2008-04-17 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, APRIL 17, 2008 PAGE 343 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, April 17, 2008, at 4:06 p.m. in Conference Room 601 at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board?s April 21, 2008 Regular Session meeting agenda and Water and Sewer District meeting agenda. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 3 ? Appointment of Tax Administrator. In response to Board questions, the Board directed Finance Director Avril Pinder to verify whether an oath of office needs to be administered. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 5 ? Recognition of RSVP Program for NACo ?Acts of Caring? Award. County Manager Bruce Shell will make the recognition. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 7 ? Consideration of ?Bicycle Awareness Month? Proclamation. Vice-Chairman Caster will read the proclamation into the record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 8 ? Consideration of Authorization to Submit a Full Grant Application to the Governor's Crime Commission for a Two-Year Grant Involving New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington in Order to Facilitate Obtaining North Carolina Gang Prevention Initiative Funds. Sheriff Causey presented an overview of the grant stating that the Wilmington Police Department and the Sheriff?s Office will work together. The police officers will be sworn in as deputies. There will be twenty deputies dedicated to gang prevention. The County will serve as the lead agency in administering the grant. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 9 ? Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Proposed Economic Development Incentive Grant to Titan America, LLC. County Manager Bruce Shell provided an overview of the incentive stating that payment details and benchmarks will be included in the contract in an amount not to exceed $4.2 million, payable over seven years. The contract will be submitted at a later date. On Monday, Wilmington Industrial Development/Committee of 100 representative Scott Satterfield will be presenting an overview of the request and available to answer Board questions. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 10 ? Discussion of Request by the Wilmington City Council. Vice-Chairman Caster reported that the Wilmington City Council unanimously adopted a resolution on March 18, 2008 requesting that the Board favorably consider allowing County voters to approve the use of the 1/4 cent sales tax addition for transportation projects in the County. The Board held a brief discussion that the sunset clause in the City?s resolution and the request for specific projects are not allowed to be included in a bond referendum. This item is for discussion purposes only in order to send an official response to the Wilmington City Council. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 11 ? Consideration of a Resolution Adopting the Bicycle Facilities Study for the Blue Clay Corridor. Planning Director Chris O?Keefe presented an overview of the study and answered questions from the Board. Commissioner Pritchett will read the resolution into the record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 12 ? Consideration of a Resolution Designating Bruce Shell, County Manager, as the County Official Designated to Request Information Concerning Sales Tax Refunds in New Hanover County. Budget Director Cam Griffin provided an overview of the request stating that this will allow staff to verify that the sales tax refunds from New Hanover County were correct. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 13 ? Consideration of Agreement to Provide Buses for Emergency Evacuation. County Manager Bruce Shell provided an overview of the request stating that there is no cost to the County unless the buses are used and then the County would be reimbursed by FEMA. The rate proposed is $45 an hour. In response to Board questions, staff was directed to review the Memorandum of Understanding and evaluate whether a hurricane category should be listed. Due to a previous commitment, Vice-Chairman Caster left the meeting at 5:08 p.m. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 14 ? Consideration of Resolution, Adoption of Budget Amendment Ordinance, and Adoption of Ordinance to Change County Codes in Regard to the Passage of North Carolina Session Law 2007-383. Assistant County Manager Andre? Mallette provided an overview of the request stating that the proposed changes to the County Ordinances brings the County?s Code in compliance with the new State law. Public Safety Communications Center Acting Director Brenda Hewlett answered questions from the Board. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 15 ? Committee Appointments. The Board reviewed the committee appointment applications. District Chairman Kopp reported that the only items on the Water and Sewer District Agenda are the approval of minutes and adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008-104. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, APRIL 17, 2008 PAGE 344 The Board discussed Regular Agenda Additional Item 1 ?Consideration of Resolution Regarding the Proposed Changes to the Coastal Stormwater Rules (Title 15A. DENR). Chairman Greer reported that if approved by the General Assembly, the proposed changes to the Coastal Stormwater Rules will provide additional restrictions to the Session Law 2006-246 rules that currently govern developmental activities within the County. The proposed changes are technically and economically infeasible, unnecessary and unfair. The draft resolution requests the General Assembly submit these Coastal Stormwater Rules to a legislative study committee during the upcoming short session to allow for adequate study into the many impacts the rules will have, if implemented, in their current form. Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver provided additional information and answered Board questions. There being no further business, Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board