B08212012 New Hanover County Board of Social Services • Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:00a.m. — 11:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday. August 21, 2012 at 10:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Patrick Riley. Chairman: Evelyn Bryant, Vice Chairman: Diana Woolley: Jonathan Barfield Jr.and Frankie Roberts ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. Mr. Riley asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. Ms. Bryant led the invocation. Ms. Woolley led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Riley asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Ms. Charlon Turner presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Nesmith on behalf of the Department of Social Services for taking a leadership role in the community. Arena Everett and Victoria McAniff were recognized for their years of service as they are retiring. Ms. Woolley was reassured both positions are being filled. Ms. Woolley noted the reports of child abuse have risen. Ms. Marino noted there are more child neglect than child abuse reports. which is why the number of referrals has increased. Ms. Woolley asked about the services and supplies line item in the budget. Karen Graham explained it is a one time expense in the beginning of the year. Ms. Woolley asked if the agency was going to get additional money from the County due to the movement of Veteran Services. Avril Pinder answered no as the County budget is in balance. No action was taken by the Board. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Annual Leading By Results Update Patricia Robinson shared a power point with the Board and reviewed the 5 core results the agency strives to meet. There are two proposed additions 1 h) Annual % of new applications processed within one business day and 1j) Annual % of Medicaid Item 2 Page 1 Page 2 of 3 clients enrolled in Carolina Access. Two proposed deletions were presented: 5d) Annual amount recovered through Program Integrity efforts and 5g) Annual % of programs that are fully automated (paperless files. off-site accessible. kiosk). In addition several wording changes were proposed to more accurately explain indicators and adjust targets. Wanda Marino and Christine McNamee shared their Leading By Results achievements for FY 2011/2012. Mr. Nesmith noted that even with the enhanced technology, the technology alone will not be enough to handle the immense growth in DSS programs. Karen Graham and Wanda Marino reviewed challenges the agency faced in FY 2011/2012: the percentage child victims of repeat maltreatment cases: children not achieving permanence within 12 months of removal from their home and the annual percentage of State and Federal available dollars drawn down by DSS. Ms. Marino believes her strategy to increase prevention services/prevention social workers will impact the maltreatment numbers. Ms. Bryant asked what percentages of cases are repeat maltreatment cases. Kari Sanders answered that number is 12.7 percent. Ms. Graham explained that the CIP money is often allocated at the end of the year then the agency is tasked with getting the word out to the public that the funds are available. The Federal limit for assistance is 5600.00 per family. The CIP money is used specifically for heating and cooling emergencies. Patricia Robinson reviewed how New Hanover County Department of Social Services' [BR fits in with New Hanover County's strategic plan. Chairman Riley asked for a motion to approve the changes to Leading By Results. Ms. Bryant moved to approve the changes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Woolley and passed unanimously. Adult Day Care and Day Health Inquiry List Policy Gwen Stahl and Wanda Marino proposed a policy that would place people on an inquiry list (waiting list) where they would remain (if eligible) until money becomes available to serve them. Adults who have been victims of abuse/neglect would be given priority on the list. Director Nesmith asked that perhaps the County Commissioners would advocate for DSS to have more authority to take action after an investigation has been completed as there appears to be a disconnect between the State and DSS. Ms. Woolley would like the words in line 4 to read Individuals who are receiving an Adult Protective Services Evaluation" from "Individuals who are open". Ms. Woolley moved to approve the policy with the noted wording change. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously. Next Meeting Objectives • Adoption Awareness Proclamation Board Comments Item 2 Page 2 S Page 3of3 Ms. Bryant asked Director Nesmith to notify the Board of the date of the annual Board training retreat. Y Ms. Woolley shared information from the Child Fatality Prevention Team on which she serves as a Board Member. New Hanover County is experiencing a lot of youth gang activity. As well. there are two new drugs in the community: 2CI and 2KI which you can buy right from the internet. The effects of the drugs last for 8-9 hours and often end with the entire respiratory shutting down and the user dying. Additional Items As there was no additional information as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.S. 154A-98. the Board by consensus adjourned at 1 1 :07. Respectfully omitted. • c i LaVaughn Nesmith. -) L'I' '' ' - i Secretary to the Board Patrick Riley. Chairman Item 2 Page 3