1979-12-03 RM Exhibits ~4.BND-218-6~+-03 ~~C~t~~ ~~~ ,.~~. bra ~~~:~,~~ ~x~~e~~ert~~: ~~ttt------ Andrew James Atka.n~on----------------------------------------•-_ o f ------?•Tilz;liz~gton-------------------- State of --------North Carolina--________________., tier•einafter called the principal, and ----Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey----- herecrafter called the Surety, a corporation organczed under the laws of the State of---~----NeGX Jersey--------,- wcth its bonze office in the City of"-Newark--------State of ---New Jersey ~ are held and fzrmly bound-unto ------.,______________New Hanover County----------------------_-________---------______ -----------------------.._-- of W~amngton-------W ____ State of •- -Nortl, Car~o7_ina-_.-_ hereinafter called the Obligee, in the Bran of-----Fifty Thousand and 00100---------------------- --------~y50,000 00)----________--_-____---Dollars, for the payment whereof to the Dblzgee the Prcn- opal brads hemself, his hecrs, executors, admrnestrators, and asscgns, and the Surety brads itself, its successors and assrgns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents Signed, sealed, and dated thes --`--1st----- da, o ----November---------_ c r---- I9t~ ~.~ ~~~~rP£i,~, the above-named pnnccpal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of -----_--- -------------_-------New Hanover County Finance Ofi'icer------------------------------ of theGot,~ty of New Hanover--------------- ~ State of -""-North Carolina------------------ for the term of offcce begcnning on---November l,,• 1979-- grad endcng on an indefinite date--------- x"~'aiu #t~er~efnrr tl~e r~ndi2inn of tf~e fnregnin~ nhiig~tinn is ~url~ that rf the Pnncepal shall faethfully perform such dirties as may be cmposed on hcrn by law and shall honestly account jor all money that may come into his own hands cn hes officcal capacity during the said term, then this oblcgatcon shall be void, otherwise it shall remain crr force This bond cs further condctioned that the lcabclity of the surety shall be frilly terminated as to future acts of the principal thirty (30) days after the receipt by the obligee, of the surety's written notice of cancellation. Signed, sealed and ~elivered ur the pre.senc~ of f 1 r ~ ~c (as to the Principal) l~ndrew James At}~inson .. ~ Principal (as to the Surety) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COiJNTY OF NEW HANOVER Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, New e sey Suretti ~~ 7~J' flttorney George H Chadwick, III I~ Anne S Moore ~,.a~'~~hr~'~-~jrasaid State and County, do herby certify that George H Chadwick, III ~~s.~. 1~-ag~~`ed before me and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instruman~•: ~~~''~'-~t~~~ Witness my harra3 a~i~•~t; ~ ~ say°~of November, 1979. BOND 7 1 - ~~` ~-- y..~~ • ~ PRINTED IN U 5 A ~~-- .. U Iviy co~u:ussion expires :~--1~-~c~-~ ~= Notary Public ~~~ i r r STATE OF NORTH CARC~l.1NA i NEVJ HAivOVh R COUNTY G(erk of tf:e SuNr.rio~ Cep; f Uo hereby certify that ~7°YSU~:ciiV appe: r':c _~Jf'i~Jr~ RAC' ih.s y and ~~~k'?O\N 6td~ed tl~e due e~cer~r~iio~ of tf,e fc~re,oir,~ instrument. Eet tt:e said instrumc~;~t t. ~ c._rt fi;,ate be rercrded brawn b ~'-- 1~^ditness n y hand, this ~0-4~, day of ~.. _ J ___._ C EFK SUFERiOR C 'JE'T v c 0 m N (_~ U ir~ O U _4 O Z Q Q v E c ~ m ~ 0 o ~ .~ c ~ 0 ~ c I I rn rn v c o c 00 0 ~ '~ o ~ o .~ ~ x p w g _ o '1 '~ ~~~~ w ~ ~ -~ 0 W (/7 N F- Q ' ~'ir~m~~eri s Insurance Company of N.r ~wark, New Jersey " +' ' 80 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038 GENERAL POWER OP ATTORNEY KrtOW all men by these Presents,That the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEtNARK, NEW JERSEY has made constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint George H Chadwick, Jr or George H Chadwick III both of Wilmington, North Carolina., EACH its true and (awful attorney for t and in its name place. and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company as surety bonds undertakings and contracts of suretyship to be given to all obligees provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000 ) Dollars This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile: under and by the authoriiy of the following Reso- lutionadopted by the Board of Directors of the FIREMEN S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY at a meet- ing duly called and held on the 20th day of February 1975 - RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman of the Board the Presrdent an Executive Vice President or a Senior Vice Pres- ident or a Vrce President of the Company be and that each or any of them hereby rs. authorzed to execute Powers of Attorney qualilyiny the actor ney named in the green Power of Attorney to execute in hehalf of FIREMCN S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY bonds. under taken js and all contracts of suretyship and that an Assistant Vice Presrdent, a Secretary or an Ass~stan[ Secretary be and (fiat each or any o1 them here- by is. authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney and to attach thereto the seal of the Company FURTHER RESOLVED that the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be atfized to any such Power of Attorney or to any cert~f cafe relating thereto by facsimile and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond. undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attach- ed In Witness Whereof, the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY has caused its official seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by one of its Vice Presidents and attested by one of its Asistant Vice Presidents this 3rd day of January 1979 FIREMEN S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK NEW JERSEY Aftesi By ~~ ~e~r x, a //%~~~~~~~~~/ ' ~ - '. T H Stephens. Assistant Vrce President ~ '~ ~ M L ford Vice-Pies[dent STATE OF NEW YORK, SS COUNTY OF NEW YORK, On this 3rd day of January 1979 before me personally came M L. F=ord, to me known, wl~o being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides in Summit, in the County of Essex, State of New Jersey at 768 Springfield Avenue; that he is aVice-President of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation that the seal affixed io the said instrument is such corporate seat that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order Y,-NOrARY 0= / /~/y /~~. °UBr rG ` ~~~x ETHEL TARANTO NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New York CERTIFICATc Nc 24-46631170ua1 in Kings County Commission Expires March 30. 1980 I the undersigned an Assistant Secretary of the FIREMEN S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY a ~!e~~ Jersey corporation DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and hzs not been revoked and furthermore that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of At- torney is now in force Signed and sealed at the City of New York. Dated the 15th day of NoveTnbex' 19 79 .~ .I:un es M Keann Asastint SCCr F•Inry 2r 30~ D a315F rev Printed in U S.A.