Agenda 2012 11-13New Hanover County, North Carolina L I NIOIO�Ook November 73, 2012 Agenda Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity • Accountability • Professionalism • Innovation • Stewardship This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., CHAIRMAN • JASON R. THOMPSON, VICE - CHAIRMAN BRIAN M. BERGER, COMMISSIONER • RICHARD G. CATLIN, COMMISSIONER CHRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD %j6_0 NOVEMBER 13, 2012 1:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) NON - SECTARIAN INVOCATION (Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky, Temple of Israel) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Brian M. Berger) CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (a)(3) to Consult With the County Attorney Regarding a Matter of Potential Litigation and to Consider Personnel Matters Pursuant to G.S. 143- 318.11(a)(6) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Accept Continuation Funding from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Asthma Program 3. Approval of Seven Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection 4. Approval of Revisions to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board By -Laws 5. Ratification of Title III -D Evidence Based Health Promotions Grant Application 6. Approval of Cape Fear Community College's Request for a Deputy to be Located at its North Campus 7. Approval of September 2012 Tax Collection Reports for New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 8. Approval of Release the Levy for Tax Year 2002 9. Adoption of the New Hanover County Fee Schedule 10. Adoption of Budget Amendments ESTIMATED TIMES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 2:10 p.m. 11. Introduction of Dr. Ted D. Spring, President of Cape Fear Community College 2:15 p.m. 12. Consideration of America Recycles Day Proclamation 2:20 p.m. 13. Consideration of GIS Day Proclamation 2:25 p.m. 14. Consideration of Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee Resolution 2:35 p.m. 15. Consideration of a Resolution to Approve the New Hanover County Solid Waste Program Area Management Plan 2:50 p.m. 16. New Hanover County ABC Board Annual Update 3:00 p.m. 17. Consideration of Request for Additional Detention Center Staffing 3:05 p.m. 18. Consideration of the Renovation of a Facility for Public Health 3:20 p.m. 19. Consideration of Submission of a Letter of Intent to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation to Fund Space Needs 3:25 p.m. 20. Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -404, 10/12) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 53.6 of the Zoning Ordinance to Clarify District Procedures, Standards, and Requirements of the Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD) 4:05 p.m. 21. Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -406, 10/12)- Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 -2.1, 112.1 and 121 -3 to Provide Clarification to Community Meeting Requirements and Notification Requirements 4:45 p.m. 22. Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -407, 10/12)- Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow Petitions to be Resubmitted Within Twelve Months if Substantial Changes are Made 6:00 p.m. 23. Public Hearing Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Rezoning Request (Z -918, 04/12) - Request by Walter Pete Avery on Behalf of Horn Road, LLC to Rezone 2.49 Acres of Land and 1.70 Acres of Right -Of -Way from CD(O &I) Conditional Office and Institutional to CDZ (B -2) Conditional District Highway Business (This item was continued from the October 1, 2012 County Commissioners meeting.) 6:40 p.m. 24. Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (5 -606, 09/12) - Request by Stephen Ohm on Behalf of Security Savings Bank to Obtain a Special Use Permit to Establish a Convenience Food Store at 5111 Carolina Beach Road (This item was continued from the October 1, 2012 County Commissioners meeting.) 7:20 p.m. 25. Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (5 -610, 10/12) by Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on Behalf of Gordon Road Development Partners, LLC to Establish a High Density Residential Development at 8703 Stephens Church Road 8:05 p.m. 26. Committee Appointments PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 8:20 p.m. 27. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 8:30 p.m. 28. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Special Meeting held on October 5, 2012 Regular Meeting held on October 15, 2012 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 1 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Joshua Swift, Deputy Health Director CONTACT(S): Joshua Swift, Deputy Health Director SUBJECT: Approval to Accept Continuation Funding from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Asthma Program BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Enhancing Local Asthma Efforts (ELAE) program seeks to reduce the burden of asthma. Funding will be used to promote a public awareness campaign emphasizing the importance of people with asthma receiving the annual flu vaccine. Additionally, the ELAE program will implement the Air Quality Flag initiative to increase the community's awareness of the Air Quality Index and air quality forecasts. Lastly, an educational curriculum and resource guide will be provided to area day care centers to educate day care providers on the basics of asthma and how to prevent children from having asthma attacks. These programs will be implemented to enhance the local asthma efforts in New Hanover County. No new County positions will be created as a result of this action. No matching County funds are required as a part of this action. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve budget amendment #13 -093 to accept continuation funding of $11,920 for Enhancing Local Asthma Efforts program. ATTACHMENTS: budget justification B/A 13 -093 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: 2 -0 Approved 4 -0. 2 -0 Budget and Budget Justification (Year 4) Please provide a detailed budget and written justification consistent with planned project activities. Budget items should be realistic and clearly linked to proposed project activities. Your budget should reflect anticipated costs from September 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013 and June 1, 2013 — August 31, 2013. Name of Local Health Department: New Hanover County Bud et Catei!ory Amount Requested A. Personnel (Salaries/Fringe Benefits) $ B. Sub - contracts $ C. Training $ D. Educational Materials and Resources $ 11 E. Travel $ F. Supplies $ 150 G. Other $ Total Amount Requested: $ 11,920 2 -1 -1 Budget Justification A. Personnel (Salaries/Fringe Benefits) B. Sub - contracts C. Training Amount Requested $ Amount Requested $ Amount Requested $ D. Educational Materials and Resources Amount Requested $11,770 1. Promotional campaign to include billboards, newspaper articles, radio, for asthma prevention, management & smokefree initiatives and events ($8,420) 2. Educational materials to include AQI toolkits for teachers, air quality flags, anti - idling signs, and other asthma education materials for a total of 12 locations (childcare centers, schools, and other facilities that could benefit from asthma program) ($3,200) 3. Printing Costs of Educational Materials Resource Guide, Family Guide, posters and brochures to be distributed for community promotion of asthma prevention awareness ($150) E. Travel Amount Requested $ F. Supplies Amount Requested $15_ General office supplies such as pens, binders, ink cartridges, folders for workshops and trainings, etc. G. Other Amount Requested $ Total Amount Requested $11,920 2 -1 -2 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 093 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -093 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Health /NC Asthma Program Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health/NC Asthma Program: Advertising Cost $8,420 Printing $150 Supplies $0 $3,350 Total $0 $11,920 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/NC Asthma Program: Grant - State - NC -ELAE program $11,920 Total $0 $11,920 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant award of $11,920 from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Dvision of Public Health, for the continuation of the North Carolina Enhancing Local Asthma Efforts (ELAE) program. These funds will be used to promote a public awareness campaign, implement the Air Quality Flag initiative, and for educational curriculum and resource guides for area day care centers. No new County positions will be created and no County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -093, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 2 -2 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 3 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Barbara L. Rowe, Museum Curator CONTACT(S): Barbara L. Rowe, Museum Curator SUBJECT: Approval of Seven Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The Museum collects objects pertaining to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear region. Submitted for approval are seven donations to be added to the Museum's permanent collection. Donations are carefully documented. The Curator reviews each item's provenance, condition, relevance to the collection, potential for exhibition, and a variety of similar criteria. A report on each object is reviewed carefully by the Director and Collection's Committee. The objects presented have passed this scrutiny and were approved by the Museum Advisory Board meeting of October 17, 2012. Each item offered has a special story to preserve. From an 1892 Bible used at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Shelter Neck, Pender County, to a "Declaration of Inclusion" document, to a group of items from a Bladen County plantation, the objects represent 300 years of the region's stories. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Enhance and add recreational, cultural and enrichment amenities RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept seven donations of regional artifacts into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Acquisitions List COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 3 -0 bIJ 4-j 4� N C� O G4 N O N r--a 4� O 4-j U c� O O O 4—j O� U 7 � c� O G4 O U bIJ 4-j 4� N C� O G4 N O N r--a 4� O 4-j U c� O O O 4—j O� U 7 � c� O G4 O U This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Janine Powell, Development Manager and Zeke Partin, Airlie Gardens Foundation Board President CONTACT(S): Janine Powell, Development Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Revisions to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board By -Laws BRIEF SUMMARY: The Airlie Gardens Foundation Board has revised the by -laws to reflect new committee structure, clarify board seats, and improve readability. The revised by -laws do not represent any significant changes to how the board operates. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Productive Strategic Partnerships • Deliver value for taxpayer money RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve revised by -laws. ATTACHMENTS: Airlie Gardens Foundation By -Laws with changes in red Airlie Gardens Foundation By -Laws COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 4 -0 I ri I e ) "S BY-LAWS OF THE AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION B OAR D OF' DIRE _rl C .1, -, P"VJ A INC. Article I - Purposes, Section 1: Mission Statement: a7 To ei'�sui-e Airlie GC-H-dei'�s histo1-.1.C1".'fubIic with cultu.i-call cali'�d ... ........... ............. ......... ............... ....... . . ........... ..................... .................................................................. -c-ti-i-is de,,)/el(. ..%.ed to sei-ye New 117,lcall( )'yei- Coui'�tv i-esidei'�ts cali'�d othei- ',)/isitoi-s cali'�d i'�ecai-. ........................... . . . . . . . ............... ...... .......... ....................... il &4iz �4' Section 2: The g eneral purposes of the Airlie G-gdei'�s Foundation Bo- of Dire,c,toi-s "_hei-eh'�­ftei- i-e-f n-ed to -'s ............... . . . . ................ . ...... ......... I .............. .......... 11111111111"w"111111111111 ... ........... �'l,lI ....... .... the BoaA,d) are as follows: o ei'�sui'e ali'�. outs tc-11 i'�d i i'�, 'yisitg- ext.', ri.ei'�ce utilizh'lcy educ­tioi'�-'l wod<shi(:n)s oi'�site lectui-es -u'�d eyei,qs .............. ............................. ........... ................... .................... ........ ------- ------- ------- ------- _Z� ... .... .............. t pct, t will ft,,i.i-the.i- thei-i-fissioi'� of the G,-:H-dei'�s. o estalbl ish il bus it-i.ess i-i-iodel th.-At will a] of totill. sustcalh'ualbility throucyh ali-i-fix.tu.i-e of I shi J s f 11 X)IISC 1 , 1�v 16, -------------------------------- -­-­-­-­ - --- .... . ... a7 To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective fundin of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens,.,. to encoura the: 4­ ti dissemination of knowled of the histor and natural herita of Southeastern North Carolina. 1)­; To arran for such meetin of the Boc-IA-d .. other interested individuals, as ma be ............. le necessar or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of Airlie Gardens. c. To encoura and arran for g ifts, g rants, be and devises to the Foundation for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is or and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all g ifts, g rants, be and devises so received. 4-. To serve in an advisor capacit to the g ardens staff & Count Commissioners ....... ............... provid,i,i",c)e advice for operations, polic capital improvements and pro development. T o provide oversi to all internal g roups includin but not limited to: Volunteers, special A A event committees and the Airlie Gardens Guild. f_. To foster relationships with other related organizations. To serve as ambassadors for the Gardens to the communit _97 A 4-. To participate in and support Airlie Gardens events and Formatted: Left ( Form atted: Left: 0.5", Ri 0.5", Top: 0 0 .5 ", .5", Bottom: 0.5" Formatted: Left .4 Formatted: No bullets or numberin Formatted: No bullets or numberin Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri 0' F ormatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri 0", Tab s tops: Not at 0.63" + 0.88" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: Not a t 0.73" + 0.75" + 0.88" [Form 75 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri 0", Tab . stops: Not at 0.63" + ." + stops 0.88" . ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 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Formatted: Font: Not Italic .. ..... ..... .. --------- Formatted: No bullets or numberin Tab stops: Not at 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Tab stops: Not at 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" .......................................................................................................................................................................................... I Formatted: Font: Not Italic ............. Formatted: No bullets or numberin Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" --- --- --------------------------------------------------------- I Formatted: Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.6311 + 0.75"+ 0.88" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.8811 4-1-1 I ri I e Article II - Membership Section 1: The Corporation will not have members (. t � � �; the Bo-rdri-i-W solicit -1, � .......... b, 01, (1 ..... ........ t � � " � � � i � ti tear � � o h Ai pie ssioi Article III — Directors Section 1: Composition of the Board. The Board­*.4 r­e*- �W­ shall consist of Eleven (11) members, all of which shall be appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners as follows: One (1) County Commissioner Nine (9) At large members appointed by the County Commissioners The following Board member shall serve by virtue of their position, as indicated: One (1) Member of the Corbett family s descei W, � appointed by h ���� al llOye �oui� . _ 1",',," ............... .................. 11111119191919191 ...4 s k Section 2: Honorary Directors. In recognition of significant service to the Foundation or contributions of other nature, the Board of Directors may also appoint honorary or emeritus directors. Such directors shall be considered ex officio members of the Board but shall not have the power to vote at Board meetings. Formatted: Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" [ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 ", Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Section 3: Elections, Terms, and Vacancies. Terms of directors will be for three (3) years Formatted: Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at 0.5" and will begin on July 1 of the year following their appointment and expire on June 30 + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" of the last year of their terms. Directors, appointed or ratified by the New Hanover County Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 ", Right: 0 ", Tab Board of Commissioners may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years); they stops: Not at 0.5" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" will again be eligible for appointment to the Board after one year off the Board. .... ..... Section 4: Ex Officio Members (non-voting): Eio i b v the o. -A d pit their Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Not Italic s,1.1. )+w :,M Formatted. Font. Not Bold Font color. Red .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :<�at..... 4 -1 -2 I ri I e Section 5: Q uorum. A simple ma of all dul appointed members of the Board ( 11 ) with the power to vote shall constitute a q uorum at an meetin of the Board ( 6 necessar Section 6: Function. The Board of Directors shall be the g overnin g bod of the Foundation. Section 7: Attendance and Participation Re – All board members shall serve on at least one standin committee of the Board and shall not miss more than 25% of the )f -J)�,­ sei,�..cc e - meetin of the Foundation and their assi committee wi th( ice aj,, cu_ d ex.cuse at the disci-etioi,�. of the Boca_-d Pi-esidei,�t. i -ed C-1, Boc-IA-d i-i-iei-i-ibei-s a to Sei�ve". Cod e ........................ ............... ............... .. ................. . . ... ....... ....................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . .............................................................................. i i-d i-i-i -i-i I ' �1' i v B o ct... ei .bei h /h ki,wwi,�. of'fiuei-est" Do(­Lj­-, ei,efoi­., i -i eeti, 0,1111 co;"'41-ct t '1" 1", , - U , d ............ . - J �i B o ........... ....... .... ....................................................................................... ti-ticu ct i- i-i- iee tii ,� will ii-i-ii-i- iedicttelv the Bocll-d of t hUlt coi ,ff lict. coi,fflict with cali,w C-11 c t i oi,�. to be tcalkei,�. calt th" I ...................................................................................... ..................... . ................................ . . ­ ................... ....... ....... ....... ......... Article IV – Officers Section 1: Officers. The officers of the Boc-d-d_,k shall be a President, vvxv,��o Vice � -Presidents�� ......................................... _ a Secretar a Treasurer, and such other officers or a as the Board f4- deei-i-is i.,�.ecess-cili-v.,g,g,g.-I-I-�ti�.�-�,-,.1,4(,..,)-r:�eg,g,g.�t-i.,eed�ed. 7.1-te )f Che Boc-d-d shcall be hei-eh,�Calftei-.i-e-f ri-ed to -cis ............... the Ex.ecutk/e Coi-i-ii-i-fittee. Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0 F ormatted: 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" [Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri stops. ht: 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" 7_ Section 2: Method of Election. Vacancies. 1. he Boc-d-d Pi-esidei,q S,,hcall 01 E, electioi ,�. coi-i- ii-i-fittee thcalt Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at t ............................................................................................................ .... ...... ...... 0 + 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" .,.�,-esei,�t slMe of officei-s coi,�sidg­tioi,�. -,i,�d electioi,�. -,t the,11 -,i,wai-v i-i-ieetiticy ofthe Bo.-IA-d. ............. .......................... ..................................... Othei- cca], didcaltes i-i-iilv be solicited fi-oi-i-i the flooi- cal this The officers shall be elected b a majorit of ............ .......................... ...... ............... the B o­i - d i - i - i ei b e i - s sent at the 1-Board meetin ,g,g,g . i.-ti..������Ati,�,�-,��,,i",�,I"S�H-�.�.-i,,t,-�,, t,�,��,:L� l,�k,�,g.l:,i--'V(,,"g,:L�l,� F. . . . . ............... ............ . . The shall hold – office two y ears (one term) followin their election or until successors are elected. Officers ma serve a maximum of four y ears (2 terms). The will a be eli for election as officers one y ear after the completion of a second consecutive term. A cgi,Widgte -foi- - vacanc 111111��, .............................................. ................................................... .......... in an office shall be presemgJ to the 13)m y the Executive Committee foi- for the unexpired term of the —official whose term is not completed. Section 3: Duties of Officers. a7 President. The President shall be responsible for carr out the policies adopted b the ........................... He or she shall preside at all -i- '(4.4-+ of the Boali-d ----------------------------------- -+4­ 4_­­1 I J i d - i i eet""i-H "i �4*J­ .." 4ri, .'�.d . ............... all meetin of the Executive . Committee. He or she shall execute all deeds, contracts, a transfers, and such other instruments as ma be ordered b the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri 0", Don't add space between para of the same st Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0 F ormatted: + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" .38 [ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" 7 _ Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" 4-1-3 I ri I e b-. Vice-Presidents. The Vice - Presidents" shall perform such duties as ma be prescribed b "' the Board ,g,g-� .+4--�"t'-)"i,,i.z (,..)i. t he Executive Committee, or the President. E�O+e­,,f' "he Vice-President ma in case of the absence or disabilit of the President, be assi b the a Board or Executive Committee to perform an or all of the duties of the President. "TI.. iss-km+ef ai RIF Formatted: Ri 0", No bullets or numberin Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at C—. Secretar The Secretar shall preserve in the books of the Fo- true records and 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" minutes of all meetin of the and. -- Executive Formatted: Ri 0", No bullets or Committeae�." numberin Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Formatted: tt 8T maed: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" ;4`1#4�,, I he _1 easui-ei- shcall o',)/e.i-see the cuo stdy ca].'�d h te fh'�C-11'�cicall cas s Formatted: tted: Ri 0", No bullets or ............... "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll""I'll""I'll",'lll""I'll",'ll"I'll""I'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'l'll""I'll""I'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll"I .............. glglglglglglglglglglg19,919,919,919,919,91919,919,919,919,91g,g,g,g-g,g,g,g,g �'!" ............. of the . Boali-d ii'�. ii'�. alccoi-dal'�ce with the docw-i-iei'�ted fiscall -:H.'�d h-r,)/eSnIIei'q i­)(:)Iicies /ed by the numberin Tab stops: Not at 0.38" + 0.63" + ............... 0.75" + g d a The operate under an annual bud as ............. recommended b the Director and the Treasurer and as amended and adopted b the Board or b the Executive Committee actin for the Board. The Treasurer shall review and authorize disbursement of funds accordin to the bud and transfer funds amon bank and investment accounts, shall periodicall review the status of the bud interim financial statements, and the transactions and books of the Boc-H-d shall monitor investment .............................. accounts and performance and shall recommend chan to the Executive Committee 11' �d .......... I h .......... BQ'i'-'d".":I­ he -1. 1'ecalsui'ei -SsI+,�-i11 review the annual independent audit and recommend and monitor corrective action, and shall render to the Executive Committee and the Board accounts of all fiscal transactions and of the financial condition of the Foundation. Article V — Executive Committee Section 1: Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the: President of the Foundation Vice Presidents, of the Foundation Secretar of the Foundation Treasurer of the Foundation Director of Airlie Gardens (Non-Votin Member) The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee 4-1-4 I ri I e Section 2: Function. The Executive Committee shall act between the meetings of the Board o and shall possess all the powers of the Board in regard to the conduct of the business of the „ provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall have no power to alter or amend the By -laws of the Foundation. The Executive Committee shall oversee the solicitation, receipt, and disbursement of Foundation funds within the approved annual budget and in accordance with the budgeting procedures established by the Board. The Executive Committee shall also disburse to the Garden funds or grants raised or donated for specific Garden purposes. ' f� b � o h oC- I � � , � r+ e-will be charged with seeking qualified applicants for the at -large positions on the Airlie Gardens t:+i and encouraging them to apply to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Section 3: Procedure. Executive Committee action may be taken on simple majority vote by mail,, or other -ecoi- e de . ................. ­­-­ I -­-­-­-­-­-­-­-- if a meeting is not practical. Section 4: Quorum. Three (3) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Committee. Article VI — Committees Section 1: Committees. The Board ( may, by resolution, provide for any and all committees necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the kitt B o ,. Committees may also be established by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee -, �: is ,, The duties and responsibilities of each committee, not inconsistent with the By -laws, shall be d .�„ # � � b ; # � -by the Board : � .� .nor the Executive Committee. The President and the Director of Airlie Gardens shall be members ex officio of each committee and shall have the power to vote in committee meetings. All other members shall be appointed for certain terms by the Board 4444ee e or by the Executive Committee acting for the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President for unexpired terms. Section 2: Standing Committees (as needed): The standing committees of the Board r ware: Finance — Reviews the annual budget I gi C11 ) qhIv : yiew o the ��C11� � cl l : of - ds� : � � I � �:1. ............ .. ..., ..- ,. l ,.. y - ,. ,. ,. B ..v .�, r' -v ..- d ,. .. . ....�, .. ... au - . -v .. . & . _ ..�, -v .. .. -v ._ & ..- ... -v .�, ,. ._ ,. ..- r .+, .. ._ ,. d & .. -v �- �- ,. .�, r - -v .. ._ ,. .- v. &.. ,. �. ,. ,... .... ..., v - .. ,. �. e 5 5 "�, e - ! ft $ 5 55 °_. ,! ft! ft 0 ! ft e e. ry ' h p O� ..... -`. e e 0 lis cal cal i' d iii) /est � :i.iol i � �°� o h oc- H- �:�,a:. 4 -1 -5 I ri I e Mil r ke t I I, cy - wo, r ks wi t h A�r I i e G - r d e i,�. s s t - ff t o �rlie Ggrdei,�s eye_ ts A�rlie,,)/isibilitv both ii,�. New ........................................................... ...................................................................................... . . . . . . . . .................. K, i,w,,)/er Cou v i,�t - d outside the col-1,11-1,11] 11i ai ......................................................................................................................................................... tv re',)/iew t M . tisii s,ti '�sure effiiciei,�t ­&)/er snei,�dh,u� ............ .................... . . . . . . . & .................... .......... Non-Board members ma serve on the standin committees of the Board. The committee chair must be a member of the Airlie Gardens Foundation. Article V11 — Meetin of the Foundation Section 1: Re Meetin There shall be an annual meetin of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, to be held in Au in Wilmin North Carolina, to with such additional meetin as the Board of Directors ma schedule. ri Section 2: e,­i ­­M h t:i,4eetin Iri te ............... 1 meetin of the,.,.,.,B,Q.,. . . . . . d - i- ....... -1- -ri I i-ri e e t i i'� schedule T1 �1 I red outside of the imn "I'l""I'lll'll""I'll""I'll,� .......... ,-esidei,q ma be called b ritv of the Ex.ecuti,)/e . . ................................................ -e rd o i'� - i'� If oti I, ired b vtheBg , g , go , ­ctiol.,�. be uflxi,� oi,� - -i-I -ri I il. or recorded de,,)/ ices if - to to be tcalkei is (a A, a s ority by i �ail actioi,� ... ........... Section 3: Notice. Notice of re(Yulcur ij-ieetii,u.)s sh-11 be coi-rii-rimficgted to the Bo-rd, A least five (5) da prior ............... ............. 1919,919,91919,g,g,g,g,g,g,g,glglglglglglgl919,91�919,919,919,91 01 01 01, 01 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........... --------------- to the scheduled date set for ti:*v,.,,t,he meetin of the im Bo-rd. "his fice i-riily be coi-rii-rimficcalted v , b erriail .......... . . . . . . 1111111111111"I ............................................................ ........................... . . I .............. . . . . . . . r cyul-l-ri-lictil or -ri -ri -ri -ted to the Bo-rdrrierribers byri- lail !, !"', ,, �. c y i . e e t i i,�, s w i I I b e c oi i . u i,�. i c C-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . erri il orrecorded de,,)/ices s sooi,�. q s Olcticctl. 'ffif 'fi i Sr fir 4 + 0 Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at + .63" + 0.75" + 0.88" + 0 Formatted: Left, Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0 0.38T" + .63" + 0.75" + 0.88" + 2.38" + 0 F ormatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0 0 3 8T" + .63" + 0.75" + 0.88" + 0 Formatted: Ri 0", Tab stops: Not at 0 0.38T" + .63" + 0.75" + 0.88" + 1.88" 4-1-6 I ri I e Article VIII — Fiscal Year Section 1: Duration. The fiscal year of the Foundation shall be from July 1 through June 30 LF matted: Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at inclusive. The Airlie Garden �:��� shall adopt an operating budget (1) month after the New County + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" Government has approved and adopted their budget respectively -, s ooi� - c � a' Article IX — Amendments L Formatted: Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at .38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" + 2" Section 1: Method. These By -laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by a recommendation Formatted: Right: 0 ", Tab stops: Not at of the Board f . . at any regular meeting or at any special meeting (provided o.38" + 0.63" + 0.75" + 0.88" notice of the proposed change or amendment is given in the notice of such special meeting), with final approval by the New Hanover County � ��� t ii -ffl g �� o "'� -fi ioi' s .. . . . ............... Ii i C l �„] 7 .. :: �.. � � -­-­- ­­-­ -­-­ 4 -1 -7 A - - ----------------------------- BY -LAWS OF THE AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS, INC. Article I - Purpose Section 1: Mission Statement: To ensure and help preserve Airlie Gardens as an outstanding, historic public garden with cultural and environmental programs developed to serve New Hanover County residents and other visitors. Section 2: The general purposes of the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) are as follows: • To ensure an outstanding visitor experience utilizing educational workshops, onsite lectures and events that will further the mission of the Gardens. • To establish a business model that will promote the goal of sustainability through a mixture of ticket sales, foundation grants, sponsorships, workshops and annual events. • To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens. • To encourage the dissemination of knowledge of the history and natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. • To arrange for such meetings of the Board or other interested individuals, as may be legally necessary or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of Airlie Gardens. • To encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Foundation for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized, and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. • To serve in an advisory capacity to the gardens staff & County Commissioners including providing advice for operations, policy, capital improvements and program development. • To provide oversight to all internal groups including but not limited to: Volunteers, special event committees and the Airlie Gardens Guild. 4 -2 -1 A - - ----------------------------- • To foster relationships with other related organizations. • To serve as ambassadors for the Gardens to the community. • To participate in and support Airlie Gardens events and programs. Article II - Membership Section 1: The Corporation will not have members for governance purposes, however the Board may solicit members for the promotion and furtherance of the Airlie mission. Article III — Directors Section 1: Composition of the Board. The Board shall consist of Eleven (11) members, all of which shall be appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners as follows: One (1) County Commissioner Nine (9) At large members appointed by the County Commissioners The following Board member shall serve by virtue of their position, as indicated: One (1) Member of the Corbett family or its descendant appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners. Section 2: Honorary Directors. In recognition of significant service to the Foundation or contributions of other nature, the Board of Directors may also appoint honorary or emeritus directors. Such directors shall be considered ex officio members of the Board but shall not have the power to vote at Board meetings. Section 3: Elections, Terms, and Vacancies. Terms of directors will be for three (3) years and will begin on July 1 of the year following their appointment and expire on June 30 of the last year of their terms. Directors, appointed or ratified by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years); they will again be eligible for appointment to the Board after one year off the Board. 4 -2 -2 A - - ----------------------------- Section 4: Ex Officio Members (non - voting): Ex- Officio members may be appointed by the Board at their discretion for an initial term of one year. Section 5: Quorum. A simple majority of all duly appointed members of the Board (11) with the power to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board (6 necessary). Section 6: Function. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Foundation. Section 7: Attendance and Participation Requirements — All board members shall serve on at least one standing committee of the Board and shall not miss more than 25% of the meetings of the Foundation and their assigned committee without prior notice of absence and excuse at the discretion of the Board President. Section 8: Upon being appointed a Board members will sign a "Commitment to Serve ", "Code of Ethics" and "Conflict of Interest" Document. Therefore, at each Board meeting, any Board member having a known conflict with any action to be taken at that particular meeting, will immediately notify the Board of that conflict. Article IV — Officers Section 1: Officers. The officers of the Board shall be a President, a Vice - President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers or agents as the Board deems necessary. The Officers of the Board shall be hereinafter referred to as the Executive Committee. Section 2: Method of Election. Vacancies. The Board President shall appoint an election committee that will present a slate of officers for consideration and election at the June meeting of the Board. Other candidates may be solicited from the floor at this meeting. The officers shall be elected by a majority of the Board members present at the June Board meeting. They shall hold office two years (one term) following their election, or until successors are elected. Officers may serve a maximum of four years (2 terms). They will again be eligible for election as officers one year after the completion of a second consecutive term. A candidate for a vacancy in any office shall be presented to the Board by the Executive Committee for its approval for the unexpired term of the official whose term is not completed. Section 3: Duties of Officers. President. The President shall be responsible for carrying out the policies adopted by the Board. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board and all meetings of the Executive Committee. He or she shall execute all deeds, contracts, agreements, transfers, and such other instruments as may be ordered by the Board. 4 -2 -3 A - - ----------------------------- Vice - President. The Vice - President shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board, the Executive Committee, or the President. The Vice - President may, in case of the absence or disability of the President, be assigned by the Board or Executive Committee to perform any or all of the duties of the President. . Secretary. The Secretary shall preserve in the books of the Board true records and minutes of all meetings of the Board, and Executive Committee. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall oversee the custody and management of the financial assets of the Foundation in accordance with the documented fiscal and investment policies approved by the Board. The Board shall operate under an annual budget as recommended by the Director and the Treasurer and as amended and adopted by the Board or by the Executive Committee acting for the Board. The Treasurer shall review and authorize disbursement of funds according to the budget and transfer funds among bank and investment accounts, shall periodically review the status of the budget, interim financial statements, and the transactions and books of the Board: shall monitor investment accounts and performance and shall recommend changes to the Executive Committee and the Board. The Treasurer shall review the annual independent audit and recommend and monitor corrective action, and shall render to the Executive Committee and the Board accounts of all fiscal transactions and of the financial condition of the Foundation. Article V — Executive Committee Section 1: Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the: President of the Foundation Vice President of the Foundation Secretary of the Foundation Treasurer of the Foundation Director of Airlie Gardens (Non - Voting Member) The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee Section 2: Function. The Executive Committee shall act between the meetings of the Board and shall possess all the powers of the Board in regard to the conduct of the business of the Board provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall have no power to alter or amend the by -laws of the Foundation. 4 -2 -4 A - - ----------------------------- The Executive Committee shall oversee the solicitation, receipt, and disbursement of Foundation funds within the approved annual budget and in accordance with the budgeting procedures established by the Board. The Executive Committee shall also disburse to the Garden funds or grants raised or donated for specific Garden purposes. Members of the Board will be charged with seeking qualified applicants for the at -large positions on the Airlie Gardens Board and encouraging them to apply to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Section 3: Procedure. Executive Committee action may be taken on simple majority vote by mail or other recorded devices if a meeting is not practical. Section 4: Quorum. Three (3) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Committee. Article VI — Committees Section 1: Committees. The Board may, by resolution, provide for any and all committees necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Board. Committees may also be established by the President along with the approval of the Executive Committee as is deemed necessary. The duties and responsibilities of each committee, not inconsistent with the By -laws, shall be determined by the Board or the Executive Committee. The President and the Director of Airlie Gardens shall be members of each committee and shall have the power to vote in committee meetings. All other members shall be appointed for certain terms by the Board or by the Executive Committee acting for the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President for unexpired terms. Section 2: Standing Committees (as needed): The standing committees of the Board are: Finance — Reviews the annual budget, performs a monthly review of the financial records, prepares a monthly report to the Board and ensures financial transactions are conducted in accordance with documented fiscal and investment policies of the Board. Buildings & Grounds -Works with Airlie Gardens Staff and Director to review buildings and grounds upgrade recommendations. Reports to the Board recommendations to the buildings and grounds that will require a capital expenditure outside of the normal yearly maintenance. Development — Subcommittees — Capital Campaign, Endowment, Annual Fund /Membership -Works with the sponsorship committee and Donor Relations Director to grow sponsors and memberships. 4 -2 -5 A - - ----------------------------- Marketing and Outreach — Subcommittees — Events, Education, Volunteers and Marketing -works with Airlie Gardens staff to promote Airlie Gardens events, grow Airlie visibility both in New Hanover County and outside the community; review marketing strategy to ensure the name and branding of Airlie Gardens is presented in accordance with our mission. Non -Board members may serve on the standing committees of the Board. The committee chair must be a member of the Airlie Gardens Foundation. Article VII — Meetings of the Foundation Section 1: Regular Meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, to be held in August in Wilmington, North Carolina, together with such additional meetings as the Board of Directors may schedule. Section 2: Emergency Meetings. In the event of an emergency, meetings of the Board required outside of the normal meeting schedule may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee. If voting is required by the Board on an action to be taken, this action may be taken on a simple majority by mail or recorded devices if a face to face meeting is not practical. Section 3: Notice. Notice of regular meetings shall be communicated to the Board at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled date set for the regular meeting of the Board. This notice may be communicated by email, regular mail or phone. Notice of emergency meetings will be communicated to the Board members by mail, email or recorded devices as soon as practical. Article VIII — Fiscal Year Section 1: Duration. The fiscal year of the Foundation shall be from July 1 through June 30 inclusive. The Airlie Garden Board shall adopt an operating budget (1) month after the New County Government has approved and adopted their budget respectively or as soon as practical thereafter. 4 -2 -6 A"M �� , - - ----------------------------- Article IX — Amendments Section 1: Method. These B ma be amended, altered, or repealed b a recommendation of the Board at an re meetin or at an special meetin ( provided notice of the proposed chan or amendment is g iven in the notice of such special meetin with final approval b the New Hanover Count Board of Commissioners. Amended: October 16, 2012 Board Approval of Amendments: October 16, 2012 4-2-7 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: Aging PRESENTER(S): Janine Powell, Development Manager and Brenda "Ben" Brow, Senior Resources Center Manager CONTACT(S): Janine Powell, Development Manager SUBJECT: Ratification of Title III -D Evidence Based Health Promotions Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: We are seeking approval to apply for a grant from the Cape Fear Council of Governments, Area Agency on Aging, for Title III -D Evidence Based Health promotions. The grant would fund instructors and other costs associated with conducting the following classes: A Matter of Balance Chronic Disease Self - Management Diabetes Self - Management All three classes are evidence based and are taught by certified instructors. The grant application is for $4,000. The local match ($444) is included in the department's current adopted budget. