Agenda 1999 11-01AGENDA apNOYEQ C~ ~``~ Gy~~ * ,,f ,Ir 2 •~J~ IMPO~E%P/ ~~ ~F a0RT11 ~'p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room New Hanover County Historic Courthouse . ~ 24 North Third Street Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES. R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ' ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' LUCRE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD November 1,1999 6:30 p.m. .MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (See below) , NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES NO. 35 p.m. 1:' .The Pledge of Allegiance will be led~by Cub Scout Pack 218, 1 ~, Den 2 Webelos 6:40 p.m. 2. Report on County Drainage 3 a. Snag and drag b. Runnymeade/Ivy Woods Subdivision c. Preparation. of draft comprehensive drainage regulations 7:15 p.m: 3. Consideration of Commissioners Meeting Schedule for Calendar . 5 Year 2000 7:20 p.m. ~4. Consideration of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): Buyout 9 Program for New Hanover County 5. PublicPublic Hearings: _ . • 7:30 p.m. Item 1Item 1: Rezoning - Request by Cheryl Powell for John and Willie 11 Mae Perry, Jr. to rezone 1.52 acres located in the 6900 block of Market Street, north side, from R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business. (Z-686;10/99) , 45 p.m. Item 2: Special Use Permit - Request by Robert Ernst to permit a 15 ~~' w Community Boating Facility at 804 Inlet View Drive. (5-446,10/99) ' . ~, ESTIMATED .. ITEMS OF Bi7SINESS TIMES ~ '- - PAGE .. NO. 1 8:00 p.m. Item 3: Rezoning -Request by Planning staff on behalf of James '19 .Dean et al to rezone approximately .59 acres located adjacent and :_ -° ~ ~ west' of Lame Avenue -near Oleander Drive from R=15 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business. (Z-688, 9/99) 8:20 p.m. Item 4: Road Renaming -Request by the John's Creek Homeowner 23 Association to rename a private road in John's Creek development - . located on the east side of myrtle Grove Road from Lee Parker Drive to Johns Creek Road. (SN-83,11/99) ..` - - ~ . 8:40 p.m. Item 5: Rezoning (Continued Item) -Request by John Wessell for ~ 25 • . Lawrence and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the northwest intersection of Smith Creek Parkway and .Highway 132 ~ . North (College Road) from R-15 Residential to O&I Office and' Institution. (Z-679, 8/99) 9:00'p.m. 6. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District '51 7. Consideration. of Appointment of Two Representatives to the~Board of ". 35 Directors of the Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. Additional Items .. +2~%~-~`~ County Commissioners -~ ~%`'~~'~~~~~~~'`~~~~ ~~~v~~" r~~`~ -Gr''~' ~~~r1s County Attorney. -, ~ ~~~_ z , , g 5 ~ Coxn Mana er` ~ `~° 1 a~w kl'.l - ~~' tY g ~,t ~) ~~U ~~~~ ovi j~~-,u:(.:.`Crw, e,~.c~i iti. e-~:.ti "'_ ~~f-- ors c: ~~. E ;..c{~ 9:30 p.m. ADJOURN .; ~ • .. MEETING OF THE WATER AND. SEWER DISTRICT .Historic Courthouse Room 304 November' 1,1999 6:30 p.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non Agenda Items, (limit 3 minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. .Consideration of Award of Bid #00-0169and approval of contract #00-0169A, and for radio and paging equipment. ADJOURN ' PAGE NO. 51 53 55 . •= CONSENT AGENDA ~ - ~ ~ ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY'BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~ November 1,1999 • ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes ~ '' ' 2. Award of bid #00-0169 and approval of contract 00-0169B-for radio and paging equipment to Coastal Electronics .. ... 3. Approval of resolution for Drainage Improvements-Easements '= 4. Approval of FY 2000 State Aid Allocation 5. Approval of grant application for $19,822 from Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for "Operation Reach Women" 6. Approval of request for new positions in Juvenile Restitution Program 7. Approval of request for Assistant Project Manager position 8. Approval of Award of Bid #00-0089 to Bob King GMC for two trucks for the Parks Department 9. Approval of installment financing with Bank One for financing of equipment and approval of association budget amendment #00-0056 10. Approval of Carolina Children's Initiative Program Grant Funding ' Request 11. Approval of Drug Treatment Court Agreement with the State Administration Office of the Courts 12. Approval of budget amendments: PAGE NO. c 59 61 63 65 67 79 81 85 87 93 111 1. #00-0051 Social Services Administration/ Crisis Intervention Program 121 2. #00-0054 Social Services Administration/CP&L Intervention Program 122 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11!01/99 .~ Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Joe Pedswater, Den Leader Contact: Vice-Chairman Greer SUBJECT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BRIEf SUMMARY: - ~ Cub Scout Pack 218, Den 2 VVebelos will present the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: None FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS A ECOMMENDATIONS: ' Acknowledge Cub Scout Pack 218. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMM NT ,. BOUNTY COMMISStONQt9i APPROVED @~(~rese~:~~'-cl REJECTED t7 REMOVED 0 r, PDSTPONEp O , - HEARS ~~ -t ,, ~ -1 SATE . , f ~ . ~.N ~ ~ .. - 1 ' ~ ~ ~. {This page intentlonallyleft blank} r ~~~~~. :~ , ~~ 2 ~~~ t `cam. ~~;~,:~.:~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD'OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11101/99 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver • SUBJECT: Report on County drainage projects ' BRIEF SUMMARY: , As requested by the Board at it's last meeting, staff will present an update on the following drainage items: e Snag and drag: At present, staff is planning to bid out three of the top snag and drag projects once some cost estimates have been made. .Approval of a resolution for emergency access is on the consent agenda. We will .have additional information to present at the meeting. ® Runnymeade: Staff has made contact with the Department of Correction for prison labor to do as mach of the work as possible. NCDOT hopefully will also participate. Some County funds likely will be required, depending on participation by the Department of Corrections and NCDOT. Additional money may be required for easements. The need to obtain permits may result in some delay. Please `see the attached memo .and map. ® Preparation of draft comprehensive drainage regulations: The proposed scope of work to be performed by Dickson and Associates will be presented at the Board's November 15 meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should hear to the update and .provide further direction as desired. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ' ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum and'Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BCJDGET: N/A .HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board approve approach to resolving drainage issues as.proposed abov . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMtSStONE~ APPROVED ~ REJECTCD 0 .. REMOVED POSTPONED O HEp-RD .~~ . ~' _, pASE ,~~ ~~_ _9G--_ _. . _ ~, v' J~ , ~~~ ~~, . .~~~~. October 19, 1999 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ,, TO: Board of Commissioners ~ ~ . THROUGH: Allen O'Neal, County. Manager - FROM: ~ Wyatt. E.~ B`lanchard, County Engineer :MIB~~¢~ _ : - RE: - .. Drainage for_Runnymeade/Ivy Woods ,.. '' Staff has taken a very preliminary look' atwhat could be` done to help minimize the flooding in the Runnymeade/Ivy Wood area. There appears to be sufficient elevation difference between the subdivision and the' culvert.under ,U.S.~ l 17 ,(Castle Hayne Road) to provide proper drainage.' ~ ~ ~ - ~~' - The drainage channels serving this area .(see attached map) `could be cleaned .of debris and reshaped to greatly enhance drainage. Assumptions have been made to allow us to obtain an estimate of the cost to enhance the drainage. One assumption is NCDOT will provide all necessary drainage maintenance along their roads within the subdivision. Based on this, the estimated cost to the County to provide the additional work Would be $400,000 to $550,000. This cost does not include having to buy ariy easements. - If a decision is made to proceed with this work, it~~will `require surveying and design. In addition, we must obtain all necessary permits prior to any work. Acquiring permits. likely will require some time.. . ~., ,. ., Maintenance of the system will be required by someone, or some entity or it will return to the same condition in the years to come. ~- ' One thing everyone must realize is that even if the work is performed and properly maintained, major~storms, such as Floyd, will continue to cause some water to back up C"`~`a'tw~sn.. but it will not be near-°as~seuere~ ~' x'~Attachment ~' ~ ~' `~. ~. ~~~~s~ ,~ ~i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Timer - Page Number: Department: Governing Body- Presenter: ,Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell - SUBJECT: 2000 Schedule of Regular Meetings . BRIEF SUMMARY: Please note the following items: Only one (1) meeting has been scheduled for the month of July 2000. Do you want to schedule one (1) .meeting for the month of December 2000? The May Primary will be held on May 2, 2000. Do you want to change the date of the Monday meeting . scheduled on May 1, 2000? The November election will be held on November 7, 2000: Do you want to change the date of the Monday meeting scheduled on November 6, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve as presented or amended. , . FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: ~ - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' A T NS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMISSI APPPt?`~IED REJECTED D i REf~i©VED D POSTPONED C! , HEARp Q ;, 5 DR~1 FT NEW HANOVER~COUNTY BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS 2000 SCHEDULE OF~REGULAR-NIEETINGS 1l~IEETING PLACE: NEYV HANOVER CO UNTY CO URTHO USE 2-I N. THIRD STREET, ROOM 30I, YYILMINGTON, N. C. .; . MONDAY, January 3, 2000 ............... •~ ............................. 6:30P.M. TUESDAY, January 18, 2000 ..........................................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, February 7, 2000 ~ ~ .... 6:30•P.M. ........................................ MONDAY, February 21, 2000 ..........................................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, March 13, 2000 ..................................~........... 6:30 P.Iv1. MONDAY, March 27, 2000 .......:... ...... .:........9:00 A.M. MONDAY, April 3, 2000 .............................................. 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, April 17, 2000 •. ":... ~. `.'....: `' ~ .. -9:00 A.M. .., . ~n~f MONDAY; May ~,. 2000 ........... .. ; . # .... .. ........ .... , . 6:30 P.M. ... .: ;: ~~.~ .. ~~ MONDAY, May 15, 2000 ........................ ~ .9:00 A.M. MONDAY, June 5, 2000 .................:..._..:.. _.:.:. `.. _'..~`:....•.~:'...... •6`.30 P:1VI. MONDAY, June 19, 2000 ............................. ~ ..9:00 A.1v1. MONDAY, July 10, 2000 .......................................:.' ... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, August 7, 2000 ..:....................................~, ::.. 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, August 21', 2000 ...........................................9:04 A.M. TUESDAY, September 5, 2000 ......................................:... 6:30 P.lYI. MONDAY, September 18, 2000 .........................................9:00 A.NI. ~, ... MONDAY, October 2, 2000 ........... . ........................:....' .... 6:30 P,NI. MOI~~AY, October 16, 2000 .............................. . : ............9:00 A.M. ,,- ,. , ~~ ~.. ,: ~Ie~(J~ MONDAY, November,', 2000 .......................................... 6:30 P.M. ~' MONDAY, November 20, 2000 ......................... . ...............9:00 A.M. _ MONDAY, December 4, 2000 ................ , ......................... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, December 18, 2000 .........................................9:00 A.M. Conferences: NACo Legislative Conference, Washington, DC -March 3-March 7, 2000 NCACC Legislative Briefins~"Ralei~h, NC = J~iine 7, 2000 ``. NACo 64th Annual Conferee e, Ctiarlotte,NC July 14-19, 2000 .. NCACC Annual Conference~`Dur,,,,,ham JNCy(~A~ gust 10-13, 2000 ~,_ J __ ~,,+tµ ~, ~ ~ N N W N CT C C71 CO -• D O ~ O W -1 W Q7 V Ql CDN' . N N A L ~ W d V ~ A 1 w V. ~ O W `G CND N CJI W ~ ~ CNJ't W -f+ A ~ O W CT CD N T ~ fD N (T 'Tl . ~ V ~ A V O W O W O as ~ a cn a W 'O ~D ~ Cn `~. 1-• In .-. .- zzzzz z DDD>>oo o~ ~oonoo ~00~ ° ° ° ° ° ' A n 1' p p. C i, O O c' i~ U O V' i C ~. ~J rJ .Jr" rT ~ ~ ~ ~ ty ~ .. ~ ~ ~Y" C/l '~,j- w "~ C/7 _~ UI "~,1' In '~[ a0 .~•• aC ~ <. ~ - trQ ~ ap0 . f] n f1 f'~ c7. ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ . ~i .~ w ~ r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ..~ ~ ~ ~ a c? Q , p .-~ . O ~ ~ R R R R 0O ~ 0A °° ac a CD n 0O n. . . c ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ao on as ac W .P A ~ ~ rn o C'Pii o a ti ~ ~ ~ ~ y .~'C'1 a~ ~ ao ry t0 ~ ~ q7 O ~. O a as c ~ ~ tra tra • yav,oW ` 11 (P W •- iT -~ CO N C17 ~ n _ V O W O ZS _ N N ~ W A V ~ O ~ ~ _ iD N CTt O -• ~ . „-+ OW CD 01 CDN ~ N CT ~ W O V A V V C71 W V -+ iJ CA (D P V O V -+ n .m 3 ~ OWOCDN A ~ 1 0 W ~ ~ W y A ~ _ _ ~ [D N CJ1 VO ~ WO) ~N ~'1 A-J ~ N Cn Cn W j . rn W N Cn ~ V Q W O NW N ? V ~< O N U7 O~ ~ < n O W Q)' CO N ~ W ~ V O W 1"1 CNI7 W ~ A ~ J J W W O J W W.~O ~aNa w zzzzz co ~ W ~ co ~O W 41 W > > ~ '~ ~' 'P O O 0 0 0 0 0 A A A C V n i r ~ t t^ ~-• V i O C ii O C iC a ?~ m •C m to to ~o ~, ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ 3~~~~w () U CU C. C. C. C. C. QO ~ n ~ n ~ c ~ a0 ~ ,~~ tr0 ~ A 0 0 0 0 0 ~~3~ 9 ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ b _ _ n r ie ~ ii as as ~ ao ~ as as ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr4 Q aC ap O O\ G~ N Q+ N tJ ~ ~ ~ i ~ O C'Pii O _m a ~c p p ~ ~ ~ ~ c = ~ z O ~ ~ ~ CD ~ ~ ~ O =• O .~•~ G ac ~ ~ 00 av. ~~~~ O ? W A ov,ocn _~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti Cn ;(7 N c -~ ~- --, d p ~,o =, n ~ ~ c; ~ ~ W n p; co O _. O ~,, a ac a ac ~ ~ ~ ao tro Cn ~ O { < < ~ i? --I ~ T ~I O N CT 07 ~ O W m CD N ~ A V O W CNJ7 W -~ .A m W N CJt V O W pf W ~ A V Cn ~ O n ~ ~ 'rI oNO W A Cn ~ ~ ~ rn A O ? W ~n o v, o ;~ v ~ p ~ V1 ~ (! ~ ~ ac ~ trc ti O ~ ~ ~ r"' ~ CO c: trJ ~ -.O •^.O Q'• tia ~ ac '~ (D ~- ~ ~ ~ 0o tra O ~ W W V ~ N + ;i V - CD N CJ7 W ~ ~ C _ W O] LD N ~ S_ a: A V W ~~ O N T 71 t:D -• .A C ~ ~ CO N Ut OW ~ OCON A J O W CNI1 C0-+A ~ L At m 7 O N CTl ~ ~ VO ~ `< WC7~ NN N ? V 'tt (ND N (P 07-.~ ICn ®® .-. «-. J J W I W W W ~~~~ ~~rn A A O O A O O C ii C n C ii R~ :~ 'y ~ 9 G "Q . ~ B ~ y ~ ~ 3 g a o ~ a ~ ~ S o n,~ ' 07 coo CO o ~ CC1 m tTJ "S aao as ~ o ° . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ m n 00 as trc po ~--• 'J W N .r.. O J W zzzz > ~» a o a w ~ n ~ ~ BOG ~~n~ °~ _ _ K C (n ~ (/~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ Cn ~ ~°~ = n~ °o ~ n ~ Ct7 m ~ ~ m= q~ " o _ ao ~ as ~ ao ~ ~ ~ 3 ~~ ao tra A V O W ~ CJ1 W -• A iT CD N CTi ~ (gyp a V O W O'~ ~L ~ t3 ib N A V ~ ~ CD N U'7 07 -~ "rl O ' W O) CD N ~ r- V O W O W N -C~ V CND N Cn Co O W m CO N -~ A V O W CNJI N -'. .A O W N CT D C C ~N z a a x ~. .o 0 . ti ~ O W Q) C D N . WNW-' ~ IOW ~A ~ CT1 W ...• A . .~ m C (D N CT ~ < ,,~ ~ V O W ~~ T pi! N ~ D NC77W-+ C . b .l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 11/01/99 Regular Item #: 4 .Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Hazard Mitigation. Grant ,Program (HMGP): Buyout program for New Hanover County . ~ _ , BRIEF SUMMARY: A public meeting is required to solicit citizens comments concerning the County applying for Hazard ..Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds which will enable the County to establish a voluntary buyout program to remove dwellings that have been seriously impacted by flooding. This item is intended to inform the public about the HMGP and help staff identify properties that may be "eligible. Planning staff will .make a presentation. FEMA and State representatives have been invited and indicate they wilt be present. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize County staff to apply for HMGP funds and schedule public meetings to discuss th'e County's application. , FUNDING SOURCE: FEMA ATTACHMENTS: 1. ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: After presentation of items the Commissioners should consider requesting staff to apply for the. HMGP funding and. schedule .pubic inform ~ eetings as necessary. The buyout program is 75 percent .Federal and 25 percent Sta COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/ O NTS: COUNTY COMMISSI©N~ ~. ~ APPROVED ~_ REJECTED D Sp REMOVED . POSTPONED ^ ; HEARr7 C""I"I"."i ~vrl~Mla.~ ,~,QJ?-,f~c ~~a yu.''f--~~~t-~/ `~~~.~~.~~~`(~J ~ ~ •~ /~,~y~r~AAp~.~i~l.,~ ,~,,~f~(,"J',(J~_(~/,,1'~ pY ~ p /,( /J` ,~- ' J ~lomeowner's Guide to.Acqusition and ,,Elevation Projects Ficyaded Through th,e Hazard 1Vlitigation Grant Program ND E EV TION PRO ECTS FUNDED BY HMGP IS PARTICIPATION IN ACQUISITION A L A i i00% VOLUNTARY. YOU WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO SELL OR ELEVATE YOUR HOUSE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. ANY PROPERTY OWNER MAY DROP OUT OF THE PROGRAM .. ' WITHOUT PENALTY AT ANY POINT BEFORE CLOSING FOR ACQUISITION; OR BEFORE START OF WORK FOR ELEVATION PROJECTS. Eligibility For funding under the HMGP is limited to state and local Qovernments, certain private non-profit organizations or institutions that serve a public function, and Indian tribes or authorized tribal organizations. Iri order to apply for acquisition or elevation funding;~individuals miist~work through-their local government Typically, the project will be administered locally through the Emergency Management, Coordinator, the Zoning or Planning Office, Tax Office, or City or County Manager's office. Only principal places of residence are eligible for buyout or elevation. Secondary homes are not eligible. Rental ,, houses that are occupied~by full-time tenants•,are eligible for buyout or elevation. •. • _, .. , . , Acquisition and demolitiomof flood=prone houses is North Carolina Division of Emergency , Management's (NCEM) first choice for funding because this activity represents a permanent mitigation measure. In an-acquisition project,;the community buys private.property~and clears the land. All land purchased under HMGP becomes, and muss remain, public property. By law, the new deed to the property must contain a restriction ensuring that no houses will be built on the land at any time in the future. ~, , Properties that have been damaged or even completely c~esfroyed cari still be bought. Regardless of, the condition your~property is in right now, the community will offer pre-flood fair market value for it: A licensed appraiser will determine pre-flood fair market value. Vacant lots can he purchased, .but only'if they are next to a house that is being bought. Elevation of flood-prone houses is NCENI's second choice for funding. Because HMGP does not pay for repairs to houses, in order to he considered for an elevation-project, a building must be inspected to see if it is sturdy enough to be raised. Some types of houses cannot be raised. Application Process: Individuals interested in having their homes bought or raised should contact their local officials to learn the date(s) of public meetings~Participants will be asked to complete a simple application and sign a form that says they are the legal owners of the property and want to participate in the program. Homeowners will be asked to describe the histoiy of flooding in the. home and on .the property. This information is used o determine eligibility and is very important. LPlease provide as much -t information as possible about flooding in your ho,rne. , .Federal Regulation requires that all projects funded under HMGP`must prove to be COST EFFECTIVE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND. . , 'H, If you have received cash assistance or an insurance payment to make repairs to your house you can make the repairs and still be eligible for the buyout. If you do not make the repairs or cannot prove you made the repairs, the amount of assistance for repairs will he deducted from the purchase price. Keep Your Receipts! ~ ~ ~vc~ E ~~~~ yry(1$bYy.C .1,:-i. ~~"b a.. ~ -+ltGlilM.~ i'+•~!nJ '} ~• To; The Board of Commissioners From: Wanda Coston RE: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Project Development Guidelines . According to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project development guidelines, five (5) phases have been established as priorities for funding a buy out ' program following Hurricane Floyd: ~. ~oU PHASE L An applicant may only apply for a maximum of.100 structu~~s_p~x' ~~~ ~ ~ I, apph~cation.~ The required cost benefit analysis will be waived, however, the NC Division ~o Mm I of Emergency Management„will perform a cost benefit and analysis for 10 per cent of the . ~ ~~, ~~5% structures per applicant. A property owner maybe eligible. for a buy out if it is a primary ~, ~ f~,.,~a~ a ~ residence located in a flood way "or" the primary residence. has been substantially ~p`~ damaged and is, located within the 100 year flood plain "or" the primary residence is in the 100 year flood plain and the interior has been flooded with at least five (5) feet of water. A primary residence that has been moderately damaged maybe eligible for a~buy out if the, structure is contiguous to a defined buy out area. . -~ PHASE II: A structure that is the primary residence that has been modera. tely damaged and is located within a 100 year flood plain maybe eligible for abuy-out: However, a cost benefit analysis will be performed for each eligible structure. A structure maybe eligible _ . for a buy out if the structure. has been sever damaged and is located outside the 100 year.flood plain. Also in Phase II the,100 year flood plain maybe expanded and ~~ remapped to correct ..inaccurately. mapped areas. Remapping will be determined by the , NC Division of Emergency Management Engineering Staff. PHASE III: Primary residences that are located within a-100 year flood plain, but did not sustain interior flood damage may be eligible for a buyout. In this phase; the acquisition of vacant parcels contiguous to a defined buy out area may also be eligible. PHASE IV: An applicant my apply for funds to elevate structures in this phase. PHASE V: Critical public facilities such as a sewer plant, water plant and etc. may 6e eligible for a buy out. In this phase, critical facilities has a broad interpretation. Business acquisition orretrofitting to prevent future damages caused by hurricanes and-other ` natural disasters maybe eligible for a buy out. Also, in Phase V storm water drainage improvements may be eligible, however, according to the NC Division of Emergency Management Staff, the funding of storm water drainage projects is highly unlikely. J • ~1 f ,~~ CONCLUSION.: . - A property owner that has sustained substantial damage may be eligible for $15,00.0 in addition to tfier original flood claim. These funds maybe applied for under the Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC). - Staff person(s).from the NC Division of~Emergency Management and FEMA will be present to discuss the HMGP at the Board of Commissioners. Meeting; Monday night., The Division is also providing County Staff with a disk containing 300 other funding .sources. ,~ ~ f .~` _ .. ;) J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Regular Item #;. 5.