May 3 PB Packet NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MAY 3, 2012􀀃 􀀃The New Hanover County Planning Board will hold public hearings on Thursday, May 3, 2012 beginning at 5:30 p.m. or thereafter at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, 24 North Third Street (corner of Third and Princess Streets), Room 301 in Wilmington, NC to consider the following items: Approval of the April Planning Board Meeting Minutes Item 1: Rezoning Request (Z-917, 04/12)-Request by Cindee Wolf with Withers & Ravenel on behalf of JRB Property, LLC to rezone approximately 0.459 acres at 201 Porters Neck Road from R-15 Medium-Density Residential to CD(B-1) Conditional Business District. The site is identified as Transition on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. This item was continued from the April 12, 2012 Planning Board meeting per the applicant’s request. Item 2: Special Use Permit Request (S-605, 05/12) -Request by Ginger Bruton on behalf of Canady Revocable Living Trust to obtain a special use permit to establish a “kennel”. The property is located in an O&I Office and Institutional Zoning District at 8001 Market Street. The site is classified as Transition on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. Item 3: Text Amendment (A-403, 05/12)-Request by Staff to amend Section 61 of the County's Zoning Ordinance to remove the reference of outdoor bazaars from table 61-4 and revise the allowable duration of special fund raising for non-profit organizations. Technical Review Committee Reports The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. Petitions for the above items may be viewed or inquiries made by contacting the Planning & Inspections Department at 798-7165, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Chris O’Keefe, AICP Planning & Inspections Director Dennis Bordeaux Inspections Manager Shawn Ralston Planning Manager NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MAY 3, 2012 Item 1: Rezoning Request (Z-917, 04/12)-Request by Cindee Wolf with Withers & Ravenel on behalf of JRB Property, LLC to rezone approximately 0.459 acres at 201 Porters Neck Road from R-15 Medium-Density Residential to CD(B-1) Conditional Business District. The site is identified as Transition on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. This item was continued from the April 12, 2012 􀀳􀁏􀁄􀁑􀁑􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀀥􀁒􀁄􀁕􀁇􀀃􀁐􀁈􀁈􀁗􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀁓􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁄􀁓􀁓􀁏􀁌􀁆􀁄􀁑􀁗􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁕􀁈􀁔􀁘􀁈􀁖􀁗􀀑 Page􀀃1􀀃of􀀃4􀀃 􀀃Z􀍲917,􀀃4/12􀀃 􀀃CASE:􀀃 􀀃 Z􀍲917,􀀃04/12􀀃 􀀃􀀃 PETITONER:􀀃􀀃 Withers􀀃&􀀃Ravenel􀀃on􀀃Behalf􀀃of􀀃JRB􀀃Property,􀀃LLC􀀃 􀀃REQUEST:􀀃 Rezone􀀃from􀀃R􀍲15􀀃Residential􀀃to􀀃CD􀀃 (B􀍲1)􀀃Conditional􀀃Use􀀃District􀀃 􀀃ACREAGE:􀀃 .4591􀀃􀀃 􀀃LOCATION:􀀃 201􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃 􀀃LAND􀀃CLASS:􀀃 Transition􀀃(2006􀀃Adopted􀀃CAMA􀀃Plan)􀀃 􀀃􀀃 Staff􀀃Summary􀀃 􀀃The􀀃 petitioner’s􀀃 property􀀃 is􀀃 located􀀃 near􀀃 the􀀃 intersection􀀃 of􀀃Market􀀃 Street􀀃 and􀀃 Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road􀀃 in􀀃 northeastern􀀃New􀀃Hanover􀀃County.􀀃Access􀀃to􀀃the􀀃parcel􀀃of� �land􀀃is􀀃from􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road,􀀃a􀀃collector􀀃 roadway.􀀃 The􀀃 parcel􀀃 is􀀃 approximately􀀃 .4591􀀃 acres􀀃 and􀀃 has􀀃 a􀀃 residential􀀃home􀀃 existing􀀃 on􀀃 site.􀀃 At􀀃 the􀀃 present􀀃time,􀀃the􀀃home􀀃is􀀃being􀀃used􀀃as􀀃an􀀃office􀀃for􀀃a􀀃private􀀃construction􀀃business.􀀃According􀀃to􀀃the􀀃 petitioner,􀀃this􀀃office􀀃has􀀃been􀀃utilized􀀃for􀀃the􀀃past􀀃ten􀀃y ears.􀀃No􀀃construction􀀃equipment􀀃exists􀀃on􀀃site.􀀃 􀀃Present􀀃zoning􀀃of􀀃the􀀃petitioner’s􀀃property􀀃is􀀃R􀍲15􀀃Residential.􀀃The􀀃property􀀃is􀀃bounded􀀃to􀀃the􀀃north􀀃and􀀃 west􀀃by􀀃B􀍲1􀀃Neighborhood􀀃Business􀀃and􀀃to􀀃the􀀃southeast􀀃by􀀃R􀍲15􀀃Residential􀀃(see􀀃attached􀀃map).􀀃The􀀃B􀍲 1􀀃area􀀃contains􀀃a􀀃variety􀀃of􀀃services􀀃ranging􀀃from􀀃a􀀃shopping􀀃cente r,􀀃banking,􀀃and􀀃pharmacy􀀃to􀀃a􀀃gas􀀃and􀀃 convenience􀀃facility.􀀃More􀀃intense􀀃commercial􀀃services􀀃existing􀀃under􀀃the􀀃B􀍲2􀀃Highway􀀃Business􀀃District􀀃 are􀀃also􀀃located􀀃nearby.􀀃The� �purpose􀀃of􀀃the􀀃B􀍲1􀀃District􀀃is􀀃to􀀃provide􀀃convenient􀀃shopping􀀃facilities􀀃and􀀃 personal􀀃 services􀀃 required􀀃 to􀀃 serve􀀃nearby􀀃 neighborhoods.􀀃The􀀃 district’s􀀃 primary􀀃means􀀃 of􀀃 access􀀃 are􀀃 typically􀀃along􀀃collector􀀃roads,􀀃minor􀀃arterials􀀃and/or􀀃major􀀃arterials.