1979-11-05 RM Exhibits Q Q Q z V'/ pC F-- w J C Q tL ~ ~ C Q U ," F ~ Z a H x ~ a Z f G~ to c!f W = 1- LC Z ~ '~/~j~ W W ~ Z O Z ~ w u. " w ~_ a~9 7 p :tea t "`~'~ u ~+ Fy N ~, ~.,~ :~ o~ o ~, M ~ ~ C: G O O U U ~ 1-+ Lt ~ > w 0 o rn G G ~ ~ ro rn ~: x .-~ y ~ c~ ~ z ?-- :G ~~ iY its ttd ~~ z ~, ~- n_ © G1 ~~ ~ j ~t U'j i Ill ~1 I_ i 1 •.-a C~ C •~ O Z %~+ O O '~ N O w ~+ ~ + Q O ' r- f c'') I i i + f ~- ~ - Q ~ i 1 ~ ~ I L I of Z r-I O ~ u'1 I .-i w ~ v~ N ~ n Q .... W N ~ o+ Z ~ O~ N ~ w U M ~ Q ~ ~ ~ r rl ~ a i cl^,~ I ~, a ~ ~ Z cJ w 0 O O ~ I O a ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ Q H Cn- ~ ~ Q z M ~ ~ ~ N IO Q '-1 r1 '-~ ~ r-I I~ rl '-{ ' I t + F- _ o~ my rn m cv «~ N ~ m ta m u ~ ~' ~ I ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ o ~ o b I to O O t] o p O N O , ~ O .r. O ~ Q ~ '~ ~1 N O C r~ N ~ N .Y a0 m ~ . ~O ~O W ~ ~ ~ A a, Z ~~ ~ w ~ of z ~ o v U CSC ~ ~ ~ M .. 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(/} y ~~ ~7 ~ 00 O ~ •rll r-I ~a ~ r-I n ~ + + + w yr ~- yr ~ ~ ~ r-1 r-1 rl ~ . ~n 7 cn cn + >, ~, .b •ri 1J O G T1 •r.{ A d Z w Z w U J 0 z a 0 U a H z O (~ r Q v r U w J W O ul M yr 00 U ~ H 0 v U .,~ ~, u U! w~ ~' b F+ tU O M M N sir O O M r• C[3 0 U U .r{ ~+ t~ u N ri w 7 U C7 O O n r-~ 0 V -k -k ~ O "~ •rl t ,+-i .Ma ~ N 0 U .-I ro U .,.{ F+ 1J V ri w O y 3 ~ i ' L r ~' ~. W O N v 00 ro a, O O O O i~ M O N yr Lei W AQ(~ H ~ CA b '~ 3 •~+ ~a ~ 3 i o r-1 a H ~ H cU U .~ H ~!C w JOHN R JEFFERIES AIA WILLIAM G FARIS AIA KENNETH M. PHELPS AIA November 2, 7.979 Ellen C Williams, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Wilmington, North Carolina RE New Hanover County Library Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mrs Williams We are most pleased to recommend to the board that the fallowing contracts be awarded for construction of the new library GENERAL CONTRACTOR T A Nye & Sons Base Bid $1,257,000 Negotiated Revisions (-) 49,000 Contract Amount $1,208,000 00 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR J J Barnes Base Bid $ 62,200 Negotiated Revisions (-) 7,400 Contract Amount $ 54,800 00 ELECTRICAL CONTRACT Watson Electrical Construction Company Base Bid $ 414,700 Negotiated Revisions (-) 49,940 Contract Amount $ 364,760 00 JEFFERIES AND FARIS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ONE NORTH SIXTH STREET WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 ^ (919) 763 3371 ~ e JOHN R JEFFERIES AIA WILLIAM G FARIS AIA KENNETH M PHELPS AIA Mrs Ellen C Williams, Chairman November 2, 1979 Page 2 A HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACT Henry Baker Heating Company Base Bid $ 340,000 Negotiated Revisions (-) 40,000 Contract Amount $300,000 00 Total All Contracts $1,927,560 00 Your v~ryt truly, FARIS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS ries These amounts are based on competitive bids received November 1, 1979 with some minor revisions negotiated caith the low bidders and, approved by the Library Building Committee We feel that the bids are satisfactory and that construction should begin as saon as possible before inclement winter weather arrives Attached is a certified copy of the tabulation of the bids received JRJ dcs Enclosure JEFFERIES AND FARIS • ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ONE NORTH SIXTH STREET, WILbIINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 • (919) 763 3371 ., ., ~ GARY M. CANNON PERSONNEL OFFICER ~x~.~k~xtQ.~~~~~~k~ ~8~ ~~ItiII~1EY' ~IIUn~~ 32B ~Lheafnut ~treef ~ilmin$tan, ~Cnrt(1 flIttralintt 284172 Yllelepllone (3131 783-3688 September 19, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO Mrs. E11en,,~~,,{{Wil~ s, Chairman, County Commissioner'; fir` FROM Gary M Cannon, Assistant County Manager RE: Commendation Program a .