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes - Contact:. Sam Burgess • ~' • SUBJECT; R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business (Z-686, 10/99) BRIEF SUMMARY: • The Planning board voted 6-0 in approving the petitioners' request. One concern expressed by a nearby business owner was the limited access to the property. The rear property is presently served by a narrow ten (10) foot right of way located between the custard eatery and paint store. Both establishments. utilize this area for customer parking. The Planning Board acknowledged that access to the petitioners' property' would need to be improved prior to development of the property. They also recommended that the rest of parcel 5 also be rezoned to B-2 to coincide~with the District Boundary: . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • Staff recommends approval • 'FUNDING` SOURCE: • none - ATTACHMENTS: 4 LTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: " .. ~ ~ BOUNTY COMMl~I©- APPROVED . C~]i' y~ REJECTED ~ O . ' REMOVED O POSTPONED ^ HEARD ' ^ SATE ...=t~!/-~ ~ , ;. ITEM A .. - CASE: Z-686,10199; Applicant: Cheryl Powell for Willie MacPerry REQUEST: R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business ACREAGE: 1.52 LOCATION: 6900 Block Market Street, north.side (behind Kohl's Frozen Custard) LAND CLASS: Developed- Identifies areas where continued intensive development is W..,_ expected to occur. Residential density can exceed 2.5 units per acre. ,~ , . _, -, , Planning Board Recommendation (October 7 1999 Meeting) ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ The Planning Board voted 6-0 in approving the petitioner's request. One concern expressed by a nearby business owner was the limited access to the property. The rear property is presently- " . served by a narrow ten (10) foot right of way located between the custard eateryrarid paint store.,.. Both establishmerits utilize this area for customer parking. The Planning Board acknowledged that access to the petitioner's property would need to be improved prior to development of the property. They also recommended that the rest of parcel 5 also be rezoned to B-2 to'coincide ' with the District Boundary. Staff Summary The petitioner is seeking to expand an existing commercial district by approximately' 1:52 acres. The site is vacant but, an existing residential home does exist adjacent and in front of the petitioners property. At the present time, an existing commercial district encompasses a.sizable portion of real estate along both sides of Market Street from southMof El Ogden southwest beyond Gordon Road. A number of different commercial uses within this district include several fast food outlets, automobile service facilities, two major shopping centers, and a bank. These commercial services have been established in direct response to the amount of residential growth that has taken place in the Ogden and Gordon Road area over the past 10 years. Residential developments in the area include Farrington Farms, The Cape Apartments, Weatherwood, Planters Walk, and the neighborhood of El Ogden. Eaton Elementary School is also located nearby off Gordon Road. B residential deve 1:' are ur<iderway (1 atreet soutneast to ivliiitary ~,u 1 Wilmington City~Lti~mits~ "~~~ F1 cOtA Plan, this area is destined for additional commercial'and the availability of water and sewer. To accomodate growth, plans and and extend Gordon Road from its intersection with Market =Off. This intersection also marks the northeastern extent of the -, ~~ Z-686 (cont'd) 2• ~. The petitioners vision for commercial expansion in a rapidly growing area of the County is well founded. As displayed on the attached site -map, this protrusion of property into an established commercial district is one of the last~remanents of residential property remaining in the immediate area.. While it appears appropriate to rezone the property commercial, staff does have a concern. Access to the petitioner's property is limited by a very narrow 10 foot right of way that is located between a paint store and custard eatery. Presently, both establishments utilize this :area for customer parking. Additional traffic attemping to gain access to the petitioner's property through this 10 foot right of way will compound existing problems already faced by the paint store and custard facility. Access to the petitioner's property needs to be improved prior to any development taking place. Future expansion of this large commercial node, however, justifies the zoning change.. Staff recommends approval. • • 13 1.4 Z-686, 10/99 Petition Summary ]Data .. ~ ,• ,. ,. Owner/Petitioner: Cheryl S. Powell F ~~ ~ ,.. ,, Existing Land User Residential /Vacant-:. r Zoning. History Qriginally~Zoned August 18, 1971 ' Water ~'~e: Well & Community Water ~ ~ ~. Sewer q'vae: County Recreation Area: Ogden Park Access and B'raffic Volume: 41, 100 ADT 1997 (Market & Military) 1H'ire District: Ogden FVD Watershed and Water ~ualit~ Classification: Howe Creek (SA) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary (Castle Hayne Aquifer) Conservation /Historic /Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Murville (class III) Building Suitability: Limited Schools: Eaton Elementary b lj NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Regular Item #: 5:2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess.' SUBJECT: Special Use Permit for a Community Boating Facility (S-446) BRIEF,SUMMARY: The Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the request for a community boating facility provided that the proposed new boat lift be moved to the east, and as close as possible to the existing boat lift. This condition was the result of several neighbors explaining that the proposed. lift will interfere with channel clearance making it very difficult to navigate: According to the drawings provided by the applicant; the Planning Board felt that moving. the proposed new lift to the east would help keep. the channel open. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: recommended to approve . FUNDING SOURCE: none ATTACHMENTS: 7 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - , COUNTY COMMISSI©Nh~ APPROVED Q REJECTED ~'^ REMD1/ED ^ ~~ . ~ ~~~~ ~ 5 ~~ _ .~ w/'~ 0 Item B .. ... ' . Case: S - 446,10/99 -Special Use Permit for a Community Boating Facility Planning Board Recommendation 10/7/99 The Planning Board voted.unanimously to approve the~request fora community boating facility provided that the proposed new boat lift be moved to the east, and as close as,.possible to the • existing boat. lift. This condition was the result of several neighbors explaining that the proposed lift will interfere with channel clearance making it very difficult to navigate. According to the drawings provided by the applicant, the Planning. Board felt that moving the proposed new lift to '. the east would help keep the-channel open. ~ ~ ~ ' Staff Findings 1. The board must find~that the use will.not materially endanger the, public.healtb or safety'if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved., A. The subject property is served by Community water and County Sewer._ .. ,- B. The site is located in the Seagate VF'D. C. Access to and from the site is proposed on Inlet View Drive. : .~ . D. There is an existing boating facility with 3 lifts and one floating dock. - 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. The subject property is zoned R-20 and the land classification is Conservation. Community boating , facilities are permitted by special use permit in the R-20 zone. " ' B. The zoning ordinance requires that the petitioner must demonstrate that the project will have minimal impacts on water quality, primary nursery areas, shellfish grounds,. and, conservation resources: . C. Off street parking must be provided at ane space per boat slip; on site or on nearby residential lots. D. The number of boat slips must not exceed the number of residential lots or dwelling units within the associated development. ~ ~" . '~ ' ~ 1J. The right to use the facility must be conferred by an easement appurtenant to the residential project it is intended to serve. F. Commercial activities, including but not limited to the sale of gasolirie; oil, marine"supplies and"food.. stuffs, shall be strictly prohibited. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure.the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The surrounding land use is residential. The surrounding zoning is R-20. B. Sevee-al of the residences have existing .private residential piers. C. Directly across the canal is an existing private residential pier. 4. The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan ~s(s bmt"ted~ and~a~p oved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conform~ty~~ ith`~te plan of development for New Hanover County." A. Provided the improvements to the existing facility do not obstruct other boats entering or exiting the canal, the pla~appears'to'belin keeping with the existing uses along the Shinn Point Canal. B¢ Other boating~facilities'~are Iocated an nearby lots. CisNew Hano,~,,ver Counttixlan`d use policies encourage the consolidation of riparian access. 1~ 6 ~ ~. ~~ . ' s , 5-446, 10/99 . PETITION SUMMARY DATA OWNER/PETITIONER: Robert Ernst ' EXISTING LAND USE: 3.Boats Lifts & 1 Floating Dock ZONING HISTORY: Dec. 15, 1969 ~ ,, WATER TYPE: Community 4 SEWER TYPE: County .RECREATION AREA: Bradley Creek School Park - .ACCESS AND TRAFFIC VOLUME: 12, 000 Greenville Loop & .Oleander Dr. . FIRE DISTRICT: Seagate WATERSHED AND WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION: Hewletts Creek (SA) AQUIFER RECHARGE AREA: 6 shallow water- table sand a uifer q - CONSERVATION /HISTORIC/ ARCHAELOGIC RESOURCES: Adjacent salt marsh SOILS: (Nh) Newhan fine sand BUILDING SUITAl3ILTIY: Class T -Suitable SCHOOLS: Bradley Creek e ~~ ~~ .. ~;. '} y At present there are three boat lifts and one floating dock to accommodate four boats. I would like to remove the floating dock and replace it with a boat,lift measuring l l .foot' by 10 foot on four pilings close to shore and not to exceed 25 % ofthe canal. The other request is to install a 5 foot wide by 20 foot long floating dock to be used to load and unload the boats using the boat lifts. This floating dock will not be used for boat dockage and when reviewing my plans you can; ;- see that while a boat is loading it will not obstruct the canal in any way. :~ ~. ~ ~ , ,.., ~~ 18 !`~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Regular Item #: 5.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess ~ -. • • SUBJECT: R-15 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business (Z-688) BRIEF SUMMARY: On October 4,.1999, the Board of Commissioners approved a Conditional Use District rezoning request to Office and Institution (CD&I) at the southeast corner of Greenville and Park Avenues. As a part of their recommendation, the Planning Board agreed with staff that adjacent parcels 8&16 zoned residential and not part of the original cohditional use petition be rezoned to B-1 Neighborhood Business. The property owner who was in attendance at the Planning Board meeting had no objections to the rezoning recommendation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff and Planning Board recommend approval . FUNDING SOURCE: none ATTACHMENTS: 3 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS~Ia f APPROVED ~~ REJECTED ^ . ' REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARD ^ 19 J ITEM C • .;: CASE: Z-688,11/99; Applicant:~Planning Board & Staff ' ' ., z REQUEST: R-15 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business .., :_ . ACREAGE: Approximately .59 Acres . ~- ::- LOCATION: Adjacent & East of•Lame.Avenue ~ • _ ,. LAND CLASS: Urban Transition- Allows for intensive urban development onaands ~~ ' ~ _ ~ that have been or will be provided tivith necessary urban services. ~t .Residential development can exceed to 2.S units lots per acre :where ~~ ,the development can be~ serviced by water and. sewer 'systems and has _. .. - , ~" direct access,to a major road., .. Planning Board Recommendation (September 2, 1999 Meeting On October 4, 1999, the Board of Commissioners approved a Conditional Use District. rezoning request to Office and Institution (CD O&I) at the southeast corner of Greenville, and P.~ark ' Avenues. As a part of their recommendation, the Planning Board agreed with staff that adjacent parcels 8 & 16 zoned residential and not part of the original conditional use petition be rezoned to B-1 Neighborhood Business. The property owner who was in attendance at the Planning Board meeting had no objections to the rezoning recommendation. ' } . Staff ,Summary As depicted on the attached site map of the subject property, the two parcels-recommended by' the Planning Board are currently zoned R-15 Residential. The balance of the area bounded by Park Avenue to the north,. Greenville Avenue to the west and Oleander Drive to the east are ;. zoned B-1 Neighborhood Business. Both tracts are what is left from an original residential zoning district created in December, 1969. Since the inception of that 1969 district, several rezoning approvals have taken place. The last rezoning approval to B-1 took place in late 1995. This area bounded by Oleander Drive, Park and Greenville Avenues have witnessed a gradual transformation to commercial since the early 80's. A number of professional offices, restuarant, and light commercial uses exist within this area. As rioted above, a 1.18 acre tract located at the southeast corner of Park and Greenville Avenues was rezoned to Conditional Use District O&I Office and Institution last month. r~~ '~ Coknsidenngithe existirigl~Bl Zoning District already in place and the established commercial and professional !landau"ses°~ the:,two tracts are no longer suitable for residential use. Current property ~' ~- owner Katie #1Vlonah'an'lagrees that the two tracts should be rezoned for commercial use.Staff and 2 0 Planning Board~'r'•e ommend approval. Ci~t6l~lb ,°~ .~ l.J ' >> ' Z-688,11/99 • Petition Summary Data Owner /Petitioner: Planning Staff • Existing Land Use: Vacant Zonin HistorX: Originally zoned December .6, 1971 • Water Tybe: Community & Individual Wells Sewer ape:-County Recreation Area: Hugh Macrae Park Access and Traffic Volume: 27,900 ADT (`93 Count ), Oleander Drive Fire District: Seagate VFD Watershed and Water Quality Classification: Bradley Creek SC Aquifer Recharge Area: Shallow Water Table Conservation /Historic / Archaelogic Resources: None • Soils: Wakulla Building Suitability: Suitable /Slight Limitation Schools: Bradley Creek Elementary • 21 22 ,; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/Q1/99 Regular Item #: 5.4 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Planning. Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Rename Lee Parker Drive to Johns Creek Road (SN-83, 11199) BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting that Lee Parker Drive, a private cul-de-sac approximately 200 feet in length and perpendicular to John's Creek Road in Johns Creek development be renamed to Johns Creek Road. The development was approved by the County in March, 1987 for 26 lots. At the present time, Johns Creek Road is the only access .leading into the development from Myrtle Grove Road. The homeowners of John's Creek are interested in having one continuous road name in their development. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends.that the present road name, Lee Parker Drive should remain. FUNDING SOURCE: none ATTACHMENTS: 2 ITEM DOES MOTREQUIRE REV/EVV COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS~ION~ APPROVED Q,/" REJECTED p '`" _ REMOVED p POSTPONED p 23 HEARD Q. . SATE .'~ ~~_.9:~ ~~ y ~ ` b ITEM D . , t. ~~ .., .. , CASE: SN-83, 11/99; Applicant: John's Creek Homeowner Association REQUEST: Rename Lee Parker Drive to Johns Creek Road LOCATI®N: Eastern Ternninus John's Creek Road, John's Creek Developiment Staff Suapimary .. ~ , The applicant is requesting that Lee Parker Drive, a~;-private cul-de-sac ~approxirnately 200 feet in length and perpendicular to John's Creek Road in Johns Creek development be renamed to John's Creek Road. The development was approved'by-the County°n IVlarcl,~ 1987 for 26 lots: At the present time, John's Creek Road is the only`access leading into the'development from IVlyrtle Grove Road. According to the applicant, the homeowners of John's Creek are interested in having one continuous road name in their development. As depicted on the site map, both streets intersect ` each other at a right angle. County street records indicate that several roads in the unincorporated area have a continuous street name, but angle off in a different directions, Situations such as , these do not lend themselves to good street naming practices and can create confusion when assigning street addresses to roads. Considering the nominal size of John's Creek development, the road renaming petition appears to be innocuous. However, staff has one concern. Property south and adjacent to the development is currently undeveloped. Once this property becomes available for'developrrierit, the opportunity will exist for Lee Parker Drive to be extended. If the road is renamed, John's Creek Road would take a winding route through two developments. This may create confusion for emergency service delivery and as noted earlier does not lend itself to good road naming practices. For these reasons, staff feels that the present road name, Lee Parker Drive should remain. r~ , ~n,~ ~V~~ ~; }~y~Yp' SNN w`~@~~~1 4wF~iht "C '`~'~y~'-~ ,tt r~~.1 ~~~d~~t,..M9. z ~ ~~ ...~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 ® Regular Item #: 5.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: R-15 Residential to O~1 Office and Institution (Z-679, 8199) Continued Item BRIEF SUMMARY: The Planning Board voted 5-1 recommending that the proposed O&I District be limited south of the southern bouhdary line of parcel 5 (site map} west to the southern boundary of parcel 3. This request seeks to rezone existing residential property to office and institutional use most likely based on the extension of Smith Creek Parkway from North College Road. Land use guidelines encourage commercial and office and institutional uses at major intersections, especially if infrastructure servcies such as public water are provided RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning staff recommends that the best use for the property should remain residential: FUNDING SOURCE: rione ATTACHMENTS: 10 _, ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • BOUNTY COMMI~ION~RS APPRC3VED O ,} ~a~~~~ ~ ,- .2 5 ~~ ~! m 1- w/ t22 -; i .~ - 4Z ~.~ d-eed - esfi ~c=~w~ fizi ~i ~s~ ~~ ~'S ~~-~..~-~ ~e~l ITEM E .- CASE: Z- 679, 8/99; Applicant: John Wessell for Larry & Maggie Ripa REQUEST: R-15 Residential to O&I Office and Institution ACREAGE: 5.25 LOCATIOl~: ~ ~ Northwest Quadrant Smith. Creek Parkway'& North College, Rd. ' LAND CLASS: Urban Transition- This land class allows for intensive urban w ~ - " ,. . ~, w _ , development op land5.tli'at have_ beeri',or will be prrovided with . .. : ;. - necessary urban, services. Residential development can. exceed 2.S ~ ' , ;units per acre provided.the development°shall be serviced by City or rv County sewer systems and has direct access to a major road. Planning Board Recommendation (August 5,'1999Meeting)~ ~ ~ ..: The Planning Board voted 5-1 recommending that the proposed O&I District be_ Iimted:'sotith of the southern boundary line of parcel 5 (site map) west to the soirthern boundary of parcel 3. - Several residents of the Springview development located adjacent to the request were;. opposed. Their concerns centered around existing traffic problems associated with executing turning movements. onto College Road across from Crestwood development, U- turns to access the site for vehicles traveling north, and general degradation of residential land values if the property were rezoned.. Staff Summary & Recommendation This request seeks to rezone existing residential propertyto office and institutional use mos.f , likely based on the extension of Smith Creek Parkway from North College Road. As noted on the site map, all 5 parcels of land are bounded by the R-15 District to the north and west. Springview Estates which encompasses this R-15 District was developed in the early 1960's and in-part by the applicant. Springview development contains moderate type housing and is served presently by individual `veils and septic tanks. Other developed residential enclaves exist north of the site. One development adjacent and north of the property is Kings Grant zoned R-10. Most, if not all of the roads serving the Springview development have been accepted for maintenance by NCDOT. Road access also is available on the west side of the property via Branch Road. D ~rectly across from the applicant's property is a continuation of the residential zoning district. ~Thi's'area'was°d elop d as Crestwood in the early 70'x. Other land use districts include a ,`commercial area located at the main entrance to Crestwood. ' ~~ '=Land use guidelines encourage commercial and office and institutional uses at major 2 6 '~intersectio~~n. s ~espeeially if infrastructure services such as public water and sewer are provided. Z-679 (cont'd) ~ _ 2. With the exception of the B-2 District located to the north other surrounding properties remain residential. Unfortunately, the 450 feet of road frontage that this'property has on North College Road has several problems and concerns. Most, if not all of the property's road frontage is "controlled." Presently, ataper/de-acceleration lane for vehicles wanting to execute a right turn onto Smith Creek Parkway exists along the road frontage. A NCDOT driveway permit would be required along this road frontage to comply with the O&I District requirements: If improvements are not. made (as suggested by NCDOT) to widen this lane or create a service type road parallel to the , existing lane; traffic conflicts may occur. North College Road has a posted speed limit of 45 m.p.h. Knowing the uncertainty of obtaining a driveway permit or the ability to provide additional road improvements to widen the turning lanes on North College Road, the Planning staff recommends that the best use for the property should remain residential. To utilize the property residentially, Branch Road could be extended a short distance with a cul-de-sac ,developed toward the southern end of of the site. Lots .could then be developed within the interior of the property' without fronting on any major road. Adequate buffering already exists in the form of mature and natural vegetation. 1 27 OCT-13-1999 14 45 IJESScLL & RANEY FACSIMILE TR.AN'S~dTSSZON SHEET ATESSBI,~, & RANEY, , L.L.P. 107-8 I4'orth 2'd Stx~et Wilmingtons, NC 2e~o1 Po®t Offic® Box lOg9 Wilmington, NC ae4n2 TeleBboae: (93.0}~ 762-7475 Facsimile:. (93,0} 762-7557 73~-Mil: wazidr~wilIIii.ngton.'net .,. ~ _ - . ., . ..., TO': . Sam Burgess ,. FAX~NUM3ER:•.. ;. `:341 ,4556 ~' .. .: FROM: ~, John Wessell ~ ., DATE: 10/13/1999 ~ ~ - .~~,!. ~. TOTAL PACES (including this Transmission Sheet}; 1 If you do not receive the total number of pages indicated, please call us as soon ag possible. at the telephcne.number-indicated above. O122OTNA1., TO FOLI.~OW. Bt'> MAIL: Yes: •. _~ No COMMENTS OR SPEC:iFZC`-INSTRUCTIONS: .. ~ ., RR : LARRY RIPA REZONING REQ'tTE'ST Please place the rezoning request of Larry Ripa on the Commissioners' agenda for November ]., 1999. If you need anything more from me, please call. Thanks very much for the help. The inferr.,ation contained in this facsimile massage is attorney-privileged and con°idential information intended only for the use o£ the individual or entity named above. If ti:a readex of this message ie not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying o£ this communication ie strictly prohibited. If you have received this. communicaticn in error, please immediately notify ua by telephone and return the original message to ue at the above address via the U;S. Postal Service if so instructed. 