􀀃 􀀃Traffic􀀃 near􀀃 the􀀃 petitioner’s􀀃 property􀀃 can􀀃 be􀀃 characterized􀀃 as􀀃 moderate􀀃 to􀀃 heavy􀀃 with􀀃 “vehicular􀀃 stacking”􀀃 during􀀃 peak􀀃 hour􀀃 times􀀃 near􀀃 the􀀃 signalized􀀃 intersection􀀃 of􀀃 Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road􀀃 and􀀃 Market􀀃 Street.􀀃 The􀀃 average􀀃 daily􀀃number􀀃 of􀀃 trips􀀃 (ADT)􀀃 on􀀃 Market􀀃 Street􀀃 near􀀃 and􀀃 just􀀃 south􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 Market􀀃 Street/􀀃 Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road􀀃 intersection􀀃 is􀀃 12,834.􀀃 Trip􀀃 generation􀀃 figures􀀃 have􀀃 remained􀀃 stable􀀃 since􀀃 2006.􀀃The􀀃Level􀀃of􀀃Service􀀃(LOS)􀀃along􀀃Market􀀃Street􀀃near􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃is􀀃F􀀃meaning􀀃that􀀃the􀀃road􀀃 is􀀃over􀀃capacity.􀀃􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃did􀀃not􀀃have􀀃a􀀃LOS􀀃based􀀃on􀀃2007􀀃figures.􀀃 􀀃The􀀃2006􀀃CAMA􀀃Land􀀃USE􀀃 Plan􀀃 identifies􀀃 the􀀃 area􀀃 as􀀃 “Transition.”􀀃The􀀃 “Transition”􀀃 land􀀃 classification􀀃 provides􀀃 for􀀃 future􀀃 intensive􀀃 urban􀀃development.􀀃The􀀃 location􀀃 of􀀃 these􀀃 areas􀀃 is􀀃 based􀀃upon􀀃 land􀀃 use􀀃 planning􀀃policies􀀃(5.7)􀀃prom oting􀀃optimum􀀃efficiency􀀃in􀀃land􀀃utilization􀀃and􀀃public􀀃service􀀃delivery􀀃while􀀃 not􀀃 diminishing􀀃 the􀀃 quality􀀃 of􀀃 life􀀃 to􀀃 nearby􀀃 residents.􀀃 Policy􀀃 4.3􀀃 also􀀃 provides􀀃 for􀀃 the􀀃 maximum􀀃 effectiveness􀀃 of􀀃commercial􀀃 uses􀀃 within􀀃 close􀀃 proximity􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 markets􀀃 they􀀃 serve􀀃 and􀀃 ensuring􀀃 that􀀃 such􀀃uses􀀃do􀀃not􀀃diminish􀀃the􀀃q uality􀀃of􀀃life􀀃in􀀃nearby􀀃residents.􀀃 􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃 Page􀀃2􀀃of􀀃4􀀃 􀀃Z􀍲917,􀀃4/12􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃Position􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃 recommends􀀃 approval􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 request􀀃 to􀀃 rezone􀀃 .4591􀀃 acres􀀃 from􀀃 R􀍲15􀀃 to􀀃 CD􀀃 (B􀍲1)􀀃 for􀀃 several􀀃 reasons.􀀃 First,􀀃 the􀀃 parcel􀀃 of􀀃 land􀀃 is􀀃 adjacent􀀃 to􀀃 an􀀃 existing􀀃 B􀍲1􀀃 District􀀃 located􀀃 north􀀃 and􀀃 west.􀀃 This􀀃 rezoning􀀃proposal􀀃would􀀃be􀀃an􀀃extension􀀃to􀀃an􀀃exis ting􀀃district􀀃that􀀃has􀀃been􀀃established􀀃for􀀃a􀀃number􀀃 of􀀃 years.􀀃Second,􀀃the􀀃 property􀀃as􀀃a􀀃construction􀀃 office􀀃has􀀃been􀀃 in􀀃use􀀃 for􀀃 close􀀃to􀀃a􀀃decade􀀃and􀀃has􀀃 created􀀃no􀀃 ill􀀃 effect􀀃on􀀃 adjoining􀀃 residential􀀃 property􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 south.􀀃 The􀀃 only􀀃 element􀀃 in􀀃 the􀀃 proposal􀀃 which􀀃 causes􀀃 concern􀀃 is􀀃 the􀀃 cement􀀃 median􀀃 extending􀀃 from􀀃 the􀀃 Market􀀃 Street/Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road􀀃 intersection􀀃 south􀀃 beyond􀀃 the􀀃 petitioner’s􀀃 property.􀀃 This􀀃 median􀀃 was􀀃 constructed􀀃 to􀀃 mitigate􀀃 traffic􀀃 movement􀀃 safety􀀃 concerns.􀀃 The􀀃 median􀀃 has􀀃 created􀀃 a􀀃 “right􀍲in”,􀀃 “right􀍲out”􀀃 turning􀀃 movement􀀃 for􀀃 access􀀃into􀀃the􀀃property.􀀃However,􀀃considering􀀃the􀀃limited /light􀀃amount􀀃of􀀃traffic􀀃going􀀃to􀀃and􀀃from􀀃the􀀃 business,􀀃this􀀃may􀀃not􀀃pose􀀃a􀀃safety􀀃concern.􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃 􀀃Policies􀀃 for􀀃 growth􀀃 and􀀃 development􀀃 encourage􀀃 services􀀃 near􀀃 major􀀃 road􀀃 intersections.􀀃 The􀀃 recently􀀃 adopted􀀃Market􀀃Street􀀃Corridor􀀃Plan􀀃has􀀃designated/recognized􀀃the􀀃intersection􀀃of􀀃Market􀀃Street􀀃and􀀃 Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Roa d􀀃as􀀃an􀀃“Activity􀀃Center.”􀀃Activity􀀃Centers􀀃encourage􀀃compact,􀀃mixed􀀃use􀀃development􀀃 comprising􀀃 of􀀃 open􀀃 space􀀃 and􀀃 office􀀃 as􀀃 well􀀃 as􀀃 businesses􀀃 and􀀃 townhomes􀀃 along􀀃 with􀀃 multi􀍲model􀀃 transportation.􀀃 Sidewalks/multi􀍲use􀀃 paths􀀃 are􀀃 encouraged􀀃 as􀀃 well.􀀃 It􀀃 is􀀃 expected􀀃 that􀀃 residential􀀃 and􀀃 commercial􀀃demand􀀃for􀀃ser vices􀀃will􀀃increase􀀃in􀀃the􀀃area.􀀃For􀀃these􀀃reasons􀀃and􀀃the􀀃existing􀀃use􀀃already􀀃 in􀀃place,􀀃staff􀀃recommends􀀃approval􀀃of􀀃the􀀃rezoning􀀃portion􀀃of􀀃this􀀃Conditional􀀃Use􀀃Zoning� �request.􀀃􀀃􀀃 􀀃􀀃􀀃 With􀀃this􀀃proposal􀀃being􀀃considered􀀃as􀀃a􀀃Conditional􀀃Use􀀃District,􀀃the􀀃following􀀃preliminary􀀃findings􀀃of􀀃 fact􀀃for􀀃the􀀃Special􀀃Use􀀃Permit􀀃portion􀀃of􀀃the� �request􀀃are􀀃noted􀀃by􀀃Staff:􀀃 􀀃 1. The􀀃 Board􀀃 must􀀃 find􀀃 that􀀃 the􀀃 use􀀃 will􀀃 not􀀃 materially􀀃 endanger􀀃 the􀀃 public􀀃 health􀀃 or􀀃 safety􀀃 where􀀃proposed􀀃and􀀃developed􀀃acc ording􀀃to􀀃the􀀃plan􀀃as􀀃submitted􀀃and􀀃approved.􀀃 A. Public􀀃water􀀃is􀀃located􀀃along􀀃the􀀃frontage􀀃of􀀃the􀀃property.