2008-03-13 Budget Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 BUDGET WORK SESSION OF MARCH 13, 2008 PAGE 331 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Thursday, March 13, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. in Conference Room 601 at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Others present were: Finance Director Avril Pinder; Budget Director Cam Griffin; Senior Budget Analyst Beth Schrader; Budget Analyst Donna Seal; and Special Projects Officer Amy Aiken. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and requested County Manager Bruce Shell present a budget overview for FY 2008-2009. OVERVIEW OF TOPICS County Manager Bruce Shell reviewed the agenda topics for the meeting highlighting that revenues are down and 89% of the requested budget amounts are for mandated items. The FY 08-09 budget request that is being presented is a preliminary request and as always, staff will work to cut expenses as directed by the Board. He requested Finance Director Avril Pinder to provide the overview of financial health of the County and fund balance. OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL HEALTH OF THE COUNTY AND FUND BALANCE Finance Director Avril Pinder presented an overview on the County?s fund balance and the financial health of the County reporting that: Fund Balance: ? Total Fund Balance as of July 1, 2007 in the amount of $72.4 million Reserved = $26.5 million o Designated = $4.8 million o Unreserved/undesignated = $41.1 million o ? Projected June 30, 2008 Fund Balance in the amount of $72.4 million Use $3.8 million ($9.2 million budgeted) o Reserved = $29.6 million o Unreserved/undesignated = $39 million o Equals 14.95% o The Board?s fund balance goal is 16.67% or $42.5 million o ? The County continues to maintain a strong Aa1 bond rating Pending Debt Issues: ? General Fund - $28.64 million; debt service $2.45 million (airport customs building, jail property acquisition, one-half of the Public Safety Training Center; Park Bonds) ? Water/Sewer - $10.67 million; debt service $1.26 million (Heritage Park project, water lines, schools regional pump station) ? Environmental Management - $1.41 million; debt service $.24 million (scrapper pan, bulldozer/loader) ? Fire District - $6.14 million; debt service $.67 million; Aerial fire truck, Murrayville Fire Station; one- half of the Public Safety Training Center) ? Total - $46.86 million; debt service $4.62 million Finance Director Pinder continued reporting that on the horizon are the following items: ? Cape Fear Public Utility Authority ? staff is working to transfer assets July 1, 2008; NHC will be responsible for paying the debt service until CFPUA issues debt. ? Cape Fear Community College ? preliminary discussion concerning a bond referendum ? New Hanover County Schools ? $43 million remains from 2005 bonds to be issued in 2010; $42.7 million currently on hand for school bond projects; schools have talked about a bond referendum for 2009 ? Parks/Greenspace Bonds ? $35.5 million authorized in 2006 ? First sale of bonds scheduled for May 16, 2008 - $12 million for City of Wilmington; $6 million for New Hanover County/Beaches A question and answer period was held. OVERVIEW OF FY 08-09 BUDGET Budget Director Cam Griffin reported that the requested budget shows a gap of 5.6 cents above the 3.4 cents that isnecessary to adjust for the error in the FY07-08 tax base, increase in debt service,and operational expenses related to Parks Bonds. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 BUDGET WORK SESSION OF MARCH 13, 2008 PAGE 332 It is anticipated that as the budget process progresses reducing budgets and revising revenue assumptions, the gap will narrow; but a gap will remain that will necessitate a tax increase above the 3.4 cents, unless non- mandated quality of life programs are reduced or eliminated. Revenue is less than FY07-08 due to: ? FY07-08 Budget was balanced with some one-time revenue that is not available in FY08-09: Transfer from Capital Projects - FY07-08 adopted amount was $1.5 million. o ABC revenue in the amount of $.5 million was donated for Sheriff Operations in FY07-08. o Less fund balance can be appropriated in FY08-09 ($.8 million). o ? Inspections revenues have been negatively impacted by downturn in economy ($2 million decrease from adopted budget). ? Sales tax growth has been less than in recent years and projection for FY08-09 is questionable. ? Grant revenue is uncertain; Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Funds in the amount of $.2 million. In the Department of Social Services IV-E Waiver in the amount of $1.3 million and Foster Care assistance in the amount of $.6 million revenue decreased. ? Correction in tax base continues to impact FY08-09 budget. Budget Director Griffin continued reporting that requested expenditures exceed the FY07-08 adopted budget by 4% due to increases for education and debt service, salary adjustment for County employees, and inflationary increases. The following assumptions are being made: 1) the savings generated by the Medicaid sales tax switch are being transferred. The plan is to set funds aside for FY10-11 when there will be no further decrease in Medicaid from the previous year and the reimbursement continues to the City for sales tax loss. The