'Thank you. 2.8. TOTAL P. f~1 ~. 910 762 7557 P.Bli01 Petition Summary Data Z - 679 Otivner: John Wessell (petitioner} Existing Land Use: vacant Zoning His#ory: Originally zoned in July, 1972 'SVater Type: Community and individual well Setiver Tube: Individual. septic tank ~ ' Recreation Area: kings Grant Park Access and Traffic Volume: 28,100 ADT ('97 count), North College Road Fire District: Winter Park VFD ` •4~S'atershed and Water Oualihv: Smith Creek C (S`V) . Aquifer Rechar6e Area: Shallow water table Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: none Soils: Class II Building Suitability: Moderate limitation Schools: Blount Elementary School District • . 1 29 Petition to: NevvHanover County Planning Board . Concerning August 5, 1999 meeting item #7:.Request by Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the northtivest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and 132 N (North College Road) from R-15 residential to O & I (Office and.Institutional). - We; the undersigned, do ask that the reduest by John Wessell for Larr<~ and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the Northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkwa}r and Highway 132 N (North College Road} from R-15 (residential) to 0 & I (office and institutional } be clenierl as ttt~sttitable for tlii~ location atirl for . these reasons: ~, fart I 1. This property would be accessible through the Springview residential community, increasing traffic and hazards to neigltborltood clailrlrett, .and overloading a Traffic ~~area . , that was not designed to handle more than,,residential traffic. ~ . 2. A dangerous section of 132 N (North College Road), tivhere I-40 and Smith Creek Parkway converge, would now have a sudden turn off. It would also force .north .bound traffic to make a U-turn at the Springview neighborhood entrance in order to reach the property. This intersection is already. prone to accidents do to the amount of residential traffic from Springview and Kings Grant: Kings Grant residents dlrectrly have to~cross northbound traffic to turn left on College Road at the same Springview entrance.. 3. Drinking water and sewage capabilities would need very careful development'for this property, with the possible overload to borne owner's wells and septic fields. nA ~ 4. The newly constructed wetlands at the Smith Creek Parkway location would" reduire protection from storm water runoff from this adjoining property. 5. The lengthy intrusion of construction equipment which will access the property by driving through Springview and parking on Spring Branch Rd. and Riplee Dr. creates a very real safety issue for playing children. 6. Residential property valate will decrease unless further commercial encroachment continues to buy up and rezone the entire neighborhood. 7. Springview is an established community that is peaceful and has that quiet residential atmosphere that so many people call home: WE dVANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!. A~rtyone wa~ttirtg aft office aftcl ittstitcttiortal park in your ~teighj raise your Mandl You must be the one wlto owns the property. 30 P~Je 1 of 7 ~'etition to; Ne`V JE~anover County Planning Board Concerning August 5, 1999 meeting item #7: Request by Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and 132 N (North College Road) from R-1 S residential to O & I .(Office and Institutional). We, the undersigned, do ask that the request by John Wessell for Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the Northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and Highway 132 N (North College Road) from R-15 (residential) to O &~ I (office and institutional) be denzecl rrs rtnsa~itrrhle,for tl;is location trfid for t~aese recrsofr.c: Part II If the County Planning Board does indeed go against the wishes of the residents of this neighborhood, we would like the following guarantees: 1. There would be i~ access from the Ripa,property onto Springbranch Rd or Riplee Dr. This concern stems from the fact that a gravel road that already exists at the end of Springbranch Road would be used for the purpose of access to the Ripa property during ` construction and as an entrance after construction. The resultirca trtrffic overload and hazard's to our clzilrlren is unacceptable. 2. There would be a more than sufficient berm erected to insulate and beautify the existing neighborhood... not destroy it. ,. 3. That the residential home located at 4.642 Riplee Drive will remain residential and not be allowed to be incorporated into or used for business purposes ... Mr: Ripa has expressed interest in purchasing 4642. Riplee Drive which is currently for sale and borders the corner of the property in question (proposed 5.25. acres, for rezoning). Using .this property along with the 5.25 acres would of course exemplify further encroachment of our neighborhood and devalue neighborhood properties even more. 4. That a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Springview Road and 132 N: (North College Rd.) to control the increased traffic accidents created by the necessity to . make U-turns to access the Ripa property. • G~a.9 e 31 Petition to~: New Hanover. ~ounty.Planning Board Concerning August 5, 1999 meeting item #7: Request by Larry and Maggie Ripa to '. rezone 5.25 acres~located at the northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and 132 N (North College Road) from.R-15 residential.to O &'I (Office and Institutional). ~~,We, the undersigned, do ask that.the request by John Wessell for Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at theNorthti~~est intersection of the Smith Greek , Parkway and .Highway 132 N (North College Road} from R=15 (residential,) to O & I (office. and iristitutional }'be clet~ierl tts ttnsttitcthle for this loccrtiott and :for' . these rensorts: CTf~'NATTTRF. AiTiIRF.S~ 32 ~, ' - ~„~a ~ ~etltlon to: New Hanover County I~lallning Board Concerning August 5, 1999 meeting item #7: Request by Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5:25 acres located at the northwest intersection. of the Smith Creek Parkway and 132 N (North College Road) from R-15 residential to O & I (Office and . Institutional}. we, the undersigned; do ask that the request by John Wessell, for Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the Northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and Highway 132 N (North. College Road) from R-15 (residential) to O & I (office and institutional) be tlej~~etl trs rtnsaiitt~ble for this location trntl-~ or these retrsons: • • 5"" 'U~ '~5' 33 P~~~ w Petition to: New Hanover bounty Planning Board Concerning August S, 1999 meetingitem #7: Request by Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5.25 acres located at the northwest intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and 132 N (North College Road) from'R-15 residential to O & I {Office and ' Institutional). 34. ~- r"j :~ r ~ ~ `> ~~~~~_.~ f~, J ~~ We; the undersigned, do ask that the request by John Wessell for Larry and Maggie Ripa to rezone 5:25~acres located at th'e North~~~est intersection of the Smith Creek Parkway and Highway 132 N (North College-Road) from R-15 (residential) to D & I ~' (office and institutional }be denied ris icnsr~~t~cble=~fa~ this location rind for • • • NEIIV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IUleeting Date: 11./01/99 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number., Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Alien O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Appointment of Two Representatives to the Board of Directors of the Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. (This items postponed from the 10/18/99 meeting) BRIEF SUMMARY: The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc., the non-profit group "...to raise funds and oversee the rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrews Church and Manse.." is requesting a county commissioner and county staff representative to serve on the "Friends" Board of Directors. The intent is to rehabilitate,St. Andrew's Church "...an arts and cultural facility to accommodate the growing arts organization and programs in Wilmington." The "Foundation" is clearly in place to raise funds and support arts .programs and programming. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND.REQUESTED ACTIONS; FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appointment of County Commissioner to the Foundation. If the County is to become involved it should be made very clear that no responsibility or obligation exists on the part of the county for funding. The county currently funds the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear in the amount of $25,920. I have enclosed far your information the current funding levels for cultural organization. Also enclosed is a letter of request for an appointment and other backup material regarding the purpose and activities of the Friend's of St. Andrew's, Inc. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. CQUNTY COMMI~IOHt~ 'APPROVED Q REJECTED [,~---~- REMOVED p :.,;;, 3 5 POSTPONED p HEARfJ n > > r'~ATE ~ ~ ~ 5 ~~.,~.~ .' NEW ~HANOVERCOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .., . REQUEST •FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~~ Department: County Manager .Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact; Allen O'Neal • ~ ' SUBJECT: Consideration of Appointment of Two Representatives to the Board of Directors of the Fr"lends of St. Andrew's,'lnc.~ ~ ' ~ ~ ` ' BRIEF SUMMARY: The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc., the non-profit group "...to raise funds and oversee the rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrews C1lurch and Marise.:" is requesting a co.untycommissioner'and couhty staff , ' representative to serve oh the"'Friends" Board of`Directors. The intent isao rehabilitate St"Andrew's Church "_..an arts. aril cultural facility to'accommodate the growing arts organization and programs in Wilmington." The "Foundation" 'is clearly in place to:rase funds'and support arts programs and programming.. ~ - ~ ; .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:~r .. . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appointment of County Commissionerto the Foundation:, If fhe,'County is to become involved it should' be made very clear#hat no'responsibility or obligation exists. on fhe parf of the county for funding. The county currehtly funds the Arts~Council of the~Lower Cape•Fear-in the amount of:$25,920.. I have enclosed for your information the current funding levels for cultural organization.-Also enclosed is a.letter of `request for an appointment grid other backup'materialregarding the pur, se d activities of the-: Friend's of-St. Andrew's,.-Inc: _ ~- - - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: °~ ~~~~° 3 6~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_~a :~~ ~mi/~V! I~i~i~ ~. ~~~ 111: ~~ . -. _ , _~a ~~ j7,ti1 (^I R+~l~~i~.:)~4iJ1Y~FSw~ ~~ It' ~~~ _. RE..: C~ , ~ ~- ~r. ~ ~ v ~; .. o ~° ° 55~~ Q 55^~~ QQ 5Q- ~ 25 0 2i o 25 o u~ o x m m ~ o o m o oQ _ " Q' D) p N t[i N M (V Cj ~ " ~ N ~! A a } a LL , o M Q + . 2 0 m `~i 25 25 o S °. ° Q. o Q o ° o o ~ ~ m . ~~ N' N m ry Cl A ' q O °" rn O W } O li. .. f l . " Z ~ t !"~ Q ^ y 0 ~ 88. SS SS 88 SS 88 8 0 0 0 0 0° O~° O N o pM OO~~ SS88 8 OI ° G i U ?~ p~ N eN- t[I (O N N N A N O p M O 17 M v i ` ' ~ Z O W ~ N ~"" dl ^ ^ W m !~ Q 5j Q ~+ c"S 25 25 25 Ng $$80~~ ° o ° 0 m N 8 ~p ° ° N m y ~ W ^ ~ ~ N ~' O t~ Ci N M m ' ? pOp 6 ~' m Z O Q m M u. .. U ~ ~ N ~ = a }' Q w c'v `~ ~ 25 ~ 0 25 o m o- o n ° 0 0 0 ~ , c E -- Z ~-~• Cf N ~ O 0 tD fV ti ~ ' QI A ] ] O ''nn V = C Q ~ ~ N p Q O Q J ~ G . W Z -~ .. z O m ~ y m c U n o ~ ~ ~ U ~" a - O o W LL U ~ ' ° r ~ w ~ Fr ~ 5 ' ~ W U d o ~~ E 0. 3 .~..~ o E E 'c " ~ b -' ~ ?: > ~ Y Gi v q o ~ m m o .. ~ o ~ a° 9 ~ o ~ W e ~ aQi n i~ ~ w v ~ ~0 7 t~ 'E m C Lt N ~ U J ' ? C J U' ~ J r f- 0. LL O Z U E F- .- N. n a ^ > o Q $Q~ $ o ~ ~ ~ ~ 25 0 o x n ~ 25 0 ~ m o y 1 m a ~ N p c pi1 N p ~ N O N N N~ m N m ~,N ~ ~ . . ~~ a ^ '" 5~ 20 ~ o ~ ?5 ~ ~ 25 25 m 25 ~.o g 25 0 0 ,'S m `o ~, p Q W R~ m N~~ trO h m H N~ ~ m T ~ U ~ ~ N y W ~ H O ^ "" 8 8 8 8 S S ~ .. N Q O° O Vl ~ Q O O m O N r ~ YU} ~ i I D_ t7 O . - O ~!1 p W ~ m N m" ' N ~ ~ b N m Y'1 N C) f~ O ~- _ - , . W ~ ~ q Lq ^ z~m ~~~~~~~~m~~o~~°°~ `~ 6 C eq W O o ~ m N° '° N~° fo ~i m N N~ ,- a ~'" a y ' N E v ~ L mm o $ ~ 0 0 o ~ ~ 2 "~ o ~ 25 nS `nx 2 i 25 m u"' ~o a ~ . , p p N p V ~ C10 N ~ ~ t0 ~ i0 N ~ N N Ip~ a ~ C W a. p r. a A , > ° :? x ~ ; ~ ~ ~ s ci _ ~ c ~ n V E W ~~ c o^ v. U ~ ~ ' °~ ~ E h U c~ > 8 ~r~ .~ ~ U ~~ ~° U 8¢ m~ a U= .~ T Z E ps`~_~3~3LL ELL 9'iim ~~ ~ ~~ ~ w `o ~$ 4 V E~~ 3 c~ o g m~ 3 m ~' ~ E m ~ ,>y. . i ~ W~ o o~ a v o o~ o Y o u o~-~ ~ Friends of St. Andrew's,.Inc. - SPA ~ ~ C/o Historic Wilmington Foundation .: PO BOX 1505 Wilmington, NC 28402 September 28, 1999 Mr. Allen O'Neal - ' „ County Manager ; New Hanover County _ . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 , Wilmington, NC 28401-4045 f Dear Mr eal, .: ~ On behalf of the Friends of St Andrew's, I respectfully request the New Hanover. County ' Commissioners to consider appointing two representatives to the Board of Directors of the Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. The Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. has recently been formed to raise funds and oversee the rehaiilitation of the historic St. Andrews Church and Manse and adjacent Boxing Center as a Community Arts 'and Cultural Center. The newly formed board consists of representatives from the City of Wilmington,various arts and cultural organizations, the North Fourth Street area, the community at large and the Historic, Wilmington Foundation, Inc. ~; The St. Andrew's Church, Manse',arid adjaceht Boxing Center~(formerly the Consolidated' firehouse and Market) are located on North~Fourth Street and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For the past two years, the Historic Wilmington:Foundation, the City of _ Wilmington, arts: and~cultura6groups, and community representatives have met regarding the rehabilitation of the church that was threatened with "demolition by neglect". ~ ~ " '~ ~;., ;; . . A report to City Council by the Community Arts Committee has recommended that the St. .. • Andrew's Church be rehabilitated as an arts and cultural facility to accommodate the growing arts ,. k. , organizations and programs in Wilmington.. The City of V~lilmington is committed to the , . redevelopment of the North Fourth Street area and has significantly ingested in this project. The rehabilitation of this church will serve as a catalyst for revitalization in the area, provide space for the arts and preserve a significant historic landmark for future generations. . Please find enclosed additional information about the St. Andrew's Broject for your review. It is ~ our hope that the County will appoint two representatives (an elected official and a county ~, employee) to the Board of the Friends of St. Andrew's and become a partner in this worthy ~, project. Your participation and support is critical in saving this important historic landmark and providing much needed arts space in New.'Hanover County. ', ~ . Thank you for your consideration. Please call me if you have any questions. I can be reached at i 762-2511. ~ .:i.; '::fit Sincerely, Elizabeth Buxton ~ ' G ~ HWF Executive Director , - . (Staff for Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc) - ~ , ," 38, ~,{ ~ ~' .Enclosure ~ '' .. - , s ,~ .r . , .} • • L ® . North Fourth Street Community Arts and CulfuraJ Center The Friends of St. Andrews Inc: has been formed as a ,4,. ~ '~ riot-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization to oversee the _ - . ,_ ~ ~ fundraising for and rehabilitation of the historic St: ~ e . ~ ~J~t~ a ~,~ ~ ~~ n~~~: Andrew's Church on North Fourth Street. The ,~~~. organization is comprised of representatives from the _ ~ _~' ~~~ ~~ North Fourth Street community, the Historic Wilmington ~ jP ~`~.~ ;' ~ ~.~~~ Foundation, the City of Wilmington, interested -arts and '-'~ •-~ ~ _ ~`~ .. ~ cultural organizations, and financial institutions. .,.} _- Savinct an Historic Treasui^~ . The Historic Wilmington Foundation, because of its Long- standing track record and interest in historic preservation has agreed, to purchase the church, building and adjacent manse. The Foundation pFans to act as interim owner t"o' ensure the building's preservation by placing historic preservation covenants on the .property;:initiate the fundraising campaign, and play an advisory-role.on the rehabilitation project: The City of Wilmington is committed to the rehabilitation of the. church and manse and has agreed to become a partner in funding by purchasing the complex from the Foundation with Community Block Grant Funds'. Re~iitalizing Our Neighborhoods . The`North Fourth Street Area is the subject of a revitalization plan which will focus on the respectful i-eha,bilifation of existing buildings and the attraction of businesses'to the area.. The historic St: Andrew's Church is an .anchor in the neighborhood and is located in the heart of the business district. lts rehabilitation will serve as a catalyst for continued redevelopment in the area.. Its end use as an arts cultural center will also play a significant role, since it has been proven in other communities that both arts and cultural resources. aid 'in the redevelopment of depressed areas.. Fina)ly, the historic St. Andrew's Church is a significant historic resource`worthy of preservation.. It is a prime example of one of North Carolina's most celebrated historic architects and reflects_an important period in the history of the region. The preservation of this state .landmark will create a sense. of pride in the community that will bridge several ,generations. A iVlission 1ii<e No Other in Sodtheastern North Carolina - The~missi®n of the Historic St. Andrew°s Rehabilitation project is to: ® Save a historically and architecturally signiificant structure, . ~ Reuse the building for the benefit of the neighborhood and the whole community, ~ . ® Support the physical and economic revitalization of the neighborhood, ®. Provide programs and services for the community, ~~ ® .:Enhance the arts in Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina, and Promote the cultural history and diversity of Wilmington and the region. 1 1 The Need ,,, The rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's Church will have benefits in three significantareas,. The most urgent. and obvious need is the preservation ~of the existing . building. structure; a significant historic resource reflective of Wilmington's history. The . preservation of :this local landmark will instill a sense of .pride in the community and . establish the momentum of future,rehabilitatian and development in; the North Fourth Street~area. - ~: Conversion of .the historic,St. Andrew's Church into a community arts and cultural . ' center also provide a much needed facility.for;artists and organizations based in Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina. The Center will provide.cohesiveness and support for the arts in our:area and create a showcase center within the North Fourth Street neighborhood;Nine arts and comrriuriity groups have expres ed an interest in-using the rehabilitated St:'Andrew's facility.-for purposes including. the visual and performing arts, educational programs, and community development., This project is about p~reservation,'arts; and the comri~unity in an` area that has been depressed for many years: t:, ..: Taking Action _..: The Friends of St. Andrew's steering committee proposes acommunity-.w-de effort to make this.vision for preserving our history and legacy in the arts a reality. An Honorary Board of .Directors will be appointed to advise us on the fundraising campaign and to involve leaders. across the region in this historic enterprise. ~~- ~.Establishin'c~ a Legacy for Our~Future ; `~. . :t With restoration of'the historic St Andrew's Church, the Friends of St.~Andrew's is making a vital and long-lasting contribution. to the city of V~/ilmington. Not only will the rehabilitation save a valuable historic landmark and contribute to the revitalization of the city center, restoring the building will also provide a ;critically=needed center for arts and cultural activities where none exists today. A gift fo the rehabilitation of the St. Andrew's Church is a`gift that will contribute to the history; arts., and urban devefopmeht of Wilmington's and southeastern North C~arotina for years to come. Pfease joen us in ocrr efforts.'.. The Friends of St. ~4ndrevv's c/o Historic Vllilmington Foundation F'O fox 1505 ~ ~ _ V1/ilmington, dUC 28402 (910) 7622511 ~ : 4 ®+` Your donation is. tax deductible } FRIENDS OF ST. ANDREW'S, INC. Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation Project CASE FOR SUPPORT August 31, 1999 Executive Summary The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc. has been formed as anot-for-profit 501(c)(3) . organization to oversee the fundraising for and rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's Church on North Fourth Street. The organization is comprised of representatives from the North Fourth Street area, the Historic Wilmington Foundation; the City of Wilmington, interested arts and cultural organizations, financial institutions and the community. The committee has authorized a capital campaign to raise $1.5 million- for the rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's . Church to be used as a community arts and cultural center. Saving an Historic Treasure The fate of the historic St. Andrew's Church has been unknown for several years.' The church has suffered from years of neglect and deterioration, and was condemned by the'City in 1996. Demolition seemed imminent until Mr. Doug Foster, a Charlotte developer, purchased the church from the Holy Trinity Congregation to prevent its demolition. Mr. Foster did not intend to own the ; church long-term and wanted to sell into a nonprofit organization that would continue to rehabilitate the building.. The Historic Wilmington Foundation, because of its long-standing track.record and interest in historic preservation, was identified as the potential buyer of the church, As agreed by all involved parties, the Foundation made an offer to . purchase the church building and the adjacent manse contingent on a new roof being constructed and the building stabilized to prevent further deterioration. Working with the City of Wilmington and Historic Wilmington Foundation, Mr. Foster has completed' the first phase of the project. The Foundation purchased St. Andrew's in March 1999. The role of the Historic Wilmington Foundation is three-fold. The. Foundation acted as interim owner.to ensure the building's preservation by placing historic preservation covenants on the property, initiated the fundraising campaign, and will play an~ advisory role on the rehabilitation project. The City of Wilmington is committed to the rehabilitation of the church and manse and became a partner in funding by purchasing the complex with Community Block Grant Funds in May 1999. Revitallizing Our Neighborhoods ' The North Fourth Street Area is the subject of a revitalization plan which will focus on the respectful rehabilitation of existing buildings and the attraction of businesses to the area. The historic St. Andrew's Church is an `anchor in the neighborhood and is located in the heart of the business district. Its rehabilitation will serve as a catalyst-for continued ~redeVelopment in the area. The complex's end use as an arts and cultural center wilt also play a significant role since it has beenproven in other communities that both arts and cultural resources aid in the redevelopment of depressed areas. The Revitalizafion~ Plan~for the North Fourth Street Business District, the,„Report of the Community, Arts Committee, and th.e Vision 20/20 Plan all recommend the church -be renovated; the latter.two specifically recommend ~use.as an arts facility. ~ ,. . i 5 Finally, the historic St,Andrew's Church.is a significant hi~storic'res.ource worthy of preservation. ~ It is a prime example of one of North Carolina's most celebrate historic architects and reflects`an important~eriod in the history of the re iq_on. The preservation of this state landmark will create a sense of pride~i'n the community that will bridge several generations. . ,., The St. Andrew's Project also represents. Wilmington's most likely project for the ,aproposed White House millennium initiative, "Save America's Treasures". Potential..federal funding~for~the St. And'rew's project will be significantly aided by generous community financial support. .. A Mission like. No Other in Southeastern North .Carolina ` _ The mission of the Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation project is to: `~ ~~ • Save•a historically and architecturally significant structure, ~ _ • Reuse the building for he,benefit of the neighborhood and the whole " community, ~ ,. • Support the physical anal economic. revitalization.of the neighborhood, • Provide programs and_ services.for the_community; ,,, . ~. ., • Enhance thearts in~ Wilmington and southeastern North„Carolina, and • Promote the cultural history and diversity of Wilmington and the region.,:.:. Histo ~ _ ~ , . ,~> .. , l'he:historic.St. Andrew's Church is located on the corner. of Fourth and ~ , Campbell.Streets in downtown Wilmington. The,original church building:was ' built in .1873 and was significantly expanded ins 1888 by architect ~Adolthus. _ . Gustavus:Bauer, who worked with Samuel Sloan in the construction of.