􀀃Public􀀃sewer􀀃is􀀃located􀀃on􀀃Market􀀃 Street􀀃at􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Roa d.􀀃 B. Fire􀀃protection􀀃is􀀃provided􀀃by􀀃New􀀃Hanover􀀃County􀀃Fire􀀃Services.􀀃 C. The􀀃property􀀃is􀀃not􀀃located􀀃within􀀃a􀀃flood􀀃hazard􀀃area.􀀃 D. An􀀃existing􀀃driveway􀀃to􀀃the􀀃structure 􀀃is􀀃located􀀃off􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road.􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃Suggestion:􀀃Evidence􀀃in􀀃the􀀃record􀀃at􀀃this􀀃time􀀃supports􀀃a􀀃finding􀀃that􀀃the􀀃use􀀃will􀀃not􀀃materially􀀃 endanger􀀃the􀀃public􀀃health 􀀃or􀀃safety.􀀃 􀀃 2. The􀀃 Board􀀃 must􀀃 find􀀃 that􀀃 the􀀃 use􀀃 meets􀀃 all􀀃 required􀀃 conditions􀀃 and􀀃 specifications􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 Zoning􀀃Ordinance.􀀃􀀃 A. Conditional􀀃 Zoning􀀃 Districts􀀃 are􀀃 designed􀀃 for􀀃 firm􀀃 development􀀃 proposals􀀃 and􀀃 not􀀃 for􀀃 tentative􀀃or􀀃speculative􀀃development.􀀃The􀀃existing􀀃structure􀀃will􀀃be􀀃a􀀃construction􀀃business􀀃 office.􀀃 B. The􀀃existing􀀃structure􀀃contains􀀃1,476􀀃square􀀃feet􀀃of􀀃heated􀀃floor􀀃space􀀃with􀀃an􀀃open􀀃carport􀀃 attached􀀃to􀀃the􀀃structure􀀃along􀀃with􀀃an􀀃attached􀀃greenhouse.􀀃A􀀃stor age􀀃shed􀀃is􀀃located􀀃near􀀃 the􀀃northern􀀃rear􀀃portion􀀃of􀀃the􀀃yard.􀀃A􀀃site􀀃map􀀃depicts􀀃these􀀃features.􀀃 C. Landscaping,􀀃buffering,􀀃parking,􀀃and􀀃signage􀀃are􀀃required􀀃in􀀃accordan ce􀀃with􀀃the􀀃County’s􀀃 Zoning􀀃Ordinance.􀀃􀀃 􀀃 Page􀀃3􀀃of􀀃4􀀃 􀀃Z􀍲917,􀀃4/12􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃 Suggestion:􀀃 Evidence􀀃 in􀀃 the􀀃 record􀀃 at􀀃 this􀀃 time􀀃 supports􀀃 a􀀃 finding􀀃 that􀀃 the􀀃 use􀀃 can􀀃 meet􀀃 all􀀃 required􀀃conditions􀀃and􀀃 specifications􀀃of􀀃the􀀃Zoning􀀃Ordinance.􀀃 􀀃 3. The􀀃 Board􀀃 must􀀃 find􀀃 that􀀃 the􀀃 use􀀃 will􀀃 not􀀃 substantially􀀃 injure􀀃 the􀀃 value􀀃 of􀀃 adjoining􀀃 or􀀃 abutting􀀃property􀀃or􀀃th at􀀃the􀀃use􀀃is􀀃a􀀃public􀀃necessity.􀀃 A. The􀀃 existing􀀃 residential􀀃 structure􀀃 has􀀃 been􀀃 used􀀃 as􀀃 a􀀃 construction􀀃 office􀀃 for􀀃 the􀀃 past􀀃 few􀀃 years.􀀃No􀀃changes􀀃to􀀃the􀀃str ucture􀀃are􀀃planned􀀃to􀀃take􀀃place.􀀃 B. No􀀃 evidence􀀃 has􀀃 been􀀃 submitted􀀃 that􀀃 this􀀃 use􀀃 will􀀃 decrease􀀃 property􀀃 values􀀃 of􀀃 residents􀀃 who􀀃live􀀃nearby.􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃 Suggestion:􀀃 The􀀃 evidence􀀃 in􀀃 the􀀃 record􀀃 at􀀃 this􀀃 time􀀃 supports􀀃 a􀀃 finding􀀃 that􀀃 the􀀃 use􀀃 will􀀃 not􀀃 materially􀀃injure􀀃the􀀃value􀀃of􀀃adjoining􀀃property.􀀃 􀀃 4. The􀀃Board􀀃must􀀃find􀀃that􀀃the􀀃􀀃location􀀃and􀀃character􀀃of􀀃the􀀃use􀀃if􀀃developed􀀃according􀀃to􀀃the􀀃 plan􀀃as􀀃submitted􀀃and􀀃approved􀀃will􀀃be􀀃in􀀃harmony􀀃with􀀃the􀀃area􀀃in􀀃 which􀀃it􀀃is􀀃to􀀃be􀀃located􀀃 and􀀃in􀀃general􀀃conformity􀀃with􀀃the􀀃plan􀀃of􀀃development􀀃for􀀃New􀀃Hanover􀀃County.􀀃 A. The􀀃2006􀀃Land􀀃Use􀀃Plan􀀃identifies􀀃the􀀃property􀀃as􀀃“Transition .”􀀃The􀀃“Transition”􀀃designation􀀃 provides􀀃 for􀀃 further􀀃 intensive􀀃 urban􀀃 development􀀃 on􀀃 lands􀀃 that􀀃 have􀀃 been􀀃 or􀀃 will􀀃 be􀀃 provided􀀃with􀀃necessary􀀃urban􀀃services.􀀃The􀀃 location􀀃of􀀃these􀀃areas􀀃is􀀃based􀀃upon􀀃land􀀃use􀀃 planning􀀃policies􀀃requiring􀀃optimum􀀃efficiency􀀃in􀀃land􀀃utilization􀀃and􀀃public􀀃service􀀃delivery.􀀃 B. Policy􀀃4.3􀀃of􀀃the􀀃2006􀀃CA MA􀀃Land􀀃Use􀀃Plan􀀃outlines􀀃the􀀃desire􀀃to􀀃maximize􀀃effectiveness􀀃of􀀃 commercial􀀃 type􀀃 uses􀀃 by􀀃 assuring􀀃 that􀀃 land􀀃 is􀀃 available􀀃 for􀀃 commercial􀀃 uses􀀃 within􀀃 close􀀃 proximity􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 markets􀀃 they􀀃 serve􀀃 and􀀃 by􀀃 ensuring􀀃 that􀀃 such􀀃 commercial􀀃 nodes􀀃 do􀀃 not􀀃 diminish􀀃the􀀃quality􀀃of􀀃life􀀃in􀀃nearby􀀃residential􀀃areas.􀀃 􀀃The􀀃proposal􀀃meets􀀃requirements􀀃for􀀃the􀀃B􀍲1􀀃Neighborhood􀀃Business􀀃Zoning􀀃District􀀃and􀀃is􀀃located􀀃in􀀃 a􀀃“Transition”􀀃land􀀃classification.􀀃No􀀃roadway􀀃improvements􀀃are􀀃required .􀀃Access􀀃from􀀃the􀀃property􀀃 will􀀃be􀀃limited􀀃to􀀃right􀍲in􀀃and􀀃right􀍲out􀀃turning􀀃movements.􀀃 􀀃Staff􀀃suggests􀀃that􀀃the􀀃findings􀀃are􀀃positive􀀃with􀀃the􀀃following􀀃conditions:􀀃 􀀃 1) In􀀃accordance􀀃with􀀃Section􀀃31􀀃(“Rules􀀃for􀀃Interpretation􀀃of􀀃District􀀃Boundaries)of􀀃the􀀃County’s􀀃 Zoning􀀃 Ordinance,􀀃 the􀀃 proposal􀀃 shall􀀃 include􀀃 the􀀃 road􀀃 right􀍲of􀍲way􀀃 front􀀃 yard􀀃 width􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 property􀀃along􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃extending􀀃northwest􀀃to􀀃the􀀃eastern􀀃right􀍲of􀍲way􀀃of􀀃Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃Road􀀃(see􀀃base􀀃map)􀀃and,􀀃 2) Any􀀃deed􀀃restrictions􀀃to􀀃the􀀃property􀀃being􀀃modified􀀃or􀀃released􀀃of􀀃record.􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃 􀀃Note:􀀃A􀀃Special􀀃Use􀀃Permit􀀃􀀃is􀀃a􀀃quasi􀍲judicial􀀃action􀀃requiring􀀃an􀀃evidentiary􀀃hea ring􀀃and􀀃findings􀀃of􀀃 fact.