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services • Keep the public informed on important information • Understand and act on citizen needs • Deliver value for taxpayer money RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify submission of grant application. ATTACHMENTS: EB HPGrantapplication EBHPbudgetform COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. 5 -0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 5 -0 FY2012 -13 Title III -D Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Plan Service Code 401: Evidence -based Health Promotion /Disease Prevention Area Agency on Aging (AAA) New Hanover County Senior Resource Center AAA person submitting this Plan Brenda "Ben" Brow Date: October 29, 2012 1. EXPLAIN briefly how the AAA will allocate III -D funding in FY2012 -13. Will the AAA keep this funding and /or allocate the funding to local providers? Include which tier or tiers your evidence -based programs meet (e.g., CDSMP = Highest level Criteria, Senior Games = Minimal Criteria). The AAA is allocating this funding to the New Hanover County Senior Resource Center. The Senior Resource Center will be delivering Matter of Balance, Chronic Disease Self- Management Program, and Diabetes Self - Management program classes. 2. a. BUDGET Federal /State Title III -D Regional Allocation Amount: $ AAA Salary /Fringe* $ AAA Staff Travel /Training /Other Expenses ** $ Evidence -based Program Expenses * ** $ 4,444 Other Expenses * * ** $ b. BUDGET Justification *Explain what AAA staff will be supporting evidence -based programs and the percentage of time that will be allocated using Title III -D funding. * *Explain AAA staff expenses. ** *Explain which programs and how many programs you plan to implement. We plan to implement 3 classes- Matter of Balance, Chronic Disease Self- Management, and Diabetes Self- Management. The classes will be conducted from January -May of 2013. There will one class taught in each of the three areas and each class has multiple sessions. * ** *Explain other expenses (e.g., local provider staff salary; cost of blood pressure monitor machine for senior center) Additional Comments (may attach): DAAS: Approved Not Approved Date Comments: Submit this plan to Audrey Edmisten at DAAS by May 18, 2012. Audrey. edmisten(a')_dhhs.nc.gov 5 -2 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Sheriff CONTACT(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon SUBJECT: PRESENTER(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon Approval of Cape Fear Community College's Request for a Deputy to be Located at its North Campus BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriff and Cape Fear Community College representatives met concerning the need for law enforcement security at the College's North Campus. The Sheriff requests one additional deputy position for the purpose of law enforcement security at the Cape Fear Community College North Campus for all students, facility and staff during the academic year, including the registration periods as needed. The deputy would be authorized to investigate and enforce violations of the North Carolina General Statutes. The additional Deputy position would be revenue generated as Cape Fear Community College agrees to reimburse the County for the deputy position's salary and fringes (NHC /CFCC Agreement and budget amendment 13 -076 are attached). STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the Sheriffs request for one additional Deputy position to provide law enforcement security at the Cape Fear Community College North Campus and adopt the ordinance for related budget amendment 13- 076. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement B/A 13 -076 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: • i Approved 4 -0. E New Hanover County Contract #13 -0134 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 2012 by and between HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County "; CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, hereinafter "College;" and the SHERIFF OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, hereinafter referred to as "Sheriff'. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, College and County have agreed for the assignment of one (1) deputy for the non - exclusive responsibility of law enforcement at the North Campus of Cape Fear Community College ( "CFCC ") beginning on November 15, 2012 and continuing until midnight on June, 30, 2013; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed for this deputy to be assigned to the North Campus of CFCC for the purpose of law enforcement security for all students, facility and staff during Cape Fear Community College's North Campus academic year, including the registration periods, as needed. The deputy is authorized to investigate and enforce violations of the North Carolina General Statutes. The deputy shall report to the Sheriff or his designee. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties herein agree as follows: 1. College agrees to reimburse County a sum of Thirty -Three Thousand Five Hundred Ninety -Three ($33,593) Dollars for the remaining 7.5 months of Fiscal Year 12 -13 for services provided by the above referenced deputy. Said costs are to be billed in 7.5 equal monthly installments of Four Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Nine ($4,479) Dollars. 2. The deputy provided hereunder shall be an employee of County and not College. 3. Either party, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party, may terminate the Agreement. Page 1 of 3 dm 6 -1 -1 New Hanover County Contract #13 -0134 4. County shall procure and maintain: Law Enforcement Professional Liability for the duration of the contract subject to limits of not less than $1,000,000 per loss; Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by the general statutes of the State of North Carolina and Employer's Liability Insurance subject to limits of not less than $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease, and $500,000 policy limit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board County Manager This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney Approved by Sheriff: Edward J. McMahon New Hanover County Sheriff (SEAL) CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ted D. Spring, President Page 2 of 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY dm 6 -1 -2 New Hanover County Contract #13 -0134 This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. College CFO NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Sheila L. Schult acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 2012. Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Ted D. Spring came before me this day and acknowledged that he is President of CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name as its President. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 2012. Notary Public My commission expires: Page 3 of 3 dm 6 -1 -3 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 076 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -076 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Keep the public informed on important information Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Support Services /Administration Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Support Services: Salaries and Wages $23,703 Social Security Taxes $1,813 Retirement - Local Government Employee $0 $105 Retirement - 401 K $1,18 5 Medical Insurance Expense $5,240 Long Term Disability Insurance $47 Total $0 $33 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff s Office /Administration: Contract #13 -0134 - CFCC $33,593 Total $0 $33,593 Section 2: Explanation The Sheriffs Office is requesting one additional Deputy position to provide law enforcement security at Cape Fear Community College/North Campus for all students, facility and staff during the academic year, including registration periods as needed. Cape Fear Community College will reimburse the County for this Deputy position's salary and fringe benefits. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -076, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 6 -2 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue CONTACT(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Approval of September 2012 Tax Collection Reports for New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District BRIEF SUMMARY: Tax collection reports through the month of September 2012 are submitted for approval. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the reports. ATTACHMENTS: Monthly Collection Reports COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 7 -0 V--1 O N i O E O t/f i 4- fY O O V s O � N V �--I O � N i O a Z V Ln 00 00 m qLnI Ln 00 m qLnI -Cn I V'�I O V i rl 0 N O N CA i aj i . O i a m N O 1 Ln Ln 1 M rl M rl 1*-% rl N m am Ln 00 m 9i ri r%� m rl rl N m 1-% N m m o0 Ln ri ri Ln r% 1 _ t.0 0 1 qzl Ln O 1 R* � m 00 N 00 Q � o c: Ln ri Ln m ri 0 0 1O o E Ln Ln 0 0 U U -ch-u)- -u)- ��qj)- qj)- r-I r-I O 1� rl r 110 R* ^ 0 rIq Q0 00 01 m N N l4 N 4 r-� 9i cn rl qz:l tZ l4 I;t O N 00 U 00 0) rl 00 00 Ln U r 0�0 m N m 1 14 q !E :::I- (Y) N m 00 a Ln Ln m r� N N N r-I rl 00 i N 0 iJ� iJ) iJ qv� iJ) iJ) qv� Ln O N m ^ m 0 Ln 00 1% N 1� 1� �. l4 rl 4 r-I 4 00 1� 1� O Ln `-' 00 Ln ri ^ qzl O � 1 01 1 rn 1� 1 Q rn q* Ln o N �. N O N N m 1l*% N i O 01 O N rl 1 14 00 L- _ 00 00 1 ,4 Ln 1 ,4 (6 Q 1*- 0 r-I rl O 0 i rl rl rl o rl f6 O O Ln ON Ln Lr) vr) ^ 00 a� t10 1. to N 4 r-I Ln m N O `- O l0 r 4 1� rl O 1 14 O ^ rl Ln q:t qzl m m m O O N 01 9i O 00 N O m 01 m O 1l-1 N 1 14 rl O R::I rl 00 r� 1-% N Ln a� 0) O rl 01 � Ln 4v� -c.- 4j)- 4-j 00 N �o m m 4n w 01 0) 01 O U 4 — m m ai m a� 0 4j)- 4j)- 4j)- 4j)- 4j)- 4j)- 4j)- 00 ul O a--+ Q) a, tm � 4A s O N cn - v N +r m u L o O a � u a� +-J 0 X O 1 `- O E ~ U � U O a� }' a� cn Q Q H U O U Ln 00 00 m qLnI Ln 00 m qLnI -Cn I V'�I O V i rl 0 N O N CA i aj i . O i a 7 -1 -1 00 0 m -U Ln O c� M M -U O m O -U 1. 00 m -U O O V i O m Ol N m 1-� rn rn 1� m m t10 t10 m m O m m � � l4 Ol 1 _ t.0 O aj ri m m 00 c: 00 rn Ln Ln E 0 U -ch-u)- -u)- ��qj)- qj)- r-I r-I O 1� N r O qt Q0 00 00 m O N I 1 4 r-� 9i O qz:l tZ 00 N � 00 U 00 0) 00 Lf) N a, q :::I- (Y) , N N N L- 0 O iJ� iJ) iJ qv� iJ) iJ) qv� N N m ^ m 0 Ln 00 1% N 1� 1� �. l4 rl 4 r-I 4 00 1� 1� O r `-' 00 O 00 r-I 1 � 1 01 1 1� 1 Q m N r O N N 1� Ln 01 01 00 L- _ rl rl rl (6 O Ln ON Lr) vr) ^ 00 1D t10 1. to N 4 r-I Ln m N O `- O l0 r 4 N N O 4-1 O 1D 00 ( � W Ln N N 01 N ::I- m O w r-I rl rl c� a� 4v� -c.- 4j)- 4 j - )- 4 j - )- -ch a� ai 0 00 ul O a--+ O N cn - v N +r ,� 4W L o a a � u 7 -1 -1 00 0 m -U Ln O c� M M -U O m O -U 1. 00 m -U O O V i O N O N E w V'f i O 4 - i O GC O O V s O 2 u D O i � N V �--I O � N i O a Z V 0 L. 00 qLnI 00 Ln 00 N -un I -un I V'�I O V i rl O N O N CA i aj i . O i a 00 O O o0 � N N , :I - , ::I - N o0 O O R* lD Ln Ln oo ri am r� m o0 m , ::I - RZI rI O N I� O Ln rl O O rl I� q* 0) Ln N t0 M 00 ri M tD Ln Ln o I:t rl rl lD I.n E 00 00 I� O E U O -ch -u)- -u)- qj)- qj)- qj)- U Ln to M M N 00 00 Ln o M � 00 rl 00 U) lD I:t Un Ln tD N O N Ln O H O 0) N lD lD 00 00 N 4 N M Ln lD q* m Ln ri rl M rl � M rl � O :: O r-I U \ -% \ -4. `/ -4. 00 00 0) 00 0 O r-i r-i i - t/'} qj-� qj-� N N O Ln N O M 0) 00 Ln O Ln m tD N 01 M O O rl O� 0 O N I� O I� 00 00 rl I� o Ln O Ln O RZI- � >- 00 1 D_ 00 Lri 9i 00 CL 00 00 00 O O O O a a 0�0 r-4 0 lDD Ln l�D ri � O O 00 rl O rl Cl Ln O O . 00 O r4 \ I� 1 +- N o_ 01 rl V) W M 0) N lD O O lD r-I r-I L � 0) ri rl N M N Ol gi 00 00 o � Ln M ri m m O lD m +� M lD rl lD O Ln c 4-j cn N N Lr) I� 0) W lD Ol (6 ul O a--+ tD DC E F= (v . 2 O , 4-J J a-J v N m +r O ,� 4W O v tm a a � 4A � s m U +-J O O `� O E L ~ U � U O O }' L- cn Q Q H U�: 1 O U 0 L. 00 qLnI 00 Ln 00 N -un I -un I V'�I O V i rl O N O N CA i aj i . O i a 7 -1 -2 M -U Ln 01 rl -U � M, e -U m N tD c-I -U O O V i O ILD r-I m N m , :I - lD O 00 tD O N Ln un Ln t,6 oo ri 00 m m I� m N N tD Ln Ln - m I� rl Ln N N ai Ln Ln E O U -ch -u)- -u)- qj)- qj)- qj)- -Ln Ln to M M N 00 00 Ln o M � o 00 N tD Ln rl Ln tD 01 M N rl 00 0) N rt to Ln o M U � tD rl Ln rl rl N 01 r-I rl j i O O - t/'} qj-� qj-� N I� Ln N O M 0) 00 o Ln m tD N 01 M O O rl O� 0 O N 00 O 00 CL O 00 I� N Ln � � � D_ O O D_ 0�0 r-4 CN lDD Ln l�D ri � 01 00 rl O rl Cl O O . 00 r4 \ I� 1 +- N rl 01 rl V) W f6 DC O 0 00 ul O a--+ E F= (v . 2 O , 4-J J a-J v N m +r O ,� 4W o a a � u 7 -1 -2 M -U Ln 01 rl -U � M, e -U m N tD c-I -U O O V i O This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue CONTACT(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Approval of Release the Levy for Tax Year 2002 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Collector of Revenue requests release of the levy for tax year 2002 from the charge as the 10 -year statute of limitations prohibits the Collector from using forced collection measure to collect these taxes. These amounts are deemed insolvent and uncollectible. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the release request. ATTACHMENTS: Request for Release COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 8 -0 Pursuant to NC GS 105 -378 Limitation on use of remedies. (a) Use of Remedies Barred. — No county or municipality may maintain an action or procedure to enforce any remedy provided by law for the collection of taxes or the enforcement of any tax liens (whether the taxes or tax liens are evidenced by the original tax receipts, tax sales certificates, or otherwise) unless the action or procedure is instituted within 10 years from the date the taxes became due. Therefore, on this the 13 th day of November 2012 Collector of Revenue, Michelle D. Harrell, asks the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioner's to release the levy for tax year 2002 from the charge as the 10 year Statute of limitations prohibits the Collector from using forced collection measures to collect these taxes. These amounts are deemed insolvent and uncollectible. 2002 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Total New Hanover 7 156,073.66 151 314,898.09 Fire District 269.67 4 3,891.51 8,938.76 Carolina Beach 376.04 3,191.19 3,508.23 7,075.46 Kure Beach - 28.79 492.44 521.23 Wilmington 1,944.29 56,273.85 60,108.29 118,326.43 Wrightsville Beach - 1 488.08 1,897.69 As requested the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioner's does hereby release the levy for tax year 2002 as stated above from the charge as the 10 year Statute of limitations prohibits the Collector from using forced collection measures to collect these taxes. These amounts are deemed insolvent and uncollectible. Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Chairman 8 -1 -1 J J W G 4 ui J J W cu L ai r- GJ L� CL W 0� LL Z W -te # 8 -1 -2 �. 0 0Q CL ui a s HO Ln Lu Glom I� C) r- mom cn 0 M J Co CD 0 CD C) 0 lDMLO r%j CD r%1 J c P r4 C y M, CD Ch r+rti rrn r r e14 IN d7 M CD a N. t R - I rk : Ch C71 g LIM J LA � J � r-I k Lin Ln F LL C) 0 C) Q CDO CD CD 0 C CD C) C) 0 0 C C) C� r 0 00 1 C) C) - CD C) C) 0 - Z11- . - r-I ui 0 W R � H o �c rl Q t CL I L R Ln Iw H � Ul �� CD C) CD 0 b W 00 0CDO C> m r ■ r . ■ ■ . - ati L a . a ■ ■ ■ s ■ - W J J rl W m cc u m J ❑ 00 00 o0 04 0 0 CD r-L Z do ■ W uu - � r-I W - } H � - " ul J J Ln r%l N W C) Z Ln 0 C) C) C) C) 0 CD CD 0 0 CD C) 0� W C� 0 00 0C) o o a c) J rv- H Z -i W } T-1 r4 0 n N F ge W Lu � „ - VI W � � � U1 W N Z 4 W 4 Z d r Z L 2 D 0 � - LA �`'� U fN W - Ch 0 Z# J = J 0 � r'+1 CN Co 0 d ff • -- f-4 4�Z W f� - m N +� 1 0 r%l CD r%4 rwl C:) i • LA F-4 W W W Lu 01 W - di Ln CD C) 4) U uJ W w � CD r� C14 ce U. LL ,-I w LlJ Of 0HQ CDr�.:�QZ ref r- W ❑ H � � � � W r•I L J 4J [� J r4 CD �I H at �4WH u z Ln Ln J J W G 4 ui J J W cu L ai r- GJ L� CL W 0� LL Z W -te # 8 -1 -2 8 -1 -3 In CD 0 Q Cl 0 Q 0 0) C a C) 0) 0 C) C) CD C; C� C> 0] C C) ] H H z CD CD C] cC) 0 C) 0 C Cl C) CD C3 C) C) C)0 0)C CDC n 0 Co ca CL I- EA vi LU wa M H� LIn Lli �- J ctrl Q rn W 03 W ILD 0 w M C) m � O N r-I 0 rl c� (N w C> LQ 000 rn 0) m M n SD m o m Qo 0 W m m m " o m 9%4 0 FNJ ap� a M 00 C CO r%J C) cq � CD r� 00 C) 00 M1 rq C fN Ln . LU H m J 0 # 0; � r4 r4 U� cj� ry r• 0� 8 n4 rat � G� � � � � Cti � C44 Cwl T - w} CD w w rki (1 W W M M H H Ln Ln C� 0) m Cfi m m IRr Oct J7 & H a H r-1 m (n tG LO tm LG r l H rr% m V n n w' ` �. 1 4� L�..[ �, n � m a. n CD C � n n Ln L n F �1 J TI H Pit at ri r� r1 D o F J rl - vi IA F- LL 0 CD C) 07 07 0) c o 00 0) C 0 0 0 0 0 0, CD 0 0] 07 00 0D 0 cc C� 0) C) a 0 C) v 0 r-I W 0 Ln E- - - Z3 H n ce J � � e-A 4-r m CL �c L- t E I Q ;7 L m S C)� 0� 0� CD 0 0 07 O 0� 0� 0 0 CD 03 0 0 0 a r� w 0 0 a (D 0 CD C) 0D CD CD 07 0D 0 CD 0 0D 00 0 0) 0D . vi . - uu J J ,-A W 03 De u R r in u F J • L11 M CD C 0 C) C3 CD 0 C3 C3 0 C C) 07 M CD Q CD 00 C) 0 C3 0) 0 C) C) 0 C) Q 0 0] 0 CD CD 0 r-1 z ; 0 Y LL W F W r-A w < >g .. J J Ln C44 r4 W -i oz EA Z 0� w 0� 0� a 0 0 C3 0] 0 0 0 CD 0 C� C) co C] 0 C3 03 v Q v Cl 0 0 C7 0 C) C) 0] C� C) Q 0] v 0� 0� 0 0 � a 0� CZ) . m - W d. ■ ■ - - . . . . . 1 . . . . . 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F H m LA 1 0 0 C7 0 C) C) -CL r C C7 0 C) CD 0 0 � IN W -~ LLI ce 1 F h h h iL1y - ■ H C) 0 • ■ c o ■ ■ ■ a w w it W . ce a w - r-t C13 a W Q J Ln r-4 r4 Ln w Ll1 a cc GC) 0 CD 03 - Lit F Lit J W I � } H rl Imo[ 2E Ln LJ W C7 z ry W a OF +i' J V � � 0 LIM W r-i 0 �r-I Ld < Y 0 Q Cwl LLJ m z W L. J � CD 0 T'S r-q W € n DO 00 w � z WN- en CD CD 0 CL C) } LA r64 Ln L rl .. t PINK I .. Ln W V3 C) f`*4 H WIN L9 INN W Ld LL LL f �I L17 w M § p r- L z W F- UD L - Lf L) 1 ❑ 1 C: r-1 E HOCzz X Ul tti F" W te • LI J w b L cu r. Qj I+ 111 af LL O in Z W i# 8 -1 -4 8 -1 -5 I 0 (i 0 C) ocr %r r-I eN r m [-I CL Ca C; C7 CD Ln C) C) I L til r-I CD C3 C7 cr, co R-n 00 Ln Q 00 m Cl 1� 0 0 00 Cl� ■ ■ . C14 R . 4 C4 ■ ■ i . C' C� . Ln Ch M C� Ch N r-I LA 00 LA 0 LA 00 Ln 0 m uj ce Jy4 4G r44 %r qzr C7 qt M 00 Ln rn m n4 Ib% Ln m o w C) C3 C7 wm 4n r Ch c4 C) r-I CO Ch C r 00 . U3 H D3 F J 0 Ln co ■ r� r� r 1 i.D �' r-I . �Q CO r� C� 06 C CO C� C� C� C r-I o m Gm Let rn oo Co Co f cD r%a rwl C3 r*A r %j C) ce Lr3 Ln qK- '$ CD rn � CG CQ v it PI r-I r-I � en e I� Lrr (%4 m r r- re rr1 C; C; CJ C7 C; C; Lin -j ui Ln Ln kD �D fV C%J fR4 (%l r4 C-4 r%l r%4 J i-i - Uri Ln F- LL n 0 C) C) C) 0 C3 CD C? o Cl C) cl C 0 C> CD� CD C) CD C7 C� - Z LL - r-I W 0 3 W w � H k - n � r m 3 E 7 Jl rd D �c cn W C� Cl 0 C7 Cl (3 C) 0 C7 CD 0 OF C C) C> Cm C3 a 0 0 C) 00 CD a �] � ■ ■ tn w ■ R ■ ■ Y ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w Ld J J r-I W ID a� u R t 03 ■ Ln in C) C7 C3 0 0 C) a CD C3 C7 cc 0 C) C3 0 00 C7 CD C3 CD 0 0 C) C) 00 a C) ■ ■ L ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ m D 0 LL Q. LU (I LLJ yL cc p m ' . Ln r%l W 0 Z >-- LA C � Ln C� � C? L^ 0 00 0 0 C) � C� r-. J r l - > h C) 04 C) C7 CD Ln C3 r-% C) C7 m C) G� 03 � w to LLJ Z J W W J Lr1 CCI R 00 1 4O 00 0 H � m H M r Ln Ln Lr1 U W C) Z 4 x u r4 - IML LU - W pe W 0- J 4.j —j 0 0 Ln LJ r-G w � Y LU CD < C > r w u W C7 of r-I r-I LLI m Ch CO �Y Ld r64 W � Z c oo= m a � G � C7 ry r-4 C7 2 C) r-. � ry C cv a0 J C� C3 C� G m o > Lr; Ch oG Co r%l rNj r J cv 4- - , H w Lr � C) CO � J 0 r 4 I W W U U m rn C3 Q ao Ln .. CDC) 0 u C) M Z ce W aC Iii LM W } r f W eq C%I � �'�1 W LL LL r4 tn Ce LU Q0 �� 4 LLUWAH LD � u u elf � - F U u Q r , rl r%4 rl rl CD -C r-I E H w Z Z 0 4 W H 2 U w > no u CO h Z 3 LA t1'1 8 -1 -5 J . r4 J rl a 3c Z - VI H J im u r-I JS7 -j 0 w rA � m IL < > R F J � J L!J (%4 r%4 LLI C� z -i r % 4 - co 0 �= VLLI CZ) z u 4--l- Ile LU L d d LLI 0 - J 4-J J � 0 u r-I z�Z 2D W (D - u Lit U 0 r- I zd z 0 x CD CD ry LLI LLJ L11 C) 0 U LD ■ L7 m z Lc C) r%A d4 L) r%4 Lna�LU 0T <u z ( LU LU 1.4 �L � rd J u C� = 1-4 of z z r-i E m < W H CL ULJ uj � J W H 0o J i 1w � � H W u u1 l —1 ls1 �ct 0� rn r-1 C; �D f-- m 0 r-I Cc 0) co C) r%j (%j CD P%-. Ln r-4 C Cy Ir'4 rq rN r Ln Ln 00 H L_ C) C) Z LL w 0 H W Ln I!. 0 CD LLI C) 0 LA W (� J W � a z LL LU ae C) C) C> 0 z pill r%l L-n LL! Lo J I no > r H LLI - u o LU L%1 L3- m in u J 2 � Ac 3{ J Lu w ce J J LU z u M 13 rd qj C 0 I H 0 L1 W LL 0 z LU 8 -1 -6 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Amy Akin, Special Projects Officer SUBJECT: Adoption of the New Hanover County Fee Schedule BRIEF SUMMARY: The existing New Hanover County Fee Schedules have been consolidated into one document, which is attached for approval. All fees have been previously approved and were part of the Adopted Budget for FY12 -13. Fee schedules are currently individually located at each department. However, this format will allow all fees to be in one document and posted to the web for easy reference.Proposed revisions will be brought to the Board of Commissioners in the spring of 2013 to coincide with the adoption of the FY13 -14 budget. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Increase efficiency and quality of key business processes • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt New Hanover County Fee Schedule. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Fee Schedule COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 9 -0 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 $50/hr. (4 hour minimum) $351hr./tech. (2 hour minimum) I 4-1-1 Camps Certified Plant Professional Rain Garden Certification Friend of the Arboretum Membership;.; Student 1-16lidual Famil Contributor . *w $35/hr./tech. (6 hour minimum) $35/hr.ttech. (9 hour minimum) $50/hr./IT staff (4 hour minimum) $35/hr./tach. (3 hour minimum) $35/hrAech. (9 hour minimum) $35/hr./tech. (3 hour minimum) $35/hr.ttech. (1 hour minimum) $50/hrJstaff 0 hour minimum) As determined b Count ffiana As determined b Propert M As determined b Sheriff's Office] Various fees dependin on camp $100 (includes manual) $125 per person $15 $30 $40 $100 $150 $250 $1,000 Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 1 9-1-1 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 tJ Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 2 9-1-2 Private Events-Weddin Weddin Ceremon less than 75 people, 2 HR limit $625 Weddin Ceremon more than 75 people, 2 HR if ft $875 Weddin Ceremon & Reception, less than $1 R 50 75 people, 4 HR limit Weddin Ceremon & Reception, more than $1,625 75 people, 4 HR limit Use of Kitchen for up to 4 hours $400 Auditorium for Bridal Dressin $200 per hour Refundable Securit Deposit: Ceremon onl $100 Ceremon and/or reception $500 Public Pro Art in the Arboretum $5 Admission Wilmin Garden Showa. Adults $7 Children under 12 free no char Master Gardener Plant Sale: Free Admission Plants, other $3.00 to $10. 00 to cover materials onl COUNTY ATTORNEtPreparation/recordation of notice of noncompliance $28 PreD Preparation/recordation of promissor note/deed $40 LEGAL DIVISION of trust (These fees are collected b Finance.) Public document re q uest under G.S. 132-6,2, where $0.10 per pa the compilation and q uantit y does not constitute a extensive use of resources. ELECTIONS C D $25 e-mail ac r e Campai finance reports and related elections p pa records EMERGENCY Hazard Material Reportin (Tier 11 b wei MANAGEMENT Under stora containers $50 & 911 0-999,999 lbs. per facilit $150 COMMUNICATIONS 1 j000j000 lbs. and above per facilit $300 ENGINEERING Sedimentation & Erosion Control Fees: Residential Subdivision: Review Fee (paid at time of application; includes $200 initial and 2nd review) Land Disturbance Fee (paid at time of plat $150 per lot recordation) Aff lots must he in the limits of disturbance and have emston control measures Subse Reviews ( for each review after 2nd $200 each review) Modifications $200 Name/ Address Chan $200 Transfer of Ownership $200 Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 2 9-1-2 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 3 9-1-3 Commercial Development. Review Fee (paid at time of application; includes 1$200 initial and 2nd review) La nd D 1-stu rbance Fee (pai d at ti m e of C e rtif icate $400 per acre of Completion or Occupanc Subse Reviews (for each review after $200 each 2nd review) Modif 11cations $200 Name/Address Chan $200 Transfer of Ownership $200 Stormwater Authorization to Construct (ATC): Application Fee: Review Fees: 10,000 S Feet up to 1 Acre: Includes initial and 2nd review $100 (includes both the initial and 2nd review) For each review after 2nd review $100 (per review) I Acre up to 10 Acres: Includes initial and 2nd review $250 (includes both the ini'tial and 2nd review) For each review after 2nd review $250 (per review) 10 Acres up to 50 Acres: Includes ial and 2nd review $500 (includes both the initial and 2nd review) For each review after 2nd review $500 (per review) 50 Acres and more: Includes initial and 2nd review $10 per Acre (includes both the initial and 2nd review) For each review after 2nd review $10 per Acre (per review) Transf or of Ownership of a stormwater facilit $100 operatin in accordance Wth an Authorization to 'Construct (ATC) ENVIRONMENTAL Caft MANAGEMENT Municipal Solid Waste $59 per ton Construction/Demolition $59 per ton Concreteffirick/Dirt (CLEAN - Rec $30 per ton Concrete/Brick/Dirt (Mixed)* $59 per ton Shin Roofin (Mixed)* $59 per ton Asphalt Shin (CLEAN - Rec $59 per ton Refuse Delivered in Cars, P/U Trucks or Trailers $59 per ton Cardboard (86% to 100%)** no char Mixed Glass $18 perton Non-Mixed Glass (Color Separated) no char *Must be verified b landfill attendant. "Must be verified b rec attendant. Special Waste: Asbestos (accepted with Special Approval onl $69 per cubic y ard Slud (accepted with Special Approval onl $61.30 per ton Tires (disposed of b residents) no char (maximum of five per da Tires (disposed of b bus! nesses) $83 perton Household or Lead Acid Batteries (Rec no char Waste Oil/Used Cookin Oil/Antifreeze - Rec no char Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 3 9-1-3 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-131 Appliances (Rec no char O Shells (Rec no char Electronics Rec (residents onl rec no char Thermostats (residents onl no char Used Oil F ilt ers (residents onl rec AM no char FINANCE Parkin Deck Fees: First Hour Free Dail Rate Wda maximum Mon, Tues & Wed (7pm-before 7am next mornin Free Thurs, Fri & Sat (7pm-2am) $5/flat evenin rate Saturda (before 7pm) Free Sunda (until Monda before 7am) Free Roof Top $30/month Level 4 - Level 6 '$45/month 2 Year Deal $40/month Special Events $7/flat rate fee FIRE Now Construction Permits: SERVICES Alarm/detectlon s $100 +$10/1000 s ft. Compressed g ases $75 it Pump & Related Materials, backflow preventer $75 Hazardous Materials - install, repair, abandon $50 Industrial Ovens - install $50 LIP g as - not applicable N/A Private fire h $50 Sprinkler-auto fire extin s $100 +$10/1000 s ft. Spra booths, rooms, dip operations $100 Standpipe s - instalftodif $75 Tanks, pumps, pipin new construction $75 All other permits re b Fire Code $50 Plan review fee ® ft. - $45 minimum Fast Track plan review $501HR $100 minimum Miscellaneous Fees: After-hours inspection re $60 per hour Alcohol license inspection $50 Certificate of Occupanc $45 Cost recover - see FEMA g uide Da Care Annual inspection $45 Standb f it i g hter/f ire marshal $60 per hour Annual inspection other than DSS :0.5 Adult carelrest home/instftutional $45 Plan review re at site $45 per hour Private school annual inspection $50 Re-inspection fee-incomplete projects/3rd inspect $50 Fire Flow Per trip char $200 Late Fee - Permits Nat Paid Within 30 Da Civil Citation - First Offense $200 Civil Citation - Second Offense $400 Civil Citation - Third Offense $750 Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 4 9-1-4 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 Perm its/Review Other Than New Construction: I Fire alarm & detection s & test $100 + $10/1000 s ft. Fire Pump or accessor backtiow preventer $50 Private h s $50 Automatic fire extin s & test $100 + $1 Oil 000 s ft. Plan review fee $0-OVs ft. - $45 minimum Hazardous Materials Response Fees: En Compan Response $225 per hour or an part thereof Tower/Truck Compan Response $250 per hour or an part thereof Rescue Service Compan Response $150 per hour or an part thereof ORWIVIIni-En Truck $100 per hour or an part thereof Haz-Mat Chief/Chief Officer $60 per hour or an part thereof Fire Marshal Response $60 per hour or an part thereof Emer Mana Response $50 per hour or an part thereof Materials/Supplies Consumed Actual replacement cost + handlin Off Dut Call Back Personnel Avera hourl rate x 1.5 An other cost of abatement and/or remediation of incident not set out above. Site Assessment Fee $50 Permits: Aerosol products $75 Amusement buildin $50 Aviation facilities $75 Batter s $50 Carnivals/fairs $65 Cellulose nitrate film $50 CombustibIG dust producin operations $50 Combustible fibers $50 Compressed g ases $75 Covered mall buildin $75 Cr fluids $75 Cuffin and weldin - not applicable N/A Dr cleanin plants $50 Exhibits and trade shows $50 Explosives - 30 da $150 Explosirves - 90 da $300 Fire h and valves - not applicable N/A Flammable & combustible li Class 5-1,000 g allons Flammable & combustible li Class I I I I 1 $65 25-1 1000 g allons Flammable & combustible li Class $250 >1 000 g allons Operation of fuel dispensin facilit $75 Install/remove above or below g round stora tank $100 per tank Pipeline operation - not applicable N/A Flammable & combustible - chan in contents $75 Floor finishin $50 Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11- 13-2012) Pa 5 9-1-5 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 DeKm�ment 1707 ii Fee Scheclule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 6 9-1-6 Fruit and crop ripenin $50 Fumi & thermal insecticide fo $50 Hazardous materials - business $50 Hazardous materials - industrial $150 Hazardous production facilit $250 Hi piled stora $50 Hot work operations, kettle $35 Industrial Ovens $65 Lumber y ards/woodworkin g plants $50 Li or g as fueled vehicles/e $35 LP g as - not applicable N/A Ma $50 Misc. combustible stora $50 Open burnin - not applicable N/A Open f lames and candies $4-5 Place of assembl 50-699 $75 Place of assembl 700-1000 $100 Place of assembl >1 000 $125 Private fire h $50 P special eff ects material - indoor $200 P it effects material - outdoor $150 P plastics $50 Refri e - not applicable N/A Repair g ara g e/service station <5,000 s ft. $50 Repair g ara g e/service station >5,000 s ft. $100 Rooftop heliports $75 Spra or dippin flammable finishes $100 Stora of scrap tires/b $75 Tents/canopies $40 it rebuildin plants $75 Waste handlin waste facilit $50 Wood products $50 HEALTH Heafth Servioe fee schedule is voluminous. Refer to Exhibit 1 of this document for the Health Fee structures. Fee Scheclule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 6 9-1-6 is =F-. a, FRM , M-4 ERM I � I II Not to exceed $25 per Contact Hour per Participant $0.20 per unit I $0.20 per unit $4.00 maximum $0.20 per it $4.00 maximum $ 1 per unit $4 rn"murn $1 per da $4 maximum List price & fee List price & fee $10 $1 $5 $0.10 unit char $0.15 unit char $0.50 unft char $0.30 unit char $0.26 unft char $1 unit char $5 set-up fee 1$5 plus set fee $15-$25 $50 $75-$150 $2.00 unit char $25 per hour Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 7 9-1-7 III IIIIIIIIII 11,1111 ql ��pii 111111111 ���illilli III IT, Ird "11 0 =,M 0 JMK9 Oil I U � 32 11 OE-3� 1111M �r�1111111 I �I� . T1 111A 4 11 kTj I Non-Resident Librar Card (annual) $30 Non-Resident Internet Access Card (30 da 1$2 Rental BooksMeek $3 Rental DVDs $1 per da Out-of Town Research cop costs plus $5 Admission Fees: Adults $7 Youth (3-17) $4 Colle Students $6 Seniors (65 and over) $6 Militar with ID $6 Children, under 3 $0 First Sunda NHC residents $0 Members $0 Room Use Fees - (durin hours of operation); Non-Profft & g overnment or $0 For-profit, private companies or g roups $50 P l us $1 0/hour Room Use Fees - (After hours of operation).- Securit g uard - flat fee for all $45 Non-Profit & g overnment or $20 plus $10/hour For-profft, private companies or g roups $120 plus $201hour School Pro Museum Field Trips/Outreach (on-site): In-Count Schools - g uided.- Student $3 Adult $3 Teacher Free Bus Driver Free In,-Coun:t Schools - seff- Student Free Adult Free Teacher Free Bus Driver Free Non-Count Schools - g uided.- Student $6 Adult $6 Teacher Free Bus Driver Free Non-Count Schools - seff- Student $4 Adult $4 Teacher Free Bus Driver Free Museum Outreach (off site): in-Count Schools.- Student $5 Neon-Count Schools.- Student $6 a and handlin Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 8 9-1-8 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 � I =I- 1 f7l "1 2011. 1 7.1-111cm 77770 M.L IF [III-1 F-1 17--n-11 [771511 no char $15/hour $25/hour $50/hour $1 00/hour Current Manufacturer Price; Price subject to chan $.004 per s inch $.007 per inch Products available throu Cape Fear Museum Stom! Products available throu Cape Fear Museum Storffv Free Ne on a case b case basis. Fee Schedule FY 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 9 9-1-9 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 off PT-To Mor, 111-11"Im rJ Lai Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 10 9-1-10 Use fees - onek-time-use onl Commercial Projects: Book or Ma B&W/Color ima $100/ima Front Cover ima $500/ima Back Cover ima $250/ima Video or Film.- Ima provided b Cape Fear Museum $1 00/ima On-site filmin $200/object CDADVD.- B&W/Color ima $1 00/ima Dwarafion(Exhibit.- B&W/Color ima $1 00/ima Waftite -mnewable annuall B&W/Color ima $1 00/ima Nonprofit Profits (501 (c) (3):status) 10% of commercial rate PARKS, GARDENS Athletic Fields - Per Houn & SENIOR Youth - Recreational Lea no char RESOURCE Adult - No Li $10 per hour CENTER Adult - With Li $20 per hour Athletic Field Tournamerd Fees: p ARKS D Includes full weekend (2 da Da Rental $125 per field Da and Ni (with li $150 per field Out of town team fee $30 per team Portable concessions $25 Picnic Shelters (4 hour rental): Small $25 Medium $35 Lar $45 Event Areas: Hu MacRae Gazebo and Garden Area $300 for 4 hour rental Hu MacRae Event Area $1 000 per da O Park Event Area $1,000 per da Riverside Park Buildin Dama Deposit $250 Da Use (Bam - 5prn) $125 for a 4 hour rental Lon term rate (used once a month) $100 per use PARKS, GARDENS Alrile Concert Series: & SENIOR Member no char RESOURCE Adults (non-member) $8 CENTER Children (a 6-12) $2 Alrile Admission: GA RDENS DiVISION M e m b e r no char Adults (non-member) $5 Children (a 6-12) $3 Count free da first Sunda of each month New Hanover Count residents no char Fee Schedule FY1 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 10 9-1-10 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 Airlie Membership: Individual $25 Famil Packa (2 adufts; children under 12 free) $50 Do Packa 150 waitin Rose Packa 2-501 list Ma Packa $500 Azalea Packa $1,000 Enchanted Aidle: Member no char Adults (non-member) $5 Children (a 6-12) $4 Parkin Pass $5 Carload Pass $22 Environmental Education (EE) Pro $250 non-refundable NHC schools no char Non-count schools $3 per student Guided tours: no extra char with admission Bird Hikes: Member Free Non-member $5 Ka Eco Tours $50/person Owl Prowls: Member f ree Non-member $5 O Roast $75/ticket Wild Adventureal ( summer camp): Member $120/ for week-lon camp Non-member $135/ for week-lon camp Member $125 week Non-member $150 week After-hour/Private Events: Two hour event or weddin onl Tuesda - Frida $500/Saturda $1,500 (Fee incudes Bridal portrait opportunit Three hour event or weddin onl $2,500 (Fee incudes Brictal portrait opportunit 4 hour event or reception/rehear dinner onl $3 (Fee includes Bfidal portrait opportunit 5 hour event or reception/rehearsal dinner onl $4p5OO (Fee includes Bridal portrait opportunit Dama Deposit $700 refundable Securit Fee $250 non-refundable Bridal Portraits onl Sitefee $200 Re for staff member& g olf cart $500 TV & movie films (paid to Airlie Foundation): Production $1,750 per da Pre or post-production $250 per da Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 11 9-1-11 DeDatrt eTt m I I aoll III PARKS, GARDENS Instructors char $3 - $8/class I Varies $3 to $8 per class (paid directl to instructor) I & SENIOR Instructors pa 10% of fees to Senior Center RESOURCE Ensure prices include 2% NC Food Tax: CENTER Re $24.45 Plus $29.60 SENIOR RESOURCE Glucerna $35.75 CENTER DIVISION Hi Protein $29.60 Boost prices include 2% NC Food Tax: Re $23-45 Plus $28.60 Glucerna $34.75 Hi Protein $28-60 PLANNING Rezonin $500 less than 5 acres - $600 more than 5 acres & INSPECTIONS Continuances: Prior to Advertisement $0 Plannin Board - $100 Count Commissioners PLANNING After Advertisement $300 Plannin Board and Count Commissioners DIVISION Special Use Permit $150 Sin Resident - $400 all other Text Amendments $400 per application - $600 Land Use Plan Board of Adjustment $350 Subdivision Review: Conventional $300 per preliminar Performance & Hi Densit $20 per lot final Street/Easement Closure $750 Street Namin $200 + cost of si Mobile Home Park $250 per preliminar - $20 per f inal space Publications: Zonin Ordinance $10 Subdivision Re $3 Mobile Home & Travel Trailer Park $3 Historic Architecture of NHG $6 Low Impact Development Manual $10 Communi-t Plans $10 Posta & Handlin $5 Copies: Letter black/white Letter color $1 Le blacktwhite Le color $1.50 Tabloid black/white $1 Tabloid color $2 Black/whfte lar plotter maps $10 Zonin Maps added to price list f or $10 PLANNING Permit Fee Schedule is Voluminous. & INSPECTIONS Refer to Exhibit 2 of this document for the Inspection Fee structures. NHC Trainin and Education Classes: Classes are periodicall off ered to the public. � Not to exceed $25 per contact hour per participant Fee Schedule FY 3 (11-13-2012) Pa 12 9-1-12 New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 2 ��� 11111 1 1111111 1 � 777111r.'L I =14 Classes ma f nclude inspector continuin education, Journe classes, and Contractor continuin education. Fees for these classes var based on class duration (contact hours), complexI t of the material, number of handouts, other included services (such as exam scorin and processin to State examinin authorities), completion certificates, and I® cards. PROPERTY MGT. Labor for non-count vehicle maintenance $53 per hour (CFCC, CoastalCare and other) REGISTER OF REAL ESTATE FILING FEES: DEEDS Deeds and Other Instruments.m (except plats, deeds of trust, and mort Up to 15 pa $26 Each additional pa $4 Additional fee for each multiple instrument $10 Dead of Trust and Mort Up to 15 pa $56 Each additional pa $4 Additional fee for each multiple instrument $10 Sat'Isfaction No Fee Add'l Subse Instrument Index Ref. $25 each UCC (IFWture Flifin 1 to 2 pa $38 3 to 10 pa $45 Each additional pa over 10 pa $2 Mon-Standard Document Fee G.S. 161 -1 4B $25 additional recordin fee Condo & Subdivilsilon Plats: First Pa $21 Each additional pa $21 Hi Ri Plats: First Pa $21 Each additional pa $5 REAL ESTATE COPY FEES: Instruments In General: Uncertifled $0.25 each pa Certified: First Pa $5 Each additional pa $2 Maps Uncertiffiled: B-1/2 x 11 $0.25 each pa 11 x 17 $1 each pa 17 x 2P $2 each pa 18 x 24 $3 each pa 24 x 36 $5 each pa Maps Certified: B-1 /2 x 11 First pa $5 8-1 /2 x 11 Each additional pa $2 Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 13 9-1-13 k rz � | ] � d 4d per $1,000 �p\ per \,0 $0 \,\$ per $ \.