~the.; governor's mansion in Raleigh. On the adjoining property south of the church, 2 the two-story masonry manse, which is Colonial Revival in style, was constructed in 1908. Both of these historic resources are located within the boundaries of ..the downtown National Register District. The Need The rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's Church will have benefits in three significant.areas. The most urgent and obvious need is the preservation of the existing building structure, a significant historic resource reflective of Wilmington's history. The preservation of this local landmark will instill a sense of pride in the community and establish the momentum of future rehabilitation and development in the North Fourth Street area. Conversion of the historic St. Andrew's Church into a community arts and cultural center also provide a much needed facility for artists and organizations based in Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina. The Center will provide cohesiveness and support for the arts in our area and create a showcase center within the North Fourth Street neighborhood. This project encompasses preservation, arts, and the community in an area that has been depressed for many years. Two studies highlight the priority for acommunity-based arts and cultural facility, such as the proposed St. Andrew's Community Arts and Cultural Center, in Wilmington. The Revitalization Plan for the North Fourth Street Business District was commissioned by the City of. Wilmington and carried out jointly by .the City of Wilmington, volunteers from the North Fourth Street Business District, Hyett Palma, Inc., The Downtown Research and Development. Center, Ken Weeden & Associates, and Howard T. Capps & Associates. A key result of the North Fourth Street Business District vision session was the evidence of the need for a community center large enough for diverse cultural activities to take place, including large groups of youth, adults and the elderly. Local business people and .residents were in agreement on the importance of improving the attractiveness and cleanliness of the area, and on the importance of physically improving North Fourth Street's buildings. Ln The Report of Community Arts Committee presented in October 1997, it is .recommended that additional facilities be provided to supplement the existing arts facilities in Wilmington. The Community Arts Committee (CAC) recommended renovating St. Andrew's Church, the adjacent manse (house), and the City's Boxing/Fitness Center on North Fourth ,Street to provide additional space for arts activities. The-committee felt that the space and layout of these facilities are complimentary to the needs of arts organizations. The CAC recommends that visual art classes and exhibitions continue in the downtown area, especially with the relocation of St. John's .Museum. The committee suggests that the rehabilitated St. Andrew's Church and adjacent 43 b facilities will provide ideal space to meet these requirements, given features such as ceiling 'height, layout and the availability. of natural; light: .. Furthermore, the study points out that the addition of arts space on North Forth Street will continue a trend started by the Arts Council of the Lower Cape. Fear, Acme Art, NoFo Gallery, and other commercial and nonprofit arts-orientated ~~ activities within ~a few blocks of St: Andrew's; -The hope of,the CAC is that the .,. rehabilitation of St. Andrew's Church into an arts, facility wiN improve the , r streetscape of the North'Fourth~.Street area, and.that,the building itself will,,- provide an important anchor in the community. ~ . Taking Action The Historic St: Andrew's Rehabilitation Project organizing comrnit#ee proposes a community.-wide effort to make this vision for preserving our history and legacy- in tfie arts a reality. The Friends of:St: Andrew's Board of Directors has been appointed to advise on the fundraising .campaign and to involve leaders across the region in this historic enterprise. - , ~ . Establishing a Legacy for Our Future .- With restoration of the historic St.. Andrew's Church, the Friends of St: Andrew's is making a vital acid long-lasting cohtribution to the city of~Wilmington.. Not only,. will the rehabilitation save°a valuable historic landmark andcontribute to, the , revitalization of the~city center., restoring the building will also>provide. a critically}-r needed center for arts and cultural activities where none .exists today. A, gift to the rehabilitation of the St. Andrew's Church,is a gift that will contribute to .the . history, arts, and urban development of Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina for years~to come: ,.,5 . . A .i ,~ ~ 1 Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation NORTH FOURTH STREET COMMUNITY ARTS AND CULTURAL CENTER A Center for the Arts in Wilmington and Southeastern North Carolina The historic St. Andrew's Church, Manse and Boxing Center will serve as the city's North Fourth Street Community Arts and Cultural Center. The project includes rehabilitating all three buildings to meet the needs of interested arts and community groups who have demonstrated space needs. Based on submitted proposals, the complex will include two performance spaces, rehearsal space, gallery and exhibition space, offices, classroom space and storage. Nine arts and community groups have expressed an interest in using the rehabilitated St. Andrew's facility for purposes including the visual and performing arts, educational programs, and community development. They include but are not limited to Acme Art, Cape Fear Shakespeare, Tapestry Theater, Willis Richardson Players, North Fourth Street Partnership, Chamber Music Society, New Hanover Community Action and Dreams of Wilmington. Two groups have expressed an interest in the long-term management of the facility. Acme Art Acme Art has been a positive force in the arts community by focusing on exhibitions, events and studio opportunities for artists. The organization is looking to expand these services to artists and the community and is very keen to mature symbiotically with the North Fourth Street redevelopment. By providing exhibition spaces for Wilmington artists and provisions for visiting artists,. from both the U.S. and abroad, the arts community and- community in general will greatly benefit. Acme Art seeks to use the St. Andrew's facility for exhibition space for visual art to be managed by the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, as studio space, and as residences for Acme Art guest artists. Chamber Music Society This group of musical artists form all over North Carolina and beyond provides the highest quality chamber music series for the region and a equally praiseworthy children's concert series. The Chamber Music Society hopes to move the existing series of five to six' evening concerts per year to the sanctuary of St. Andrew's. At two of these performances there will coincide an afternoon children's concert, and occasionally a student workshop/master class. ~ 45 5 Willis Richardson Players The Willis .Richardson Playersprovide to, involve, and educate the residents of Wilmington and surrounding areas on'the performance of ~bfack theater. Participants are volunteers from alf backgrounds_and races. The group hopes to use St. Andrew's for rehearsal and meeting space'."'' ~ '" Tapestry Theater Company '~ " ~ ' Tapestry Theater. Company produces substantive, professional .plays that address social concern's,.,invoive minorities,".and inspire and `educate: Th"ey also enterta~iri, elevate ,the :perceptions and citizenship of "its audience, and seriously examine the human condition. The.group serves a great portion of 1ilmington and makes a deliberate, conscious effort to cultivate anon-typical audience and cultural and ethnic diversity.,. . Tapestry will use.the.faci.lity to house and~~rehearse its"`regufar season of theater, expanding .the season b'y two shows annually. The;or'ganzation hopes 'to expand, its Adopt an-Agency program} and continue'the ongoing Arts`-in= Education .project. A (,heater residency wll,'afford Tapestry the opportunity.~to host special events on a more regular basis and to bring 'qualified professiohals ' into the community for performances and workshops. ` ~`~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' In~addition, Tapestry Theater Company hopes to expand its collaborative efforts with other interested groups, such as Cape Fear Shakespeare and Dreams to provide cultural~enrichm~ent for citizens of all races;and'socioeconomic conditions. ' Cape Fear. Shakespeare. ~ ~ , ' Cape Fear Shakespeare is dedicated to the presentation of free;°'outdoor ` classical theater in afamily-oriented, accessible` picnic-style environment. The group's purpose is to provide education and entertainment th'rough' the works of William Shakespeare toahe citizens of Wilmington and the Cape Fear area. .. ~.. Cape Fear Shakespeare has long been without a perma:n;ent home due to~ its seasonal nature., By being housed in'St.;Andrew's, the group fiopes`to continue programming on a more frequent basis, keeping its mission to provide free, accessible presentation of classical theater going for more;than one month out~of the year; and achieving th.e as yet unrealized dream'of`perfo~ming Shakespeare for area schools. ~ ~ ~ ,: ~ ` . .. Cape. Fear Shakespeare is interested in.the management of the facility as well as provision of programs. :. ~. `j ~ . The New Hanover County Community, Acfion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ The New Hanover County Communnity Action assists individuals and families break the cycle of poverty through the operation of cultural, educational and economic self-sufficiency ,programs. Current programs include Head Start, 46 6 .Comprehensive Services, language development, summer enrichment for preschool children, adult education and computer literacy. The NHCCA proposes to manage the facility and further expand their existing programs. to assist economically disadvantaged households become self- sufficient. The. NHCCA will use the space for 1) operation of enhanced after- . school and seasonal enrichment programs for neighborhood children; 2) expansion of the existing adult educational program to include computer literacy; and 3) expanded outreach services for cultural enrichment and adult self- , sufficiency, targeting the elderly. DREAMS of Wilmington, INC. DREAMS of Wilmington, INC. is dedicated to the development and enhancement of moral character and emotional health in at-risk young people ages 8-17 through involvement with the arts. This organization proposes reusing the historic St. Andrew's Church for art, dance, drama, music, office and social space. Targeted participants and beneficiaries of DREAMS' programs include economically disadvaritaged children residing in New Hanover County who qualify for the free or reduced school lunch program.. North Fourth Street Partnership The mission of the North Fourth Street Partnership is to work and to motivate . 'community members to work on the many projects necessary to reach its goal of a crime-free, economically viable community.. Present beneficiaries and ® participants in the programs include senior citizens, low-income residents, shut- ins and handicapped individuals. ~~ Friends of St. Andrew's Board of Directors -. ,; August 31,.1999 , Mr. Jim Hively, President Ms. Susan Dankel 2005 Spanish, Wells Drive ~ ~ ~ ~ 254 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28405 ~' -~ - _ Wilmington, NC. 28401 •' W: 509-0123 fax: 509-0145 . ~- ! . , ,=, ~ W: 343-1640 _ , fax; 251-8693 - vely~a~wheatfirst.com , ' ~ ., ~ Email: ihi H:.343-1344 ~ , .. ~ . Email: sdankel@wilmington `net Ms. Shirley Hart`Berry, Vice President ~` ~ • Cape Fear Community College Fish.ero - ' Mr. Dori 411 North Front Street . Lower Cape Fear Arts Council Wilmington, NC 28401 PO Box 212 W: 251-5614 fax: 251-5652 Wilmington, NC 28402.. ., H: 392=4800 ' , ., . W: 762-4223 , fax•:762-9312 , ~ ~ Email: beryhart@sprynet.com ~ ~ H: 791-7728 ~° ' ~ ' ' Email: arfsna wilrnington.net Mr. Michael Murchison, Secretary ` ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ " • '~ ' . Murchison, Taylor & Gibson ~ Mr. Steve Flaugher. ; 16 North .Fifth Avenue ~ : ~ ' - (NOFO Gallery) , . Wilmington;, NC 28401 71,O.North Fourth.Street„ ~ ' W: 763-2426 fax: 763-6561 ~ Wilmington, NC; 28401 H: 762-9462 " ~ W~:256-556'5 ~WZ:251-0804 ~~• '' , Mr. Gary Shell, Treasurer City of Wilmington PO Box 1810, . Wilmington; NC .28402 ~, W: 341-7855 fax: 341-7854 Mr. Charles ~Boney, Jr. Bohey Architects, Inc. 2528 Independence Blvd. Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28412 W: 790-9901 fax: 790-3111 H: 763-7285 Email: cb2@boneyarch.com Mrs. Betty Cameron 2308 Sterling Place Wilmington, NC 28403 H: 762-9962 Fax: 763-9949 Email: BHCam100@aol.com Mrs. Susan Carter 1506 Magnolia Place Wilmington, NC 28403 H: 762-3817 Mr, Michael Creed McKim & Creed Engineers 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 W: 343-1048 fax: 251-8282 H: 256-5358 4-~ Email:mcreed@mckimcreed.com Mr. Harry Forden , North Fourth„Street. Partnership PO Box 807 ' Wilmirigtori; NC 28402 ' `:'763-3987...., ~ ,. , Mr. David Houston , Bank of America 155 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 W: 251-5325 fax: 251-5251 david houston(c~bankofamerica.com Ms. Linda Pearce 602 Wright Street Wilmington, NC 28401 H: 763-0255 W: 343-8209 Marva Robinson 1051 Parkwood Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 H: 371-2676 W: 371-2261 Mrs. Elizabeth Wright 2232 Acacia Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 H: 762-0244 beach: 256-2694 b Friends of St. Andrew's Board of Directors (continued] Pending: Mr. Windell Daniels 521 Edgewater.Club Road Wilmington, NC 28411 762-9233 815-0804 ' Honorary Board Member: Representative Thomas E. Wright PO Box 1654 Wilmington, NC .28402 W:910-350-5921, H: 343-9842 Fax: 343-3339 Email Tomw@ms.ncga.state.nc.us Staff: Elizabeth Buxfon ' Historic Wilmington Foundation I'O Box 1505 O Wilmington, NC 28402 W:910-762-2511 ebuxton@isaac.net Jo Kroes Randell ' Historic Wilmington Foundation PO Box 1505 Wilmington, NC 28402 W: 910-762-251.1 jrandell@isaac.net Preservation Planner: Susi Hamilfon City of Wilmington PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 341-3254 susi.hamilton@ci.wilmington.nc.us Fundraising Consultant: Kevin Jacques . W: 686-2077 Fax: 686-2078 kjacques@capdev.com t 4.9 -~ ~ ., ~ .Thd,~,~age Ir~te~tlor~all~left bland} r - ~,~ i I MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Historic Courthouse Room 304 November 1,1999 6:30 p.rn. ITEMS OF BUSINESSPAGE NO. 1. Non Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) ~ ~ 51 2. Approval of Minutes ~ 53 3. Consideration of Award of Bid #00-0169and approval of contract 55 #00-0169A, and for radio and paging equipment. ADJOURN ` • 51 .. ~.~ ;~;~ ~ 3'.~Is page Inte~tior~ally le.~t blank} 52 `1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ` BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting., September 7, 1999 Regular Meeting, October 4',' 1999 ' Regular Meeting, October 18, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Approve minutes-~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .r, S: COUNTY COMMI~IONF~ APPROVED C~---~~` . - RE:lECTED ~ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O " 53 ') ~~~ ~.~.~.dirr t'~ ~~~ Q~Vd~~~~ 54 . ~. ~~~ ti i s • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 11!01199 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: - Award of bid # 00-0169 and approval of contract # 00-0169A for radio and paging equipment to Coastal Electronics, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The formal bid process was followed for the.purchase of radio and paging equipment. Two bids were received. Staff has evaluated the bids and recommends award of bid to Coastal Electronics, Inc. in the amount of X56,597.00. Funding for the acquisition is coming from three different sources: Fire Services, Hurricane Account, and the Water and Sewer District. Staff is presenting for consideration on this agenda item only the portion of the award which is. coming from the Water and Sewer District Account. Details and related documentation will be provided prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION ANb REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution award Bid # 00-0169 and approval of Contract # 00-0169A. FUNDING SOURCE: ' Water and Sewer District Administrative Reserve Account ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. A companion item is on the consent agenda. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' rCOUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED l~. RF.~E~7ED O Rl~~e~ ~ fif>?ON:EDz D! ~Til~ !' ! ~ `~~ 55 RESOLUTION OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF.COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER•COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and, publicly opened by the Finance, Department at 9:00 a.m, on the 21st day of October, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for radio and paging equipment for the County, Bid # 00-0169: Coastal Electronics, Inc. $56,597.00 Wireless Communications . t ~ ~• $66,623.00 :: , ,, w • , ` AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Fire Chief, the Information Technology Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Coastal Electronics, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible: bidder, in the amount of fifty-six thousand five hundred ninety=seven dollars. 056,597:00); ~ , .,; . -. ': AND WHEREAS; the portion of the purchase required because of damage of existing system from Hurricane Floyd to be funded.from the Hurricane Account.. (110-433-4324-6400)'in the amount of twenty-seven thousand one hundred five dollars ($27,105.00); . ~,~. , , AND WHEREAS, the portion of the purchase that is, an upgrade will be funded equally between the „ .. Water and Sewer District and the. Fire Services Department; ~' AND WHEREAS, the portion of the purchase to be funded from the Fire Services Account (130-436-4340-6400) is fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-six dollars ($14,746:00); ~ ~ • AND WHEREAS; the remaining portion of the purchase is to be funded through the Water and.Sewer District account (800-470-4197-6400) in the amount of fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-six dollars ($14,746.00); NOW, THEREFORE, BE I"P RESOLVED by the Water and'Sewer District Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for radio and pab ng equipment for the County, Bid # 00.0169. be awarded to Coastal Electronics, amount of the purchase to be funded through Water and Sewer District account is fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-six dollars 014,746.00); and that the District is hereby authorized and directed ;to execute contract # 00-0169A in the amount`of fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-six dollars (514,746.00); contract form to,be approved by the County Attorney. _, This 1st day of November, 1999. (SEAL) ATTESTi: ~. ~.: .,,'',.~'~ 56 ~. ~. ~ . ~. ~ ~;~. _..a i . • ark Clerk to the Board ~~~~ '~x,~'r~`-~ 3 , Chairman, District Board of Commissioners ~-, ~ 1 b • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 1,1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 59 ~,~ ~. 2. Award of bid #00-0169 and approval of contract 00-01b9B for _ 61 radio and paging equipment to Coastal Electronics 3. Approval of resolution for Drainage Improvements Easements 63 4. Approval of FY 2000 State Aid Allocation 65 5.. Approval of grant application for $19,822 from Susan G. Komen 67 Breast Cancer Foundation for "Operation Reach Women" - 6. Approval of request for new positions in Juvenile Restitution Program 79 7. Approval of request for Assistant Project Manager position 81 8. Approval of Award of Bid #00-0089 to Bob King GMC for two 85 trucks for the Parks Department 9. Approval of installment financing with Bank One for financing of 87 equipment and approval of association budget amendment #00-0056 . 10. Approval of Carolina Children's Initiative Program Grant Funding 93 Request - 11. Approval of-Drug Treatment Court Agreement with the State .111 Administration Office of the Courts 12. Approval of budget amendments: 1. #00-0051 Social Services Administration/Crisis Intervention Program 121 2. #00-0054 Social Services Administration/CP&L Intervention Program 122 57 c; 58 ` ~~ _ e a • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: ,Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, September 7, 1999 , Regular Meeting, October 18, 1999 Land Use Plan Public Hearing, September 7, 1999 Airlie Gardens Work Session, September 8, 1999 Emergency Meetings, Hurricane Irene September 16, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND R Approve minute . COMMISSIONERS' TIONS/COMMENTS: 1 COUNTY COMMI~I ' APPROVED REJECTED p ;' REMOVED p :j POSTPONED p HEARD p (~~ _§~ 59 i - ~ .Thl.~ page Intentionallylefthlank}, ,..i, •+n n~Y~ ~:5. ~~~ +. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 a ' .Consent Item:#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Fire Services Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT:. .. Award of bid #00-0169 and approval of contract 00-0169B for radio and paging equipment to Coastal Electronics, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: " The formal bid process was followed for the purchase of radio and paging equipment. Two bids were received. Staff tias evaluated bids and recommends award of bid to Coastal Electronics, Inc, in the amount of $56,597.00. Funding for the acquisition is coming from three different sources: Fire Services, Hurricane Account, and the Water and Sewer. District. Staff is presenting for consideration on this agenda item only the portion of the award which is coming from the Fire Services and Hurricane Account. Details and related documentation will be provided prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution awarding Bid #00-0169 and approval of Contract # 00-01698 FUNDING SOURCE: Fire Service District and FEMA ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FiNANCE:.Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. A companion item is on the Water & wer Agenda. The Hurricane. account is composed of FEMA funds and insurance reimbursement. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~e~..-.~ ~ -I ~--.~z.lr-r~ ~, r ~--a ,~ ti''C ~~,,V" '~-uc~ ~~-~ COUNTY CON(MIS~IQ APPROVED Q--- REJECTED p ~. REMOVED ^ ~` POSTPONED ^ ~ ~ ~ ' HEARD q RESOLUTION OF THE ' BOARD OF :COMMISSIONERS` .. ~ _ OF . ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,, WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 9:00 a.m, on the 21st day of October, 1999, at the County. Administration. Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for radio and paging equipment for the County, Bid # 00-0169: ,Coastal Electronics; Inc. $56,597.00 Wireless Communications $66,623.00 - AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Fire Chief, <the Information Technology Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Coastal Electronics, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of fifty-six •thousand~five hundred ninety-seven dollars ($56,597:.00); ~. • ~ ~ :, > ~ ' •' AND WHEREAS,- the portion'of the purchase required because of damage of.existirig system from ,. Hurricane Floyd to be fimded from the Hurricane Account (110-433'-4324=6400} in the amount.of Twenty=seven thousand one hundred five dollars ($27,105:00); ... ~ ~ ~ - AND WHEREAS, the portion of ythe purchase that is an upgrade will be funded equally between the Water and Sewer District and the Fire Services Department;, AND WHEREAS, the portion of the purchase to be funded~.from the-Fire Services Account (130-436-4340-6400) is fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-six dollars ($14,746.00); , AND WHEREAS, the remaining portion of the purchase is to be funded through the Water acid Sewer District account (800-470-4197-6400) in the amount of fourteen thousand seven hundredforty-six dollars ($14,746, 00); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contractfor radio and paging equipment for `the County, Bid # 00-0169'tie awarded to Coastal Electronics, amount of the purchase to be funded through the Hurricane account and the Fire Services account is forty-one thousand eight hundred fifty-one. dollars ($41,851.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed #o execute contract #, 00-0169B in the amount of forty-one thousand eight hundred fifty-one dollars ($41,851.00);~contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 1st day of November, 1999. (SEAL) ~~^, ~~u ATTEST: i, l ~~~`~~ ~~~ 62 Clerk to the Board ~ q'lf1q~'~' Chairman, Board of County Commissioners n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 ~~ Consent Item. #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard. Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Easements for Drainage Improvements BRIEF SUMMARY; In order to move forward with cleaning debris from selected drainage channels, the Commissioners should approve a resolution, under the emergency process of the New Hanover County Code, authorizing the County or it's agents to access private property to~remove hurricane debris from ditches. Attached is a copy of a Resolution for your consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: l recommend that the Commissioners approve the attached Resolution with authorizatiori for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable ATTACHMENTS: " Resolution REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE:, NIA • BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACT(ON`5/COMMENTS: ~QU1VN ~MM'~rQ APPROVED ~~~ . REJECTED p REMOVED ~ .POSTPONED p HEART) `` @ATE ~! ~~- ~ ~9 _.. ~ J ~~~ ~~ AN EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County suffered three "major disasters"due to Hurricane Dennis, August 29, 1999, Hurricane Floyd, September 15, 1999, and Hurricane Irene, October 17, 1999; and WHEREAS, severe property damage has occurred within New Hanover County, creating drainage obstructions on public and private property; and ' WHEREAS, pursuant to.Chapter'6.7-23(c) of the~New~Hanover County Code;, an emergency proclamation may be i"sued to maintain 'order and'protect lives or'property during the state of emergency, ' NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS PROCLAIMED by'the :Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners-that it is necessary to authorize County-officials, their agents; or assigns to enter onto private property within New Hanover County for the purpose of removing drainage obstructions. IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED that this proclamation shall take effect upon its execution, and shall remain in effect for one hundred eighty days thereafter. This the [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~'a ~~;ISJ B`1'Y'Y -• ~~~~ 64. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ., b day of October, 19.99. NEW HANOVER'COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT ION Meeting Date: 11/01199, - Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: ' . FY -2000 State Aid Allocation BRIEF SUMMARY: ' A slight adjustment in the Aid to Public Librariesfiormula has resulted in a $1,926 increase. The NHC Public Library had anticipated receiving $196,326, and the allocation was $198,252. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Place on the consent agenda and approve using the additional $1,92 6 in the library's book budget; request approval of associated Budget Amendment #00-0050. FUNDING SOURCE: ' North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources - ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from Chief of Library Development ba#00-0050. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve budget amendment. COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /C MENTS: ~~If4 JJ v '~ ItiM ~~ ,1,~ ~ V Yl ,' 't ~` ~ Q ~ syp~i ~jr Q{l ~-~ y ®V'.! 1 V®~IY~I~71~~C~ APPROVED ~~~~~i~ - RE.IECTED p*t~~' REMOVED ©~ ~~' >~ °" POSTPONED t~'~~:~1~ ~~ ' •~I ` EARD a~ ~~~ } / NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS REQUEST'FOR.BOARD ACl'ION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 -. Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Library BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0050 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT •: ~' .,r Aid to Public Library Grant (State) ~ . ~ ~ . .$1,926 .~ Books & Periodicals - ' $1,926 ' - . ~ ., . EXPLANATION: To budget an increase of $1,926 in the Aid to Public Library Gr•ant~whicli'will be' used in the Library's book budget. No additional County funds are required. ,; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners . . • . ~~ ~ ~U~ CD~~flt~1© REJECT:E-D ,~+~~~,~~. REMOVEp +,'~ ~k:~~y POSTPONEDrt~ ,;~~~~;~q~j WEARS ,; ,., ,~, } NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 ~" Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Division Director-Women's Health ' Contact: Betty. Jo McCorkle-343-6660 SUBJECT: Grant Application for $19,822 from Susan G. Komen .Breast Cancer Foundation for: "Operation: Reach Women" BRIEF SUMMARY: Operation: Reach Women identifies low-income women in need of baseline cancer screening for breast and cervical cancer and provides free mammograms, pap smears, and clinical exams. This program provides educational outreach and searches for women who do not know about available services. The Hispanic population is a primary target for outreach and services. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application and approve budget amendment. and grant agreement if grant received. This grant requires no matching funds. FUNDING SOURCE: ` ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: . yes-10 pages - REVIEWED BY: " LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS Recommend approval as noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMM COMMENDATIONS: --~ CbUNTY COMMIS~I® • APPROVED. f~-~--"' ~ REJECTED REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O wEARn ®AT ~ ~t ~ a 1 , 4 _ _ 7 The I'~C Triangle Affiliate . _ . • of~ the Susan G. Komen..Breas,t`cancer Foundation Project Director: Organization/ 'Institution: Request for Funding ~~~for Breast ~Health/Cancer -Project , Bettv Jo McCorkle New Hanover County•Health Department = Address (include County, Service area): 2029 S . 17th Street Wilmington, NC ,:28401. New Hanover County .G Phone: 9'10 .°`343-6500:'-,.. ~ , ~: - _ FAX: 910 341-4146 - ~ ' Signature/title of - - ~ ` ~`'~ ` / "" approving institutional ~o2'~jt~//6 -~w~ ~~/~. t,~~G~t. personnel. ~~ ~~~1 Tide of ProjectfI'arget , Population: "Operation: Reach Women" (low-income women ages 30-64) • ..t Amount Requested: $1,000-5,000 _ $5,000-10,000 x$10;000-20,000}'~ Grant Period: 1999 Please check type of application: x Education - x Screening Treatment - - Please provide a short summary paragraph suitable for release to the general public if this application is chosen for funding. Operation: Reach Women identifies low-income women in need of baseline cancer screening for breast and cervical cancer and provides free ~a oIIUr arams, gap smears and clinical exams This ~roaram ,provides ~,~~ .rte .~,.= r ; n~c: .. .;~> ,. ~ ~ •i (;;;,,~~y~Aa~~~a.+•-~~~nal~ outreach and searches for women who do not know about availaYile~serv-ices The Hispanic population is a primary target for ~~ outreach~'~and;services. ~~ ~~,~r~~~~(Photoeopies of this form are acceptable) ~ ~b`t+~' '• `~` • Request for Funding Breast Health/Breast Cancer Education/Treatment/Screening Projects The NC Affiliate -Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation New Hanover County Health Department Proposal Project Description The New Hanover County Health Department recognizes the need for screening mammograms for women in the age range of 30-64 who are not otherwise eligible for breast cancer screening and follow-up services within our community. A focused sub-population is Latina women. There is also a need for educationallservice outreach to get the word out to women about available services. ~ • The New Hanover County Health Department has been involved in the provision of breast and ' cervical cancer screening since 1996 through the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Program (BCCCP). ~ We have provided cancer screening for approximately 500 women during this time. We have developed relationships with numerous partners within our community in order to 'provide the highest quality services for our patients. Those partners include radiology services, pathology services, surgicaUevaluation services, lay advisors, and cooperation with our county hospital's traveling medical van.. This year our Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) staff embarked on a new venture to provide more outreach to the, women in our community. Our county lost its "Community Charge on Cancer" ,program which provided outreach to women through lay ,outreach workers. Recognizing this loss,. our health department recruited volunteers who are interested in the health of women and formed a BCCCP Coalition. We have been working to get the word out to women that our health department is providing cancer screening services and preventive health education. We plan to implement six (6) educationaUoutreach events to target the population. Additional educational materials and media outreach are needed in order to accomplish this goal. Our health department health educator will provide some of the outreach as part of her job duties. . We routinely identify women through our "Women's Preventive Health" clinical services who are low income, under age 50 and are at risk for breast cancer. These women are participating in our services, primarily; for. family planning services: However, we provide preventive education and routinely refer them for screening mammograms. Unfortunately, many of these women never receive their mammograms due to inability to pay for the service. Latina women who are not documented residents do not have a means of payment and, therefore, do not seek .services .or do not follow through with referrals. These women would need follow-up care for abnormal results as well. We anticipate that we will identify approximately 10 patients who will need this complete package of screening and follow-up services. There are also women who are age 50-64 who do not have insurance, Medicaid/Medicare, and do • 69 Page 2 _ Request for Funding for Breast Health/Cancer Project New Hanover County Health Department ~ ~ • not meet the income criteria for BCCCP-supported services within our health~department 'Other. comrnuruty resources have been provided in the past through our local hospital's medical ` foundation funds. These funds are no longer available These women now have no source for care. This proposal seeks to provide" an option for screening mammograms. We anticipate the need for a total of 100 screening mammograms (ages 30-64 combined). Our health department's "Women's Preventive'Health" (WPH) clinical ""program provides"family planning and women's health services and has identified a growing number'`of Latina women in need of services: Vde are currently serving approximately 50 Latina women in our WPH program. Our goal is to reach out to the Latina population with breast cancer prevention ' • educational material, advertisement, and translating/interpreting services. Our health department contracts with a Spanish interpreting service and actively reaches out to .provide;services to this population.' VJe are currently providing services'to'ths population through all of our health departriientprograms iricluding.comrnunicable disease service's, maternal health"services; child health'services; school health'services and community health services. ~ ,a ' Our~county hospital's mobile medical van participates with•the health department •to "provide mammograms at our site for women who receive BCCCP services. This•"Coastal Care Van" also travels with us to health fair sites, breast cancer awareness sites and women's health prevention efforts: `Ve participated together in the ;VJal=Mart breast cancer awareness -activities in September, •1.999: We plan to continue to "provide services together for'patient screening and~as a means of outreach within the community: We plan to offer screenings. with the van four (4.) times per year. This proposal seeks'operatonal~expenses~ to maintain the mobile van's ' ~ ~" involvement: ~ , " ~ ,•;.. , . , . ~ ! . _ The time table we will use to accomplish the above tasks includes the following:. ~ ~' First Quarter ~- ' ~ Create advertisement for target populations; identify target areas"for outreach, prepare coalition for outreach efforts, establish contractual agreements, orient health department staff to expanded efforts, organize outreach efforts. to potential .. - •' referring sources. . ' , _ , ~' Remaining Quarters ' _ 4i , ' Implement above strategies ~ ~ - • '_ '. Sources/strategies for future funding•will include local hospital foundations, other breast cancer prevention funding sources;"and state grants. ~. ~ - ~" There is one comparable BCCCP program in our' community which targets~African American " women. Our program is unique in that it is able to identify, serve.and refer more women in } conjunction with out Women's Preventive Health Clinic component and we are able to provide services to the Latina population. We' are'"also unique in that we are a county agency "with a :.a 70 i _ . _ Page 3 = . , ~ _ . ~ Requestfor Funding for Breast Health/C~ncer Project - - _ New Hanover County Health Department '~ variety of referral sources throughout the community through satellite sites. - Success of this program will be measured by the number of additional patients we serve through our BCCCP program. Our goal is to serve an additional l00 women. We will disseminate this ~~ information through our advertising means as well as through our Board of Health and County Commissioners. The New Hanover County Health Department's Federal Tax ID #56-6000324 documents our . non-profit status. , - NC Trian_ gle Affiliate of The Susan G. Komen Breasf Gancer~Foundation Grant Annlication Required Budaef Form Detailed Budget for ',From I 199 Through 1, 100. ,. ~ , Entire Budget Period 1 /1 /2000 1 /1 /2001 t ,~ Personnel ~ Dollar amount requested ~' Type % Effort Base , ., Appt. on ~ Salary . , (Months) ;Project H ~, Name . Role on , , _ Salary Fringe Totals ' Project " Requested Benefit . Amigo Translating & translati g/ Subtotals *$ 3,648 Supplies (Itemize by category) Educational Material 500 Equipment TV/VCR 400 Travel Patient Care Costs Inpatient Screening, Diagnostic & . Follow-up Outpatient ~'-"~ Mammograms & Follow-up 12,1.90. Other Expenses (Itemize by category) Advertising Operational expenses for mob ile van utilizati on 3,084 Subtotal -Direct Costs S 19 , 822 Indirect cost allocation Total $19,822 Consortium/Contractual Costs Direct $ Indirect $ Total Contractual $ i Total Funding Request. $1 g , 822 ~I, Please attach budget justification. * See attached budget justification for explanation. 72 i Request for Funding for Breast Health/Cancer Project - New Hanover County Health Department ~~ Bud etJtcsti cation g f I. Personnel $3648 Interpretafion/Translation Amigos Interpreting Service 16 hours/month @ $ l 9/hr. II. Supplies $ S00 Spanish Educational Material Brochures $200 . Breast Care Models $100 Incentives $200 IIL Equipment $ 400 TV/VCR IV. Patient Care Costs $12,190 A.Screening Mammograms $6200 100 @ $62 each B.Follow-Up Package 10 Patients @ $S99 Each = $5990 Package Consists of the Following: ' ` Screening Mammogram $62 Radiologic Interpretation $3S 'Diagnostic Mammogram $73 Breast Clinic Visit $45 Fine Needle Aspiration $108 Pathology $.126 Pathology Interpretation $150 $S99 Each Patient V. Other Expenses $2000 Operational Expenses for Mobile Van Utilization $S00 per day x 4 days . Advertising Radio $3S/spot x S = $280 73 Page 2 Budget Justification Request for Funding for Breast Health/Cancer Project New Hanover County Health Department Newspaper ~ , Daily ad x I = $315 , Sunday adx 1 = $335 Neighbors ad x 1 = " $154 Total $804 1 GRAND TOTAL 1~ 9_, 8?~ Other Sources of Current Funding: , North Carolina Department of Health and Humari~"Services Breasf and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) Funds . ~ 1. . ~~ .. ,~ .. ~. 74 k ' y s w +. ' _ I McCorkle, Betty Jo ' PROJECT DIRECTOR (t.astname, first, middle} BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION J~ Information should be submitted forthe project director and other personnel included in budget request Please use a separate form fnr each nersnn. ' NAME .:Bett Jo McCorkle ~ TITLE. Director Women's Health Care EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate orinitia! professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training) INSTITUTION (indicate location) DEGREE YEAR CONFERRED . -FIELD OF STUDY PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE` Please list, in chronological order, concluding with .present position, .previous . employment, experience and honors.-List, in chronological order, the titles, authors, and complete references to all publications during the past three years and to representative earlier publications pertinent to this application. DO NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES See attached resume. .. 75 ~~ 1 _ . _ ~ _ Betty Jo McCorkle .~ 3909 Evergreen Drive ,- :. _ '~ Wilmington, NC 28403 • -~ - - 910-397-0844 PROFILE .. ~ , • - - - . . - Nursingadministratortyith strengths and inferests in the area of women's and adolescents' health - issues. Experienced manager responsible for budget of nearly $2 million and staff of more than 20. ,. ~ Successful in implementing new.programs and services. to better serve the population. EXPERIENCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Director -Women's Health Care (WHC) Division 1994 to Present Director -Maternal Child Care Division : 1986 to 1994 • ('lan,~organize and direct the maternal, child health and family planning programs in the New • ~ ;Hanover County Health-Department. ~ , . , ' ~ • '~ Led expansion of services offered by the family planning department including Norplant, Depo- ;,,. - Provet•a, Vasectomy Services and Breast &:Cervical Cancer Screening Programs.: :, , • Initiated program to provide post-partum and newborn home visits within 48 hours of discharge from the hospital. • • Successfully reorganized health department programs to create a separate child health division. • Hire, train and supervise activities of 22 staff members. including nurses, .health educators, nurse practitioners, nursing assistants and clerical staff. Conduct perFormance evaluations. • Manage six budgets totaling approximately $2 million. • Prepare and deliver presentations to Board of Health, Board of Education, media, local organizations/agencies, schools, community and staff. • Ensure compliance with all state. guidelines and contracts. • Business writing skills include the preparation of grant proposals, statistical analyses, surveys, ~./ budget justifications and reports. Perinatal Nurse Coordinator 1982 to 1986 • Implemented and directed a perinatal grant covering New Hanover, Pender and Brunswick Counties. Public Health Nurse ~ 1981 to 1982 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL; Wilmington, NC Administrative Assistant to Director of Nursing 1979 to 1981 Staff Nurse -Medical/Surgical Floor 1977 to 1978 URBAN MEDICAL HOSPITAL, Marietta, GA Staff Nurse Medical/Surgical Floor 1978 to 1979 EDUCATION EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY - • ~ ,. - ~.- --. BSN 1977 76 C~ •~ Betty Jo MCCorkle -Page 2 • TRAINING - . Maternal Health Training - NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Living with 10 to 15 year-olds Training -Center for Early Adolescehce, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Nursing Supervisors' Training -North Carolina Association of Public Health Nursing Administrators Current Reproductive Health Issues OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens . HIV in Infants and Children Financial Management Complete listing of training courses received available upon request PUBLICATIONS Co-author of "Adolescent Rapid Repeat Pregnancy" published in Health Values (1991) Co-author of °Forging the Future of Teenage Mothers: Reducing Repeat Pregnancies" abstract presented at American Public Health Association annual meeting (1990) APFILIATIONS . New Hanover County Schools ~ ~ • ® Secretary -Health Education Advisory Council North Carolina Public Health Association (NCPHA) Past President -Maternal and Child Health Section - Member -Maternal 8~ Child Health and Nursing Sections North Carolina Association of Public Health Nurse Administrators (NCAPHNA) President -Coastal Region NCAPHNA . Past Chair- Nominating. Committee, By-Laws and Handbook Committee .Member -Governing Council • New Hanover County Adolescent Health Council, !nc Past President. ' Planned Parenthood of the Coast Chair, Adolescent Parenting Advisory Council Family Resource Center of the Bottom Neighborhood Member, Board of Directors Member, By-Laws Committee Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear Member, Board of Directors Saint Andrews -Covenant Presbyterian Church Past Deacon Member, Adult Choir Member, Caregiving Committee REFERENCES Available uppn request ,'3 - ~ 4y; ' ,:.~ r. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . . Meeting Date: 11101/99 t Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson, Phyllis Roebuck SUBJECT: Juvenile Restitution Program -New positions request . BRIEF SUMMARY: A program must be in place to oversee community service sanctions imposed by judges on juvenile defendants. in the past, the Child Advocacy Commission has provided this service with the use of Community Based Alternatives funding. It has been recommended that the program does not fit into the -vision of the agency and, therefore they have requested they be relieved of the program as soon as possible. The County advertised for interested parties to assume operation of the program and .received no . responses. There had been interest expressed at a prebidders' conference, but there were no bids on the program. As a result, Phyllis~Roebuck, Andre Mallette, and I are proposing the'establishment of two (2) new positions by the County. The proposed .positions are a Program Coordinator and a Social Worker I. These positions will be entirely funded by Office of Juvenile Justice grant funds. While these positions would be County positions, they would be directly supervised by Phyllis Roebuck, and their offices would be in the " OJJ. The detailed budget has not been completed as of yet, but $105,000 is budgeted for the entire year, - $35,000 will be allocated to Child Advocacy Commission to cover the cost of operating the program for the - ~ months of July -October. The remaining $65,000 will be for the new program. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the establishment of two new positions as detailed in the attached memo from-,Human , Resources. e r 'FUNDING SOURCE ' Office of Juvenile Justice Funds. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva r- ~. COUNTY COMMI~10 COMMISSIONERS' AC ONS/COMMENTS: APPROVED L~-/ REJECTED O ' REMOVED ^ ~s POSTI?ONED ^ ~ ~J HEARD ^ , SATE ~~~/~~ -- - ~. s New Hanover County NORTH•~•CAROLtNA October 14, 1999 TO: Andrew J. Atkinson, Deputy County Manager ti~ . ~ ~• Administration ~ , , ~ ; ~ rl~. ~ ~ . FROM: Catherine„C, Morgan, .Senior Personnel Analyst ' Human Resources ~ ~ ~ ' SUBJECT: ' Classifications of Proposed New Positions in Juvenile Restitution Program Phyllis Roebuck, Chief Court Counselor for the 5th Judicial District, contacted me today regarding my September 28, 1.999, memorandum:to_her following our meeting on,the;proposed new County positions, to staff the :.Juvenile Restitution Program.. Ms. Roebuck stated she reviewed the memorandum and is satisfied with the proposed position classifications and corresponding pay grades:' ,They are as follows: _ , ' A Social WorkerI ._' ~ ~, ,_ ~~~ ~. $26,562 - $38,022 ~~`~`~~. Community Services Juvenile Restitution Program Coordinator $30,818 - $44,138 '~r~ . I told Ms. Roebuck I would send you this memo,~and I assumed you would then be the one to get the new position requests on the agenda for a commissioners' meeting. Before you do, however, there are a couple of details Ms. Roebuck and you may want to work out: how many social worker positions and whether full-time or part-time and how sharing these positions with Pender County will work -work time spent on each county, travel expenses, mixed funding, etc. Once the positions have been approved, Ms. Roebuck can start the recruitment process by sLibmitting requisitions to fill them to Human Resources. I have already sent her the blank forms and have offered our;help with those when the time comes.. -p ~ ,. ~ .. a I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, feel free.to contact me. ;t `e` s ~~4Fliyl~l's~Roeb ~ck~ Ghief Court Counselor, 5`h Judicial District ~ ~ ' 1 Andre R~~'~1VI~al~lette, New Hanover County Human Resources Director _ .._ 4~~Y~3 t.a ~~.~ vtu vr~~r New Hanover County Department of Human Resources 910-341-7178 80 ' ` ~:~~1.~''':~~~" FAX: 910-341.-4293 Andre R. Mallette, Director ~5~ .. ~, - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COhlIIV11SS10NERS REQUEST FORBOARD ACTION • ::~ Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Consent Item #:• 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard .Contact: Gregory Thompson SUBJECT: . New Position -Assistant Project Manager Position BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is involved in a large number of capital projects, which are in various phases of completion. All of these projects are budgeted above $100,000 and are currently managed by the Chief.. • Project Engineer. In order to effectively and efficiently manage these projects, additional .personnel will be {required. An Assistant Project.. Manager position needs to be created in .order to assist with the management of current and pending projects. The Human Resources Department has been consulted . ` and has recommended this position be classified as a Pay Grade 120 ($32,406 - $46,384). !;Current Projects Approximate Value , r i Mason Inlet Relocation $ 3,000,000 iJudicial Building $ 8,800,000 • New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center $ 25,000,000 Health Department Renovation $ 224,000 Veterans Park $ 7,400,000 Administration Building $ 7,286,000 Parking $ 7,700,000 Airlie Gardens _ $ 2,000,000 Federal Point Fire Department $ 500,000 NE Branch Library. $ .1,400,000 Ogden Park $ 132,000 Historic Courthouse Renovation $ 587,000 . Soccer Fields $ 1,000,000 • TOTAL ~ $ 40,054,000 • Water and Sewer Projects . Approximate Value -"'~ - couwr~r coMMi~ro Middle Sound Loop Sewer $ 12,500,000 APPROVED (~''"~~• Welf Field and Water Plant $ 15,000,000 Spring Branch ~ 1,500,000 REJECTED Tidewater Plantation Force Mairi $ 300,000 REMOVED ^ ' Wilmington-Hanby Beach $ 3,500,000 _ POSTPONED IJ '° Castle Hayne Sewer $ 1.,200,000 HEARD TOTAL $ 34,000,000. ®ATE _~~ -~J ~J RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the above position be approved by the County Commissioners. FUNDING SOURCE: .41.0-410-4197 (Engineering Department budget, funds are available due to vacancies 'in the dep~~rtment) ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ R ;~ Memorandum from Chief Project Engineer ~ v REVIEWED BY: • LEGAL: FINANCE: a BUDGET: Approve HUMAN. RESOURCES: Approve, .~ • ~ ! t COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSt Recommend approval. Th ounty has such an intense level of capital activity that the proposed position is extremely important. COMMISSIONERS' ACTICDN5ICOMMENTS: ~ : ~. ., , ,. ., ~. .. ~ t. t' rr ~n ~ q,:11 A .J ~2. ~ i ~ F ~`~ ~ 4 . s s ll • • t ~ New Hanover County ' NORTH•~ CAROLINA October 21; 1999 ' TO: r FROM: 1~TEW HANOVER COUNTY IIeTTEIZ-OFFICE llVIEMORAI~TDUM. Wyatt E. B1anchard,. County Engineer Greg Thompson, Chief Project Engineer SUBJECT: New position I have completed the PDO form for Human. Resources and have reviewed the position requirements with Cathy Morgan. The position, as I currently understand it, will require seven (7) years progressive construction experience (heavy industrial,, commercial, and office preferred) with at least one (1) year of project management experience, a licensed contractor with a High School, diploma, or 3- years progressive construction experience (heavy industrial, commercial and office preferred) with at least one (1) year of project management experience and a 4-year degree in construction management, engineering, architecture. This position would be responsible for the management of a project during the construction phase and would assist the Chief Project Engineer with other projects in the design phase. The title of the position has not been defined however I recommend the position be titled Assistant Project Manager to be consistent with industry terminology and to avoid confusion. Cathy has recommended the pay grade of 120 ($32,406 - $46,384) however I think we should reconsider this based on the level of responsibility required for the size of projects currently under consideration for the county. Andre' Mallette present this position during the management team meeting on 10-05- 99. The position was approved. cc: David Weaver, Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette, Director Human Resources Catherine Morgan, Personnel Analyst ~~ ~ ~ ~ . 83 { ~~1~ page Intentio.~allyle~t ,~la.~k} ~4 i ii ~i ~! ,_, n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ' Meeting Date: 1'1/01/99 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: 'Department: Parks Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin ' SUBJECT: • Award of Bid # 00-0089 to Bob King GMC for two trucks for the. Parks Department. . BRIEF SUMMARY:: The purchase of two trucks for the Parks Department was approved in the adopted budget for this year. - Nine bid packages were sent out. Only one proposal was_ received in response to the formal bid process. ` ~ (Two were received afterthe deadline and were returned unopened to the bidders.) Attached is a resolution awarding Bid # 00-0089 to Bob King GMC, the. only bidder, in an amount of $40,548.12. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends. adoption of attached resolution: 1: Awarding Bid # 00-0089 for two trucks to Bob King GMC, the only bidder, in the amount of $40,458.12, and 2. approving contract # 00-0089 FUNDING SOURCE: County funds are appropriated and budgeted for this item in account number 110-612-6120-6450. ' > ATTACHMENTS: . The resolution is attached as part of this agenda form. . ~, 00-0089r:wp The contract is being forwarded to the County Manager's office., REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS: { ~OUIVTY COMMI3SIQ APPROVED L3Y'`! REJECTED ~ . ~J V ~~ REMOVED p POSTPONED ^ ;; HEARD ®ATE ~j _g9 . ,, ., RESOLUTION ~ ~ ~ ,~ OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~; ~ . ...~ . WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 10:00 a.m., on the 30th day of September, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for two {2) trucks for the Parks Department, Bid # 00-0089: ` Bob-King'GMC ' ~ $40,458.12 AND WHEREAS, the Parks Director, the Finance Director, and the County •Manager recommend that=the `contract be awarded to Bob King GNIC of W ilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder,. in the amount of forty thousand four hundreilfifty-eight dollars and twelve cents ($40,458.12); , ~ .. AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-612-6120-6450 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by.the,~B'oard of County Commissioners 'of New Hanover County that the contract for two (2) trucks for the Parks Department, Bid # 00-0089 be awarded to Bob King GMC in the amount of forty.thousand four.hundred_fifty-eght.dollars and twelve cents ($40,458.12); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. - This 1st day of November, 1999. (SEAL) i Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~ ~ .. Clerk to the Board ~~ ~~~ g6 ~~~~~~ ~~ °> NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter:. Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Approval of installment financing with Bank One for financing*ofA~equipment and approval of associated budget amendment. ~ ~r:~;-~;, BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ T) ~~r^v`~I,n~;~` Through the adoption of the current budget the purchase of equipment (Register ofd©e~eds~~¢m~p~uter system, Sheriff patrol vehicles, .and Fire Services Pumper Tanker) by installment p~chasetfA~an~ mg was approved. The computer system and the patrol vehicles will be financed~for three years and the pumper tanker for fifty-nine months. The following proposals were received: ~-`"` "' " ~~ ' • Lending Institution 3YR . 59M0 ~ ~ `" Bank One 5.0643% 5.0643% PB Municipal Funding 5.10% 5.13% ` -First Union 5.49% 5.49% BB&T 5.72% 5.81 Century 5.83% 6.06% Wachovia 5:97% 5.97% CCB No Bid No Bid Bank of America No Bid No Bid , Staff has secured a finance rate of 5.0643% for three years and for fifty-nine months with Bank One. The County already has in place. a master financing agreement with Bank One (Contract # 99-0122) which was previously approved October 5, 1998. The funding for this financing will be handled as an ,additional . schedule issued under the original master agreement.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution: 1. approving financing with Bank One for the purchase of equipment; and . 2. authorizing the County Manager and Finance Director to act on behalf of the County in regards to the financing and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution, and 3. approving associated budget amendment #00-0056. FUNDING SOURCE: ' Funds for.repayment of the portion of the loan due this year are budgeted in account 110-420-4256-5940. For accounting purposes, proceeds from the financing were budgeted in the adopted budget except that an adjustment needs to be made to the Sheriffs account as detailed in the associated budget amendment. ATTACHMENTS: As part of this transmittal, the` resolution and budget amendment are being sent asattachments. ~ ~ ~ ~7~ . fy00iprs.wp ~ ba-oo.oo5s. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: ~ FINANCE: Approve. BUDGET: Approve...HUMAN RESOURCES NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/ OMMENTS: li 88 • ~ RESOLUTION AND • DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT ` Lessee: : • New Hanover County; North Carolina • Principal Amount Expected to Be Financed: $1,825,000.00 WHE-REAS, the above Lessee is a political subdivision of the State in which Lessee is located - (the "State") and is duly organized and existing pursuant to the constitution and laws of the State. • WHEREAS, pursuant to applicable law, the governing body of the Lessee ("Governing Body") is authorized to acquire, dispose of and encumber real and personal property, including, without limitation, rights and interests in property, leases and easements necessary to the functions or operations of the Lessee. ~ - WHEREAS, the Governing Body hereby finds and determines that the execution of one or more (ease-purchase agreements ("Equipment Leases")-in the principal amount not exceeding the . amount stated above ("Principal Amount") for the purpose of acquiring the property generally described below ("Property") and to be described more specifically in the Equipment Leases is appropriate acid necessary to the functions and operations of the Lessee. Brief Description of Property: - Computer System for Register of Deeds ` Patrol Vehicles for Sheriff's Department . Pumper Tanker for Fire Department WHEREAS, Bank One Leasing Corporation ("Lessor") is expected.to act as the lessor under . the-Equipment Leases. WHEREAS, the Lessee may pay certain capital expenditures in connection with the Property •-prior to its receipt of proceeds of the Equipment Leases ("Lease Purchase Proceeds") for such expenditures and such expenditures are not expected to exceed the Principal Amount. WHEREAS, the U.S_ Treasury Department regulations do not allow the proceeds of a tax-exempt borrowing to be spent on working capital and the Lessee shall hereby declare its official intent to be reimbursed for any capital expenditures for Property from the-Lease Purchase Proceeds. NOW, THEREFORE, Belt Resolved by the Governing Body of the Lessee: • Section 1. Either one of the County Manager OR the Finance Director (each an "Authorized Representative") acting. of behalf on the Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver one or more Equipment Leases in substantially the form set forth in the document presently before the Governing Body, which document is avaAable for public inspection at the office of the Lessee. Each Authorized Representative acting on behalf of the ' Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver such other documents relating to the Equipment Lease (including, but not limited to, escrow agreements) as the Authorized Representative deems necessary and appropriate. All other related contracts and Q (] agreements necessary and incidental to the Equipment Leases are hereby authorized. d Section 2. By a written instrument signed by any Authorized Representative, said Authorize Representative may designate specifiically identified officers or employees of the, Lessee to execute and deliver agreements and documents relating to the Equipment Leases on behalf of the Lessee. , Section~3: The aggregate original principal amount of the Equipment Leases shall not exceed , the Principal Amount and ~shalf bear interest. as set forth in the Equipment Leases,and the Equipment Leases shall contain such options to purchase by the Lessee as set forth therein.. Section 4. The Lessee's obligations under the Equipment.Leasesskall be subject to annual appropriation or renewal by the Governing Body as set forth in~ each. Equipment Lease and. the Lessee's obligations under.the Equipment:Leases shall not:constitute a general obligations of ,.. the Lessee or indebtedness under the Constitution or laws of the State. , - , Section 5. The Governing Body of Lessee anticipates that the Lessee may .pay certain capital expenditures in connection with the Property: prior to the ,receipt of the Lease Purchase;, , Proceeds for the Rroperty~. The. Governing Body of Lessee hereby declares the Lessee's... , official intent to use the Lease Purchase Proceeds to reimburse itself for, Property. expenditures. This section of the Resolution is adopted by the Governing Body of: Lessee for the .purpose of establishing compliance with the requirements of Section 1.150-2 of Treasury Regulations. This section of the Resolution does not bind the Lessee to make, any expenditure, incur any indebtedness, or proceed with the purchase of the Property. ,. .. , Section 6. -This Resolution shall tale effect immediately upon its adoption and approval ~~ ADOPTED AND APPROVED on this 1st day of November, 1999. i t (SEAL) ,. ,. ~~ ~ ... ~ r - ., . ; Chairman,: Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ,Clerk to the Board. • _ ~ ' ,. .. . ~.~ '. , .. .. 90 r ; D NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON ' Meeting Date: 11/01/99 . Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff - BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0056 - ADJUSTMENT~~ DEBIT CREDIT Administration: Installment Loan Proceeds $378,970 ~. Motor Vehicle Purchases $378,970 EXPLANATION: To adjust budgeted revenue and expense amounts to reflect installment financing .required for patrol vehicles. For accounting purposes. Take Home Cruiser Program previously approved by Board of County Commissioners. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~OUIVTY COMMIS~tp . - APPROVED Cr- . REJECTED ^ ``, , REMOVED p ' POSTPONED ^ HEARfJ p 9~ { ~hls page Intentionally left blank} .. w, ~. lJ p~ '~ i~.°~Lrb YP'i "~~~yy - .. C.. a.P ~ ..:7f ,_"_~1. ....'~ .1rT.~'y 9'2 .~ : _. NEW HANOVER .COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 11/01/99 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time:. Page-Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson `'SUBJECT: Carolina Children's Initiative Program ,Grant Funding Request - BRIEF SUMMARY: .Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center, Inc. has requested approval by the Board for their filing of a Governor's Crime Commission Grant in the amount of $96,400 for this fiscal year. This program was operating last year. This program involves helping young people make correct choices, and build strong families. There is no County match. The funds are required by the State to "flow-through" a. governmental unit. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Recommend Commissioners authorize the filing of a grant request for Governor's Crime Commission funding for the Carolina Children's Initiative Program. FUNDING SOURCE: M ATTACHMENTS: ~ - REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN, RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO OMMENTS: "caunRV co~~i~sioN1 APPROVED . REJECTED . REMOVED D POSTPONED O HEARD 9 3' . } 3 .. ~. ~?-C-1~-0-2-fl-N=~-LI-~I 0: ~1 N~7 y ~ lKZNSON f20/jl: N02iffy COLC~~N,~Z2~Cl02;Sfl~IU-.SrC~9KS Ch'ZLi7 N~V~LDr~1CNT CCNTC2,ZNC. SIIQ~CCi: 2CQl1C.Si F20~1 NCGU }I~NOV~2 COIIN`i~.-CO~]mISS:ZON~'2S l7~9TC: OClOQC? 25, / 999 . CNCLOSCN, p.Ceu~.e ~~nd a neyue.~t tv the COUNiy COlf1mZSSZONE?5 ~vn u:rpnvva ~vn the e.xpan:~~vrc v~. the."C{120LZN{~ CfIZ.L[~?CN'S ZNZ%I~9~lZ-V~ l20Gl?~1/j1.:'. f=u.nd~ ~vn .. - ~ ~ - ~ t the ~nvgnum.~.w~.L.C c~vme ~nvin the GQVC?N02~'S C?Zl~~ CO~lriZSSZON...~l cvp~c~,,v~ the G2~4Nl {~% l LZC{IlZON ~~. en.c.Lvaed. .4 , ~~ _ 1' ~ .. 1 ~ ~ ' .r •`~~ ~vY.~WNE(j~`.Y+}~fyY([a ~~*y NNy~{~gry~jy(~(~y)~ 4a. TW Y L!'~ ~~~~ A~ VI~VU 94 ~ €~ ~. Sh'>gW-S%C>gK5 C~IZL/7 ~~VE~LOlIt]CNl CCNlC?, ZNC. ~~~ ne~ueating ~und~ ~nvm the GOVE2N0?'S C2ZI}l~ COlr1IrIZSSZO~~ tv expand the pavgnam, C~420LZN~ CfI.ZLl~?~N'S ZNZlZ>glZVC. Sfl~9GU-SlC~9KS CflZLl~ I~CV.CLOl~CNl C~N1C2, ZNC. nec~ueat aPpnvva.C ~nvm the. NCGU fI~NOU~2 COllNly COljllrlZSSZONC2S. lflC ccpp.Licant `muat be NCGU flfIN0VC2 COIINly, the Zl~lLC~1CNlZNG fIGCNCy wvu.Ld be Sf!><iIU-SlC~9KS 'C~IZLN I~CVCLOllr7~IVl CCN%C2 .ZNC . _ IN l 996, the C{12OL.ZN~1 C~IZL/~2CN'S ZN.ZlZ>9%ZVC at UNC-Cfl, with ~',und~ ' ~'avm Z SmZlfl 2CyNOL~S fOllNt~>glZON, deve.Lvped twv ne~earc.ch bated cuanicu.Lcc. lhe innovative viv.lence paeventivn pav~nam emp.Lv~a mu.Ltip.Le ne~e.an.ch-bayed ~tn.ate~ie~ thnvugh in-~chvv.C ~.rcvupa ~va ~tudent~ and in-home ~envicea ~vn .. ~'ami.Lie~.. lKC 1~~4KZNG Cf(OZCCS cunnicu.Lum ~vn'chi..ldnen i.n ~aade~ three thnvu~h 2ix, and the Sl20NG ~f-~(}]ZKZES, a taainin~,manua.~ ~va human ~envice wvnhen~ tv de.Livea in.=home tv panent~ v~ chi.Cdnen panticipatin~ r: n, the .~chov.L-bayed lj7{~KZNG CfIOZCCS pnv~rcam. %flC Sl20NG f~~ZL~S ~vcu~.e~. vn deve.Cvpin~, pccnent 2hi.L~ ® in di~.cip.Line; ~upercvi~ivn, ae.tting .Lirrcit~, and pnvb.Lem av.lvin~. ' 62~4/?LCy C?~CK CLCI~~Nl>92y SCfIOOL wvnhed with the ~02t~~9N f>glr]ZLy ZNS%Z%~llC, UNC-Cfl tv pi.Cvt teat these cuKnicu.La in the /99~/9~ ac/zvv.~ ~eaa. . S>y><!W-S/`'~{-IICS C}lZL/~ I~CVCLO~l~1CNl C~iV1CZ,ZNC. in cv.L.Lubvnativn ruith 62f117LCy C2CCr CL~~1F~7%f12y SCfIDOL, and cc t, the ne~ue2t v~ the GOVC?NO?S C2Zlf1C C0~1/r?ZSSZON, p.lun. tv expand thin program. lhi~ ne~.eccnch pnvgaam wi.L.L provide the ~v.C:lvwing 2en.vicea tv etudes. ~l><1KZNG C~IOZCCS and S%?ONG frq~IZLZ~S pnvgnam~ tv 30 at-nigh atudenta; /l1fIKZNG C}IOZCC.S pnvgnam tv 45 pnv~vcia.C .~tudent~.; lhene uii.L.L die a cvntnv:L group v~ 35 at-ni.s.h ~tudenta that wi.C.L not panticiput in the educativna.L program, but why u~i.C.L be tnached ~vn en~eunch punpv~e~ in anew v~ gnadea, di~cip.Cine nepvnt~., and attendance. %he ~v.r'.Lvuiing ~chvv.l~. are intene~ted in panti_cipc~ting in C>q? >4 1~CflZL172CN'S ZNZlZ~flZVC: /-6~?~I~LCy C2~CK 2- G2CG02y,3- f02~Sl flZLLS,~- , '/C.S, 5- ~0}INSON, 6-6LOllN1; ~- GU2ZGfllS/3020. 1 j. ,.~~,~rE~ ~~~ ~' Z~s ~_ ~~ ~ _; ~ ~ ~~' "". A ~ Governor's Crime Commission 1201 Front Street, Suite 200 •. ` Raleigh; NC 27609 ."' • ,_ . L ~ ~ ~? "Xa~;~°'~~ phone: (9.19) 733-45b4 fax: 919) 733=4b25 ( 1999 GRANT AI'PLICAT-ION Grant Number 1. Applicant: {agency name, address, telephone and fax) . 8. Name of Project: New Hanover County Carolina .Children's Initiative 320. Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4092 ~ Federal Tax IDS: 23-7116474 (910) 341-7184 Fax (910) 341-4027 9. Implementing Agency: {name, address, telephone and fa:{) 2. Authorizing Official: (name, title and telephone). Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center, Inc. Allen O'Neal ~ 718 South•3rd' Street ' County Manager ~' Wilmington, NC' 28402 (910) 343-1441.Fax (910)343-1426 910 341 71$ ( ) - 4 10. Project Director. (name, title, address, telephone and fax) 3. Financial Officer. (name, title and telephone) Ms: Dorothy Coleman, Executive Director Bruce T. Shell ~ 718.South 3rd Street Finance Director - Wilmington, NC 28402 (910) 341-7184 (910) 343-1441 Fax (910) 343-1426 4. U.S. Congressional District: 11.. Requested Budget Totals: NC Legislative District(s) ISM Year ~ 2nd Year I-louse : 13 ------._......__._...._.._...._-----r~------------ --._.......___.......___.-:.. _.. _ !...:._:.__._._.. ..............._.__...._.._._..._._._.__. _.. _. ' Senate:.. 18 ,Personnel _.....---..._.....___.....__...--------- f --50.:1.300.__......_:...__...__...__..1 ...................__....._._.._......_...._....._._:._..:__~.._ • Population of Project Area: 135 ,000 Contractual , ~ . _. 5. Type of Action: Travel ' 000 j _ = ~ 2 ^ First Application _......___..._ .._.._......---- ---- ~ --- - i Supplies 8 800 ^ Continuation of Grant (VOCA &VAWA) -_----...---_.____.__.._.