􀀃 􀀃Action􀀃of􀀃Special􀀃Use􀀃Permit􀀃Needed:􀀃 (Choose􀀃one)􀀃 􀀃 1. Motion􀀃to􀀃recommend􀀃the􀀃special􀀃use􀀃permit􀀃based􀀃on􀀃the􀀃findings􀀃of􀀃fact􀀃(with􀀃or􀀃 without􀀃 conditions)􀀃 2. Motion􀀃 to􀀃 table􀀃 the􀀃 item􀀃 in􀀃 order􀀃 to􀀃 receive􀀃 additional􀀃 information􀀃 or􀀃 documentation􀀃 (specify).􀀃 Page􀀃4􀀃of􀀃4􀀃 􀀃Z􀍲917,􀀃4/12􀀃 􀀃 3. Motion􀀃to􀀃recommend􀀃denial􀀃based􀀃on􀀃specific􀀃negative􀀃findings􀀃in􀀃any􀀃of􀀃the􀀃four􀀃categories􀀃 noted􀀃above􀀃such􀀃as􀀃lack􀀃of􀀃consistency􀀃wi th􀀃adopted􀀃plans􀀃or􀀃determination􀀃that􀀃the􀀃project􀀃 will􀀃pose􀀃public􀀃hazards􀀃or􀀃will􀀃not􀀃adequately􀀃meet􀀃the􀀃requirements􀀃of􀀃the􀀃ordinance.􀀃 Case􀀃Z􀍲917􀀃(4/12)􀀃 Rezone􀀃0.459􀀃acres􀀃from􀀃R􀍲15,􀀃medium􀍲density􀀃residential􀀃to􀀃CD􀀃(B􀍲1),􀀃conditional􀀃business􀀃district.􀀃 􀀃Petition􀀃Summary􀀃Data􀀃 201􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃 􀀃Owner/Petitioner:􀀃􀀃Cindee􀀃Wolf􀀃with􀀃Withers􀀃&􀀃Ravenel,􀀃Inc.􀀃on􀀃behalf􀀃of􀀃JRB􀀃Property,􀀃L.L.C.􀀃 􀀃Existing􀀃Land􀀃Use:􀀃R􀍲15,􀀃medium􀀃density􀀃residential􀀃 􀀃Zoning􀀃History:􀀃Area 􀀃5􀀃(July􀀃6,􀀃1971)􀀃 􀀃Land􀀃Classification:􀀃􀀃Transition􀀃􀀃 􀀃Water􀀃Type:􀀃􀀃CFPUA􀀃􀀃 􀀃Sewer􀀃Type:􀀃􀀃None􀀃at􀀃this􀀃time;􀀃however,􀀃sewer􀀃is􀀃located􀀃on􀀃Market􀀃Street􀀃at􀀃Porters􀀃n eck􀀃Road􀀃within􀀃500􀀃 feet􀀃 of􀀃 this􀀃 property􀀃 which􀀃 will􀀃 be􀀃 required􀀃 to􀀃 be􀀃 extended􀀃 at􀀃 the􀀃 cost􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 developer􀀃 for􀀃 any􀀃 new􀀃 construction.􀀃 􀀃Recreation􀀃Area:􀀃􀀃Blair􀀃Elementary􀀃School􀀃 􀀃Access􀀃&􀀃 Traffic􀀃 Volume:􀀃 􀀃 The􀀃 ADT􀀃 of􀀃 Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road,􀀃 South􀀃 of􀀃 Market􀀃 Street,􀀃 has􀀃 increased􀀃 from􀀃 12,776􀀃(2010)􀀃to􀀃12,834(2011).The􀀃portion􀀃of􀀃Porters􀀃􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃fronting􀀃the􀀃subject􀀃property􀀃has􀀃a􀀃LOS􀀃of􀀃 F,􀀃meaning􀀃the􀀃traffic􀀃counts􀀃exceed􀀃the􀀃capacity􀀃of􀀃the􀀃roadwa y.􀀃 􀀃Fire􀀃District:􀀃New􀀃Hanover􀀃County􀀃Fire􀀃Service􀀃District􀀃 􀀃􀀃 Watershed􀀃&􀀃Water􀀃Quality􀀃Classification:􀀃􀀃Pages􀀃Creek􀀃(SA;􀀃HQW􀀃303)􀀃 􀀃Aquifer􀀃Recharge􀀃Area:􀀃􀀃A􀀃shallow� �water􀀃table􀀃and􀀃aquifer􀀃and􀀃underlying􀀃artesian􀀃aquifer􀀃containing􀀃fresh􀀃 water􀀃over􀀃salty􀀃water.􀀃 􀀃Conservation/Historic/Archaeological􀀃 Resources:􀀃 The􀀃 entire􀀃 parcel􀀃 is􀀃 located􀀃 with􀀃 the􀀃 Special􀀃 Highway􀀃 Overlay􀀃District􀀃(S.H.O.D.).􀀃The􀀃Conservation􀀃Overlay􀀃District􀀃classifies􀀃the􀀃property􀀃as􀀃Urban􀀃and􀀃Developed􀀃 Land.􀀃 􀀃􀀃 Soils:􀀃Leon􀀃Sand􀀃is􀀃the􀀃only􀀃soil􀀃located􀀃on􀀃the􀀃subject􀀃property.􀀃 􀀃Septic􀀃Suitability:􀀃Leon􀀃Sand􀀃is􀀃a􀀃Class􀀃III􀀃soil.􀀃It􀀃has􀀃severe􀀃limitations􀀃and􀀃requires� �extensive􀀃modification􀀃and􀀃 intensive􀀃maintenance.􀀃 􀀃Schools:􀀃􀀃Blair􀀃Elementary􀀃School􀀃 􀀃 APPLICANT MATERIALS NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MAY 3, 2012 Item 2: Special Use Permit Request (S-605, 05/12) -Request by Ginger Bruton on behalf of Canady Revocable Living Trust to obtain a 􀁖􀁓􀁈􀁆􀁌􀁄􀁏􀀃􀁘􀁖􀁈 􀀃􀁓􀁈􀁕􀁐􀁌􀁗􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁈􀁖􀁗􀁄􀁅􀁏􀁌􀁖􀁋􀀃􀁄􀀃􀂳􀁎􀁈􀁑􀁑􀁈􀁏􀂴􀀑􀀃􀀃􀀷􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁓􀁕􀁒􀁓􀁈􀁕􀁗􀁜􀀃􀁌􀁖􀀃􀁏􀁒􀁆􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃􀁌􀁑􀀃􀁄􀁑􀀃 O&I Office and Institutional Zoning District at 8001 Market Street. The site is classified as Transition on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. S-605, 05/12 SPECIAL USE PERMIT S-605, 05/12: Request for a special use permit to establish a 􀂳kennel􀂴 in an Office and Institutional District, located at 8001 Market Street. Request By: Ginger Bruton on behalf of Judy M. Canady, Canady Revocable Living Trust Location: 8001 Market Street, Parcel ID R03600-003-067-000 Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is currently billed for public sewer with CFPUA. Public water is available; however, applicant anticipates u􀁗􀁌􀁏􀁌􀁝􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀁄􀀃􀀘􀀒􀀛􀂴􀀃􀁐􀁈􀁗􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁒􀁑􀀃􀁄􀀃􀁚􀁈􀁏􀁏􀀑􀀃􀀦􀁒􀁑􀁗􀁌􀁑􀁘􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃 to use the existing well will require an Existing Use of Well Permit from Environmental Health. B. The route of access is Sweetwater Drive to Market Street. The ADT of Market Street, north of Sweetwater Drive, has decreased from 39,195 (2010) to 34,402 (2011). The Level of Service at the intersection of Market Street and Sweetwater Drive is F. C. The subject property is located in the New Hanover County Fire Service District. Fire extinguishers and exit signs will be required per NFPA. D. The site is not within a flood hazard area. E. The property is located within the S.H.O.D. and is subject to the requirements of Section 59.6. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The current facility is the former Canady Extermination building and as of April 17, 2012 has been renovated to accommodate the Going Green Pet Spa. The applicant currently accommodates no more than three (3) pets at one time under a Zoning Only Permit, #12-4438. B. The applicant wishes to increase the number of pets she is eligible to accommodate at 􀁒􀁑􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁌􀁐􀁈􀀑􀀃􀀳􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀀽􀁒􀁑􀁌􀁌􀁑􀁊� �􀀲􀁕􀁇􀁌􀁑􀁄􀁑􀁆􀁈􀀃􀁇􀁈􀁉􀁌􀁑􀁌􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀀃􀁒􀁉􀀃􀂳􀁎􀁈􀁑􀁑􀁈􀁏􀂴􀀏􀀃􀁌􀁑􀁆􀁕􀁈􀁄􀁖􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁑􀁘􀁐􀁅􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁒􀁉􀀃 pets beyond three at one time requires a special use permit in the O&I zoning district. C. The applicant currently has 7 designated off street parking spots, shown on the site plan, exceeding the minimum requirement of Section 81-1, which requires 1 parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area. D. The facility has direct access onto a street that meets the minimum requirements for acceptance and maintenance by the North Carolina Department of Transportation per Section 72-26(1). E. The applicant is proposing two exercise areas with four (4) to six (6) foot fencing. F. There is not currently an outside sign for the facility, nor is one proposed per the attached site plan. However, if one were to be added to the site it would be subject to Section 72-26(4). S-605, 05/12 G. Buffering is proposed by the applicant to include a row of 6 foot tall wax myrtles planted 5 feet apart to mitigate impacts to the adjacent residential property consistent with 67B-4(1). Further, the applicant is proposing to screen the dumpster from adjacent residential property with a fence. Staff feels the buffer proposed, in addition to the distance between the proposed kennel and adjacent residence, is substantial enough to satisfy requirement 5 of Section 72-26 of the zoning ordinance. H. All other local, state, and federal requirements must continue to be met, including possible property upgrades to meet building codes and fire safety codes. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The proposed use is a continuation and expansion of an existing 􀂳􀁎􀁈􀁑􀁑􀁈􀁏􀂴 facility. B. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease property values of residents who live nearby Staff Suggestion: The evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in an Office and Institutional (O&I) zoning district. B. Kennel facilities are permitted by special use permit in Office and Institutional districts. C. The 2006 Joint CAMA Plan Update shows the land classification as Transition. STAFF COMMENTS The proposal meets the requirements of Section 72-26 and is located within an area classified as transition according to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Staff feels the findings are positive; however, recommends the following conditions: (a) obtain a permit for an existing use of well with Environmental Health or connect to public water; and (b) dedicate a twenty (20) foot access easement on the subject property for future development of a multi-use path along Market Street, consistent with the Market Street Corridor Plan. Note: A Special Use Permit is a quasi-judicial action requiring an evidentiary hearing and findings of fact. ACTION NEEDED: (Choose one) 1. Motion to Recommend Approval (with or without conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). 3. Motion to Recommend Denial based on specific findings in any of the 4 categories above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or S-605, 05/12 determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. Case􀀃S􀍲605􀀃(05/12)􀀃 Special􀀃Use􀀃Permit􀀃to􀀃establish􀀃a􀀃“Kennel”􀀃in􀀃an􀀃O&I􀀃Zoning􀀃District􀀃 􀀃Petition􀀃Summary􀀃Data􀀃 8001􀀃Market􀀃Street􀀃 􀀃Owner/Petitioner:􀀃􀀃Ginger􀀃Bruton􀀃on� �behalf􀀃of􀀃Judy􀀃M.