WRFC Minutes 2013-03-19 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION,INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation PURSUANT TO NOTICE,a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A,the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission,Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:15 AM,on March 19,2013, Mr. William Vassar,Ms Carey Jones,Hon. Bill Saffo,Mr.Jimmy Smith were present in person. In addition Johnny Griffin and Karin LeMaire were also present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUIES MINUTES FROM JANIJARY 25 2013 BOARD ME,ET_ ING• The minutes from the Board Meeting on January 25,2013 a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B,were unanimously approved. 2. INTRODUCTIQN OF NEW WRFC EMPLOYEE KARIN LEMAIRE. The Board was introduced to new W1=RC Production Coordinator Karin LeMaire, 3.DISCUS I N OF FUNDIN IMEMBER HIP DEVELOPMENT. Johnny reported the Film Commission has 92 current members. Of those: • 14 are home page plus level • 30 at enhanced premiere level • 48 at basic The Board discussed ways to create reports from the membership database.The Board discussed membership sales,its current status,and need to build larger support base of businesses and individuals who support the film industry.Johnny has numerous speaking engagements with civic,government and private groups to further this aim.Goal is to build excitement and outline what the film industry means for the city and for jobs. Filming generated $247 million in 2012. Discussed possible categories for new fundraising/memberships to pursue including: • Municipalities such as Pender County,Burgaw,Southport,etc. • Banks • Power companies • Cable • Phone The Board discussed various paths to grow membership goals such as independent contractor, employee,and other avenues. Committee appointed to further discuss. Committee includes Bill Vassar,Cary Jones,and Karin L.eMaire. 4.OLD BU SINESS• No old business discussed 5.NEW BU,,NESS,.No new business discussed. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned at 8:50 AM f` Respectfully sub itte�i fr" 4 r: f V! William Vassar,Chairman