# # $14 at ti me of search � ~� « �^ \$ HE � ^ \$ Fee Schedule FYI 3 (11-13-2012) Page 14 9-1-14 - -------------------- N-e-w Hanover Count Fee Schedule Fee Amount Animal Services Refer to Exhibit 3 of this document for the -4. of Count Services to aduft adoptees (for researchin $50/hour adoptee's biolo famil $1 Child Support Enforcement (as follows) Non-Public Assistance applicant re CSE $25 ($10 if applicant is "indi Former CSE client reapplies for services after case $25 ($10 if applicant is "Indi closed Recipient of Health Choice medical insurance $25 ($10 if applicant is 'Indi re CSE services $1 Noncustodial parent applies for CSE services $25 ($10 if applicant is mindi Heafth Choice Enrollment Fee (covera for $50 per child (not to exceed $100 per famil uninsured low-income children) $5 Propert Record Card $0 8 1/2" x 1 "' aerial color map $1 8 1/2 11 x 11 "" B&W map $0.25 8 1/21hx 14" B&W map $0.50 8 1/21ox 14" aerial color map $1 11 J1x1 4" aerial color map $1 36"x36" color map $5 Greenbar printout $5 CD's / Tapes etc. $5 Mailin Labels $5 per 1,000 Business License Cate and Rates: [NC G.S. 105] Amusements - $25 (Ridin devises - Outside cit limits onl Animal Shows - $25 per da Automotive Service Station - $12.50 Auto Items Miscellaneous Sales, Retail $12-50 Auto - Miscellaneous Service & Repair $12.50 Auto E and Supplies - Wholesale $37-50 Auto Supplies / Sales b vehicle $25 per vehicle Bowlin Alle $10 per alle (outside cit limb) Beer - On promises $25 Beer - Off premises $5 Beer - On and Off promises $25 Fee Schedule FY13 (11-13-2012) Pa 15 9-1-15 ,New Hanover Count Fee Schedule FY1 2-13 171 '1.. rITM Beer and Wine - On premises $50 Beer and Wine -Off premises $30 Beer and Wine - On and Off premises $50 Beer on, Wine off premises $50 Check Cashin $100 Circus $25 per da Elevator Installation or Sales $100 Emplo A $100 Firearm Dealer $50 Itinerant Merchant $100 Jukebox $5 per machine Loan A $100 Motorc Dealer $12-50 Motor Vehicle Dealer $25 Pawnbroker $100 Peddler - On foot $10 Peddler - B vehicle $25 per vehicle Peddler of Farm Products $25 Pinball Machines / Similar Amusement $25 Billiards and Pool Tables $25 (Outside cit limits) Shootin Galler $25 (Outside cit limits) Skatin Rink $25 (Outside cit limits) Specialt Market Operator $200 Fire Sprinkler Installation $100 Swimmin Pool $25 (Outside cft limits) Video Games $5 per machine Weapons - Sale of $200 Wine - On premises $25 Wine - Off premises $25 Wine - On and Off premises $25 Fee Schedule FY1 3 (111-13-2012) Pa 16 9-1-16 Health Department Fees - - I - 11 -- 11-1 -- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FEE SCHEDULE Service Fey Soil Evaluation $ 2 81.00 * plus $100 each additional gWd4 Sewage System Construction Authorization (Type 1, II, $ 280.00 Sewage System Construction Authorization (Type IV, VI ) $ 832.00 * plus $100 each additional 500 gal/da Sewn a Sy stem Permit Revision $ 140.00 Sews a System Repair Permit $ 50.00 Fisting System Inspection (Building addition or p rivate pool) $ 140.00 E m'sting System Ins ection (Reuse Purp oses) $ 140.00 I ssue or Re Construction Authorization $ 140.00 Land Record Review $ 100.00 lus $50 each additional hour ell Permit (including site evaluation & bacteriological analysis) $ 200.00 W ater Samp - Bacteriolo ical $ 140.00 T ater Sam le - Bacteriological - resanx le $ 70.00 W ater Sample -Chemical $ 140.00 W ater Sample — Chemical (multiple sample collection 'th threshold of20 or more same locale/same visit ) $ 105.00 F oo d Service Pi ■ Review: Prototype Restaurants & Food Stands Ton- prototype/Indep Restaurants, Food Stands, & Mo Foo U nit s Renovations/ Changes (d imension of food preparation area, seating ca. act or add of room $ 250.00 $ 250.00 NCDENR —Division of EH Approval Letter Tem om Food Establishment Permit $ 75.00 each relocation Seafood Market Permit $ 100.00 Seafood Vehicle Permit $ 50.00 Swimming Pool - Operation permit $ 200.00 *� Swimming Pool - Plan Review (nevi facility nstruction) $ 250.00 Tattoo Artist and/or Body Piercing Permit per location, a ent due 30 days p n i or to p ennit expiration $ 200.00 attoo Artist and/or Body Piercing Permit per location, aid less than 3 0 days prior to or after permit x iration. $ 300.00 attoo Artist and/or Body Piercing Secondary Permit at ternate location $ 125.00'' M orary Tattoo Artist an d/or Body Piercing permit $ 100.00 ""operate 2 weeks or less P 11-1 ''Taft Exhibit 1 9 -1 -17 Health D F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhibit 1 2 9 -1 -18 Health Department Fees 1-00.1 W43 a I OF Upon notification in writin of the third violation of the Act to Prohibit Smokin 'in Certain Public Places and Certain Places of Emplo in accordance with G.S. 130A- 4 22 (M), the NHCHD shall impose an administrative penalt of $200.00 on the person 4 . who mana operates, or controls the business 'in violation. The person who mana operates, or controls the business has the ri to appeal this decision to the local board of health. To pursue a formal appeal, a written notice of an appeal must be submitted to the local health director within 30 da of notification of thcT third violation. The notice of appeal must be filed in accordance with G.S. 130A- 0-4 A cop of G.S.130A-24 g overnin g the appeal procedures shall be provided. Subse violations of the law are considered separate and distinct violations of the law; and tile person who mana operates, or controls the business in violation is subject to an administrative penalt of not more than two hundred dollars ($200). Each da on which a violation of this law or rule occurs ma be considered a separate and d(-ct violatiOT. Pa for Smoke Free Restaurant Fines shall be made with 'in 30 da of the date of notice unless an appeal has been filed. For appealed fmes, pa shall be made within 30 da of the appeal decision. Exhibit 1 3 9-1-19 Health Department Fees Safe Kids Cape Fear Child Passen Safet Seat Pro ;�,afe Kids Cape Fear Child Passen Safet Seat Pro operates under the Safe Kids Buckle- Up Pro with the primar g oal to educate and instruct families on the proper use/installation of child restraints. kfoymm R M.111ro r-IM-T-W T r Oh-11470"11M Be a New Hanover Count resident Be on at least one t of assistance (Medicaid, WIC, Health Choice, Work First, Food Stamps) and show proof of assistance Pre-re for class no later than two weeks prior to scheduled class Pa cash at the time of registration. Foster parents are not eli for child passen safet seats. Grandparents and/or famil members who have temporar custod of another famil member's child are not eli as the fall under the cate ■ of foster parent. =_ q 70M PIT M_ Im S M= MM1 T*OY M271ft; Pro rates which include child passen safet education and hands-on installation teachin methods are based upon the followin scale: 9 $30.00— Harness seat (Convertible or Combination seats' Hi Back Booster seat * $10.00 — Backless Booster seat To q ualif y for an additional or second (2 nd) child passen safet seat (car seat), customers must meet the g uidelines noted above and one of the followin • Child must have out safet standards of current car seat. • Be an Initial seat for an additional child in the famil such as in the event of twins. Pro rates for a second (2nd) child passen safet seat which include child passen h -afet education and hands-on installation teachin methods are based upon the followin 4 -cale: 1 A $50-00 — Harness seat (Convertible or Combination seats) Hi Back Booster seat * $15.00 — Backless Booster seat Exhibit 1 4 9-1-20 Health Department Fees -- ------- - Pro fees are due and pa at the time of pre-re for the class. Failure to cance' or reschedule within two (2) weeks of scheduled class date will result in forfeiture of pro fee. Durin Safe Kids Cape Fear Child Passen Safet Seat Pro special events., car seats will Ira provided based on availabilit in the event a child's current car seat fails safet standards. The car seat will be provided at no char from supplies donated b the Statef Exhibit 1 5 9-1-21 Health Department Fees Exhibit 1 9-1-22 CPT / I Medicaid NHCHD Clinic Service Codes CPT I Medicaid Descriptl ti on Fees Now Patient: 99201 New Pt Level I - Minimal $63.00 99202 New Pt. Level 11 - Problem Focus $94.00 99203 New Pt Level III - Expanded $133-00 99204 New Pt Level IV - Detailed $195.00 99205 New Pt Level V - Comprehensive $245.00 99381 New RlWell Exam <1 Year $120.00 99381 EP New Pt/Health Check <1 Year $120.00 99382 New Pt/Well Exam 1-4 Years $130.00 99382EP New Pt/Health Check 1-4 Years $130-00 99383 New Pt/Well Exam 5-11 Years $154.00 99383EP New RtHealth Check 5-11 Years $154.00 99384 New Pt/Well Exam 1 2 -1 7 Years $169-00 99384EP New Pt./Health Check 12-17 Years $169.00 99384FP New Pt./Farnil Plannin 12-17 Years $169-00 99385 New Pt/Well Exam 18-39 Years $167.00 99385EP New RtHealth Check 18-20 Years $167.00 99385FP New Pt/Famil Planning 18-39 Years $167.00 1$199.00 99386 New Pt/Well Exam 40-64 Years 99386FP New Pt/Famil Plannin 40-64 Years $199.00 99387 New WWI Exam > 65 Years $215.00 Established Patient: 99211 Est Pt Level I - Minimal $35.00 99212 Est Pt Level 11 - Problem Focus $57.00 99213 Est Pt Level III - Expanded $79.00 99214 Est Pt Level IV - Detailed $123.00 99215 Est Pt Level V - Comprehensive $183-00 99391 Est PtNVell Exam <1 Year $91.00 99391 EP Est Pt/Health Check <1 Year $91.00 99392 Est RlWell Exam 1-4 Years $101.00 99392EP Est PtIHealth Check 1-4 Years $101.00 99393 Est Pt/Well Exam 5-11 Years 1$126.00 Exhibit 1 9-1-22 Health Department Fees 9-1-23 99393EP Est Pt/Health Check 5-11 Year's $126.00 99394 Est Pt/Well Exam 12-17 Years $146.001 99394E Est PYHealth Check 12-17 Years $146.00 99394FP Est Pt/Famil Plannin 12-17 Years $146.00 99395 Est NANO Exam 18-39 Years $142.00 98385EP Est Pt/Health Check 18-20 Years .$142.00 98385FP Est Pt/Famil Plannin 18-39 Years $142.00 Clinic I Service CPT / Medicaid Codes CPT I Medicaid Description NHCHD Fees 99396 Est PUWell Exam 40 - 64 Years $158.00 99396FP Est Pt/Famil Planning 40-64 Years $158.00 99397 Est PtANell Exam > 65 Years $176-00 Counseling: 90801 Ps Dia Interview Exam $180.00 90802 INTAC Ps y Dx Interview $190.00 90804 Psbc, Office 20-30 min $75.00 90806 Ps Office 45-50 min $115.00 90808 Ps Office 75-80 min $175.00 90810 1 ntac Ps Off-ice 20-30 min $90.00 90812 1 ntac Ps Office 45-50 min $125.00 90814 Intac Psytx, Office 75-80 min $180-00 90846 Famil Ps y tx w/o patient $115. o 90847 Famil Ps y tx w/ patient $140.00 90853 Group Ps $40.00 99401 Prev Medical Counselin - 15 Min $40.00 99402 Prey Medical Counseling - 30 Min $76-00 99403 Prev Medical Counselin 45 Min $113.00 99404 Prev Medical Counselin 60 Min $144.00 99411 Group_ Counselin - 30 Min $39-00 99412 Group Counselin - 60 Min $68.00 99420 Ad min & Interpretation Health Risk $33.00 99429 Unlisted Preventive Medicine Service $0.00 99361 Medical Conference (30 min) $73.00 99362 Medical Conference (60 min) $120.00 Other: J1055 DepoProvera I njection $54.00 J7302FP Mirena (IUD) $575.00 J7300FP Para and (IUD) $575.00 59442 Childbirth Education Classes ( per 1 hr. unit ) $10.75 T1001 Maternal Care Skilled Nurse Home Visit $88-00 T1 002 STD Control Treatment r%n $1 % AW I T1 JTB Control Treatment $19.501 Exhibit 1 7 9-1-23 Health Department Fees — - - ------------------------------------ - - - - - - - ---------------- ---- ------ ---------- --- 11975 Insert Nor plant 1 $105- 001 11976 Remove Nor last $197. 11 977 Remove/Reinsert Nor la nt $205. Injection (s) single or multiple trigger point(s), 1 or 20552 muscles $SO. 45900 Destroy Ana I Lesion (s) $240- 54050 Destruction/Lesion /Cond loma $1 56501 Destroy Vulva Lesions $150. CI in is I service CPT / Medicaid Codes CPT / Medicaid Description NHCHD Fe 67170 Diaphragm Fitting $110. 57452 Col osco /o Biopsy $150- 57454 Co I osco py w/Biopsy $220. 57505 Endocervical curettage $125. 57456 Colpoiscopy wlendocervical curettage $200. 53300 IUD Insertion $130- 53301 IUD Removal $150. 71010 * Chest -Ra y/PA $40. 71 020 * Chest -Ra y/PA & Lat $70. 71021 * Chest -Ra /Lordotic $50. 86580 * TB I ntradermal Test $15. 86580P *TB I ntradermal Test/PrivatePay $15. 92551 Pure Tone Audiornetry, air $30. 92587 oAE Hearing Screening $70. 96110 Developmental Test/ Limited $33. 96152 Intensive Psychosocial Counseling $30. 99172 Vision acuity Screening — Color $30. 99173 Vision Acuity Screening $30. 99501 Postpartum Assessment Home Visit $60. 99502 E P Newborn EPSDT Screen Home Visit $90. 99502 Newborn Assessment Horne Visit $60. III M ADMIN CODES: 90470 *H1 N1 Flu Admin Fee $24. 90471 *I III M Administration Single Dose $24. 90471 EP IMM Administration Single Dose Health Check $24. 90472 *IM M Administration- Each Additional I ni . $24. 90472 EP IMM Administration -- Each Additional In'. HC $24. 90473 *Imm Aden Feellntranasalloral $24. 90473EP Imm Adm Fee /Intranesal /Orel Health Check $24. 90474 Irvin Adm Fee/In' + Intranasal /Oral $24. 90474EP Imm Adm Fee /In' + Intranasal /Oral Health Check $24 Exhibit 1 9-1-24 Health Department Fees 0008 Med icare Administrati F ( FLU) I Med icare $24. G0009 Ad Fee Pneu $24. G9141 Medicare Administration Fee (H1 N1) $24. V A C CI N E CODES: 90281 'Immune Globulin $30. 90833 * HEP A Pediatric I Adolescent $42. 90636 * HEP A!E Combination Vaccine $120. 907 Ped vas H i b $42. 90648 Hiber ACT Hib /OMHI Hib State $0. 90649 * ardasiI $165. CPT I Medicaid NH Clinic I Service Codes CPT I Medicaid Deacri tin Fe 90654 Flu/Intradermal /Preservative Free Ne '13 -64 $16. 90856 Flu (Age 6 -35 mos.)/ Preservative Free $16. 90656 *Fl ( Age 3 yrs + Preservative Free $16. 90653 * Flu (Age 6 mos. + $16. Q2037 Flu Vaccine /Medicare - Fluvirin $16. 02038 Flu Vaccine /Medicare - F I uzone $16. 90660 *Flu Mist $4. 1 $31. 00 90862 *Flu Vaccine - High Dose (Age 66+ 90663 H 1 N 1 F I u Vaccine State $o. 90665 * Lyme Disease vacci IM $56. 90670 *Prevnar /P V -13 $130. 90676 * Rabies vaccine (Intramuscular) $220. 90630 *Rotateg Vaccine $30. 90691 *Typhoid Injectable $60. 90696 *I end Dta , I P $63. 90698 *Pentacel (Dtap, I PV, Hib $90. 90700 DTa $40. 90702 DT Mate $0. 90707 * M M R virus vaccine S Cf j et $70. 90713 *Poliom el itis vaccine SC $40. 90714 Td Mate ) $0. 90715 *'Tda Tetanus, diphtheria, ertussis vaccine $50. 90716 * Chicken Pay aricella $105- 90717 *Yellow Fever $110. 90723 *Pediarixc (Dtap, Hep B, IP $66. 90732 * Pnueumococcel vaccine $64. 90733 * Menorn une Vaccine $125. 90734 * Menectra Vaccine $125. 90733 *Jap Encephalitis 1$225- IY ,. ,> , , ,• , ,� , -.tie _ , Exhibit 1 9-1-25 r ealth Department Fees 90736 *Zostavax $175.00 1$40.00 90744 Hep B/Pediatric (A < 11 y rs) 90745 He B/Pediatric Hi Risk (A 11-18) $0.00 90746 *He p B/A 19+ $75.00 95115 * Immunotherap one u injection $5.00 95117 * Immunotherap injections $10-00 96372 * Injection (SC) / (IM) $5.00 CPT I Medicaid NHCHD Clinic/ Service Codes CPT I Medicaid Description Fees House Labs: 36415 _Venipuncture $14.00 36416 Fin $14.00 80048 Basic Metabolic Panel $15.00 80051 Electrolite Panel $15.00 80053 Comp Metabolic Panel $15.00 80061 Li id Panel $25.00 80o6 Renal Panel $20.00 80076 Hepatic Panel $15.00 80188 Primidone (M $48.00 81001 Urinal auto, w1microscopic $12,00 81003 Urinal auto, without microscopic $8,00 81025 Urine Pre Test $11.00 82040 Albumin $15-00 82120 Amines- Wet Mount $10.00 82150 AmAase $16-00 82247 Bilirubin, Total $15.00 82248 Billirubin, Direct $15.00 82270 Test Feces Blood (Occult Bid) $10-00 82465 Cholesterol $15-00 82550 CK (Creatinine kinase — CK or CP $20.00 82553 CKMB (Creatinine kinase — fraction onl $20.00 82565 Greatinine $15.00 82728 Ferritin $25.00 82746 Folic Acid $25.00 82947 Glucose, q uantRative $15.00 82948 Glucose, q uantitative, blood, rea strip $20.00_ 83036 Hemo Al $20.00- Pi WIL , romalm 10 9-1-26 Health Department Fees 9-1-27 83540 Iron ITIBC $15.00 83550 ( Iron Bindin Cap $15.001 83615 LDH (Lactate deh enz $15.00 83718 HDL ( Hi g h densit lipoprotein $15.00 84075 Alkaline Phosphatase $16.00 84132 Potassium $15.00 84152 PA $35-00 84175 Protein, Total $15.00 84436 T4, Total $15.00 84439 T4, F ree $20.00 84443 TSH $30.00 84450 SGOTAST $15.00 CPT / INHCHD Medicaid Clinic I Service Codes CPT I Medicaid Description Fees 84460 SGPT /ALT $15.00 84478 Triglycerldlew. $15.00 84480 T31 Total $25.00 84520 BUN $15.00 84703 Serum Pregnanc Test $20.00_ 85025 C C with Riff $15-00 85027 CB C without Riff $13.00 85018 Hemo $10.00 85651 RBC SED Rate, Non-auto $15.00 86308 Mono Test $15.00 86592 S antibod q ualitative $18-00 86593 S antibody, quantitative $15.00 86803 Hepatitis C Antibod $25.00 87070 Culture ( includin g throat, GC, wound) $15.00 87081 Culture, GC, screening only (FP) $20.00 87086 Urine Culture, platin and colon count $15.00_ 87186 Susoeptibilit Studies NC 87210 Wet Smear $15.00 87205 Gram Stain $15.00 87880 Strep A Fla id $40.00 Referred Labs: 80048 90 Basic Metabolic Panel NCIHF 80051 Electro I ite Panel NC/HF 80063 90 Comp Metabolic Panel NC/HF 80061 90 Li id Panel NC/HF 80069 90 Renal Panel NC/H 80076 90 Hepatic Plan NC/HF Exhibit 1 9-1-27 M 9L IIM4� R 80156 90 Carbamazepine NC/HF 801 64 90 Valproic Acid NG/HF 80168 90 Ethosoximide NC/HF 80184 90 Phenobarbital NC/HF 80185 90 Phenytoin NC/HF 80188 90 Primidone ( M y soline ) NC/HF 82040 90 Albumin NCIHF 82150 90 Amylase NC/HF 82247 90 Billirubin, Total NC/HF 82248 90 Billirubin, Direct NC/HF 82465 90 Cholesterol NC/HF 82650 90 CK ( Creatinine kinase — CK or DPI NC/HF 82553 90 CKMB (Creatinine kinase, fraction onl NC/HF CPT / Medicaid NHCHD Clinic Service Codes CPT / Medicaid Description Fees 82565 90 Creatinine NC/HF 82728 90 Ferrkin NClHF 82746 90 Folic Acid NC/H F 82760 90 Galactose ( Newborn ) NC 82947 90 Glucose, quantitative NC/HF 83020 90 Hemo Electrophorsis NC 83036 90 Hemo A C NC/HF 83498 90 17-OH-P (Newborn) NC 83540 90 Iron NC/HF 83550 90 TIBC (Iron Bindin Cap NC/HF_ 83616 9O.LDH (Lactate deh enz NC/HF 83655 90 Blood Lead ( State Lab NC 8371 90 HDL (Hi Densit y Upoprotein NC/HF 84030 90 Blood PKU NC/NC 84075 90 Alkaline Phosphate NC/HF 84132 90 Potassium NC/HF 84152 90 PA NC/HF 84175 90 Protein, Total NC/HF 84436 90 T41 Total NC/HF_ 84437 90 Total Th (Newborn) NC 84439 90 T4, Free NC/HF 84443 90 TSH NC/HF 84450 90 ADT/SGOT NClHF 84460 90 ALT/SGPT NCIH 84478 90 Tri -� M-moffilam WHO NCIHF AMC 110brimpt Exhibit 1 1 12 9-1-28 8448090 1 1-3, Total NC/HF 1 84520 90 BUN NC 84703 90 Serum Pre Test NC/HF_ 85651 SED Rate, ER NC/HF 86308 90 Mono Test NC/HF 86618 90 L Disease Antibod NC 86666 90 Ehrlich is Antibod NC 86701 HIV NC 86709 90 FIEF A IGNI (Antibod NC 86735 90 Mumps, qualitative NC 86757 90 Rickettsia Antibod (Rock Mt Spotted Fever NC 86781 90 Treponerna pallidum confirm, serum NC 86803 90 Hepatitis C Antibod NC/HF 87045 90 Stool Culture CPT / Medicaid Clinic Service Codes CPT I Medicaid Description NHCHD Fees 87077 90 Nose, throat, bacteria culture NC/HF 87116 90 TB Culture NC 87118 90 M identification NC 87177 90 Ova & Parasites Smears NC 87206 90 TB Smear NC 87252 90 Herpes Culture NC 87285 90 Treponerna pallidum, culture NC 87340 90 HEP B Surface a NC 87491 Ch lam y dia, NAAT NC 87591 90 Gonorrhea, NAAT NC 88175 90 Pap Smear 16.75 99000 Handling Fee One per visit) 18.00 Initial Assessment Med Nutrition Therap Nutrition/Diabetes Self-mana 97802 (Per 15 min) $35.00 Re-Assessment Med Nutrition Therap 97803 (per 15 min) $30.00 97804 Medical Nutrition Thepp Group, per 30 min $20.00 0108 Diabetes Self-mana Individual, per 30 min $55-00 G01 09 Diabetes Self-mana Group, per 30 min $25.00 Additional Medical Nutrition Therap Ph Order, G0270 per 15 min $35.00 Additional Medical Nutrition Therap Group, Ph G0271 Order, per 30 min $20.00 Diabetes Self-mana Re Dietitian S9465 Visit, No Time/Unit P. Exhibit 1 $40.00 13 9-1-29 Health Dep artment Fees HF= Add Handling Fee N= No Charge N /HF = No Charge Lab /Add Handling Fee State Vaccines — Enter with CPT as "Reportable" * Flat Rate Charged — Sliding fee scale does not apply these services. Exhibit 1 14 9 -1 -30 9470 Nutrition Counseling RD Visit, No time/Unit $40. W alk-in Pregnancy Testing 99211 Est Ft Level I — Minimal Flat Fee add test code $35. 81025 Urine Pregnancy Test Flat Fee $11. Travel Medications: LU401 Malaronel eneric Formula — Adult $5.00 per ill $5. LU401 Malarone /Generic Formulary — Pediatric ($2.00 per ill ) $2. Miscellaneous: * Returned Check Fee $25. 99071 Provision of Patient Supplies & Education NI PH Suppiemental Fees: LU401 M iconazole /Generic Formulary — f$8,00 per tube $3. LU401 Fluconazole /Generic Formulary 150 mg ($2.00 per ill ) $2. LU 35 Replacement oral Contraceptive $10.00 per c cle 10. LU401 Replacement Diaphragm $10.00 each $10. LU401 *Uelfen Foam or Generic Formula (per tubelbottle $12. LU401 *Fluconazole or Generic Formulary 150 m (per ill $2. LU401 * Prenatal Vitamins or Generic Formula each $12- Clinic l Service CPT / Medicaid codes CPT l Medicaid Description NHCHD Fe NHC Employees /Available Medications LU401 * Mico nazo le or Generic Formula (per tube) $8. LU401 * Norin I 1+35 or Generic Formula er cycle) $10. LU401 * Recli sere or Generic Formula (per cycle) $10. LU401 * Ortho-Novum 7 -7 -7 or Generic Formulary (per c cle ) $10. LU401 * Ortho Tric Glen or Generic Formula (per cycle) $10. LU401 * Ortho Tricyclen Lo or Generic Formulary (per cycle) $10. LU401 * Lo -Ovral or Generic Formula (per cycle) $10. LU401 * Micronor or Generic Formula (per cycle) $10. LU401 Nicro estin FE or Generic Formulary (per cycle) 10. LU401 *Rep lacernent Diaphragm ($10.00 each ) $10. HF= Add Handling Fee N= No Charge N /HF = No Charge Lab /Add Handling Fee State Vaccines — Enter with CPT as "Reportable" * Flat Rate Charged — Sliding fee scale does not apply these services. Exhibit 1 14 9 -1 -30 Health Department Fees ;Itate-Approved Local Code.-Q, Revised Local Code Description NHCHD Fee LU001 Lab specimen obtained for flu of newborn screening NC LU002 Lice Treatment (e.g., Nix)* Future Use L U003 Suture removal without anesthesia Future Use LU008 Infant Feeding Class Future Use LU009 AHA Heart Saver Class Future Use LU01 o AHA Health Care Providers CPR Future Use LU o 11 Health Promotion /Prevention Package for Industry, civic rou ps, etc. Future Use LUO12 Smoking Cessation Program Future Use LU018 Olucometer Calibration NC LU016 Structured Exercise Pro rare Future Use LU017 Completion of Disabilit y Verification/Disability Leave Form NC LU018 Copy of Medical Record $5.08 LU019 Education and Outreach to Latino Population NC LU0 0 Menu Planning (development/review for compliance with standards for schools _ day _ cares, nursing homes, etc. NC LU0 1 Completion of form verifying exam (not at time of exam or other billable service NC LUO22 Immunization Status Review for WIC; no vaccines needed NC LUO23 Diabetic Teaching NC LUO24 Determination of Presumptive Eligibility NC LUO27 "Consent to Receive School Health Services" filed (for use by SBHCs onl Future Use LU0 8 Physical Exam Performed by non ^LH D Provider (for use by BHCs onl Future Use LU 100 HIV Pre -Test Counseling and Testing RE PORT ONLY) NC LU 101 HIV Post -Test Results and Counseling REPORT ONLY NC LU 102 Completion of "Record of Tuberculosis Screening " - DHHS 3405 $15.08 LU114 PPD with State- vaccine (REPORT ONLY) N LU11 5 Contraceptive Patch Replacement Future Use LU116 NuvaRing Replacement Future Use LU117 PPD, Positive Result - Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU118 PPD, Negative Result - Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU119 PPD, Positive Result - Low Risk REPORT ONLY) NC LU1 2 0 PPD, Negative Result - Low Risk REPORT ONLY) NC LU1 2 1 TB Directly Observed Thera DOT NC LU122 TB Directly Observed Preventive Thera DOPT) NC LU128 PPD, Not Read - Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU124 PPD, Not Read -- Low Risk REPORT ONLY) NC LU1 25 PPD Reading /Placed Elsewhere (riot a contact or suspect TB case $1 5.08 LU201 Repeat Pap §jrnear REPORT ONLY) NC LU202 Limited Interview: International Travel $35.08 LU203 Limited Physical: Employment ** $35.08 LU204 Limited Physical: DOT Future Use LU205 Limited Physical: Dare Challenge Future Use LU206 Limited Physical: Da Care ** $35.08 LU207 Limited Physical: Head tort" $65.08 9 -1 -31 Health De Fees . ..... ........... . 11-1-1-1111 ........... ------------------ 11.11.11.�������������11-11-11-11-11-11-1 ........................ LU208 Limited Physical: Sports" $35-00 LU 10 Limited Physical: Camp" $35-00 LU211 Limited Physical: Scouts" $35.00 LU212 Limited Physical: College" $65.00 LU213 Limited Physical: Respirator Future Use LU215 Limited Physical: DSS Future Use LU216 Limited Physical: County Employee Future Use LU217 Limited Physical: Senior Companion Future Use LU 18 Limited Physical: DOC Future Use LU219 Limited Physical: US Forest Service Future Use LU230 Blood Pressure Check* NC LU231 Pap Smear and Breast Assessment only ** (for non -BCCCP eligibles per a a or income NC LU2 2 TestfL Resu Its on ly vis it REPORT ON L NC LU2 3 Condom Provision and counseling (REPORT ONLY) NC LU2 4 Sterilization Counseling REPORT ONLY) NC LU2 5 Pill Replacement REPORT ONLY 10.0 LU236 Pill Pick-up REPORT ONLY NC LU237 Ion- billable Social Worker contact REPORT ONLn NC LU238 Non - billable Health Education contact REPORT ONLY NC LU239 Non - billable Nutritionist contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU240 Non - billable TB LPN Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU241 Non - billable Child Health Nurse Contact REPORT ONLY NC LLl4 Non - billable STD Contact REPORT ONLY NC LU 43 Non - billable Communicable Dx Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU44 Non - billable Interpreter Service (REPORT ONLY) NC LU 45 Clinical Dental varnish for 3 -6 year olds Future Use LU 46 Tu bal Li ation Counseling /obtain consent NC LU 47 Non - Billable MH Nurse Contact REPORT ONLY) NC LU248 Health Education Presentation (Non-County Organization) Future Use LU 49 Breast Assessment only for non -BCCCP eligibles Future Use LU250 Pap Smear only for non -BCCCP eligibles Future Use LU251 Pelvic on ly for non -BCCCP eligibles Future Use LU252 Wellness Only — UA, EKG, Vital Signs, +I Executive Lab, Nurse Visit + Vision and Hearing if requested Future Use LU253 fellness Physical — Breast Check, Pap Smear, UA, HC B, Occult Blood, Physical by NP Future Use LU254 fellness & Physical — all components of LU b2 & LU 53 Future Use LU255 fellness & Physical — exam from waist up by NP, Vital Signs, 1lision and Headng if requested, no labs Future Use LU256 Non-billable miscellaneous nurse i njection Future Use LU 57 Non-billable Adult blood draw Future Use LU258 Weight Check Future Use LU259 "Not at Home" Visit HIS Use LU262 PPD Positive Result — High Risk NC LU263 PPD N ative Result — High Risk NC LU264 PPD Not Read — High Risk NC LU265 Treatment of LBTI — Initiated — High Risk NC LU266 Treatment of LBTI — Initiated — Low Risk NC LU267 Treatment of LBTI — Initiated — Contact NC LU268 Treatment of LBTI — Completed — High Risk NC LU269 Treatment of LBTI — Completed — Lour Risk NC LU270 Treatment of LBTI — Completed — Contact NC LU271 Treatment of LBTI — I — High Risk NC Exhibit 1 W 9 -1 -32 Health Department Fees ' 111�11' ;;­I!, * ..... ....... ........... LU272 Treatment of LBTI — Incomplete — Love Risk NC LU273 Treatment of LBTI — Incomplete —Contact NC LU274 PPD — contact NC LU400 Miscellaneous Services $1.00 LU401 Miscellaneous Medications $2.00 LU402 Medicaid Co-pay Effective Nov. 1, 2010 $3.00 LU403 Private Co-pay Future Use *Note: If components of an office visit are done, then this service should be billed using the approp level of E & M code (e.g. 99211). Yhese local codes would not be billable to the patient an addition to the E & M code. "Note: If any exam of this type is billed to Medicaid or ether third party using a CPT or HCPCS code, then ALL exams of this type must be billed using that code and the local codes may not be used to differentiate fees for the same service billed to patients as opposed to thirdpartypayors. Exhibit 1 17 9 -1 -33 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE ""Administrative Fees"' A- Plan Review Fees.- are assessed and paid at project submittal & when submittin revised drawin These fees are non refundable. Residential Plan Review: (Per dwellin unit) Note: Residential plan review fees are applied to the cost of the permit 2- Commercial Plan Review: Up tp 4000 ■001 — 15000 15001 — 40,000 s Over 40,000 It t e-review Disapproved Plans.- (Paid at submittal) Note: To re-review & re-stamp and/or burn to CID for lost previousl approved plans I ,,- Re-review of incomplete or failed landscape plans: $35-00 I I "'35-00 per trade T �50.00 per plan s0 Commercial Fast Track Applications: Use Comm New Const - Sched A table x 1.25 Note: $100 min over re permit fee C- Commercial Shell Applications: Use Comm New Const - Sched A table x .91 1- Upfit Applications: Use Comm New Const - Sched A table x .75 Note: Upfit applications will onl be accepted if the Shell Bld "'or" portion of the Shell Bld y ou want to Upfit has received a Certcate of Compliance. Contractor Changes / Takeover Permits: (Permit must not be expired) Resid = $35.00* Note: If permit is expired a new permit is re at the normal fee. Comm = $45.00* G- Inspection Fees: Resid = $25.00 Note: Because some inspections can exceed 1 hr, additional inspection Comm = $45.00 fees will be assessed when exceedin each 1 hr time se X41110-11W.4 9-1-36 _;ET1`hA01aTSR-W111TY DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDUB Administrative Fees" Cont. $1000.00 per e unit/srvic- ,1 - Prior Cut-On Bonds: I Note: Prior Bonds are forfeited if the bun is occupied prior to $5000.00 Unlimited issuance of a Cert of Occup b NHC Development Services. I 11C =M1111111111111TWI =-- J- Outstandin Char All outstandin char or fees due must be settled prior to receivin an additional services and/or a certificate of occupanc K- After Hour Inspections "'Weekends Holida $120.00 per trade (2 hrs max-) Note: Each additional hour $60.00 ea. L- Facilit Licensin Permit: $0.00* M- Document Research Control — Copies of Records: $0. 10 per pa Note: Upon review if research is determined "substantial a fee to hire temporar help will be calculated & paid prior to research. =0 - 4=63M WIM 193W.13 I Kell IT43 LTA M 2-TNIOM Fo 1717i mot OITUIAFT� MI. 4 nll I MM pliq � r S- Workin without Permit: 1- Startin W/O Permit - 2- Startin substantiall completin W/O Permit - 3- Startin and/or substantiall completin W/O Perm Note: (2 "d offense & each offense thereafter). I $6.00 $35.00* ;100.00 $100-00 1' da $300.002 nd day $500.003 Id da & ea da after T- Shell Initial Permit Fee: When a Shell Buildin is constructed for a specific occupanc t the permill fee char will be for that occupanc t If the occupanc t chan upon submittal of the Upfil permit and the permit fee is hi for the new occupanc t then the new occupanc t permil fee will be applied to the Shell fee and the difference will be char with the new Upfit permit. WA MO I 1 0-11 W 2 9-1-37 4EW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE ommercial Existin Construction" Total Cost for Project = Permit Fees + Inspection Fees* A- Permit Fees for "'Major"' Alter, Renov and/or Gen Repairs are based on the followin computations. Note: S foota shall include all foota under roof both heated & unheated within and affected b the defined scope of work. a= Total g ross building floor area of construction b= Fee per sq. ft. (table below) 0-5000 s ft. a x b = Permit fee 5,001 - 15000 s ft. (a x ■ x.75) + (1250 x b) x.5 = Permit fee #ver IS,000 s ft. (a x b x.SO) + (5000 x b) x.5 = Permit Fee Occu Pa ncy T Pe y Build' inK Electrical PlumbinEr Heatin Air!Cond Refria Residential* 0.109 0.061 0.061 0.022 0.022 0.024 Stora 0.050 0.039 0.030 0.025 0.025 0.024 Assembl 0.108 0.057 0.057 0.025 0.025 0.024 Institutional* 0.182 0.099 0.099 0.050 0.050 0.025 Business* 0.100 0.068 0.068 0.032 0.032 0.024 Mercantile* 0.084 0.049 0.049 0.022 0.022 0.024 Hazardous* 0.060 0.028 0.032 0.022 0.022 0.024 Fact/Industrial* 0.060 0.032 0.032 0.022 0.022 0.025 Educational* 0.123 0.069 0.069 0.032 0.032 0.025 B- Plb Mech & Elect "partial or complete" s replace/install: Use Sched A above (Min $45.00) (Inciudes Boilers, Chillers & Water coolin Towers) Note: Use total s foota of area(s) served b the system for calculation table above For "minimal" repair to existin s $45.00* C- Plb Mech & Elect Minor ""Component" replacement/chan $O.GO* Noteb. For minor" change outs in multi-family occupancies inspection fees will be char residential rate: $251A Mobile Bld / Construction Trailers: $45.00ii Bld Relocation: $45.00*;" Note: Includes new foundation & sin point existin utilit hookup: For an additional construction work use Schedule A above A n I 1emolition: Note: Re to completel demolish a bld If doin "minor' demo work "'durin renovation," of a structure it's included in the renov permit's scope of work Prior Cut-On: $1000 Bond re per service $35.00* per trade, per service Note: Prior permit & inspection re for ea. trade not alread havin a final inspection approval. Commercial Chan of Use: Note: Chan of Use Onl � No Work $25.00* Commercial Occupanc Certification: Note: Re Bld & Elect permits Minimunri Commercial Permit Fee: $45.00* Commercial Inspection Fee: $45.00 Note: Maximum of I hr. inspection time per $45 char 1*4:11:31W 3 9-1-38 "Commercial New ConstruVion"' Total Cost for Project = Permit Fees + Inspection Fees* A- Permit Fees for Commercial New Construction are based on the followin computations. Note: S Foota includes all foota under roof both heated & unheated. a= Total g ross building floor area of construction b= Fee per s ft. (table below 0-5000 s ft. a x b = Permit fee SoO01 - 15000 s ft. (a x b x .75) + (1250 x b) = Permit fee Over 15,000 s ft. (a x b x .50) + (5000 x b) = Permit Fee Occu T Bui lding Electrical Plumbi Heatip Air Cond L Refr i Residential* 0.109 0.061 0.061 0.022 0.022 0.024 Stora 0.050 0.039 0.030 0.025 0.025 0.024 Assembl 0.108 0.057 0.057 0.025 0.025 0.024 Institutional* 0.182 0.099 0.099 0.050 0.050 0.025 Business* 0.100 0.068 0.068 0.032 0.032 0.024 Mercantile* 0.084 0.049 0.049 0.022 0.022 0.024 Hazardous* 0.060 0.028 0.032 0.022 0.022 0.024 Fact/industrial* 0.060 0.032 0.032 0.022 0.022 0.025 Educational* 0.123 0.069 0.069 0.032 0.032 0.025 13- Additions: (Rooms/porches attached to existin structure) Use Schedule A above (Min $45.00) C- Upfit - Bld Permit: Use Schedule A above X.75 Upfit - Trade Permits: Use Schedule A above* Note: Must Submit Plans for Upfits D- Shell - Bld Permit: Use Sched u le A a bove X .90 Shell -Trade Permits.- Use Schedule A above E- Trade Permits other than listed above: $45.00* 0e-. g as pi " " ■ pin work if complete s use Schedule A above, ventation hoods, tanks etc.) F- Mobile Buildin 1- Construction Trailer $45.00* 2- Sales Office $100.00* 3- Modular Classrooms $100.00* Accessor Structures: (Includes decks, stora bid g azebos, pools, pool houses, etc...) < 12 ft all dimensions - NHC Zonin Permit Re $45.00* >12 ft an dimension without trade work >12 ft an dimension with trade work $90.00* H- Si foundations included - Bld Permit not re I- Prior Cut-On: $1000 re per service $35.00* per trade,, per service Note: Electrical & Mech-(If g as appliances) Prior Permits Re J- Minimum Permit Fee: $45.00* K- Commercial Inspection Fee: $45.00 Note: Maximum of I hr. inspection time per $45 char 9-1-39 N ft EW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULi "'Residential Existin Construction" ffam A - RESIDENTIAL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Sin Duplexes & Townhouses "Ma Alterations - Renovations - General Repairs Permit Fees are assessed in accordance with the followin scale. Note: S Foota includes all foota under roof both heated & unheated. T Wo - Electrical, Mechanical or Plumbin "par-tial or complete" S Replacements.- Up to 1400 s ft. $35.00* > 1400 s ft. $35.00* + 3 cents per s ft. over 144,01 C - Elect, Mech.. Plb Component Replacement/Chan $0.00* Note: Applicable onl when one piece of the "s is to be replaced. "'Multiple" Electrical components under $250 for Resid & $400 for comm. j ob cost also q ualifies. D - Mobile Home Replacement/Relocation: Buildin Relocation: $35.00i� Includes new foundation & sin hook-up of utilities Note: If site served b CFPUA a Demo permit is re F - Demolition: $35.00* (Bld Permit Re - for structural work and/or if > $5000 total pr 'ect cos %3 - Trade Permits: 01 Bld Elect & Temp Power Poles, Mech, Pl1b $35.00* min. Note: For "'ma scopes of work use Sched A above Zonin Permit $0.00* - Prior Cut-On: (For Electrical Power Prior to CO) $35.00* per service Electrical Prior Cut-On Permit + a $1000 Bond is re per service/residence or $5000.00 bond for `d"' Priors. I - Minimum Permit Fee ff 17071 Me 1- Residential Inspection Fee: (each inspection) Note: A maximum of I hr inspection time per $25.00 char W14:11 I I I 9-1-40 4EW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE "'Residential New Construction"' Total Cost for ® = Permit Fees + Inspection Fees* A - RESIDENTiAL NEW CONSTRUCTION: Sin Duplexes & Townhouses, Modular & Mobile Homes (includes attached g ara g es, panelized & non pre-wired etc. modular buildin components) Permit Fees are assessed in accordance with the followin scale. Note: S Foota includes all foota under roof both heated & unheated. 19 C - Modular Homes: Pre-wired, Pre-plumbed, Pre-finishelf- M M_ E - Travel Trailer Park: F — Detached Gara G- Accessor Structures: (includes decks, stora bld gazebos, pools, pool houses, etc...) < 12 ft. an dimension —Zonin permit re $0.00* = to or > 12 ft. an dimension —without trade work $0.00* = to or > 12 ft. an dimension —with trade work H - Trade Permits: (purchased separatel from Sched A above) Electrical,. Mechanical, Plumbin Up to 1400 s ft. $35.00* Over 1400 s ft. $45.00* Zonin Permits: $0.00* I - Prior Cut-On Permit: (For Electrical Power Prior to C $1000 Bond is re per service/residence or $5000.00 bond for "Unlimited" Priors. I I q Residential Inspection Fee: (each inspection) Note: A maximum ■ 1 hr per $2S.00 inspection fee per tradc 1*1011:1111 6 9-1-41 Cats/do under 1 y ear of a I y ear re $10.00 $10.00 Cats/do I y ear of a or older I y ear re istration $10.00 $ 20.001' 91 Cats/do I y ear of a or older 3 y ear re $25-00 $ 5 0. 0 4, An owner of a handicap helper do which is used for seein or hearin purposes and can show proof of spa shall receive a license free of char SPECLALLTY REGISTRATIONS • of Cats/DoLys/Ferrets Registration Fee 05-10 $45.00 11-20 $70.00 21 — Over $100.00 T of Specialt Pet Licenses ( Fees above appl ■ each t -An combination of do cats and ferrets All must be neutered or spa Good for one y ear ( renewable on date of purchase) 11 DI Z4 ZI DEM Either do or cats (ma not be combined Do not have to be neutered or spa Good for one y ear ( renewable on date of purchase Kennel must participate in three AKC or UKC sanctioned events peT (proof tobFII shown or e for cats, or six in three y ears. I �6* 111, P IOLL events per y ear ( proof whe� No refund due to death or loss of ownership, 1:0414, WO 11 10 9-1-42 �j *WI DI a 101 $10.00 per da $15.00 per da bite anfinals /dan do Kx " Cats/Do $60.00 Other - Lar $25.00 - Small $ 3.00 113 1 R101 DI 11 My-'-V�W��W' Euthanasia Fee $20.00 Breeder Permit $20.00 Owned Animal Pick- $20.00 Collars/]Leashes $ 5.00 ri 3. The adoptee produces either a handwritten note or a computer g enerated report from the veterinarian statin the fmdin and date examined. The amount of refund will be the total of adoption fee and count license fee, if purchased and returned, The ad optee is responsible for an char b the veterinarian. EXH113IT 3 r� 01 9-1-43 ; 1 111 1 1 � 11 11 r1117-15 IT-711 mil ITIr, 5-1 ( d ) Interference with an Dul Appointed A $150.00 5-5 ( A) Count License Fee $100.00 (B) Rabies Vaccination $200.00 5-6 Keepin Stra Animals $25.00 5-7 Rabies Vaccination and Control $500.00 5-8 Wearin of Collar, Ta & Identification $15.00 5-9, 5 4 (d) Do Runnin Leash Re $300.00 5-16 (d) First Violation $25.00 5-16(1) Second Violation $75.00 5-19 Three or More Violations $500-00 5-23 Unprovoked Do Bite/Runnin Loose $500.00 5-10 Vicious Animals $500.00 5-11 Barkin Do $25.00 *The owner of an animal shall be subject to escalatin fees. The fees are directed toward and a the owner. The purpose of the fee is to affect the conduct of the owner b seekin to have an owner responsibl maintain a sufficient restraint and confinement of their animal. 1 ON or I I 9-1-44 3 First Violation $50.00 Second Violation $100.00 Three or More Violations $250.00 5-12 Teas* and Molestin Mg. $100.00 5-13 Injurin Animals, Notice Re $100.00 5-14 Health and Welfare $300.00 5-15 Manner of Keepin & Treatin Animals $300.00 5-16 (d) Sterilization of Cats & Do $250.00 5-16(1) Animals imp./Judicial process/Admin. seizure $500-00 5-19 Interference with Trap or Ca $100.00 5-23 Collection of Cats and Do for Resale $500.00 5-25 Do prohibited at Mason Wet* First Violation $25.00 Second Violation $50.00 Three or More Violations $75.00 5-26 Do Runnin at Mason Inlet* (Same violation fps for Section 5-9, see above) 5-27 Proof of Sterilization/Animals Adopted in New Hanover Count $500.00 5-28 to 29 Permit for Kennels $500.00 5-30 Restraint (Do Tied Out) $250-00 5-31 Outside Enclosure $250.00 5-32 Public Nuisance First Violation $50.00 Second Violation $100.00 Three or More Violations $200.00 5-33 Responsible Breeder's Permit $250.00 5-61 to 65 Dan Do Dan Do Violations $500.00 5-66 Responsible Breedin Permit $250.00 *The owner of an animal shall be subject to escalatin fees. The fees are directed toward and a the owner. The purpose of the fee is to affect the conduct of the owner b seekin to have an owner responsibl maintain a sufficient restraint and confinement of their animal. 1 ON or I I 9-1-44 3 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 CONSENT ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and establishes the related Capital Project Ordinance. 13 -054 - Library 13 -078 - Sheriffs Office 13 -079 - Sheriffs Office 13 -080 - Sheriffs Office 13 -087 - Sheriffs Office 13 -082 - Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center 13 -088 - Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center 13 -083 - Emergency Management 13 -094 - Social Services 2013 -31 - Finance 2013 -32 - Finance STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinance for the budget amendments listed. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 13 -054 B/A 13 -078 B/A 13 -079 B/A 13 -080 B/A 13 -087 B/A 13 -082 B/A 13 -088 10 -0 B/A 13 -083 B/A 13 -094 B/A 2013 -31 Cobb Building Renovation Capital Project Ordinance B/A 2013 -32 Bald Eagle Lane Public Water Expansion Capital Project Ordinance COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 10 -0 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 054 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -054 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Support programs to improve educational performance Fund: General Fund Department: Library /Partnership For Children Expenditure: Decrease Increase Library /Partnership For Children: Salaries and Benefits $21,677 Printing $300 Supplies $13,527 $6,650 Employee Reimbursements $900 Training and Travel $300 Total $21,677 $8 Revenue: Decrease Increase Library /Partnership For Children: Grant - State - Smart Start $13,527 Total $13,527 $0 Section 2: Explanation The FYI 2 -13 adopted budget for the Smart Start Growing Readers and Raising a Reader programs was estimated. The grant awards have been made and this budget amendment adjusts the County's budget to match the award. This grant requires no County cash match. The overall reduction in the grant funding is $ 1 3,527 ($21,677 -$8, 150 =$ 1 3,527) Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -054, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 -1 -1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 078 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -078 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Training and Travel $2000 Total $0 1 1 $20 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Grant - Federal - NC (GHSP) $2000 Total $0 1 1 $20 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant award of $20,000 from the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program for travel reimbursements for Sheriffs Office personnel who will assist in the "Booze It and Lose It" and "Click It or Ticket" campaigns in Region 2. There is no County match and no new positions will be added for this program. Approval to apply for these grant funds was granted at the April 16, 2012 Board of County Commissioners meeting. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -078, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-2-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 079 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -079 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Supplies $950 Capital Outlay - Equipment $13,000 Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicle $0 $500 Total $0 $18 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Grant - Federal - NC (GHSP) $18,950 Total $0 $18,950 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant award of $18,950 from the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program for DWI Checkpoint Equipment. There is no County match and no new positions will be added for this program. Approval to apply for these grant funds was granted at the April 16, 2012 Board of County Commissioners meeting. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -079, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 -3 -1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 080 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -080 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Uniforms - Purchase $10,642 Contingencies $5,321 Total $0 $5 Total $5 $10 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Grant - Federal - Bureau of Justice Assistance $5,321 Total $0 $5 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant award of $5,321 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase bulletproof vests for Sheriffs Office personnel. The General Fund Contingency funds will be used for the 50% County match. Approval to apply for these grant funds was granted at the July 23, 2012 Board of County Commissioners meeting. There is an additional $10,642 budgeted for vests. Grant funds fund 50% of the increase or $5,321 and the grant match of $5,321 is funded by a decrease in contingency. Prior to actions taken at this Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Contingencies balance is $535,000. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -080, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-4-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 087 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -087 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Fund and Federal Forfeited Property Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Salaries and Wages $168 $603 Social Security Taxes $526 Retirement - Local Government Employee $474 Retirement - 401 K $168 $342 Medical Insurance Expense $3,468 Long Term Disability Insurance $15 Training and Travel $600 Total $0 $17 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Appropriated Fund Balance $168 Grant - Federal - NC GHSP $146,840 Transfer from FFP Fund $39,785 Total $168 $186 Section 2: Explanation To reconcile the actual second year funding award of $265,234 ($225,449 Federal and $39,785 Local) to the FYI 2 -13 adopted budget. Grant is from the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program for DWI /Speed Enforcement. The increase in grant funding is $17,688 ($ 1 86,625 -$ 1 68,937 =$ 17,688).The Local Government Resolution was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their October 15, 2012 meeting. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -087, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 -5 -1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 082 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -082 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center /Independent Life Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens & SRC /Independent Life Srvcs: Transportation grant expenditures $3,965 Total $3 11 $0 Revenue: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens & SRC /Independent Life Srvcs: Transportation grant revenue $3,965 Total $3 11 $0 Section 2: Explanation The NC Department of Transportation has notified the County that the estimated FYI 2 -13 allocation for the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) has been reduced. New Hanover County's allocation was reduced to $43,173.38. This budget amendment will reduce the revenue and expenditure budget to match the grant award. Due to the funding reduction, the waiting list is increasing to stay within budget. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -082, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-6-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 088 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -088 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Fund: General Fund Department: Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center /Independent Life Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens & SRC /Independent Life Servs: $3 Grant - Federal - State - CFCOG $3,196 Total $0 $3 Revenue: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens & SRC /Independent Life Servs: Grant - Federal - State - CFCOG $3,196 Total $0 11 $3 Section 2: Explanation To budget an additional allocation of $3,196 from the Cape Fear Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging. The required match of $355 is included within the FY 12 -13 adopted budget. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -088, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-7-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 083 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -083 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management & 911 Communications /Emergency Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Contracted Services $200 Community Emergency Response Team Grant Total $0 $2 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Community Emergency Response Team Grant $200 Total $0 11 $2 Section 2: Explanation Emergency Management has been award a Homeland Security Grant for $2,000 through the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. The grant funding will be used to run background checks on CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) volunteers. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -083, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 -8 -1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 094 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -094 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Social Services /Adult Day Care Services /Administration Expenditure: Decrease Increase Social Services /Adult Day Care Services: Day Care Services $571 Total $571 1 1 $0 Revenue: Decrease Increase Social Services /DSS Administration: DSSADMIN 1571 $571 Total $571 1 1 $0 Section 2: Explanation The Department of Social Services' allocation for Adult Day Care Services budgeted in FYI 2 -13 was less than estimated. This budget amendment adjusts the Adult Day Care Services FYI 2- 13 budget to reflect the actual grant funding. The reduction will not cause a reduction in clients, but the number of days of service may need to be reduced. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -094, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-9-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013 - 31 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2013 -31 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth / Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Build / maintain infrastructure Fund: Cobb Annex Repairs Capital Project Department: Finance Expenditure: Decrease Increase Increase Capital project expense $3,945,900 Installment financing Total $0 $3,945,900 Revenue: Decrease Increase Installment financing $3,945,900 Total $0 $3,945,900 Section 2: Explanation The Cobb Annex, a part of the County's judicial complex, is in need of repairs as determined by a recent study. Installment financing will fund the project. Estimated debt service payments will be approximately $459,664 annually over a period of 10 years at 3% interest. The first installment would be payable in fiscal year 2014. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2013 -31, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10-10-1 CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COBB ANNEX REPAIRS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the repair of Cobb Annex, which capital project involves the construction and /or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. 3. The County desires to expend its own funds for the purpose of paying certain costs of the project, for which expenditures the County reasonably expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be incurred by the County. 4. This declaration of official intent is made pursuant to Section 1.150 -2 of the Treasury Regulations to expressly declare the official intent of the County to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be hereinafter incurred by the County for certain expenditures paid by the County on or after the date which is sixty (60) days prior to the date hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is Cobb Annex Repairs Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Installment Financing $3 Total $3 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $3,945,900 Total $3 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this 13th day of November, 2012. Sheila L. Schult Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners 10 -11 -1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013 - 32 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2013 -32 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth / Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Finance Build / maintain infrastructure Expenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund $627,645 Total $0 $627 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $627,645 Total $0 $627 Fund: Fire Services Special Revenue Fund Department: Finance Expenditure: Decrease 1 1 Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund $25600 Total 1 $0 11 $256 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $25600 Total $0 $256 Fund: Bald Eagle Lane Public Water Expansion Capital Project Department: Finance Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $883,645 Total $0 $883 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from General Fund $627,645 Transfer in from Fire Special Revenue Fund $25600 Total 1 $0 $883 Section 2: Explanation On October 15, 2012, the Board approved moving forward with a project to extend public water to properties located in the Bald Eagle Lane area. The estimated cost of the project is $883,645. The County participation cost of $256,000 will come from the Fire Services Special Revenue Fund. Of the $627,645 transferred from the General Fund, $330,000 will be repaid to the County by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and $279,645 will be assessed to benefited property owners. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2013 - 32, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 -12 -1 CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BALD EAGLE LANE PUBLIC WATER EXRMVEA. i I 91111MR176 =1 1. ilew Aanover Count (Count is en in the Bald Ea Lane Public Water 0 [_.'&1J011S1V11 %.*C;1P1LC21 FlUJOUL M110611 t.-OPIL01 1 J1U J M.L !IIVUIVt;b LIM ;.U11.-2L1U%.L1u0n and/or ac of capital assets. 2. Count desires to authorize and bud for said project in a pro ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159-13.2, such ordinance tir authorize all appropriations necessar for the completion of said project. 3. The Count desires to expend its own funds for the purpose of pa certain costs of the pro for which expenditures the Count reasonabl expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be incurred b the Count This declaration of official intent is made pursuant to Section 1.150-2 of the Treasur Re to expressl declare the official intent of the Count to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be hereinafter incurred b the Count for certain expenditures paid b the Count on or after the date which is sixt (60) da prior to the date hereof. 1��001:11 :44 ;101 V 1. This pro ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Bald Ea Lane Public Water Expansion Capital Pro which pro is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said pro Transfer in from Fire Services Special Revenue Fund $256POOO Transfer in from General Fund $6271,645 Total S883&4_5 4e. The followin appropriations necessar for the pro are herewith made from the revenue listed above: M $883964g Total $883.64 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count Within five da hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and bud offices in New Hanover Count and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count Adopted this 13th da of November, 2012. Sheila L. Schult Colerk to the Board of Cornmissione m.. Jonathan Bairfield, Jr., Chairman Board of Count Commissioners 10-13-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Vice- Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager SUBJECT: Introduction of Dr. Ted D. Spring, President of Cape Fear Community College BRIEF SUMMARY: Dr. Ted D. Spring began his role as President of Cape Fear Community College on November 1, 2012. Dr. Spring comes to New Hanover County from West Virginia where he most recently served as President of New River Community and Technical College in Beckley. He served in that position for the past seven years. It is a five- campus system, serving approximately 4,200 credit students and 6,000 non - credit students in nine counties. He amassed an impressive list of accomplishments during his tenure there. Earlier in his career he served at other institutions in roles of Vice President, Dean of the College, Division Chairman and Director and Associate Professor. He holds a Master of Education from Bowling Green State University and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Maryland. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Spring to New Hanover County and look forward to his leadership in the important role he now serves in our community. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Meet the new President of Cape Fear Community College. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Meet Dr. Ted D. Spring, President of Cape Fear Community College. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Met Dr. Spring and welcomed him to New Hanover County. 11 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: Parks PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Jennifer O'Keefe, Keep New Hanover County Beautiful Coordinator SUBJECT: Consideration of America Recycles Day Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Since 1997, communities across the country have come together on November 15 to celebrate America Recycles Day. It is one day to educate and motivate. One day to get our neighbors, friends and community leaders excited about what can be accomplished when we all work together. One day to make recycling bigger and better 365 days a year. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: America Recycles Day Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 12 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AMERICA RECYCLES DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the importance of protecting and preserving our natural resources and adopting conscientious habits that will improve our daily lives and bring about a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environment; and WHEREAS, although there has been a significant increase in the amount of recycling in New Hanover County to date, we must also continue to focus on other initiatives such as waste reduction, composting, the reuse of products and materials, and purchasing recycled products; and WHEREAS, by encouraging businesses, state agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools and individuals to celebrate America Recycles Day 2012, we can further promote recycling as an environmentally efficient and economically smart habit; and WHEREAS, state and community leaders can help encourage recycling by informing citizens about local recycling options, they can also help foster greater awareness of the need to expand collections programs by promoting the benefits of recycling investments for businesses; and WHEREAS, it is important that all New Hanover County citizens become involved in recycling activities and learn more about the many recycled and recyclable products available to them as consumers; it is also fitting for New Hanover County to celebrate America Recycles Day 2012 and take action by educating citizens about the recycling options available in our community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that November 15, 2012 be recognized as "America Recycles Day" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 13 day of November, 2012. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 12 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Eliza Baldwin, GIS Technician CONTACT(S): Elliza Baldwin, GIS Technician and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Consideration of GIS Day Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: GIS Day provides a forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology and is celebrated every year internationally on November 14th. The goal of GIS Day is to demonstrate real -world applications that are making a difference in our society and to spread awareness of the many beneficial uses of geospatial technology. GIS Day is also used to engage students in geography and the world around them. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention • Support programs to improve educational performance • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: GIS Day Proclamation GIS Day Invitation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 13 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the day of November 14, 2012, has been designated GIS Day; and WHEREAS, geography has played a defining role in the settlement, history, and cultural heritage of New Hanover County, our nation, and humanity; and WHEREAS, the management, use, and exchange of geographic information is essential for effective decision making; and WHEREAS, GIS technologies are a powerful tool for supporting emergency services, economic development, environmental protection, community planning, and much, much more; and WHEREAS, there is a need to promote GIS awareness, education, and technical training among various groups to appropriately and effectively utilize this rapidly developing technology; and WHEREAS, having a day of GIS activities open to students, citizens, and government leaders will help achieve greater awareness of the benefits of GIS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that November 14 is recognized as "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 13 day of November, 2012. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 13 -1 -1 ME Im � " " " SFf 11,,t s \ \ \�t_.1r, \tt { \it 7! { 7•, trr 1 >,\t {r {ttli t 1a�rt � "Fy, , ,_ ,t. i� t 7 �, } } i \i j,.,jr ti I tl + i f / i,iu t F i '1 \{i, 1 aun� ttt2j \iJ }t ' n o {4 yy s , a a�' S S , ) ��� 71i UFp N i , l t nF1 tS t \1, s t gm MI \4, s t rc )4 ts t�i>�t: , It \r �rp f� 1 U This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Catlin CONTACT(S): Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: The purpose of the attached resolution is to create a Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee. The committee would be charged with drafting a plan to enhance New Hanover County's participation in international business promotion and international trade. This resolution supports the Board's desire to develop a Foreign Trade Zone plan. It has been vetted with the Airport Authority and the Ports Authority. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Foreign Trade Promotion Council Resolution Foreign Trade Promotion Council Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Consider the resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 14 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION FOREIGN TRADE PROMOTION COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a desirable place to live, work and do business — locally, nationally and internationally; and WHEREAS, there is a need for an organization to promote international business and international trade on behalf of New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, that: 1. A Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee is created for the following purpose: To draft a plan for enhancing New Hanover County's participation in international business promotion and international trade. This plan shall be approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and should include at a minimum the following: A. Membership requirements B. Organizational structure C. Mission statement D. Bylaws E. Operations F. Funding 2. The following members are appointed to the Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee: A. Seth Palmer, North Carolina Department of Transportation B. Jon Rosborough, Wilmington International Airport C. Tom Barber, New Hanover County Airport Authority D. Rick Catlin, New Hanover County Government E. George Rountree, North Carolina State Port Authority F. Lance Kenworthy, North Carolina State Port Authority G. Tim Burgess, New Hanover County Government 3. This Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee shall dissolve upon the completion of its purpose, or one year from the date of the adoption of this resolution, whichever occurs first. The date of dissolution may be extended upon approval of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 4. Due to the limited duration of the Foreign Trade Promotion Council Organizational Committee, the members can continue to serve beyond their affiliation and with their representative organizations, should the need arise. 5. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. ADOPTED this the 13 day of November, 2012. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 14 -1 -1 70 (1) % (T3 }/} � � t \ � \ ; \.6 vvr \� d' ~^ � ■ � � ��� O -Z ■ � 4 cn ■ � (1) � ■ � 0000"*� 0 ■ � � � ■ � � ■ � � � ■ � ■ � � \ �GA ` ?> \ { � \ � . . \ \ , \ \: \ \ \ = y (1) 70 (C) FMMM 0 LL >. t : \ 1111111111 1 ','111 « 1 % \ ~ \ � � � >*, C/) � � � 4� 0 (/) (D � � � 0 0(l) 4 � � ■ � � � � (D � cn 00 � 0 cn M c/) 0 � � ■ � � � � � � � ■ � (D � ■ � � C/) � � ■ � � � � ■ � � 0 0 � � cn � (D � x 0 (10 4 � � � 0 � � (D � cn 00 � 0 cn M c/) 0 cn � ■ � � � � � � � ■ 0 (D � ■ � � � (D � � ■ � � � � � � � � cn � 2 \ > § � � 0 ■ � � � � � � ■ � cn 0 � � ■ � � ■ � � � � � � � � � � r \ � � cn � � � 0 � � cn 00 � cn M cn 0 cn � � � � ■ 0 cn � ■ � � ■ ■ � � � � � � r \ (1) 0 cn 0 om � � � cn 0 ■ � � �o � 0 � cm � 0 � cn '0 0 4� 0 � � � � � / ^\ cn 0 � � � � � cn � ■ � 0 � � - : \ cn � � � ■ � ■ � � 0 � � 0 � � � � � 0 � ■ � � 0 0' � ' � :/ (3) 70 C6 FEMM �a (1) +Mi (TJ 0 IM ,,, r i 4 Z N U C C N 0 A MMO C O U) U) r r_ U) U (1) H O C C O �U L Q C OM N O C (a C (a C O O O Q cn cn N C cn :3 C O ca C i N C N c6 C O ca C i N C Q N �O Q Q N N O U N O O N 0 cn (� N 3 l� N C/) C/) ~ U U a�i O cn V U � mo cn N E O O � 0 C/) C/) 0 wimma M cn wima cn � N 0 � 0 cn 0 o cn � L 0 Q QLL W 3 l� cn 0 "'* O E O cn V U � mo cn N E O � 0 mc: 0 wimma M cn wima cn � N � � 0 cn , f t, 0 \i1I$l�ilf8 � M U LL 70 a) +Mi N H LL N H LL N A MMO O O C: O 0 N L N U L 0 cn L * VY, SU M6.1i L cn N cn cB c N O N (B U W N H LL cn c N N U C (a C N N H LL AMMO (1) (D � O co � � W a) O U i L 0 ca N 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 cn N � O � cn � N (D O o O � U � LU cn '0 cn � cn > o cni 0 (D cn N (B O � p � Q O mf�j Co '0 o cn U 2 ° nZ O O O 0 (n 0 Q 0 (0) f ,. i y {, 70 (1) Z3 L O t t3 � { l ;�`�J7`l tS n �� �F 4 �l i�1 { t i ) �S�} �� 4) 13 MOOMME O s a� Cl) E -4NNNN/ O C: L 2- E ! cn 0 LM O 0 C: 0 > 0 - -4NNNNF c� Q cn ■ - 0 C: :3 0 t: cn 0 C: E 0 L � Q 0 ° 0 OppCUQ • — cn cn cn — ca L. > ° � cn 0 O c� ■_ C/) I 0 _ CU -1--a • � O o C: 0 0 O a) m 0 CL : �= o • — CU CD CU C: CY) CU O Z . Q 0 z z ■ - ^^♦♦ W .IMEME (D , a V ■ - W U � W `L x a) ■ � LN NNN \V � CY Q, W � a) CL W v 2m � ^♦♦ a) x W — (A MIMEME C/) cu L) a) c;) a) 0 0 M X E W C U E Q C: x W M 0) � 0 .- 0 a) CL J _�— cu 0 -INN-j O cu x cn C: a._ C: C: ._ o) —� 4) L.WC�QN a) �� a.) �� Q � — o o o L _r_ 0 LL 0 LL > 02 9) ■ ■ L t t3 � { l ;�`�J7`l tS n �� �F 4 �l i�1 { t i ) �S�} �� 4) 13 MOOMME O s a� Cl) E -4NNNN/ O C: L 2- E ! cn 0 LM 0 Ja 0 C: 0 > E -4NNNNF c� Q cn ■ - 0 C: :3 0 t: cn 0 C: E 0 0- � Q 0 ° 0 OppCUQ • — cn cn cn — ca L. > ° � cn 0 O c� ■_ C/) Cf 0 _ CU -1--a • � O o C: 0 0 O a) m 0 CL : �= o • — CU CD CU C: CY) CU O C/) Z . Q 0 z z s V 9) � ■ � � � � � � � � � K � � � � ■ � � � P !MMMMA � � ■ � � � C: ■ � � � s cn 0 � � ■ � cn cn 0 ■ � 0 0 � � � � cn cn � ■ � cn � =0 � � � � � ■ 0 SOO s » «� \�� ^,� NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution to Approve the New Hanover County Solid Waste Program Area Management Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: As previously referenced by staff, this comprehensive solid waste management plan was prepared in accordance with N.C. General Statute 130A- 309 -09A for the purpose of meeting local solid waste needs and protecting public health and the environment. This plan and its required updates provides for the management of solid waste and reduction efforts for the next ten years in the New Hanover County solid waste planning area. The planning area includes the current unincorporated areas of New Hanover County and the Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Kure Beach, City of Wilmington and Town of Wrightsville Beach. This is the result of a collaborative effort between representatives of each of these municipalities. The completed plan was made available for public review in each municipality, and a public meeting was held on September 10, 2012. Each municipality has, through resolution, adopted the plan. A copy of the Plan is available for review in the Clerk's office. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution to approve the New Hanover County Solid Waste Plan Update for 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Solid Waste Management Plan Executive Summary COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: 15 -0 Approved 4 -0. 15 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE PLAN 2012 REVISION WHEREAS, it is a priority of this community to protect human health and the environment through safe and effective management of municipal solid waste; and WHEREAS, the reduction of the amount and toxicity of the local waste stream is a goal of this community; and WHEREAS, equitable and efficient delivery of solid waste management services is an essential characteristic of the local solid waste management system; and WHEREAS, it is a goal of the community to maintain and improve its physical appearance and to reduce the adverse effects of illegal disposal and littering; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes its role in the encouragement of recycling markets by purchasing recycled products; and WHEREAS, involvement and education of the citizenry is critical to the establishment of an effective local solid waste program; and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has placed planning responsibility on local government for the management of solid waste; and WHEREAS, NC General Statute 130A-309.09A (b) requires each unit of local government, either individually or in cooperation with other units of local government, to update the Ten Year Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan at least every three years; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Environmental Management Department has undertaken and completed a long -range planning effort to evaluate the appropriate technologies and strategies available to manage solid waste effectively. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the New Hanover County Solid Waste Plan Update. ADOPTED this the 13 day of November, 2012. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 15 -1 -1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY New Hanover County Solid Waste Management Area Management Plan — 2012 Update Summary The Solid Waste Management Plan ( "Plan') is required by NC General Statute 130A- 309 -09A (b) for the purpose of meeting local solid waste needs and protecting public health and the environment. An initial ten -year plan must be updated every three (3) years, with a specific goal of a forty percent (40 %) reduction in solid waste disposal. The Plan, as presented, is a three year update to the original ten -year plan developed in 1993. The Plan was prepared by the staff of the Environmental Management Department with the cooperation of the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Kure Beach, and Town of Carolina Beach. Each municipality is required to adopt the plan through resolution. The draft plan was made available for public review and public comment. No comments were received by county staff or by the respective municipalities. Elements of the Plan: The Plan consists of six (6) parts plus supporting appendices. These parts include: 1.) Demographics and Solid Waste Stream Evaluation. In this part, staff updates population changes, employment data, economic data, and waste stream makeup. 2.) Local Waste Reduction Goals. This part outlines the management area's waste reduction goals, based on current and pending actions outlined a supporting worksheet. 3.) Meeting the Waste Reduction Goals. In this section, each municipality summarizes their current and planned methodology for reaching the waste reduction goals set in part two. 4.) The Planning Process and Public Participation. This section describes actions taken to notify, engage, and involve the general public in the preparation of the plan. 5.) Programs Assessment and Intended Actions. Part five is a detailed description of solid waste management activities, projects, and procedures that contribute towards the overall waste reduction goal. Each municipality provided information for up to fourteen (14) different actions, including updates to actions undertaken since the last Plan update. 6.) Facilities and Resources Available Through Private Enterprise. The final section identifies all current and pending facilities and resources that are available through private companies that are engaged in waste reduction, recycling, reuse, and collection and disposal efforts. Key Changes to the Plan: .e 1.) Updated the City of Wilmington's curbside recycling collection program to include pending changes. 2.) Identified the need to establish a permanent household hazardous waste (HHW) collection facility. 3.) Identified the need to establish subscription curbside yard waste collection services to the unincorporated areas of the County. 15 -2 -1 4.) Identified the need to expand the current electronic waste ( "e- waste ") collection system. 5.) Updated the status of the County's waste -to- energy facility. Recommendation: The Department of Environmental Management recommends that the Board adopts a resolution to approve the Solid Waste Plan 2012 Update. 15 -2 -2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 16 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Thomas Wolfe, Chairman CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board, and Dan Sykes, ABC Board Chief Executive Officer SUBJECT: New Hanover County ABC Board Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County ABC Board will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County ABC Board Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation and approved a $7,000 bonus for Mr. Sykes 4 -0. 16 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABC BOARD Number of Members: 5 - Chairman designated by County Commissioners Term of Office: Three years - may be reappointed Regular meeting: Third Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the ABC General Office, 523 S. 17 Street, Wilmington, NC. Compensation: G.S. 18B700(g) set compensation at $150.00 per board meeting effective 10/1/2010. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 18B -700; increased membership from 3 to 5 members effective 10/1/2010. Qualifications: Appointed on the basis of appointee's interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good moral character. Brief on the functions: 1) Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget including employees' salaries. 3) Hire general manager to oversee day -to -day operation of the system. 4) Buy or lease property for the system. 5) Review reports and perform other duties in accordance with 18B -701. 7) Board is an independent entity of the State. CURRENT MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Cedric Dickerson First 5/3/10 (eff. 7/1/10) 6/30/12 356 Harlandale Drive Second 6/18/12 6/30/15 Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -2764 (H) 617 -8389 (C) 395 -4064 (W) Augustus Codington Everett, Jr. First 10/18/10 6/30/13 4001 Providence Court Wilmington, NC 28412 392 -6226 (H) 619 -7900 (C) 762 -6452 (W) Robert W. Martenis First 10/18/10 6/30/13 9004 St. Stephens Place Wilmington, NC 28412 313 -1312 (H) 297 -6800 (C) David I. Matthews First 4/19/10 (eff. 7/1/10) 6/30/11 1523 Landfall Drive Second 6/20/11 6/30/14 Wilmington, NC 28405 256 -3271 (H) Thomas Wolfe, Chairman First 4/19/10 (eff. 7/1/10) 6/30/13 3739 Reston Court Wilmington, NC 28403 392 -0654 (H) 228 -8569 (C) 784 -9800 (W) 16 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABC BOARD (Continued) CURRENT MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Ex. Officio: Appointed 4/19/10 Avril Pinder, Assistant County Manager New Hanover County Dan Sykes, Chief Executive Officer (4/2010) New Hanover County ABC Board File: /ABC 523 South 17 Street B/C #1 — 6.12 Wilmington, NC 28401 910- 762 -7611 Fax 343 -0491 Revised: 10/30/12 16-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 17 DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon CONTACT(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon SUBJECT: Consideration of Request for Additional Detention Center Staffing BRIEF SUMMARY: As Sheriff of New Hanover County, I am hereby requesting additional staffing for the New Hanover County Detention Facility. The current ratio of inmates to officers is 1 to 64 which is at a level that is unsafe and requires an increase in deputy positions. A total of sixteen (16) deputy positions are necessary. I am requesting eight (8) positions at this time and will request the remaining eight (8) as part of the FY 13 -14 budget process. The additional personnel will add two officers to each squad which would reduce overtime, improve officer morale and more importantly contribute to officer /inmate safety and security. As the detention facility population continues to increase so will the number of inmate assaults on officers, inmate assaults on inmates, and suicide attempts. We have had twenty (20) officers assaulted thus far this year, in addition to sixteen (16) suicide attempts by inmates. The average daily jail population has risen from 493 last year to 572 this year. Presently, on any given day we could be housing as many as six hundred (600) inmates. The increase in population has a direct impact on the risks to which our officers and inmates are exposed (see attachment). Factors contributing to our increased population include the implementation of the Justice Reinvestment Act of 2011, which placed individuals with probation revocations in county detention facilities at county expense; and Confinement in Response to Violation (CRV), which imposes confinement for 90 days for defendants under supervision for a felony or 90 days for defendants under supervision for a misdemeanor. The approval of additional deputy positions, in lieu of detention officer positions, would allow us greater flexibility in terms of utilization. These officers would be certified to carry a weapon and enforce all laws. Deputies could also be used for transportation of inmates to other detention facilities, to prisons for safekeeping, hospitals, and courts. Attached hereto is a chart which shows the staffing and inmate populations for facilities of comparable size to New Hanover County. The cost of eight (8) positions for the remainder of the year will be $268,760. The cost of sixteen (16) positions for a full year will be $860,032. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 17 -0 ATTACHMENTS: Detention Facility Stats Detention Center Staffing Map B/A 13 -081 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval of eight positions and endorsing including the other eight positions in the next fiscal year budget recommendation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 17 -0 17 -1 -1 Ln 1 [go 17-2-1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13 - 081 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13 -081 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Keep the public informed on important information Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Detention Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff s Office /Detention: Salaries and Wages $189,620 Social Security Taxes $14,505 Retirement - Local Government Employee $0 $12,835 Retirement - 401 K $9,480 Medical Insurance Expense $41,940 Long Term Disability Insurance $380 Total $0 $268 Revenue: Decrease Increase General Fund /Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $268,760 Total $0 $268 Section 2: Explanation The Sheriffs Office is requesting 8 additional Deputy positions due to the increase in Detention facility population. The current ratio of inmates to Officers is at an unsafe level, which will result in increased inmate assaults on Officers, inmate assaults on other inmates and suicide attempts. Prior to actions taken at this Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Appropriated Fund balance is $10,112,869. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13 -081, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 17-3-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 18 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Joshua Swift, Deputy Health Director CONTACT(S): Joshua Swift, Deputy Health Director SUBJECT: Consideration of the Renovation of a Facility for Public Health BRIEF SUMMARY: CoastalCare (previously Southeastern Mental Health Center) will be vacating their existing building adjacent to the New Hanover County Health Department in November 2012. Renovation of this facility for public health, together with renovation of the existing Health Department building, is highly desirable. Cost of all phases of this project is estimated at a total of $6,935,950, to be phased as follows: Phase I - Renovation of mental health building $2,485,250 Phase II — Renovation of 1 floor of public health buildin IIA — 50% of public health building $1,969,600 IIB — 50% of public health building $2,332,600 Phase III — Renovation of 2 nd floor of public health building $148,500 We are only requesting that Phase I be approved at this time. The New Hanover County Health Department has up to $2,715,254, currently held in escrow, available to fund Phase I of the renovation project. Staff requests that the Board approve the Capital Project ordinance in the amount of $2,715,254 for Phase I. Funding for Phase II and III may be requested in the future budgets. LS3P Associates, LTD. was the architect and engineer for the construction of the mental health and public health buildings. In addition, LS3P conducted the two most recent space studies for the health department. The current renovation studies, estimates and opinion of probable cost have been prepared by LS3P. Staff requests that New Hanover County be exempted, as allowed by G.S. 143 - 64.32, from the requirement to use the qualifications -based selection process to select an architect and engineer. County staff wishes to continue using LS3P Associates, LTD. for architectural and engineering services for the renovation of the health department, including current CoastalCare and New Hanover County Health Department buildings due to the firm's extensive background and previous experience with this project. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 18 -0 • Approve Capital Project Ordinance in the amount of $2,715,254. • Select LS3P Associates, LTD. as the architect of record. ATTACHMENTS: Opinion of Probable Cost Resolution Exempting Architectural ana Engineering Services Capital Project Ordinance B/A 2013 -30 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval of Phase I renovation; adoption of a resolution to exempt architectural and engineering services for the renovation project; selection of LS3P Associates, LTD. as the architect of record; and adoption of the capital project and budget amendment ordinances in the amount of $2,715,254, the amount currently held in escrow for the project. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 18 -0 V Z O O t1A O E V) O O_ a--+ [6 O O a) a--+ O a) E n3 Q a) 0 Q) U -0 a--+ N a O V ri 4 O O L J U P i O0 a cu a U O o O O N 2 o Q t, OJ Qx Z o � 'R 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O Z 0 O 0 -Ln -Ln -Ln 0 00 0 0 0 0 -Ln p o trj trj trj trj - U') - - U') - Lon O S F- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p o 0 0 o �n Z _ ul O O - 0 p` r-I r rn 00 a w _ +a — LL N O r1 l0 N 00 00 - Ln -Ln Oo r- r1 -Ln ifs N N N M O O O O � � U m L O r -Ln c H iJ iJ t N N U U N N N O U = \ w O -L6 a--+ O c c O Ln r1 � o 00 D o +, a c6 `} ,., N U w -C O a) U O 4- O `� a — +_� a--' ► , m o" °N° � v 0 0 N m Z O= O (7 0! 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ItT t/ NO - Ln V) O O N m Z O U U O O t w r-I ; r'I O O V CL a! _ ca O H V) a) U [6 Q V) U_ U O O a) 4A 4 O � Q � U E +� Q � Ln O O }' O a) +_) � ca O N C: 4J LJ O U a) � bA E O O O o Ln o o O N lD lD Ln L r (3 N 00 00 l0 M q* a a m c r-I N N M G aJ aJ aJ aJ cn cn cn cn [6 [6 [6 [6 O Ln m LP) M m l0 -Ln J 'R O o 0 0 0 0 o p o 0 0 0 p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 p o o-Ln o-Ln o 0 o p 0 0 0-Ln p O���� o— p o 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p �o O �o Z + ) O O O N O O H d` 00 Ln M 01 N O �o q* r- r-I N r- i/ 00 w o Ul O O O -Ln p L n 0 0 0 0 0 0 L r1 M t! - Ln r1 - Ln -Ln N r1 o O S F- O O O m N O O O p r- I- 0 0 0 0 0 0^ _ ul Ln � a) 4-J O Z � Ln 4-1 Z3 J o ti O O lD gyp` a w _ +a — LL z O V }, L +) O co c LZ di - O O O O � � U m 0 L `~ C LL O O LL LL LL C Q O O O Ln 0 a) Le) a) ai % O N U U N N N O U = \ w 0 0 0 -L6 a--+ O c c O Ln r1 � o 00 D o +, a c6 `} ,., N U w -C O a) U O 4- O `� a — +_� a--' ► , t/n aA o °N° � v 0 0 N m Z O= O (7 0! 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Ln U Ln O O U O w J a U Ln O a) to a a (D OJ O E cn a U - Ln 18 -1 -1 m _ J }' O O O L U = C O O O L Z `~ O LL O LL LL LL O p O O O O O O - - - - - w N \ \ \ \ \\ C \ m m m m m m 0 0 ih LJ) O 00 o 0 L!) r-I O o w O t/ NO r t!} i /} V -Ln O O O U O O r-I ; r'I O V O Z t w = ca O H V) a) U [6 Q V) U_ U O O a) 4A 4 O � Q � U E +� Q � Ln O O }' O a) +_) � ca O N C: 4J LJ O U a) � bA E O O O o Ln o o O N lD lD Ln L r (3 N 00 00 l0 M q* a a m c r-I N N M G aJ aJ aJ aJ cn cn cn cn [6 [6 [6 [6 O Ln m LP) M m l0 -Ln J V) ,--. a, a) + ) Ln Ln as O S i Ln .--. a-; U � O 4-j Q O ++ O LV � � � + N L a) O O a) a) ++ � a) O - Ln � a) 4-J O Z � Ln 4-1 Z3 O Q bA - Ln D O > O O O N aJ +� O bA i cn .a O w O O L ( .) LL O Ln (D aj � c6 O O :E + ,,= L U w + - a +� U `--' C O O O N � Q OJ o V M LLI + Ln O� LI) L.L a) - L) [6 O O Ln 0 a) Le) a) t/1 V U i OJ i i i L a) N ++ a-J + - bA a) U OJ ap m C L �_ O Q- w a) }, w O a D o +, a c6 `} ,., N U w -C O a) U O 4- O `� a — +_� a--' ► , O O 0 U Z v O O O O GO V CO w O= O (7 0! Ln U Ln O O U O w J a U Ln O a) to a a (D OJ O E cn a U - Ln 18 -1 -1 ca O H V) a) U [6 Q V) U_ U O O a) 4A 4 O � Q � U E +� Q � Ln O O }' O a) +_) � ca O N C: 4J LJ O U a) � bA E O O O o Ln o o O N lD lD Ln L r (3 N 00 00 l0 M q* a a m c r-I N N M G aJ aJ aJ aJ cn cn cn cn [6 [6 [6 [6 O Ln m LP) M m l0 -Ln J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION EXEMPTING ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT PROJECT FROM G.S. 143 -64.31 WHEREAS, G.S. 143-64.31 requires the initial selection of firms to perform architectural, engineering and surveying services without regard to fee; and WHEREAS, the County proposes to enter into one or more contracts for architectural and engineering services for work on the New Hanover County Health Department Renovation; and WHEREAS, LS3P Associates Ltd. has performed extensive studies, estimates and reports regarding renovation of the New Hanover County Health Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approve the exemption from the provisions of G.S. 143-64.31 for architectural and engineering services for work on the renovation of the New Hanover County Health Department for the reasons stated in this resolution. ADOPTED this the 13th day of November, 2012. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 18-2-1 CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY RENOVATION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the renovation of New Hanover County Health Department, including current CoastalCare and New Hanover County Health Department buildings, which capital project involves the construction and /or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. 3. The County desires to expend its own funds for the purpose of paying certain costs of the project, for which expenditures the County reasonably expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be incurred by the County. 4. This declaration of official intent is made pursuant to Section 1.150 -2 of the Treasury Regulations to expressly declare the official intent of the County to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be hereinafter incurred by the County for certain expenditures paid by the County on or after the date which is sixty (60) days prior to the date hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the renovation of New Hanover County Health Department, including current CoastalCare and New Hanover County Health Department Buildings Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Health Department Escrow $2 Total $2 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $2 Total $2 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this 13th day of November, 2012. Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners 18 -3- 1 AGENDA: November 13, 2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013 - 30 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2013 -30 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department Expenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund $2,715,254 Total $0 $2 Revenue: Decrease Increase Contribution from Health Escrow $2,715,254 Total $0 $2 Fund: Health Department Renovation Capital Project Department: Health Department Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $2,715,254 Total $0 $2 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from General Fund $2,715,254 Total $0 $2 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department has $2,715,254, currently held in escrow. Staff requests approval to use the funds for Phase I of renovations to the health department, including CoastalCare and New Hanover County Health Department. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2013 - 30, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is adopted. Adopted, this 13th day of November, 2012. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 18 -4 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 19 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): David E. Rice, Health Director CONTACT(S): David E. Rice, Health Director SUBJECT: Consideration of Submission of a Letter of Intent to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation to Fund Space Needs BRIEF SUMMARY: The purpose of this letter is to submit a request for financial support for the space needs of the New Hanover County Health Department. We have the opportunity to renovate the CoastalCare facility adjacent to the Health Department. The amount of support requested from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation is $600,000 ($300,000 for 2013 and $300,000 for 2014). Our plans are to move Health Department clinics to the renovated CoastalCare facility (Phase 1) and then renovate our current facility to enhance our programs and services (Phase 2). LS3P Associates has completed the space needs analysis and its opinion of probable cost. Phase 1 is estimated to cost $2,485,250 and the remainder of the project is estimated to cost $4,450,700. The total cost for the Health Department renovations is projected to be $6,935,950. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the submission of a letter of intent to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for $600,000. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 19 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 20 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager, and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -404, 10/12) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 53.6 of the Zoning Ordinance to Clarify District Procedures, Standards, and Requirements of the Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Staff to amend Section 53.6 of the Zoning Ordinance to clarify district procedures, standards, and requirements of the Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD). The proposed amendment includes numerous changes as summarized below: - Clarifications to the application submittal requirements to provide additional guidance to applicants to ensure adequate information is submitted to evaluate a project; - Additions to the district regulations and underlying standards to further encourage that a project meets the intent of the EDZD; -A cap on the amount of density that a project may achieve unless a project proposes a mixed use component or locates near existing shops, services and facilities; - Clarifications to the table of core and additional requirements to further encourage that a project meets the intent of the EDZD; -The addition of two new components to the table of additional requirements to allow more options to satisfy the necessary points required to establish an EDZD; - Additions and clarifications to the definition section, including a definition of "walk distance ", to further encourage that a project meets the intent of the EDZD. At their October 4, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the amendment. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Innovate programs to protect the environment • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval. 20 -0 ATTACHMENTS: A -404 Script for EDZD A -404 Text Amendment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 20 -0 ITEM # 20 SCRIPT FOR TEXT AMENDMENT A -404 10/12 REQUEST BY STAFF TO AMEND SECTION 53.6 OF THE COUNTY'S ZONING ORDINANCE TO CLARIFY CERTAIN STANDARDS FOR ESTABLISHING AN ESCEPTIONAL DESIGN ZONING DISTRICT (EDZD). CHAIRMAN 1. This is a public hearing. We will first hear a presentation from staff. Then proponents of the text amendment and opponents of the text amendment will each be allowed 15 minutes total to speak. An additional 5 minutes of rebuttal will be allowed for each side. 2. Open the public hearing. a. Staff Presentation b. Proponents presentation (up to 15 minutes) C. Opponents presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Proponents rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponents rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing. 4. Commissioner discussion 5. Is there a motion to find that this text amendment to the ordinance is consistent with the land use plan and is reasonable and in the public interest and should be adopted? Motion: Second: Vote: 20 -1 -1 A-404,11/12 TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE APPLICANT: STAFF Staff proposes to amend Section 53.6 EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN ZONING DISTRICT (EDZD). Proposed chan are 'in red. Deletions have strikes throu them. 1 53.6 -1: Intent- The Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD) provides opportunities for mixed 2 use and high density residential projects within the unincorporated areas of the County where 3 appropriate urban features are in place to support such projects without the negative impacts 4 of urban sprawl. Through the conservation of water bodies, wetlands, floodplains and open 5 space, it is intended that this district will prevent the degradation of water quality and foster 6 the preservation of natural hydrology, habitat and biodiversity. In addition, the district is 7 intended to provide design flexibility to achieve public and private spaces that advance a sense 8 of community in a well- integrated service area that diminishes the need for vehicular traffic and 9 encourages bicycle and pedestrian movements. The EDZD shall be located with respect to 10 public and private facilities existing or clearly available by the time they are required within the 11 development. 12 13 Physical character of the site and relation to surrounding property - The site shall be suitable for 14 development in the manner proposed without creating hazards to persons or property, on or 15 off the district, and free from the probability of flooding, erosion, subsidence or slipping of the 16 soil or other dangers. Condition of soil, groundwater level, drainage and topography shall all be 17 appropriate to both the kind and pattern of use intended. If appropriate to the form and 18 function of development, lands to be included in EDZD districts may be divided by streets, 19 alleys, rights -of -way or easements, but shall be located, dimensioned and arranged as to permit 20 unified planning and development and to meet all requirements in connection therewith, as 21 well as to provide necessary protection against adverse relationships between uses in the 22 district and uses in surrounding areas. 23 A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 1 20-2-1 36 Applicants are recommended to meet with staff before substantial investments are 37 made towards the design of exceptional development projects and are required to meet 38 with staff to review the exceptional development concept and criteria prior to 39 submitting an application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the County 40 and in accordance with the schedule of deadlines for Planning Board submissions. The 41 following procedures must be met: 42 a. Meet with staff A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 2 20 -2 -2 Hold 2 � � MM " meetings -v � . �, .max � � ., � . ,. . ,, � ,r� n � »fi a� E x �. 44 c :ma eawu k,� Fur Fur 6�� bw, k� -t4 -e ��*R� t uaw , m » nµ n V i r ......t ,� .� � , .5 nn ,� � ,� �� r , 45 u r r ti n nn a with n, Section 111 -2.1 ,-P ,� '4 VE 1�� 4')Fm 4 6 s d e g ii i Y` .t4 E — A,,,, :ma -ma I na Fu.. 6 Fur k„�� yd ate, 47 48 , »n tiff 49 c. Prepare application and submit by application deadline. The 50 application shall include: 51 i. Survey map as well as metes and bounds description of the 52 boundaries. 53 ii. Map showing location of existing public water and sewer lines, 54 roadway classification, existing or planned bicycle and 55 pedestrian facilities, schools, parks, nn+.nnlnn��nn�++��+ and n�n �n � . 56 shopping districts within a % mile 4, of the outermost 57 project boundary. I i i. E arow ry r` n E mF E 6 6 E dam l E dam wxu' 59 prepared in a r orlon e wit nnnnnnnennnnnn nnnnennnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnxn nnnnnennnnnen nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn n.nnxnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnxnnxnnx nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnxn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnennnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnrnn..nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 61 ,and N ew n nanove+n�nCnountvn nn.and signed by a licensed traffic 62 engineer is required for all projects (based on proposed 63 maximum density and intensity for the acreage). 64 • Fur -. - bw, Fuir k� 6� iv. Narrative p�p�nn ��n, �1 uaw w 66 »a 67 li ,fi uaw - J p f ,nn n 'ay, a�.�` nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnn ntPHnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnrt 6 V E nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnfl+n..nnnnnn nnnnnnn.+wnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn�.+nnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn'.AM.+n nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nrn� nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnntmnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn.t 69 t[�I��Ir ���d ���I �����. inn �n�n�nn D 70 V. Inventory of the existing environmental, cultural, historical 71 and natural site attributes. 72 vi. A conceptual plan that shows with reasonable certainty the 73 type and intensity of use for the proposal. A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 2 20 -2 -2 74 vii Summary of the meetings held with surrounding property 75 owners. 76 viii A checklist of the prerequisite standards that will bemet. 77 ix. Application fee. 70 X. Calculations of the requested densit and 79 documentation supporting the award of points for any density 80 bonus. 01 xi. Verifiable water and sewer expansion plans must beprovided 02 and allocation of capacity confirmed with the Cape Fear Public 03 Utility Authority. 84 xii. Phasing schedule indir ca lien ear[I of the END elements 85 w be met. 06 xiii. The project rnustrneeta||app|icab|erequirernentsofthe 07 County Zoning Ordinance. 00 d. Planning Board consideration and Board of Commissioners decision 09 after public hearing. 90 91 53.6-4: District ReguUatUons- 92 93 94 l\ The applicant must be the owner or owners of all the property to be included in 95 the district and must demonstrate that the property is jointly owned or be 96 subject toa formal agreement for unified control. Authorization to ConstrUrt rontrol is established. 97 I shall not be issued until unified 90 2\ A district must include the entirety of the parcel or parcels being considered. 99 3\ A district may not extend across any major orrninorarteria|roadvvay 100 three or more lanes of vehirUlar traffir unless the district proposes multiple, 101 unified development phases of mixed uses having safe, signalized vehicular, 102 pedestrian and bicycle facilities to connect the projects 103 . 104 105 ��T 106 107 15 A� 108 109 110 lll standards as described in Table S3.6-5 . A-404) 11/2012 Amendment Pa 3 zOz3 112 The END Certification must be assured during the first phase of 113 development or prior to completion of more than 24 units whichever comes 114 f i rst 115 ' of the END elements., 116 117 53.6-5: Underlying Standards for Projects Within an EDZD: 118 119 l\ Maximum Building height: within 2OO feet of any residential zoning district or 120 residential use (4/6/lO), building height shall not exceed forty (4O) feet. 121 2\ Building setbacks and separation: Buildings located on the periphery ofthe 122 district shall be set back rninirnurn of twenty (2O) feet from the district 123 boundary. When the proposed setbacks from the periphery of the district are 124 less than the proposed height of the buildings, the application shall include an 125 explanation of how the project reasonab|yaddressesprivacy,|ight,air,andsafety 126 impacts upon adjoining properties. 127 3\ Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article VIII ofthe 120 zoning ordinance. Projects that meet Section 53.6-1 Additional Requirements 129 l,2,3and4 130 commercial component of the project. 131 132 133 134 135 136 levels of internal ronner'' nd are well ronnerted to the roMM 137 138 139 64 ping and buffering shall bein accordance with Article 67, except that 140 required buffers may be allowed within electric utility easements greater than 30 A-404) 11/2012 Amendment Pa 4 zOz4 149 4­ G 5) Open Space(4 /6/10): Open space shall be provided within all exceptional 150 design zoning districts and except as provided in section (c) below shall equal a 151 minimum of 35% of the gross site area of the district. Open space is an area of 152 land set aside, dedicated, or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment that 153 shall be functional for uses including but not limited to: an area of environmental 154 preservation and enhancement, park, internal courtyard, plaza, playground, 155 playfield, atrium or greenway pedestrian and non - motorized vehicle easement. 156 Open space may be natural or recreational. 157 (a) Natural open spaces are intended to protect the natural 158 environment, protect water quality, provide environmental 159 education and provide habitat for wildlife. Natural open spaces 160 include natural features such as wetlands and conservation 161 overlay districts or otherwise undevelopable land. Natural open 162 spaces shall not exceed 10% of the open space requirement. 163 (b) Recreation open spaces may be active or passive and are 164 intended to provide outdoor recreation opportunities or 165 provide locations where the public is directly or indirectly 166 invited to gather, browse, sit, interact or congregate. A 167 maximum of 25% of the open space area may contain A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 5 20 -2 -5 A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 6 20 -2 -6 230 action. The Planning and Inspections Director shall certify that the conditions 231 imposed by the Board of Commissioners have been met. 232 3) Upon approval of final plans and reports, building permits shall be issued in the 233 same manner as for building permits generally, provided that any requirements 234 relating to the order and location in which building permits are to be issued in the 235 particular EDZD district shall be observed. Except as provided in this article, final 236 plans and reports approval shall be binding on the applicants and any successor in 237 title, so long as EDZD zoning is applied to the land. 238 239 53.6- Approval of Detailed Plans and Related Material is an Administrative Action 240 Approval of detailed plans and related material is an administrative action. No public 241 notice or hearing is required in connection with approval proceedings of final plans or 242 changes in approved plans, but the Technical Review Committee shall meet and approve 243 the technical merits of the final plan, and when the Planning Director or his designee 244 has certified that the plan approved by the Technical Review Committee meets all the 245 requirements and conditions of the original approval, then signatures of the Planning 246 Director and the Chairman of the Technical Review Committee shall be affixed to the 247 approved final plan. 248 249 53.6 -1119 Restrictions on Permitted Uses 250 The principal uses in an EDZD shall be as set out and approved in the original approving 251 action, unless otherwise amended by the Board of Commissioners. After the concept 252 plan has been approved, changes in any principal use or accessory use shall constitute a 253 change in the approved EDZD and shall require approval by the Board of Commissioners. 254 255 53.6 -12 Effect of Approval 256 Any area designated as an EDZD shall thereafter be developed using only the 257 exceptional design standards and proposed conditions under which the EDZD is 258 approved. Any reduction in the prerequisite standards after approval shall be 259 considered a violation of the terms and conditions of approval. In accordance with 260 NCGS153A- 344.1(c) and (d), approval of the master plan shall establish a vested right. 261 After 24 months from the date of original approval, if no construction activity has been 262 permitted, the approval of the original concept plan and any approved final plan shall 263 expire and new approvals based on standards existing for EDZD districts at that time 264 shall be required. Extensions of vested rights beyond the first 24 months may be 265 a p p roved i n tier r orlon r., a wife Se r., tion 112 6 266 267 .,,, »�we ✓, �aw' "nn...LL c ` , -,»m uaw 1» i. nw .. n=<,.wjw"� xry c -,»m - ,:,»m nw 'wn,.'+ u� u is ry x 269 270 53.6 -13: Modifications 271 Site specific development plans may be modified upon review and approval of the 272 Planning Director. Minor changes may be approved in the same manner as set forth in 273 Sec. 71 -1(9). Major modifications, including additional density bonuses may be A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 7 20 -2 -7 274 approved by the Planning Director or his designee and the TRC when the prerequisite 275 standards are maintained and sufficient additional points accrue to support the request. 276 However, modifications that conflict with small area neighborhood or corridor plans 277 shall not be approved in this manner. Projects that remove components for which 278 density or intensity bonuses have been awarded must modify the plan accordingly and 279 submit for approval. 280 281 53.6 -14 Exceptional Design District Standards Converted to Points 282 De 283 arre. All reed si i onal r�u - - - 284 �� � �d� �, d�� �� � 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 The following table includes the criteria that shall enable a project to be classified as and Exceptional Design District and allow for the density bonuses herein provided. The first six (6) criteria are required for any project to initially qualify for Exceptional Design review. In addition to the first six criteria, an additional twelve (12) points are required from the remaining ten (10) additional criteria. Planning and Inspections Director will determine whether criteria are properly met. CORE REQUIREMENTS ( italicized items are further defined in Definitions Section) 1. Smart Location REQUIRED Option 1: Locate project on an infill site, gym. Option 2: Locate project on an adjacent site with pre - project connectivity. Option 3: Locate project near existing or planned adequate transit service. Option 4: Locate project near existing neighborhood shops, services, and facilities. 2. Proximity to Water and Wastewater Infrastructure REQUIRED Option 1: Locate project on a site served by existing water and wastewater infrastructure. Replacement of or other on- location improvements to existing infrastructure are considered existing for the purpose of achieving this option. Option 2: Locate project within an area scheduled for water and sewer expansion where verifiable expansion plans can be provided and allocation of capacity can be confirmed with the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. 3. Significant Species and Ecological Communities REQUIRED Option 1: After consultation with the NC Natural Heritage Program map as found on the New Hanover County online mapping services, no species present or likely to be present that are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, NC endangered species list or listed in the NC Natural Heritage Program as either A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 8 20 -2 -8 Nationally, State or Regionally Significant. Option 2: If initial consultation with the NC Natural Heritage Program map is inconclusive, then a qualified biological scientist performs biological surveys to determine the presence of endangered or significant species or the applicant consults with the NC Natural Heritage Program in Raleigh to receive a State determination. Option 3: If endangered or significant species are found, comply with an approved Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) under the Endangered Species Act for each species or receive an approved mitigation plan from the NC Natural Heritage Program. Option 4: If endangered or significant species are found and no approved HCP exists, work with an appropriate authority to create and develop one or develop an approved mitigation plan with the NC Natural Heritage Program. 4. Wetland and Water Body Conservation and Preservation REQUIRED To prevent bacterial contamination of surface water, install pet waste stations within required open spaces and implement a maintenance schedule for the pet waste stations -and - Option 1: Locate project on a site that includes no jurisdictional wetlands, water bodies (including but not limited to intermittent and perennial streams) or land within 100 feet of these areas. Option 2: Locate project such that pre - project jurisdictional wetlands, water bodies (including but not limited to intermittent and perennial streams), and land within 100 feet of such areas shall not experience significant destruction or lasting detrimental effects to water quality or other protected natural resources as a result of new development. Significant destruction shall include the construction, excavation, deposition, of materials in, over or on such land or any work that would affect the course, location, condition, or capacity of the receiving water body. C e a t e a 1of1pj-terrn man a g � I plan for on t e wa t er bodies tiu ad t E �i xn a th °�M - ¢ xn 4��5F E n �i!m E t� E �ry - ¢ E E �i - ¢ n �i 'y, xn6. - ¢ �!m6. iu nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnl nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnennnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnennn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn. nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn�nnrtS:nn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn �.+t:P:4: m E E & + li e n t 5. Floodplain Avoidance REQUIRED Option 1: Locate on a site that does not contain any land within a 100 -year floodplain. Option 2: Locate the project on an infill site or a previously developed site and comply with the NFIP requirements for developing portions of the site that lie within the floodplain. A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 9 20 -2 -9 Option 3: Develop only on portions of the site that are not in a floodplain or on portions that have been previously developed. 6. Stormwater Management REQUIRED Implement a comprehensive stormwater management plan for the project that infiltrates and reuses stormwater runoff. Stormwater shall be managed following the principles prescribed in the New Hanover County -City of Wilmington Joint Low Impact Development Manual and will enable a project to use the LID -EZ Spreadsheet Tool. A determination that a project qualifies as a Low Impact Development shall be made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (MINIMUM OF 12 POINTS FROM THE CRITERIA LISTED BELOW IN ADDITION TO THE CORE REQUIREMENTS) . e es I n 4! ¢ d e E e xu' d e n tt E 1 -. 6 t� - �h 6. 4! t� E 4! 6. xu' t� mF xu' E E xu' 1h... w € �6. tht r cn» nnnnn » »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn n »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nnnnnnnn nn�..+nnn »nn »nn »nn nnnn+nn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nnnnn »nn »nn »nnt tn � _ � �' �-. ei! _ ei! 3 �6 �6. . E tt e t h � 6 . t� xu' - mF 4! . � - Sur r!n» »nn »nn »nn tk nnn »nn »nn � nnn »nn »nn »nn »nn »nn »nn .. nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »t� nnnnn »nn »nnn� .. »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nn »nn »nn »nn nnnnnnnn'.+'�nn:f`»x »»n nx »»x »»x »»n nnn»x »»x» »x »»x »»xn ... »»xn n»x »»x »»x» n»x »»x »»x »nn nn »»x »»x ".�...,„ t h at `�_ \ d'Jr 4nw'b _ _ bx _ walk = �+av t "",� pnvr:. n _ _ �v.= -. l east r Y, _ d $ :e�! - R - r a -:e�! a, �i }: ' VY (� gv.='. E � E � � E xu' � '€ � � �6. t W �i �3:�� � �¢ - mF � t�' xu' E � �3:�� � � - � t'� � 1h... 1 � � W'S p� -. � mw �6. E cn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnnnnnnnnn ^�Smx €'n nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n .� "� - - 4""`'Yt ��� � 4""`'Yt n :ei! k Y, 6. e �i xu ¢..e xu xu �» e m� xu 6. ra! xu xu xu �'. e r!m tt �6. n € 3 . 6 �6. Jeast nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnnn�rnNnn »nn »nn n�.+ nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn �� » � 'u xu � rv� � ��i E� n eF 3 E 'u xu 6a. u xu from l w , w �6a �6a. HI � c � � e e e r �i � ` 'u xu � use ' eF E � �6a. � 'u xu - - k - r -�:ei! r..! v` r -r -�:ei! r -r -�:eJ $§jf t he t hree -r -�.ei! Y��` r�:ei! r - r -�:ei! r..! - r -�:ei! 4 r cn» .....nn ..... »nn ... ....nn »nn nnnnnnnn »nn »nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn »nn nnnnnnnnn nnt!i »nn nnnnnnnn »nn »nn »nn »nn »nx µ wi thin the W� e Iy ! list is reauired. *F o r sup - b sup mo than - bx su - m ix e d � -. pn � ia! k n� R S ` 4n � $ §j f t`n .! r R - - r - ia! � -. k - i:J - ia! $§jf i:J - r .! r E 6. �6. 1 � �6 e xu x �. - ¢..e tt xu a r th 1 �i - ¢..e xu xu cn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn'.+�.+ nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnnnnn�en »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn fl�+ nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nn�:+nnn »nn »nn »�.+ nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnn »nn »nn »nnn�nnn »nn »nn »nnn nnnnnn »nn »nn» nnnnnn:�nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn nnnnn »nn »nn »nn must Vi e+ satisfied 2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Access 1t 2 or 4 Provide an internal bi y r It ti t�nclude a pedestrian or �» p p oints bicycle through- connection in at least 90% of any new cul -de -sacs, except where prohibited by topographical conditions. a n d.!. 4""`t`p v - T�:i:! -�9� €Tm €Tm N- _ _ � _ _.: - mti! �_NY 4nwyp =T .! -T�:i:i! 4nwyp 't• = T�:i:i! - Am y_ in k _ _ bx _ - _ L 'ar$§jf: HI E �6. � e � s�(a p 4 -- crl � 4! �» � 4�' m::p _ , rft Wfl' ti# ry = m::p 6.! nw�i 6. t 1 t� xu c Eu 6 E 1 rtmF 1 aP' xF! Pt: nP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! P' xF! P'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! P' xF! P'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! P' xF! P'. TMPx* xF! P' xF! P' xF! P'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMPx.'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! P' xF!P'.TMP'.TMP'.TMP'.TMPt?Pt:;B:F4R '. TMP'. TMPt? P' xF! P' xF! Pt: nP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMPt? P' xF! P' xF! Pt: nP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF!P'xF!P'xF!P'.TMP'.TMPnM. ..' xF! P'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! P' xF! P'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP'. TMP' xF! P' xF! 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Housing and Jobs /Commercial Opportunity Proximity 2 points Option 1: Include a residential component equaling at least 30% of the project's total building square footage, and locate and /or design the project such that the geographic center is within a % mile walk distance of pre - project full -time equivalent jobs equal to or greater than the number of dwelling units in the project. Option 2: Include a non - residential component equaling at least 30% of the project's total building square footage. -a m fi n• - - - - �� �r »w, ii :v, : »: » -rI � d' ✓n". � ,,.,.,,t. s� .,.�,. , . - . t.,.,..,,x , » » » »: Ey�:rr »fi uawr` �:nw�i � � tiu:�r.� � eF 6�:� » � x �». r Vi6�: �c nfi e � � c �`t » �,m re 4� 6�:� �,m m eF � � �» �Ea rr T � c S6�:� » uawr"�», *�mF�m ua�wr�E�� .:mm tiui:Y% uawr" I'r��- �1r�rcm uw » » -., � � *�„r� ».:fro �a .. � +'�»,:w � - : = . ` G _: ..,� .., � �., V� b. $ , c x *nn W.�.x. erftu - :tu h,» r: y, .,.iin .,.t :» .. ,re�nx -' fu gmYl��iiiitir- xe . i:rv,. nnrz u=w - nm.,.,.,. , 1, .nnnx �U�n� ry =i �N#..N,.x xxr� xr» - n nv�,�+`.t=.:fin. , & »fi �Wrw����'� �»m � C a�rw^` +� » ��»t ,�u�aw r� »fi ��� � �C s� �'. tY ���»fi ���'� E_u�rr. Il �,nw�i & xaw & �.r»»fi .::k� � � »fi �+� rc�»fi .�m. :F'. .«:.n. . •k 4 t » S. r »try# - » s MYf �m �wwxxk , TYNNNnxx -„ ..ti.t. nnti, � - rvrvri �i ry �h,'ry� g . -. e �a .� vsfire -`� *��.�#. »!�nrRnnnnx�' .rvmnx .r -rir - MYd �::ry - _ - . .. rv.,. zmxn *,� `t re.,.,.,. L L ­ iWN.�.h » » » rcrcrcrcrcrcrcm" TfiftU.n:�sJt nw ,:, »m �uaw4 »m "»;mFr4 uaw uaw c R & » »fi Eu�r. �` `liu.:rk� nm nw �nw ,:, »m i�, 6z:� �;mF��, »fi uawS ti� Ae., n � »m rb �� .:. !;eSMll?"... i x _ - ;I!? F II ua�wE `rvni ?. FIMNNNN.:q ma *�mF� tµti.F\N#.'tiN rvn MF \ � U1''�:.]� ��„- fi Ij r�@ - Y..Ce!"lrc ,� � : � n - a fib`. &? r'U� v.+ .. A � km-»3n .rrvs. .� - rrvs rrvs km_x!t: � �km_x!t: .m 1 4-X ,ww, F �' 4 b. �� '�illll _ � 6 -- nnriit sfimIIMNNNN i9..iiiiii.n w rcsfi, n, .,.1111 nn N»`rvxr-- cv`�= , �» -_ - n n.{�litWx..r h,'. W�x..r ,n» ..flw .. ti »a rah, nrr.,., �� � rv»t }yy»`.i.'Ai(�- `�� ' r y � , '� -- am E-�rr. ., am >NU �y, rc , �am � 0 8 .. 1 {. Er. r » � � �y, "4»m � {!. "4»m ., � E� �� "� "..!��» "4 "4 »m � u � ., � » � �.� u x?'. �,»� , � 0 � y5 `�"4 .:. w �.. u .:>� �py, � .:. w w �py, -. .:. �� w .:>� -. .::f+" .:. aw � �py, .:>� aw `tr» .:. w p� uz° s:, � - ,mr :A frn u: ., nitr, �„ nkRrm,. ,,,,,. »n :n,. ,„ w^,rr:Yv - r.n m - ,re �mr, -.,i n, �,,,,,, ,x �! mKms ,. r`•»:U, -, rr-3r» „m �,�r t . ��� i �� �».:!» �w�. ,n : r �� . ��r � � tim nw � nw :, `(b Eu nw aw Em nw � f T"u Ya:e u 1: n, uawu" r� - � Transit Facilities 4 1PNFP1" tWNFPI "tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFP4IU 4 points Locate development within r rY2nUmile of an existing or planned transit route. T "he. �v. =-.v.` R t 3 S 3 S S S : R 3_ 3,r" - »k R _ »k N. n,5 ha s ,J bx .J rs, y' egg+ bx -_ :a! - :a! - t "i 1 v t» - E �» �», e Eu E E 6. »+ W �i °�M = mF W �i au� t», t » E t Em - mF W �i % Em v Em E 2n »»x »nn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnn'renntd!:?»x »»x »»n nnnnnnnnnn»xnn� nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnnn»x »»x »»x» nnnnnnnx »»x »nnn nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnn »»x »»x »»x n+� nnn.�+n.. »»x »»xn nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnnn»x »»x »»x» nnn»x »»x »»x »nn��nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnn»x »»x »»x» 3�v. =' ;!i. 3g $ dµ, f u nd s d ({(�y�r ;!i. ;.!i. ,. dµ, -v.` d ,t and d S a �6, »+ 4. a t"» e W �i v mF n W �i - mF v f �Em t» �» 6 »+ 6. »+ W �i t, e .j E W �i Em E W �i �», e Eu t�» Em servire will 11 r.nn»xnnn nnnnxn»xn»xn»n nnnnxn»xn»xn»n nnnnxn»xn»xn»n nnnnnn»xn»xn»x nnnn»xn»xn»xn nnnn»xn»xn»xn nnnn»xn»xn»xn nnn»xn»xn»xnnn nnnnnn»x »t:�rnnrn nnnnne»nn»xn»n nnnnxn»xn»xn»n nnnnxn»xn»xn»n nnnnnnnnn»x »»x"� ,„� , »w:� »a:.. »k a »w:� l a te r a »w:� - a »w:� HI 50 _ d'9' � 4 »w, - t -- ::J t -- ' ! - � -. :a! ik - k ({(�y�r({(�y�rpyy� :a! - x eF6 > 1 1!m 6.> E �» th 6.>!m!m �6.> v � �6.> v ttl» - `!6 »n nnn »»x »»x »»x nnnnnn^ foot E n b :`mnnx »»nnnx »»xn. .a -. a Wnw�i .a.. iµ� Provide or identify covered and at least partially enclosed shelters, adequate to buffer wind and rain, with at least one bench, at each transit stop. a n d.!. Provide kiosks, bulletin boards, and /or signs devoted to providing local public transit information as part of the project, including basic schedule and route information at each public transit stop within or bordering the project. fi 4 1PNFP1" tWNFPI "tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFP4IU 5. Certified Green Building 2 points Design, construct, or retrofit one whole residential or non - residential building to be certified through: LEED, NAHB Green Building Standards, North Carolina Healthy Built Homes or Green Globes. &L. Minimum Building Energy Efficiency 4 1PNFP1" tWNFPI "tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFPI"tWNFP4IU P points ! - f For non - residential, mixed use, and multifamily residential buildings four stories or greater, new buildings must r a »fi 7A­ $§jfpy ti y � -6 -. ({(�y�rpyy� - 6 -, $§jf lis te d - kt2 ! 1���ttl» �» � E �» ttl»� - �� .>v ttl»� - � E W�i W�i�» N .>� ti .. � - e+f�1����» � �»�- N. E � new multi famil nnn nnn nnx »Y:nrn nfl�nnnnn »»x »»x »»x nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnnn»x »»x »»x» nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnn »»x »»x »»x A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 11 20-2-11 residential buildings three stories or fewer and new single - family residential buildings, 90% of new buildings must meet the - r _:::.� dµ, wit hin -:::.� � - _ -: � n; -� �;n� _ + n � �:n� - t;n� dµ, .� �:n� HI �. ...� _� � ��� :::.� � d - = n� dµ, _ - • :::.� xu' W�i e 6. xu' E 6. 6 W�i 6. c »� E 2' "mF W�i 6 W�i e cn »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»nn»nn»nnnnnnnnnnnt�.+nn ». N�rn , l l .' O � �1 e Re E g :g H(.roFYNH(.ro o u c 11 n pnw' pnw'b ' a te o n-s i te pnw'b k � -. r..! _ 4! �ia>• "!u �ia>• Eu � � �» �6�!>• � �,`;u �i�!>• *�mF � �» � �» � �3: Eui � � � � � g �r r y� �: -:�:`� � �» � Eu � �i�!>• �jY uawxu - *�mF 4! � c Eui uawxu uawxu �i�!>• Eui v Eu nw�i r!n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» Sm nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnn»x »»x »»x »nn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnn »»x »»x »»x nnn »»x »»x »»xn nnn»» x»» x »»xnnnnt�P�PNt�mn`•Fnnn��nnn»x» "^a t�Ni'�nnn»x »»x »»x »nn »»qx »»x »nn{� nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnnx$.. »»x »»n nnnnx »»x »»x »»n nnnnn »»x »»x »»x nnn »»x »»x »»xn �'Snnn»x a "'t he r m a l - x _t - ty., - - w'�a es - - g^ vriu 'C✓.M +� - - �e°w� _ - - ieu .! -::�! ::J -1 `.�� [�f ,y?@' ty =($ R ;_ }gy b qp.;� ;;;k� ,y?@' yvrt _''��**pp e n e my f'# re� g�g w '*tUa� f�� er e 5. t .. 4 $ vl re -' e� f;� k!eaa �: ' annual 'Ex nnH`nn .+.. »»n »»nn nnnnYn »»n »»n »nn »x »»nn nnnn� »»n �.+ »»n »»n :ty :ty � and t he r ma l � v t � eF E E �» W �» � a i , d 1 .. t��ynn t h n !m !m + .j + ¢+u d r.nn»nnnn nnnnnn»nn»nn»n nnnnnnnn,Aen» .t nn E nnnn»n »»n »»n nnnnnn»nn»nn»n nnnnnnn»nn»n�n nnnn»nn»nn»nn nnnn»nn»nn»nn nnn»nn»nn»nnnn [,[I nn nnnn nn»nn»nn»n nnnnnnnnn »�n. N. t•�rnnnnnnn.+�n.+ »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnnn»n »»n »n. Water Efficient landscaping 96 2 points Reduce potable water consumption for outdoor landscape irrigation by limiting turf to 25% or less, incorporating rainwater catchment system(s) such as rain barrels or cisterns into the project, installing drip irrigation and utilizing stormwater for landscape irrigation. 1)9. Native L.a i (, r r µ �1�, s Wnw�i C o 1 .j t� E 4! 6 1 h t� 6. 6� k h xu' �» - t� xu' E W �i ¢ tt E t 6 n 6 n xu' tt e and cn »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n :�n.+nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnnn»n »»n »t�n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n �. »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnnnnnnnnn�n.+n nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n ^Smnn€'nnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n d µ, e r -::ei! r.:! " ate E E r -::ei! �v.= -. �v.= -. n dµ, W �i - E i on t - E xu' E 6. E 6. E xu' e b " E I an!, xu' dam' E E cn »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnnnnn »»n ». N�rn nnnnn »»n »»n »»nnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnnn »»n »»n »» nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n t - invr:.5 - - `U S r r and _ `U 9r" _ r 9r" 3 ;r'' _ a 9r'' r a nd 3 ;ir' 1 ° Sir' r _ r » E ; t xu e 'u xu ti n» r �i e n» � c E �» eF � 'u xu n � ti �» �i u xu eF E ; e u xu E �» r �i e ti r �i eF E � u xu �6� . -' it �h f � �» , u xu � c t r ..»n »nn .... �+ ......... ..... .... .. .... ....... ...... »nn ......... .... ..... .....»n .»n »»n nnnnnnr.+�.+n»nn»nn ......n ...» ......... ...... ... »»n ..... �..+..... ... .... ......n ... i ��-. : r -::e! k �ir -. - r - r - r - -- of -- � E xu � xu m�. � nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnnn »n�n.. »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnnn »»n »F�H`nn nnnnn 6 i>• + �#xx e e n t �#xx �6 n W �i t �d n sha e E E n e W �i E x»'' E 6 x»'' E b _F 2n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnn »»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»nn nnnn»n »»n »»n» nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnn»n »»n »»n »nn nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n nnnnn »»n »»n »»n 10. Building Orientation 2 points Design the project so that a minimum of 75 percent of the building sites are constructed with the longer dimension of the structure facing 0 -30 degrees of south. 11 Affordable Housing points Include minimum of 15% of the dwelling units as rental and /or for -sale dwelling units priced for households earning below area median income (AMI). Rental units must be maintained at affordable levels for a minimum of 15 years. A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 12 20-2-12 307 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 320 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Diversity of Uses List Use One: Retail Convenience Store Florist Hardware Store Pharmacy Miscellaneous retail Use Two: Services Bank Coffee Shop Hair care Health club Laundrv/Hryc|eaner K4edica|/denta|office Restaurant Offices for private business and professional activities Use Three:CUvUc/CommmmunUty Facilities Child care (|icensed) Civic/cornrnunitycenter Place ofworship in a building Police/fire station Post office Public library Public park School Senior care Social services facility A-404) 11/2012 Amendment Pa 13 zOz|3 Associated Technical Standards for Section 53.6 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance, Exceptional Desi Zoning District 336 337 Definitions 330 339 340 V Ik Distance- For "Arian must be able to 'travel between 341 afe and reomfortable environment on a, 342 343 r)edestrian farilities. Pedestrians should not have to rross a street limits 344 345 346 Core Requirement 1: Smart Location 347 Infill Site is defined asa site where at least 7SY6of the perimeter of the property 340 borders parcels that have been previously devel 349 350 Previously Developed is defined asa site having pre-existing impervious coverage that 351 would typically have required regulatory permitting to have been initiated. 352 353 may be met when the proposed project is|ocated so that 2SY6 354 of the project boundaryisad'acenttoaprevious|ydeve|opedpropertyandconnectivity 355 of the site and adjacent land is at least ninety (90) intersections/square mile as 356 measured within al6-rni|e distance ofacontinuous segment of the project boundary. 357 Locate and/or design the project suchthatathroughstreetand/ornonrnotorizedright- 350 of-way intersects the project boundaryat|easteveryQOOfeet,connectingvvithan 359 existing street and/or right-of-vvay outside the project. (4/6/lO) 360 361 Existing or planned adequate transit service: At|eastSOY6ofdvve||ingun its and 362 business entrances within the project must be located within l6 rni|e walk distance of 363 existing or planned bus transit stops. 364 r jf t h a t i t h a s a o v e d t t h a t i n r I u d e s � " Jfjr 365 366 ' 367 360 Location of joroiect near existing neighborhood sholys, services, and facilities: The 369 project boundary must be within Xmile walk distance ofat least five (S) or within l6 370 mile walk distance of at least seven (7), of the diverse uses in the Diversity of Uses List in 371 Section S3.6of the Ordinance. Uses must include at least one use from each ofthe A-404) 11/2012 Amendment Pa 14 zOz|4 377 situated in a single building or under a common roof; c) a single retail store of any type 378 may only be counted once even if it sells products associated with multiple use types. 379 380 Core Requirement 3: Significant Species and Ecological Communities 381 The Natural Area Inventory for New Hanover County shall be found on the New Hanover 382 County Planning Department's website. The Inventory was designed to identify the 383 highest quality natural areas and natural communities in New Hanover County. Only 384 Significant species are determined to be regulated under this requirement. 385 386 Core Requirement 4: Wetland and Water Body Conservation and Preservation 387 Long -term management plan —This plan must manage the identified resource for at 388 least ten (10) years and include biological objectives consistent with habitat and /or 389 water resource conservation. The plan should identify the following: a) procedures for 390 maintaining the conservation areas and personnel to carry out those procedures, and b) 391 estimated implementation costs and funding sources. 392 393 Core Requirement 6: Stormwater Management 394 The New Hanover County - City of Wilmington Joint Low Impact Development Manual 395 shall be downloaded from the New Hanover County Planning website. In order to meet 396 this requirement, a determination that the project is in fact a Low Impact Development 397 project, must be made by the County Technical Review Committee (TRC). 398 Representatives from the project are encouraged to meet with County Planning and 399 Engineering staff prior to submittal of the project to the County's TRC. 400 401 Additional Reauirement 2: Bicvcle and Pedestrian Access gi � � . �:�� �� ,:�� 4 2 c o ntinu ous n e w �d ,� l� �d n sist a tid tidd HIS, 0 Bi cy cle �� E E E E 6 -. 6 -. E 6 -. 403 g� u�g� l l u u� l u g� HIa� 404 trails tint least tint leas � ��� � �� � � �d � ��� ��� lid �� ti �d l� �� �- 6 - � E6 -. - 66 -. E - 405 � � h � t f 406 Dedestrian standards 407 408 Bicycle Storage for Multifamily Residential: In order to meet this requirement, the 409 project must provide secure bicycle racks on -site with at least one bicycle space per ten 410 (10) dwelling units and no fewer than four (4) spaces per project site. 411 412 Bicycle Storage for Retail: The project must provide secure visitor, customer and /or 413 employee bicycle racks on site, with at least one bicycle space per 5,000 square feet of 414 retail space, but no fewer than one bicycle space per business or four bicycle spaces per 415 project site, whichever is greater. 416 417 Bicycle Storage for Commercial Non - Retail: The project must provide secure employee 418 and /or visitor bicycle racks on -site with at least one bicycle space per 10,000 square feet 419 of commercial non - retail space but not fewer than four bicycle spaces per building. 420 A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 15 20-2-15 421 Additional Reauirement 5: Certified Green Buildin 422 Building certification must be completed by the applicable program's third party 423 certification program (i.e.: NAHB Green Building Certification must be conducted 424 through the local NAHB certification program). 425 k� 4 a t� ,�y�� �r, ` yy;;� 1�y` .,ru hnF4 �. 4 h , ,n au {g t mdY kn,:m n R,Nft#x. rennn vns4 »'iM�,Nks: -�r n�R,NftYn. r ...k .rear:.' z. :�- -, -. m�dW .n � .. t%�.m � tttl'i ".. m r� u .mMr .rear:.' rm as ,,,. � Sri... � rrv. "�, » »,s , - . - '{ . �`Y., , 427 �, : �� �,��, r � r� ���� �,� �����,� ���r t� r r `� �, � �n�r« »fi��n��ti�r gµ � ����µ »fi�r���n »fi� �� ���� � ;'�� 4 - a.,g ffi _� a rw ynrk 4 - a rw - :Y �, :�„ „�:.rr ,- - , mz �:r,.o„ nr�'.. . . - . - ,:,xi , , :,. r , w .. , f»�, -.- :.; L,,,-,E - mrr�,�, ++�� -,� », „�, > rr,,,., m,,n. mr.. ,�rnnn. 428 »fi����� »fi�� �� ��°�:r� gµ ��,��`� � � �� � »fi�� d�nw�,»fi»fi gµ »fi ��� n �nw ti»fi��nn.�� � »fi 429 430 Vk­ /-A, S- » tA 431 .e. _ - �,,,,,,,: - Z . as „ran: n ,, 432 �, r ����� �������� ���,� r r r r � �,� :� � »fi ti� gµ �n�� ti� »fi �d :� �� ti., n � »fi � � � � n �; - nxn nn.,.,. �hr n, R`ffiftYnn n .rr , erh.r: IMNNNNxtiA , r.,m. F„v» hr - n. -..r rr rciY4 ?4'r » »xrr s7mr IMNNNNrt "trrr fi r„ x. » - - .m. N'RRNNkxi�„nM SO.n tff Wx. r - ,.-., t, ,.,., r.,.,.,.,.n hn - r ItiNNNN.sf- nh ,.,.,.,rr e ri n {,nr flRN xxxxxxn .s nTfifiYnnnnn .m n, R`ffiftYn. r 4 33 »fi »fi � »fi ` 33 � n � � � � :� � � .,�:,� 434 3 435 E. �!! 436 437 Additional Requirement 11: Affordable Housing 438 For rental units, affordability must be priced for households earning 4_'C4 ' 6 % of the area 439 median income (AMI). Rental limits are calculated annually based on te HUD Standard 440 Income and Rent Limits table. For sale units, affordability will be based on sale price 441 limits established by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency First -Time Home Buyer 442 Mortgage and Downpayment Assistance Program. (4/6/10) A -404, 11/2012 Amendment Page 16 20-2-16 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 21 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -406, 10/12)- Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 -2.1, 112.1 and 121 -3 to Provide Clarification to Community Meeting Requirements and Notification Requirements BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Staff to amend Section 111 -2.1, 112.1 and 121 -3 to provide clarification to the community meeting requirements and notification requirements. The proposed changes establish uniform guidelines for districts requiring notification for community meetings and other hearings. The guidelines also specify how to notify rental property residents. At their October 4, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the text amendment. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval. A TT A VU IXTTC • A -406 Script for Comm Mtg Notification A -406 Amendment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 3 -1, Commissioner Berger dissenting. 21 -0 ITEM # 21 SCRIPT FOR TEXT AMENDMENT A -406, 10/12 REQUEST BY STAFF TO AMEND SECTION 111 -2.1 112.1 AND 121 -3 TO PROVIDE CLARIFICATION TO COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIREMENTS AND NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. CHAIRMAN 1. This is a public hearing. We will first hear a presentation from staff. Then proponents of the text amendment and opponents of the text amendment will each be allowed 15 minutes total to speak. An additional 5 minutes of rebuttal will be allowed for each side. 2. Open the public hearing. a. Staff Presentation b. Proponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) C. