1978-06-19 RM Exhibits a a Pursuant to the notice of appeal of the granting of a permit to DMC Management Cmopany by the New Hanover County Shoreline Protection Officer, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on May 15, 1978, pursuant to Section 2.5 of the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance a hearing wherein the Board considered oral and written presentations by all interested parties and officials The Board of County Commissioners appointed Alyce Rusmisell as reporter for the hearing and a full and com- plete record of all proceedings upon such appeal was taken by said reporter Following the hearing of the appeal, the Board of Commissioners afforded the parties thereto a reasonable opportunity to submit findings of fact and conclusions of law After thorough review of the whole record and based upon the competent, material and substantial evidence contained therein the New Hanover County Commissioners makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law I ISSUE Was the Form for Application for Permit Affecting Sand Dunes dated February 13, 1978, and filed by DMC Manage- ment Company, Inc incomplete and inaccurate so as to void the application? FINDINGS OF FACT 1 DMC Management Company, Inc on February 13, 1978, made application for a permit on the standard form as prescribed by the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance 2. The DMC Management Company, Inc application attached a map/plan showing the extent of the proposed work, existing elevations, locations of proposed structures, pro- posed elevations, etc. 3. The DMC application listed as abutting property owners the North Carolina State Department of Transportation and Mrs. Ruth Newby, appellant herein 4 The initial application of February 13, 1978, failed to list the adjoining property owners, Jack G Durham and Ella Bynum These owners were added to the application on March 8, 1978, and were given notice of the proceedings and the application for a permit Neither of these owners has filed notice of appeal to findings of Shoreline Protection Officer 5. DMC permit application stated to requirement of description of work to be performed affecting sand dunes "No affect on the sand dunes " 6 DMC application failed to specifically describe revegetation methods. 7 DMC application did contain statement that applicant agreed to all restoration requirements specified in the permit or directed by the Shoreline Protection Officer CONCLUSIONS OF LAW While there were some inaccuracies and rather vague areas in the DMC application, the application was, when considered with the plans and sketches, sufficient to give notice to the abutting owners, interested persons and the Shoreline Protection Officer of the extent of work to be done, its affect on the sand dunes and the probable nature of revegetation required II ISSUE Was appellant (Newby) given adequate notice of the date and time of the hearing of objections to the findings of the Shoreline Protection Officer? FINDINGS OF FACTS 1. Sand Dune Protection Ordinance Sec. 2 4(c)(v) provides "All parties shall be given notice of said hear- ing at least seven days prior thereto " 2. Shoreline Protection Officer deposited in the United States Mail a certified letter to appellant notifying her of the hearing on March 17, 1978. Post Office receipts show the notice was received by appellant on Wednesday, March 22, 1978. The hearing was held on March 29, 1978 3 Appellant appeared and participated in the hearing CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Section 2.4(c)(v) of the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance states that the party requesting a hearing on objections to the findings of the Shoreline Protection Officer must do so within seven days of the mailing of notification of the findings of the Shoreline Protection Officer. All parties shall thereafter be given notice of said hearing at least seven days prior thereto The Shore- line Protection Officer may give notice to the parties in person or by certified mail. Since the Shoreline Protection Officer gave notice of the hearing by certified mail on March 17, 1978, that notice so given is adequate to comply with the requirement of the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance -2- III ISSUE Was notice stating that application