostile Environment Kit $1300.00 '~`, Foam Filled Tires 1647.00 ~~ 7ota1 Machine P rice ~. $69,005.00 ,~' ~~< . ~~, ± '~3 ` .. ,~~ 11.9 ~~ Location _of TechnicaVService Representative : Prime Services , Inc . 1020 N. Front... Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 (New Hanover~Co.) Attachments to Proposal 1. Complete specifications of equipment proposed 2. Narrative of applicable warranties and services provided. Include copy of manufacturer's lvarranty and a copy of service agreement. 3. Exceptions to bid (if any) ~ , . ~ .; - , Notice to Proceed _ ` ~ " .. The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New:Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the Manlift listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Response Section The following numbered list corresponds to the required features listed in the Technical Specifications on pages 1 through 2. Bidder shall note whether proposed equipment complies with the required features. Any item marked, "Do Not Comply" must address each non-complying item separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid. Detailed specifications of the equipment shall be submitted as part of the bid. Do Not Compl_ Comply x 3.1.1 Platform Capacity: 500 lbs, in any boom position x 3.1.2 ~ Working Height: 66 ft. x 3.1.3 Platform Height: 60 ft. x 3.1.4 Horizontal Reach: 48 ft. x 3.1.5 Tail Swing in any position: 52 inches x 3.1.6 Gradeability: 25% 120 B-2 of 5 t r r a r i - Do Not __Comply_ :_ ...; Comply x x x x 3.1.7 Drive Speed: 3 mph 3.1.8 . Turning Radius (outside): 22 feet 2 inches 3.1.9 Battery operated auxiliary hydraulic power source to permit lowering in the event of engine failure 3.1.10 Tilt and motion alarms x ~ 3.1:11 Driveable at full height x .3.1.12 Two wheel drive - x _ 3.1.13 Steering: Front and rear steering to be capable unit ~is 2 wheel steer of independent operation to allow front wheel only, rear -wheel only, coordinated, or crab. steering. x 3.1.14 Swing: Multiple rotations in either direction. x 3.1.15 Steering safety lock: Steering enable system that informs the JLG uses foot and hand operated driver the steer functions will move drive lockouts for safety opposite the controller movements. x 3.1.16 Fuel:. Diesel The following numbered list corresponds to the optional features listed in the Technical Specifications on pages 1 through 2. Bidder shall note whether proposed equipment complies with the optional features. Any item,marked, "Do Not Comply" must address each non=complying item separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid. Do Not om 1 C_ ompty x 3.2.1 Hostile Environment Package: ~ Cylinder boots or bellows, boom extension tube wipers and a control box cover. B-, of5 121 Do Not Co_ mply._ :.:....: Comply x 3.2.2 Foam Filled Tires • x .3;2.3 'Four (4) Wheel Drive - x - ~ 3.2:4 .Dual Fuel, propane/gas Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: Addendum No. Date , 1997 Addendum No. Date .1997 • Addendum No. - Date ~ , 1997 - 122 • B-4 of 5 Prime Service, Inc. 1020 N. Front St. P.O. Box 2121 Wilmington, NC 28401 910/343-0031 Fax 910/762-9465 Factory Reconditioned JLG Warranty t i f JLG Industries, Inc. backs our products with our exclusive Warranty. We provide coverage on all products for one (1) furl year. This warranty represents our commitment to~superior quality and manufacturing standards and underscores our pledge of being, "The Pr=ovider of Choice Worldwide for Access and Material Handling Equipment . " _. . , .._ _ ..,_._ _. _.. - .. .~ . Due to continuous product improvements, we reserve the right. to ,make specification and/or equipment changes without prior notification. ~u - This machine meets or exceeds applicable OSHA Regulations in 29 CFR 1910.67,. 1926.451, (f) 29 CFR 1926.556, ANSI A92.5-1992, as originally manufactured for intended applications. 24 .Hour Parts & Service: (New Hanover County) Sales Representative:. Prime Equipment 1020 N. Front St. Wilmington, NC 28401 910-343-0031 Mark Greene Pager: 800-849-1421 Mobile: 910-620-3117 Res. 910-452-3492 Service Agreement Available: See attached sample ~_ ~ ~ 123 C ['. _.. .. .- -. _ ...t_ ~ ,. Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. - The Bidder is: An Individual Bidder Information - A Partnership between: A Joint Venture consisting of: •~ " - A Corporation organized under the laws of the State ~ ` , _~ of Texas (List name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated *) f ~'~,. ~G . .. BY:. L/ ~. ° • Mark Greene (name as above printed) . Sales.Representative _~ TITLE: ~ ; _ . Prime Services, 'Inc. . ,COMPANY: • 1020 N. Front Street ADDRESS: . _ = Wilmington, NC 28401 TELEPHONE: 910-343-0031 (24 hr) 910-762-9465. FAX: SEAL-IF BID I; I3Y A CORPORATION \ L ATT~' By B-5 of 5 telescopic boom lift designed with extra power and exceptional stability for a wide variety of maintenance, construc- Lion and the most demanding high reach. access applications. . Rugged all-steel fabrication for longer . PLATFORM ~ '~ Large 36" x 60" (.91 rn x 1.52m) wide basket is standard. Tubular, welded all-steel construction results in excellent durability. Wire mesh to midrail keeps tools and materials within confines of the platform. Steel grate floor is skid-resistantand Qrovides visibilitywhen lowering platform. Powered rota- for is standard for flexibility in positioning platform. Capacity: 1000 lbs. {454 kg.) and 750 lbs. (341 kg.) restricted, 500 lbs. (227 kg.) unrestricted. JLG's exclusive capacity indicator system incorporates a tri-colored tape design on the boom with a capacity indicator wheel which revolves according to changes in boom angle to determine allowable platform load. Higher capacity at the higher (working) angles results in greater worker productivity. ENGINE _ _ _.. A 63 horsepower-rated gasoline powered Ford LSG-423 water-cooled engine for efficient. powerful Qger- to ion, long service life and reduced maintenance. Precision governor con- . ` trol regulates idle to help save fuel and lower oper- ating noise. Optional 47 . ~ hpair-cooled Deutz F3L912 .. industrial strength diesel engine provides ample horsepower and efficient, -- ,reliable service when diesel .. ' iSthepowersour~e. ~ JLGsizesenginesforpower,efficiency,andlongservice~" lile. Power choices include gas, dual fuel (gas/LP), or PLATFORM CONTROLS diesel. _ __ _ .__ _ Low maintenance moisture resistant electric/hydraulic proportional controls provide smooth operation for Drive, Lift and Swing. Ramping feature delays "` full power on and off for smooth starts and stops. Telescope, Steer, Platform Leveling, Platform Rotate, Drive Speed, Engine Speed, Wheel Motor Speed `- -~ Ignition/Start, Auxiliary Power, Horn, Emergency Stop, 5 degree Slope Light ---- . and 110 V Receptacle included. 12V DC auxiliary power provides full func- senrlcelife. ~ ~- , :~~ lion pneration for lowering in the event of main w r I 0 t' I t ~~ ._ . ~. ~' .The patented Extend- '}' A-Reach increases ' ~~ ~ operator versatility in po a oss. p Iona sys ems ~~ include pilot-operated hydraulic controls for Lift, Svving, Telescope and Drive ' ` functions. Low pressure hydraulic oil is used to signal achassis-mounted , main control for smooth operation. .. .. _. _ GROUND CONTROLS Reciprocal control of boom functions allows complete operation /rpm oround during maintenance and emergencies. Complete instrumentation includes Platform/Ground Selector Switch, Overrides for ground user control of Lift, Swing and Telescope, Keyed Master Switch., Ignition/Start Controls, Auxiliary Power, Manual Descent for boom retract and .lower. HYDRAULFC SYSTEM High flow three-section gear pump provides nti I (I w 11 I i- function machine eration. Large volume, open center, vente oir enables constant recycling of hydraulic -oil to maintain low svstem tem era- ir . Proportional control valve provides infinitely variable control in direct ._ . proportion to platform control lever movement. ~~~acH~~~F sPFC~~~c~~~o~~s DIMENSIOPIS 60H (2WD) ~ •~ 60H (4WD) ~`,~ PLATFORM HEIGHT - - - _ ~ n ` 60 (L ~ ,' _ , ~.:.: .- i ~ ;18.29mM 1829m WORKIN6HEIGHT 66tt. ' : ^66 ft ': -..'r : - 2012m f 20.12m st ",,.,.,'~.~i~ 36'x60'x44'. ~36'x60'x44' .': ,~-' PLATFORM DIMENSIONS-STD I ~- - - - ~ ~ ~ 91mx1S2mxi.ttm °.91mxiS2mxlalm.~ PLATFORM '(restricted) ~ 1000 Ibs: (454 kq) 750 lbs. (341 KG) 1000 Ibs (454 kp.) 750 lbs. (3.41 KG) '. CAPACITY .. (unrestricted) 5001bs. (227 •kg.) ~ - ~ 5001bs: (227 kp}' STOWED LENGTH 25 R 11 m T ~ 25 fL;11 m ~' T''" _ _ -' ` ' , ` 7.90m .7.90m +~; ~~ STOWED HEIGHT 9 fC 2 ut _ .-...r . r ~... -.~ . 9 fL, 41n. := tifi;f , ... _. _ . - , ~ WIDTH ., 8 tt 0 in. „,,. 81t. O ul t ~~ „< ~2.41m'. ~'241m TAILSWINC . ;` 3 ft 7 N. _ ,• 3;ft 7 ki. ;;::. x~:a 11m 11m GROSS WEIGHT (appm:l (1)23 000Ibs.~ (1) 23,500 IDS. .~~ frc: '? " (1)10 442 kp (1)10,669~kp' ENGINE , (pas) I 63 HP ®2800 rym 63 HP ®2800 rym ~._ +-.:: . (dieSeQ . ~~ • 47, HP @ 2400 rpm• `' 47 HP ®2400 iprn' ',.~„ 39 ,ppm Ga 2800 rpm :. 39 ppm ®2800 rpm ,, MAIN PUMP OUTPUT' I ~147.8Umm. ~~' 147.8Umut.~ ,; ., ' ' '4,75 ppm ' ~ 4.75 :ppm '~~ + .=1 ' AUXILIARY PUMP OUTPUT : - ~---• ~ -•~•• - ",18 Umut ~ ` 18 L/muL.,,~s,Q,~. ..' ~ S5 U.S pals. '~ ~ SS U:S. pals .. :: ` - , , HYDRAULIC TANK CAPACITY ~ : ~ • 2082 L 2082 L Y ,,,~, 26 U.S: pals: ~ 26 U.S. paLS , FUEL TANK CAPACITY ,~ • : . , 98.5 L . 985 L ~~~ 4.0 mph 3.Smph TRAVEL SPEED ~ { I 6.4 krryhr 5.6 knvhr . >?~•,,,' ;~;R. GRADEABILIT( - TURNING , (2 wheel steer) RADIUS .. I 18 il, 0 in. (5.64 m) 18 It., 0 in:' (5 64 m) ` (outside), (4 wheel steer) 11 ft..91n. 58 m) 11 R.9 in. 3:58 m • SO ft 0 in. ~ SO ft. 0 ut I HORIZONTAL REACH ~ 15.3'm 15:3 m ..•;,:~ v.: T1RES (standard) I 14x175 pneumatic 15 x19:5 , pneunutic • " , ~7F`-`:~"~ ti WHEELBASE I 102 in 102 in ' , .~ •: -. i '' - 259 m 259 m :.' ar .'~; GROUND CLEAAANCE I 12 ut. 14'in ~_.. • ~` 30 cm 36 cm ~~' (1)GVW may increase to meet country standards or with the addition of optional equipment IF N V Z N.O 6 --_ ~ W W T~Q O O IN GROUND e. a ~ ,r. _„___ ___-_ CLEARANCE ~i<°o '- -- (19.9) (,e.~t , (16.. (u.2) ~, (ia:7) (i2.z) (10.6) (9.1) • (7.6) (e.i) (!.B)' (a:0) (1.5- ~~ (•tsl . J(•a.o) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 (ts) p.ol (a.6) (e.t)p•8119.t-(ta.eNU.zKu.~}(1s.zXle,e) . REACN IN FEET/METERS fROM AXIS OF ROTATION 60H+6 REACH DIAGRAM ~JLG's Patented Extend-A-Reach Feature) 75 (zz.9)' 70 (zt,~) 65 (t9.e) 60 (ie.?~ 55 (t6. 50 (ts.z) 45 (u.~) ~j 40 112.21 ~ . 35 ~to.e) '~ 30 (9.t) . 25 p.9`-' 20 .16.1) ; 15 (,.9) ' 1-0 1~.0) , 5 (t.s) Q ~.. •10'(•1.0) .~ •151-4.6) ~. '201-e.t) • ~, X25 (~ e-:::~ , (1.6) (7.0) (s.6116.1117.6){9.1)110.6)(12.2)(1J.1)(16.2X16.ej(te.1) REACN IN FEET/METERS FROM AXIS OFAOTATION' .'. " ~~ { ` - ~ F• n p ~ '..; t. ~. 03 , I t` _ ,d i '~ 6OH REACH DIAGRAM I- 102 ~ 2~69M. _~ ~~• 60H / 60H+6 COMPARISON CHART SPECIFICATIONS 60H 60H+6. 60 tt. 0 in. 66 ft. 0 in. MAXIMUM HEIGHT 18.29m 20.12m 50 tL,O in. 56 tt. 4 in. MAXIMUM REACH 15.3m i7.17m ~ 8 tt. 8 in. 14 tt. 7 in. ~t1ELOW GROUND REACH 2 64m 4 45m STOWED LENGTH 25 h..1 t in. 28 tt. 6 in. 7.90m 8.69m 'i300td ANGLE (above horiz. 75' 75' w15'ART. j (belowhoriz. .2t° -21° -80'ART. LATFORM (unrestricted) SOOIbs.(227kq) 500lbs.(227kg) ~ APACITIES (restricted) 1000165. (454 kg) '•"PLATFORM SIZES 36 in. x 60 in. 36 in. x 60 in. (standard) .91m x 1.52m .91m x 1.52m ~ - 'ROSS WEIGHT(approx) (t) 23,000 lbs. (1)26.250165. (1) 10,442 k9 (1) 11,907 kq (1) GVW ^~ay Increase lO melt COUlrtry Standards Or with the adddion pt O~phon~l equipment ~1 .~ t1 .,/ FOUR-1~11yEEt STEER F.or marieuvering in tight situations, JLG offers four-wheel and crab steer. Four-wheel steer sub- stantially educes JLG's already short outside turn- 's r i ,while crab steer provides one foot ofside- ward movement for every twq feet of forward, ~ enable aositionin icLn tight confined areas. OPTIONAL EOUIPiAE`1T Dual Fuel (LP/Gasoline), F3L912 Deutz Diesel Engine, Extend-A-Reach, Four-Wheel Drive, 8 ft. (2.44m) Minimum Underhang Platform (not avail- able with Extend-A-Reach), Worklights Package, Hostile Environment Kit, Foam-Filled Tires, Travel Alarm, Rotating Beacon; Pilot-operated Hydraulic Controls, and CSA Package. EXTEl•10-A-REACH JLG's patented Extend-A-Reach option is a six-foot articulating boom section attached to the end of the fly boom. The main feature of this extension arm is its ~bili~y to articulate 15 d~arees above or 80 degree=s 4etow horizontal of the main boom. The Exterid-A- Reach option gives the operator the benefit of "up and over" or "out and down" access in areas where a straight boom would encounter interference with such obstacles as structural steel framework, air- craft taiisections, dock areas and overhead duct work. Articulation is accomplished by a solenoid valve. actu= ated hydraulic cylinder enclosed within the exten- sion tube. Platform leveling is accomplished through a master slave cylinder combined with a pantographic link attaching the platform to the fly boom. r .The Extend-A-Reach option articulates 15' above or 80' below horizontal 01 main boom '~ to give operator 'up and over' or 'oul and down access. The rugged 60H and 60H+6 are designed to be durable perform- ers even in the most severe environments. BOOYI Boom sections are manufactured from high strength alloy steel plates with~heavier plates~used for top and bottom boom' . ' assembly. The plates are fixtured and welded simul- taneously on an auto= matictour-headed weld ing machine. The result is a durable .boom with' minimal deflection, long Nigh strength steel boom sections, steel power tracks with Service life and an Opti- seltlubricating discs and heavy duty teat chain extend/retract mum Stren th-tO-Wet h systems are just afew o/the features standard on the 60H.. g g t ratio. The three section power telescoping design includes a midsection operated. by a .double-acting hydraulic cylirider with Toad-holding valve. Ffy section is driven by heavy-duty industrial chain. The chain extension/retraction system is a JLG exclusive and features heavy=duty ieaf'type'chain' Chain has proven to be a~'more durable and reliable performer than cable, and requires' significantly less, adjustment. Self- lubricating discs enable smooth extension an~etractiori for the •powertrack which is externalay mounted tot -easy irisQection and'maintenance of hoses and electri- cat cables. T~~P;lTA3CE/FRA1blE .° Planetary speed reducer driven by hydraulic motor provide's' 360 degree con- tinuous rotation. Multiple disc brake is spring-applied, hydraulically released. Slip-through feature reduces risk of damaoe to boom and swing com orient due to sudden stops or excessive external side forces. ' ~" ~.~ Planetary gear reduction on rear L 3 ~ ~~.~ ' ~ wheels is driven by two-speed reversible. -°,-~---.__~,~ ' ---~. " - ~ ~ ydraulic motors. Flow-diyide.hytlrau h tic a _ I~~'I'" ~f'. 1~,. I ~ system maintains pressure forlncreased • .~ ,, . .:" ~' ' , grade-climbing capability. Automatic ' ~- ' ;- ~ li} spring-applied; hydraulically released . ~: - ~ -'~ ~ - disc brakes on alt drive wheels... ~ _ --- i ~ '~ ~•-~--:,. ""{= "~';:!.I.;;r;`ia~(LE,rOUFi-b~liiEEL=ORh.'E~' '~.