__-~ --'...... ___-- ----.,~ _.---,-._...__. _ .... Equipment ~ 6. Type of Funds Requested:. _....__...__.._.._._..-,--------,(--20.1000_..,.___..__.._---....._..; _._...__....._...---_._._...:---------..~... - ^ DCSI ^ JJDP ^VAWA Totals ;1,27 700 ~ ^ VOCA ^ CJ Title V ~ Subtract Match i ~ 7. Project Starting and Ending Dates; ! 31 300 • 11-1999 - 4-2000 ~ • ~ L, Federal ., Request j $96,400 . ____ 13. ProJecE Summary: ; : -;: t'hi's proposal describes a collaborative project involving the Jordan Institute For Families {JIF), The Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center, Inc. (SSCDC), New Hanover County Schools and ' Communities That Care. The proposed project will serve.7~ elementary'school children, 35 of whom are identified for academic failure and delinquency. The project will employ two curricula developed by the JIF: (1) MAKING CHOICES, a training protocol for teaching cognitive problem solving skills to children will be offered aftzr school at SSCDC. (2) STRONG ' FAMILIES, afamily-preservation training protocol for parenting training and concrete support will be provided in the home. Teachers will identify participants, inchiding:.children at risk; and children who are leaders and role models. The program will provide intervention to children and their families at an early age'. The outcomes expected from this program include improved neighborhood attachment and community organization; improved family management skills and reduction of problem behavior among program participants. Using a social development ' perspective and a comparative group design, a variety of outcome data will be collected. (~'] a t f~~~ ~ ~~, tik.~ I s~ ~1 Y ~. The Problem: " .: ; During the "Communities that Care" needs assessment~process, the following risk factors were identified which affect the increasing rates of violence in New Hanover County: ' ~ • Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community disorganization m Family Management Problems.and Family Conflict ~ ' e Early Initiation of Problem Behavior - ~ `~ , . ~ ., • Since .1993, the arrest rate for violent crimes among youth under age 18 has been significantly higher in New Hanover County then those reported at the State and national level, For example, the 1996 crime. rate in New Hanover County was 2.93 per 1000 youth. ~ Juvenile drug arrests in New Hanover County .have continued to rise (5..94 per 1000),more than double the 1996 State and national rates. , The New Hanover~JUvenile Justice Indicators for FY 1996/97 identified 989 youth who exhibited chronic behavio"ial problems in theirhomes, school, and communities, which led to court involvement. These youth were charged with 1324 delinquency .complaints and 149 discipline complaints. Ninety-two percent of these were identified as.youth with,educational problems, e:chibiting a lack of academic. preparation and attainment of basic academic skills.. Approximately 65% of these youth come from single parent ' households with. minimal or no parental supervision. ' " .Child abuse reports in;New Hanover County have been higher than the State. rates since 1993. In.1996, the County had:45.1 reported cases. per 1000 children. Data on Juvenile Justice Indicators supports the identified Early Initiation of Problem Behavior risk factor. Delinquency complaints numbered 93.2 in New Hanover County compared to the State rate of 54.2. New Hanover County youth adjudicated delinquents were 50.1 compared to the State rate of 32.9. It is also significant that for girls ages 10 to.l~, there were , 4.2 pregnancies per 1000 in New Hanover County in 1996, compared with a'2.34 rate for North Carolina. Project Qperation° - .. The Shaw-Speaks Child~Developrnent Center, Inc., (SSCDC) will be the implementing-agency for- ' a Carolina Child's Initiative (CCI). The innovative violence prevention program employs -~ - . ._ . .,- ~ , multiple research-based strategies through after school groups for students and in-home services for familie's,. The two components of CCI°include the Making Choices curriculum,for children in 'grades three through six, and" the Strong Families; a training manual for human service workers to ' . deliver in-home services to the parents of children participating in the school based Making Choices program. Strong Families. focuses on developing parental skills relating to discipline, supervision,.and problem solving. Theprogram.will~provide the following services toatudents: ~::.1. Making Choices and Strong Faniilies:programs to 30 at-risk students. .. , 2. Making Choices program to 45 pro-social students. ~ ... ~ , .,.. The after-school_ program will include students'.from the ;following-schools: ,Blount,, Gregory, , . ' ForestHills, Johnson; Wrightshoro, Snipes, and Bradley Creek. Teachers will be trained by the Jordan •Family Institute.to identify students at risk: for anti-social behavior that could lead to violence, drug use and other problem behavior. Students identified,,as at-risk will be referred to the SSCDC program. The program will serve elementaryachool students at-risk,for academic_ failure and delinquency. Teachers will also identify students.who are positive role,models and leaders toparticipate in the after-school problem: Transportation.will.be provided by the SSCDC. Students will participate in the Making Choices curriculum two .days. a week in the regular ~~ 9 Q SSCDC enrichment and recreation activities three days a week. Pagel2` roject oa (s). , The goal of CCI is to create a safer community by strengthening positive saciat skills of youth and parents. The strategies applied in the CCI program will address the issues of youth violence, substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy,, and school drop-out. Program activities will help at-risk youth and families develop skills to address conflict and. family management issues. Neighborhood attachment and community organization will be supported through the involvement of the schools, teachers, and SSCA„ Poblem behavior will be reduced through early intervention with youth and families. Project Objective(s): ' •o `~.:°~ P G 1 -reduce teerY drug use, as measured by drug arrest rates for youth under 18 by 10%by 2004 , -reduce child abuse and neglect rate, as measured by child abuse and neglect report rate, by 10% by 2004 -reduce school violence, as measured'oy reported incidents of school violence, by 10% by 2004 . -reduce pregnancy rates in girls ages 10-14, as measured by NC Center for Health Statistics, by 10% by 2004 -children will demonstrate decreased aggressive behavior, as measured by school discipline records . -children will demonstrate increased pro-social behavior, as evidenced by pre- and post- test~scores on teachers check list ~~ -children will demonstrate increased skills in social problem solving, as measuredby pre and post test scores in the Making Choices program -parents will participate in the Strong Families program as measured by home-visit records and reports -parents will demonstrate an increased knowledge of effective parenting skills; measured by pre and post test scores -parents will demonstrate increased knowledge of how to resolve conflict with their children, as measured by pre and post test scores ~'roject Activities• :. .Hire Lead Counselor Oir2c~or SSMC Hire Staff Counselors , `~ « Contract with Social workers Train teachers in schools Jordan Family Inst. Train counselors/social workers Jordan Family Inst: ' Identify Participants School teachers/counselors Start program services Program staff Monthly Staff meetings Lead Counselor Program evaluation Lead Counselor/staff 9/99 9/99 9/99 10J99 ~ • 10/99 10/99' 11/99, on-going . on-going 99 ,_ __ ` ~, ~ ,. L l-l lV llll dll 1. C: 1v1C35ULC S: Proiect Objectives _ Red'u'ce teen drug use .. ~ . ,. Performance~Measures "~ Reduce child abuse rates substantially Child abuse reports comparing NHC,.NC,.and USA data Reduce school violence ~ School violence incidents reports - Juvenile drug arrest rates comparing NHC, NC, andUSA data Reduce teen pregnancy rates` ~ Teen.pregnancy rates in NHC among.10;14 years old Decreased aggressive behavior School discipline records ; - . Increased pro-social behavior Pre- and post- scores on teachers check list . t ., Increased skill in social problem- ~ ~~ - solving Pre- and past- test scores in MA.ItiING CHOICES program Increased participation in STRONG ' FAMILIES.program - I ~ ~ Home visit recordsyand reports. I , Increased knowledge of parenting skills Pre- and post- test scores . f' ~ Increased knowledge of conflict resolution Pre- and post- test scores ~aluatlon-Methods ' ~ - - '.; - , r':..1 __ i:: :_ ... ..: . . - i • Coordinate data collection with Jordan Family Institute. JFI will analyze data for this research-based project. • Compile and compare data on drug arrests, child abuse, school violence, and teen pregnancy.. + .. "„ .. • Maintain attendance records and minutes for all M;A,KING CHOICES Classes. ~, ti ~ , , • Complete and analyze youth and adult survey too~ls.~ ~, ' • Maintain records of all pre- and post- test scores for MAKING CHOICES and STRONG FAMILIES. ® Maintain records of all home-visits in STRONG FAMILIES program. ® Data will be shared with Communities That Care, (CTC) to determine impact on CTC risk factors for the target population. 100 ~. ~ 9 s i ~\" ' #;'~t `v:~. i i Bud et Gateao (one ear onl '.; : - :. Cate~o Totals A PERSOi~NEL - Salaries:- List each position with yearly salary rate. ~ ' Position Title Salary Rate °Jo of Time Devoted Rroject Coordinator (1) $30/hr. 12 hours/week; 30 weeks $10,800- On-Site Counselors (3) $25/hr./each 10 hours/week.; 30 weeks 22,500 Research Assistant (1) 3,000 Executive Director .$4,.500 4 Van Drivers $9,500 $14,000. 2. Ch-'ertime: Group as ".N" new Positions, and/or "C" current Salary Subtotal: 3. Fringe Benefits: Itemize percentages applicable for each benefit for all positions. FICA - Retirement - Hospitalization - Other= ~ Benefits Subtotal: • ~ Total ~erS OYlnel: " (Transfer to Page 7, life L, A) ~ 50 , 300 -- - . COl~l"IRACNAL SERVICES - - 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, rate of pay and time required Position Title ~ PavRate Time Requu-ed Social Workers / In=Nome Counselors (15) 30,Families x 30 Weeks C $17/hr.,• 4 hours /week $30;600 Individual Consultant Subtotal: 2. Agency: List byname of agency, rate Hof pay and time required Agencv Pay Rate Time Required Jordan Family Institute (Training, technical assistance'; manuals) ~ '. $16,000 Consultant Agency Subtotal: Total Contractual Services: ~ ransfer to Pa e 7, line L, B 46 .600 C. TRAVELS List cost for transporting clienu and costs for travel and subsistence of project personnel. Travel -all Staff .~ Total Travel: - (Transfer to Page 7,.1ine L, C) ~ 2 ; 000 Y. ~ } r%~:, ~~; i~~ s~~~ ~I.: , ' / • I: Budget Categories ~ First Year A~iticipateci Second Year A. Personnel $ $ , B. Contractual Service $ 46 600 $ C. Travel $ 2 , 000 $ D. Supplies /Operating Expenses $ g 600 $ E. Equipment $ 20 000 $ F'. Total Budget (the sum of lines A - E) G. Subtract Matching Funds ~ $ . 2Z,,.ZDD ' $ 31 300 $ - $ H.-TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST $ 96 400 ' $ II. Description of Match for VOCA, VAWA, DCSI and Title V Grants Matching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) 80% federal / 20% match Describe source and amount of cash~or in-kind match: B. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (Check one and describe below) ^ Nonprofit, nongovernmental victim service program - exempt from match ^ All other applicants - 75% federal / 25% match Describe source and amount of cash or in-kind match: C. Dnig Control-and System Improvement 75% fedet~l / 25% cash only match , Describe source and amount of cash match: i r~;~ z k. z ~- ~~~ A. Projected Assumption of Project Costs: - - ~ The project_dixector MUST state plans for.the assumption of project cost after federal funds are no longer available to the project: B. Certification of Non-Supplanting: ^x .The applicant hereby certifies that federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been.made available for Juvenile Justice and DeliiiquencyPrevention; Drug Control and System Improvement, Victims of Crime Act, Violence Against Women Act or Children's Justice projects. C. Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program: `Check the appropriate box. xQ The project director certifies that the applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal OpporttuutyPrograrn„which is dated.:::~:~a~:~:~: f f:::~:~>in accordance with the Amended Equal.Employment Opporttuuty Guidelines 28 GF.R42.301, et seq., Subpar E, and that it is on file in the office of: .. ~. (Office} SJI~IUJ-SlC~1KS C}IZLN I~CV~LOllrl~Nl C NT 2~TNl' (Name} /~0?lfly r0/flj]~tN _ (Title) ~X~CI/%ZV~ Y7Z2EC%02 (Address) ~T ~ .S'Olllfl end Sl?~Cl-IUZL(YIZNGlON, N C 2c~402 (Telephone) for review and audit by o ficials o .the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or the Office of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and rzgulations., The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R4?.301, et seq., Subpart E.} and that no Equal Employment Opporttuuty Program is required to be filed by the implementing .agency. D. Certification of Submission of Annual Audit: ~ . , x~ The project director certifies that a copy of the annual audit (required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crone Control and Public Safety. ~ , , . E. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: - x^ The project director certifies that a completed progress report (provided in the GCC Grant Awaxd Package) will be submitted at the end of 12 and 24 months, or more often if requested. If required, the project director certifies that quarterly reports will be submitted. r, 1.04 ., ~_ . - . .. , i~.~ ;esq. t~~~~ ~~.~ ` F. Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal Funds: xQ The project director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal funds. (If the director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However,. if neither the certif ication nor an explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.) '~ G. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (for agencies receiving $100,000 or more) [~ The project director certifies that (1) no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of anyPederal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of anyFederal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any agreement; (2) If anynon-Federal funds have been paid or will be paid to anyperson for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant, the project director shall initial here and complete and submit Standard Form # LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. ~I. Drug Free Workplace.Compliance: (for state agencies only} [~ I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on and/or will be held annually on which all grant project employees are required to attend; (2) a copy of the agenda of that program, including an attendance sheet signed by all employees, will be provided to the Governor's Crime Commission; (3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any unlawful involvement with a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantees workplace and that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate this rule; (4) all employees will receive a copy of this notice; (5) all employees must agree to abide by the statement and to notify the applicant of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within S days of the conviction; (6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Comrrussion of an employee's convzcuon; (7) any employee so. convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drug abuse treatment program; and {8) the applicant will make a good. faith effort to'maintain a drug-free workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. STANDARD GRANT CONDITIONS Read the Standard Grant Conditions carefully since these conditions applyto all grants. The signatures on pages.l0, ll, and 12 of this application signifythe applicant's understanding of, acceptance of and intention to adhere to these conditions. Failure to follow these conditions may result in loss of funding. PROGRESS REPORT Projects must provide a completed progress report, which is provided in the Governor's Crime Commission Grant Award Packet when: 1) . A project submits an application to receive funding for any year other than the initial year (for example, at the end of the fast year of a two-year grant). This report will be carefully reviewed to assess the project's progress and success towards reaching its objectives. An incomplete progress report or one that does not substantiate achievement of objectives can result in termination of funding. 2} A project terminates. 3) A project continues, but stops requesting federal funds. 'This report justifies previous funding for project operation. • AV.~'~ILABLE TECHiV'ICAL .ASSISTr1VCE If you need assistance incompletion of the grant application, please contact the appropriate progrirn a~~~ Governor's Crime Commission bycalling (919) 733-4~Ei=1 `Page 9' ATTAC~~VIENT i M. d t ~~{~1 ,~~!/) 1 V°c ~' !~. Jl~l Project Director certifythat I agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including special conditions; to comply with the provisions of the Act governing these funds .and all other federal laws; that all information presented is . correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affectedagencies;that I am-dulyauthorized bythe Applicant to perform the tasks of Project Director as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval may resl~lr ui the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that I understand that federal funds are limited to a max;mum of twenty-.four months. ~ ' 1Vame: Dorothy Golemen .Title: Executive Director. Agency: Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center Address: 718 South 3rd Street .Phone: (910) 343-1441 WilmincdtonTNC 28402 \~ t ,, Signature: >> ~,"_,--- Bonded: ^ Yes ~ ^'No '~NOTB: The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing C-fficial SHOULD NOT be the same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be-any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission aPProval. THIS ~Pr~lzc:~~rrc~~r Is ~o~r Co~l~I~t~:~'~ ~y~iz'Fiot~`rxE ~1BOVr, SiG~r~~ru~. 107 ~~-%` Financial Officer I certify~that I agree to comply with the general and fiscal~terms.and conditions ~of,this, application including special,conditions; to comply with .the provisions of the-Act governing these fluids and all ether federal'laws;,that all information presented ,is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized bythe Applicant to perform the-tasks of Financial Officer as the.y,rel_ate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred„ . prior to grant approval may result in the e:~penses being absorbed by the implementing agency,.' that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's ~Caime Cornnussion will not supplant state. or local' funds; and; that I understand that federal , f~uzds are limited to a max;n,um of twenty-four months. Name: Bruce Small ~ Title: - Finance Director - Agency: -New Hanover County ` -- Address: 320 CFiPS-t.nut Street Phone: (g10) 341=7184 "' Wilmington, NC 28401- - - ` Signature: Bonded: - ~ Yes ` ^ No "-NOTE; The Project Director, Financial Officer, and"Atiithorizing Official. SHOULD NOT b'e the same.person. Staff funded"under-this giant may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Conunission approval. - .-, - r THIS !~PPLI~.-~T'Ini~; IS itiOf CC~MI'LETE ~~'ITHOUI' THE ABOVE SIGi~.~' L~ - - - ------ _- - - - 108 ~E:' II ~~~'~`'\ ~o~~~' Authorizing Official~~ ~ w certifythat I agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including special, conditions; ~o comply with the provisions of the Act governing these funds and all other federal laws; that all information presented is correct;. that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized to corrurut .the applicant to these requirements;'Clat costs incurred. prior to grant approval may result in the ezpenses being absorbed bythe ' implementing agency; and, that all agencies involved with this project understand that all federal funds are limited to a maximum of twenty-four months. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 regtures that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrant funds will not be rued to supplant or replace local or state funds or other resources that would otherwise have been available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. In compliance with that mandate, I certify that. the receipt of federal funds through the Crime Commission shall.in no waysupplarit or replace state or local funds or other resources that would have been made available for law enforcement and/or criminal juutice activities.. Name: Allen 0' Neal Agency: New Hanover County Phane: (9'1.0) 341=7184 Signature: Title: County Manager Address: 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Bonded: [] Yes ~ No ~~NOTE: The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official SHOULD NOT be the same person. Staff funded under this,grazit may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission aPProval. ' ~~ THIS APPLIC.~TION IS vOT COMPLE iE WITHOUT THE. ABOZ'E SIG~IATURF;. ' 110 d NEW :HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11!01/99 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: g Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson.. Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: ~ , Drug Treatment Court Agreement with the State Administration Office of the Courts . . BRIEF SUMMARY: Prior to this fiscal year, the County funded the operation of;a drug court with grant fundsfrom the Federal Bureau of Juvenile Justice. For this fiscal year,. the Sheriff is using those funds to purchase vehicles for his officers.,Also, we were funded by the State Legislature in this fiscal year to continue the drug court as part of the State's plan'to eventually fund more and more drug treatment courts throughout North Carolina. There is no County money required for this program. We presently have a contract with Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. to operate the. program for the County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , Authorize approval of the Administrative Office of the Courts agreement for funding of the Drug Treatment Court for New Hanover County.. . .FUNDING SOURCE: :State Funds ATTACHMENTS; REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve ,HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. ~ ~ ~ " - COMMISSIONERS' ACT O /COMMENT'S: : ~ ~ COUNTY COMMISS(ON~ APPROVED IY" ..t~ REJECTED. REMOVED C7 POSTPONED O ,~~ HEARD . 1_t _~_ ~q ~Ck.~.