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Proponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing. 4. Commissioner discussion 5. Is there a motion to find that this text amendment to the ordinance is consistent with the land use plan and is reasonable and in the public interest and should be adopted? Motion: Second: Vote: 21 -1 -1 A -406 AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE APPLICANT: STAFF Staff proposes to amend Section 111 -2.1, 112.1 and 121 -3 to provide clarification to community meeting requirements and notification requirements. oposed changes are in red,".. 4!B1YPEt@FYPEt@FYPEt@FYPEt@Y:- 111 -2.1: Required community information meeting before consideration Before an application will be accepted as complete for a zoning amendment for proposals involving Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use District, Conditional Use Zoning District Coi D g L11121 �r , p et iti oner must i nclude a :::::::::::::. . . � the � written report of at least one (1) community information meeting held by the petitioner. The community meeting shall be held prior to submission of the application for map amendment but a a spg�� � � The p r i mary p urpose of the --------------- ---- community meeting is to explain the upcoming proposal and field questions from people in the surrounding area. n ��r� �.� e written notice ...... ............. - �, - , ... � c c 1. : ------------------------- ma x.::::: ................................... . . .. ......... ....... ...... ����� ��.e � �1 � ..�. organizations entitled to notice based on a standing written request on file with the Clerk to the Planning Board ( "Sunshine "). The meeting should focus on information exchange between an applicant and the specific invitees but should be open to the general public as well. The report shall include, at a minimum the following a„f j, (1) A list of those that were not able to be contacted and reason(s) why contact was not successful (2) Date, time and location of the meeting; (3) Roster of the persons in attendance at the meeting; (4) Summary of issues discussed at the meeting; and (5) Description of any changes or adjustments to the rezoning petition made by the petitioner as a result of the community meeting. In the event the petitioner has not held at least one (1) meeting pursuant to this subsection, the petitioner shall file a report documenting efforts that were made to arrange such a meeting and stating the reasons such a meeting was not held. The adequacy of a meeting held or report filed pursuant to this section shall be considered by the Planning Board in its decision and by the County Commissioners, as appropriate but shall not be subject to judicial review. (9/07) 21-2-1 Petitions Section 112: Approval Process 112.1: (1) Whenever a zoning classification change or Special Use Permit is proposed, the Planning and Inspections Department shall notify all owners of the subject tract and all owners of all i parcels „„ „00 , rert - of the proposed classification change or Special Use Permit by first class mail at the last address listed for such owner on the County tax abstracts. 11. te.,intainls of ,� r r if ------ 2111 -------------- --------------------- ab .e. The person mailing such notices shall certify to the County Commissioners of that fact. Notices shall be mailed no later than ten (10) days prior to the first scheduled public hearing for the petition or application and shall contain adequate information to notify such owners of the specific request of the petitioner /applicants as well as the time, date, and location of the public hearing. (2) Failure of any addressee to receive notification shall not in any way invalidate or affect subsequent action on the petition or application unless due to failure to follow the above notification requirements, in which case the County Commissioners shall determine the appropriate remedy. (3) No later than ten (10) days prior to each scheduled public hearing, the Planning and Inspections Department shall post a clearly legible sign or signs on the property and /or its approaches to indicate the time, date, and place of the hearing and how additional information may be obtained. Sign location or locations shall be selected to insure visibility to neighboring residents and passersby. (4) In each of the two (2) calendar weeks preceding the County Commissioners' public hearing, the Planning and Inspections Department shall publish in the local newspapers a Notice of Public Hearing indicating the time, date, and place of the hearing and giving a brief description of the rezoning and Special Use Permit proposals on the agenda. Zoning Board of Adjustment Section 121: Filing and Notice for an Appeal 121 -3: Notice - At least one (1) week prior to the date of the hearing, the zoning administrator shall urns a . r err y � e �r � �r � � � � � , �� � .� ro ert owners ii i + p p y ,,, ............. �r�r err with written notice of the hearin erg ��r, ract ail.,cli ------------ ---------------------- ------ e c], Notice of Public Hearing shall be published once a week for two (2) successive calendar weeks in the local newspaper. Public notice may also be posted on the property concerned indicating the proposed change and date of public hearing. 21-2-2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 22 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Manager (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A -407, 10/12)- Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow Petitions to be Resubmitted Within Twelve Months if Substantial Changes are Made BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Staff to amend Section 111 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow petitions to be resubmitted within twelve months if substantial changes are made. This amendment provides flexibility when applicants choose to withdraw proposals after public notice is given or when substantial changes have been made to a petition. The Planning Board voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the item at their October 4, 2012 meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval. A rrrr e PUAIFivrrc. A -407 Script for 111-3 Petition Amendment A -407 Amendment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 22 -0 ITEM # 22 SCRIPT FOR TEXT AMENDMENT A -407, 10/12 REQUEST BY STAFF TO AMEND SECTION 111 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW PETITIONS TO BE RESUBMITTED WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS IF SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES ARE MADE. CHAIRMAN 1. This is a public hearing. We will first hear a presentation from staff. Then proponents of the text amendment and opponents of the text amendment will each be allowed 15 minutes total to speak. An additional 5 minutes of rebuttal will be allowed for each side. 2. Open the public hearing. a. Staff Presentation b. Proponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) C. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Proponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing. 4. Commissioner discussion 5. Is there a motion to find that this text amendment to the ordinance is consistent with the land use plan and is reasonable and in the public interest and should be adopted? Motion: Second: Vote: 22 -1 -1 A -407 AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE APPLICANT: STAFF Staff proposes to amend Section 111: Petition, to provide flexibility when applicants choose to withdraw proposals after public notice is given or when substantial changes have been made to a petition. Proposed changes e are 'in red. Section 111: Petition 111-3: Submittal Procedure (1) All necessary forms are available from the Planning and Inspections Department. The Department will upon request provide instructions, interpret applicable requirements and discuss the compatibility of the proposed change with such requirements. Such assistance shall not be construed as support for the proposal. (2) Since major factors in considering a petition for a zoning map change are the impact of the proposed change on the value of adjoining parcels and its compatibility with its surroundings, petitioners for such changes are encouraged to consult with owners of adjoining parcels and other potentially affected parties before submittal. (3) Petitions must be received by the Planning and Inspections Department not later than twenty (20) working days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered. (4) After (".1 s �� n �,- n, y n x ,D n �� n �� f Y ("I'LL"'A""71 hi"ILS i()CCUrred 1(�)n. (,,t pet.,.i t.'i-on., new (,,.,Lpp al n�y,�. n.� � n Y� present x s �� n ,..�y _ �y,�,� xs ri. ( �A` s d� . t.s d . .s l � �,� ,� . the , d d. � . , , .s . , d �,e �,.� w ithin twelve �.. s. �. Y� n �.y � _ , � . �..., ".y d d s. �....,n �.y C- .Y� �.y .., �. Y� �.y . .. � -y s. �. �. n , .y been. ,N,,, ,,,. Yl 1. ` If the last previous petition was withdrawn after the public notice for its scheduled public hearing has been delivered to the newspaper under the provisions of Section 112 -1(4), d� petiti.i.1-Yr-I.. be ("tccepted within twelve ('112.) 'LIA", clffl,'2 t1-1, S dy A rezoning petition withdrawn before the public notice of scheduled public hearing before the Planning Board has been delivered to the newspaper does not restrict the timing of later petitions in any way. All requests for continuances of proposals and petitions involving a change of zoning shall be subject to the following policies: (A) If an applicant requests that an item be delayed for consideration on the Planning Board agenda, the request must be in writing to the Planning and Inspections Director and must include the reason(s) for the requested delay. If the request is received 1. Prior to notice being sent to the newspaper for advertising, the Planning and Inspections Director may remove it from the agenda and calendar it for 22-2-1 the next meeting. No additional fee will be required. Only one administrative continuance is allowed per permit application. 2. After notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will remain on the agenda and the Planning Board will act on the request for continuance of the item at the meeting. The Board is under no obligation to grant a continuance. If continued, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be charged and the item will be rescheduled for the next upcoming meeting of the board or some other date certain. If the applicant fails to appear at the meeting or fails to pay the additional fee by the publication deadline, the proposal will be deemed withdrawn, and a new application process will be required. (B) If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Board of County Commissioners agenda, the request must be in writing to the County Manager, copied to the Planning and Inspections Director, and must include the reason(s) for the request. If the request is received: 1. Prior to notice being sent to the newspaper for publication, the Planning and Inspections Director will remove the item from the list of planning items being sent for the Manager's agenda and calendar it for the next regular night meeting. The Planning and Inspections Director will immediately cause correction of the signage posted noticing the public hearing. A fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be paid to the NHC Planning and Inspections Department to offset the cost of fuel and staff time to correct the signage. 2. After notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will remain on the agenda and the Commissioners will act on the request for continuance of the item at the advertised meeting. The Commissioners are under no obligation to grant a continuance and may choose to hear the item and act on it. If continued, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be paid and the item will be rescheduled for the next regular hearing meeting or some other date certain. If the applicant fails to appear at the meeting or fails to pay the additional fee by the publication deadline, the proposal will be deemed withdrawn, and a new application process will be required. (9/07) 2 22 -2 -2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 23 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Nicole Dreibelbis, Current Planner; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Nicole Dreibelbis, Current Planner; Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z -918, 04/12) - Request by Walter Pete Avery on Behalf of Horn Road, LLC to Rezone 2.49 Acres of Land and 1.70 Acres of Right -Of -Way from CD(O &I) Conditional Office and Institutional to CDZ (B -2) Conditional District Highway Business (This item was continued from the October 1, 2012 County Commissioners meeting.) BRIEF SUMMARY: At their September 6, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6 -0 to recommend approval of the request subject to the conditions recommended by staff and further restricting the permitted uses to exclude: 1) General Building Contractor with no outside storage; 2) Landscaping Contractors with no outside storage; 3) Research Facilities; 4) Electrical Repair Shops; and 5) Indoor Recreational Facilities. The Planning Board also recommended limiting Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plants to facilities with drop off and pick up only. One adjacent property owner expressed concern regarding certain permitted uses in B -2, including electrical repair shops, indoor recreation facilities and research facilities; and the maintenance of the buffer area if privacy fencing is located within the buffer. The site is classified as Urban according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request subject to the following conditions: (1) The dumpster location be placed as far away as possible from the northwest property; (2) Installation of an eight- (8 -) foot fence along the northwest side of the property; (3) In coordination with WAVE improve the existing transit site, fronting the subject property; (4) Construction of sidewalks, fronting Carolina Beach Road and Horn Roads accessing the site to ensure potential pedestrian safety and connectivity to the adjacent residential neighborhood; (5) Exclusion of Funeral Homes including cremation services, Special Trade Contractor with no outside storage, Landscape Services - maintenance and design or related services, General Building Contractor with no outside storage, Landscaping Contractors with no outside storage, Research Facilities, Electrical 23 -0 Repair Shops, and Indoor Recreation Facilities from the list of permitted uses and limiting Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plants to facilities with drop off and pick up only; (6) Hours of access should be limited to avoid undue disturbance of the peaceful enjoyment of the surrounding neighborhood and should be specified on the site plan. Staff recommends hours of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., consistent with the intent of Section 23 -34(b) of the County Code of Ordinances relating to unlawful noise - generating activities in residential areas; and (7) Strategic placement of lighting and equipping each light with cones directing the light downward, minimizing the impacts on adjacent residential neighbors. ACTION NEEDED Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from CD (O &I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional to CDZ (B -2) Conditional District highway business as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Urban classification and Policy 4.3 of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 2.49 acres of land of CD(O &I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional and 1.70 acres of right -of -way to CDZ(B -2) Conditional District highway business, consistent with the existing commercial node. ATTACHMENTS: Z -918 Script Z -918 Staff Summary Z -918 Petition Summary Z -918 Adjacent Property Owners Map Z -918 Zoning Map Z -918 Zoning- Aerial Map Z -918 Permitted Uses Z -918 Current Site Plan -Admin Approved Z -918 6 -2006 Site Plan Z -918 6 -2006 Signed Order Z -840 Z -918 Proposed Site Plan Z -918 Applicant Materials COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. 23 -0 Item # 23 Script for Rezoning (Z -918) 04/12 Request by W. Pete Avery on behalf of Horn Road, LLC to rezone approximately 2.49 acres at 4832, 4836, and 4840 Carolina Beach Road from CD (O &I) Conditional Office and Institutional and 1.70 acres of Right of Way from R -15 Residential to CZD (B -2), Conditional Zoning District Highway Business. The site is classified as Urban on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Open the Public Hearing: a. Staff presentation b. Petitioner's presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Petitioner's cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Commissioners Discussion 5. If the Rezoning is denied there is a 12 month waiting period before you may resubmit. Do you wish to proceed or do you wish to continue the matter? 6. Vote on rezoning. 23 -1 -1 CASE: Z -918, 04/2012 PETITIONER: Pete Avery on behalf of Horn Road, LLC REQUEST: Rezone from CD (O &I) Conditional Office and Institutional to CZD (B -2) Conditional Zoning District Highway Business ACREAGE: 2.49 Acres (Land) and 1.70 Acres (Right -of -way) LOCATION: 4832 4836, and 4840 Carolina Beach Road LAND CLASS: Urban STAFF SUMMARY Planning Board Action: The Planning Board voted 6 -0 at their September 6, 2012 meeting to recommend approval of this item, subject to the conditions recommended by staff and further restricting the permitted uses to exclude the following: General Building Contractor with no outside storage Landscaping Contractors with no outside storage Research Facilities Electrical Repair Shops Indoor Recreation Facilities The Planning Board also recommended limiting Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plants to facilities with drop off and pick up only. HT',qTORV-- The subject properties were rezoned from R -15 Residential and Office and Institutional to CD (O &I), Conditional Use Office & Institutional on June 5, 2006. The proposal was subject to a site specific plan, which included the development of two 8,750 square foot office buildings. The office buildings were limited in use to a barber shop; office space for private business & professional activities; government offices; neighborhood drug store; bank, credit agency or savings and loans office; and /or a printing office. The proposal was subject to two additional conditions, including the installation of a six (6) foot fence along the northwest side of the property and that the dumpster be located as far away as possible from the Wilson residence (also along the northwest side of the property). The County Commissioners approval was based on an appeal from the Planning Board's, 3 -2, denial on May 4, 2006. The original proposal, denied by the Planning Board, was a request to rezone to CD (B -2) Conditional Use Highway Business. In addition to traffic and safety concerns, there was strong community opposition expressed during the public comment period and supplemented by a petition in opposition with fifty eight (58) signatures. The approved site plan was modified administratively, under Section 71.1(a), on February 8, 2008 in order to reconfigure the proposed office layout. There was a reduction of 800 square feet of office space and reconfiguration of parking accommodations. The Planning Board continued the most recent request to rezone 2.49 acres from CD (O &I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional to B -2 Highway Business at their April 12, 2012 meeting. Case Z -918, (04/2012) Page 1 23 -2 -1 PROPERTY SPECIFICS The subject properties are accessed off of Carolina Beach Road, an urban principal arterial roadway, located north of Antoinette Drive. The proposal includes three parcels, parcel I is addressed 4832 Carolina Beach Road, parcel II is 4836 Carolina Beach Road and parcel III is addressed 4840 Carolina Beach Road. The development proposal encompasses a combined acreage of 2.49 acres of land and 1.70 acres of right -of -way. All three tracts are owned by Horn Road, LLC. CHARACTER OF THE AREA: Current Zoninp, A conditional use district is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the objectives of the zoning ordinance but none of the general zoning district classifications would allow that use. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts with very dissimilar character (i.e. R -15 and B -2) where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefitting all affected parties and the community -at- large. Further, the purpose of the Office and Institutional District is to provide areas where institutional uses, professional uses and other uses compatible to uses of an office and institutional nature shall be encouraged to locate and to provide protection for this type of land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and /or major arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. South of the subject properties, across Horn Road, fronting Carolina Beach Road is a pocket of existing B -2, Highway Business. The B -2 zoning designation extends east, across Carolina Beach Road. However, north and west of the subject properties the zoning transitions to R -15, medium - density residential. Proposed Zoning The purpose of a conditional district is to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the objectives of the zoning ordinance and where only a specific use or uses is proposed for the project. This procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character (e.g. R -15 and B -2) where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community -at- large. The purpose of a B -2 Highway Business district shall be to provide for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding high volume traffic. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and /or major arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. (8/4/86) No B -2 District shall be less than five (5) acres in area. The proposal is to construct a one - story, 8,320 square foot retail shell building and installation of fifty two parking spaces to accommodate the use and future expansion. The proposed parking exceeds the thirty two parking spaces required in Section 81 -1. The applicant also anticipates growth and illustrates a future expansion phase of 4,160 square feet of additional retail space. TRAFFIC: Carolina Beach Road is an urban principal arterial roadway. Access to the property will require driveway permits from NCDOT. The ADT on Carolina Beach Road, north of Antoinette Drive, has decreased from 34,842 (20 10) to 29, 835 (2011). The portion of Carolina Beach Road fronting the subject properties has a LOS E, meaning the Case Z -918, (04/2012) Page 2 23 -2 -2 roadway is operating at design capacity and traffic is experiencing delays at intersections. The intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Horn Road is not signalized. The traffic impact worksheet, provided by the applicant, estimates the proposed freestanding retail development will produce an AM peak of 10 trips and a PM peak of 63 trips. Therefore, a traffic impact analysis is not required. COMMUNITY SERVICES: Water /Sewer: The property is currently served by CFPUA. Fire Protection: The property will be served by New Hanover County Fire Services. Schools: School districts are determined by the New Hanover County Board of Education periodically. If the request is granted, the use will not be residential, so no impact on schools is anticipated. LAND CLASSIFICATION: The subject property is located in the southern portion of the county in an area with an urban land classification. The purpose of the urban classification is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. Urban areas are typically already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: The subject properties are located within the Barnards Creek watershed drainage area which is classified as C; SW. The properties do not have any conservation, historic, or archeological resources on site. The soil maps indicate Leon Sand is the only soil located on the subject properties. Leon Sand is a Class III soil. It has severe limitations and requires extensive modification and intensive maintenance. PLANS AND POLICIES: Policy 4.3 of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan states the need to maximize effectiveness of commercial uses by assuring that land is available for commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve and by ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life in nearby residential areas. STAFF POSITION The revised proposal, which includes the right -of -way for both Carolina Beach Road and Horn Road, meets the requirements of both the Conditional Zoning District and B -2 Highway Business District and is located within an area classified as Urban according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Further, the proposal is estimated to have a minimal impact on traffic, is situated adjacent to commercial uses both south and east of the subject site, and the proposed buffer will mitigate potential negative impacts to adjacent residential properties to the north and west. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the rezoning request; however, recommends the following conditions: (a) The dumpster location be placed as far away as possible from the northwest property; (b) Installation of an eight (8) foot fence along the northwest side of the property, (c) In coordination with WAVE improve the existing transit site, fronting the subject property; (d) Construction of sidewalks, fronting Carolina Beach Road and Horn Roads accessing the site to ensure potential pedestrian safety and connectivity to the adjacent residential neighborhood; (e) Exclusion of Funeral Homes including cremation services, Special Trade Contractor with no outside storage, Landscape Services- maintenance and design or related services , General Building Contractor with no outside storage, Landscaping Contractors with no outside storage, Research Facilities, Electrical Repair Shops, and Indoor Recreation Facilities from the list of permitted uses and limiting Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plants to facilities with drop off and pick up only; (f) Hours of access should be limited to avoid undue disturbance of the peaceful enjoyment of the surrounding neighborhood and should be specified on the site plan. Staff recommends hours of 7 a.m. Case Z -918, (04/2012) Page 3 23 -2 -3 to 9 p.m., consistent with the intent of Section 23 -34(b) of the County Code of Ordinances relating to unlawful noise - generating activities in residential areas; and (g) Strategic placement of lighting and equipping each light with cones directing the light downward, minimizing the impacts on adjacent residential neighbors. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from CD (O &I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional to CDZ (B -2) Conditional District highway business as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Urban classification and Policy 4.3 of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 2.49 acres of land of CD(O &I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional and 1.70 acres of right -of -way to CDZ(B -2) Conditional District highway business, consistent with the existing commercial node. Case Z -918, (04/2012) Page 4 23 -2 -4 Case Z -918 (4/12) Rezone 2.49 acres of land at 4832, 4836, and 4840 Carolina Beach Road from CD (0 &1) Conditional Office and Institutional and 1.70 acres of Right -of -way from R -15 Residential to CZD (B -2), Conditional Zoning District Highway Business Petition Summary Data 4832, 4836, 4840 Carolina Beach Road Owner /Petitioner: Walter Pete Avery on behalf of Horn Road, LLC Existing Land Use: CD (0 &1) vacant Zoning History: Area 4 (April 7, 1971) Land Classification: Urban Water Type CFPUA Sewer Type: CFPUA Recreation Area Mary C Williams Access & Traffic Volume: The ADT of Carolina Beach Road, North of Antoinette Drive, has decreased from 34,842 (2010) to 29,835(2011).The portion of Carolina Beach Road fronting the subject property has a LOS of E, meaning the roadway is operating at design capacity and traffic is experiencing delays at intersections. Fire District: New Hanover County Fire Service District Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Barnards Creek (C;Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area: Recharge area of Sandhill aquifer -water table conditions. Conservation /Historic /Archaeological Resources: No conservation, historic or archaeological resources. Soils: Leon Sand is the only soil located on the subject properties. Septic Suitability: Leon Sand is a Class III soil. It has severe limitations and requires extensive modification and intensive maintenance. Schools: Mary C. Williams 23-3-1 _ Lo U ? ` 4 J LO .L LO _ E C) a o ❑M oo � o- LO CT m � , o a u LO o' g CO N CD ° 0 0 7 a) <C 00 LO ( m D.- 7D o n �? o CIA J 0 _ � u Li L o b -0 , ' ,1 = � W. co r O 0-) C�3 J _ CA (1) CD cD ? O O >1 Cs3 A (D LO LO F= O _0 >1 Q) O Cs3 O O? m CI} +� O M } � co k LO 4-L M M Q) O — O O m 7t (D ' +'- m Z O N m O 7 D _ � � = J m Q) c6 OJ a, a✓ � c a, N c6 O J 4-j ca O O N L � o — cL6 N Ln Ln 4-j Q) 0 bA N v L c 0 U U • C 0 c6 c > Q) to " c � OJ �O U .L O i O +.+ 0) C u L O O cn Ln Q) •c m O c 4 N L O U L O O v . v > c o 0 to O � �, }' D t% O OJ 0 � OJ o Ln Ln L >� O E 0 =3 o z 0 > L L -0 , L L L c cu �G 'n c c6 c o c a--+ z c -0 o +� b0 ' Ln O (� C6 (� _ (� Ln c .� U 4-j L � c6 _0 Ln Ln cn cn L =3 Q Ln L Ln Q C: L O Q C6 c O c6 L N ate--+ c 0 4 -' U +.+ 0 L c L 0 bA C C U c • L a--+ . - cn Ln L >- • O = O C6 Q U 4-j C ±: � Ln Q) c6 ' — C6 c O a�� o i O L- — 0 r, cn N Ln a --a Q) bA c U c 0, (> - cz L ate a--+ Ln v N N N Ln V L J O N U N C6 OJ i O U O L- cn U cn . — cn O U O Ln b0 M +� • v cn > Q\ c6 > U U N +-+ •� 'E U (L) m �_ f6 CU +, 0 � U L L- S a, O c O In 0 _ L v _ N N c6 U >' to lZA u U C: L� Ln C6 ' L Ln bA Ln U • U C6 ro QJ Qj • L Q) L L = o U QJ c .O L U c i U c6 (L) L7 J a w +-+ O L C" L (6 O Q) c6 (13 w LL LL L7 =_ c t/) C6 cn c c6 — O ii oc to U >� O *'' - 0 C6 N L O m m w U—j O u J 0 > c N O N L7 L7 a, a✓ r� I M N Cn c a, c6 O J to Q) > O �= W U i o a O bA v L c6 to L 0 a� c > Q) to " c N L— a O 0) C u O� O CU •c m O cn •> b 0J 0 U a✓ m > c o 0 O o D t% O OJ 0 � � L >� O c6 +.+ -0 , L L L c cu �G Un >� N V cn N ate-+ • > L Cl. i O b0 ' N U > (� _ (� CIA c cn O Ln ) L N a "'' bA 4 -+ cn a� U L a� V) 0 �C 0 L I N c6 Ln IV z 0 0 }' L N Lm L u ca C O c6 cz Q }' z O ca c ca +� cn U N V1 a� to 0 c t�A c ca L E c • L u Q a O >j z - ` w N L 4--j t/1 c — Q V) W Q C: +, i U C: 0 cl +, O C S- a--+ cn L o a--+ o c oo to OJ 'D E c a f2 + c L 0 }� c U to c ±-+ L N 4-j m U) —_ . - cn to a� . - L L i +_+ b C 0 a� Q O C6 — U c6 +' c o N O CID U c Cn E O N In aL c a-' O a� U c N cn z C > OJ +-+ N Q) to to c c N — > cn — c U � Ln O O U� Q aj U E Q) ate-+ a--' •� V i CID .L cn J 2 N V N Q� '� Q) L O cn N M c c N T 0 - t/1 = OJ 0 W O c cn Q � E bA N �C L c U •> �'' c a c6 U f6 C6 m L L7 N c6 Q) L W L a� }, N O ccn L O Nl U C6 _ a� >, U m L N to 1- w cc O u .O L cz Ln bA � a U " C L m c N LO i V N i (L6 U c a � N � +� O L c � � � � � cn C � � � +' c >. 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V lAPJ q]Jc)N 'uo4_�?u!wp ' a lms '@nUDAV @ OtOZ M,96 DN 'uOlgulwll C, o Pui qjjON /,Iuno I@AOUPfj MG Z.0£ # p jj oin :) 90 E L N d S M 0 A D A �mj n s i S A N N V A d I S ZA D N 1 0 N D N:l A V IS H I IAA 's@iljadOJ DSSD lJecl @DIJJO PPO�q UJOH :,ado jjunn +1 Z 1 2 1 7__ 7 L < > Q 0 Ln 'n in Ln 3 D L c = m mm A= m m rn z c L ,, 0 0 K3 U Z N -J C O CV e- (o LD m n n 48 30 LO co ly w LZ (N c N E Q L c2l 6 4i z � -7 C zo t ti N In cl & c c N z x L c z (D 3 It, M E IP E L. t -Lo �o L& 'qL) .2 z u t x E E Q Z, E 7 - T N < IS N U x cr 1.11 cn x .; , c L o a In W I to @ E Q N L N "i 4 a ; u LL V W-0 j \ Z/l� j I -� � / \ of � C f x In E C: u- W n c v N G] Jn > OLL u 07 0 to c L t \\ / / 13, 0 >, iz < q) Ln > 0) L C L L C: L E L E 13 C -0 Q). -V L > - u 0 t ' co 0 C) z ca co u C� C) > ui (f) N (1) LO " I ou-_ 0 L 0- W L < L L = 9- L )7 (N L 0 C > , T co E In U) 0 7 > A) _V Q L 0 > N L D-W CL E (o LD m n n 48 30 LO co ly w LZ (N c N E Q L c2l 6 4i z � -7 C zo t ti N In cl & c c N z x L c z (D 3 It, M E IP E L. t -Lo �o L& 'qL) .2 z u t x E E Q Z, E 7 - T N < IS N U x cr 1.11 cn x .; , c L o a In W I to @ E Q N L N "i 4 a ; u woo•IauaneasaagjIM•MMM ueld @I!S 13'Jlsl I - eu 011!PuOD b8SZ - O 16 :Xej ZZZ6 Pi £Oti8Z eul�oae� q�oN'uo��ulw I MW �N uo��uiva�i� u _ M'LOl aamS'anuanyalllnsJg2l1 ObOL o �° N ZO£ #''p21 }} ®�n� �ae�!I!W 80S L euiloae� q�aoN / ,(iuno� aanoue� MaN / digsuMOl oaoquoseW � � N o � S2�Ole3A �:iflS I S?:J 3NNb'1d 152133NIJN3 A C u •�•l•q saipadoad DSS!D M J a`� t' ����/ 1�� r��■ ■�'� adolanap /aau,np ilea @:) I j j j o p u n v L , peoN goeog euilae:) Ob8b'S 9£8t7 'Z£8ti .ssaippd /(ljadoid Z L, h r ` Ob8 — Z # ?GOD 3� Oa• S pp,, S3�rJ d 0 �'1� Ale QQ j }. y Z � L - L CO T p Z N uoo -' 0 6 0 / \ C° i t i Q u 1 u Lo / k U N a i N °00o a Ca a o Q ! 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Q 5 L „ Z J o 6 • � y t� / f \\ \s \ I 1 CT 61� w :a a ci J -a, E i p o L, ® \ ° \ Q L a � 8 fl• � � . o N 1 ,. �QN'u C e 6On N O� N L - L O N a N - / aj N g Ow ' o O O Z� fA U 2 O put o N "� ffl (V N O '� O , rn L' s r z Lo C > = 6 �� 1 X 6 XdfE N " N O c o C NN O 34 .` " s ' t ae - � ° (j > N ui N � O CrCr A N � -2 R @ .N � _6 y "' � �6 yj C � � f!1 9 m � '✓ O , � � co m Ov S v '� N aF g• a N ui N O of 1 3 aA X (p.� r t \ LO - N1 0��N Z - `� o u c a p '- 6j >, el °i tl In -� o , r" •o a L N N V ,} j m L o 6 6� L U 7 yym m L u Z - 1 c , S d m, LI) 01 CV p c x 6 X 1 .Q y G. 1 .y - ; o N • - N +S 01 d m w* C Cai N I > >° •, �� v Q L - °'3 L �� Nom. ��^ m •o A V ;O C y �V O" Q `' co L XX 6 - fib' A L �, v .° U i v`D ' o O a ffi E V - •Q � rn 6 v: ,,:� B LL •' + N 2 i �_� N +s �+, N 8 �� x_� NN > 6 .� N O a 3 n uS a a $° ogr —� 1 �In -Vt- 1, .—° 0, N ` �� c iv m 9 a o 0 N N a c0 m a 1 tIl o a E (L 3 I- Q N a Ll (l a AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. 4 OF NE HANOVER CO UN O R TY9 NTH CAROLIN W A ADOPTED April 7,1971 CASE: Z-840,05/06 fi L! I ki Q 1 11 1, T Le Description for CD ( 0&1) Rezonin of 48 3 24 48 3 6 & 4840 Carolina Beach Road Section 2. The Count Clerk is hereb authofized and directed under the supervision of the Count Commissioners to Chan the Zonin Map No. 4 on file 'in the office of the Count C ssioners, so as to make it compl with thig ordinance. Section 3. An ordinance or an part of an ordinan=in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict'. is hereb repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted M' the interest of public health, safet morals and g eneral welfare of the in ' full force and effect from and after Its inhabitants of the Count of New Hanover, North Carol' a, and shall be in adoption. Adopted the 5th da of June 2006, Robert G. Greer, Cliairman A� Clerk to the Board 23-10-1 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA *RD ER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT For Limited Usesin a CD (0&1) 7istlitution District 01" The Count Commissioners FIND AS A FACT that all of the specific re set forth in Section 72-27 of the Count Zonin Ordinance WELL be satisfied if the propert is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the Count Commissioners. A. The subject propert is located within the M Grove VFD. B. Public water and sanitar sewer will serve the site. C. The subject propert is -not located 'in a 100- floodplain. D. Accegs to the site is from Carolina Beach Road and Ho m- Road. Both roads are public, 3. a is the Count Cornmissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES satisf the second g eneral re listed in the Ordinance namel that the use meets all re conditions and specifications. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the followin FINDINGS OF FACT: 4 A. Residential propert exists to the north and west of the proposed site. B. No evidence has been presented that the 17,500 s facilities use will decrease the value of adjoinin properties. 5. It is the Count Con-linissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES satisf the fourth g eneral re listed in the Ordinance, namel that the location and character of the use if developed accordin to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmon with the area in which 23-10-2 it ig to be located and in g eneral conformit with the plan of development for New Hanover Count In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the followin FR\TDINGS OF FACT.- A. The 2006 updated New Hanover Count Comprehensive Plan classifies the site as Urban. V. Presentl the propert is vacant. e" The present zonin for most of the propert is 0&1 Office and Institution. because the Count Commiss' a 1 1 s Therefore, ioners conclude tht all of the g eneral speeffic cond'tion- precedent to the issuance of a SPECLkL USE PERMIT HAVE been satisfied IT IS ORDERED tha) the application for the issuance of a SPECLkL USE PERMIT ]BE GRANTED sub to the followin condition - E1 1111111" Pill 1111111! B. That the dumpster be located as far awa as possible from the Wilson residence (northwest side"' C. That r, foot shadow box fence be 'installed alon the northwest side of the propert Ordered this 5t" da of June 200J. Robert G. Greer, Chairman CleR to the Boaxd 23-10-3 --- 9t8Z-D:' 2sua311 :)-Z 9dI1 0ENOnIH0 NMVdCI �OtK DX N019-LNMAT'1LA (1) 09L9-16-1) (016) "0) -/O�'9-16-/ (016) DN',UNnOD T--L'1,0NVHAHN ' B ' d ' �'f CENDISK LLJ M7 HIS "HAY H'LIUIHDVHd L08c, £OtK I�uPJu--) T.TON 'u01WuvuTLTF.,,-A HDVag VNI-TOUVD H8t �9'9Ht'OtSt c, Eivc] I OE �IM4 'QATJ(l JOP�)J( N `R D-T-I'CIVO'd i",Q:UOH UU t 16S N01iV C)N1AAV'dC 7N ` 4 -T DN 'NOIDNIAU'A iSN00 �10.1 a3sv:112 J c3 NOISE IVN[� -Lno�,v A�IVNI v FID�dd :SNOISIAD2J :4-txT � nowvwvd -ncmiivnid�'rmon < �4 NOUVN0,INI LINAM NV'1d HITS r1V-'UdHDX0:) - Wo sn 1 w, (z i -)i-irnm,4 NOLDil"USNOD UOJ CEJSVH-1HXL0N N91SHC1,7,-dVN1JkT1-1rJXd' vi O 1<1 Z m < o 0 0 m O < L�i 0. C<, 0 C 7 (D , " u o g! 1 . R, 0, 0 2 1 ) : > - f 0 < z Zi W z � < It < C) f N C 0 rC � z 0 2 0 W Z 2 Z 0 L 0 ZD - < w < o Z O w U3 w 2: c < 9 z cN N z z M C, 0 z O D- CN o 0) N m z 0 0 z c cif iz 2 ❑ < co 1 0 W ❑ M N co 0 CL < z w m IN x < LL < cc O of 0 o° of C WD NO - --- --------- 0 z 0 W IL w U- 2� LLI (D < 2f ji ji a. LU U) 0 5 O < C) m co Ji ❑ ❑ ❑ a OD WLLJWLIJ , V) co V) 0 0 G 0 0- a. 0- ft U) U) 0 0 (7) 0 X x 0� la� D� ln� U-1 Lu IL a- 0- 1L It 11 It 11 11 w z uj IL \ �j w x C)c N� Ch O 0 o Lu Co c 00 o -1 pQ < w < 3: z z Cl) ffi < W W W W Q < w C� Lu z t- U) LLI < O Im CO 0 mou a' 0' < � < < C/) 0 o Uj ' 12) m o I, LU 1-- z < cc I.- t- w LL Z " i� Z �? i �5 � R �" z 0 LL, U- C) LLJ 0 111 < w K oz 1-- U EL 0- < mzm O L I-- I- - 1 - = c w F- 0 0 LLJ < j " w 0 ® CN L ) LU > CN L , < L) < c c ILL !L - C < < 00 0 0 < M U) U) 0 W CN N w LU C/) JO A LL C.7U CC W < M m CL W I-- C.) U .1j ;Z: 6 w < L-I Of W < < 0 LIJ 0 0- 0- w Co LL C , C, - 9 0 < co co 0 i w C) Fn . V) (f) < CLIL) 't o Im C, 'M r) LO m t- jjj LLJ 0- 1-- n :� Lu C) co :1) z Lu X Q � U) 0 0 D ® 1106 Cf U) 0 01 L� ED it 0 CK F- Z < C/) F-- -I W O F z 0 D 0 w 0 Li LU I Li of < co < ❑ => < g uj w w 0 or: y LLJ C\ N (.) (-) L) F-- LL L; F- Z M: ILL < < rr U) co ' R Z w ILL n- < Cf) U) Q 0 < [if U) < < C ) 2i 0 0 LL , co LL LL U W Z i- b C) rr ILL W 2 < < 0 LL, C , : ' Y b z 1 LLJ M< 0 6 u w _j W < ui n z W 2E 6 CLL - It 'o — Z 0� — oz < 0 Z — 0 LL C) Q 0 :E) Z z LL, W ui W w 0 uj < E LL D C) co :r < < - z < IL z =) In C-) 10 LLJ < Elf co D- C-) 0 a¢ [if If 0 W W N Q W LL- 0 P < w z m 2: r) Of 0 5 1 0- < LU 7 a: < F- or! Z < X 0 to 0 CL: Lr D > > Z < 6 I -- W LU L) - LL, w w w w CL 0 0 0 0 U) x C/) Ir W Lu 0 cr, 0 of w K ❑ W or� w z 0 of U) Cl) ® I (D w w w w F LL, < 0 So of - 0 2E 0 cr 0 c 0 Q � C LLJ LL - , U) - - of 0 LU oo W a- IL w m m < W z co :5 LLJ Of n_ CC a- LL o ix 0 P 2 o W L-I Of - 0- 0- 0 m m m < < 0 < X0 0 M00 01-- F-C� 0 D� o 0 Ir 3 D� 0 ❑ 0 D U) x 0 0 < LU cc� LIJ w IF -0 cf 2 ct� < ft� I.- m IL u 0 ❑ L- u 7 of :5 oc� ly Elf 11� LLJ m 0- 0- 1-- of m m C- U) x 0- 0 0 z ,z on z F- z Lu ❑ L) Um w LU LU LLI LL 0 cr 0 ILL LU o < U) ❑ U) Lu LLI < 0 U) LIJ LLJ Cf) D LL ry 1< < ❑ n z co L) w ILL co Z,6 cr N < > J- Ir m J 1 0 < -D L , LL (N w Z ❑ > IL W I LL < (D z C) a . (D - 7 LL, < , < ❑ < It z M Cf) F >< >- LL <z N t'l 10 11 '7 < LCV W, U) x w < I 0 L�Lj LL LL C � 6 0� Z D- ILL Z) < Li Lu Lu w Li LU < co D LL] 7) < 0 L L � j 5 5; L 5 > F- LLI 0 0 Lj 0 C) 0 0 c) 0 W Of L) - w 0 In LJ D� W T o LLI 0-1 :2 m af cr. IL ❑ of a- to� c- LL LLI E LL W F-- W > :D V) [- 0 :D 0 LL Z, < LIJ 0� 0 Ij 2 In m 0 L) a� IL LL � œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ   p ipil I IN I F BRO 1. How would the re chan be consistent with the Count Policies for Growth and DevelopmentT. 2. How myould the re zone chan be consistent with the propert classification on the Land Classification MaP9 SEE ATTACHMENT A 3. What si nei chan have occurred to make the ori zonin inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existin zonin WR I UMM 23-12-2 4 . How will this chan of zonin serve the pd* E' ATTA � �' $ J �' C, 1 � 5��. 9 In si this petliti & on, I understand that the exiistin zonin map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of provin wh a chan 'I's in the public 'Interest. I further understand the slin out of one parcel of land for 1 0 special zonin treatment unrelated to Count pollielies and the surroundin nei would probabl be 'Ille I certif that thlis appIleaftion 'is complete and that all linformatilion presented in thi's application 'i's accurate to the best of m knowled 'Information, and bellieL Si of Petitioner and/or Propert Owner 0131�1111 �, IM 23-12-3 ATTACHMENT A +( 2 I 1 ttt r ct ct t' r t' t i 1 A } t a� t S, r' r r t 23 -12 -4 23 -12 -5 œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ   1 F i I I I • s • R07100-002-002-000 • R07100-002-003-000 THE CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD IS HORN ROAD LLC, A REGISTERED LIMITED LIABILITY COM PANY A 23-12-8 Horn Road, LLC 380 7 Pea c. h, tre. e Ave: ti ue, Suite 200 Wilmin NC 28403 910-395-6036 Bein the appointed A of the propert owner Horn Road LLC, I am provid'in- the attached revised Zonin Map Amendment application and supportin documents for the above referenced properties. r 23-12-9 Sincerel Walter Pete Avery A for Horn Road, LLC 23-12-10 23 -12 -11 r i' r r a i 23-12-12 w� s ,r ■a • as • En- Ln LLJ H z CL LLI M J 0 0 LL LO H J ?- J LL. 03 co fn LU F— J J LLI cc — W o — — F-- — U LL J ce. J F- h- ' °_ LU J J H cc L<U F F— w LL J — H '►. w VI ` LU .� .� — LLJ H H — J J lJJ LL! 1 CC 0 ix E- �- ? ' b �- �J' w C) 0 _ O .� e( ,�� L �[ 0 J� W W J < < LLI 0 w LU J r-� LU CA 0 `° I — LU Ln V) z J LU J J _ r — F— .� — �— — f— J M-" LA 0 J J L— 0 1-- '— — N^ J ~ J r uj ..J 1 Z < LU 0 0 J 23-12-12 w� s ,r ■a • as • ;7 A I I :)NT 'AJNaOD UaAONVH ,,, 'M I�DN719 WIMOWD zieil V*10 �C livrUCTIRDMOD opt 4. 41, M �1 l 1; NVICI 9LIS k ;7 A ,o I I I 1 101 1 171 1 opt 4. 41, M �1 l 1; k UN W.-i-.-n om z IBM X ve A ps LL in Z 2 so AL IL A, CL IL 13 a a, u L 0 'L au gc C. L A t ,o (MVIS'81 aVCrd NHO14 M opt 4. EL M �1 l 1; UN W.-i-.-n om z IBM (MVIS'81 aVCrd NHO14 23-12-13 z LL 03 ps LL in Z 2 so AL IL A, CL IL 13 a a, u L 0 'L au gc C. L 23-12-13 AL IL A, IL a a, u L 0 'L 23-12-13 Traffac Impact Worksheel PROJECT NANIE To be determ:11-ned PROfECT ADDR]ESS 4832,41136 & 4840 Carolina Beach Road GROSS FLOOR AREA :L:1400 —s fto ■ 11,11IN170,17MI Avera DaLl Traffic (Date) US 421: 29385 f _ JEVF i R ,, 0j r-I SE _ MANUAL . rRA c:rFNERATION ESTDAATE *rfH Montiril available ;TL Pfflumillg DCPUI 1131CIII -andin Reba "I and Shops IF reest USE AND VAIUADLESVI ('Example: Rac Club; 8 courts; Saturda peaks) calc Hour estimate corfflrmed b Plaiming & ZOning on B 5= 23-12-14 Weekda Peak AM: Avera 1000 S GFA T = 10 Av Weekda Peak PM: Avera 1000 S q .Ft. GFA T = 63 Av Anticipated Built-out Trips I( (Weekday) = 699 Av T (Weekda Peak AN) 10 Av T (Weekday Pea-k PM) 63 Av Note: Based on the- Institut.'e of Transportation En Trip Generation 01 manual, 7th Edition, the weekda peak hour varied between 1.0.