budget as presented sets aside FY08-09 savings of approximately $1.2 million; 2) the tax rate in the Fire Service District will remain constant; and 3) an increase in the tipping fee may be required in Environmental Management due to the need to construct a new cell in the Landfill and a state-imposed $2/ton surcharge. The following are concerns: 1) in difficult economic times the demand for services from Human Services departments increases and revenue based on the economy decreases; 2) the full impact of the Mental Health financial problems is still being reviewed may have an impact on the FY08-09 budget; 3) forty-four new positions are being requested by County Departments; and 4) there are no funds allotted for capital projects. In addition to the 3.4 cents required by the error in the FY07-08 tax base and the increase in debt service between FY07-08 and FY08-09 there is need for an additional 5.6 cents; for a total of 9 cents to fund the preliminary budget as presented. The following is an explanation of the requested expenditures: ? General Government increase is due to 3% salary adjustment, requested positions and inflationary increases. ? Human Services decrease is due to Medicaid Sales Tax Exchange. ? Public Safety increase is due to 3% salary adjustment, new position request, continuation of replacement program for radios, and additional funding requirements of Sheriff?s Office. ? Increase in Economic and Physical Development is due to increased funding request from Non-County Agencies. ? Increase is Cultural and Recreational due to 3% salary adjustment, new position request, additional parks expenditures for Park improvements. ? Education increase due to a $2.7 million increase in Board of Education Debt Service between FY07- 08 and FY08-09, estimated 5% increase in operating expenses, and estimated $2 million capital request. Board of Education is not required to submit their budget request until May 15. ? Debt Service increase is related to additional debt service for Parks and Recreation Bonds - $700,000; land purchased for jail expansion - $506,000; and Cape Fear Public Utility Authority for Water and Sewer Debt Service $6.7 million. (CFPUA debt is offset by a $4.8 million contribution by the CFPUA for a net NHC contribution of $1.9 million.) ? Transfers have decreased due to reduced funding requirements for Other Post-Employment Benefit Contribution. ? Transfer for Medicaid /Sales Tax Swap is preliminary estimate of savings that will be reserved. The following is an explanation of revenues: ? Ad Valorem taxes are based on a 45.4 cent tax rate, 98% collection rate, and less than 1.5% increase in the base. 3.4 cents of the tax rate is due to correction in base, increased debt service (excluding water and sewer) between FY07-08 and FY08-09, and expenses related to Parks Bonds. ? Other ad valorem taxes are same amount as FY07-08. ? Sales tax is based on an increase of 5% from FY06-07 actual adjusted New Hanover County percentage of sales tax and changes due to Medicaid Sales Tax swap. ? Other taxes decrease due to lower projection ($250,000) in real estate transfer tax. ? Intergovernmental revenue reduction due to adjustment in Department of Social Services Programs NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 BUDGET WORK SESSION OF MARCH 13, 2008 PAGE 333 due to decrease in revenue for IV-E Wavier in the amount of $1.3 million and Foster Care Assistance in the amount of $.6 million and grant revenue. ? Charges for Service decrease are based primarily on decrease in projected revenue from Inspection Services. Expected to be $2 million less than FY07-08 adopted. FY08-09 revenue is estimated to be $.3 million less than current FY07-08 estimate. ? Other Revenue is estimated to increase primarily due to the transfer from the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority for Water and Sewer to fund a portion of Debt Service in the amount of $4.8 million. This is offset by no transfer from capital projects in FY08-09 and projected lower interest income. ? Less fund balance is recommended for appropriation in FY08-09 than in FY07-08. PROPOSED BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FY 08-09 Budget Director Griffin presented the following proposed budget calendar: ? April 21, 2008 ? Budget Work Session immediately following Board meeting ? May 15, 2008 ? Budget to the Board of County Commissioners (informally) ? May 19, 2008 ? County Manager presents recommended budget at Board meeting ? June 2, 2008 ? Public Hearing on budget ? June 16, 2008 ? Board adopt FY 08-09 budget In closing, Budget Director Cam Griffin reported that for the Board?s review in their workbook is the following information: ? Non-County Agency Budget Requests ? Countywide Goals ? New Position Requests by Department ? Debt Service Report for the Next Five Years ? Requested Capital Improvement Projects Report ? Frozen Positions Report ? Critical issues that were identified during the FY 07-08 budget process The Board held a question and answer period and discussion on transportation funding alternatives. A copy of FY 08-09 budget work session presentation is available for review in the Budget Department. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 11:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board