~-" - - -"~ Optional oscillating front axle "floats" ` "'_'~~`-"`~; '~~ 4 with terrain improving.wheelrontact Optional oscillating axle and tour wheel drive for ~UperiOl traction on difficult ~jOb combination provide the means to negotiate demandingconditions. sites and outperforms many fixed,axle four-wheel. drive units. Also available with JLG's high-'powered four-wheel drive system which features torque ,hub drive on .all four wheels, balanced by three floav dividers forresp,onsive, powerful'mobiiity. Hi-flotation 15 x 19.5 self-clean- ing tires inGr~' y aina tlit .,~ { ~~ ~~~~ F The JLG 0(VE&FIVE Warranty covers, ihe.enti,re machine for one full year and 'all specified major structural colnpo-' ;vents for five full years. This wacran- ty--the industry's best-.represents JLG's commitment to superior quality. stan- dards. S~R~It~.A~'I~ S;'1>~?Of'i COR~IF}t Of THE' 1~~~~' ~~, Along with a high"level of erigini:er- ~- ing expertise, you can deperid on JLG's~ commitment to,customer satisfaction..:. We ship 90%'of in-stock parts orders' `received from JLG~distcibufors within a 24-hour period=-a level of service envied . by most access and lift equipment man- `~ufacturers: Service support is available: from factory-trained specialists through- ' out~ourextensive distributor network. .' Due to continuous product improvements: we reserve the right to make specification ' ~ and/or equipment changes without prior - notilicafion. ° ~ ' This machine meets or exceeds applicable ' .. _ OSHA Regulations in 29 CFR 1910.67, 1926.451,(tj29CFR 1926.556,ANSl A92.5-1980, as: originally manufactured lob. ,. intended applications. ~', JLG Industries, Ina • 1 JLG Drive McConnellsburg, PA 172339533 Telephone 717.485-5161 Fax 717-485-6417 - ~,. ~: `~.~~~ PERfORI~~~~ ~~' ,A NIGHER LEVEL ~ ~ ~ •' _.~~ ,-~ e i r i i REQUEST, FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/06/97 ...:. ............. . Regular Item,#: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: SHERIFF'S DEPT. / 911 Presenter: • Pa e Count In A enda Package: 12 Contact: SHERIFF MCQUEEN SUBJECT: Emergency Dispatch Consoles and E911 Telephone System Upgrades . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ , The present system requires upgrade to ensure its effectiveness in meeting future needs of the County. The proposed upgrade is comprehensive, addressing technical, ergonomic, and practical needs while accounting for future growth. The upgrade will also change the system to a Windows/NT operating system, which is consistent with current MIS direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County Commissioners approve the contract. t a FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: `" Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ,•_ , Bud et Amendment Pre ared: "" .REVIEWED BY: . ' . LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD:.APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALI COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. . 129 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition O MOTOROLA ~ - - • ~ l Estensionl-zCof Master Rental Agreement #92-016 .EQUIPMENT RENTAL SCHEDULE f ~eplaocs Sckee~t~.le I-A~ EQUIP SCHEDULE NUMBER 20124 DATED ~ Pursuant to Master Lease Agreement Number 92-01 S6 dated as o~ (the "Lease") between Motorola, Inca"("Lessor'") and New Hanover County~ ("Lessee'). • Lessor••hereby agrees to lease to Lessee and Lessee ~hcreby agrees to •lease from Lessor the'items of Equipment .described below, under anc' pursuant to the Lease and the additional terms and conditions stated hereinafter set forth. Words arid phrases not otherwise det'tned herein shah have the meanings assigned thereto in the Lease. _ - _ 1. Description of Equipment. Listed below or attached hereto is a description of the items of Equipment to be leased pursuant to the Lease and this Equipment Schedule, the Lessor's Cost thereof and the amount of each installment of Basic Rent thereof. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TOTAL LESSOR COST -r - .. .. TOTAL Extension of exsisting rental agreement covering alt equipment of the original agreement plus BASIC RENT equipment added during the term See attached equipment list. 9 position Radio Dispatch Consoles and E911 System Monthly Rental Fee,for Consoles $17,263.SS Monthly Maintenance Fee $ 2,038.00 . 9 I I Fh.h ~ rt o d - So -f-~i -f-cr $19,31 LSS, ~ • 2. Oribinal Term. Unless renewed in accordance with Section 9.l of this E ui ment Schedule The Term of the Lease for each item ot~ q P Equipment shall commence upon execution of this Equipment Schedule and shall continue until the Expiration Date for such item of Equipment (as set forth below). ~. 3. Basic Rent Dates. Basic Rent for the Original Term for the items of Equipment shall be payable by Lessee in installments outlined above, commencing on _ in the amounts set forth above. Each payment of Basic Rent shall be due and pa}•able on the first day of.- each month. an~x''y tt l qQ 4. Casualty Value. The Casualty Value for each item of Equipment during the Original Term, of the Lease shall be alt rents accrued and unpaid in addition to the net present value of all remainin; basic rents >vhich ;would has~e otherwise have occurred discounted at 6% per annum from the relevant date plus 10"/u. !J 6. Expiration Date. The Expiration Date for all items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule is FebruQrtl ~-~ t ~,OU __... C IQSt paynten+ 1s F.ebrua~y. ~~ ~ao~.~. [ 7. Delivc Datc, All items of equipment were/will be delivered to Lessee on rY .: .. 8. Acceptance of Equipment. Lessee acl:rtowledges and agrees the execution ofthis Equipment Schedule shall constitute an acceptance of the Equipment. . 9. Renewal Options • •. Provided no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, Lessee shall have the following options at the expiration of the Original Term or any Renewal Term: 9.1 RencwalOptians (a) Lessee shall have the option to renew and extend the Lease as to all, but not less than all, of the items of Equipment covered by this 13 Ortipment Schedule subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Lease for renewal term(s) of month(s) each. Basic Rent for such items of Equipment shall be payable by Lessee in consecutive monthly installments, commencing on the first business day of such Renewal Tenn. Basic Rent payable for and during each such Renewal Term shall be an amount equal to the Fair. Rental Vahte (as such term is defined below) of such items of Equipment. Lessee shall give Lessor written Notice of any election to renew a[ lease 120 days prior to the commencement of any Renewal Term. . ;w • ~:.. (b) The "Fair Rental Value" of an item of Equipment shall be de~erinined on the basis of, and shall be equal in amount to the rental value ~' for a term equal to the Renewal Tenn which'would be obtaineii in an`arin's length transaction between an informed and willin_ lessee (other than a lessee currently in possession) and an informed and willing lessor under no compulsion to lease. If on or before 90 days prior to the date of commencement of the Renewal Term elected by Lessee, Lessot and Lessee are unable to agree upon a ' determination of the Fair Rental Value of the items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule for such Renewal Term, such Fair Rental Value shall be determined in accordance with the foregoing definition by a qualified independent appraiser selected by Lessor but reasonably acceptable to Lessee. The appraiser shall be instructed to make such determination within a period of .0 days following appointment, but in no event later than 60 days prior to the commencement of the Renews[ Term, and shall promptly communicate such determination in writing to Lessor and Lessee. The appraiser's determination of such Fair Rental Value shall be conclusively binding upon both Lessor and Lessee. The expenses and fees for the appraiser shall be borne by Lessee. ~2~e,~- 9.2 ~ctrrlmzr$Irtien~ ' ~~(' Q. ( y , r q, SeC`~im1 , o _ o c.. , v r, ,'^ ~^r p,. =i"`rs +r t9ri•r~ :,all be .. l ° .. _ y. _ .. ~ c. ,- , ,~ 4 ~. t ~ ... .l. , . a L t;-e ~ J .. ~ r ~,• n c. ~ .. .. ., r ..,..-~... .. r. , c CVC[1 a ~ ~ ~ - ~ n L• ~ ~ r. ~ 9.3 Notification Irt the event Lessee fails to give Lessor notice at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the Ori=final Term or Renewal Tenn, if applicable, of Lessee's intent to return the items of Equipment in accordance with Section ~1.1U of the Lease or to exercise Lessee's options to either purchase such items of Equipment or renew the Leave a; to such item; of Equipment, Le;;ot• will hold over with respect to such items of Equipment at the E3asic Rent specified in this Equipment Schedule until Lessee wive; Lessor at least 120 dais prior written notice of Lessee's intention to either return such items of Equipment in accordance with Section X3.1 U of the Lease'or t0 CXeCCI;C . Lessee's options to either purchase such item; of Equipment or anew the Leave a; to such items of Equipment. 10. Tax Indemnification. (a) Taxes. Lessee and Lessor agree that Lessor shall be entitled to the accelerated cost recocen (or depreciation) deductions for federal and state income tax purposes with respect to each item oC Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule, and should, under any circumstances whatsoever, except as specifically set forth below, either the United States Government or am~ state tax authority disallow, eliminate, reduce, recapture or disqualit~', in whole or in part, any benefits consisting of the accelerated cost recovery (or ' depreciation) deductions with respect to any such item of Equipment, Lessee shall indecttnifv Lessor by pa}ment to Lessor, upon demand, of a sum which shall be equal to the amount necesary to permit Lessor to recelce (on an after-tax basis over the Origins! Term of the. Lease) the same after-tax cash flow and after-tax yield assumed by Lessor in evaluating the transactions contemplated hereby ("Economic Return") that Lessor would have realized had there not been a lots or disallowance of such benefits, tosether ' with, on an after-tax basis, any interest or penalties which maybe assessed by the goyemmemtal authority with respect to such loss or disallowance. Lessee shall not be obligated to pay any sums required in this Section l0 with respect to any such item of Equipment i„ t7,c event the c:nisc of the Ions of the deductions result; solely from one or more: of the following event;: (i) a failure of Lessor to timely claim the accelerated cost recovery (or depreciation) deduction; for ;uclt item of Equipment in Lessor's tax return, or (ii} a f cilure of Lessor to have sufficient gross income within the .meaning of The Internal Revenue Cade of 1986, as acttended, and stag counterparts thereof to benefit fiom accelerated coat recovery (or depreciation) deductions. Lessor agrees to promptly notil}• Lessee of any claim made by any federal or state tax authority against Lessor ~yith respect to the disallowance: of such accelerated cost recovery (or depreciation) deduction;. (b) Payment and Enforceability: All amount; payable by Lessee pursuant to Section 10(a) of this Equipment Schedule ;hall be payable directly to Lessor except to the extent paid to a governmental agency or taxing authoriq•. All the mdrmnities contained in Section l0(a) shall continue in full force and eftbct nohyithstandin~ the expiration or other termination of rho Le;u~iti~hG~: or in part'and are expressly made for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by Le;;oc. ~V1 11 • hit WITNESS WIIIrREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Equipment Schedule to be; executed by their respective otticen or employees thereunder duly authorized as of rho day and year set Corth above. ,. . .. ' . __ •- Detailed Equipment list • . ~ • - ' ~ .. New Hanover County Dispatch Consoles and E911.Telephone System Upgrade - ' ~ MODEL DESCRIPTION a . < • .. 81827 Gold Series license Manager 1 .,... X833AA_ ~~~Upgrade to Elite,:Desktop 9 X838 '. .Upgrade to SmartNet Channel (Version. C\D) . ~ 5. . X834 _ lJpgrade to Conventional Channel (Version A\8) ~ . 21 X884AA Upgrade DPI to SPI- " " 1 ' X293 X296 . ,. , ~ Elite Operator Software License SmartNet Channel Software License ~ ~ ~ 3 9 81866 Non-Redundant Trurik Interface Upgrade (TIMI) 1 81868 ' Trunk Logging Interface 8 or 16 Track Upgrade (LOMI) ' ' 1 • B187Q Audio Expansion Interlace Upgrade• 3 ' 81872 -Gold System Timer Upgrade 2 81873 RS232 Board-Upgrade 7 '-, ' 61'877 Gbld Headset Jack Upgrade ~ 18 ~ . 81878 , : .Upgrade Installation Manuals Package ~ ~~~ ~ 1 . ~ .. TDN9927 Gold' Elite (100 MHz Pentium, 1.2 GB Hard Drive, NT Workstation, ethernet) 9 , ~. ' TDN1 ] 65, ~ ELO 17" Touchscreen Monitor, Anti-glare Screen ~ 9 ' ' CDN6171- Marcorii Trackball ~ 9 TDN9928 " L Wmdows'NT Server for ADM / CDM '~ 1 TDN1165" ~. ELO`17" Touchscreen Monitor, Anti-glare Screen 1 ~ , . ~ CON6171 Marconi Trackball 1 . • CDN1221 Network Hub, 24 Ports ~ ~ ~ 1 CDN6221 108ase-T PVC Cable, 1000 Feet ~ ~ 1 CON6624 Snap-On Plug, RJ45 (Pack of 10) 4, ' RVfJ4029K Centracom Radio Service Software 1 8181.8 , CEB Spares Trunking _ 1 81814 Gold Elite Op Spares 1 81813 Gold Series System Spares (COIM). ~1 81841 ~ TRIM (Repeater Expansion) 2 BLN1147 Punch, Block (Spark Gap) 2 • . BMN6013 Gooseneck Mic (For Old Positions) 9 B•1850A 8 Track Logging Recorder Interface 1 , ' 81822 Gold'Elite Series Desktop CIE 3 K703AG _ Goose,fJeck Mic ~ 3 ' r K570A8 Headset Jack ~ 3 ' K704. Second Headset Jack - 3 ' K572' Dual Footswitch ~ 3 K565 - Operator Relocator 3 K154 100` Operator to CEB Cable 3 ' - TDN9927 Gold Elite (100 MHz Pentium, 1.2 G8 Hard Drive, NT"Workstation, ethernet) 3 •" . TON1165 , . ELO 17" Touchscreen Monitor,. Anti-glare Screen 3 CDN6171 ~ Marconi Trackball ~ 3 • BKN6079A 100' Operator to CEB Cable (7 Pair) ~ ", 5 . 8KN6077A 50' Operator to CEB Cable (7 Pair) 6 „ ' BKN6087A 50' CEB to Purich Block Cable (25 Pair) 2 81811A8 Gold Series CEB 2 Cardcage > K307AESP 70" Cabinet ' , . K837AB Express Service Plus 1 '~ K32AP ~ Delete Hot Standby Power Supply ~ C 1 MOTOROLA ONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY BKN6085A Cable for CEB Interconnection 81841 TBIM (Repeater Expansion) _.. BKN6T00:..::...:..;. Power Supply Cable DONETCLOCK2 Netclock/2 Master Clock OQOPT01 Rack Mount DOOPT02 IRIG Option - D08208 Antenna (60 KHz Whip) D08213 Antenna Flat Roof Mount DOCA01200 200' Antenna Cable D08207 Antenna Pre Amplifier ` DOMP08455 Antenna Surge Suppressor D08176 Display Clock D08178T Time Tap DOCA0475 RS485 Interconnect Cable (Clock to First Time Tap & Display) DOCW04100 RS485 Interconnect Cable (First Time Tap to Additional Tap) DOCA02100-- RS232 Interconnect Cable (Clock To CAD)-100' DOCA02025 RS232 Interconnect Cable (lap to Device) 25' - 81876 WWV BIM for Interface to Console K211 9600 Buad D0158900X External Time Sync BDN6412 Call Check OS - - Furniture CDN1330 ANI 2.0 Equip. ALI Software Upgrade ' L1989 Customer Trade in Promotion E638 ENH: Promotion ANI Controller Trade In CDN13t9 ALI Controller Upgrade L1989 Customer Trade in Promotion E635 ENH: Promotion ALI Controller Trade in TDN1163 8 Cable Upgrade TDN1044 8 Port Expansion Board, RJ45 DOALIUPGRADE2 Backup CPU ' DOCDS Call Detail Search CON1329 911 Terminal Emulator/Windows CON1354 ALI-Terminal Emulator Adapter DOL7938 Irisite Management Software and Computer CDN1355 Epson Parallel Printer DODCP4105C Combined Telephone & KEM - FACEPLATES New Faceplates DOring Ring ' 134 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 1 2 2 2 1 1 1' 2- .. 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 13 1'. 1 MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY J a W , J Z O ~, W ~I ~ =S. S ~ ~ F ¢ ~ I ~~~ ~ U N ,~ ~ ~ ~ U U O ' U ^ ~ o S ~ a „ ._. ~~. i ~ ~ ~ < Z ¢ ~ O. ~ W H ~~~ ~ O W H N W 9 ~~7 U - W N a~7p 5 '~ v ~ s Z ¢ F- ' (~ W yS m ~ p,a' Z ~¢ O y F ~ p W ~< ,. ~ ~W~.~~~ ~ ~ a .. U W o ~ a_ ~. _y ~ W ~ ~•' a N U aa 7 U ~9! -- 2 "'~ Z~ -- ¢ ~ o j W O ~ z ~ ~~ ! ~ O J W O H ~ ¢ N ~ 'S _ U o ~ O m Q O Q Q ~ W O a - N ~ W W ~ 7 o fY a ( j ~ tlf p~Q (~ 3 o U J ¢ . N W ¢' = 2 J~ W 2 -~- Q O W O O O W M' r ° ~ $ ¢ ~ 3 i W = v LL p~c N 0 - s o o ,° O 3 . u. N W W ¢ m ~ 7. ¢ < ,~ N NI U ~ r W = p '~ uS ' 3 o W ~ ~ t ~ S ~ ~ d i W ~ ~ 2 w am V W r W ~ y ~y/ w m 3 p < ~ z J = W 8 W p H a: F- O W ~ W W ~ ~ W ~ ' W ~ Q ~ W cp V' ~ v~ . y U ~ u U s W U W U ~ ~ < W . 5 5 Z W . .n ? N Y N ? Z W C~ ! i l i ~ y N pp .. W ~ ~N C 7 • m N ~ ~ ~ W ~ vi ~ O m . ' ." a v U Q` W V ~ W ^ O Z ¢ o' r N a W - J J 1 W `.. ~ W ~ ~ W W ~ i _, -~'W ~ O ..~ ~ ~' .,Q < - ~ 0 1Q ~ ~ O r.. a W W F ~ ~ ., ~ U~ ' ~ j ~ - ' s sW W. . ; yJ 3 ~ ~ G W . (Q'~ W ~ i ~ W - a W W Q. ~ _ - v i ~ 2 ~ / Z O 1 ~< 8S ¢ V. ~ V `J O x 2 C; Z ¢ O ~ ~ ~ x i 12 O p 7 ~ p i .~ ` V s . W ,. ' ~ ` W _ N N F , .