-OO AM and A -Id 3:00 PM. t: 0 0 P M. Th e weekend peak hou r va ried betwee n 11 00 AM a i W'v iff 'Ile ad, 0 IN 23-12-15 M 1, U&I I I I IIETC: i � n I&I ol f I W, To : New Hanover Count Plannin Department DATE.,, Au 1,, 2012 R E Zonin Map Amendment as Revised Z-918, 04-12 Re Communit Meetin (roster) from theme tin I . . . . . . . . . . arnber r ti 23-12-16 INZ91-1-uw- Hom Road, LLC 3807 Peachtree Avenue., Suite 200 Wilmin NC 28403 910-395-6036 On behalf of Horn Road LLC I will be submittin a revised zonin map amendment application to New Hanover Count for the properties referenced above. The application seeks to rezone 2.49 acres of land and the ad road ri to Conditional District B-2 Hi Business CDZ (B-2) from .C.onditional Use District Office and Institution CD(O-I). The propert is indicated b the b the y ellow shaded area on the attached tax parcel map. Prior to m submittin the application, a g eneral communit meetin will be held and y ou and/or an other interested person(s) are invited. The purpose of this meetin is to obtain comments from folks in the area with respect to plans for development of the properties. ............... ; later than 7:30 PMV If y ou are not able to attend but have comments or q uestions, feel free to contact me directl at 910- 395-6036. 23-12-17 Ad and Nearb Propert Owners Horn Road Rezonin I-Jason Harr Burkhardt Etal 92 Horn Road Wn NC 28412 -7-Shawn and Carol Stovall 1007 Winterberr Circle Leland NC 258451 3-Terr Miller Etai---- 627 Loreauville Driv-.,-4, Suppl NC 28462 4-Walter Winter 1105 Harborwa Plac Wilmin NC 284051 S-Unda Coite 4819 Lon Branch Dr Wilmin NC 28412 6-Camilla L. Downin 4822 Carolina Beach Road Wilmin NC. 28412 7-Robert and Norma Dowin ,, 830 Carolina Beach Road Wilmin NC 28412 8-Debra Wilson 4,828 Carolina Beach Raoad Wilmin NC 28412 9-Esplanade Unit Owners Assoc- 4�837 Carolina Beach Road Wilmin NC 28412 10-Martin Self Stora Centers 4.851 Carolina Beach Road Wilmin NC 28412 ape �ear Auto Finance 4. 905 Carolina Beach Road-- Wilmin NC 28412 12-PCJ-*wners Associatior-., PO Box 1930 Wilmin NC 28402 13-Fisher Holdin LL 1608 Market Street Wilmin NC 284011 14-Courtne Moser 110 Ra Drive Wilmin NC 28412 15-Jerold and Terr Beavers 114 Ra Drive Wilmin NC 28412 16-Lorraine D. Gerritz Eta 118 Ra Drive Wilmin NC 28412 17-Robert and Diane Zenz 122 Ra Drive Wilmin NC 28412 18-Joshua Dufort 101 Horn Road Wilmin NC 28412 19-Anne M. Parker Revocable Trust 102 Horn Road Wilmin NC 28412 23-12-18 Yhe meetin was convened at 6:40 PIVI. See Exhibit 1 C for a list of citizens who attended the meetin"- Displa provided: the existin approved plan and the plan showin the chan proposed. I Pete Aver A for the owner of the propert (Horn Road LLQ, introduced himself alon with Jason Swain, representin Swain and Associates and Mont Recoulle a member of the aforementioned Lb# that owns the propert proposed for rezonin Al"' '011'i IZI, 14-k operation The differences in the volume of new traffic that would be g enerated., The location and width of buffer y ards and the placement of perimeter fencin Access to the propert from Horn Road and Carolina Beach Road,. For the most part, there was little opposition to the proposed chan However, the folks attendin id want to know the name of the business and to better understand uses to be included and exclude. 23-12-20 MEN"m Commulit Meetin Roster of Aticmdecs Discussion of Zrin ing Anne nd ment f or Properflies at 4,937., 4836 & 4840 Ca rol ina S'each Road 23-12-21 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 24 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Sam Burgess, Senior Planner; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Sam Burgess, Senior Planner; Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (S -606, 09/12) - Request by Stephen Ohm on Behalf of Security Savings Bank to Obtain a Special Use Permit to Establish a Convenience Food Store at 5111 Carolina Beach Road (This item was continued from the October 1, 2012 County Commissioners meeting.) BRIEF SUMMARY: At their September 6, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 3 -3 on the petitioner's request to establish a drive -thru convenient mart facility in an Office and Institutional District adjacent to residential. One person provided a letter siting no objection. Five people spoke in opposition to the request, citing concerns about traffic safety and congestion, noise, lighting, operating hours, and negative impact on property values. The property is located in an O &I Office and Institutional Zoning District at 5111 Carolina Beach Road and is classified as Urban on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification map. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff suggests that the project does not satisfy the required findings necessary for a Special Use Permit. Evidence in the record suggests that the proposed use, if developed according to the plan, will not be in harmony in the area in which it is to be located. The proposal offers a stark contrast to the existing residential character surrounding the property, and does not offer a transition from the existing residential development to the proposed business. The intent of the proposed business is to provide a drive -thru convenience store for motorists passing by an otherwise residential area. Further, the Office and Institutional District is intended to provide for land for institutional uses and professional office uses and to provide "protection for this type land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses ". This use is not consistent with that statement. ACTION NEEDED: (Choose One) Use the Script/Worksheet to make findings and 1. Grant the special use; or 2. Add conditions to the special use; or 24 -0 3. Deny the special use on the grounds that the Findings of Fact violate one or more of the four criteria. ATTACHMENTS: S -606 Script S -606 Staff Summary S -606 Petition Summary S -606 Adjacent Property Owners Map S -606 Zoning Map S -606 Zoning- Aerial Map S -606 Proposed Site Plan S -606 Applicant Materials COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved Option 2 with conditions 3 -1, Chairman Barfield dissenting. 24 -0 ITEM# 24 SCRIPT FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT S -606, 09/12 Request by Stephen Ohm on behalf of Security Savings Bank to obtain a special use permit to establish a convenience food store. The property is located in an O & I Office and Institutional Zoning District at 5111 Carolina Beach Road. The site is classified as Urban on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. Swear in witnesses 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Open the Public Hearing: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant' s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Commissioner Discussion 5. A Special Use Permit which is denied may only be resubmitted at the discretion of the Planning Director. You may ask to continue the matter. Do you wish to do so? 6. Ask Applicant whether he /she agrees with staff findings and any proposed conditions. 7. Vote on the special use permit. In Motion to grant the permit -All findings are positive. In Motion to grant, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) In Motion to deny because, if completed as proposed, the development more probably than not: 13 a. Will endanger the public health or safety for the following reasons: [D b. Does not meet all required conditions and specifications, in particular: c. Will injure the value of adjoining or abutting property in the following way: d. Will not be in harmony with the area in which it is located for the following reasons: 24 -1 -1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Drive - Through Convenience Food Store in an 0&1 Zoning District 5 -606, 09/12 Petitioner: Stephen Ohm (Palsy Investments, LLC) Acreage: 1.69 Location: 5111 Carolina Beach Road The applicant proposes locating adrive- through convenience store in an area zoned Office and Institutional (O &I). The zoning ordinance allows convenience stores in O &I zoning districts with a special use permit. The following findings must be positive to satisfy the special use permit requirements. Planning Board Action At their regular meeting on September 6, 2012, the Planning Board voted 3 -3 on the petitioner's request to establish a drive -thru convenient mart (facility) at 5111 Carolina Beach Road. Several adjacent residents spoke and shared concerns with the Board that included traffic congestion, driver safety executing left movement turns through a median cut across from the proposed facility, devaluation of property values, facility lighting, noise, existing services already in place, and aesthetics. Findings of Fact: 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located within the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's (CFPUA) jurisdiction. According to the CFPUA, public water and sewer capacity are available. B. Access to the property is from Carolina Beach Road (US Highway 421 South). The ADT just north of Monkey Junction has decreased from 34,842 (2010) to 29,835 (2011). The LOS near the proposed use is E meaning the roadway is operating at design capacity. The section of Carolina Beach Road between Archmill and Antoinette is the 15th most dangerous road section in New Hanover County. C. NCDOT is proposing to close the median cut across from the proposed facility (Carolina Beach Road Median Project W- 5103). According to NCDOT, the time horizon to begin this work has not been determined. D. The property will be served by the New Hanover County South Fire District E. The site is not within the 100 year flood zone. F. The subject property is presently vacant with the exception of a small shed near the northwestern portion of the property. The shed is proposed to be removed. G. No gasoline sales or storage is proposed. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time indicates that the proposed use may materially 5 -606 09/12 1 24-2-1 endanger the public health or safety where proposed. The proposed use is intended to provide fast and convenient shopping to patrons driving cars along Carolina Beach Road, however, the proposal is located at an un- signalized intersection that was not designed to handle left turns exiting from the proposed location. This section of Carolina Beach Road is already one of the most dangerous road sections in the County. The proposed Median Project may reduce the risk of accident at this location when it is constructed. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The subject property is presently zoned 0 &1. The purpose of the 0 &1 zoning district shall be to provide areas where institutional uses, professional office uses and other uses compatible to uses of an office or institutional nature shall be encouraged to locate, and to provide protection for this type land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses. B. The 0 &1 zoning district allows for convenience food stores by special use permit. C. The petitioner's site plan proposes a convenience food store facility consisting of a total of 2,760 square feet with a twenty (20) foot wide drive - through traversing the retail space of 1,600 square feet. A building height of eighteen (18) feet is also displayed on the site plan. D. The facility has direct access onto a public street maintained by NCDOT in accordance with Section 72 -26(1) of the Zoning Ordinance. E. Buffer yards and setbacks to protect adjoining residential property displayed on the site plan appear to meet Section 67B of the Zoning Ordinance. F. Parking displayed on the plan appears to meet Section 81 of the Zoning Ordinance. G. No conservation resources, cemeteries, or archaeological sites exist on the property. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time indicates that the proposed use does not meet the intent of the 0 &1 zoning district as described in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use, a drive -thru convenience store, is not a use considered as office or institutional as prescribed by the 0 &1 zoning district. The inclusion of a convenience store would be appropriate in an office and institutional district if it was providing convenience shopping to office and institutional uses within the district. This type of use is permitted by right in the commercial and industrial districts. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The proposed use is allowed in an 0 &1 zoning district by special use permit. B. A residential neighborhood abuts the proposed property to the northwest and northeast. C. No evidence has been submitted to date that the project proposal will decrease property values for residents who live nearby. Staff Suggestion: There is no evidence in the record at this time indicating that the proposed use will 5 -606 09/12 2 24 -2 -2 substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Convenience stores are permitted by special use permit in 0 &1 zoning districts. B. The adopted 2006 Land Use Plan identifies this site as Urban. C. The proposed facility is a convenience store. The proposal abuts established single family houses to the south and multi - family development to the north and west. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record suggests that the proposed use, if developed according to the plan, will not be in harmony in the area in which it is to be located. The proposal offers a stark contrast to the existing residential character surrounding the property, and does not offer a transition from the existing residential development to the proposed business. The intent of the proposed business is to provide a drive -thru convenience store for motorists passing by an otherwise residential area. The Office and Institutional District is intended to provide for land for institutional uses and professional office uses and to provide "protection for this type land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses ". This use is not consistent with that statement. Staff Conclusion: Findings of fact indicate that the proposed project does not meet the required findings necessary for a Special Use Permit. Suggested Staff Conditions (if Special Use Permit is approved) • A NCDOT Driveway Permit along with encroachment agreements and other associated road improvement costs are recommended. • Low level lighting to mitigate light pollution to adjoining neighborhoods is recommended. • Hours of operation should be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. • The sale of gasoline should be prohibited. • Dumpsters should be placed away from adjoining neighborhoods and screened from view. • A pedestrian sidewalk and bus transit shelter near the proposed facility should be considered. Note: A Special Use Permit is a quasi - judicial process requiring an evidentiary hearing and findings of fact. Action Needed (Choose One) 1. Motion to approve with or without conditions 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation — specify information needed. 3. Motion to deny based on specific findings in any of the four categories noted above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. 5 -606 09/12 3 24 -2 -3 Case S -606 (09/12) Special Use Permit to construct a convenience store in an 0&1 Office and Institutional Zoning District Petition Summary Data Parcel Location & Acreage 5111 Carolina Beach Road, 1.69 acres Owner /Petitioner Palay Investments, LLC Existing Land Use Vacant Zoning History Area 4 (April 7, 1971) Land Classification: Urban Water Type Public Sewer Type Public Recreation Area: Arrowhead Park Access & Traffic Volume Carolina Beach Road Average Daily Trips (ADT) on Carolina Beach Road (Just North of Antoinette Drive) have decreased from 34,842 (2010) to 29,835 (2011) Fire District New Hanover County South Watershed & Water Quality Classification Motts Creek Aquifer Recharge Area Primary (blend of Castle Hayne & Pee Dee Aquifers) Conservation /Historic /Archaeological Resources None Soils Stallings Septic Suitability Marginal Schools Codington Elementary 24 -3 -1 Cu M (AD 4) M CD LL CD (J Lf) (AD C-4 W CF) 75 CD 0 z Lf) (ID 6 - IF= 0 C) (J 0 CD ell P M= Cu M CD LL CD M CD (J (AD C-4 Q CD C) z Q , CD CIO 6 Q U C) e ll P C) M= '0 VN0i NON - IO M �X) - 0137 ON `NOIDNIN11 £09 09Z 9cc wars —c-vc (OL5) xvi not V 002 S311nS Z " A °•• 6, CIVOU HOV39 VNIIOHVO L k's 60t83ON'NOIONI IIM € 96 — ( M) 3NGHd AVs aV sa7J ZZLL n�Y CIVOU N30CIA M9 M F ONI imEm isn WIO�IdS �� �1 � � [� � �1rfI N�' �JIi11 .�f1SNC ;` � P AHO N3Hd31S'EV4 NV d all ,�,81�°f�IVT'13Ud ! �1°IVISNn SIMMON p o ��., �•w °`` 'r ' ° ° +ttts'asss' ' IVISNni N SE88ON ZWZ70' SNOISK38 AFB NCIldWOS3=1 3ibU - 10SMS W cx W n^ C) r � a � CZ W ¢° m. °az Y V1 R Q Lil Ix k_— e +n en inP 9t '+ 0m�a UI C Q 4 N pO N <D. 0 /J @' i{��s1;` Z W p «& U U J Y W O 3 - 1 iC W Ei �3 1@ `R ♦.1 O T �. ¢. t, \ R a C] oa 2 Ng WO m�4 Wd'pLLWf� 6p �Wt11 KK II]N' ZfWII L! W U d R Cw V1 QQ lat 73 q�9�.'d( r7WiJ t*I 1* @� Q. n ¢CIxO 0c3 4 ] d Z 4 U�o Cp.N U�< Q !y o R t IL d Z n (6 � O s LLF n O Z y LJ o R 4 � W y RR \ `R C— J �r �+ / r �l• Z 2 mZ T nw / ' r / r �r Are z Z . 1 w a ° m , v LLJ Lj La r ,l f f'` 11 p • / O C1 h ms's Z F IR y, � RR � <� m wz oyz c� ! z �mw v � � n f �✓ f + 6 y - C? ut ro E Z C. iJy�p:,nE S 9 W tJ 0. 7116- e J � w �KJ<W's�_d dUt3 W I W !S DV t@Qe4JS �a.m œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ  Petitioner Information Subject Propert Name Owner Name Address Stephen Ohm Securit Savin Bank 5111 Carolina Beach Road Compan Owner Name Parcel ID Pala Investments, LLC R07100-003-067-000 Address Address Area 6123 L Road 300 North Howe St 1.69 AC i State, Zip C49 Cit State, Zip Existin Zonin and Use Wilmin NC 28409 Southport, NC, 28461 0&1 / Vacant - Thone Phone Proposed Use 336-260-1603 910-457 -5246 Convenience Store Email Email [ Classification spo4321@ Mg PLEASE READ SECTIONS 70 and 71 of the Zonin Ordinance prior to submission. For hi densit residential projects, ff ,-.-,Iease also refer to the Hi Densit application and also note the proposal must be reviewed b the Technical Review Committee prior to submission for consideration b the Plaimin Board. M �M 24-8-2 1 41 VI �11E' 40 11 IJ Applications for Special Use Permits (other then for sin famil dwellin on individual lots) are first referred to the New Hanover Count Plannin Board for reconunendation to the Count Commissioners. The Commissioners make final action on the permit application 'in a q uasi- j * udicial public hearin Complete petitions and all supplementar information must be accepted b Plannin & Zonin twent (20) workin da before the Plannin Board meetin to allow ade time for processin and advertisement as re b the North Carolina Gen POJannlin Board meetin are held on the first Thursda of each month at 54-30PM in the Commissioner's Assembl Room at the Old Count Courthouse, at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmin North Carolina. Applications for sin dwellin includffi mobile homes, on individual lots must be accepted b Plannin & Zoninj iwent (20) workin da before the re scheduled Commissioners meetm* Applications for sin dwellin on individual lots do not re planni'n board review. I S Use Permit pil Intge OUT General Re #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materiall endan the public health or safet if located where proposed and developed accordin to the plan as submitted and ®" General Re #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all re conditions and specifications" of the Zonin Ordmiance". With the help of the count we will work to make sure that we met all the re conditions of the Zonin Ordinance as we g o throu the development process. MOMMI 24-8-3 General Re #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantiall injure the value of ad or abuttmi propert or that the use is a public necessit General Re #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed accordin to the plan as submitted and approved w ill be in harmon with the area in which it is to be located and in g eneral conforrnit with the plan of development for New I 1 1 1 1 Hanover Count Me �� 24-8-4 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST Check each item to con that IS included. Applieation will not be deemed complete without addressin each itenL Tract boundaries and total area, plus location of adjoinin land parcels and roadwa f Existin zonin of the tract and nei parcels and proposed tract zonin 9 proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, hei and t of units and s 'te plan outfin' I i in area to be occupied b each structure and/or subdivided lot boundaries. For non-residential uses, this shall include a I approximate s foota &-id hei of each structure, an outline of the area it will occu and the specific purpose for which it will be used. Development schedule includin proposed phasin Traffic and Parkin Plan to include a statement of impact concemin local traffic near the tract, proposed ri dedication. plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and ri for internal streets and location, arran and access M"m �, I F"'J M [JAll ffi 9 existin and proposed easements, reservations, re setbacks, ri bufferin and si [2"The one hundred (100) y ear floodplain line, if applicable t A re of Pet*t* i ioner and/or Propert Owne7A Print Name' OMMM 24-8-5 Wilmin Re Association of REALTORSO - New Hanover Count Tax Report -... Pa 1. of 2 S CANNED Wilmin Re Assoclaflion ot REALTOR40 - IMAPP - New Hanover Count Tax Report - 5111 CAROLINA BEACH RD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412-2516 PID # '7' j" i 11"'Ll" ® Mq&NI mmalft a ill IMEMIME PIN (Aft ID)I-m 313410.26.9421.000 Propert Use- IftQviiiiiii'm Subdivision. OVERTON DIVISION Propert T Residential Propert lUldresso Sin Famil Residential (10) Le Description: 5111 CAROLINA BEACH RD Land Areasila (1.65 AQ TRACT B OVERTON DIVISION WILMINGTON NC 28412-2516 1. 1 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL / 10 Current Owner: Lot Size: 1.69 acres / 73,659 sli SECURM SAVINGS BANK Zonin 0&1 Latitude.a 34.14723 Lon - Tax Mailin Address: 77.89965 101 N HOWE ST SOLiORT,, NC 28461-3813 Phone: ( 910 ) 792-1101 ( see phone use disclaimer below . . .......... TAX VALUATION INFORMATION 20 2009 Final 2010 Final 2011 Final 2012 R rerlm Buildin Vallue: $76 198 $0 $0 $0 $0 Extra Feature Value: $4, " $4..084 $4, $6 A Value: Land Value: $149,006 $149,006 $149,006 $149, $320,600 Just Market Valluelle $229,,288 $153, $153,090 $153, $327,400 Percent Chan n/a - -33.23% 0% 0% 113-86% Total Assessed Value. $229 $153, $153, $153, $327 Total Exemptions: Taxable Value: $229, $153, $153,090 $153 Tax Amount: $1, $784.58 $804.48 $815.97 -n/a- A SALES INFORMATION . . . . - ......... 1.1 IF= Eff Wilmin Re Association of REALTORSO - New Hanover Count Tax Report -... Pa 2 of 2 Deed T Sale Date Price Qualifiers Document # Grantor TD 11 $42 I Q l3k 5527/P 1886 YATES JESSE G III MELISSA L Mcwb Amount: Terms: % / y rs Document # Bk 5527/Pg 1886 05131/2006 $390,,000 Bk 5030/P 940 TRAN NAM VAN ; NGUYEN HUONG M f4a" Anmunt: $249,000 Terms: 0.00000% j yrs Document # Bk 5030/Pg 940 WD 11Q0/2001 1000 V U Bk 31ZVPg 222 ELIZABETH PROPERTIES INC rLWD 01/01/zQ01 $0 V U B 24 2 * NOT IN SYSTEM 01/0 $0 V U Bk 232/Pg 245 * NOT IN SYSTEM I k— 10/13/1995 $135,000 1 Q l3k 19WP 874 OVERTON VIRGINIA T HRS 1 1212511994 $0 V U l3k 9995/p E010 OVERTON VIRGINIA T �06 01/01/1993 $0 V U l3k 990 193 OVERTON I I VIRGINIA T a Mi V4 IL ■ I M I i L Ali] 10401(0117,4#411 11F71157 -I Napp, Inc 2012 1 Information is believed accurate but not g uaranteed and should be independentl verified. I Powered b Pf; 'V Telephone numbers ma appear on the FTC/FCC national do not call re Callers must check telephone numbers a the re before o comply makin sales calls. %Nf U Fines fbr failure t ma reach $11, See o a 0 0- tcO m.v fbr details. http://wrar.'i'mapp.com/i'li*nks/ .9up'ln=US&7-la9R07100003067000&report--tax&v*iew 8/7/2012 Wilmin Re Association of REALTORSO - New Hanover Count Tax Report .... Pa I of 2 Wilmin Re Association of REALTORS@ - IMAPP New Hanover Count Tax Report - 5111 BE 9"PI lust Market Value: Percent Chan iI - �7 Value: -;otal Exemptions: i-axable Value: Tax Amount: $149, $149 $149,006 $149,006 $320,600 $229,288 $153,090 $153,090 $153,090 $327,400 ® n/a - -33.23% 0% 0% 113.86% $229,1 $153, $153,090 $153,090 $327, $229,288 $153 $153,090 $153,090 $1,152.17 $784.58 $804.48 $815.97 - . .................. ..................... ........... 2008 Final 2009 Final 2 010 Final 2011 Final 2012 Prelim Buildin Value: $76 $0 $0 $0 $0 Extra Feature Values. $4, "w $4 $6 9"PI lust Market Value: Percent Chan iI - �7 Value: -;otal Exemptions: i-axable Value: Tax Amount: $149, $149 $149,006 $149,006 $320,600 $229,288 $153,090 $153,090 $153,090 $327,400 ® n/a - -33.23% 0% 0% 113.86% $229,1 $153, $153,090 $153,090 $327, $229,288 $153 $153,090 $153,090 $1,152.17 $784.58 $804.48 $815.97 - !I, I III Ilk 111 1111 4 E3 Fitesiderfid 1-73 A E; , lierd "u "I Vizier MP Citmimerciall IndUsidel 0 Other Wilmin Re Association of REALTORS9 - New Hanover Count Tax Report -... Pa 2 of 2 iMapp,, In 2012 1 Information is believed accurate but not g uaranteed and should be independentl verified. I Powered b Pm&,)Ut' Telephone numbers ma appear on the FTC/FCC national do not call re Callers must check telephone numbers a the re before makin sales calls. 1 1 Fines flor failure to compl ma reach $11,,000. See At'4)41U!IonvUW un", Wn aH fbr details. il l 111 li 1111 � 1111 19 ipul 11101r"114114' F oFl 0 TD 11/01/2010 $42,000 I Q l3k 5527/P 1886 YATIES JESSE G III MELISSA L I Mortgage Amount Terms: % / y rs Document # Bk 552 1886 05/31/2006 $390,000 l3k 5030/P 9M TRAN NAM VAN . NGUYEN HUONG MoVage Amount: $MOOD Terms: 0.00000% YM Document * Bk 5030/Pg 940 WD 11/W12001 $260,000 V U Bk 31WP 222 ELIZABETH PROPERTIES INC WD OV01/2001 $0 V U Bk 240/P 285 * NOT IN SYSTEM * 01/01/2001 $0 V U Bk 232/P 245 * NOT IN SYSTEM * D 10/13/1995 $135,000 1 Q Sk 19WP 874 OVERTON VIRGINIA T HRS OB lZt2511994 $0 V U l3k 9995/P E010 OVERTON VIRGINIA T OB OVO l3k 9901/Pg 193 OVERTON 3 1 VIRGINIA T 111993 V U P17 79#TM I Ilk ,MLAZM to iMapp,, In 2012 1 Information is believed accurate but not g uaranteed and should be independentl verified. I Powered b Pm&,)Ut' Telephone numbers ma appear on the FTC/FCC national do not call re Callers must check telephone numbers a the re before makin sales calls. 1 1 Fines flor failure to compl ma reach $11,,000. See At'4)41U!IonvUW un", Wn aH fbr details. il l 111 li 1111 � 1111 19 ipul 11101r"114114' a P ositive addition to the communit 24-8-10 f i ll If we obtain the special use permit on October l't, a rou timeline- of development to create our drive throu convenience store would be as follows. We would estimate a g rand openin 'in the June-Jul 2013 timeframe., 24-8-11 Please note that for q uasi- j udicial proce'edin either the land owner or an attorney must represent the case at its public hearin 4"AR4 , �41rm This agency agreement shC continue M" effect until written notice of revocation b the owner is delivered to New Hanover Count This the, da of 20 R, A Nane, Address, Email & Telephone Si of Owner (s', JI Tknvnt or T . ......... FIIWFTTW 24-8-12 N&T #12066 Traffic Impact Worksheet !�ROJECT NAME The Monke Market !�ROJECT A ' a ad - DEVELOPER/OWNER Securit Savin Bank EXISTING ZONING 0&1 17 D M 1 11 1 1 ,11 1 , NEAR.EST INTERSECTION Carolina Beach Rd. / S. Colle Rd, VIA Avera Dail Traffic (Date)__ Attached Latest NC DOT 201 Traffic Cou n' t8l LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS I ITE MANU. AL TRAFFIC GENERATION ESTIMATE *1TE Manual available at Planning Dcoanment 0 David Leonard / AC DOT I ed b Plannin Department on a (D,rate) 24-8-13 24 -8 -14 Summar of Trip Generation Calculation For 1.6 Th.Gr.S of Convenience Market (Open 15-16 Hours) Au 08, 2012 IV 1:91 Nowao 24-8-15 Avera Standard Ad Drivewa Rate Deviation Factor Volume Av Weekda 2-Wa Volume 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 15.51 0.00 1.00 25 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 15.51 0.00 1.00 25 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 31.02 24.36 1.00 50 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 16.94 0.00 1.00 27 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 17.63 0.00 1.00 28 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 34.57 17.61 1.00 55 Saturda 2-Wa Volume 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturda Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturda Peak Hour Exilt 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturda Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation En Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003. IV 1:91 Nowao 24-8-15 R Permitted Uses PD 20S Truck Sales, , DWers Bo,at Dealem p ss 4IM3, mot Enteit Establishments. Ban.. Cab.4etsj Discos a HIM m FC16d st No too- t Furniture, Home Furnisbmg & Mea, --- -- HIM HIM HardwaW. ��ro Mobile H Dealers prefabricated. HIM HIM Banks, Cre& -Agcncle%-� Savings Loans tutomob 13oat 1i�air Sales A utom. obi-le. RmAah - I Shop ( 10/90 Barber I Btaut W10/06 ,,,Tom= ftmftmff!� p -0 p p p Is New Hanover County Zonin Ordinance Pa 42 24-8-16 HIM a HIM m No No - --- -- HIM ENE ��ro e eieii � ■� e� eee�■�■a HIM MENGE New Hanover County Zonin Ordinance Pa 42 24-8-16 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 25 DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Sam Burgess, Senior Planner; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director (PB Rep: David Weaver) CONTACT(S): Sam Burgess, Senior Planner; Shawn Ralston, Planning Manager; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (S -610, 10/12) by Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on Behalf of Gordon Road Development Partners, LLC to Establish a High Density Residential Development at 8703 Stephens Church Road BRIEF SUMMARY: The petitioner is proposing an eight- (8 -) building, 192 -unit apartment campus in a CD Conditional Use (O &I) Office and Institution and R -15 Residential Zoning District. The CD district was originally approved in March, 2002 for a campus style commercial development. The project was not started due to certain dynamics taking place in the area. The validity period for the special use permit has since expired. The zoning ordinance allows high density projects in the O &I zoning district with issuance of a special use permit. Density can't exceed 10.2 units per acre. The Planning Board voted 7 -0 to recommend denial of the request at their October 4, 2012 meeting. The Board concluded that the project would materially endanger the public health and safety due to the volume of traffic and the configuration of the Highway 17 superstreet & Stephens Church Road intersection. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff concurs with the planning board recommendation that the project would materially endanger the public health and safety due to the volume of traffic and the configuration of the Highway 17 superstreet & Stephens Church Road intersection. Therefore, staff recomends denial of the special use permit request. ACTION NEEDED: (Choose One) Use the Script/Worksheet to make findings and 1. Grant the special use; or 2. Add conditions to the special use; or 3. Deny the special use on the grounds that the Findings of Fact violate one or more of the four criteria. ATTACHMENTS: 25 -0 S -610 Script S -610 Staff Summary S -610 Petition Summary S -610 Adjacent Property Owners Map S -610 Zoning Map S -610 Zoning- Aerial Map S -610 Site Plan S -610 Applicant Materials COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved with a condition 4 -0. 25 -0 ITEM# 25 SCRIPT FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT S -610, 10/12 Request by Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions, on behalf of Gordon Road Development Partners, LLC to obtain a special use permit to establish a high density residential development. The property is located within a CD (O &1) Conditional Office and Institutional District at 8703 Stephens Church Road. This site is classified as Transition according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan and within the Porters Neck Small Area Plan. Swear in witnesses 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Open the Public Hearing: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant' s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Commissioner Discussion 5. A Special Use Permit which is denied may only be resubmitted at the discretion of the Planning Director. You may ask to continue the matter. Do you wish to do so? 6. Ask Applicant whether he /she agrees with staff findings and any proposed conditions. 7. Vote on the special use permit. In Motion to grant the permit -All findings are positive. In Motion to grant, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) In Motion to deny because, if completed as proposed, the development more probably than not: 13 a. Will endanger the public health or safety for the following reasons: [3 b. Does not meet all required conditions and specifications, in particular: 13 c. Will injure the value of adjoining or abutting property in the following way: d. Will not be in harmony with the area in which it is located for the following reasons: 25 -1 -1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT: High Density Apartment Campus in a CD (O &I) & R -15 Residential Zoning District S- 610,10/12 Petitioner: Gordon Road Development Partners, LLC Acreage: 19.76 Location: 8703 Stephens Church Road (Kirkland Community) Proposal The petitioner is proposing an eight (8) building, 192 unit apartment campus in a CD Conditional Use (0&1) Office and Institution and R -15 Residential Zoning District. The CD district was originally approved in March, 2002 for a campus style commercial development. The project was not started due to certain dynamics taking place in the area. The validity period for the special use permit has since expired. The zoning ordinance allows high density project proposals in the 0&1 zoning district with issuance of a special use permit. Density can't exceed 10.2 units per acre. Planning Board Action At their regular meeting on October 4, 2012, the Planning Board voted 7 -0 to deny the petitioner's request to establish a 192 unit apartment campus located near 8703 Stephens Church Road, Kirkland Community. The Board concluded as one of the four findings of fact, that the project would materially endanger the public health and safety due to the volume of traffic and the configuration of the Highway 17 superstreet & Stephens Church Road intersection. Additionally, nearby residents voiced concerns including the safety and security of children and the elderly, the lack of schools in the area, road grade intersection issues between Market & Stephens Church Road, overflow parking along Stephens Church for church funerals near the intersection, and maintaining the quality of life within the Kirkland Community. Project Information In 2006, most of the four parcels of land assembled for this project (19.76 acres) were classified as "Wetland Resource Protection" on the CAMA Land Use Plan. In April, 2012, at the request of the property owner, the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners amended the 2006 Land Classification Map changing all four parcels to "Transition" based on the release of wetlands by the Corps of Engineers and a staff site inspection. The "Transition" classification provides for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with the necessary urban services. The site also reveals that there are no cemeteries, archaeological sites, or flood prone areas. The Level of Service (LOS) along the road segment of US Business Highway 17 /Market Street between the Porters Neck Road /Market Street intersection and the New Hanover /Pender County line is " E " meaning that the road design is at or near capacity. According to WMPO, traffic volume between these two areas is approximately 31,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) in 2011. According to the petitioner's Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA), the LOS near the intersection of US Business 17 /Futch Creek Road ranges between an A and a B (free flowing traffic movements). The total number of vehicular trips generated at build -out would be 1 1 352 during a 24 hour period. Turning movements arriving and leaving the project from Stephens Church Road onto Market Street will be limited to right -in S -610, 10/12 Page 1 25 -2 -1 and right -out only. Vehicular traffic entering the project from Market Street to Stephens Church would be limited to one superstreet lane located in the northbound travel lanes. The interchange with 1 -140 and US Highway Business 17 South is located nearby. The following findings must be positive to satisfy the special use permit requirements. 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property will be served by public water and sewer through the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA). According to the CFPUA, water capacity is available, and the project is "in the queue" for sewer capacity. B. Access to the property is from Stephens Church Road (SR- 1351) and US Highway 17 (Market Street). Both roads are maintained by the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT). This portion of US Hwy 17 is heavily traveled. Traffic volume between Porters Neck Road / Market Street to the New Hanover /Pender County line was approximately 31,000 (AADT) in 2011 with a LOS of E. C. County schools serving the proposed project include Blair Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle and Laney High. Blair Elementary and Laney High School are currently over capacity. D. The property will be served by the New Hanover County North District. E. The proposed site is not within the 100 year flood zone. F. The subject property is currently vacant. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time indicates that the proposed use if fully developed may create a traffic safety issue on the existing road design capacity of US Highway 17 Business between Porters Neck Road and the New Hanover /Pender County line. The current Level of Service (LOS) is E meaning that the highway design is at capacity with irregular traffic flow. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance, A. The subject property is zoned CD (0&1) and R -15 Residential. The special use component of the conditional use expired in 2004. The 0&1 zoning district provides areas where institutional uses, professional office uses and other uses compatible to uses of an office and institutional nature be encouraged to locate and to provide protection for this type of land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses. B. The 0&1 zoning district allows for high density projects not exceeding 10.2 units per acre by special use permit only. C. The petitioner's site plan proposes a 192 apartment campus totaling eight three story buildings along with a clubhouse/ pool and open space. Building height will not exceed 35 feet. Based on the number of units proposed, density would be approximately 9.7 units per acre. D. The proposed apartment campus has access through two ingress and egress points from Stephens Church Road (SR- 1351), a NCDOT maintained road. Stephens Church Road has been designed and built to "Residential Collector Streets" standards as defined in the NCDOT Subdivision Construction Standards manual. This connecting street is designed to serve only traffic originating from or going to the development, S -610, 10/12 Page 2 25 -2 -2 or other existing Planned Developments or High Density developments, or future residential development. US Business Highway 17 is a major arterial. E. Buffer yards and setbacks to protect adjoining residential property (presently vacant) are displayed on the plan and appear to meet Section 67B of the Zoning Ordinance. F. Parking displayed on the site plan appears to meet section 81 of the Zoning Ordinance. G. No conservation resources, cemeteries, or archaeological sites exist on the property. Staff Suggestion: The proposal satisfies thoroughfare criteria, buffer yards, setbacks, parking and, landscaping criteria. However, evidence in the record at this time indicates that the proposed use is inconsistent with the intent of the 0&1 zoning district since no 0&1 uses are proposed for the site. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The proposed use is allowed in an 0&1 zoning district by special use permit only. B. Vacant residential property surrounds most of the proposed development. C. The Kirkland Community is located nearby. D. No evidence has been submitted to date that the project proposal will decrease property values for residents who live nearby. Staff Suggestion: There is no evidence in the record at this time indicating that the proposed use will substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. High density projects are permitted by special use permit in 0&1 and R -15 zoning districts. B. The adopted 2006 Joint Land Use Plan identifies this site as "Transition." This classification provides for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with the necessary urban services. C. A small residential community known as Kirkland is located nearby to the North of the proposed project. The Porters Neck small area plan encompasses this area and encourages the continued use of residential land uses. Staff Suggestion: The proposal is a contrast to the existing residential fabric of the Kirkland medium density residential Community located nearby. Evidence in the record suggests that with the proposed buffers the proposed use, if developed according to the plan will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located. Staff Conclusion: Findings of fact indicate that the proposed project is not consistent with required finding 1 in that adding additional traffic to a road that is already at capacity may jeopardize public health and safety. Although the traffic impact analysis adequately addresses ingress and egress to Market Street, and the S -610, 10/12 Page 3 25 -2 -3 intersections within the project scope function at an acceptable level of service, no improvements are proposed for the Hwy. 17 Road segment adjacent to the project which is already at capacity. Finding 2 indicates that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the Office and Institutional District since no 0&1 use is proposed for the entire district. However, staff recommends that the 19.76 acres for the proposed project be rezoned to CD (R -15) which would be consistent with the existing R -15 zoning district that encompasses the area and nearby Kirkland Community and would allow the desired density with the proposed special use permit and the buffers and setbacks proposed. Note: A Special Use Permit is a quasi - judicial process requiring an evidentiary hearing and findings of fact. Action Needed (Choose One) Use the Script /Worksheet to make findings and 1. Grant the special use; or 2. Add conditions to the special use; or 3. Deny the special use on the grounds that the Findings of Fact violate one or more of the four criteria. S -610, 10/12 Page 4 25 -2 -4 Case S -610 (10/12) Request to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a High Density Apartment Campus Petition Summary Data Parcel Location & Acreage 8703 Stephens Church Road, 19.76 acres Owner /Petitioner Gordon Road Development Partners Existing Land Use Vacant Zoning History Area 8B (July, 1972; March, 2002) Land Classification: Transition Water Type Public Sewer Type Public Recreation Area Ogden Park Access & Traffic Volume Market Street & Porters Neck Road Average Daily Trips (ADT) at Market Street /Porters Neck Road: 12,834 (2011) Fire District New Hanover County North Watershed & Water Quality Classification Island Creek (C,SW) Aquifer Recharge Area Primary (blend of Castle Hayne & Pee Dee Aquifers) Conservation /Historic /Archaeological Resources None Soils: Leon & Murville Septic Suitability Marginal Schools Blair Elementary Holly Shelter Middle School Laney High School 25-3-1 +j � 'L o� Eli Q � J C) O a N o ) a a U - UD U) ° O c (1) C- v ��� 4 ^� �O c6�oZS ZQ��� �� r O LO r - o (V cn z cn — W ^ � W 00 a) ` O _ U 0 O N C: o o U c) 'SA Ld 3 W C Z y\ Ly \\ O �s •T � s � Y� N ° z� � ja C 0 y s \� \ y \ C- U N aY VF Er ® o Z ed N CL) LU E z > F. cm C) S- CL- / 1r > 00 Z In < KI U-5 e-cr- g ?b2 -tj ��:K m. Hz 1- E 41 CL 0- D- (L D- its -ti 4-4 Z 3 2 8 c! . Yz > I. 12 - _ . -z E t , i s 3. 2 ,2Z l o ; 4 0 2 - - a d 1,E :.9 bc .. -° c -C z C3 3: c Z 3 P c , I - x , > 1 Z L ZZZZ 3 FL FL FL FL F" -ca L . U 3, H T Q .2 I= wed am a" � n oE c - c E C4 01 r ma E I I > 'us c ), c . - c , ly c E W > v 3� Yk a- � V Q Q � N N N •� \ t I > i d C E31 Zb ltLi 2E :Ca , - V) ti =.z J � � 21 :.c c > F 1 —2 '£ pa 5 ° Z °� 3 P�i - « � W 41 & -F- m E - -C z I 4) C4 El Q , BE = 3 Arb g �� `�c� \ �\ ZU� °'UCfrfrK..am O EE E LU S 8,. E c. E sc C. < LL 16 61 man t -L E- 8 0 -q 4h ce (N 0 Z IT K 1-2 q :L -2 ci m- 0 :zc cla v m b.c Is am C mna S a° 33- -2 E . Cju ;r C4 c \A 4� - u (3 t .7 S. fr HI , o-u= x 'c c cc) U) 6N \ " > d &S - Z 3 17- 0- (L V TM y / /\ pn ' � 9. � m. 61 13 C4 c -mc 3 if < 2 "N 41 .A S V QW-6 C4 S� 41 Q) /6 6 X - ai IL - 2A P w -01 WR et \ \\ \ 3 1 2 3 (L J a Y xxx Iwo I % L CD m I Y . Transmittal Date.