􀀃Canady,􀀃Canady􀀃Revocable􀀃Living􀀃Trust􀀃 􀀃Existing􀀃Land􀀃Use:􀀃O&I,􀀃Office􀀃and􀀃Institutional;􀀃vacant􀀃structure􀀃is􀀃currently􀀃on􀀃site􀀃 􀀃Zoning􀀃History:􀀃Area􀀃5� �(July􀀃6,􀀃1971)􀀃 􀀃Land􀀃Classification:􀀃􀀃Transition􀀃 􀀃Water􀀃Type:􀀃􀀃Available,􀀃but􀀃not􀀃used.􀀃Currently􀀃utilizing􀀃a􀀃5/8”􀀃meter􀀃well􀀃 􀀃Sewer􀀃Type:􀀃􀀃CFPUA􀀃 􀀃Recreation􀀃Area:􀀃 􀀃Blair􀀃Elementary􀀃school􀀃 􀀃Access􀀃&􀀃 Traffic􀀃 Volume:􀀃 􀀃 The􀀃 ADT􀀃 of􀀃 Porters􀀃 Neck􀀃 Road,􀀃 South􀀃 of􀀃 Market􀀃 Street,􀀃 has􀀃 increased􀀃 from􀀃 12,776􀀃(2010)􀀃to􀀃12,834(2011). The􀀃portion􀀃of􀀃Porters􀀃Neck􀀃Road􀀃fronting􀀃the􀀃subject􀀃property􀀃has􀀃a􀀃LOS􀀃of􀀃 F,􀀃meaning􀀃the􀀃traffic􀀃counts􀀃exceed􀀃the􀀃capacity􀀃of􀀃the􀀃roadway.􀀃 􀀃Fire􀀃District:􀀃New􀀃Hanove r􀀃County􀀃Fire􀀃Service􀀃District􀀃 􀀃􀀃 Watershed􀀃&􀀃Water􀀃Quality􀀃Classification:􀀃􀀃Pages􀀃Creek;􀀃SA;􀀃HQW􀀃303(d)􀀃 􀀃Aquifer􀀃Recharge􀀃Area:􀀃􀀃A􀀃shallow􀀃water􀀃table􀀃and􀀃aquifer􀀃and� �underlying􀀃artesian􀀃aquifer􀀃containing􀀃fresh􀀃 water􀀃over􀀃salty􀀃water.􀀃 􀀃Conservation/Historic/Archaeological􀀃 Resources:􀀃 The􀀃 entire􀀃 parcel􀀃 is􀀃 located􀀃 with􀀃 the􀀃 Special􀀃 Highway􀀃 Overlay􀀃District􀀃(S.H.O.D.).􀀃The􀀃Conservation􀀃Overlay􀀃District􀀃classifies􀀃the􀀃property􀀃as􀀃Urban􀀃and􀀃Developed􀀃 Land􀀃and􀀃Pocosin;􀀃however,􀀃the􀀃Pocosin􀀃is􀀃not􀀃 accompanied􀀃by􀀃a􀀃Class􀀃IV􀀃soil􀀃and􀀃therefore􀀃not􀀃considered􀀃a􀀃 conservation􀀃area.􀀃 􀀃􀀃 Soils:􀀃Leon􀀃Sand,􀀃Kureb􀀃Sand􀀃(1􀍲8%􀀃slopes),􀀃&Murville􀀃fine􀀃sand􀀃 􀀃Septic􀀃Suitability: 􀀃Leon􀀃sand􀀃and􀀃Murville􀀃fine􀀃sand􀀃are􀀃Class􀀃III􀀃soils.􀀃They􀀃have􀀃severe􀀃limitations􀀃and􀀃require􀀃 extensive􀀃 modification􀀃 and􀀃 intensive􀀃 maintenance.􀀃 Kureb􀀃 Sand􀀃 is􀀃 a􀀃 Class􀀃 I􀀃 soil.􀀃 It􀀃 is􀀃 suitable􀀃 with􀀃 slight􀀃 limitations.limitations.􀀃􀀃 􀀃Schools:􀀃􀀃Blair􀀃Elementary􀀃School􀀃 􀀃 APPLICANT MATERIALS NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MAY 3, 2012 Item 3: Text Amendment (A-403, 05/12)-Request by Staff to amend Section 61 of the County's Zoning Ordinance to remove the reference of outdoor bazaars from table 61-4 and revise the allowable duration of special fund raising for non-profit organizations. A-403, 05/12 AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE CASE NUMBER: A-403 APPLICANT: STAFF As part of the County’s ongoing ordinance improvement, staff proposes to amend section 61, Temporary Buildings, to clarify the intent of this section as well as some of the regulatory timelines. Section 61’s title states Temporary Buildings but contains language that pertains to regulating temporary uses as well. Therefore, staff proposes to amend the title to reflect its intents and purposes. Also, staff proposes to clarify the time lines established in the table under section 61-4. Currently, the section lists the duration and districts in which certain activities are permitted. However, the duration is not explicitly expressed in relative terms. For instance, Evangelistic and religious assemblies have a duration of 14 days. Currently, the ordinances is silent on whether this pertains to 14 days a year, quarter, month etc.. Therefore, staff proposes this change to clarify and identify that the duration is per calendar year. year. Also, staff proposes to extend the duration for special fund raising for nonprofit organizations. Staff has observed non-profit organizations which have seasonal and occasional events which surpass the current 3 day duration. Therefore, staff proposes to extend the duration for special fundraising for non-profit organizations to 45 days per calendar year. Staff also proposes to remove from the table the section pertaining to outdoor bazaars excluding yard sales. There has been uncertainty as to what this section would cover, and currently staff cannot ascertain a use for the classification. Recently, an applicant attempted to use this classification for a farmers market, which now as a dedicated section. Staff feels that there is no need for the classifications and that other temporary uses should be covered under the other existing classifications. Section􀀃61:􀀃􀀃Temporary􀀃Use􀀃/􀀃Building􀀃 􀀃 In􀀃any􀀃zoning􀀃district􀀃temporary􀀃structures,􀀃as􀀃set􀀃forth􀀃below,􀀃which􀀃are􀀃to􀀃be􀀃used􀀃in􀀃 􀀃 connection􀀃with􀀃the􀀃d evelopment􀀃and􀀃sale􀀃of􀀃a􀀃tract􀀃of􀀃land􀀃may􀀃be􀀃erected􀀃or􀀃located􀀃 on􀀃said􀀃tract􀀃prior􀀃to􀀃and􀀃may􀀃remain􀀃thereof􀀃during􀀃the􀀃construction􀀃or􀀃development􀀃 period.