~ ®ATE ~~ - _~ - ;. . ~ - .. S,: t ~ . ~ 7 ~ ~~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS AND NEW HANOVER•COI7NTX: THIS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made between the North Carolina ~ °a Administrative'Office of the Courts (Agency) and New Hanover.County (Contractor.) . ' doing business in the 5th Judicial District of North Carolina. The purpose of this . Agreement is to create a contract between the Agency and the Contractor to administer the adult Drug Treatment Court {DTC) program in the 5th Judicial District iri accordance'' with funds: appropriated to the Agency'by. the North Carolina General Assembly. ~VI-~REAS, the North Car,~olina General Assembly has appropriated funds to the. Agency to..administer a DTC program pursuant to Aiticle 62', Subchapter X[V, of Chapter 7A of the General Statutes of North Carolina (The Act);~and ~ „ ,~ F WHEREAS, the Contractor will serve the 5th Judicial.District by administeringahe Sth Judicial District DTC program, as prescribed in The Act that is consistent with the Guidelines for North Carolina Drug Treatment Courts, as promulgated by the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts in consultation with the State Drug Treatment , Court Advisory Committee, and any Agency directives arising from the Agency's onboing review of the judicial district's DTC program. THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, conditions, and funding set forth herein, the Agency and the Contractor do mutually agree as follows: 1. The Contractor will provide administrative, case management and treatment services for operating and enhancing. the, 5th Judicial District DTC program for non-violent,, chemically dependent offenders who have been appropriately screened arid~ referred by the DTC team. The DTC team shall be comprised, at a minimum; of a judge of the General Court of Justice, a representative of the'District_Attorney, a aprogram : ' manager, a representative of the Public Defender or local Defense Bar, a probation officer, and a case manager/treatment liaison. A procedure must be maintained by the Contractor for monitoring the progress of DTC participants and meeting the requirements of the Agency's process and outcome evaluation. Continued funding will be dependent on: (a) the Contractor submitting timely, complete, and accurate data ;requested by the Agency, (b) meeting the Agency expectations expressed in this r contract, and (c) mamtairung the endorsement of the legislatively mandated local Drug 'Treatmerit`Coutt Management Committee: Any changes to the DTC program shall be approved n advancebythe Agency. ,+.~ i ~., 1 3 ~v la1. ~"` 2. ~ The Cont a'c~tor'will~cooperate with all judicial officials of the judicial district in 112 _ ~~~}}yjp(~~ identifying appropriate cases and accepting referrals for the program: 3. The Contractor understands that the funding formula used by the Agency in funding the judicial district's DTC program is based on the number of participants rationally projected to be admitted to that judicial district's DTC program during the current fiscal year multiplied by $2000, plus an additional $25,000. For DTC programs that have been in existence for at least two full years, the number of projected newly admitted participants will be determined principally on the basis of the number of participants admitted during the prior fiscal year plus approximately 10 percent of that number to allow for DTC program expansion. Exceptions may be made to this formula only upon approval of the Agency's DTC administrator pursuant to a written justification submitted by the local DTC program administrator. For funding formula purposes, a newly admitted DTC program participant is defined as a person who has met all formal Agency and local DTC program admission requirements, has attended the equivalent of at least thirty-six (36) hours of DTC program-approved clinical substance abuse treatment, and has appeared in a minimum of four court sessions wherein the participant's progress in the DTC program has been formally reviewed by the presiding DTC program judge. 4. The. Contractor will spend all drug treatment court funds provided by or through the Agency in accordance with the approved budget not to exceed $75,000 for FY 1999- 2000. Acopy of the proposed itemized budget shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Agency on Agency form AOC-A-187T (Drug Treatment Court Request For ' Funds and Budget Revision) as part of the Contractor's initial monthly request for . reimbursement of expenses from the Agency, and, upon approval by the Agency, shall be made part of this Agreement. The Contractor will insure that agencies and individuals being selected to provide therapeutic substance abuse treatment services for DTC participants are accredited and licensed iri accordance with the requirements and regulations of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and the State of North Carolina. The Contractor understands that the Agency authorizes up to $1200 of the Agency's DTC funds to be spent for each DTC program participant's clinical substance abuse treatment during the duration of the participant's involvement in the DTC program. The Contractor's written contract/agreement with any organizations, agencies or individuals (Provider) to provide ongoing clinical substance abuse treatment services for DTC program participants shall reflect this Agency's authorized funding cap. Such contracts/agreements shall also contain appropriate language informing the Provider of any applicable state or Agency requirements. At a minimum, such contracts/agreements shall contain the following Agency-required language or its equivalent: ~ Clinical Assessment: The Provider shall administer an industry-standard clinical assessment to each chemically dependent offender referred by the DTC Program. At a minimum, the assessment shall include a bio-psychosocial assessment and aface-to-face interview conducted by a certified counselor; .~ Treatment Plan: As part of the clinical intake process, the Provider shall 113 develop aclient-specific treatment plan with measurable goals and objectives. _ This plan shall be shared with the client and the DTC Program staff; ' ~ Content of Group Treatment Sessions:' Groups treatment sessions shall consist of group education/skill building and group therapy and shall be summarized in writing within a clinically sound; comprehensive substance abuse treatment curriculum. This curriculum shall identify specific components designed to address life skills, anger management, parenting, addiction, bereavement, sexual relationships, gender-specific and other clinically relevant treatment issues. The Provider shall deliver a current copy of the relevant treatment curriculum to the local DTC program director, as well as the DTC program case managers who work with the'Provider's clients, no later tham30 days after the contract between the DTC administrative entity and Provider is fully signed. The'curriculum shall describe the Provider's drug`treatment court treatment regimen and must, at a minimum, include a description of both the topics that are planned for presentation/discussion and the educationaUtrairiing/counseling materials that are expected to be employed for each group session. Updates to this curriculum shall be provided to the DTC program director, as well as the DTC program case managers who work'with the Provider's clients, as curriculum changes are made; (~ Clinical Supervision: The Provider shall provide for clinical supervision of the counseling staff and substance abuse treatment component of the program. This will consist of a minimum of 2 hours of weekly on-site supervision, case ' reviews, consultations, and client evaluations; ~ Family Therapy: The Provider shall provide family therapy as-part of the ' client's clinical treatment regimen; ~ Psychological and PsXchiatric Services: The Provider shall refer clients with suspected psychological or psychiatric issues to an appropriate provider and, communicate such suspected issues to the DTC program case manager; " ~g~ Amount of Funds Available for Clinical Treatment: The Provider understands that the DTC program is primarily funded through a state appropriation to the Agency for the operation of all authorized criminal court-based DTC programs in the state; . ~ Compensation is Continent: The Provider understands that compensation to the Provider for the delivery of the contracted services is contingent upon the availability of funds appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly to the Agency for operation of the North Carolina Drug Treatment Court Program; Reporting to DTC Program Director: The Provider shall provide the DTC program director; on a monthly or other regular basis as determined by the Agency, client specific information to be utilized by the North Carolina DTC Program to monitor treatment compliance and produce reliable. outcome measures. At a minimum, the Provider shall collect and report to the DTC program director the following data: (1) Names and number of clients assessed; ' (2) Names and number of clients entering treatment; 114 (3) Names of each client, the dates each client attended or failed to attend scheduled treatment sessions, the amount of DTC treatment fees paid by -each client and client'a level of participation during each treatment session; (4)_ Names and. number of clients completing each level of treatment and the number of hours of treatment completed; (5) Names and number of clients referred to alternative treatment programs; (6) Names and number of clients exiting treatment and reasons for termination; (7) Aggregate amount of client fees owed and collected; and ' (8) Individualized client progress reports: ' ~. Accounting: The Provider shall utilize generally accepted accounting; practices . to support all disbursements, including maintaining invoices (or other ".documentation) and bank statements; ~' Agency and State Auditor Access to Provider's Records: The Provider shall permit inspection, examination, and audit of the Provider's fiscal affairs at any time upon the-request of the Agency or the Auditor of the State of North Carolina. Both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration, the . Provider further agrees to,'maintain appropriate documentation~for all reimbursements claimed under this Agreement. The Provider agrees to make such documentation available for examination by the Agency or by the State _ . Auditor for a period of three years after the termination of the Agreement, or .until apost-contract audit is conducted, whichever period of time is shorter. However, in the event of an audit, the fiscal records of the Provider will be maintained until all audit questions are resolved. The Provider hereby agrees to fully assist said auditors in examining said records and in resolving any audit exceptions; ~1,~ Minimum Standards: The services delivered by the Provider under the terms of " this Agreement, shall meet the minimum standards for providing substance abuse treatment services set forth by the North Carolina Department of Health . and Human Services; ,~ ~Conformit_y to Laws and Regulations: The Provider shall abide by all laws and, regulations of the State of North. Carolina; ' (~ Client Ruts and ConfidentialitX: The Provider acknowledges that in receiving, storing, processing, sharing, or otherwise using or dealing with any - information, the Provider and its employees are fully bound by all Federal and "State Laws and Regulations that govern and guarantee the treatment rights and ' ~ 'confidentiality of individuals receiving substance abuse treatment services; ~ Release of Information: The Provider shall obtain appropriately signed forms ' ~ allowing for the release of information that may be necessary for the Provider to conform to the requirements of the Agency's DTC Program participant tracking system. ~ Indemnification: The Provider agrees that the Agency and each commissioner, officer'and employee thereof shall not be liable for and shall be indemnified and held harmless from any liabilities, obligations, claims, damages (including but not limited to civil or criminal penalties), litigation costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses), imposed~on, incurred by or asserted against the Agency or any commissioner, officer employee thereof for any reason whatsoever (including but not limited to accident or, other ~ ~ 5 " occurrence causing injury,or death, sickness-or disease to''any person or ' damages to or destruction'of property)' pertaining to this AGREEMENT or arising out of the' activities of the Provider under thisAGREEMENT. ~ Insurance: The Provider shall take out and maintain insurance as listed below ' `from a company which is authorized to do business in the'State of North Carolina. ~. ~: A. Comprehensive General Liability; Bodily Injury. and Property Damage Liability; . • ~ B; 'Profess'ional L-iatiility; - - ~ ` C: Worker's Compensation; and D. Certificate of Insurance: Certificates of such insurance shall be ` furnished`to the, Contractor at~its request. A copy}of any `such existing contracts/agreements must be submitted to'the Agency's DTC~ administrator within the latter of thirty days of receipt of this fully signed contract' or within thirty days of the contractor's utilization of the provider's treatment services: If the Contractor is~providing direct ~clinical.treatment~ services for the DTC Program; rather than or iri addition to contracting .with another legal entity to provide ` such services, 'then the contractor is'in effect a Provider and, therefore, agrees to adhere to the above=noted Agency-mandated requirements of a DTC program clinical treatment provider. ~ " -~~ ~ - << 6. If applicable, -the Contractor will submit to~the Agency a notarized copy of the Contractor's policy addressing conflicts of interest [Chapter 321, Section 16, 1993 Session";Laws].. Said policy, must be approved by,the Agency within thirty (3;0) days followingexecution of this Agreement. ~: ~ t ._ ~ .. 7. The Contractor agrees that the AOC and each official,. officer and, employee thereof shall-not -be liable for any acts of the Contractor or its employees. The Contractor agrees that it shall be solely responsible for any litigation arising,from any claims by a third party pertaining to this AGREEMENT and that the Agency shall have no liability for any-~claims~~~by•a third party pertaining to this AGREEMENT . . 8. Within ten (10)days after the end~~of each month, the Contractor will submit to the Agency, in the form prescribed by the :Agency, a monthly claim form for , reimbursement of the Contractor's expenses incurred duringahe prior, month: Note: ., The payment of all approved claim forms will:be full aril complete compensation for all professional services rendered under this Agreement, provided that,the payment of compensation specif ed in this Agreement is dependent upon and subject.to the availability of State appropriations; The subnussion of the.monthly,claim form will . include a certification:that moneys spent have been used for the purpose;of and in accordance with the terms and. conditions of this Agreement. , _ 9. :The Contractor will adopt generally accepted accounting practicesaoa support. all .disbursements, including maintaining invoices. (or other documentation) and bank ,. 116 ~ - .~ -. r • statements. 10, The Contractor will submit, within six (6) months of the .end of the term of this . Agreement, financial statements to the Agency, the State Auditor, and the Toint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations. These financial statements` shall be audited in accordance with the auditing standards prescribed by the State Auditor pursuant to.NoM Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S.) §143-6.1. 11. The Contractor will permit inspection, examination, and audit of the Contractor's fiscal affairs at any time upon the request of the Agency or the Auditor of the State of North Carolina. Both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration, the Contractor further agrees, to: maintain appropriate documentation for all reimbursements claimed under this Agreement. The Contractor' agrees to make such documentation available for examination by the Agency or by the State Auditor for a period of three years after the termination of the Agreement, or until audited, whichever period of time is shorter. However, in the event of an audit; the fiscal records of the Contractor will be maintained until all audit questions are resolved. The Contractor hereby .agrees to fully assist said auditors in examining said records and in resolving any audit exceptions. 12. Within ten (10) days after the end of each month, the Contractor will provide to the Agency, in the form prescribed by the Agency, written monthly reports on the individuals targeted.. The reports will be accompanied by a hard-copy or Agency authorized electronic transmission bf-participant tracking data contained within the ' Agency's DTC Management Information System (MIS) and required by the Agency to be collected ~by the Contractor and submitted to the Agency's DTC administrative ` office. The Contractor is responsible for the accurate collection and timely submission to the Agency of all data required by the Agency's participant tracking data system. Until the-Agency's automated MIS is in place, the Contractor~shall submit the case file of each drug treatment court participant•who has been terminated, ,successfully or • ~ unsuccessfully, from the program during the previous month. 13. The Contractor shall permit inspection, examination, and audit of the Contractor's client records:at any time upon the request of the Agency. In furtherance thereof, the Contractor will ensure that all appropriate releases of confidentiality are signed.by the clients. Both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration; the. Contractor further agrees to maintain appropriate documentation for all client records in support of the monthly reports submitted pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor agrees to make such documentation available for examination by the Agency for a period of three years after the termination of the Agreement. 14. Use of Agency-authorized funds for reimbursement by the Contractor for travel; .. ,lodging, per diem and related training expenses incurred by the•Contractor's employees or DTC. Program staff in carrying out their DTC program functions shall not exceed the daily.amounts specified in the Agency's current state-authorized travel reimbursement guidelines. The Agency authorizes the Contractor to spend up to 1% of the approved DTC budget total denoted in paragraph 4 above, for IDTC-related r 117 training of local DTC staff and team members. The Contractor shall rely'on•gudelines and procedures, not inconsistent with Agency or State Guidelines, established by the local Drug' Treatment Court Managem'erit Committee in determining training needs ~~ and priorities and appropriateness oftraining-related expenditures.~The Agency ' ~k •;,,.: .g p reserves-then ht'to rovide additional~fiinding.to support atte'ridance at.Agency=' sponsored DTC training events such as th'e annual Agency=sponsored,DTC Training Conference and the National Association of Drug Court Professional's Annual .=Training Conference. _, . , . -. 15. The Contractor will comply with the Guidelines for North Carolina Drug Treatment Courts and all other regulations promulgated'by'the Director of the'Administrative Office of the Courts,'pursuanf to.N.C.G.S. ~§§7A-790 ~et seq.; for the implementation, ` operation, and monitoring of local DTC Programs. - ~ - ~ " - ,. - ~ - ~ ~ . 16. The Contractor will abide by'all, laws of theState of North Carolina, including Chapter SSA, Nonprofit Corporations and Article 62 of Chapter 7A; Dnig Treatment'Courts. 1'7.'~The filing of a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency by or against the'Contractor shall terminate this Agreement. - - - ' 18. Before" acquiring assefs'withfunds provided in whole~or in part by.the Agency, they Contractor`shall first obtain'competitive pricing and/or bid information from the ,,: Budget Management & Procurement•Division~~of theAgency. ` Acquisition bythe Contractor of assets through the Agency`s Budget Management & Procurement 'Division is permitted but not required. All' capital assets acquired by the Contractor with funds provided in whole or in part.by the Agency under the provisions of this or any'subsequent. Agreement, shalt be classified as Agency property. Within 30 (thirty) days ofacquisition of any such-assets; an updated; comprehensive asset~list noting in chronological'ordertbe dates~of acquisition~of all such-assets shall be~forwarded to the Agency. ~At such time as theContractor ceases ato participate in~the DTC program, all such assets, regardless of condition, revert" to the' Agency, and. disposition maybe as follows: ~ - _ ..., a) If-the termination of the Agreement.between the Agency and' Contractor occurs during the first year following'the purchase of they asset(s), the Agency may pick up the asset(s)'for reallocation to any other. DTC program or for sale as surplus property, ~tlie proceeds of which shall:inure exclusively to the benefit of the Agency: ' ~ . ,. .s b) In,the event a termination occurs~at any :time after the first anniversary of the acquisition of any such assets: 1) Withahe consent of the Agency, the Contractor may acquire sole title to .:. _ the assets by-paying to the Agency~a•:prop.orton of the fair market~value of the capital assets at that.time; based on the,. percentage of Agency funds used_to' acquire the capital: assets. The Contractor may present to the Agency evidence.relevant to the fair market value of said assets. 1 ', $ The decision by the Agency as to the value and sales price of said assets • • is final. - 2) The Agency may pickup said assets for sale by the'State as surplus property. The proceeds of such sale shall be distributed to the Agency 'and Contractor based on the percentage of Agency funds used to acquire said assets. ~ , 19. The effective date of this Agreement is .July 1, 1999. Unless renewed in writing, this Agreement will terminate on Tune 30, 2000: All funds not expended by that date will revert to the State. 20. This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part: A. At the expiration of the terms of this Agreement as herein defined; B. Upon mutual consent of both parties; C. Upon sixty (60) days after one of the contracting parties to this Agreement-gives written notice of their request to terminate the Agreement; or D. Upon action by a legislative, regulatory or judicial authority preempting, voiding or preventing implementation or continuance of this Agreement. 21. Pursuant to a written agreement executed by both parties, this Agreement maybe .,,; renewed in writing on a yearly basis for up to two additional years beyond fiscal year 1999-2000, or modified at any time during the contractual period by the Agency's and Contractor's signed acceptance of a written request for modification. This the day of , 19 • ~ Thomas W. Ross, Director Administrative.Office of the Courts Accepted for the Contractor on this day of , 19` For New Hanover County: By: Authorized New Hanover County . Representative 119.. ' ., ~ .~ Print`Title of Authorized New Hanover Rep Approved as to Form for the Agency, Prior to Execution ~. By: ' ~ ~ } Budget Management and Procurement NC Administrative Office of the Courts ., . , ~, . _. i ii .l NE1tU HAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/01/99 . Bud efi Amendmen 9 fi. Consent Item #: 12.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services AdministrationlCrisis Intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0051 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services Administration: - Administrative Grants ~ $28,658 - _ Crisis Intervention Program: . Assistance Payments - $28,658 _ EXPLANATION: To budget additional funds for the Crisis Intervention Program. No additional .County funds are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' • ~~1.~I COt1NTY COMMI~SIQN~ . APPROVED ~--~~ `G~` r '' ~ - ' REJECTED ~ ~`~~'~ Qfi. REMOVED O: ., POSTPONED Cl ~ ~ n ~ ' ~/ ~ . _ ~. s ~ _ 1 i NEW.HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1.1/01199 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~' DEPARTMENT: Social Services Administration/CP&L Intervention Program' - - ~ • BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0054 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services Administration: Administrative Grants- ~ ~ $61,645" CP&L Intervention Program: Assistance Payments ~ ~ ° $61;645 EXPLANATION: •To budget additional funds for the CP&L Intervention Program. No additional County funds are required. ~ ~' 4G. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: - APPROVAL`STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. .. ., REJECTED O C1 ~ F .:; , ~fl RE OVED ~ ~~°~ 4~ POTPONED 1 2 2 :.: ~ HEARD 1 r lq y~~ ~: r~ ~~