- ',:)& t -t-,C,� (0 -M I Z Too sG� ��.�e�s S� c.` US'f. V Y✓vr�,� 1p.(� �; �—�¢,.�S,� W��YY�An' \� Please do not hesitate to contact me if y ou have q uestions or need additional information. 1".0, SOK 722-1, Wilmi g ton, NC * Tetepkopxe.: 171-0-620-;z374 * Email: cwo(Wobodemarbl'.7'.- 25-8-1 230 Government Center Drive Suite I 10 Wilmin NC 28403 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax www.nhc Petitioner Informadon Propert Owner(%,) ffdif than Pedfionew Subject Propert Name Owner Name Address 10 Cindee Wolf Gordon Road Dev Partners, LLC 8703 Stephens Church Rd Compan Owner Name 2 Parcel ID Design Solutions Adam Sosne R02900-001-013-000 Address Address Area PO Box 7221 6626-C Gordon Road 19.76 ac. +/- 9 Z b Cit State ]p Cit State, Zip Existin Zonin and Use Wilmin NC 28406 Wilmin NC 28411 (CD) 0&1 Vacant Phone Phone Proposed Use 910-620-2374 910-264-4824 High-density Residential E in ai[ Email Land Classification ,cwo1f@lobodemar.biz asosne@yahoo.com Transition PLEASE READ SECTIONS 70 and 71 of the Zonin Ordinance prior to submission. For hi densit residential pro please also refer to the Hi Densit application and also note the proposal must be reviewed b the Technical Review Committee prior to submission for consideration b the Planniin Board. F A, 'MAIIIIII'loll'tWi'�IMLWA . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J: AWE= 25-8-2 a Plannin Board meetin are held on the first Thursda of each month at 5:30PM in the Commissioner's Assembl Room at tK; Old Count Courthouse at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmin North Carolina. Applications for sin dwellin includin mobile homes, on individual lots must be accepted b Plannin & Zoni twent ( 20) workin da before the re scheduled Commissioners meetin Applications for sin dwellin on individual lots do not re plannin board review. What You Must Establish For A ecial Use Permit General Re #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all re conditions and specifications"' of the Zonin Ordinance". The development has direct access, via Stephens Church Road, to and from Market Street, an existin major arterial roadwa Stephens Church Road is considered to be classified as a residential collector, based upon the criteria of the NCDOT "Subdivision Roads Manual," and its constructed improvements, thereb meeting the re of Section 69.9:(A)2. The CAMA Land Classification is Transition, intended for future intensive urban development on lands I that have been, or will be provided with urban services, while minimizin environmental impacts and I mo, ,ro-,1-1i din ade open space. I Public water & sewer service and under storm drainage are proposed. Impervious covera is less than the maximum 40%, at 30.2%. MERM 25-8-3 General Re #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantiall injure the value of adjoinin or abuttin propert or that the use is a public necessit The project is proposed at the end of the roadway, awa from and majority of existin sin 'dential uses. A lar wooded buffer is bein provided for additional screenin and separation. resi The lands were previousl approved for commercial uses, at which time were not found to have an adverse effect. The extension of public water to this pr'oject will ultimatel be of positive value to the nei in the proximit General Re #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed accordin to the plan as submitted and approved w ill be in harmon ith the area in which its to be located and in g eneral conformit with the plan of development for New I I Wi 1 Hanover Count The location of this project adheres to land use plannin policies for optimum efficienc in land utilization and public service deliver It is located with eas access to the interstate highwai-.,, dov-mtown Wilmin and to the major commercial node at Porters Neck. i The policies for g rowth and development encoura safe and affordable housin to be available to ever citizen. Approval of this property for a hi of residential development would be consistent with the concept of transitioning uses, and in-fillin vacant parcels where existin utilities can readil be extended and urban services are available. WMI 25-8-4 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST Check each item to con that i's included. Application will not be deemed complete without addressin each item, Tract boundaries and total area, plus location of adjoinin land parcels and roadwa IZI Existin g zonin of the tract and nei parcels and proposed tract zonin Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, hei and t of units and 4te plan outlH o be occupied b each structure and/or subdivided lot boundaries. For non-residential uses, this shall includ sl i in area t i I ic purpose for which it approximate s foota and hei of each structure, an outline of the area it will occup and the specif I I I Deve o lopment schedule includin prposed phasin 11 - Traffic and Parkin Plan to include a statement of impact concernin local traffic near the tract, proposed ri dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and ri for internal streets and location, arran and access provision for parkin are4 All existin and proposed easements, reservations, re setbacks, ri bufferin and si The one hundred ( 100) y ear floodplain line, if applicable Location and sizin of trees re to be protected under Section 67 of the Zonin Ordinance. An additional conditions and re which represent g reater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the correspondin General Use District re which are the minimum re for Special Use Permit, or other limitations on land which ma be re b State law or Local Ordinance. An other information that will facilitate review of the proposed chan ( See Article V11). Si of Petitioner and/or Propert Owner 0- Adam Sosne - Manager / Member 25-8-5 f In l„ 25-8-6 25 -8 -7 ENPORT 0 FRAN.-WCRTATION CONSULENG Adam So,sne 6626 Gordon Road, Unit n NC 28411 adamsos.ne(,�@,ral.ioo.com, RE: Road Classification Stephens Church Road, New Hanover Count NC. PTC Project Number 11-256) Please find below a summar of our meetin NCDOT on Monda Au 20, 2012, related to classification of Stephens Chutch Road. Those in attendance included the followin Anthon Law, David Leonard, Garr Pape, Adam Sosne, and Dan Cumbo. Ef adchnonal information is needed, please feel free to contact me with an q uestions at 910-251-8912. Waniel R. Ctunbo, PE Vice. President L m the NCDOT Januar 201 Subdi-i-ision Roads Manual T ,.:)x .1.-" Z CARO-1.1411 VJELT� -kGLI� A - RG . A 25-8-8 K. MINIMUM DESIGN CRITERIA 1. Residential Local Subdivision Roads include: I WON 40' 401 40' 2:1 2:1 45' 30 mph *26" F-F 20 mph 18' 18 181 61 40 to 6' 4% to 61 2:1 2:1 1 30 mph 25 mph 20 mph 200' 150 110 230' 150 900 A ft,ft .0 4 ftft M ft/ft 30 20 10 30 20 10 14 9 5 45' 45' 451 50' 50' 50' 37' to F 37' to F 37'to, F 35' 35' 351 25-8-9 Teffain Classification Definition FA 25-8-10 50 50' 50' 50 50' 50 34'F-F 34'F-F 34'F-F 20' 20' 201 45 30 20 45 30 20 20 14 9 6' 2:1 2:1 1 1/2-.1 35 mph 30 mph 25 mph 250' 200' 150' 310' 230' 150T .08 ft'ft .06 ft/ ft 04 ftft 6% 45 30 20 45 30 20 20 14 9 Wo 25-8-11 t C. BRIDGE 7YFICAL SECTION WffHOUT SIDEWALK FIGURE 2t TYPICAL CURB & GUTTER CROSS SECTION 25-8-12 :kl 7,7 71 E 10 WA ON ( 1 ) To submit a proper petition and the re supplemental material%I; ( 2 ) To appear at public meetin to g ive representation and commitments *n behalf of the owner; and (3) In the case of a special use permit, to accept conditions or recommendations made for the issuance of the special use permit on th *wners propert ( 4) To act on the owner's behalf without limitations with re to an anr,t2, %II thin directl or indirectl connected with or arisin out of an petition. This a a shall continue in effect until final disposition o� th# petition submitted in conjunction with this appointment. Dateffi. C)C) 1 0 'e- I I -Z, g I r,1 I NO IN sif Wilminqton, NC 28406 Si Owner(s): Sosne for Gordon Road Development Partners, L.L.C. 25-8-13 AAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.- GORDON ROAD DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS9 LLC SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 1121529 STATE OF FORMATION: X tEPO• T FOR THE YEAR: 2011 Filin OMCS U39 OWY Crtan 1-� --j 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: Adarn Sowe 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT . I REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED OFFICE MAIUNG ADDRESZ15 6626-c Gordon Rd. 662&c Gordon Rd. Wilmin NC 27411 New Hanover Wilmin NC 27411 SECTI10N D.CERT1F1CAT10N0F.AAUAL RE Section D must be completed In fts enfiret b a person/businew entit I I 11J-A'LM'-V V SIGNATURE DATE Form must be signed b a ManW/Membef listed undo( SOctim C Of this fOrm. -.1 Pont or T Nam d Mana TITLE 7� .. ..... . . . .... . 25-8-14 s r, , y „ 11 Yy t, 4 3 Ls #' I 'ilm DEED,, made this 60�0* da of Januar 2012, b and between UNIQUE WITNESSETHO v � ", �� !� � � {� "'�, �, �t ', b. ; N, #. � ";; '�" "�, <!j .l t•!' ,.* ■ �� "� � ,�I; ,. � `�1 � r 1 r ''1R� � �r ?�A. 0 ¢ � � s To with all and x t tenments h eredmunents an a t g 1Yt ' g TO F HA VE AND O %, (,,, *., 1. fo i "!; or parce o " and a p rivile ge s mi 25-8-15 1� udwnzed } on the da and y ear fint above wntten. ►; 25-8-16 �t ■, ". 'u, i i 25-8-17 25-8-18 I . .. . .... lea 7 uj W7 IL LU t Z" 2 LU S2 3 'S x 3 0 PU V PL4 i z" z zo ZW V� A q, 8 El ir CE: 'W, Zo o 3: U.- -Lj LL - H LLI C) z 0 3: fm z > 2AIkia, � m Lq 0 w J, If (n m e e ca I I I 25-8-19 . .. . .... lea I I 25-8-19 a 25 -8 -20 �aa0.�r�- P� p��- ow��s PIN: 326007-68.3734-000 PID- -b R02800-001-140-000 Situs Address: 008801MARKET ST PIN: 326011.76.0401.CPfl't PID: R02900-001-004-000 Situs Address: 001900PLANTATION RD DALTON HYNDA B ETAL PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON NC 28406 COX OPHELIA V 6828 RIDGE SPRING RD ZEBULON NC 27597 PIN: 326011-65-5964-000 PID: R02900-001-005-000 Situs Address: 001900PLANTATION RIP, THORNTON FOY S TRUST B ETAL 1323 GOV MOORE RD CLINTON NC 28328 PIN: 326011.75.0422-000 PID: R02900-001-009-000 Situs, Address: 008 its 5MARKET ST MARKET STREET PARTNERS LLC. 7231 AIRLIE PL WILMINGTON NC 28403 PIN: 326012.85.4962.00* PIDc- R02900-001-015-001 Situs Address: 008731STEPHENS CHURCH RD 11110 3113 N KERR AVE WILMINGTON NC 28405 PIN: 326012.86-0414.000 PID: R02900-001-016-000 Situs Address: 008737STEPHENS CHURCH RD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSN PO BOX 421 CASTLE HAYNE NC 28429 PIN: 326012.86.5020.000 PID-6 R02900-001-080-000 Situs Addressm, 008741STEPHENS CHURCH Rl COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSN PO BOX 421 CASTLE HAYNE NC 28429 PIN: 326012.86.3173.000 P1D: R02900-001-081-000 Situs Address: 008739STEPHENS CHURCH RD, COSLEY El-Wrk EIAL 8739 STEPHENS CHURCH R WILMINGTON NC 284111 25-8-21 25 -8 -22 %f #A e r k t o NitHanover Count Plannin Board 8703 Ste#b,-,wll I Road 0&1 / Hi q h7Onsitv Residential IS ! wl The meetin were held at the followin place and times'. St. Ste hen AME Church, 8799 atist-Irivill - - ---- - - - - - - - - - ------------ ----------------------- - - The persons in attendance at the meetin were- JIL it vehicular traffic and crime. Se,ptember 6. 2012 Cindee Wolf 25-8-23 i i i r 4 i { { s t P r .. i 4 I I I ( II I I I I , I i i f r i } OP I i 1 t , r i ttt I `r SSS ,ti I � i , j �, �; - r ; LU W +� ! 0 o 0 0 0 # • F Sid C D ■ • ■ < LLJ LA cc •, 1; ► • ► •: r / 1 - ■ 1 H A ui L9 0 ■ o ■ < • c , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 y �.,.. ,: 1 y ` V A , ► ■ LU o o U.j ■ ■ ■ ■ ii y .' ■ ■ A • ■I ■■i ■ LL LL LL U U LL UL he ! l,, •i f ! 1, !j !- !; 1, +!'; # ! • � ! � +!� +1!', !, !,, ! °- ! E !r ! ! ■w► 4 +► L r ob . l r � !s 0 ! ! !. 0 0 CD 0 0 0 !', !; l...... l 0 '!.: 0 !'': !- l,.,: 0 !i l., 0 40 ! 0 0 0 0 l,.... !: l !i l ! '!. l.. !',. w Iv ! 1l !- R; 25 -8 -25 Jul 25, 2012 To: Ad Propert Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re .- Stephens Pointe Apartments The owners of the lands at the western end of Stephens Church Road are interested • in developin • it for a multi-farnil residential communit This proposal would re a Conditional District rezonin approval from New Hanover Count Iiii The Count re that the developer hold a meetin for all propert owners immediate adjacent to the tract boundar and an and all other interested parties. This provides nei with an opportunit for explanation of the proposal and for q uestions to be answered concernin pro improvements, benefits and impact This meetin is g oin g to be held at the St. Stephen AME Church, 8799 Stephens Church Road, 6.-00 p.m., Thursda Au 2nd. If y ou cannot attend, y ou are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or q uestions. We appreciate y our interest in the pro and look forward to bein a g ood nei and an asset to the communit P.O. Box 7;Z213-., Wilmin to^, NC 2-8406 * Tefephone: q1-0-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@1obodemar.b1.Z 9 25-8-26 25-8-27 t pit tss tl t ,t tiF ( } Imp I 's t , p J 4 35 y . it � i t ( � t [ g pf 3 F A uj 3 1 25 -8 -28 ,t s, �t 1 S y k ?S� E S n ' \3 t pit tss tl t ,t tiF ( } Imp I 's t , p J 4 35 y . it � i t ( � t [ g pf 3 F A uj 3 1 25 -8 -28 1 , 4 , X 19 (fi r 1 i 4 S 1 Y 4 v s 25 -8 -29 K. �) ( �") S ? 7 ZK) m�� u 4m ` Communit Info Mt for Mult Stephens Pointe g4 x xv NIf 25 -8 -30 Name Address I Av- tAJ CAAAAA J Ehn �co�i 89o`! 46 G4.en lAlny l0eki �2n �yD,q Ye wall A6 **24 7 E° hr g4 x xv NIf 25 -8 -30 L nw S co"o oni2A9 TIN p � 75`1 ���n� Ck9D leo vaan,. • 171 �0. Tat tg5z( llcQeu9� �2 �.8 1 '�, Olii or vc 25 -8 -31 25-8-32 0 T-1 r-i T-i V-1 W-4 T-4 V-1 r-q r4 T-i T-1 rl T-4 r-i rq r-q r-I r-q ri T-i %-I T-q co T-q Ir-i r-i r-I V-1 T-q V-i r-I vi r-i r-I r-i T-4 r-i V-1 rl 1-1 r-q r4 ri T-i Ln q9f 4d, Rt 44, qzr qzr ;& ;& It 44, q* Rct ect qtt q;r qqr lqr 14- 19t Kr q* qcr Rr 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C%4 r4 C*4 N CN C-4 N N N N 04 (N N N N N rQ C*4 N N rq N rq rq u z .0 L) T u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u M Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 4-J 4-J 4-J 4-J 4-0 4-J z tic tic bLo to w w t! Vo U u U t! U to to Z t! Vw VI tio cc u Qj 2 U - 7 cc w 4 Z5 %A 0 0 in 0 0 0 0 tA LA Qj r_ ul " in o 0 Z z 0 qT W cri c Ln N c) 00 Ln tD 0 LL LL LD V4 cn M 0 N 00 M C 0 r-I w-i o Ln en o F4 rn r*% o oo Ln r-1 oo C) r4 C) rzft %-q rw- i-i w-i oo m co oo o ZD (5 Ln Ln 0 C*4 N 6) cN Ln %-i Ln o cn 00 00 co %--q CA 00 00 00 00 N 00 00 00 00 T-i r-i 00 00 00 00 co 00 rq 25-8-33 CLJ r_ 0 QJ LL x (L) 0 CL ( u 0 LZ aj 0 u E 0 Eu Z -0 m —J 0 w 0 cn ai - Ln 0 oz m u L r ) CL 4 _ j 2 m kn 2 :2 w o r 4a kn co 4-P L- w 2 Ln M :E 0 U -he 06 E -0 LL M a 0 4-j u E m .6 4-J u 0 u U in W CU he CIJ m CA m a- o > -�J` "0 @ 5 u 25-8-33 To : Ad Propert Owners & Interested Parties From: Cindee Wolf Re-, Stephens Pointe Apartments P.O. Box 7221.) Wilmin NC 2-8406 * Tdepkone: IMO-62-0-2-374 * Emaite- c woft (obodemar. bf'7_ 25-8-34 ■ 25-8-35 2nd Communit Info Mt for Stephens Pointe Multi-famil Name —Address 15. r S L _� /,� " i lr �:'rd'cFir.� Fri 6zo &A 0 FY-'1 bi. (cow, rn c u so pmS t Ctswl-.,, Ge r �lAxr >v T, 1) tv ))�A �e Y\j �"`� v'1,Kt �; �`' enc, wv/ ir, do r.6kw7 ' Vise, vi 6 Y.u't,4/t..G4^7 � %i �'�— _1.���V� N( ���i�1�� T�A. flf tz__ �i{� s 1;) rio, � l.; le I.G /L1`. ivc .2g ................. .............. C 01�00ko A.. _e 4p 7 [l O lt 1% A, I A C .f .�. �a VIOL I 3"v'f'�e� �4 �"..��._ �i �I f "`� - Fla -eth 6 r, Z- -O, r,,ZL., rt ��7 / -:� , tjuv 14 LA,, VYI-44AA- Fly C.� Alva �W L f. Mt2e"USe+ �` R/Ukq (,�,'� � " t. /J+� Yu!e'.: y ,. L`2�,. 9�.�/, I ��� AV as�,'f ■ 25-8-35 k�o'Nvxz" K �, � ( �,- <.,,. 25 -8 -36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 13, 2012 REGULAR ITEM: 26 DEPARTMENT: Commissioners PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: NHC Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee NHC Juvenile Crime Prevention Council NHC Zoning Board of Adjustment STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: NHC Adult Care NHC JCPC NHC Zoning COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made. NHC Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: Demetria Gordon, Micki Jay and Warren Wilson were reappointed. NHC Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: 26 -0 Ashley Michael was appointed in the Juvenile Defense Attorney category. NHC Zoning Board of Adjustment: Justin Michael Lewis was reappointed. 26 -0 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership: Current Members: Vacancies: Terms: APPLICANTS: 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operating in New Hanover county 11 Up to 7 1 year initially, 3 -year terms thereafter Expiring 11130/15 ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINT Demetria Gordon X Micki Jay X Warren Wilson X Attachments: committee Information Sheets Application 26 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE oe Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (11 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Horne Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term of office: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the well being of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N.C.G.S. 131 D -31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:30 a.m, at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. 26-1-2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Lillie Cherrelus Initial 7/23112 7/31/13 626 Hadley Court P.O. Box 12575 Wilmington, NC 28405 799 -4014 (H) 512 -3377 (C) Jackie Dae Initial 3/16/09 3/31/10 902 Kings Grant Road First 3/15/10 3/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28405 350 -2733 (H) 409 -3240 (C) Demetria Gordon Initial 11/21/11 11/30/12 126 Rogers Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 508 -2631 (C) Micki Jay Initial 11/21/11 11/30/12 527 Capeside Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 799 -2454 (H) 26-1-2 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Revised: 8/6/2012 26-1-3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION David Jenkins Initial 7/23/12 7/31/13 8506 Hammock Dunes Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -9495 (H) L. Thomas Jennings Initial 11/21/05 11/30/06 415 Charlotte Avenue First 12/18/06 12/31/09 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 12/7/09 12/31/12 458 -2584 (H) 619 -0762 (C) Lorraine McEvoy Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 8/16/10 8/31/13 784 -9325 (H) Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/18/06 12/31/07 1508 Rock Hill Road First 12/17/07 12!31/10 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Second 12/20/10 12/31/13 675 -8040 (H) 452 -8200 (W) Melissa A. Pollock, RN Initial 2/21/11 2/28112 207 Cabbage Inlet Lane First 2/20/12 2/28/15 Wilmington, NC 28409 395 -5156 (H) 350 -7878 (W) Oliver F. Schreiber Initial 8/14/06 8/31107 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 8/16/10 8/31/13 784 -9325 (H) Cameron M. Stone, Chairman Initial 2/21J11 2/28/12 621 Silver Grass Court First 2/20/12 2/28/15 Wilmington, NC 28405 247 -1313 (C) 350 -7878 Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 2000 Trinity Avenue (28411) First 7/23/07 7/31/10 UNCW PSCS 601 S. College Road Second 7/12/10 7/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28403 -5614 512 -1612 (H) 962 -7074 (W) Glenda M. Tate Initial 2/21/11 2/28/12 2013 Deer Island Lane First 2/28/12 2/28/15 Wilmington, NC 28405 256 -2464 (H) 523 -1294 (C) Warren Wilson Initial 11/21/11 11/30/12 5024 Huntclub Road, Apt. 2 Wilmington, NC 28403 399 -7595 (H) 616 -5622 (C) 350 -2112 (W) Revised: 8/6/2012 26-1-3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 . Wilmington NC 284 COMMITTEE APPLICATION ' *- Telephone (910 798 -7149 p FAX (910) 798 -7945 Board /Committee �I�u 0 ( Communl4kI � �► s r u 1j Name: �eyY1e� -� � �� ��� E -Mail: d t� r�✓' n�! �3��l'S�,X1eq Home Lo Address: � o� It Zq CV S AaPVI U P Im i r► a 4Yl Wailing Address if different: Horne Phone: Fax: (City) (Zip Cade) Cell: L ,31 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: Age: 37 Y g (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do ou have a family member e b New Hanover Coun if name l V D Y Y Y es Y Y Employer. Y 1 1 V[ e r •Po A person currently employed by the agency or department focJvhich this application is made, must resign his/her positron with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: OpeE r — p ;5 Professi onal Activities: A m e t n 0 o I e r. D -P N �cA K Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this boarcVcommittee? r `� -e.� Li avi ffl s L) -5 (1 f) D lers. Conflict of Interest. If a Tward member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interestoif a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselfJherself from voting on the matter. 6 What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? n a. !0 is (A 0 PZ r- 4 , -0SUVP a-1 t.0 1ae--i 4,1Nn twe eft' I Vs a(e 0 u � Qualifications for serving: mr.6'. Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: - - #y �j }a,,�� ; o a 9 Al Ir il % 11 1 r% \ / A -% fq --D M dlA(P�1101[1 MIN 1. 2. RM Ar 41A _ 1 L 1L6 9i MIMU Dame: //r/do Applications are kept on file for 18 months Please use reverse side for additional comments Signature `5 1 understand that ny board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. 26 -1 -4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE A Telephone (910) 798-7149 FAX (990) 798-7145 Board /Committee: C N�L � � M on e 91)046 a fry A V L r �I 1 wt 6111�� .0a 'W Name. � f�l- a 1. :2 00 0 L4P 4 A,110'). 4DAo% Home C avt 5 t D rt ' vLe -� Address: (Street (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: (I I q Io � 4 5 + Fax: (City) (Zip Code) Cell: Business. Years living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race. 4. 4 of (information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Age: � g Do you have a family member employed by iVew Hanover County? If yes, name � 0 r Employ t r "J ! � 6 ' A person currently employed by the agency or de artment fb&Wkich this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with article V1, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department Occupation: Professional Activities. qra*oWof6 ofti r -� L-i-) h-A at, f c ce e Et Volunteer Activities: ys5 C aw Je-4. oci A w ( ;N v ` Why do y ou wish to serve on this board /committee? i12fS6r1! C: rte. ��� Y Y Pro\ I kA i L cafe &A-4 urmc'yf. ConfiW of in sx if a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of AsAher respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. Y y ou like to see addressed t What areas of concern would Y b #his committee? Silfe ' re Q,41--A elwai Jp I-elA., CItf,� .eo�) Qualifications for : servin c Q-r ►'h wl gj�� J I qeLr� Os Ale-,I 1A Lam-X-.' r 4- g Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: X1 . List three local personal references a Li 2 Applications are I C� o il on file for 18 months 0 = a fi ��ati►Nt ►' Al .c - b u F 63:z - #450 1 Signature 1 " w " v " understand that board or without cause by a majority of 26-1-5 appointee may be removed nmissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments 09/30/2011 11:25 X10.032 002 NEW NANO BIER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Gavomment Cerirer Drive, Sulfa 175 MWOUIM, NC 2840 TONOWS (0 10) 7W 7 1 49 FAX (910) 739 -7145 COMMITTEE APPLICATION BoarWC:omrnl#teei ■ Name: Eam l A cC o Home Addrass� ' M9 9 1 I F 11 IN IL �e Mailing Address N dfforen #: Home Phone ( F.x:i���3�f} c�r:�gr���'1�:�� e��rRe�.�alla —Q. wars Ilving In Now Hanover Count Main: �.,, Female: Race: . mas 1 1 g2A Ago; fIOwme #iwarr for the poMwe of essunn0 a cross secfron of the aomrnudy) Do you have a family member emplo by New Hanover County? If yes, name Da a af rjoydr -#-&vd^-k, � Ernploer. A pef' eA �rt�y y e 80 ar ddpwirwrerif lurie wrUch t a epplicadvn is made. must 'pr! 1'iei odor► w;th f11dw HehBr upon ONVO f, in eccortce with Aftle VI, sec. 4 of the New Hsnavor cloynty Personna) icy. Foihwmam, app wig fOVO no fmme00 member employed by etch "enCy or d �frrfe t wc-,l le-vJ A c4ryr�r Profenlonal ActIvi0es: in = Vb1urrteerAc#v1Ww.,P Wall 16r j T J01 C42 i rvrn G,& w ij". 09 Wh do y ou wish to serve an this boareVeommkItee? Z 4nj F L, Cvn1W of Nite> 1 d e boarld na mber defers hie hat a core icr or poom #8 CQlid+ict of Inmost on A 10"ol la Fie it monftm of NSlW raspallve bwfd during a puda maeft The membef ahol etaM the nalure of OW C4nfoot, defaifing that h0he hea a "pa►ate, private, a► rnolnetery interea ei#Ihar dGrect or iru ract, In lfhe fa# under ci �ld�r8fld� The r r $heard men excuse Nffdef A~ f M ►+e649 an the metler M at areas of con wm would yo u fike to See add 4d by this com mittee? "A) lae*- 1 I l.1. r 1 9 A I w_ I 1 ta 1 J Other municipal or county boardsAmil l nrittees on which you are senring: *1A List three local personal referenm and phone numbers. M"r 11 #- 7 MA E W# ..• 's F& U F i 10 1 A W i no :: r j Deft; �ppliclt�ierrs sm kept o n f fpr It nlah "Is please vae nevem we for Illwaml bay► merits Signature ..44,Z 1 undemUnd that an bovrO or ocAm7fr e ppeirt oo ma ao roll ovef. whhaut cause by a nisla lty of County C ommIg alanarg. 26-1-6 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL Vacancy: Juvenile Defense Attorney Unexpired term expiring 9130114 APPLICATION CATEGORY Ashley Michael Juvenile Defense Attorney Attachments: committee Information Sheets Application ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOIN 26-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL Members: Representatives from the following categories: school superintendent or designee, police chief or designee, sheriff or designee, district attorney or designee, chief court counselor or designee, AMHIDDISA director or designee, DSS director or designee, county manager or designee, substance abuse professional, member of faith community, county commissioner, 2 under age 18, juvenile defense attorney, chief district judge or designee, member of business community, health director or designee, United Way or other non - profit member, parks and recreation representative, and up to 7 at -large members appointed by County Commissioners. (Limited to no more than 28.) Terms: 2 -year terms (Changed from 3 year terms to reflect requirements of General Statutes) 9/06 Regular Meetings: Meetings are held seven times a year (3rd Friday at 12:30 p.m.) in Human Resources Training Room 8 in the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. Statute or Cause creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established JCPC on 12121198. Purpose: The JCPC is to assess, prioritize and identify ways to meet needs of youths who are at -risk of delinquency or who have been adjudicated, undisciplined, or delinquent; identify community risk factors; recommend allocation of state funding for youth programs that address these risk factors; and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. 26 -2 -2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Business Community Donna Kay Doyle First 9/17/12 9/30!14 207 Sandybrooke Road Wilmington, NC 28411 720 - 301 -5903 (C) Faith Community Tanya Bell Millhouse First 9/20/10 9/30/12 626 Tabor Lane Second 9/17/12 9/30/14 Wilmington, NC 28405 297 -8224 (C) Juvenile Defense Attorney Charlotte Noel Fox � First 9/20/10 9/30/12 1504 Lamplighter Way Second 9/17/12 9/30114 Wilmington, NC 28403 10 '2 4 ! Z � � 395 -4798 (H) 815 -0085 (W) Under Age 18 (2 Students) Deshon Montrael Barfield First 9/21/09 9/30/11 1819 Ann Street Second 10/17/11 9/30/13 Wilmington, NC 28401 762 -3643 (H) 2641685 (C) 26 -2 -2 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (CONY.) 26 -2 -3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Noah W. Ponton First 11/15110 9130112 4534 Noland Drive Second 9117112 9130114 Wilmington, NC 28405 520 -3899 (H) 520 -8481 (C) Members -at -Large Abeeku Ankrah First 1 0/17/11 9130113 637 Tulane Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 632 -8472 (C) 274 -3497 (W) Kristen DeVall First 1 0/17/11 9130113 UNCW 601 S. College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 269 - 329 -8643 (C) 962 -2636 (W) John Alan Dismukes First 9117112 9130114 802 Summer Tree Lane Wilmington, NC 28412 910- 648 -3162 (C) 520 -6786 (C) Ryan Estes First 9121109 9130111 715 North Fourth Street, Unit 301 Second 1 0/17/11 9130113 Wilmington, NC 28401 336 - 926 -2896 (C) 588 -4404 (W) Jake Hunt First 9120110 9130112 244 Princess Street, Suite 16 Second 9117112 9130114 Wilmington, NC 28401 632 -9328 (H) 622 -5253 (C) Lyana Hunter First 10/17/11 9130113 P.O. Box 1971 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 297 -0480 (C) 251 -7090 (W) Cary D. McCormack First 10/17/11 9130113 1800 Elease Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 679 -4582 (H) 732 - 275 -7291 (C) Maryann K. Nunnally First 1 0/17/11 9130113 7804 -1 Blue Heron Drive, W. Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -2771 (H) 520 -7576 (C) Ida R. Smith First 9117112 9130114 2410 Chestnut Street. Wilmington, NC 28405 763 -9136 (H) 520 -6790 (C) 26 -2 -3 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Countv Commissioners' Desi nee Avril Pinder 8120112 Undesignated New Hanover County Assistant Manager 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 195 Wilmington, NC 28403 198 -718 (W) Agency Representatives: District Attorney's Office: Alex Nicely Undesignated Judge of District Court: Judge JH Corpening Sheriff Department: Novella H. Frieslander Wilmington City Police: Melissa Moore Substance Abuse Center: Liz Uzcategui DSS: LaVaughn Nesmith/Wanda Marino Health Department: Maria Turnley Juvenile Justice / Courts: Robert Speight Youth Empowerment Program: Chris Preston Southeastern Center: Amy Horgan, Vice -Chair Schools: Dr. Rick Holliday United Way: Tommy Taylor, Chairman NC JJ &DP Consultant: Jesse Riggs File: /JCPC 9/12 Revised: 912412012 26 -2 -4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD of COMMISSIONERS :F , 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 # ' F k Wilmington, Iuc 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7945, P BoardlCommittee: N ew Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Name: Ashley Michael E_Mail: amichael @ craigeandfox . com Home Address: 5027 Trumpet Vine Way Wilmington NC 28412 ree ► y (zip Code Mailing Address if different: 701 M arket St reet Wilmington NC 28401 (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 91 0.632.9191 Fax: 910.815.1095 Cell: Business. Attorney Years living in New Hanover County: 6 Male: Female: V( Race: Ca ucasian A ge: 35 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? if yes, name No Employer. Craige & Fox, PLLC A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. occupation: Attorney Professional Activities: Family Financial Mediator; Member of Coastal Collaborative Volunteer Activities: March of Dimes, GHA Autism Supports Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I am interested in the planning, funding, and continued resources for the juveniles in our community that need rehabilitative services Conflict of Interest. If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? f amily services so that parents and other siblings can be educated and involved in supporting the delinquent Qualifications for serving: - P rivate Juvenil D A tto rn ey since 2006; court appointed juvenile defense attorney; family drug ct defense atto appt . by J . C (' 10 - ' 12 ) Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: n one List three local personal references and phone numbers: 7. Charlotte Noel Fox 910.815.0085 2 Patricia Laney 910.772.7116 3. Honorable Robin W. Robinson 910.772.7100 Date: 10.2 6.12 Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months i understand that a bard or committee appointee may removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments 26 -2 -5 This page intentionally left blank. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1 Vacancy - Regular Member Term: 3 Years; Expiring 12/1/15 APPLICATIONS Victor E. Abraham, Jr. Justin Michael Lewis Linda Reece Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTM 26 -3 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD of ADJUSTMENT Number of Members: 5 plus three alternates Ex- Officio: Planning Director Term of office: 3 years Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. Compensation: $20.00 per member per meeting plus auto mileage Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 153 -A -345, 255.17. The Commissioners increased to 3 alternates 11/21/94 (officially 411195 ). The Zoning ordinance requires members to be appointed from different areas within the County's zoning jurisdiction. Brief on Functions: The Board of Adjustment is recognition of human frailty. If it were possible for the legislative body to write a perfect zoning ordinance which would meet the needs of the community while at the same time avoiding hardship in individual cases, there would be no need for this board. Because that has been found near impossible, the Board of Adjustment has been introduced as an integral part of almost every smoothly operating zoning enforcement mechanism, serving as a "pop -off valve" to relieve pressures resulting from hardship cases. In New Hanover County, the duties of the Board fall into two general categories: Interpretation and Granting Variances. Interpretation: The function of the Board of Adjustment which is most closely similar to that of the courts is interpretation of the Ordinance. This function involves (a) interpreting the meaning of parts of the ordinance which are unclear, (b) applying the Ordinance to particular fact situations, and, if necessary, (c) correcting any mistakes or abuses of discretion which the zoning official may have made in administering the Ordinance. In exercising this power, the basic principle for the Board to keep in mind is that it must not vary the Ordinance. Its function here is to interpret and apply what the governing body has written, not to vary that legislative pronouncement to fit its own ideas. Its decisions must be in accord with what the Board believes to be the actual meaning and intent of the Ordinance. Granting of Variances: General Statute 153A- 345(d) provides that, "when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result from carrying out the strict letter of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may, in passing upon appeals, vary or modify any regulation or provision of the ordinance relating to the use of land, so that the spirit of the ordinance is observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done." Basically, a variance is a permit, which the Board may grant in certain situations, enabling a property owner to make use of his property in some way which is in conflict with the literal provisions of the Ordinance. Sometimes a lot so small or so peculiarly shaped that the owner would have great difficulty in complying with the yard requirements and yet erecting a suitable building. Sometimes contours of the terrain are such as to create hardships in complying with these requirements. Sometimes the lot is located in a cluster of nonconforming uses which will prevent the owner from securing any reasonable return from his land if he complies with the Ordinance (as where a lot in a residential district is surrounded by nonconforming business structures). When the Board grants exemptions from harsh provisions, it is "granting a variance." 26 -3 -2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PAGE 2 Finally, it should be noted that there is a good bit of "law" connected with the duties and responsibilities of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. This is understandable, however, when one considers the importance of its decisions which expand or limit property values. These are issues which must not be dealt with casually or arbitrarily. The above has been largely excerpted from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in North Carolina by Michael B. Brough and Philip P. Green, Jr. Revised: 1 1/30/11 26 -3 -3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Robert F. Cameron, Jr., Chairman First 11/19/07 12/1/10 5119 Nicholas Creek Second 11/15/10 12/1/13 Wilmington, NC 28409 313 -1961 (H) 762 -9635 (W) Peter M. DeVita First 11/15/10 12/1/13 7108 Key Point Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 509 -3055 (H) 262 -2113 (C) Justin Michael Lewis First 11/16/09 12/1/12 3702 Providence Court Wilmington, NC 28412 919- 414 -8410 (H) 794 -4880 (W) Michael D. McCulley, Jr. First 11/21/11 12/1/14 6102 Lydden Road Wilmington, NC 28409 547 -5185 (H) 251 -2500 (W) Chad McEwan First 11/21/11 12/1/14 226 Shore Point Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 604 -2100 (C) ALTERNATES: Joe Miller First 11/15/10 12/1/13 7103 Centallion Court Wilmington, NC 28411 538 -5639 (C) 796 -1022 (C) John Edwin "Jack" Stanton II Unexpired 3/15/11 12/1/13 708 Carolina Sands Drive Carolina Beach, NC 28428 458- 5853(H) 2543553(W) 368- 7302(C) Revised: 1 1/30/11 26 -3 -3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PAGE 3 Revised: 11/30/11 26 -3 -4 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Colin J. Tarrant First 11/21/11 1211114 7842 Glde Pond Road Wilmington, NC 28411 919- 414 -2884 (C) Staff Support: Steve Still 11111 Senior Compliance Official File: /Zoning NHC Planning and Inspections Department B/C #33 239 Government Center Drive, Suite 119 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7118 Revised: 11/30/11 26 -3 -4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 f Wilmington, NC 26403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone PIM 798 -7149 FAX (990) 79 8-7145 BoardMommitfee: ZONING BK*,M OF ADJUSTMENT Name: VIC'T'OR E . ABRAWW JR . ��,A��� f VP C.,ARIBE . NET Horst A .1054 4'SLWCRLIN FALLS COURT, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 Mailing Address if dKerent: (CRY) HoMe phone: 914 - 399 - 2031 Fax: N ONE Cell: 914-- 431m7418 Years luring in Now ftwvvw Counfy: � 1 YR m a le: ✓ Fema CAUCAS (Information for the purpose of arssurft a crass ion of the communty) Age: 77 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover Counter Byes, name AlD G - RICHARDSON Employer": NHC BOARD OF EDUCATION - bMY C. WLLIAMS ELE14ENTARY A pwson cx iwgy aMopyed b doe agency or depattawk for which this applicsion is made, moat meajon Now poai6on wt New Hanover' Wan appoint n arccordwe wM Argdo 111, Sea 4 of ft New HArww0mx*yP&somW Poky. Fuftnwm, aproftW shodd how no ftmKfafe farnNy mwr6w er pkyed by such agericr or dbraetrirr�er�z DCCgpa#on RETIRED - PAST LT. COL. USAF, PAST PRES. OF MANWACTURING CONCERN' Professional Acdvitles: BELONG TO ARRP AND MOM Volunteer Aedvitles: ST MAR CHURCH 81-- LrNGUAL TRANSLATOR Why do you wish to serw on this boarWcomm4ee? I FEEL THAT I CAN STILL GIVE BACK OF THE W ALTH OF EXPERIENCE I DEVELOPED (24 YRS AS AN AIR FORGE OFFICER AND 16 YRS AS A MANUFACTMMR) Cwffld oaf kftr*s1t go board row nW be# vvs haWw two cw*d or pofanW wndict of kft� cr a marls -r, MW rrwrdw #ftidd sWe fhis be1'ief to ft odw mwnbrra of NOW respective board during a public meefing "M member should staft Me n of Mo conft data*ng Hurt haWe has s seJpam 0o, pivafe, or na wmfty intor+ t ei0w aired or indraX in firs issue under wfWd vbw The member should their excuse hW =&af~ftm vobng an ft metier_ What areas of concern would y ou like ib see ed by this c NONE P Qulalfficatfons for Ong: TER KNOWLEDGRAWA CONNERCIAL NEGOCxAT ExMRXENCE . XNOMF OF RAN MATERIALS, C NMWTELY SX– LINGUAL 8PAN:E8 3 /ENGLISH, AND A FEW OTHER ABILITIES Other munic or county boandslcommitiees on which you are serving: NONE Lisa ffiiee bca/ penronal refbrences and phone number: pr, T 16 2012 1 DR. JOWi CRQlER, 910- 262 -1688 2. DR. J AMES DFMETRIOUS, 910 -7 -8020 11 C BOC C 3. DR. IGOR NESTRA, 914- 254-2023 OCTOBER 13, 2012 �,pp�u►tians aro kart on fee for 18 months Hesse use newiWse skF0 for additional commonfs Signature 1 undwstrnd without COW 26 -3 -5 �ny board or Canrnittoo a My be ron xwod a ma orlty of County Co�nmlW so %. (ZO Code) Business: NONE New Iguover County .!30 GOvtTrmtn= Cenzcr Da f ve Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE API'Y...ICATION !julle 175 'k41minpan,NC 28403 releptlurw [910) 79$ ■7 i 49 Fnx ( 10) 798-7W BoardiCummittee: zoux rig Board of Ada ua tmen t Name: Justin Michael Levi W, Home Address: 3702 provid Coart WiI= ngton 2B412 - (Srrcer) (G (2.p Coaq Mailing Address if different; same F•4w Address: Home Phone: 919- - 414 -6410 F ax: 810- 794 --4877 Cell: 919- 414 -8410 Business: 910 -794 -4884 Years living is White 30 New Hanover Cougy: 1 _ Male. - -' Female: -- ; Race: Age: tlaforms"on for r0g purpwr ulass.arr■g a trosa ,aas~va of Fbe soiaMORIryf employer: ward and Smith, P .A. (.% pvraon currcady omploysci by ow agency or deparuncaT for wtilch rhfa appilcanew a s made. mwbr resign hwher poslrion rrtrp New Hanovrr Count Irpon 6pp9 pRMweV, #n atourglAre - 1 , vjM &r We V1. Sec tic a 4 of thr New Hanover Cova* Person uI Po 11".) 00MV54CM: Attorney Professional Activities: Now Hanov County Bar Assoclatlon Valunteer Activities: Uni wa y Campaign Caiainet Xmbex Why do you wish to serve on this biordlcom mlttte? a interested in the future of N e w Hanov County and want to see oa x praperty developed in a manner beneficial to o community. ConfuCl of MitlreSt ja dudrd M1tMbnr dd1sdrd.. no / acne nae d con"ct orpownrat convict or interest an a pomicala► ,ass (0e, filer ,r smear V#0L11d sraro into aatiorro me ornor M&MDrr$ Gf no$ I Res roapoCi►vv DOarO Ouring a p.sol►C m9o(Mg TAa member xBould ata[v r►lo narwrs Of MO COVI GT. 0er8ding mar 1larsAe AaD a Sarpa►v(N. pr,+4aro or monorary rnrarega. armor airsct or inatreor. mine asue Tne momawr anoufa [Assn vxtvacd f)smarel►I Aerpoll from votrnp all Tno Mower What areab ofcoacern would you like to see addressed by this committee'' = would lzke to See the couu"ttes act &n a manne whvch encourages responsible growth and development. Qualifications for serving. i am I.nowledge"ls in real estate law, experienced zn a-nterp.re laws an ordina std have worked with clients in various development matters. other municipal or county buar4s/t :u emitters on which you are serving: mane List three local personal referoncft and phone numbers: OCT 2 7 2009 R G. David, 910 - 395- :L655 , ext. 223 1 1 2. Mike Br 910-332-411-1 3. Donna Girardot, 914 -799- -2611 Mt.: Cc=ber 27 , 2009 r Applarsciodc aro kepi oa die for 14 monrhs Signature: U3e rev arse a i4 a fur add; 9;anal cum gaga 1.2 26 -3 -6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Govemment Center Drive, Suite 175 , Imingtan, NC 284 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 �'<< FAX (910) 798 -7145 x Board /Committee: Zon ing Board of Adjustment Name Linda Reece E -Mail lfreece97@gmail.com Home Address 3928 Brinkman Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 (st reet) y (Z ip Go de Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 9102640547 Fax: Cell: 9102640547 Business: 9523738 Years living in New Hanover Coun 4 Male: v Race: White A ge: 41 (information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? if yes, name No Employer, UNCW A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation Enrollment Research Analyst Professional Activities SENC- American Society for Public Administration Volunteer Acd vities: Girl Scouts, Trask PTA Why do you wish to serve on this board/co ttee? I want to be a part of my community. I have an interest in zoning and I think my skills would be used here. Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter . What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Transparency. Many people do not understand that decisions such as these are not arbitrary. Qualifications for serving I have a masters of public admninstration . I work in a highly technical job so I understand the need to be specific and to see the big picture. Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers RECEIVED 1. Danette Brown, 910- 547 -3681 2. Bruce Moskowitz, 910-- 763 -8499 3. Tanya Croom, 910- 538 -4655 Date: 10/24/2412 Applications are kept on file for 18 months Please use reverse side for additional comments Signature 1 understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. 26 -3 -7