had been made for a permit properly posted on the site? FINDINGS OF FACT Shoreline Protection Officer's staff did post notice on the site in a prominent place This notice was posted on February 14, 1978, and the notice was removed from the site by parties unknown and was reposted by the Shoreline Protection officer's staff CONCLUSION OF LAW Notice of the application for a permit was properly posted on the site. IV ISSUE Will the action proposed by the applicant DMC Company materially weaken the dune or reduce its effective- ness as a means of protection from the effects of high wind and water, taking into consideration the height, width and slope of the dune and type of vegetation thereon? FINDINGS OF FACT. 1 The proposed project will not require any sand be moved landward of the shore protection line. 2 The proposed project will not redistribute any sand from the property to adjacent property 3 The alteration of the dune system proposed by the applicant will result in a bulkhead, building and paved parking area being constructed on a site on which an exist- ing bulkhead, building and parking area is presently located The proposed new structures will be constructed at a signi- ficantly higher elevation overall than now exists on the site No structures are proposed to be constructed on the ocean beach. The ends of the bulkhead will be turned back toward the sand along adjacent property lines to reduce the likelihood of erosion at the property corners The bulkhead will be constructed so as to reduce the probability of pro- ducing hydrostatic head pressure behind the wall 4 The existing property is sparsely vegetated When the proposed project is completed all uncovered areas on the property will be covered with acceptable vegetation by the end of the first planting season following the project 5 The proposed work will result in the dune being substantially equal to or in excess of the mean mass and height of the natural dune existing prior to the work and the area shall substantially conform in slope and align- ment with the existing dune on the property -3- 6 The proposed location for the building will require only minimal alteration of the existing sand dunes No building is proposed to be erected between the existing sand dunes and the water adjacent to the shore protection area other than as described by the Shoreline Protection Officer's findings CONCLUSION 4F LAW The work proposed by applicant DMC Management Company will not materially weaken the dune or reduce its effectiveness as a means of protection from the effects of high wind and water taking into consideration the height, width and slope of the dune and type of vegetation thereon THEREFORE, based upon arguments and testimony pre- sented, review of the whole record and the competent, material and substantial evidence contained therein, the Board of Commissioners does hereby affirm the action of the Shoreline Protection Officer in granting a conditional permit to DMC Corporation -4- r;r~ 1739.- •~ ~ ~~t~ _ ,_,_ NORTH CAROLINA eox ~eio zeao~ June 12, 1978 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CITY ACCOUNTANT Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re Project 110-117 Dear Mr Eller Attached please find a list of bids received on City/ County owned property for sale All sales are recommended as shown An update on the program is enclosed for review Please place this item on the agenda for the next scheduled County Commissioner's Meeting Yours truly, v Artis R. Bryant U Property Management Officer ARB/wph CC Mr Larry Powell, Tax Administrator ~,. _. ' ~; ; ~ ' ~~ UPDATE PROJECT 110-117 6/12/78 1 Parcels sold 147 Sales Price (Includes forfeited deposit of $240 00)$105,211 17 Tax Value $216,220 00 2 Parcels submitted for approval this report 24 Amount of bids $5,173 40 3 Parcels to be adverti sed for upset bids 14 Bids to date $5,004 16 4 Parcels held dormant 3 (Unclear Deed/Resale under 105-376 (c)) Bids to date $1,850 60 5 Parcels with no bids 104 6 Additions to workload (7 sale/1 forfeiture) 8 7 Total in workload 300 8 Less parcels held for future public use 52 9 Net workload 24g to v+ I,n to l7~ r r r r r r r .