􀀃 􀀃 61􀍲1:􀀃 Temporary􀀃buildings􀀃or􀀃trailers􀀃may􀀃be􀀃used􀀃as􀀃construction􀀃offices,􀀃field􀀃offices􀀃 or􀀃 for􀀃 storage􀀃 of􀀃 materials􀀃 to􀀃 be􀀃 used􀀃 in􀀃 connection􀀃 with􀀃 the􀀃 development􀀃 of􀀃 said􀀃tract,􀀃provided􀀃that􀀃said􀀃temporary􀀃structures􀀃are􀀃removed􀀃from􀀃said􀀃tract􀀃 within􀀃 thirty􀀃 (30)􀀃 days􀀃 after􀀃 completion􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 project􀀃 development,􀀃 after􀀃 A-403, 05/12 voluntary􀀃suspension􀀃of􀀃work􀀃on􀀃the􀀃project􀀃or􀀃development,􀀃after􀀃revocation􀀃or􀀃 expiration􀀃of􀀃building􀀃permit􀀃or􀀃an􀀃order􀀃by􀀃the􀀃Building􀀃Inspector􀀃upon􀀃a􀀃findi ng􀀃 that􀀃 said􀀃 temporary􀀃 structure􀀃 is􀀃 deemed􀀃 hazardous􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 public􀀃 health􀀃 and􀀃 welfare.􀀃Such􀀃temporary􀀃buildings􀀃or􀀃trailers􀀃may􀀃not􀀃be􀀃used􀀃as􀀃a􀀃dwelling􀀃unit.� � (8/7/89)􀀃 􀀃 61􀍲2:􀀃 Temporary􀀃 real􀀃 estate􀀃 offices􀀃 or􀀃 sales􀀃 offices􀀃 may􀀃 be􀀃 established􀀃 in􀀃 a􀀃 display􀀃 dwelling􀀃unit􀀃or􀀃temporary􀀃building􀀃provided􀀃that􀀃said􀀃office s􀀃are􀀃closed􀀃and􀀃the􀀃 operation􀀃discontinued􀀃and􀀃 all􀀃 temporary􀀃 structures􀀃and􀀃 facilities􀀃are􀀃 removed􀀃 from􀀃the􀀃tract􀀃upon􀀃the􀀃completion􀀃of􀀃the􀀃sale,􀀃rent􀀃or􀀃lease􀀃of� �ninety􀍲five􀀃(95)􀀃 percent􀀃of􀀃the􀀃dwelling􀀃units􀀃or􀀃lot􀀃of􀀃said􀀃tract.􀀃 􀀃 61􀍲3:􀀃 No􀀃 temporary􀀃 buildings􀀃 or􀀃 trailers􀀃 shall􀀃 at􀀃 any􀀃 time􀀃 be􀀃 located􀀃 closer􀀃 than􀀃 twenty􀍲five􀀃 (25)􀀃 feet􀀃 to􀀃 a􀀃 property􀀃 line􀀃 of􀀃 any􀀃 adjacent􀀃 property,􀀃 notwithstanding􀀃 the􀀃 required􀀃 setbacks􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 zoning􀀃 district􀀃 in􀀃 which􀀃 such􀀃 temporary􀀃building􀀃or􀀃trailer􀀃is􀀃located.􀀃(9/7/76)􀀃 􀀃 61􀍲4:􀀃 Temporary􀀃 Uses􀀃 and􀀃 Activities􀀃 Not􀀃 Elsewhere􀀃 Classified􀀃 􀍲􀀃 Other􀀃 temporary􀀃 activities􀀃as􀀃noted􀀃in􀀃the􀀃table􀀃below􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃permitted􀀃subject􀀃to􀀃the􀀃table􀀃of􀀃 permitted􀀃 uses􀀃 and􀀃 a􀀃 provision􀀃 of􀀃 adequate􀀃 sanitation􀀃 facilities􀀃 pursuant􀀃 to􀀃 Health􀀃Department􀀃regulations􀀃as􀀃applicable􀀃and􀀃the􀀃requirements􀀃of􀀃the􀀃Table.􀀃 (7/6/92)􀀃 􀀃 􀀃 61􀍲4.1:􀀃 Process􀀃 for􀀃 establishing􀀃 Temporary􀀃 Use􀀃 /􀀃 Building􀀃 –􀀃 Approval􀀃 for􀀃 temporary􀀃 use/building􀀃 shall􀀃 follow􀀃procedures􀀃 for􀀃 establishing􀀃a􀀃zoning􀀃 permit.􀀃Annually,􀀃 applicants􀀃 shall􀀃submit􀀃a􀀃zoning􀀃permit􀀃 application􀀃accompanied􀀃by􀀃a􀀃 site􀀃plan􀀃 and􀀃 include􀀃 all􀀃 pertinent􀀃 information􀀃 for􀀃 the􀀃 operation􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 temporary􀀃 use􀀃 /building.􀀃Parking􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃in􀀃accordance􀀃with􀀃Article􀀃VIII􀀃of􀀃the􀀃zoning􀀃ordinance.􀀃􀀃 USE DURATION PER CALENDAR YEAR PERMITTED DISTRICTS Outdoor bazaars excluding yard sales 3 Days All districts Christmas tree sales Pumpkin sales 6/93 45 Days All Commercial, Office, & Industrial Districts Special fund raising for non-profit organizations 3 Days 45 Days All Districts Evangelistic and religious assemblies not conducted at a church 14 Days All districts A-403, 05/12 61-5: Standards􀀃for􀀃Temporary􀀃Farmers􀀃Markets􀀃or􀀃Produce􀀃Stands􀀃in􀀃Residential􀀃Districts􀀃 Open􀀃 lot􀀃 sales􀀃 of􀀃 farm􀀃 produce􀀃 and􀀃 related􀀃 products􀀃 may􀀃 be􀀃 allowed􀀃 by􀀃 right􀀃 as􀀃 a􀀃 temporary􀀃use􀀃in􀀃all􀀃residential􀀃zoning􀀃districts􀀃when􀀃all􀀃of􀀃the􀀃following􀀃standards􀀃are􀀃 met:􀀃 􀀃 (1) Sales􀀃are􀀃limited􀀃to􀀃a􀀃cumulativ e􀀃total􀀃of􀀃no􀀃more􀀃than􀀃60􀀃days􀀃per􀀃calendar􀀃year.􀀃 (2) In􀀃 the􀀃 case􀀃 of􀀃a􀀃 Farmers􀀃 Market,􀀃 all􀀃 vendors􀀃must􀀃be􀀃 original􀀃 producers􀀃 of􀀃 items􀀃 for􀀃 sale.􀀃 Eligible􀀃 products􀀃 for􀀃 temporary􀀃 farmers􀀃markets􀀃 or􀀃 produce􀀃 stands􀀃 are􀀃 fruits,􀀃 vegetables,􀀃 herbs,􀀃 flowers,􀀃 eggs,􀀃 meats,􀀃 seafood,􀀃 cheese,􀀃 baked􀀃 goods,􀀃 jellies􀀃 and􀀃 jams,􀀃 honey,􀀃 and􀀃 handmade􀀃crafts,􀀃consistent􀀃with􀀃NC􀀃Food􀀃and􀀃Drug􀀃Protection􀀃Agency􀀃and􀀃the􀀃Department􀀃 of􀀃 Agriculture,􀀃 and􀀃 all􀀃 other􀀃 federal,􀀃 state􀀃 and􀀃 local􀀃 laws􀀃 relating􀀃 to􀀃 the􀀃 production􀀃 and􀀃 selling􀀃of􀀃such􀀃goods.􀀃A􀀃minimum􀀃of􀀃75%􀀃of􀀃the􀀃products􀀃displayed􀀃and􀀃offered􀀃for􀀃sale􀀃must􀀃 be􀀃directly􀀃linke d􀀃to􀀃farm􀀃products,􀀃and􀀃documentation􀀃of􀀃how􀀃these􀀃standards􀀃will􀀃be􀀃met􀀃 shall􀀃be􀀃specified􀀃on􀀃the􀀃submission􀀃for􀀃zoning􀀃approval.􀀃 (3) The􀀃proposed􀀃time􀀃schedule􀀃and􀀃dura tion􀀃of􀀃the􀀃use􀀃must􀀃be􀀃specified􀀃on􀀃the􀀃submission􀀃for􀀃 zoning􀀃approval.􀀃 (4) Minimum􀀃 lot􀀃 size􀀃 shall􀀃be􀀃no􀀃 less􀀃 than􀀃 1􀀃 acre􀀃 for􀀃 produce􀀃 stands􀀃 and􀀃 2􀀃 acres􀀃 for􀀃 farmers􀀃 markets.􀀃 (5) The􀀃site􀀃shall􀀃front􀀃on􀀃a􀀃collector􀀃or􀀃arterial􀀃roadway.􀀃 (6) Approved􀀃NCDOT􀀃driveway􀀃permit􀀃is􀀃required.