B07172012 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:00AM — 10:35AM The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday. July 17. 2012 at 10:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: John Craig. Chairman; Patrick Riley, Vice Chairman: Evelyn Bryant. Diana Woolley ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary: Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1 0:00 a. m. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. Mr. Nesmith led the invocation. Ms. Woolley led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. Ms. Woolley moved to enter into closed session. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant. The Board entered closed session at I0:08AM. Ms. Woolley made a motion to enter open session. The motion was seconded by Evelyn Bryant and passed unanimously. The Board entered open session at 10:28 AM Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the annual performance appraisal for Director Nesmith in which he exceeded expectations. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the appraisal. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. Chairman Craig was given a plaque of appreciation of his 7 years of service on the Board. ADDITIONAL ITEMS As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98, the board by consensus adjourned at 10:35AM. Respectfully submitted. LaVaughn Nesmith. • Secretary to the Board Patrick Riley. Vice-Chairman Item 2 Page 1 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:35AM — 11:15AM The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday, July 17. 2012 at 10:35 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Patrick Riley: Evelyn Bryant. Diana Woolley and Frankie Roberts ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath, Administrative Support Specialist Mr. Riley called the meeting to order at 10:35AM. Mr. Riley asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA There was no information for consent. Election of New Officers and Board Meeting Schedule Ms. Woolley moved to elect Patrick Riley as Board Chairman. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and approved by consensus. Frankie Roberts moved to keep the current Board Meeting schedule of the third Tuesday of every month at 10:00AM. The motion was seconded by Evelyn Bryant and passed unanimously. Ms. Woolley moved to elect Evelyn Bryant as vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Frankie Roberts and passed by consensus. INFORMATION AGENDA The Board and Director recognized retiring employee Andrea "Boo " Kelly. Ms. Woolley commented on the SSDI numbers. Ms. Bryant clarified that the courtesy conflict cases are cases from other counties that NHCDSS handles. Mr. Nesmith updated the Board about the live implementation of NCFAST at the end of this month and explained that initially. it will cause delays in processing FNS eligibility. Ms. Woolley asked if there was over time money for the project. Mr. Nesmith explained that the approved budget included 5 additional days of work to implement the project. • Ms. Woolley asked for an update on Coastal Care's new facility. Mr. Nesmith feels like there is still quite a bit of work to be done on providing services not just working with contractors. Wanda Marino agreed that the need is quality providers not just service Item 2 Page 2 Page 2 of 2 • managers. Mr. Nesmith explained the current system only provides services for people in crisis between 8AM and 5PM which doesn t meet the needs of the people using services. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Northwoods Update Christine McNamee explained the first phase of the document management project has been implemented to address the growing numbers in programs and not growing number of staff. The program cuts out dual entry issues by interfacing with one case. The staff have been pleased. said ifs easier and faster and it has encouraged staff to scan more. The Social Workers will be next up to train in this program. Ms. Woolley asked if a client would be able to access forms through Northwoods. Ms. McNamee noted NCFAST will allow that option. Ms. Bryant asked if a client will be able to track the status of their application. Director Nesmith explained when NCFAST is fully completed and automated: a client will indeed be able to track the status of their case. Ms. McNamee explained that the project has been fast tracked due to the impending Health Carc Reform. OBOARD MEMBER COMMENTS There were no comments from the Board. NEXT MEETING OBJECTIVES Annual Leading By Results Update ADDITIONAL ITEMS As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98. the board by consensus adjourned at 11:16 AM. Respectfully submitted. LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board Patrick Riley. Chairman Item 2 Page 3