WRFC Minutes 2012-06-05 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION,INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation PURSUANT TO NOTICE, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:00 AM, on June 5, 2012. Ms Carey Jones, Mr. William Vassar, Hon. Ted Davis, Jr., Hon. Bill Saffo, and Mr. Jimmy Smith were present in person. In addition Johnny Griffin,Anna B. Fisher. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 19,2012 BOARD MEETING The minutes from the Board Meeting on April 19, 2012, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B,were unanimously approved. 2. APPROVAL OF LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT FOR AUDIT OF THE FY 2011/2012 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Johnny Griffin presented the Board with a 2012 Letter of Engagement form Clement Goodson, of Goodson & Taylor, to conduct the WRFC audit for 2011/2012, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT C. After brief discussion the board unanimously approved the accounting firm Goodson & Taylor to conduct the audit. 3. DISCUSS POTENTIAL CHANGE TO ELECTION PROCESS FOR CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN. After a brief discussion the board decided to insert the words "when possible" into the language in the Bylaws regarding the requirement that the Chairman and Vice Chairman represent different appointing authorities. A copy of election procedures is attached as EXHIBIT D 4. THE BOARD ENTERED INTO A CLOSED SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING AN EMPLOYEE REVIEW. 5. UPON COMPLETION OF THE CLOSED SESSION, THE COMMISSION RETURNED TO ITS SPECIAL MEETING. No action was taken by the Board during the closed session. 6. APPROVAL OF BUDGET FOR FY 2012-2013. Johnny Griffin presented the proposed 2012-2013 WRFC budget, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT E. After discussion and review,the 2012-2013 WRFC budget was unanimously approved. 7. PRODUCTION UPDATE. Currently there are three films and one television show prepping and Caged is filming. There being no further business,the meeting ...'ourned at 9:00 AM Respectfull; sub. itted, Carey J.• es, Chairperson