2008-04-03 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, APRIL 3, 2008 PAGE 334 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, April 3, 2008, at 4:07 p.m. in Conference Room 601 at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau; Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board?s April 7, 2008 Regular Session meeting agenda and Water and Sewer District meeting agenda. Chairman Greer reported that he had requested proposals for the management of the County?s solid waste several months ago. He has received four proposals and suggested that the board hold a work session on May 19, 2008, after the Regular Board Meeting to hear presentations on the proposals. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 2 ? Approval to Revise Regular Board Meeting Schedule. The Board agreed to remove the item from the Consent Agenda for discussion and public comment during Regular Session. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 8 ? Approval to Destroy Dated Financial and Correspondence Records from the Register of Deeds Department. County Manager Shell will make further inquiry into the types of records to be destroyed and in the process of disposing the records and report back to the Board. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 1 ? Consideration of Week of the Young Child Proclamation. Commissioner Pritchett will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 2 ? Consideration of Spring Litter Sweep Proclamation. Vice- Chairman Caster will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 3 ? Consideration of National County Government Week Proclamation. Commissioner Kopp will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 4 ? Consideration of Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proclamation. Commissioner Davis will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 5 ? Consideration of Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation. Vice-Chairman Caster will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 6 ? Consideration of a Resolution in Support of Continuation of Criminal Justice Partnership Program Funding. Commissioner Pritchett will read the proclamation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 7 ? Presentation: Southeastern Center Budget Deficit Update. Dr. Art Costantini will give an update on the plan that was submitted to the State last week. Planning Director Chris O?Keefe presented an overview of the following Planning Items: Regular Agenda Item 8.1 ? Public Hearing: Rezoning Request (Z-881, 3/08) ? Request by Withers & Ravenel for Thomas Clifford Munn Heirs to Rezone Approximately 2.2 Acres Located off Gordon Road and Adjacent to Brierwood Subdivision in the Transition Land Classification from R-15 Residential to R-10 Residential District. Regular Agenda Item 8.2 ? Public Hearing: Rezoning Request (A-370, 03/08) - Request by County Commissioners to Evaluate the Need to Change Section 59.9-1 and Eliminate State Property on the West Side of the Cape Fear River from the Eligible Area for Riverfront Mixed Use District. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 9 ? Consideration of Additional Positions in the Tax Department for the Next Revaluation and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-212. Finance Director Avril Pinder explained that two additional appraisers and two clerical positions are needed in the Tax Department to prepare for the next revaluation process. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 10 ? Consideration of Waiver of Competitive Bidding for Television Broadcasting Equipment in the Commissioners Assembly Room at the Historic Courthouse and Award of Contract to Technical Video System, Inc. (TVS). Public Information Officer Mark Boyer responded to questions pertaining to the past bid process for equipment at the Government Center studio and the need to have compatible equipment at the downtown meeting room. Interim Engineering Director Dennis Ihnat presented an overview of the following Water and Sewer Items: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, APRIL 3, 2008 PAGE 335 Water and Sewer District Item 3 ? Consideration of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Interim Funding Request and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-210. Water and Sewer District Item 4 ? Consideration of a Resolution of Acceptance of Public Dedication, Figure Eight Harbour Common Area. This item was removed from the agenda. Water and Sewer District Item 5 ? Consideration of a Resolution to Award Ogden Park Well Head Construction Work. The Board requested the Public Information Officer to schedule a groundbreaking ceremony at an earlier date than May 7, 2008. Water and Sewer District Item 6 ? Consideration of Funding for the Extension of an 8-inch Sanitary Sewer Main and a 12-inch Water Main on Murrayville Road and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-100. Water and Sewer District Item 7 ? Consideration of a Resolution of Condemnation of a Thirty-Foot Wide Utility Easement for Sewer Purposed at 7026 Market Street, Cardinal Lanes, Inc. There being no further business, Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board