􀀃 (7) Ingress,􀀃 egress,􀀃 circulation,􀀃 and􀀃 parking􀀃 plans􀀃 shall􀀃 describe􀀃 measure􀀃 proposed􀀃 to􀀃 assure􀀃 safety􀀃and􀀃minimize􀀃traffic􀀃impacts􀀃on􀀃surrounding􀀃areas.􀀃 (8) Adequate􀀃solid􀀃waste􀀃disposal􀀃m ethods􀀃must􀀃be􀀃provided􀀃for􀀃vendors􀀃and􀀃customers􀀃 (9) Only􀀃temporary􀀃signage􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃allowed􀀃for􀀃these􀀃temporary􀀃uses.􀀃A􀀃maximum􀀃of􀀃two􀀃(2)􀀃 temporary􀀃signs􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃allo wed􀀃on􀀃site􀀃to􀀃advertise􀀃for􀀃the􀀃market􀀃as􀀃a􀀃whole.􀀃􀀃 a. Temporary􀀃signage􀀃consistent􀀃with􀀃the􀀃permit􀀃may􀀃be􀀃installed􀀃no􀀃more􀀃than􀀃2􀀃days􀀃prior􀀃to􀀃 the􀀃start􀀃of􀀃market 􀀃activities􀀃and􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃removed􀀃at􀀃the􀀃conclusion􀀃of􀀃operating􀀃hours.􀀃 b. Individual􀀃signs􀀃shall􀀃not􀀃exceed􀀃35􀀃square􀀃feet􀀃in􀀃sign􀀃area.􀀃All􀀃permitted􀀃signs􀀃shall􀀃have􀀃a� � maximum􀀃height􀀃of􀀃6􀀃feet􀀃and􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃setback􀀃a􀀃minimum􀀃of􀀃10􀀃feet􀀃from􀀃any􀀃property􀀃line.􀀃􀀃 c. Illumination􀀃of􀀃signage􀀃is􀀃prohibited.􀀃 (10) Parking􀀃Requirements􀀃 a. One􀀃(1)􀀃parking􀀃space􀀃is􀀃required􀀃for􀀃every􀀃eight􀀃hundred􀀃square􀀃feet􀀃(800)􀀃of􀀃gross􀀃market􀀃 area.􀀃Except􀀃that􀀃a􀀃minimum􀀃of􀀃two􀀃spaces􀀃is􀀃required.􀀃Spaces􀀃shall􀀃meet􀀃t he􀀃minimum􀀃size􀀃 requirements􀀃 as􀀃 identified􀀃 in􀀃 New􀀃 Hanover􀀃 County􀀃 Zoning􀀃 Ordinance,􀀃 Section􀀃 80􀍲6:􀀃 Off􀍲 Street􀀃Parking􀀃Design􀀃and􀀃Space􀀃Size.􀀃􀀃 b. 􀀃Parking􀀃shall􀀃b e􀀃provide􀀃on􀀃the􀀃same􀀃site􀀃as􀀃the􀀃Farmers􀀃Market􀀃or􀀃produce􀀃stand,􀀃or􀀃may􀀃 be􀀃located􀀃off􀀃site􀀃provided􀀃that􀀃it􀀃is􀀃within􀀃four􀀃hundred􀀃(400)􀀃feet􀀃of􀀃the􀀃main􀀃entrance􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃market.􀀃If􀀃parking􀀃is􀀃provided􀀃off􀀃of􀀃the􀀃primary􀀃parcel􀀃then􀀃a􀀃written􀀃parking􀀃agreement􀀃 between􀀃the􀀃responsible􀀃party􀀃and􀀃the􀀃parcel􀀃owner􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃provided􀀃pri or􀀃to􀀃the􀀃issuance􀀃 A-403, 05/12 of􀀃 any􀀃 permit.􀀃 􀀃 Adequate􀀃 and􀀃 safe􀀃 ingress􀀃 and􀀃 egress􀀃 shall􀀃 be􀀃 provided􀀃 by􀀃 the􀀃 Farmers􀀃 Market􀀃Management􀀃or􀀃the􀀃property􀀃owner.􀀃􀀃 c. 􀀃All􀀃 parking􀀃 must􀀃 occur􀀃 in􀀃 designated􀀃 areas.􀀃 No􀀃 parking􀀃 shall􀀃 occur􀀃 in􀀃 any􀀃 unimproved􀀃 parking􀀃 surfaces􀀃 such􀀃 as,􀀃 but􀀃 not􀀃 limited􀀃 to􀀃 landscape􀀃 parking􀀃 islands,􀀃 medians,􀀃 or􀀃 open/passive􀀃recreation􀀃space.􀀃􀀃 (11) A􀀃site􀀃layout􀀃showing􀀃the􀀃proposed􀀃marketing􀀃area􀀃(vendor􀀃spaces,􀀃staging,􀀃sales􀀃and􀀃􀀃 􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃displ ay􀀃areas,􀀃and􀀃customer􀀃promenades),􀀃parking,􀀃traffic􀀃circulation,􀀃lighting,􀀃waste􀀃􀀃 􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃disposal􀀃method,􀀃signage􀀃and􀀃other􀀃site􀀃amenities􀀃must􀀃be􀀃submitted􀀃for􀀃approval. 􀀃 (12) Tents􀀃or􀀃other􀀃shelters􀀃must􀀃meet􀀃fire􀀃safety􀀃codes􀀃and􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃disassembled􀀃after􀀃 market􀀃 hours􀀃 of􀀃 operation.􀀃 Tents􀀃 shall􀀃 be􀀃 located􀀃 so􀀃 that􀀃 they􀀃 will􀀃 not􀀃 interfere􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀃 with􀀃the􀀃normal􀀃operations􀀃of􀀃any􀀃permanent􀀃use􀀃on􀀃the􀀃property.􀀃 (13) The􀀃proposed􀀃location􀀃may􀀃not􀀃be􀀃part􀀃of􀀃designated􀀃recrea tion,􀀃open􀀃space􀀃or􀀃 􀀃common􀀃area􀀃in􀀃an􀀃approved􀀃residential􀀃subdivision.􀀃 (14) Restroom􀀃facilities􀀃for􀀃the􀀃public􀀃may􀀃be􀀃required􀀃for􀀃compliance􀀃with􀀃NC􀀃Building􀀃Code.􀀃 (15) If􀀃structures􀀃are􀀃proposed􀀃or􀀃required,􀀃the􀀃plan􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃reviewed􀀃for􀀃compliance􀀃with􀀃 􀀃􀀃the􀀃Americans􀀃with􀀃Disabilities􀀃Act􀀃and􀀃other􀀃building􀀃codes.􀀃 (16) 􀀃Live􀀃animals􀀃or􀀃birds􀀃shall􀀃not􀀃be􀀃sold􀀃or􀀃displayed.􀀃 (17) 􀀃No􀀃bands,􀀃amplified􀀃music􀀃or􀀃other􀀃entertainment􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃allowed.􀀃 (18) No􀀃concessions􀀃for􀀃consumption􀀃on 􀀃site􀀃and􀀃no􀀃cooking􀀃of􀀃products􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃allowed􀀃on􀀃 􀀃􀀃the􀀃site.􀀃 (19) No􀀃alcohol􀀃products􀀃shall􀀃be􀀃allowed.􀀃 (20) Any􀀃proposal􀀃for􀀃a􀀃permanent􀀃farmers􀀃market􀀃or􀀃produce 􀀃stand,􀀃and􀀃any􀀃temporary􀀃􀀃 farmers􀀃 market􀀃 or􀀃 produce􀀃 stand􀀃 proposing􀀃 to􀀃 exceed􀀃 the􀀃 standards􀀃 or􀀃 limitations􀀃 outlined􀀃 in􀀃 this􀀃 section􀀃 may􀀃 be􀀃 allowed􀀃 at􀀃 the􀀃 discretion􀀃 of􀀃 the􀀃 Board􀀃 of􀀃 County􀀃 Commissioners􀀃 only􀀃 upon􀀃 issuance􀀃 of􀀃 a􀀃 Special􀀃 Use􀀃 Permit􀀃 under􀀃 the􀀃 terms􀀃 and􀀃 conditions􀀃outlined􀀃in􀀃Art icle􀀃VII􀀃of􀀃this􀀃ordinance.(12/10/10)􀀃􀀃 ACTION NEEDED: (1) Approve as recommended (2) Approve with changes (3) Continue for further information (4) Deny the amendment