~ - NNii ~~N . S.' ~. ~ ~ U o' ' 2 _ _ I ti _ 1 O WI ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ o W N V ~ wo LLl ~~ 5 . ~ ~ ~ ~Z ~ U $ m 2 w ~ ~ Z . o °~ .- . q ~'. C Z Q J N ~ .. ' ° 2 < C 1 ~ O N w t .. Q 0 J m' ~ p~ Z LC 0 F- r ' .: ~ O ~ V ~ J ~ ..~ ] ; ~.v .. ~n U a m v ~ O p S O O O O O O O q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ O ~' N tD O 0 0 0 0 0 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' d) O ~ ~ °D ~ I ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ E N • • O ~ ~ C ~ {~ S O 8 C = ~.. t N COf ~ ~ ~ < ~ g[ ~ G i N O F O 1 <. 1- O r- ~~ 'a ~ ~ 7 p -- E ~ ~ : N W F b ~' ~ ~ ~ V ¢ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ¢ n ~ 2 K x x W .~ ' ' °o o u5 .c u a O - O ~ ~ ~ N ~ m ~ ~ ? ~-. b QQ 8 ~ > ~ N _.~ N ~ O N J _ W W ~ C O ^I ~ .C e - .. J U W < } W ~ m ~ m o y .- ''.~" o J a U' 'J Z ¢' )' V. N ^ O O - O ~ U ~ < < ~ H S ~ ~ ~ ~ . E ¢ Z < ~. W m O O ~ U W O N X W O O F ~ < v~ 0 ~ O ~ ~ ~~ ^^ ~~ ^^ ''~~ ^^ ^ ~~ - a -•JJJ~J _' . 4. ;: New Hanover County, North Carolina SERwcEAcREEMENr Console and E911 Upgrade COMMENTS Motorola Service Contract Comments t The monthly service fee cost has been. calculated to reflect a credit for the one year . warranty period which will begin on January 1, 1.998. The following clarifications apply. to Motorola's maintenance services: 1. Motorola will provide all parts and labor to perform remedial repairs required due to normal wear and tear. - _ 2. All fixed equipment will be covered for repair 7 day/24 hours with a 2 hour on site response to emergency service calls for fixed equipment. If the call for service is not related or caused by equipment under the Motorola Service Agreement, New Hanover County will be invoiced for the service call by~the service provider. 3. They Dictaphone Call Check recorders provided~in this quotation~are provided with a one year warranty. Thereafter, the units are -not covered under~the Motorola - Service Agreement. "`After the first year, New'Hanover should seek a contract with the local Dictaphone service provider. 4..The following are considered Tfiird Party Damages and are not covered under the service agreement: '. A. -Acts of God such as lightning strikes, high winds, and inclement weather. 13. Physical Abuse ~ , C. Damage caused by accidents. D:Fire .. _. ... _ E. Misuse of equipment , F. Theft or Vandalism - ~-- G. Phone line outages or level'pr_oblems H. AC power surges or outages. ~OTOR® LA Design and engineering information oontmned in tho oNerirg if considered propristary and m.y not t» shared weh any person ar agency nol directly aasodatsd wRh Me addressee without the e,rprsae written conssM al Motorda, Inr_, or ti designees. -, . , „~, . - SERVICE :AGREEMENT ~ ' _ THIS SERVICE-AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Motorola, Inc: ("Motorola's and the customer , 9 ( ) dates (Start Date""!and Expirat onODateF especfNely) speci ~e Service Agreement will begin and end on the " in the Order. Form :. ~ . Section'1 DEFINITIONS ~ , "Service Agreement" means this Service Agreement, its attachments including-the Order~Form, and any ~, addenda subs uently executed by the•parties;,~°Order Form° means the Service Agreement Order Form; . ' _ : _ '`Equipment'. means, collectively and in part, the communication equipment specified in the Order Form and . . • 'the communication equipment_subsequently added to this'Service,Agreement • •, ~ . ,,. ,, _ . • ,Section 2 , :": SERVICE'.OEFINED _ A. 'Motorola agrees to provide services for the Equipment as specified in the Order Form subject to the - Statement of Work, if any, and the terms and conditions stated in this Service Agreement (`'Service's. The Equipment will tie Serviced by Motorola in accordance with the following standards: (i) Motorola parts or - parts of equal quality will; be used; (ii) the Equipment will be Serviced at levels set forth in Motorola's product .. manuals-, and (iii) routine service procedures prescribed from time to time by •Motorola for its products will be = .-followed. - •. , • ,. ~ .. , •. t3. Upon written request, Motorola agrees. to Service additional equipment,purchased by Customer from - Motorola during the term, of his Service'Agreement..Motorola may also provide.additonal servicescabove- ` contract services"] at Customer's;written request. All above-contract services and service for additional equipment provided by Motorola are subject to the terms and conditions in this Service Agreement and'shall 6e billed at Motorola's.then a licable service rat .. es. . PP '; .~ ' C. 'Customer may remove Equipment from this Service Agreement. 'However,• Customer agrees to purchase Service fora .minimum period of twelve consecutive months for each piece of Equipment covered under (or . ~± ..later added to);this Service Agreement, unless the Service Agreement sooner expires without renewal, or unless the. Equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair. _ , D: All Equipment must:be in working order at the start of this Service Agreement and Equipment• ' ~' -subsequently added to this Service Agreement-must be in workin order at that time. `Customer a tees to - 9 g provide;a complete serial number and. model•number list prior to the. Start Date, or prior to-the time that the Equipment is added to the Service Agreement. - .. . E. Customer must indicate. on the Order Form any Equipment that is labeled intrinsically safe for use in ' hazardous environments so that appropriate parts and procedures maybe used to maintain such status. , F. If any Equipment is lost, damaged, stolen. or removed'from~service; Customer must immediately notify - ,Motorola in writing. Customers obligation to pay. service fees for such Equipment will terminate at~the end of . . the month in which Motorola receives such written notice. - G, If Equipment cannot in Motorola's opinion be properly or economically Serviced because of (but~not limited to) excessive wear, deterioration,. unavailability ofparts, the state of technology, or the practical. feasibility of , ' ' the scope of Services as specified in the Order Form or Statement of_Work, Motorola, at its sole option but , after consultation with the Customer, may: (1) modify the scope of Services related to such Equipment; (2) r remove such Equipment from'this Service Agreement;. or (3) increase the price to,Service such Equipment. ', Motorola's inability. to provideServices for the aforementioned causes is not a breach of Motorola's . ` ., -..obligations under this Service Agreement. ~ ~ '. ;' - .,~. • . , _ _ .. ., _ ~ _ _. ,. ~ ~ 1 of4 ~ • Section 3 EXCLUDED SERVICES A. Service does not include the repair or replacement of Equipment that has otherwise become defective; malfunctions or damaged due, but not limited, to the following causes: use of Equipment in other than its normal and customary manner; liquid or chemical damage, phjisical or electronic abuse or a misuse, vandalism, accident or neglect, acts of God, lightning, fires orother casualty; causes external to the Equipment including electrical power failure, surges, or anomalies, and inadequate temperature or humidity control; improper or unauthorized disassembly, testing, operation, maintenance, installation, modification, adjustment or repair; environmental conditions not conforming to Equipment specifications. B. Unless specifically included in the Order Form or Statement. of Work, Service does not include repair or maintenance of any transmission line, antenna, tower or tower lighting, duplexer, combiner, or mutticoupler. Where a transmission medium, such as but not limited to telephone lines, E-911 lines, local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), intemet; world wide web, optical fibers, satellite data paths, orother interfacing system, is used in conjunction with the Equipment, Motorola has no obligation or responsibility for such transmission medium or for Equipment malfunction caused by the transmission medium. Upon request, Motorola agrees to assist the telephone company orother third-party at Motorola's then current rates for such service. ~ • C. Unless specifically included in the Order Form or Statement. of Work, Service does not include replacement, installation, maintenance or repair of items that'are consumed in the course of normal operation of the Equipment, such as but not limited to batteries,' magnetic"tapes, cassettes, type elements and computer supplies. Service also does not include replacement of antenna, belt clips,. speaker microphones, or battery chargers on portable radios. ~ ~' .. D. Unless specifically included in the Order Form or Statement of Work. Service does not include reprogramming or repairs to optional accessories, custom or special products (SP's), modified units, and non-standard software: ~ ~~ ~ ~ • E. Service does not include repairs to Equipment'located in an environment that is hazardous to the safety or health of Motorola employees, agents, or subcontractors. • Section 4 ~ .RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT/ASSIGNMENT - Motorola has the right to assign this Service'Agreement and to subcontract in whole or in part its perfomlance called for by this Service Agreement. Section 5 TIME AND PLACE OF SERVICE • ~ • ~ ~ - Service will be provided. at the location(s) specified in the Order'fo~m. Where service is to be performed at the Equipment's location, Customer agrees to furnish shelter, heat, light, power, and necessary equipment (except that normally supplied by Motorola) at no charge. Motorola will have full and free access to the Equipment, and no waiver of liability by Motorola against Customer or other restrictions will tie imposed by Customer as a site access requirement. In addition, Customer`agrees to fully cooperate with Motorola and to provide all information pertaining to the hardware and software elements of any system with which the. Equipment is interfacing that is reasonably necessary to enable Motorola to perform its obligations under this Service Agreement. Unless otherwise specified ih the Order Form or Statement of Work, the hours of Service will be the standard business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.;'excluding weekends and holidays. Section,6 RISK OF LOSS ~ - ' Motorola assumes risk of loss of Equipment only while the Equipment is on Motorola's premises. Customer assumes risk of loss of Equipment during shipment and while it is on Customer's premises and in its vehicles. Section 7 PAYMENT On or about the date each payment is due, Motorola will send Customer an invoice covering the Service fees u f rye ext payment period. All other charges will be billed monthly, and Customer must pay each invoice ,tit i •rty (30) days of the invoice date to the Motorola office designated by Motorola. Each invoice will be ue an payable whether or not the Equipment is operating. Customer agrees to reimburse Motorola for all property taxes, sales and use taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes or assessments now or hereafter imposed 2of4 ., ~ i ~4' - .. ~ - ., t .' - v by any federal, state or local government,with`respect to this Service Agreement, except income,`profit, and . . - franchise taxes of Motorola., ~ `. ~~Section.8 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE Customer must notify. Motorola immediately of any Equipment failure. Motorola will respond to Customer's - . notification ~in_ a manner consistent with the level of service purchased. ' ,. Section 9 EXCUSABLE DEFAULT - r - Neither party is liable for delays or lack of performance resulting from causes beyond that party's :. reasonable control.. Such causes include, but are not limited to: acts of God; fire; unusually severe . weather conditions; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; strikes; material shortages; acts of war, riots; . freight embargoes; compliance with laws or regulations; government action; acts or failure to act by Customer, its agents, employees, or subcontractors; and Motorola's subcontractors' failure to provide or ~ • . ~ delay in providing service due to such causes. •, • r .. ~- Section 10 ._.. WARRANTY ~ . • In the event that>the Services provided under this Service Agreement include material defects at the time of ' .completion, Motorola agrees to correct any Services for which written notice of such defects is°received by 'Motorola within,30 days of the date Service was provided:. -This obligation will apply only'with respect to Equipment that has not been abused, misused, neglected, improperly installed, repaired, altered, or damaged. including being operated or maintained not in conformance with~manufacturer's instructions or specifications. This section sets forth Motorola's entire liability and Customer's exclusive remedy for any defects in Service . ~ under this Service°Agreement. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS SECTION, MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL ` 1NARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED ~- '. WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT • WILL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES flELATED TO WARRANTY OR THEQUALITY OF THE SERVICES PERFORMED TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY~BE.OISCLAIMED BY LAW. ~ ~ ~• ' . •- .. - , Section 11 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ~ - ' - Notwithstanding any other provision, Motorola's total liability, whether for breach Hof contrail, warranty, indemnity, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise, is limited to the price of twelve months of.Services • sold hereunder with respect to which losses or damages are claimed. IN NO EVENT WILL MOTOROLA 6E LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS ' _ OR SAVINGS, OR OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR' CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE ..FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. Section 12 - CERTIFICATIONS .