08-15-20121 Board Members Present: Tucker Stevens Beth Dawson Stuart Borrett Jack Mills Ben Woodruff Gwen Brown Nancy Ballard Cox Linda Chapman Sandra Sheridan Absent: Allen Trask, Ted Davis, Dan Owen, and Nancy Pritchett Staff Present: Ruth Haas, Director Barbara Rowe, Curator Amy Thornton, Education Manager The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman-elect Jack Mills at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Jack Mills A motion to accept July 2012 minutes was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Chairman’s Report: Jack Mills Chairman Mills welcomed new board member Nancy Ballard Cox the 2012-2013 Museum Advisory Board and thanked her for her service. Chairman Mills reviewed the three committees and the board members assigned to them. Consideration of Absences: Jack Mills Allen Trask, Ted Davis, Dan Owen and Nancy Pritchett indicated their inability to attend this meeting and have been excused. Associates Report: Ben Woodruff The Cape Fear Museum Annual Meeting will be held on October 4, 2012 from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Williston Auditorium. Cape Fear Museum Associates board has two vacancies and is accepting nominations for new board members. Collections Committee: Beth Dawson The Collections Committee recommends approval of the proposed renewal of a loan of a candle to the Museum of History in Raleigh. A motion was made, seconded, and approved without opposition to approve the renewal of the loan. The Collections Committee recommends approval of the proposed new load of Claude Howell furniture to the Cameron Art Museum. A motion was made, seconded, and approved without opposition to approve the loan. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING August 15, 2012 2012-13 Board Jack Mills Chair Sandra Sheridan Vice Chair Allen Trask, III Secretary Stuart Borrett T. Gwendolyn Brown Linda Chapman Nancy Ballard Cox Elizabeth Dawson Daniel H. Owen Nancy Pritchett Tucker Stevens Ted Davis, Jr. NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Ben Woodruff CFMA, Inc. 2 Strategic Planning Exercise: Ruth Haas Board members divided into three committees – Programs, Collections, and Strategic Planning – with the goal of reviewing and recommending priority funding needs from the perspective of their committee’s responsibilities. After engaged discussion in all groups, the following reports were given: Programs (Linda Chapman, Gwen Brown, Nancy Ballard Cox, with Amy Thornton, Education Coordinator, and Lynda Danley, Administrative Assistant) PT museum educator (F – $27,548 - 30 hrs/wk/50 wks – 1500 hours @ $17.06) Grade level field trip Sponsorships (T - $11,000 – covers fees + buses, NHC) Replace Star Lab (X - $50,000 – digital format replaces obsolete/failing equipment) Collections (Stuart Borrett, Beth Dawson, Sandra Sheridan, with Barbara Rowe, Curator) Conservation & Care (O - $8,000 – addresses backlog of professional care) Collections Assistant to FT (D - $28,288 – advances PT position to FT) Traveling Exhibit (H - $25,000 – Attack of the Bloodsuckers) Strategic Planning (Tucker Stevens, Jack Mills, Ben Woodruff, with Ruth Haas, Director) PT Development Coordinator (A - $40,000 – already in CFMA budget; 30 hours per week) Grade level field trip Sponsorships (T - $11,000 – covers fees + buses, NHC) Grade level outreach (U - $9,000 – covers costs) 19th-C Gallery (J - $5,000 – covers immediate need for research & concept development) When the groups employed the N/3 formula on the list of potential projects to be funded, the following were the top priorities for funding: 1. PT Development Coordinator (A - $40,000 – already in CFMA budget; 30 hours per week) – along with recognition that more staff is needed. 2. More print & media PR 3. Conservation & Care 4. Annual traveling exhibit Old/New Business: Jack Mills Please come to Grown-up Game Night on Friday, August 17 from 7:00 – 10:00 pm. Games, food and beverages are all included in the admission. A motion was made that the meeting adjourn. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 5:30 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19th at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.