WRFC Minutes 2011-10-11MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non - Profit Corporation The Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a regular meeting at 8:00 AM, on October 11, 2011. Mr. Jimmy Smith, Mr. William Vassar, Hon. Ted Davis, Jr., Hon. Bill Saffo were present in person. Ms Carey Jones, arrived at 8:10 and was present in person. In addition Kemmy Goodson, CPA, Johnny Griffin and Ms. Anna B. Fisher were present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 10, 2011 BOARD MEETING. The minutes from the Board Meeting on May 10, 2011, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, were unanimously approved. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JULY 6.2011 BOARD MEETING. The minutes from the Board Meeting on July 6, 2011, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B, were unanimously approved. 3. APPROVAL OF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FY 2010 -2011. Review of audit given by Kemmy Goodson, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT C, was unanimously approved. 4. DISCUSSION OF BUSINESS PROPERTY INSURANCE. Mr. Griffin presented a plan, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT D, to reduce the cost of the Commission's property insurance. After reviewing the plan, Mr. Vassar asked if the proposed carrier is "A" rated. Mr. Griffin did not have that answer. The board unanimously approved switching carriers if it is determined that the proposed carrier is "A" rated. If the proposed carrier is not "A" rated, the Commission will maintain coverage with its current carrier. 5. DISCUSSION OF REVIEW PROCESS OF FILM COMMISSION DIRECTOR. An evaluation form to be used in the Director's annual performance review, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT E, was presented for discussion. Recommended changes are noted on this form. Ms. Jones will send the revised form to the board members for them to complete in their individual evaluation of the Director. Mr. Griffin will also complete the form as a self- evaluation. At the next board meeting, the board will discuss the results among themselves and then with Mr. Griffin. Beginning in 2013, the review process will take place in the first or second quarter of each calendar year. 6. DISCUSSION OF PRODUCTION GUIDE SALES. Mr. Griffin revealed the production guide ad sales at $48,000.00 as of today. It's the best year on record. A copy of the sales history for previous years is attached as EXHIBIT F. 7. DISCUSSION OF 2011 PRODUCTIONS. Mr. Griffin discussed briefly the number of productions for 2011 and that the outlook for 2012 looks even better. A copy of production totals for 2011, as of 8/31, is attached as EXHIBIT G. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 A.M. Respectfully submitted, James L.F. Smith Chairman WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. 1223 NORTH 23rd STREET • WILMINGTON, NC 28405 www.wilmington- film.com • commish @wilmington- film.com ATTACHMENT "6" Member of in afci ASSOCIATION OF FILM COMMISSIONERS INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DINIXTCR5 Jam= LF. Smith, ChairrwrvtEO Witilan Vasa, Vice afaimran Honorable red Davin Jr. cwwJones Honorable Bill Sdfa APPOINTMENT OF FIFTH DIRECTOR BY OTHER FOUR DIRECTORS REPRESENTING NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF WILMINGTON The board seat currently filled by Jimmy Smith has expired in January. This seat is appointed by the other board members who are appointed by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington. Jimmy Smith has completed one term and is eligible to serve a second term.