- ~. .Motorola specifically disclaims all certifications that are not signed by an authonzed signatory on Motorola's ~. standard certification forma ~~ Section 13 DEFAULT/TERMINATION ,, ~ .. , Customer agrees to provide Motorolawritten notice of any default of•this Service Agreement stating thee- - ~ nature of the default.. Motorola will have at least sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice to cure such. default. If Motorola does not cure the default within this period, Customer may ter"urinate that portion. of the Service Agreement that is in default by giving Motorola thirty (30) days prior written notice. In the event of termination under this Section, Motorola's. total liability for default is limited to the price of. sixty (60) days of ' :.Service for the terminated portion of the Service'Agreement. Section-14 EXCLUSIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ • A. This Service Agreement .constitutes the final and exclusive statement. of the agreement between Motorola and Customer, and supersedes all prior and concurrent agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, related to the subject mattercontained herein. The Service Agreement may not be altered a e ed, or `modified except by written agreement signed by both parties:' ~ ~ ~, ~- . . - 3of4 z B. Customer agrees to reference this Service Agreement on all purchase orders issued pursuant to this Service Agreement. Neither party will be bound by any terms or conditions contained in Customer's purchase order or_elsewhere (even if it is attached to the Service Agreement). In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Service Agreement and any of its attachments or addenda, the order of precedence will be: Addenda: this Service Agreement; Motorola's Proposal or Statement of Work, if any; other attachments agreed to by both parties. Section 15 FCC LICENSES AND OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS Customer is solely responsible for obtaining licenses or other authorizations-required by the Federal Communications Commission 'FCC ") or any other federal, state or local government agency and for complying with all rules and regulations required by such agencies. Neither Motorola nor any of its employees is an agent or representative of Customer in FCC or other governmental matters. Motorola may, however, assist Customer in preparing any license application. - ~ ~ . Section 16 OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - Nothing contained. in the Service Agreement or elsewhere will be deemed to grant directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any ownership right or license under any Motorola patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property including any intellectual propertycreated as a resuk of or related to the products - . sold or Services performed under this Service Agreement. u Section 17 GENERAL TERMS - A. If any term or provision of this Service Agreement is held by a court or other tribunal to be invalid, void or unenforceable, that term or provision will be inoperative and void insofar as it conflicts with faw, but the remaining terms and provisions of this Service Agreement will continue in full force and effect. ,. ., B. Section and' paragraph headings are for convenience only and are not to be'deemed' or construed~to be part of this Service Agreement. _ - - C. THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT AND THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PARTIES WILL BE+ - `` GOVERNED AND INTERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF6fS-Tvo~~1 - Cato i /LQ , D. No assignment or transfer, in whole or in part, of this Service Agreement by Customer will be binding upon Motorola without ifs prior written consent. ~ u E: Failure or delay by either party to exercise any right, power, `or privilege under this Service Agreement will a not operate as a waiver of that right,• power, or privilege. - F. Except for money due upon an open account, no action may be brought for any breach of this Service Agreement more than one (1) year after the accrual of such cause of action except where a shorter limitation period is provided by law. r " . ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Service Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Start Date spec'rfied on the Order Form: - Customer - ~ Motorola, Inc. .~ Sign: Sign: Print: print; Title: Title: ~~~Q Date: 4of4 This page intentionally left blank 142 -.~:$ ~ :~. "' . •' ~ FUNDING SOURCE: .. _- 'Federal S: State $: County Ss User Fees S: - '" Other S: Money Is In Current.BudgetsPes ~~ New Appropriation Request: ' Bud' et Amendment Pre ared: Yes ~~~ , REVIEWED BY: ; . _ ~ _ _ .~ . ~ :. LGL FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN I IR: N/A AMALLETT . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recomrriend, approval. -" ' - ` CQUNTY C~MMt.IUN , . ~ ~~M~y~~ 14 3 ~ . . MfARD~ 1 • Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~"~""~ ~ r7 (D 9 / RESOLUTION _.. ... ... OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension Office has a Xerox 5335 Copier, serial number 9K6-602364, fixed asset number 011932 which needs to be declared as surplus; AND WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension Office would like to dispose of the copier pursuant to G.S. 160A-266 as a trade-in, in the amount of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400.00); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Xerox 5335 copier, serial number 9K6-602364, fixed asset number 011932, will be sold by the Finance Once pursuant to G.S. 160A-266 as a trade-in, in the amount of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400.00). This 6th day of October, 1997. (SEAL). .. l Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~~~~~~ ~~, 144 ~ ~+~ . _.. ~:~,dw .. 1. r Budget Amendment 1.. DEPARTMENT ' ~ BUDGET ANIENDIVIENT # ~ . .DATE Cooperative Extension Service - 98-0039 10=6-97 • . , ,. • . t ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT , 'Cooperative Extension Service .. :.Sale of Fixed Assets $1,400 - Equipment Rent $1,400 ~. ~~ _. -- .R. ;• ~. .EXPLANATION - . . ~_ To budget copier trade-in allowance for•rental payments on new copier.. _ .. ,, ': COUNTY CQMMISSi~~' . APPROVES _ , F2EMOV~a D a ° - ' ~~~~•~~~ ~ ~ For Budget officers approval; then report . _ " ~ ~ • to Commissioners e~~ar meeting and enter in minute ` - ,/ '~ Qj~T~ 3L To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. .• This page intentionally left blank ~~ ~~ ~~~ 146 ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ fpq EZegular Item #: consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management ,. Presenter: , page.Count In,Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church. SUBJECT: , " Award of Contract #98-0141 Purchase and'Installation of a Baffle in Landfill. Lagoon. , ' BRIEF SUMMARY: - ~ ~ The landfill lagoon is a portion of the leachate or wastewater treatment process. The two acre lagoon serves . to hold the leachate until it can be pumped to the treatment plant. Some`tieatment occurs in. the lagoon . through the faculative process. During a study of the treatment process conducted by a consultant over the- '~past year, it was. discovered that short circuiting was occurring across the lagoon. This caused fresh, .undiluted and untreated leachate to move directly to the pump supplying the treatment plant and impacting - the treatment. The consultant advised and we concur that the installation of a baffle down the middle of the lagoon will prevent short circuiting, allow better mixing, provide better: treatment, and provide a more consistant influent to the treatment plant: The treatment capability should be improved in the treatment ; plant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: '`Staff recommends award of contract #98-0141 for thepurchase. and installation of a baffle in the lagoon to i Containment-Systems Corp. in an amount of $13,966. Funds~are available in the landfill capital account.., -Informal bids were received as follows: - Containment Systems Corp. $13,966.00 " i ., Environetics $15,674.00 _ Crocker & Associates: Inc. $22,927:00 ° ' -~ .. FUNDING SOURCE: 'Federal $: 'State S:: County $: 13,966.00 .User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget:,yes New Appropriation Request:. , laud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEWED BY: ,. , . '. LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT' COUNTI' MANAGER' COMMENTS AND' RECOMMENDATIONS• ,Recommend approval of the contract.. The contract is vot 'n ` us and is not attached .in he printed material. .The contract is available in my office for inspection. ' ~ ~ _ eouNn coMM~ss~oN~as ~. APPROVED ~,~ . ,'~ REJECTEp . , ~ . RfMOVEp ~p 1 47 PQSTPt}NEA D ~ ,Refer to Oda Vision Bulletin Board: for Disposition ~~~~ ~ ^_ ~J NEW HANOVER COUNTY D TNTF.R -(IFFTC'R =MEM t Y ii September 15, 1997 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager (~ FROM: Ray Church, Director / ; Environmental Management j RE: .Award of Contract for Lagoon Baffle New Hanover County Landfill ~~ . In 199.6 staff of the Environmental Management Technical Section commissioned a consultant~to study leachate treatment at the New Hanover County Landfill. The consultant, Cavanaugh and L~ Associates, were to review operating data and make recommendations to improve the treatment capabilities. Among the recommendations was the installation of a baffle across the length of the lagoon and to relocate the point where leachate is pumped from the .lagoon to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The purpose of the baffle is to divide the lagoon into two distinctively separate sections causing the leachate to flow in one direction. Without the baffle, wind currents and pumping rates of the leachate force main allow raw. leachate from the cells to short circuit across the lagoon to the pumps supplying the WWTP. The short circuiting causes a,lack of leachate mixing and detention time in the lagoon. The impact on the WWTP is an inconsistent influent causing inconsistent treatment. The installation of the baffle will prevent short circuiting in the lagoon, allow for mixing of raw and partially treated leachate, and provide a consistent quality influent to the WWTP. Informal bids for the purchase~and installation of the baffle were received from three firms as follows: Containment Systems Corp. $13,966.00 Environetics, Inc. $15.,674.00 Crocker & Associates, Inc. $22,927.00 Staff recommends award of a contract to Containment Systems Corp. for the purchase and installation of a baffle as described in their proposal it97157 dated June 2, 1997. Funds for this project are available in .the Landfill budget. If you have any q (ue~sjt~ions, please call. p~y ~P:j'r^1 mIF"t'~^~"fI1C~d' ~ UI U ~fy R'.~s~i i.,~e -'ii:... .:sv c Dave Weave`r~',~Assisiant=County Manager t~~ ~ '~'T~,}$cal Staff ~ ~1'~Z~~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #:,7 , " `Additional Item Department: Environmental Management Presenter: -Ray Church ' Pa e Count In A enda Parka e: Contact: Ra Church -. _ - SUBJECT: - Awazd;" of Contract #98-0063 to .Law Engineering and Environmental Serv. Installation of Leachate " Collection Wells -Cell #l = NHCo. Landfill ~,.. - ... - ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: • In 1.995. a breach of the liner. system was discovered on the northeast slope of Cell #1 at the landfill. A temporary collection system"was installed to collect the leachate and drain it to the lagoon: In 1996. a study was conducted to determine the cause of the breach.' The study determined that leachate was mounding or perched in the area of the breach, possibly caused by impervious waste or a reduction in the ability of the leachate collection,system to remove the leachate. -The consultant recommended the installation of three leachate collection wells along the eastern perimeter of the cell to withdraw the leachate. A Request for Three s rlo os s developed for the •work and submitted to seven` (7) firms capable of performingahe work: P ~' - ~ . p p, als were received. , ~.. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . ;~, ` , Bids for the work were received. as follows:,` Law Engineering.and Environmental Services . - $60,834 National. Environmental Technologies. ~ - $47,850 _ nBabb & Associates, P.A. ~ = $75,000 -- ` Staffrecommends award of the contract to Law Engineering and Environmental Services instead of NET for reasons as further described:inthe attached memorandum. Essentially,,I do not feel the County should rimake the guarantee requested by NET. As this project is a portion of the, closure of Cell # 1, funds~will be taken .from the landfill capital projects account. A change, order for additional work is anticipated. Recommend awazd of contract #98=0063: ~.~ ~ . " FUNDING SOURCE:- ~ - Federal'S: ~ ".State $:. County S: 60,834 ' User Fees Sr . Other S: ~ ~~ n .. . Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre tired: .. ~ ~ . REVIEWED BY: ~ - , . - . .,. ` LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFF IN HR: N/A AMALLETT - . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATION i :Concur with awarding the bid to .Law. Engineering and Environmental S es. The proposed contract is voluminous and is notattached in the, printed material. The contract is av e ' my office for inspection: . .. ~ k~,tlrCTED ~~ ~ ~ 1 - ~, R~MVV~~ ~ 4~ . ~~ ~~POS~'PbNI*p C3= .,, ~ ~ ,~ ~ ` Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition r~~'~~ "~ - ~ . ~k . • NEW HANOVER COUNTY TNTF.R-(1FFTC'F. KMEM September 24, 1997 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Ray Church, Director Department of Environmenta Management . ... RE: Award of Contract # 98 - 0063 Installation of Leachate Collection Wells ,. -_ .. - .New Hanover County Landfill, Cell # 1 In the winter of 1995, a small breech of leachate was discovered on the northeast side slope of Cell # 1 at the landfill. To prevent the leachate from impacting the groundwater, temporary measures were taken immediately to contain the leachate. A sump was constructed with liner and a line was laid to allow the leachate to flow by gravity~to the lagoon. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was developed for an engineering hydrological assessment of Cell # 1. The purpose of the assessment was to determine the extent of the leachate problem in the cell and the best path toward corrective actiori. -The assessment determined that leachate was higher than the breech along the northern acid eastern sides of the. cell but was not encountered along the west or southern side. The Erigineer determined that the leachate at the higher . elevation may be; due to trapped landfill gas and recommended the installation of borings into the garbage to relieve the trapped gases. The installation of pumps to remove the leachate was also recommended. ' Seven firms capable of performing the work received a Request for Proposal.-In the RFP the bidder was informed that elevations shown on the plans were based on :construction drawings as no as-builts were required~when Cell #1 was constructed. Due to the concern of penetrating the primary liner underneath the landfill, the bidder was requested to specify alternative methods for advancing to the bottom elevation of the wells to protect the liner. The proposal submitted by National-Environmental Technologies included an alternative method . , of advancing a two (2) foot split spoon sampler to sample until the sand layer ~vas.reached. The .proposal also stated that the County must.guarantee the sand is at least three (3) feet thick andht,thdeptoh"~tojttiel~ner is as least 25 feet below land surface and accept responsibility~„Wof liiier,~penetration if these assumptions are not valid. II,. ~~~~, ~~~ Y ~} ~~ xa~~ - ' _- r ~ . , ._ . ~ ~ - { f • ,. • , ~. ~, • Allen' O'Neal ,September 24; .1997 • :' „ • . Page 2 .. ` ~i . _ • Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. also submitted an alternative method of adyancing,a split spoon sampler but at only six-inch intervals from 25 to 38 feet, below land' surface or until the drainage layer is reached'. • ~ , Due to the concern of penetrating the primary liner, it is the reeommendation.ofstcff that the ,' proposal submitted by Law Engineering and Services, Inc:-be accepted. The method proposed by Law~of advancing the sampler at only six-inch intervals, while mole costly;.is less, likely to penetrate the bottom liner. Staff also does not wish to accept responsibility of liner;penetration . - as required in the proposal submitted by National Environmental Technologies. In the Request for Proposal, and in each proposal received, it is recognized that the potential exist • to have to abandon a'boring, relocate,. and start over. The reason for this is the Geoprob`e or drill - .. rig rriay encounter amateral-which can not be penetrated." (It was common to dispose' of . , • .appliances-and other bulky items in the area ,where the wells will be installed as the rohibition P on the disposal of appliances in tfie landfill did not exist when Cell # 1. was in operation.) Due to - • * . the uncertainty of being able to install the wells without interference, abandonment of a boring • wily be addressed through a change order,, if necessary.:. Exploratory boring (Geopiobe) costs of $30.50 per foot will be reimbursed at 100% for failed boreholes. Abandoning the 36 inch boring • ~~ for the well-will be reimbursed at $26:83 per. foot or 1/3 the~total cost of'a complete :boring. ` , - The installation of the wells is a portion of the. Cell.#l Closure requirements. The NC Solid ~ : - Waste Section agreed to allow the°County tore-open the cell to receive.hurricane debris with the • condition that wells be installed to remove the leachate, and a cap be installed to prevent the ~_ infiltration of storm water upon closure.. Funds are available in the landfill budget for'the completion of this project. . ~ If you have. any questions or need additional information, please call. .. c: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~` ~. ~ . ~;1 i - ,. ,`. - . , .