~ ~ As you requested, Z have developed some recommendations pertaining to a (<'ommendation Program for New Hanover County. Listed below are the commendations, the basis far giving the commendations, and the momentos given for~eac:h cammer~dation Commendation For 1. Valor -This award is given for an extraordinary act of outstanding courage, without regard to personal safety A plaque inscribed with the circumstances surrounding the act and a meda7_ shau]_d lie given fax this commendation 2 Heroism -This award is given for an act of heroism and bravery withUUt regard to personal safety, which may have resulted :in the saving of a life. A plaque, smaller and less decorative than 't.l:~e one or Valor, should be given and inscribed with the circumstances surro~aticT:ing th.e act 3. Merit -This award is given for the performance o:f: an outsi~~.~nding acts which displays superior intelligence and effort A framed Certificate of Merit inscribed with the circumstances surrounding the act, and si~jned by all members of the Board should be given 4 Letter of Commendation - A letter from the Board o.f County C~ommissianexs presented for the performance of an act which brings credit upon the individual and New Hanover County The letter should contain the circumstances surrounding the act and signed by al'1 members of the Board Other considerations should be given to having a local trophy shop desig*~ the plaques and a local graphics/print shop design the certificate The Letter of Commendation should possibly be done on Governing Board letterhead Once the plaques and certificate have been designed, attempt should be made to use the same style for each presentation _.~e...w.~....'1.:.:.:t='3>.: '...~. .a~."_~X^c. ~~.".";S!_....._.....:J'.~..'-':~T:R:"~.Sl~S'S_ti..'.Z'7.i~^Y.~:~~.- L6 :'~`:.."..~'_?=YZ S'.-'~h ;.T ~,i. f..v_...J;•.~...._ _ ._1v..."N raM :. J.T .-. .. ~ _ ~~.'."~L .]iG'.MGI .. f~ + Nei: s Ellen Williams ' Page Two September 19, 1979 The Board could appoint a three to five person committee to investigate and research each act and make recom.-nendations to tae Board regarding th.e type of commendation to be given. The investigation should include interviews with the person committing the act, the person recommenda.ng the person.for_ the commendation, and any eye witnesses. I believe it is most important for the County Commissioners to maintain the importance of each commendation by being very selective in giving these commen~° dations. I hope this information is helpful Please let me know if you have any questions concerning the above GMC/glt -. ' ~ ~ t' ..,L..r A RESOLUTION FOR SUPPORT OF THE SMALL FARMERS The New Hanover County Commissioners recognize the. need to encourage the continuation of small family farming as a part of rhF agricultural system in the United State of America WHEREAS, Consolidation in the agricultural sector has had and continues to have very serious consequences for people in both rural and urban America With the decline of the family farm system, more and more individuals are forced into cities, adding to the problems that plague these centers Meanwhile, rural communities suffer because many small towns depend heavily for their social and economic health on the residents of surrounding farms, and WHEREAS, The basic function of the family farm system, of course, is to produce food, which it does cheaply, efficiently and in great abundance There is no evidence that further consolidation in agriculture would lead to significant increases either in efficiency or in production It could mean significantly higher food prices however As control of food production falls into fewer hands, the potential for price manipulation grows Already, giant farms wield significant economic power and corporation control, through land ownership and contracting, about twenty-five percent of the country's agricultural output, and WHEREAS, The most recent USDA estimates place new farmer entry costs at nearly $500,000 for a medium-sized commercial grain or dairy operation Increasingly, most farm land transactions involve expansion of acreage rather than new purchase of land At the same time, land prices are inflating at an unprecedented rate across the nation There has been a 100 percent increase in agricultural land prices over the past five years - in some areas of the country, the increase is even greater, and WHEREAS, Tax