B09182012 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A I0:00a.m. — 11:00 a.m. The NeW Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday. September IS. 2012 at 10:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Patrick Riley. Chairman: Evelyn Bryant. Vice Chairman: Diana Woolley and Jonathan Barfield Junior ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Mr. Riley asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant passed unanimously. Ms. Bryant led the invocation. Ms. Bryant led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Riley asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Ms. Woolley asked if there really were 100 children placed in custody since February 2012. Ms. Sanders noted that the number was accurate. Ms. Woolley asked if the children out of DSS supervision had just aged out. Mr. Bocnuk responded that children leaving custody either aged out. were reunited with parents, placed with relatives or were adopted. Ms. Woolley asked if there were any cyclical trends in Adult Protective Services. Ms. Marino noted the only trend is the number of both APS reports and Guardianship cases continue to increase. Ms. Woolley asked if the number of walk in visits was accurate as the numbers seemed so high. Ms. Marino confirmed that 1 9.000 walk-ins year to date meant a monthly average of about 1 0.000 which was about par for the course. Karen Graham reviewed the County Budget Expenditures. There will be a reduction in revenue of approximately S95.000.00 in Work First block grant money. Director Nesmith feels the State may pick up the deficit. Commissioner Barfield asked if it would be better to get money consistently throughout the year instead of waiting for the State to make up the difference at the end of the year. Director Nesmith feels nothing will be done until allocations come in after the close out of the previous fiscal year Page ? of 4 Ms. Woolley asked about Adult Services item 2A (Low Income Tax Benefit). Ms. Graham explained that is a capped revenue source to assist seniors with paving for their County property taxes. Ms. Woolley asked if there was any news of consolidation. Ms. Pinder noted there has not been discussion about consolidation at this point but both Boards would be included in the discussion should it arise. Commissioner Barfield added the main goal of the County Commission was to bring the Health and Social Services Department Heads under the supervision of the County Manager and that has been accomplished. No action was taken by the Board. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Adoption Awareness Proclamation Chairman Riley read the proclamation. A motion to support the proclamation was made by Commissioner Bartield. The motion was seconded by Ms. Woollen and passed unanimously. Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation Ms. Marino discussed the possibility of a broker for non-emergency Medicaid transportation. On October 15'x' a proposal will be presented to the legislative oversight committee. It appears that DHHS would like a brokerage system. There is discussion about the possibility of state wide oversight with regional contracts. An automated log from Cox and Company is being developed to track trips and service. Commissioner Bartield feels that WAVE Transit may be able to transition into this directive pretty easily. A new mandate that DMA must see proof that doctors offices accept Medicaid before Medicaid Transportation can be provided to their office has become some What of an obstacle. These changes are the result of an audit conducted back in 2007. Ms. Woolley asked how the Board could support DSS with these changes. Director Nesmith yielded to Assistant County Manager Pinder who explained this is a wait and see period and DSS is working closely with the Commissioners to be proactive. Commissioner Bartield noted there are representatives from New Hanover County working to lobby the legislative agenda in Raleigh. Subsidized Child Care Business Plan to Address Budget Shortfall Commissioner Barfield commented he liked the child care interview' on the news and liked the diversity of the people interviewed as they did not tit the stereotypical mold that is out there. Christine McNamee discussed the plight of Child Care Subsidy explaining that in the spring of last year the State Division of Child Development and Early Education encouraged counties to offer time limited subsidies to children on the waiting list. Although we had hoped that we could extend the Time limited vouchers indefinitely. due to our current spending co-efficient. termination letters are going to be sent out to Page 3 ofd families as the State has notified us that there is no plan to allocate additional funds. The time limited children will be removed first and then we will tollovy the Service Reduction policy approved by the NHC Board of Social Services last fiscal rear. Director Nesmith noted that despite the agency's attempts to reduce children receiving subsidy. mandated programs continue to add about 100 children per month to the subsidy caseloads. Mary John Brantley noted the Child Care unit is conducting quarterly reviews. It is mandated a review he conducted annually but the agency finds that peoples lives and situations change more often than that. While this creates additional work for staff it keeps eligible children from being cut when other children can be cut from the program due to circumstances in their family's lives. The agency predicts there will be more children left unattended so parents can work which may create neglect reports. Ms. Woolley noted subsidised child care was the number one issue for the Community Child Protection Team this past year and asked Commissioner Barfield what could be done. Commissioner Barfield suggested she phone the other tour Commissioners and talk to them. Ms. Pinder asked if the agency could contact vendors to ask if they would be willing to he paid a reduced rate. Director Nesmith said the State would not allow that. S 1 2 million dollars is the amount needed to sustain the current caseloads until June 2013. Child Support Incentive Waiver for the Fatherhood Program Christine McNamee talked about the fatherhood initiative that the agency has been working on collaboratively with community partners for the past seven years. DSS would like to ask for a waiver to fund a fatherhood initiative that would fund a coordinator position whose responsibilities would include mediating between parents for access and visitation and facilitating a curriculum that teaches parenting skills and identifying resources to provide employment opportunities to non-custodial parents to help them in paying their child support obligations. The waiver would allow NHC to use child support incentive money to fund this program. Director Nesmith explained the project would not go forth until the money is in hand. not after the fact. Commissioner Barfield feels anything that can support the fatherhood initiative is a worth while pursuit. Ms. McNamee noted that when a dad is more involved with a child. they are more apt to support the child financially, which is how it connects to Child Support. Next Meeting Objectives Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant Board Comments Ms. Woolley noted the news paper articles pertaining to DSS have been really positive lately. Additional Items As there was no additional information as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98. the Board by consensus adjourned at 1 1 :20AM. Page 4 of 4 Respectfully submitted. LaVau hn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board Patrick Riley. Board Chairman