1979-12-17 RM ExhibitsLARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, JR Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 >annber ~~~. il' ~ ~o~ ~~ ... 320 CHESTNUT STREET ~tlmutgto~t, ~ c~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU NOVEr.7BER 30, 1979 1979 Charged Per Scroll $12,337,244 77 Discoveries Added 1,766,509 92 $14,103,754 69 Less Abatements - 23,337 69 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co $14,080,417 00 Total Collections to Date - 4,402,987 10 Outstanding Balance $ 9,677,429 90 Percentage Collected 31 27% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 409,308 06 Less Abatements - 1,427 42 Total Collected to Date - 115,503 50 Outstanding Balance $ 292,377 14 Percentage Collected 28 32% ~' ~~ / : ~/ ~~~s~~~ -~~ ~ ; CHERYL R.ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 1ANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1978 $11,681,843 69 1,654,105 29 $13,335,948 98 - 27,708 50 $13,308,240 48 - 5,114,411 73 $ 8,193,828 75 38 43% $ 409,753 20 - 1,140 28 - 108,573 79 $ 300,039 13 26 57% Personal Property Taxes $ 450,640 20 $ 415,166 59 Less Abatements - 1,439 08 - 251 80 Collections to Date - 21,350 78 - 35,699 75 Outstanding Balance $ 427,850 34 $ 379,215 04 Percentage Collected 4 75% 8 60% Total money processed through collections office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $6,665,919 29 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979 f)~espectfully submitted, /~~~ MEMBER ~~AO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~ ~° ~ t ~,~~, (; U Janie B Straughn Collector of Revenue i G ' ~. MEMORANDUM December 10, 1979 TO Mr G Felix Cooper County Manager -~ FROM Larry J Powell `~_a~'~ Tax Administrator SUBJ Abatements and Refunds ~' In accordance with G S 105-277 1, the following individuals qualify for tY;e Senior Citizens' or Disability exclusion, however, they failed to file application during the regular listing period or did not furnish enough information to enable us to determine their eligibility until they had received their tax notices Request the following abatements be approved to allow these taxpayers the benefit of the exclusion 1 S L Alexander $55 50 2 Sam Bass 126 75 (Refund) 3 Lillian Bennett 126 75 4 Percy Bradshaw 126 75 5 Mary Butler 38 96 6 Welbon Cox 118 84 7 Virginia Davis 23 66 (Refund) 8 Elizabeth Everett 66 76 9 Donnie Faircloth 126 75 10 Anne Foster 16 90 11 Helen Gore 139 43 12 Jasper Harvin 5 07 13 Esther Johnson 55 50 14 Lizzie Jones 126 75 15 John King 42 55 16 Helen Lazarides 126 75 17 Harold McHugh 35 02 (Refund) 18 Lula 1~liller 55 50 19 Paul Morgan 55 50 20 Mike Paluck 55 50 21 Mary Patrick 139 43 (Refund) 22 Vivian Potter 126 75 (Refund) 23 J D Sasser 55 50 24 Betty Scavella 126 75 25 Roy Shepard 83 32 26 Carrie Taylor 55 50 27 Annie Whitley 96 92 28 Ezra Worthy 126 75 Mr Cooper Page 2 December 10, 1979 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing 1 Elizabeth Allen $13 42 2 P T Barbour 15 07 3 Roy Benedict 23 70 4 Elizabeth Branch 36 34 5 Randell Carraway 41 84 6 Douglas Day 30 22 7 Donald Greiner 45 79 8 Elwood Heilman 20 15 9 C Elder Johnson 8 45 10 George Jordan 10 54 11 Peggy Keeling 75 93 12 Kimberly Vick Inc 50 52 13 H P Laing 38 31 14 Marion McKeithan 13 51 15 John Midgett 39 04 16 Mary Moore 21 55 17 Earl Mullen 19 89 18 Robert Olschesky 3 33 19 Eugene Owens 31 25 20 Christine Peterson 22 39 21 Louise Sandidge 28 73 22 James Schupp 52 80 23 Tonie Simon 15 71 24 John Sims 9 76 25 Dorothy Sindt 6 79 26 Carey Smith 11 81 27 Fred Smith 18 26 28 David Willie 3 54 charged (Refund) (Refund) (1978) (Refund) (1978) (Refund) (Refund) (1978 Refund) Request the following taxes be released as they are double 1 L R Armstrong Co & Son $ 4 07 (1978) 2 Ruby Jackson 26 10 (1975) Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits 1 Ann Guthrie $ 8 95 2 Graham Merritt 78 29 3 Graham Merritt, Jr 36 32 4 Charles Reynolds 30 85 5 Allas Tatum 44 10 6 Doris Tatum 99 7 Richard Tatum 44 57 8 Laura Thompson 18 24 9 1~lta Watts 38 44 (1978 Ref $18 92) (1978 Refund) (1978 Refund) (1977) (1974) Mr Cooper Page 3 December 10, 1979 Request the following taxes be abated as these charges are due to clerical errors in addition, pricing vehicles, misfiguring the ten percent factor, incorrectly charging penalty, and incoding incorrect information 1 Rolla Ethridge $47 60 2 Clifton Bowman 4 10 3 Herbert Goodman 34 33 4 H L Keith 14 Il (1978) 5 Mary Lam 70 18 6 Robert O'Quinn 45 87 (Refund) 7 William Powell 32 71 8 John Stewman 158 73 9 Nester Wallace 3 38 Request the taxes assessed to Community Boys Club in the amount of $308 79 be released as this is an exempt organization Request the listing penalties for the individuals listed as items 1 and 2 below be released as they certified that they placed the listings in the mail during the month of January 1979 Attached find copy of letter from Mr Williamson requesting release of penalty 1 Earl Mullen 2 Kenneth Smith 3 Jerry Williamson $62 10 (Refund $34 95) 32 02 (Refund) 6 00 Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on December 17, 1979 attachment LJP/pjr cc Ms Rusmisell Mr Fox 5714 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, N C 28403 November 19, 1979 Mr Larry J Powell New Hanover County Tax Administrator 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N C 28401 Dear Mr Powell On February 1, 1979, I visitea your office to express concern over a late listing penalty which would be added to our tax bill due to not listing our taxes by January 31, 1978 You informed me that it would be necessary to write a letter to you stating the reason why I was late listing said taxes The reason is stated below Two weeks prior to the final listing date, my father was in critical condition in a Fayetteville hospital, and was not taken off the critical list until the evening of January 31 Therefore, we spent most of our time in Fayetteville, and it was not until returning to Wilmington on January 31, and listening to the 11 00 P M news that I realized we had not met the listing deadline I have been listing taxes in New Hanover County for aver 9 years, and this is the first time we have ever been delinquent in listing I hope that you will take the above into consideration, and see if you can have the $6 00 penalty removed from our tax bill Your consideration would be greatly appreciated Sincerely, (Mrs ) ancy C Williamson Ref Bill # 57610 Federal Point Township