laws currently offer those people who actually earn the greatest portion of their income from non-farm sources significant benefits from ttie ownership of farmland This so-called "tax loss farming" permits these people to write off their farm losses and expenses from income earned elsewhere, and WHEREAS, It is not too late to turn the above trends around, to figure out ways of combining the best of innovative, highly productive farm technology with the traditional diversity and resiliency of small and moderately-sized family farms, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that we do hereby seek the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State of America to enact a Family Farm Development Act that shall contain, (1) a strongly developed family farm system of agriculture is an essential component to a healthy environmental and rural economy, (2) the economic health and well-being of farm communities and the stability of the farm economy as a whole depend on local ownership of farmland and on land ownership patterns that include small farms atfordable to new and young farmers wishing to enter the practice of agriculture, -~ r .`' (3) increasingly, the trend in farm areas is toward fewer and larger farms which, while not necessarily leading to increases in production, decreases the stability of farm conununities, especially as absentee ownership by land speculators, large agri-business enterprises, and other such entities replaces family farm operations which traditionally support a deversified local economy, valued community institutions, and an agricultural community based upon family farms, (4) a strong family farm system of agriculture provides a widely dispersed mechanism of food and fiber production and marketing to insure continuous, local, reasonably-priced food supplies and an active demand for secondary services in rural communities, (5) government policies, including price supports, taxes, loans, mafketing programs, soil and water conservation programs, research, and education have a direct and substantial effect on the development, continuation, and maintenance of productive family farms, (6) as family farms have dwindled in number and expanded in size, the economy of rural communities has declined in part due to the impact of government policies which have contributed to (a) insta- bility of farm prices, (b) rising costs of land, (c) high costs and scarcity of energy-intensive farming inputs, (d) marketing problems, (e) limited financing for small and moderately-sized family farms, and (f) research, technology, training, and education inappropriate to the conservation of soil and water quality and the development and maintenance of a productive family farm system of agriculture, (7) our agricultural land is a natural resource which has multiple uses including food and fiber production, habitat for fish and wild- life, a source of open space and clean water for public health, and a provider of vegetative cover necessary for the maintenance of clean air and the revitalization of a productive soil base, and (8) the Department of Agriculture needs to provide leadership by establishing family farm priorities, changing current programs, and establishing new programs in order to improve the quality of life of small and moderately-sized family farmers, to encourage the continuation of small and moderately-sized family farms, to create opportunities for the expansion of a family farming system of agriculture, and to support viable rural communities BE IT FURTHER E~ESOLVF.D that the New Hanover County Commissioners seek every assistance from JAMES B HUNT, JR Governor, and JAMES A GRAHAM, North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture, to actively support this resolution by personally testifying before members of the United States Congress and the United States Secretary of Agriculture, MR BOB BERGLAND IN WITNESS WHEREOF and pursuant to the authority of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners this resolution is duly recorded this 5th day of November 19 79