WRFC Agenda 06-05-12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carey Jones, Chairperson William Vassar, Vice-Chairman Honorable Ted Davis, Jr. Honorable Bill Saffo James L.F. Smith BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carey Jones, Chairperson William Vassar, Vice-Chairman Honorable Ted Davis, Jr. Honorable Bill Saffo James L.F. Smith MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation PURSUANT TO NOTICE, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, the Board Of Directors of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:00 AM, on April 19, 2012. Ms. Carey Jones, Mr. William Vas Bill Saffo, and Mr. Jimmy Smith were present in person. In addi Fisher and Tori Jones of Clove Marketing were also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 25, 2012 BOARD 1. MEETING. The minutes from the Board Meeting on January 25, 2012 a copy of attached as EXHIBIT B, were unanimously approved. DICUSSION OF TERM LIMITS FOR CHAIRPERSON AND VICE 2. CHAIRPERSON. Discussion was held regarding term limits for the Chairperson Chairperson. Board will elect vice Chairman. Previous Vice Cha seat. Chairman and Vice Chairman will be from different appointing authorities. REPORT ON PRODUCTION ACTIVITY. 3. Currently there are seven shows in town, 2 are prepping, 3 are shooting, 2 more shows are on the wa production expenditures have grown from $45 million in 2010 to $113 million in 2011. In 2012, production expenditures have grown to $125-145 million to date. ADOPTION OF MEMBERSHIP PLAN. 4. Tori Jones of Clove Marketing and Johnny Griffin explained the new film commission membership plans EXHIBIT C. Since we are moving to a more tech savvy way of life we have dec guide and have an online directory only. This will save the co therefore reducing expenses and increasing efficiency. An added benefit is that memberships can be sold year round. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO SPEND $5,000 IN CONTINGENCY FUND OF 5. 2011/2012 BUDGET. The board approved the request to spend $5,000 in contingency purchase a computer for interns to work on photo database and to provide funding to change the Production Coordinator position from full-time to part-time. 6. DISCUSSION OF FY 2012-2013 BUDGET INCLUDING FUNDING SOURCES. Johnny Griffin presented a preliminary budget for FY 2012-2013 attached as EXHIBIT D.. The budget highlights are: *No increase in funding from the City or County for the fourth c *A 250% increase in private sector support over the FY 2011-2012 budget. *An almost 200% increase in marketing expenditures. *Funding to change the part-time Production Coordinator position to full-time status. 7. DISCUSSION OF ITEMS NEEDED FOR GROWTH. Johnny reviewed a list of unfunded items attached as EXHIBIT E that are needed to advance Film Commission. The board instructed Johnny to communicate with and New Hanover County and inform them that the Commission is as restored to the levels detailed in the funding contracts which srease in funding based upon the Consumer Price index. 8. PRESENTATION OF LEGISLATIVE UPDATE. Bill Vassar gave a legislative update. Discussion focused on the Film Incentive program. The has been successful in recruiting the film and television industry to North Carolina. The board discussed the sunset date of January 2014 and the need to extend certainty to clients. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 A Respectfully submitted, Carey Jones, Chairperson BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carey Jones, Chairperson William Vassar, Vice-Chairman Honorable Ted Davis, Jr. Honorable Bill Saffo James L.F. Smith BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carey Jones, Chairperson William Vassar, Vice-Chairman Honorable Ted Davis, Jr. Honorable Bill Saffo James L.F. Smith At the April 19 board meeting, the Board approved the following process for electing the Chairman and Vice-Chairman: ¥Each January, the board will elect a Vice Chairman ¥The Vice Chairman, whose term just expired, will automatically move into the Chairman position. ¥The Vice Chairman and the Chairman shall represent different appointing authorities The situation that was created is that to be eligible for Vice Chairman, one must have two years of eligibility as a board member left since being an officer is a two year commitment (fir year Vice Chairman, second year Chairman). Taking this into consideration, along with the requirement of the officers being from different appointing authorities, the board could easily find itself with only one candidate (and certainly less than all boar members) eligible for election. Therefore, the board may wish to consider the following changes to the election process: ¥Each January, the board will elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman ¥The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall represent different appointing authorities The board may wish to impose term limits on the Chairman and Vice-Chairman positions. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carey Jones, Chairperson William Vassar, Vice-Chairman Honorable Ted Davis, Jr. Honorable Bill Saffo James L.F. Smith