BOE Meeting-September 11, 2012 FinalNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, September 11, 2012 ASSEMBLY BOOK PAGE The 2012 New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Tuesday, September 11, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals by property owners regarding their 2012 tax value assessments. Members present for the AM Session were: John Babb (Interim Chairman), Bob Drach, and Joe Miller. Members present for the PM Session were: John Babb (Interim Chairman), William O'Shea, Ryan Rhodenhiser, and Linda Woods. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Roger Kelley; Appraisers Chris Boney, Jim Hardin, Thomas Harris, and Scott Saunders; and, Appraisal Administrative Support Technician Cassandra Fowler. Interim Chairman John Babb called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. AGENDA ITEM # 1: Approval of Minutes There was no discussion by the Board on this agenda item. AGENDA ITEM # 2: Old Business Tax Administrator Roger Kelley informed the Board that the appraiser information for the appeal for Laura Veronica Ashton Etal, 14 7th St., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R04817- 038 - 010 -000, which was heard on Thursday, August 30, 2012, was incorrectly stated. The Board decided to have the original Board members have the opportunity to reopen the appeal as "Old Business" on Thursday, September 13, 2012 AGENDA ITEM # 3: Affirmation of the Following Signed and Agreed Values Tax Administrator Roger Kelley presented a list of appellants who, in writing, have agreed to the value recommended by the appraisers and agreed to withdraw their appeals. Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to affirm the assessed values of the appeals listed below as withdrawn or agreed upon by appellants. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. Parcel -ID R03511- 001 - 008 -000 R03617- 002 - 057 -000 R04310- 001 - 001 -010 R04400- 001 - 230 -000 R06700- 005 - 002 -004 R06700- 005 - 002 -005 Owner COFER THOMAS E PAULETTE S WAGGETT NANCY B COFER THOMAS E SR PAULETTE S WAGGETT NANCY B WILLARD FAMILY FARM LLC WILLARD FAMILY FARM LLC Situs Address 7008 MEADOWVIEW AVE 7303 MORLEY CT 1631 PATSY LN 439 PUTNAM DR 7710 MASONBORO SOUND RD 3725 MASONBORO LOOP RD AGENDA ITEM # 4: Tax Appeal Presentations 9:00 AM Session Affirmed Value $30,300 $141,300 $31,800 $192,400 $457,300 $444,800 The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2012 tax assessment of real property. Each appellant was informed that the Board would make decisions following the hearings and they would be notified by mail of the Board's decision in ten days. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, September 11, 2012 BOOK PAGE 1. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -018- 000 2. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -019- 000 3. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -020- 000 4. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -021- 000 5. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -147- 000 6. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -148- 000 7. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -149- 000 8. Ann Downing, property owner of 7720 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -151- 000 9. Ann Downing, property owner of 7830 Plantation Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 001 -168- 000 10. Ann Downing, property owner of 1900 Deerfield Rd, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02800- 004 -001- 000 11. Ann Downing, property owner of 8044 Bald Eagle Ln., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03720 -001- 002 -000 In deliberations after hearing the appeals during the AM session, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Parcel ID Owner Appealed Value Affirmed Value R02800- 001 - 018 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $82,900 $67,700 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $67,700. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 019 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $83,200 $67,700 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $67,700. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 020 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $87,600 $72,000 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $72,000. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 021 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $83,000 $67,700 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $67,700. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 147 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $86,400 $70,500 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $70,500. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 148 -000 Ann & Parks Downing $85,900 $70,500 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, September 11, 2012 PAGE Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $70,500. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 149 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $83,800 $75,000 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $75,000. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 151 -000 Ann & Parks Downing Jr $87,000 $33,600 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $33,600. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 001 - 168 -000 Ann S & Parks A Downing Jr $19,700 $10,400 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $10,400. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R02800- 004 - 001 -000 Ann S Downing $178,100 $123,300 Motion: Joe Miller MOVED, SECONDED by Bob Drach, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $123,300. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R03720- 001 - 002 -000 Ann S Downing $1,362,300 $1,306,500 Motion: Bob Drach MOVED, SECONDED by Joe Miller, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $1,306,500. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. AGENDA ITEM # 5: Tax Appeal Presentations 1:00 PM Session 12. William Burke, property owner of 568 Windstar Ln., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03700- 002 -290- 000 13. Walter E.Yopp IV, property owner of 926 Bayshore Dr., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03717 -003- 008 -000 14. RS Franck, property owner of 5806 Solera Dr., Wilmington, NC, and John Franck; Parcel ID R05618- 005 - 027 -000 15. John Franck & RS Franck, property owners of 281 Beasley Rd., Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R06120- 010- 004 -003 16. John Franck, property owner of 1715 Newkirk Rd., Wilmington, NC, and RS Franck; Parcel ID R07620- 003 - 042 -000 17. Bradley Parker, property owner of 1332 Saint Joseph St., Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID 808810- 003- 006 -000 In deliberations after hearing the appeals during the PM session, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Parcel ID Owner Appealed Value Affirmed Value R03700- 002 - 290 -000 William & Kathlene Burke $229,700 $225,100 Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to reduce the value to $225,100. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R03717- 003 - 008 -000 Cheryl & Edward Yopp IV $449,300 3 $361,300 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, September 11, 2012 BOOK PAGE Motion: William O'Shea MOVED, SECONDED by Ryan Rhodenhiser, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $361,300. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 1. R05618- 005 - 027 -000 Stuart & Susan Franck $204,600 Motion: William O'Shea MOVED, SECONDED by Ryan Rhodenhiser, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $184,100. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R06120- 010 - 004 -003 Forest Grove Properties LLC $206,100 Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $197,600. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R07620- 003 - 042 -000 John & Argie Franck Etal $36,800 $184,100 $197,600 TABLED Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to table the appeal until documentation can be provided by the appellant confirming covenant restrictions on the property. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R08810- 003 - 006 -000 Bradley Edwin Parker $562,800 $547,100 Motion: Linda Woods MOVED, SECONDED by Ryan Rhodenhiser, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $547,100. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 1. AGENDA ITEM # 6: Affirmation of Recommended Values for Scheduled Hearings for Appellants Who Failed to Appear Tax Administrator Roger Kelley reported that all appellants that were scheduled to appear had their hearings before the Board and that there were no other appellants present. The Board considered the following parcels under this agenda item. PM Session Parcel ID Owner Appealed Value Affirmed Value R03500- 006 - 146 -000 Agatha H Williams $251,600 $243,600 Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $243,600. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R03518- 009 - 023 -000 Tara Mulder $115,400 $115,100 Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $115,100. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R03700- 002 - 099 -000 Willy & Pamela Ribbe $457,900 Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $456,000. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. R04407- 004 - 003 -000 John Riggs 4 $558,000 $456,000 $425,600 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, September 11, 2012 BOOK PAGE Motion: Ryan Rhodenhiser MOVED, SECONDED by William O'Shea, to accept the appraiser's recommended value of $425,600. Upon vote, the motion carried 4 to 0. AGENDA ITEM # 7: New Business A request was made by Ryan Rhodenhiser to send an email to all Board members requesting that they read the draft minutes from 8/7/12 — 8/16/12 before the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 12, 2012, in order to expedite the Board's approval of available draft minutes. AGENDA ITEM # 8: Schedule Future Meetings There was no discussion by the Board on the scheduling of future meetings. AGENDA ITEM # 9: Adjournment There being no further business to consider, Interim Chairman John Babb recessed the 2012 Board of Equalization and Review at 3:37 p.m. until the next hearing date scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2012. Res ctfully submitted, lao Cassandra Fo er