~ ~ ~ - 151 Tliis page intentionally left blank 152 _ - _--- Meeting Date: 10/06/97 ,, _ .: ` Regulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 8 ~ Additional Item #: ' ' Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crompton Pa e~ Count In A enda Contact:,Howard Brown' SUBJECT: - Acceptance. of Foster'Grandpazent Program Grant for the Department of Aging from the Corporation for a National Service. ' , . ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY:. The Commissioners approved the application for a Foster Grandparent Program Grant at the meeting on 07/07/97. The -- newproject will be coordinated through the RSVP program of the. Department of Aging. The original approved grant' application' was $209,895. New Hanover County was chosen as one of only 25 applicants nationwide to receive a -Foster Grandparent Grant. Foster Grandparent Volunteers work 20 hours per week with special needs. and disadvantaged children.. This program will-offer work/volunteer.opportunities for low income seniors while .helping n ~ ~ disadvantaged children. The Grant Award will be $114,000 instead of $209;895 and will require no county cash. Since . we are three months-into the budget year, grant for FY97-98 will be 85% of $114,000..($96,899) & local in-kind ` ~ $29,045. The grant is continuing and' will be renewed annualy. FY 98-99 will be. $209,895, with an in-kind match . . .. of $33,527. ~ . - . _ ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend £ommissioners.acceptance of the Foster Grandparent Grant, and approval of related budget amendment 98-0037. - .. ~. ' . . FUNDING SOURCE:.. "'` ~ - Federal $: 96,899 State S: County ~; 0 User Fees ~: ~ Other Sr IK 29,045 Money Is'In Current.Budget: - ;•New Appropriation Request: .Bud et Amendment Pre ared: Yes ~ ` o .; .. REVIEWED BY: ' ' _ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FINN APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMiVIENDATIONS• ~' .. ` Recommend approval with the stipulation that if grant funds are terminated the County wi .n t continue ,. the program. ~~~~t ~ ~~~a x.11=CT~L~ L'~ ~ aU~ !~~,REMC3IPEA t~ .~ .. ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~- ; ~r~>t ~~ ~sT~r~~ 1~53~~ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for D~sposiuon ~ .~~ ATE ~ ~~~ / ~ , B~xdgef Ame~ndmenf i.:.:.i\ i\:J':w:~ i:v:C::L:^:~^:<i ~:..~ . `l . .. ~: .. . ^!C.M!^.µ!.r!l!`^'~. .. h: • .fit. .. ...... .. .. .!'~!n'.w~~.;; .~'~~.www~,..;w~wiw~ .....a. h\...~~.T,•:~~~..-u..~~_.vv..~:iv:5^::}nv.:::v:~:ii':':'.:ii::~_iii1:>.ri:i~~~~~"~i t. J..\J:<:~:':~:.~:~:v~:~~~,.n..; .; .. ~.:. •~v..:v.i.~.. ..•........ ....n,. ~~:n~.vnv:.v..:~:.~.i.:~C ....:....... ::: .:..:v'?:i'F.!~~i;::: 'i .......~ .:. ~ . :a:::::~:...,v~.:.;...;: .-.... ...-..moo::, ........... •C wr. "\.~ ...... .. \:: ;~:gii .... -...u•........ .:...... \a .......... ~.:\ ... ...:i:.. .a~: :. h i 1J`ft`' r DEPARTMENT: ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: .Aging-Foster Grandparent 98-0037 10-6-97 'Program AD TMENT: JUS DEBIT: CREDIT: Aging-Fos er Grandparent Program Foster Grandparent Grant $96,899 u • Temporary Salaries $17,963 •_. FICA 1,374 Employee Reimbursements ~ 482 •Training and Travel• ~ 1,018' Volunteer Auto Expense 8,176 Volunteer Stipends 67,886 ._ _ .. EXPLANATION . „ To establish budget for Foster ,Grandparent grant awarded to the j Department of Aging. ~ .. .. ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~'~`~GOU:NTY COMMISSION~~ ~ . ~~`~~~'~ ~~PPROVED C;~ .. 1;._.54 ~-~~~~~~©v~o o ~ _ ~;~," ~RD ~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report ^~~*, RTE ~~ /~.j~n//~,t ,,,,~ ~, to Commissioners at neat regular meeting <.r, • ' "''!.~+~~."-;'~=~=~ a UJk' ~~j~` T! ~mw~~ ~ and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered Into minutes. _...- _ - ~ ~ Regular Item #: ~_ Consent Item #: 9 ~ Additional Item #: -Department. WASTEC Facility Presenter: ~~ Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 'Contact: Am Akin ' '. . . ,....SUBJECT: ~ ~ - - ,Approval of contract # 98-0136 with Midwesco Filter Resources, Inc. for 1024 filter bags and 1024 cages for the baghouse. ~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: WASTEC staff has researched, at length, the possibility of redesigning the filter bags and cages used in the ~~ ' baghouse of the WASTEC facility. The WASTEC staff has contacted four different vendors and has been - ~ able.. to find just one vendor .that can manufacture a working new design. Approximately $82,000 'was budgeted to replace all bags and cages this year. This new product will cost $67,890.48 resulting in a savings of approximately $14,000. Staff is~requesting approval of contract'with vendor as a;sole source :, purchase allowed in General Statute 143-129(f).. - '. ~~: . ,. - _ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - ~ Staff recommends adoption.of attached resolution ,approving contract # 98-0136..with Midwecso Filter ' Resources, Inc: in the;amount of $67,890.48 for 1024 filter bags and 1024 cages... Contract approval made ~under`the sole source provision of General Statute 143-129(f). Draft contract.attaehed. :- ~ .. ,~.~. Y ,, .. , , _ ,, _ ~ FUNDING SOURCE: _ - - Federal $: State $: County $: 67,890. User'Fees Sc Other S: t. . ,. Money Is In Current Budget: Yes ~ New Appropriation Request: No ~ - Bud et Amendment Pre ared: No ". ~ .. ' .. . ~ . ..REVIEWED BY: ~. LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL 'BUD: APP ~CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• i Recornmend~ approval as-noted above: ~ The contract is voluminous and is not attached in the printed material. The contract is available in my office for inspection _ ;, e ,:. ' ~ . , ~ UNTY CQMM(SSIQNEI~S ~ - ~. ' ~ APPRt3VED Lv-~ REJ~C ~ EEI C] '' . 55' ... .. ~~~©vf<Q o ,, ... '. Refer to Office Vision Bullcun Boazd for Disposition . j }'~~~~ Q ,. , . , RESOLUTION - OF THE _ ...:._ ............. BOARD OF COlviIvLISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, filter bags and`cages are required in the routine operation of the baghouse in the WASTEC Facility; AND WHEREAS, the replacement procedure for the existing bags during routine maintenance is very labor intensive; AND, WHEREAS, BHA Group, Inc. completed an assessment of the baghouse and proposed anew design of a bag and cage eliminating the need for a clamp, but unfortunately, the sample bag did. not fit and furiction as desired; AND WHEREAS, Midwesco Filter Resources, Inc. completed an assessment of the baghouse and also proposed a new style bag and cage eliminating the need to use the clamp and Midweco Filter Resources sample hag and cage fit and functioned precisely as required; AND WF-IEREAS, another bag manufacturer, Gortek, was called in to 'offer suggestions but did not offer any design changes and only suggested a new material for the bag and did not provide cages; . AND WHEREAS, United McGill, the designers of the Beta/Mark Baghouse, do not manufacture the bags and utilizes filter bag manufacturers to produce the bags for their baghouse and their current design did not include the new design being recommended; AND WHEREAS, General Statute 143-129(f) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; .. ; AND WI~REAS, the WASTEC staff has worked for the past year exploring options and has , been able to find only one vendor that'can produce the design requested that will fit and work as' needed; _ _ - AND WHEREAS, the WASTEC Facility was budgeted $82,000.00 to complete an entire change out for the baghouse this fiscal year and this purchase will cost Sixty-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars and Forty-eight Cents ($67,890.48) resulting in a savings of approximately $14,000.00 from the budgeted amount; " - U AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No: " 700-485-4195-3920-33 to cover this contract; (~j ~-~~1~ +~i~A ~,., ~~ ~~ :1I ~~` ~ ~`t 158 _. .- FUNDINGSOURCE: ' Federal S: _:'-State S:. .. County $: - .' User Fees $: Other S: 1 ~- Money TS In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: ,~ Bud et Amendment Pre aced: .REVIEWED BY• - ~ - -. - •. <~ LGL: - FIN: BUD: HR: ~. ' COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMNIENDATIONS• r Recommend adoption of NCDOT road additions. co~sn~Tv coMMiss oN€RS .. .. /~F~ROVED . REJECTED, - ~ .. REMOVED - p . ~ :: ' ~ POSTPONED p 1.5 ' NEAR ' ~. Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~T~ ~~ f~7 09/18/97 • NORTH CAROLPi IA STATE DEPARTI~NT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on.SENTRy OAKS DR iVF qMB FSID D 1~~ FHL.ER COi1RT F1.rIT1 S F T AND ANHAM 1~RTVF (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in 11EW HANOVER county do hereby, requesi the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .84 miles in length and at the present time there are _.$_L-occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. -Finally, we-agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME -- -- - - MAILL~IG ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: JAiV1EY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, INC. ' . P.O. BOX 4127 c~~~ie~~~l~~iQ~ ' F { t,~, ; ~ WILMIlYGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7301 ~.i.i" _. ~~?•~:a~....1 1 jw~d Form SRS` 1 (5~-83`)~A~11 previous forms obsolete. ((~~ ~~~ . ~~1~ • . ~`~ ..:,i . TELEPHONE - , ,. •• ~• ,.. .. , .. , :.NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' `•. REQQEST FOR ADDITION-TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM °,. _. _ -- -_ • ~ .. ~ - North .Carolina _ ° ~ _ ' .. • ' County of New Hanover.,., .. ~.. • Road (s) Description:. SENTRY OAKS SUBDIVISION . • y ~- ~ • p e - •. • . ,• .. ` ' ., WHEREAS,,the attached petition has been filed-with .the Board of Count Y Commissioners of the County of. New Hanover requesting that. the above described ' • , road(s), the location of which has been indicated i.n red on ,the. atta"ched map;. be • -added to the .secondary Road System; and" ' _ r described oad(s)e should beCa ded to tthe Secondar RoadeS stem2if the oadove ` Y Y (s) • meets mznimum•standards and ciiteria established by the-'Division of Highways of -.the Department:~of Transportation for the-:,,addition of roads tQ the System. ~' '~ NOW;. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the-Board of Commissioners of'the County ` of; New Hanover that the Division of: Highways is hereby re,quested~to review the " above described road(s),, and to•take over the road.(s).,for maintenance if they meet. established standards `and criteria. - - •• - ~ • CERTIFICATE.; • , .. .. `_ • ~.° The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the' Board:.of Commissionez-s of the County of New Xanover at .a meeting on the~` - -. 6TH day of` . OCTOBER , 1997... • - _ ~ ,~ _ WITNESS my hand-and official seal this the "" day of ' - ~ - 1997. .. .. .. , -, • . ' y ' ; : 11~ C • Lucie F. Harre leek New Hanover Coun y Board of • ~ ,Commissioners • o .• F rm •SR-2 • Please Note; Forward direct to the District Engineer., Division, of Highways.~• resoZute.wp • _ - . ~ ._ 161 - ~ ..t 1 ..• NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF'_ TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION Plorth Carol-ina - COUnty of New Hanover September. 8,1997 Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System ~~) Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being all of the property owners on ~3P~-fin (~•poCQS section 1 thur 3 (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number in° New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Oepartment.of Transportation to add the above described road. ., We further advise that the road requested to ~ is miles . in-.length and at the present time there are occupied ,homes located on the road and having entrances into-the road. . ;. •. . finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way • sixty (60) feet in width extending the;entire length of the road that is requested . to be improved along with the necessary areas .for cut and fill.. slopes-and drainage.. Also, we agree~to dedicate additional" right-of-way~in the public road intersections for sight distance and design ~pur•pases ~and'to. execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways in order that the Division of Highways fulfill the requirements of~Chapte r 1244, 1959 Session of, the General Assembly of North Carolina. ' REMARKS Two copi of recorded subdiv'sion plat enclosed if applicable PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ~ ~ ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: University Group ~~~ ~- ~~„~~~" Terry.Turner 395-4006 P.O.Box 4517 Wilmin~toni N C 28406 ~- y Revised Form SR-1 (6-78) All previous forms obsolete ' SEP Q ~ )?c~ !~~ NEW HANOVu? ~ ~ ~ i BD. OFD COM~~!!~~;~' ...5 ~..~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT' OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM. North Carolina ' County of New.Hanover Road(s) Description: BEACON WOODS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated .ui red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and ~ ~, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets miriirircrrii standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of ' the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board. of Commissioners of the County of IVew Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the ~~ above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance zf they . meet established standards and criteria. >- ~ ~ ; w: CERTIFICATE ' n The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of ~`'~' Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the ~ ~ "`,~ 6TH day of .OCTOBER , 1997. ~~ ,, „ WITNESS my hand and official seal. this the day of .,, 1997.. - i .. ~: .._ _ , .~ Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk ~~, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ` ~ ~_. Form SR-2 ; Please Note: Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. , ~~ ~ resolute.wp ~ ~ j ~ r ~ ' . .. :164 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, .} :a .. . . t .~ .. . , _ e ~ s - e , . ~ ~ - .. . _ ., f - _ ~ - - . .. CONSENT AGENDA - . , ~.. ' ~ ~ ITEM NO. 11 . - ~11~get Amend~ent October 6, 1997 ~~ e: ~.~ ` ~ ~,;. .. ...,...:~.-.,::~.:rS: -. ..,: ::v~. :~ {~... .. _ wa ~ ... .... ....... Z:. .... .... .... .......:r ~]?EPARTMENT~ ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: '~ _ ~ Controlhed Substance Tax. 98-13' ` - ~ 10-6-9~7.'.~ Capital, Project .- AD . TMENT~: ~ EBIT: - ~ .. RED , ~_ IT C_o~trolled Substance Tax Capital Project ~ ~ ' :~ _- Control~led Substance Tax '$7,931 . ~`. Capital Pro-ject Expense ~ $7,931 ,. ~~ ' - . . ~ ,~ . .~ .. W~ ~ , . ~ _ EXPLANATION. 't> , To increase budget for ,additional revenue 'received. '~ Contro lled •.Substance Tax funds are. budgeted as received. and st be used fore law enforcefne°nt activities~as the Sheriff deems nece s ' ..