WRFC Minutes 2012-01-14 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation PURSUANT TO NOTICE, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:00 AM, on January 25, 2012. Mr. Jimmy Smith, Mr. William Vassar, Hon. Ted Davis, Jr., Ms. Carey Jones, Hon. Bill Saffo were present in person. In addition Johnny Griffin and Ms. Anna B. Fisher were also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM OCOTBER 11, 2011 BOARD MEETING. 1. The minutes from the Board Meeting on October 11, 2011, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B, were unanimously approved. APPOINTMENT OF FIFTH DIRECTOR BY THE OTHER FOUR 2. DIRECTORS REPRESENTING NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. James L.F. Smith was appointed to a second three-year term as the fifth director. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2012 3. . Carey Jones was appointed chairperson for 2012, Bill Vassar was re-appointed vice-chairman, Johnny Griffin was re- appointed secretary. UPDATE ON 2012 WILMINGTON REGIONAL PRODUCTION GUIDE. 4. Johnny Griffin stated the 2012 Production Guide is being printed and should be ready for distribution by end of the month. The Production Guide is the largest ever because of growth in advertisers. UPDATE ON PRODUCTION ACTIVITY. 5. Johnny Griffin reported we have four productions currently on the studio lot. He also, reported that there is a strong continued interest in the Wilmington Region. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING SOURCES. 6. Johnny Griffin requested the board look into additional sources to fund the film commission. We need to consider funding for full time position of director’s assistant. ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING 7. AN EMPLOYEE EVALUATION. Johnny Griffin and Anna B. Fisher were excused from the room. Discussion was held among the board. No action was taken. RETURN TO OPEN MEETING. 8. Johnny Griffin and Anna B. Fisher returned to meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M. Respectfully submitted, James L.F. Smith Chairman