~s '~e ~COUNTY~COMMISS(~NE~EtS APPROVED ~. ... ,. . , ., REJECTEa ':D y ~~'~'~ ~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report N~~ ~, /to Commissioners at next regular meeting` ' QA~ ~. (0 q 1 . , / and c atpeptn min ~cs. ~~~~~~ VV To b ro cd b ~Commtssioncrs. . ii' To be entered into minutes. -- ~, ?'his page intentionally left blank _- -_. __ ~. ~. .. . - ._ ~. ~i;:l~q~6~kln''4kL19SpL~C'~A~~J ~~'`ry~llA~~q~~s~~9l~~spp;(~ 16 6 ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ _ .... Regular Item #: ~ : Consent Item #: 12 - Additional Item #: Department` County Manager. Presenter: Allen O'Neal ~ , Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: 12 Contact: And Atkinson ` ,,• ,SUBJECT:. ... . Contract with LTNC-W; re: Oak Grove Cemetery ~+. ~ . - BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ` , , - ~~ The County owns an abandoned cemetery on 1.7th Street that covers approximately 4:5 acres. No one has been buried at this site for many years, as it was a pauper's. grave yard until the., late 1950's or early 60's. Records.research has been done that records names of several thousand people who were buried on this site. The ,research has beencompleted through the early 1930's..The number ofgrave sites may be as high as 6;000. Staff feels i it is the County's.responsibility to have adequate information on this ite and to maintain it as a cemete 'ry. After reviewing the two proposals received it is the staffs recommendation to contract with UNC-W for the proposed amount - ° of $P7,855.86. There is basically no difference between the two proposals except the price. Law Engineering was . going to clear vegetation in the area for $3,000 and tJNCW does noE have any cost_iricluded for.clearing. Also, UNCW has an archaeologist locally, Law Engineering would have contracted with someone from Georgia. Law's cost for services excluding clearing~vegetation amounted to $32,452; UNCW's.proposal was-for $17,856. ` • ,. ... -' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Board of Commissioners authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with UNCW. to conduct. Cemetery. Delineation Services for the Oak. Grove Cemetery on 17th Street. The Contract amount is for $17,855.86. Also, requestthe Board of Commissioners approve the Budget Amendment.number #98-0004. , . _ . - ~ q .. _ ` ~`~ ~ ~~, 1 FUNDING `SOURCE: ~' Federai$: State $: County S:17,855.86 User Fees $: Other S; Money Is In Current Budget: .New Appropriation Request: Bud "et Amendment Pre ared:. ; ~ ; - - REVIEWED BY: .: .. + . LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: HR• E ~ MM . RE M E- D I 'V , -, Recommend approval of contract wi C- .. .. . .COUNTY COMMlSSt©N~S (, ~ ~ APPROVES . p .: ~ ~ REJECTED D • REMOVED C/ 4 1 6 7 ~~ ,, ~ HEA D, p . ~` ~ Refer to OfFca Vision Bulletin Boazd for DisposituHTE rD' ~0 ~ 7 ~~~ . ~ YY SEP-23-97 TUE 10 02 ENGINEERING FA;{ N0. 9103414035 To: Andy Atkinson krom:-Chris-Neal ~ ~ • __ Re: Grave delineation of Oak Grove Cemetery After reviewing the proposals from UNCW and I.a~v Engineering I have come to the follo~vit~.g comparisons: )<. Clearinb- P. 02 - LaW- •~ PmP~ses to clear a minimal amount of trees (smaller than 8") and vegetation from the site. This cost however does not include removal of debris from the site or the dumping fee for the debris. '..: UNCW- , Proposed to do tittle or no clearing as they feat doing any would disturb the existing ' evidence of grave sites. Some raking is recommended, but not~priced. . 'P ~ ~.. .. . . . ~ 2. Locating of Graves- Law- Planned to mark and verif~• all visible depressions, use probing methods for unknown areas and mechanical stripping. The mechanical stripping method does not include the cost of the machine nor the cost for an operator. In acicjition to; l.aw has,the capability of using ground , penetrating radar (CPR) and has included that option (510,000) in their estimate. - UNC W- Planned to mark and verily all visible depressions and use probing methods for unknown areas. 3. Staking and Marking- -Law- - _ ._-_ .. ___ . ---, -- Will stake each grave located and do a composite map of all grave sites. _ _-UNCW- , Will st~he each grave located, do photos+and a composite map of all grave sites. ..4. Personnel- .. _ - Law- Plans to use a project manager on site from their firni and ~r111 subcontract with Ivlr. R.S. Webb, out of Holly Springs, Georgi{a~, for his professional Archaeological services. yy~~~ ~~l~ 16 8 ~~:r~- 1 _ ~ . ~~ .~ ,- . / -. l• Co.rs~^t ~T~~ .~io THE UMVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON 9 September, 1997 Andy Atkinson New Hanover County Managers Office 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Atkinson, Please find enclosed our cost proposal for the delineation of the Oak Grove Cemetery. As we understand it, the project scope is to determine the number of graves present and the exact boundaries of the cemetery. Our methods for locating the graves and determining the cemetery boundaries aze outlined below. The total cost is $17,855.86. Completion of the field work should require four weeks. A management summary could be produced within five days of completion of the field work A report will be submitted within three weeks of the completion of field work Methodology As you know, numerous depressions, indicating burials, are visible on the property. These will be located, marked with surveyor's flagging tape. Abase map will then be created, utilizing a laser transit. The base map will indicate the location of all depressions on the tract. The completed base map will show the depressions as aligned, more or less, in east-west rows. Next, possible graves in the "blank" spots on the base map will be located. This will be done by probing the soil with a 3/8 inch steel probe, three feet in length. Typically, the disturbed fill in a grave will be differentiated from the surrounding, undisturbed soil. When a probe reading indicates the presence of a grave, a 1-inch tube auger will be used to retrieve a soil•sample to confirm the reading. The soil auger takes a sample to a depth of approximately two feet. Both the steel probe and the soil auger are non-intrusive. Each grave located in this manner will then be plotted on the base map. An additiona130 feet beyond the perimeter of the mapped graves will be surveyed as well. This will be accomplished by probing along transects two to three feet apart. Probe readings (and soil samples, as needed) will be made along these transects at six-inch to one-foot intervals. Any graves located in this manner will be added to the base map. Should any artifacts be observed, they will be photographed in situ, in both color slide and black-and-white formats. Artifact locations will be plotted on the base map. No artifacts will be collected. Photographs will also document the methods used to delineate the cemetery. Additionally, narrative field notes will be kept during the field operation. 170 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 601 SOUfF[ COLLEGE ROAD • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-3297.910-962-3420 • FAX 910-962-7010 ~, . a ., ~- .~ ~ ~- ~~-. A report detailing,-the methods and findings,will be submitted after completion of the field . investigation: This will include. the number of burials located and an estimate of the time and ' cost required to disinter the burials. ' , .. _ .. _ . ~" ~ Qualifications - . ... ,. ` ~ 'The Laboratory 'of Coastal. Archaeology has been providing contract services in archeological ` site, survey, testing, mitigation, and• delineation since 1977... I have been involved in archaeolo h sical anthro olo and forensic anthro pology since gY~ P y ~ P gY~ , . 1983. I have directed archaeological survey, testing, and data recovery projects throughout the Southeast. During the past three years I directed the Cemetery Services Program,for a private • . archaeological firm in Atlanta, including a number of historic cemetery studies under Georgia's Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act (§36-72). I have enclosed a copy of my resume- for _.. , .your review. .. a. ~: ~ - - . t Please feel free to contact nie or Dr. ~Tom.Loftfield; .Director of the Laboratory of Coastal ~` Archaeolo I can be reached •at 251-3700 or 392-9104. Dr. Loftfield can be reache at - gY d .962 • : , , ~ .3429 ork 815-0547.. , -~. ~ ~ ~ Thank you for the opportunity to submit this cost`proposal. We can begin the field work within .' one-week of receipt of notice to proceed. I look forward to working with you on this project: - - ' ~' t Sincerely, ~ - David° C Jones,. . Archaeologist • °. ., ~. . r :. ...~ . - . __ . . . . .. a ~ ~ . ,. ... . 17 ~~ ~~~ ... .~~ rW .. . r4 Q a (l1 O w Q H /.O W ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ '""~ of O O O O O O O O O O O m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 O m O O p 0 ~ O ~O ~p ¢ U C.O 0 0 0 0 V O O O 0 0 U l17 ,--~ ~ ~p N c*7 O~ N N M m vi O ~ E!-? 117 ~D O N [~ 00 ~--~ 00 In N Q~ Q~ ~A ~ 00 00 [~ M - N v) : E-^ In e!' EA O fR fR ER Ef-? l~ .-r O~ N ~O ~+'f -: V' p ~ aD h . EF} ff3 .--~ . ~ •-- 'R EA En e-. EfT H . Ef3 ,~ ~ ~ ~ mot' 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 .--~ .--~ O vl O 117 V' ~ O N w O N `D O N x ~ ~ Z m 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o o m o 0 0 O U 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 EA O fR O o O o O o O o 00 00 C7 a` N - ~ O OO 00 .--~ .-+ ;: _ ¢ Et? ~ r ~ ~ ~ O O ~ .--~ m . :. -.' N . . ' ~'-~ p '~" ] C ~ x ~ O W _ ~ - z ¢ O z Z m 0 o 0 0 0 ~ - °' m o o 0 X 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ,o ,o Q O ~: ~ U °~ °0 ° ° U ° o° N U ~ o `oa r U 0 z. ;_, U ~' 0 ~ :. O 0 . W ~ ~ 0 `' O N ~D 0p r+ ~' V ' .p r. 'C 0 N ' ~.. U .N G U w Z A ~ >..' ~ _ > w ~ ~ z _; w ~ ~ ~L (' ;;, U O O O O O ;' O O O~ O tt7 tt O :,,_. ' ¢ ¢ ~ ~ U 'A ~ O ' U -~ U ; ~ .. n u 1 - O O W ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ O w V p 0 p ~ _ - ~ r1 _ . r ~-+ .-r O N . ~ ~ a W ; .: ~ R o o g °o R o o ° ~ ~~ ~ o ~ o ~ o o 0 ~ ~ -' In [ ER N~ fR N~ 0 0 fi3 ~ o o ~ , ~ r ~ o ~ ~ ¢ ~ '' O O N~ N ~~ v O F F > ~ ~ ~ = v `~ '• m U '~ ~ ~ m .. - a - a o ~ ~ a, ~ y v ~ M ~ . ~ U ~ w j .~ ~ :r; :. ~ ~ N~ .. a o w ~ w . ' ~ ~ ~ am -;, . c , Q ~ U c n D E= cn ~ ~ cn Z O w cn ~ .. ° c ., . :.. f a~ on ca a h . ~ _ ,~: ~ 5 ,: ' .. DAVID C. JONES • ~° _ . ~ ~ 154. Packwood Dr. ~ ~ _~~ _... _.._ Wilmington,. NC 28409 ~. ~~ ' , (910) 392-9104.. , ~ , . ,. ... - .. . •. `EDUCATION ~` ~ , ~~ _ _ . M.A., Physical Anthropology, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1989 ~ . , - .-.$.A., Sociology`and Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington,'1984 • ' Forensic Anthropology Senninaz; Mercyhurst College; Erie, Pennsylvania, May, 1994 ,. CAL SPEQALTIES . ; TECHNI . . • • ,. ... Fourteenf, _ ~' years of experience encompassing; - ~ , • , . ,.. , r ~ • ~ Physical Anthropology . ~' ~ ..Historic Cemete Studies ~. ~' • Shell Midden Archaeology .. ' . ' °:-. Cultural Resource Management- ~ ~ , . , REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE ~ ~ - ~ - , ,~, Mr. Jones has been involved in archaeology, physical anthropology, and forensic anthropology, . since 1983. He has directed azchaeological` survey, testing, and -data recovery projects in North .CarolinaSouth Carolina;.. Florida, Alabama, Georgia; and Virginia. Since 1994, Mr. Jones has served as Field Director for a number of historic cemetery studies under Georgia's Abandoned ~, •~ ' ~ ~ Cemeteries and. Burial Grounds Act.(§36-72),.as well as directing the removal and analyses,of ` .:historic and prehistoric burials throughout the Southeast. He has been a,guest lecturer at Emory ' University, and has given numerous presentations to public school groups and civic ~ . '~, ~ associations:. ~ .. . .~.. ; ,~ Physical Anthropology „ ' , ,., .. .. .~, , Excavation and analysis of human remains.. Assisted in the. excavation and conducted -the:. osteological analysis of human remains from an ossuary at the Ellis Site (44SN65), in' . ~ ' Southhampton County, Virginia. Sponsored jointly by the Virginia. Historic Landmarks 4' ' Commssion'and East Cazolula University. ' .. • ,~~ ...' ., r Excavation and analysis of human remains. Conducted the excavation and analysis of remains from a single cremation at the Olde Pointe subdivision in Hampstead, North Carolina. ~ y . ~ Inver#ory of Skeletal Remains. Conducted inventory of skeletal remains housed at the , - Columbus Museum; Columbus, Georgia: Project was undertaken in fulfillment of the federal - '~ Native American;.Graves Protection & Repatriation Act. Project included inventory of 89 . ~. _individuals.~ Limited analysis included estimation of age; sex, origin, disease indicators: . ,- . ~ , Osteological Analysis: Served as Physical Anthropologist for data recovery excavations at .` ' 38BU2; a Mississippian site located' in Beaufort, South Carolina. - . , ... , . , ., . 173. ~~. David C. ones 1 Historic.Cemetery Studies Disinterment/Reinterment. Served as Physical Anthropologist and directed the disinterment/reinterment of three individuals including one secondary burial at the Cloud Family Cemetery in Buford, Georgia. Project was conducted under the Georgia Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act (§ 36-72). Disinterment/Reinterment. Served as Physical Anthropologist during the disinterment and reinterment of 63 individuals from the Edwards Attaway Cemetery. in Cobb County Georgia. Physical analyses included estimations. of age, sex, ancestry, and cause. of death Project was conducted under the Georgia Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act (§ 36-72). Disinterment/Reinterment. Served as Physical Anthropologist during the disinterment and reinterment of six individuals from an abandoned and unnamed cemetery in Douglas County,' Georgia. Project was conducted under the Georgia Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act (~ 36-72). Disinterment/Reinterment. Directed the disinterment and reinterment of 13 individuals from the Confederate Naval Cemetery, Charleston County, South Carolina. Project included obtaining estimations of age, sex, origin, and cause of death. Served as Physical Anthropologist. Project was conducted in conjunction with the Daughters of the Confederate Veterans. She11 Midden Archaeology Archaeological Data Recovery. Directed the excavation of the Woodland-Mississippian Buck Hall Site (38CH644) site located in the Francis Marion National Forest, South Carolina. Project was funded by the USDA Forest Service, as part of the Hurricane Hugo clean=up project. Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery. Directed the excavation of the Middle-Late • . Woodland Cape Island Site (310N190) during testing and data recovery. The site is located on Topsail Island, North Carolina. Archaeological Data Recovery. Directed the excavation of the Woodland-Mississippian Big Dataw Point Site located on Dataw Island, South Carolina. Cultural Resource Management ~ ~ ' , ~ ~ ~.,t, ~ ~ ' Archaeological Survey and Historic Properties Management Plan. Directed the field survey of sample areas at Philpott Lake Reservoir, Roanoke Riser Basin, Virginia. Served as senior author on the Historic Properties Management Plan: Project was conducted for the U.S.~Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. Archaeological Survey. Directed the survey of 1,866 acres. and 7.1 Miles of Road Right-of- Way, Sumter National Forest, South Carolina for the USDA Forest Service in anticipation•of timber harvesting. Archaeological Survey. Directed the survey of 2,025~acres at the Orlando Naval Training Center, Orlando, Florida for the U.S. Navy in antiapation of property transfer. 174 Page 2 - ~ - ' - °. ` ~ David C. Jones - a SPECIALIZED TRAINING/CERTIFICATES Certificate from the Section 106 Compliance- Training Seminar, Raleigh, .North Carolina: - ~ Sponsored by the North Carolina Department. of _ Cultural .Resources, Office of State • ~ - Archaeology. . ~.. ~, - . Certificate from Forensic Anthropology Short~Course, Mercyhurst'College, Erie, .Pennsylvania. ~; - ` PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ~ - . Southeastern Archaelo .'cal Conference ~ • . h~ Society for Professional Archaeologists (Certification pending)- ~- .. .. .. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS/REPORTS - - ~ . 1986- , '. Cultural Analysis of House Patterns from, Late Woodland-Sites in.Coastal North • ' ~ Cazolina. Presented at.the Southern Anthropological Society Meeting, Wrightsville Beach; North Carolina. Senior:authpr with Emily Freeman. - 1989 - : - Prehistoric Subsistence Patterns~aiong the~North Carolina Coast: Nutritional . ~ :Status as.Measured by Cortical Bone Area: hfasters Thesis submitted to the . Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee; Knoxville, Tennessee. ;~ •1990 Investigation of a Slave Row at Spanish Wells Plantation: Archaeological Data . Recovery at 38BU869, Spanish Pointe, Hilton-Head Island, South Carolina. . , - _. Brockington & Assodates, Inc., Charleston. Prepared for Spanish Pointe Development Company. Senior author with Marion D. Roberts, Christopher T. ` ~ • Espenshade, and Eric C .Poplin; ~ . ` • k ".. 199`0 An Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the 35 Acre Coast Guard Housing - Tract, Bayamon, Puerto Rico,. Prepared for the U:S. Army Corps of Engineers, -. Jacksonville District. Brocldiigton & Associates, Inc., Charleston.. Second author • - with Christopher T. Espenshade and Antonio.-Ramos y Ramirez.. - 1991- Cultural Reso ces 'te . . - . w . . ur Si Evaluation of Five I-hstonc Sites on the Wambaw Ranger - . . •• District, Francs Marion National Forest, South Carolina. Brockington & ~~ ~ ~ Assoaates, Inc., Charleston. Prepazed'for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, ~ ' . Nafional Forest Service. Senior author with Eric C Poplin.. . ,, 1;991 Cultural Resources Survey for Construction Projects on Fort Bragg Military - Reservation and Pope Air Force Base. Brockington & Assoaates, Inc., ' _ Charleston: Prepazed for U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers, Savannah District and Gulf Engineers and Consultants, Inc„ Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Senior author with Eric C. Poplin. - 1992 ~' Intensive Sample Survey of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Onslow County, ~• ~ -North Carolina. Brockingfon & Associates; Inc., Charleston. Prepared for the -~ U:S. Army Corps of, Engineers, Wilmington District. Second authorwith Eric C. ` ~ Poplin; Joel D: Gunn, and Christopher T. Espenshade. - ti - •. ... ~'- 1992 Archaeological Testing of Two Sites on Bailey Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. Brockington &-Associates, Inc., Charleston. Prepared-for Sabine and . Waters; Inc., Summerville, South Carolina. ~ ~~ ^ Page: 3 - . . Dav'd C. o i j nes 1992.:..,__:_ _ .:.. ;.:.Cultural Resources Survey of Alternative H, Jimmy DeLoach Pazkway, Chatham County, Georgia. Brockington & Associates, Inc., Charleston. Submitted to .. Thomas and Hutton Engineering, Inc, Savannah, Georgia. Senior author with Jeffrey W. Gardner. 1993 An Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of a. Lake Marion Transmission Line Right-of--Way, Berkeley and Clarendon Counties, South Cazolina. Brocldngton & -- Associates, Inc., Chazleston. Prepared for Newkirk Environmental Consultants, _ Inc., Charleston, South Carolina. Senior author with Eric. C Poplin and Ralph f Bailey. _ 1~ 1994 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey, Proposed A-10 Munitions Storage Facility, __-Pope Air Forces Base, and a Proposed Cumberland County School Tract, Fort Bragg Military Reservation. Brocldngton & Associates, Inc., Chazleston. Submitted to Gulf Engineers and Consultants, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1994 Cultural Resources Survey of the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley County, South Carolina. Brockington & Associates; Inc., Chazleston. Prepared = - - -° ~ - ~ -for U:S. Army. Corps ~ of Engineers, Savannah District. With Paul E. Brockington, • M. Virginia Mazkham, and C. S. Butler. 1995 Archaeological Investigations at the Beaufort Naval Hospital, Beaufort County, South Carolina. Garrow & Associates, Inc:, Atlanta. Submitted to Thomason and Associates,. Nashville; Tennessee. 3~. 4... . 1995. ~ An Archaeological, Genealogical, and Forensic Study of ,the .Martin Cemetery, Douglas County, Georgia. Garrow & Associates, Inc., Atlanta. Second author with Patrick H. Garrow and Jeffrey L. Holland. 1996 Archaeological Investigation of:the Naval Education and Training Program Management Support Activity, Saufley Field, Pensacola, Florida. Garrow & Associates, Inc., Atlanta. Submitted to Thomason and Associates, Nashville, Tennessee. Senior author with Ashley A. Chapman and Lynn Marie Pietak . 1996 . , ,, Archaeological Disinterment of the Morrow Cemetery, Gwinnett County, Georgia. Gazow & Associates, Inc.; Atlanta. Submitted to Pope and Land, Inc., Atlanta. . s. 1996 Delineation of the Jefferson Cemetery, Jackson County, Georgia. Garrow & Associates, Inc:, Atlanta. ~ ~ ~ ~ - T . 4 1996 Disinterment and Reinterment Plan for the Jefferson Cemetery, Jackson County, Georgia: ; Garrow & Associates, Inc., Atlanta. 1996 Phase II Archaeological Testing of Site 1RU356, Phenix City, Alabama. Gan;ow & Associates, Inc., Atlanta.. Submitted to BCM Engineers, .Inc., Panama City, Florida... 1996 Cultural Resource Survey and Testing of the Shepperd Tract, Chazleston County, South Carolina. Garrow & Associates, Inc., Atlanta. Submitted to Charleston • County Department of Public Works, North Chazleston, South Carolina. Senior 17 ~ author with Christopher T. Espenshade and Jeffrey L. Holland. Page 4 ..; ' ~-~ :.;:: LAW :: --., 1~ ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. . August 13, 1997 ~ --~ ~C~~~~9~ 1,~~1 . D i~1! Ms. Christine Neal Engineering Department ~ -,~ ? ~ r ~ EPA~T~1 r SIT County of New Hanover +_+tilal+lcER1+1G D 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Proposal to Conduct Cemetery Delineation Services Abandoned Cemetery at 17th and Marsteller Streets Wilmington, North Carolina .- ~ - ~ Law Proposal No. 31040-7139 Deaz Ms. Neal: Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (Law), is pleased to present this proposal to carry out cemetery delineation services for an abandoned cemetery in the city of Wilmington, North Cazolina. The cemetery (the site) is located at the southeastern corner of the intersection of 17th Street and Marsteller Street, in an area overgrown with mature woods. The site contains approximately 4.5 acres within surveyed and marked boundary lines, and we understand it was in use during the approximate period 1870- 1950, when it was part of the Oak Grove Cemetery. We understand that New Hanover County (the County) wishes to have grave sites within the cemetery delineated and marked for future management. We also understand from information given us by the County that some graves in the cemetery were removed previously in connection with the construction of 17th Street, the right-of--way of which adjoins the site on the west side. At that time (reportedly about 1961) headstones and other markers reportedly were taken to another cemetery and a number of graves were exhumed. Subsequently, differences of opinion developed as to what proportion of the graves were removed. Presently, the site contains several areas of obviously disturbed ground and several areas that appear to contain sunken graves. Most of the site, however, cannot readily be so chazacterized on the basis of topography alone. The purpose of the work described in this proposal is to identify and to mazk the graves remaining within the site. This proposal follows the task organization as set forth by your office in the Request for Proposal. 178 5710 OLEANDER DRIVE, SURE 110 • WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910)452.1185 • FAX (910) 791-1338 ° ., , : ~ ', ~~ ,' - County of New Hanover - ' AugusC 1 J, 1997- , , • .. Law Proposal No: 31040-7139. ~, ~ Final - _ . _ _ h , .. "' _ .. ~ - - -SCOPE OF WORK .. . ___. --- ~~~ , - The proposed scope of work includes the following tasks:' ~ ` .. - ,. .; _ . ° 1 0 ;Clearing of Undergrowth and Small; Trees '' ' .' ~~ . " ~ v , i 4. ~ tF, ` Presently,.-the site is not heavily vegetated:with undergrowth, excepting certain areas, and ., ' - visibility beneath the tree canopy is generally good. However, many trees less 'than eight • `~ inches in diameter occur throw bout the site. Man of these trees are in. areas where it g Y appears 'on the basis of surface topography that graves may exist. It, should not be- , necessary to remove all,such trees if the graves can be, identified without,doing so. Such ; -trees that are removed must be taken from the site to 1avoid obscuring feature e - ' _ b sonth :~>ground, and presently there are no `access roads into the site. Removal of trees and other ~, ~ , , vegetation will require the 'establishment of temporary.roads for vehicles and trailers. For ` ' liis reason, we propose to map observable.existing features~on the site before causing any °',, - _ disturbance- to the' present conditions. We understand that the County has a .recently- ~~ ~ ~ surveyed topographic map of 'the -site, which we .would request to use as a base map. Among, ~ the features that would be mapped are aligned, elongated' depressions; equidimensional depressions and associated mounds; infrequent metal grave markers and ~, • wrought-iron'accessories; a, ne of wooden fence posts; and an abandoned road that now .. ~. > ends at the 17th Street' cut. - We expect that plotting such features on the map would aid ' greatly`'in ,the understanding of the arrangement of the' graves. After plotting these . .features on the. map, we would attempt to° locate routes for vehicles that would minimize disturbance of possible graves. We have aerial photographs that show access. roads and ` ~ paths in the cemetery prior to its disturbance, and will use them~to aid in the optimum. ~` location of tem or access, routes. - ~ - ~ . ' P . ~Y ` We propose to~ remove only those trees that interfere -with the delineation task (Task 2): '~ . All undergrowth (low bushes; vine curtains, thorny plants,:. etc.) will be removed. Debris ": from trees and other vegetation will be removed from the site 'as it is accumulated to . ~` ` , avoid obscuring the ground surface within the site. We expect that the, County will . ~, designate a~ disposal site and. provide transportation for this material. ` Our estimated cost therefore does. not include :the cost of these items. `~ ~~ ~ ., ... ~. ~ 2.0 Location of Individual Graves ~ ~ > ~ ' ~~ . • . ,~ ` . We ex ect that three methods will be used >rimaril to delineate th at' p p y, e loc ions of graves. These are:, 1)~ surface inspection;' 2) .probing;-and 3) mechanical stripping. Graves- and ,~ possible graves with obvious surface expressions will be marked with stakes. `Areas of . ~ unknown nature will .require mechanical stripping of surficial debris and humus to determine' the presence ,of graves... A tracklioe`machine with asmooth-edged, 4-foot . ,. ` .bucket is preferred. The trackhoe will set up along the first row of known graves and will work outward into areas of unknown nature. Humus. and forest litter removed from .the ° .: ground surface will be stockpiled for removal from the site, so gas -not to obscure ~~ . _. ; .:. . -~ > 9 ~. h:IproposaMhanovcoloakgcem.doc ~ 2 County ojNew Hanover August 13, 1997 Law Proposal No. 31040-7139 Fina/ areas of ground. Approximately 4 to 6 inches of forest litter, mostly composed of pine -. and.broadleaf--tree leaves, covers the ground on the site. As the trackhoe exposes the bare soil, the Principal Archeologist will inspect the soil for indications of the presence of graves. Where a possible grave is encountered, he will probe it to confum its presence or absence. If a grave is detected, numbered stakes w-11 be placed at the ends of the grave and their location will be surveyed for plotting onto the base map. This procedure will be repeated. until the limits of the cemetery have -been established. ' In compiling this proposal, we assume that the County will provide a trackhoe machine and operator as needed to perform this work, and do not include these items in our cast estimate. Should the County not wish to provide these services, Law can, obtain a cost estimate from a private company that provides them. . ,. Incompliance with the Request for Proposal, we also-have the capability of carrying out a geophysical survey using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and include that method as an option in: our estimate of costs. However, some of the site appeazs to have been disturbed previously, possibly in connection with the removal of some graves about 1961. The GPR method would not be efficient in that area because the radaz reflections only'indicate anomalies in the. subsurface, and cannot distinguish between graves that have.. been disturbed and those that have not. Therefore, probing' would. be necessary anyway. In the event that a.significant portion of the,site does not appear to have been disturbed by post- burial excavation, the GPR may be useful in identifying suspected graves in that portion. In that case, we would recommend its use to the County and would use it on receiving the County's approval. 3.0 Stake and Number Individual Graves The graves defined would be staked and numbered .during the delineation process, as described above. The numbering system will ~be revised as necessary to provide a unified, logical system for the entire site, after we have completed, delineation , of the graves on the site. 4.0 Prepare Plot of Grave Locations As the graves aze identified and delineated, their locations will be plotted on field map sheets. These will be transferred to a drafted map, which will be submitted to the County as the report product of this project. PROJECT STAFF The project will utilize the subcontracted services of a professional archeologist with ~~ (~j save experience in grave delineation, Mr. R.S.Webb, of Holly Springs, Georgia. 1 (19~~Webb has worked with Law on several projects. Mr. Webb will assume the technical h: Iproposallnhanovcoloakgcem.doc 3 . •' s .Coup .a New Hanover n' f Law Proposal No_ 31040-7139 •. ' ~ August 13;,1997 ' Final . ~ . , le d f h i , . a .. o t e project .ar d will .be res onsible for determining sus ected ayes as the . ~ P b P ~' y are ,...: encountered. He will also direct the activities of technicians in surveying -and marking . _ the graves .once they are delineated. A summary of Mr. Webb's pertinent experience is attached, - ~ ~ . - , ' ~ Technical staff from Law's Wilmington office will be utilized to assist Mr. Webb and an archeological technician.. The project will be managed by Dr. James>.Marlowe, of Law's ;~ Wilmington office.. .:. ~ . , ESTIMATED COST . We estimate the cost of the work described' above as follows. .~ Task 1_ -Clearing Vegetation G , ` " . ; - • ....Labor, estimate 80 hrs @ $15 ...................:.... ..... $1200 V -- •. -Technicians, preliminary mapping, 30 hrs. @ $30 ..... .: 900.. . Archeolo ist technical su ervision 12' hr ~ . Subtotal. ....~.... .:.:. $3000 Tasks 2 & 3 -Location a_nd Sta Ong of 7rave ~ Principal Archeologist, 160 hrs @$75 .... ........ ......:....... ... ~~ ~ _ $12,000 ' ' Staff Archeologist, 160 hrs @ $35 "` ...... ............'...:..... 5600 . , Technician, 160 hrs @ $30 .......... .:...:......:..: ............. _ . • '~ •Expenses, 2 persons, 20 days @ $75 ..........:... ............... 4800 - 3000 ` Mileage, 4 round trips Atlanta-Wilmington and local : ..:....: • ` 1252 ,. ~. Supplies . _ - S b l , .100, ' ~ ~ u tota ......... ...:..... ........ $ 6,752 _ .. .. :. _. , .~: .. : • _ ~ ` Optional •Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey ..... ..... :....... $10,000 " ., ~'' Task 4 -Prepare Man ~ ., _ ' .. Princi al Arche p ologrst, 20 hrs @ $75 .............. ..... ... ... .. ... $1-500 , Draftsperson, 40 hrs @ $30 ... ........... ....... ...... . . .... 1200 Subtotal' :...............:. ....~..... . $2700., ,. . Project M~n_agem n '. ` , Project Mana er 40 hr $75 _ .. g , s @ ................ ........ ...................:. $3000 ,Meetings and Additional 4 Nices . Ti e d M t ial • . m an a er s, at above rates ~ . . Total Estimated Cost (excluding radar survey) $3.5,452 1 •C~.1 ` ~` h:IproposaMh6xovcoloakgcem.doc 4 , County ojNew Hanover Law Proposal No. 31040-7139 August '/3, 1997 Final The cost of Task 1 may vary from the above estimate, depending on conditions as they _ . _develop: duffing the initial delineation of the site. The above estimate does not include the costs of haulage and disposal of cleared vegetation, or the costs of a trackhoe machine and operator. We assume that the County will provide these services. If this assumption is incorrect, Law can obtain the cost of these items from private companies. SCHEDULE. We .can begin the proposed services within one week after receipt of your written authorization to proceed. AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable to you, please .execute .and return the attached Proposal Acceptance Sheet, giving us authorization to perform the work.. , We appreciate your. considering Law to perform these services and look forward to working with you on this project. If you have questions concerning this proposal, please contact us. Sincerely, LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. e~ _ ~ . ames I. Marlowe, rh. )., r.G. ~ .. , J. Chris rruneau, L.G. Principal Geologist Principal Hydrogeologist 182 h: Iproposallnhanovcoloakgcem.doc S , . - , ,, :- ~ ~ ~ Budget Amendment / /%//////%/////////////%%~//////////////////////~/////~~%///////////////////////////~///////////////O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O//////////O////////////////////O/% ~- ~' 'DEPARTMENT ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~1 ~ Contingencies .. . . ~ Non-Departmental 98-0041. 10/06/97 ~> ~ ~. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ,~~ Contin encies Contingency ~ '$17,856 ' .: - ,F ~~ - 'Non-Departmental Contracted Services ~ ~ $17;856 i . __ . :~~ ~ ~ ~ , w .. . ~. . .} , EXPLANATION . ~~~~ . m `~} `, To transfer funds from- .Contingencies to contract with. UNCW to conduct cemetery delineation services for the Oak Grove Cemetery.on.17`~ Street. ~.. - ,~; With approval oftlus budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be .~~, $258,833: .. - f . .' COUNTY CaMMISSi~N~RS . . ~~ APPRaVED ' REJECTED O or Budget Officers ap royal, n report ° REMOVEQ C}' ~ ~ 'the t to C 1~~SjPQf11EQ ~ , ommissioners ~n lar meeting and enter in minute~sJt. ~~' ~ HFAR17 ~ To be approved by Commissioners. QA°i'~ +,,,~ ~ ~`,~ ,C V'~:...~`~" " To be entered into minutes. r ,.. Tlzis page intentionally left blank ~ ,{~~ -~ r 4~ NI1:sv~'J~y ~' ~~~"~~~i,at Fes~F{{,~~ 4 ~ ",'. ~~)'re~5 ~~ ~'~G+xi ;F iti LM%~ ~~' ~a,ld~'w''~~;~~~:e rT~ Regular Item#, Consent Item #: 13 ~ Additional Item #: ~, ~ Department: County Manager Presenter:- • • Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: 6 'Contact: And Atkinson SUBJECT. , $xtension of Evaluation Grant -Criminal Justice Partnership Program . ~A ,• ~ ..• RIEF SUMMARY. • • . - .The County had anevaluation grant approved by the State covering the past •two years. Due to'~the startup -, . period for the Day'Sentencing Ctr'active cases did not begimto arrive until October 199$. In order for the evaluation to Abe valid we need to follow a minimum of 100 cases. This number.of cases is now being -reached: The. grant did not carry over into this fiscal year, therefore. we need to reapply •for the .unspent grant- :.. .funds. The attached grant application requests the unspent funds from the previous grant periods, $11;445 • ` from 95-96; and-$1,060 from 96-97. $3,15,0 of new funding is requested for follow up record checks. The • - Criminal Justice Partnership.Board has reviewed this request and request approval,of the application. ~~. . . „ - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQLTFSTED ACTIONS: • • ~ Request authorization for submittal of grant application to NC Dept. of Correction; and if awarded; authorize ' acceptance of grant. , . , • . ~' ~ . ~ • • _... ~: FUNDING SOURCE• ~ `.. . ~. -• • ` Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: .Other S: ' Money.Is In Curcedt Budget: No •:. - -New Appropriation Request: No ' • Bud et Amendment Pre pared: ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ... CJPP COIVZMU1vITY CORRECTIONS PLAN _ APPLICATION FOR DISCRETIONARY FUNDING County or Counties: New Hanover County, North Carolina County Contact Person's Name, Address, Telephone and Faz~Number: Andrew J. Atkinson, CPA ~ New Hanover County Deputy Manager 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: 910/341-7185 ~ .Fax: 910/341-4027 Fiscal Agent's Name, Address, and Telephone Number: _ Bruce Shell, CPA _ _ _ New Hanover County, Finance Director 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: 910/341-7188 Fax: 910/341-4025 - ., _ Project Start Date: October 1, 1997 Project End Date: June 30, 1998 Project Type/Project Name: Evaluation Grant Funds Requested: $15,655.00 ' Authoriz' Official's Name, Title and Signature: Andrew J. Atkin~e(n; New Hanover County Deputy Manager CJPP a me, Title and Signature: . Ted Davis, Jr., New nog i ~~~ County Commissioner F~r~~/C~JPP~USE ~~LY GRANT NUMBER DATE RECEIVED ~ ti*~~~.~~h~ . ~w_., ~y~.3~~ d e~ ~~ _ ~ ,, •° . NEW HANOVER COUNTY DAY SENTENCING CENTER EVALUATION- • . ._,. .:. .. REQUEST FOR REALLOCATION OF FUNDS ~ - - _.. -- - _. .. Thin giant application concerns the funding of the quantitative"evaluation of the New Hanover ,Y-. County'Day Sentencing Center. We.are formally requesting that the funds which we ieturned to ~~;, the slate after fiscal yeaz 1995-1996 be reallocated, as they are needed to complete the evaluation. . , '. ,. Initial fiinding was allocated for the 1995-1996 fiscal year, which ran from July., 1,.1995 to June ~, 30; 1996. The budget for the grant was broken down by year of evaluation.- The first ear of . • Y evaluation could `only begin, however, once the Day Sentencing. Center opened and began ~, receiving a steady number of clients. The Center opened in late Octobei 1995, yet by the. second. week of February, 1996, only 10 clients had entered the program. Regular client referrals began. . toward the middle of 1996. Because there is an approximate six-month lag between the' - beginning of the fiscal year and the beginning of the evaluation; a large proportion of the funds ` ~. ~~ ~ ~ • for professional services-that were allocated for FY95-96 .were not used by June 30, 1996 and` , had to be ieturried to the state. We aze requesting those funds be reallocated to New Hanover ~ • County to f Wish the. evaluation.. . • ~ Second for fiscal year 1996-1997 there were also giant funds unspent. We aze requesting that ' ~ these dollazs be reallocated also, because our sample size: keeBs increasing. Consequently, it will take rriore hours to track program participation, treatment compliance and recidivism at 6,12,18 and 24 month intervals. ~. • Third, the funding for the principal investigator that was allocated foi FY96-97 has been spent. -~ - This is because most ofthe -wages for this position were allocated in the first year of evaluation ' ~~. ~ and most of those funds were returned to the state last year because the Center opened later than expected. Because the program began 6 months"after.FY95-96 began, data coding and analyses of a sample of an acceptable'size began much.later than anticipated. It will be January 30, ,1998 :~' before we have 100 clients who wi av - 11 h e a one year follow-up date.:This year, the Principal • Investigator spent hours coding variables, designing computer programs, and ,performing statistical analysis of data. She must continue this and also develop~computer programs to setup amatch sam le with the robation o ulation. P p p p She also plans to perform an event history analysis of time to failure, if funding permits. :. ' .. Fourth, we are requesting addit- na funds to perform record checks for Day Sentencing Center clients' history and recidivism. In the course of our data collection;-~we have encountered . discrepancies in the calculations of prior points and prior record level between the."official" ', judgements and our'work. ;Discussions with the district attorney and court personnel suggest that these may.reflect a•~time lag in which cases are updated and/or not including both state and local -'~; record checks in official calculation. Regazdless, because prior record and offense type may be key predictors of recidivism, future mathematical modelling of termination and recidivism must ' .include accurate measures of these criminal history variables; Additional salary is needed for the - :recalculation of this data..- ~ ~ ._ ., ~ _ .~ ~ 187 f. . Request. for Reallocation of Funds Page -2- . We are requesting the following: , Balance of FY95-96 ~ $11,445.00 ' Balance of FY96-97 $ 1,060.00 Funds for Record Checks: . 3 series of record checks @$150.00/check $ 450.00 (State record check fees) ~-Recalculation of prior record. and follow-up (recidivism data) at 6.month intervals Approximately 200 cases (2 cases/hr) , . ~ $10.00/hr x 100 hrs g 2 follow-ups $ 2,000.00 Supplies/Operating Expenses: Computer disks, manuals, paper, cartridges, postage, copies ... $ 700.00 ' TOTAL $15,655.00 ' The New Hanover County Day Sentencing Center is a pioneer effort of intermediate sanction implementation in the State of North Carolina. Continued funding is necessary to continue they evaluation of this sanction. This comprehensive evaluation is necessary for policy makers to make informed decision about the utility and. effectiveness of this intermediate sanction. Copies of the "Request for Reimbursement" are attached for additional information. 188 ', Criminal Justice Partner"ship Program .~ • ' ~. ~ "REQUEST FOR REMBURSEMENI'** . - . e DISCRETIO~tARY FIJN S ~_ ~ ~._, County"Name: New Hanover- . Date of Request: 8-,7-96 Submitted For Month of: .Tune, 1996 ~ ~ '` , " _ ~" Contact Person Name and Phone n: Dottie ~ xav -(91`0) X41-71 E~1 ~~ ~ ... . -~ ~f .. ~t . ~~ ' ~~ ~' Category ~. State Aid Graat , .Prior Request :` Request This ., Reimbursed To Available 536503 Award ~ ~ Peziod Date Balance Personnel ~ - ~ , - ' ' 536503001 Contractual ~ _ 536503002 ~ 14 , 700-- , 3 ,130:00 . ' . 1, 550.00 3 ,130:00 10, 020.00 TrZVCI 536503003 ,130 ." .. 130.00 :Operating : ~ . 5365OS00~ ;.500 102.47 ~ 397.53,., Equipment • ~, .536503005. 7,730 6,592.45'' 239.99 6;592.45 897.5,6 Construction ~ -' ~. 536503006 s„ . ` Less ` ~ I ' a.-rocs-u-.-~-~ ~o,-~c~c~v.-rc~ x~cn-~z-~cY x~c.~-i,-ri Advance Totals '~ 23,060 9,722.45 1.;892.,46. 9.;722.45 , 1'1,445.09 . ~ , 'Amount requested ~ 1, 892.46 ~ • (should match total request this~periodj I certify that the above data.are correct, based on~the ~antee's official accounting rystcm and records, consistently ,applied and maintained;, and that expenditures sho~~•n have been made for fire purpose of and in accordance with the.. approved budget and. applicable. giant terms and conditions, and thatappropriate documentation to support all costs and expenditures is available for ins: ection. .. ~? ~ - -' .. ............... .. ~ ~ 5G ... ~ . 4 .........................:....Andrew J,, Atkins.on,...DeP..... ~4.....~g.r ~...:...... .:......... ..,.. ` Sisnaturc o uthorizing~official ` Print or'type name and title ~ ~ ...Date ~- -~ "~ ,..:_ :Bruce T. Shell, Finance .Director - '9~ Si~ature of fiscal officer ~ Print o,r type name and title ~ Date .. ,.. '.' cr~pwsi o~zY Vendor r _ ._ _ .: .Center 111011004 - ~ ,. ~ - - - ~: ~ , ... " r ... ... ... PPr ' ~' ::'. .: _ . r. Requester : .:~:.. ~ ~ . ~ 'A owed .Date __- _ .. . ,. r~ i ~~~. ~usti ec Partnership Program ~. **REQUEST FOR REIIv1BURSEMENT* ! 1 County Name: NEF1 HANOQER COIINT'Y Date of Request: 7-31-97 Submitted For Month of: _ JuxE, 1997 . ~. Contact Person Name and Phone ~: Dotti_e S. Rav (9l nl ~c. ~ ~ i ~ i }° Category State A.id Grant Prior Request Request This Reimbursed To Available '• 536502 - Award Period Date ' , _ Balance Personnel ~ - ' 536502001 _ Contractual " • _ 536502002 12,080 :7,970 3,050 7,970 1.,060• TrayeI - ~ =' 56502003 _ _ Operating. , 53650200.3 '. ' . Equipment 536502005 ~,. Construction 536502006 ~ ~~ , Less ~-1~-~,,~-~p~ Jt~0."Y~C\?C~"\"t ~'~7{X~'~C?OOC~ X.~C.~~"Y.~l'LC Acvance Totals 12,080 7,970 3,050 7,970_ 1,060 Amount requested S 3, 050 (should match total request this period) I certi:'y'uat the above data arc correct,'based on the erantce's'official accounting rystetn and records, consistently applied and maintained, and that expenditures sho~~~n have been made for the purpose of and in accordance with the approved budget and with applicable grant tzras and conditions, and that appropriate docun:tentation to support all costs aid expenditures is available for inspection. • . .. ....... Andrea J. Atkinson,.. Dep....:Cou.nty.,.~ianage.~,,,..,.~.1 ,..........7 Si~atur_ o thorizing official Print or type name and title ~ ate ... .......:~...• ~//~ ~ Bruce T. Shell, Finance ..._-......•... ........ ............... ......:... ................ Director ~~.~/~ 7 ...................................................................... ................ Sitar ,c of fiscal officer Print or type ^am_ and title Date ,.:. ;, .~c~~vsa~orrzY ~ Vendor ~ . .:. .. .. . . .: , ,,,;.. . . .. . .,. • r:.•... :....~ ..;.• ; .. ..:,... . .. ..~ t. ., ste , : ~ .:: ..:. :.,.•.~ ...:. . ~A rove .. ... .::. . PP . ,:.. .. .: ...:. Date":: - r+ C N ~ " a~ ~ d L N ~ T ~ ~ >. IV6 . L a ~ C a x ~ C a ~ C ~ ~ a a i :° ~ a n U R -o _ o o c ~ o ~ c" ~ ~ Z W ~ ~ ~ E ° ° g E N m ~ ~ , , n . > Z L Z Z I O O O O O O O O O O - O O O O O ~ O O O t1 - -~ O W O O O O O oD ~ ~ 00 O o0 O d0 t0 ~ O ~ N N N ~' _ .Q d 0 ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~QJ LQtJ W W W ~ W ~ d ~ >- r r ~ } } ~ } r o ~ O O N O ~ O m ~ . N . N N ~ ~ ~ ° 0 ~ ' o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U U U U U ~ U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~n o ~n o 0 0 0 ~n o 0 o O O o +'~ O O 1~ O r O O O ~ N ~ O O O O O ~ ~ 1/1 N O m W m O ~ lf) ~ O O O O ~ ~ [7 `'N ~ O N N ~ ~ O O M ~ v N V v C 7 ~ N ~ fA N ~ N M [~ C ~ ~ o a ~ o Z ~ C y `«- O F- V N (4 ~ N O O r O O _ O .fl f0 y ~ O O O O O O N > O ~ ~ O _ 'C m N ~ ~ w ~ ~ v~ o . w N 69 ~ ~. LL , l0 41 T ~ OI C ~ C ~ ' _ _ " C ~ - m C ~ C N r' ~ O V C ~ U J O .~ O d d w y 7 ~ •~ ~ y f0 ~> N y X N ~ > Q) O ~ C O O O) ,• ~ N °- O ~ >, o w o c ~ ~ ot5 ~ c ~ o ~ ~ a~ Q m a r c . E ~ ° _ ° `~ c o o ~ o u ~ . ~ ~ m - c d r ai o c c , ~ ~ ~ i> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 7 3 >. E o m Y m m ~ ~' ar ~ io E. a o. E ~ a ~ n . n . ~ . a c ° o n y 3 h o w o ~ L - c of E C a ~ .V C N ~ L N ,p N ~ N W N O > (0 C 7 J t O N L 'O N O ~O ~ L O N U N `a V O L C C ~ 0 ~ . 7" O O !d U ... a cn n ~ (n 2 ti d ~ o W Q c d F- ~ ~ ~ rn o ~~ c •U " N H O O ~ N C a O_ V O C O N Z ai v a a '~ ° _ ~' ~ 3 a d ~' ~ ~ < ~ " ~ O U 7 L ~ ~ b ~ O ~e ` N ~ L ~ ,~, •~ Z ~ J U ~ d ~ ' a r ° ~ ~ ~ w rn W ~° ~ n a ~; U _ ~ U ~ L _ ~ ~ a L ~ ~ ~ a~ - ~ . O ~ N N N C D " ~- O ~ O ~ d t ~' C . N fn ~ C7 Z _ ~ ~ U' m Cn W ~ I- m 2 U H ~ ~~ ~ ~ . M ~ ~ ~~~ 1 ~~~~~. I I n~. Overcrowding. in the Courts - District Attorney is currently out of space and will be bringing two (2) additional Asst. DA's onboard soon. There may be an additional adm. position as well. - Clerk of Court is in need of space and has been. Much overcrowding. Vault space is the. most pressing need. These are required to be in fire proof area but no space to .put them. 30 x 40 area at least. Two more positions may be coming really soon as well. - Administrative officer of the Courts needs 6 mediation rooms for custody hearings: Anew Custody Mediator position wi11 be filled Jan 1 and we have no office space,. - ~ Security is becomirig an .even bigger issue in the Courthouse and may have requirements that impact space. - Erections has no space, needs additional room due to more precincts. - Juvenile is receiving 3 new positions, at present they have no room to place them. . - Register of Deeds. needs additionar vault space. Approximately 75 x 25 is , .needed for the vault. Also, need indexing room approx 25 x.25.`-Vital records -needs twice their preserit space. . - All of the-above does not take into consideration the needs for additional jail . space. Capacity 209, current counf over 350. Most of these are awaiting trial, they have not been convicted of any crime. y \>