~ r r r r r r r N N r 1 r 1 r f r I r I ~ I ~o I ~a I ~o 1 m I m 1 m 1 oo I m I m I oo I m 1 m I oo I m I ~c I ~c I 0 ~o 0 rn 0 t,n 0 to 0 to ~ v r ~ 1-r w ~- w ti r ~ w I-~ w ~ o 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 .o 0 ~o :. ~o 0 rn 0 o 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I F-' I-~ N Q~ N w O •n O OD O W O W I-~ o0 O OD 1-r N h-~ m O tJ~ O V1 r N W m W OD W N w N N !-~ O r O W O N I O V I O r 1 O N 1 , O N r r I rn 1 ~ ~ 1 F-' W 1 O V 1 N W I O W 1 O m 1 O r I O N I O V i O O~ t N r 1 1-+ oo I ---~ In I I--~ N 1 O V 1 N O~ Cn W 0 r 0 !-~ --~ cn ~* ~ to (7 o ~ F-' o O~ --~ bd n 1~ ~n ~O I-+ a G E ~ ~ m M o~ ~n 1--+ w -1 ~ ~ rr a~ ~ N r o+ G p o v, m bd r7 w N --~ o .o t~ -,, rr ~' cn ~n v~ ~-r cr Oi cD '"t to ~ to ~t ~ z m W w z n r i, r-, p r ~n C 9 a g cn g v n w V -aJ to rr C w ~ cn rr n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ m ~ ro ~n ro n G N cn n poi cn ~ ~ ~ ~ C v cn ^ rr m ro ~ -~ rr a rr ro ~e N m ~n ~n ~ fY N (D m rt m R ~ rY h ~+ F.,a V ' T •- rt" ~ ~i } F S 1F Vt 7F I~ 7F F+ ]F N 7F 1-' 7F N 7F 1-' ~I- F~ 7F W 7F N 1F N 7l- N ~I- N 7F F-+ 7F N 7F N 7F I-~ 7F 1-' 1F N 7F N 7F r 7F " r I" ~ o ro - ~ ~t a ~ a ~ o ~ w x c~ z w a z w ~, o ~ ~ c m d o~ ~ ~t ~ w ~ n d w m c~ ago d ~ ty ~ m ~ c ~ rD ~ ~ d ° » ~ o w a = ~ ~ -~ w a !~ rp m a C --~ ~ o ~ ~ K N ~ n w ~ ~ ~ ~ o m cNn °' ~ m c m •o m ~c ~d cn r ~'' b x m x ~ n a ~' ~ - n o a rY N n o r-~ C ~, o -~ C w rt ' n o x m w -j C ~n a m p ~ ~ ~ ~ H fD fD -'i p OQ tD ~' ~ ~ f9 ~C ~'G" ID ?r fD fD ~ g 'c7 fD ~C G rt D to C7 O d N 7~' - H H ro ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ = w ~ ~, ~ In m r-+ o a w m ~ m w a ~ n w ~ ~ fD ~ ~ p~ }-' r Q ~ ~' p Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ 0 v - t3 0 o a a ~ . O 0 o o ~ o o p a o ~ a ~ o ~. o o ~ o u d 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ I o ~ 1 0 W O F-~ r N W r v~ I-~ N F-~ O r W F~ O Q~ 1-' v~ W r m !--' v~ --~ W r In W m I--~ N m O+ m ~ W m In r m O r O r O O O In r O N oo r ~ rn Q` m p ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I~ V N O N O N W N O O tJt N r N w O W N --.+ O O~ N O r F-+ N O N O N O N O N O N O N O rn O r N w v+ m v ~ po v - v o0 O Q'~ O r O m N r O t,n O P-+ O m O N O 1-+ O W F-+ N O r O W O W O N O W O N O t,n O N O 1-+ O N O 1-+ W v ~ ~ W ~ r V N tr In V 1-+ N m V m O --~ rn r v+ ~ ~D m V W ao A tJ~ 00 N r tD v W w r ~O ~D F-~ O~ N ~ O ~ v+ ~ rn r m o v ~ i 1 --~ m 1 I 1 w ~ 1 r w 1 o o O ~+ 1 1 o~ r v, m O o 1 1 r '. < < .~ 1 I f I 7F H '~ a r~ w n m 0 Go e v' H 0 M rt F+~ fD p. C fD iM F+ U1 a r i w i N W 1 F+ A N ~~ N ~I QO 'N 00 rr rr i N 0 N OD 1 N A G N iy rt t-'' Y ~ ~ Y fD f+ a °i o t, m ° c r+~ ~ ~, ~ ~ b ~ ~ n m b m ~.. m N N ~ ~ 6 0 0 o ~ 0 p ~ ~ t o tr '' N N t O O O O t 's N 1-r O ~ C C W O l n t ~ ~ f i~ I~ 1 ~ ~D r r u n a <<' ,r. K ~~ r EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, met in reauiar session at the County Administration Building, in Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting, at 9 00 o'clock, A.M. on June 19 1978. The following Commissioners were: PRESENT Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr Commissioners George E Alper; Karen E Gottovi; Ellen C Williams and Vivian S. Wright ABSENT: None * * * * * * * * * * A representative of The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the Board and advised the Board of the Authority's adoption of two Resolutions expressing its intention to issue revenue bonds and authorizing the execution and delivery of inducement agreements pertaining to the financing of a pollution control project and an industrial project for Corning Glass Works. The representative delivered copies of the Resolutions and the inducement agreements to the Board, including the respective project descriptions attached thereto A discussion of the projects took place. Commissioner r,laud o'shields, sr. introduced the following resolution which was read at length: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina (.the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any pollution control project for industry and any industrial project for industry; to acquire, construct, improve and equip any such project; and to make and execute lease agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and -2- WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to issue its revenue bonds to pay costs of acquisition, construction and installation of pollution control facilities (the "Pollution Control Project") and of equipment (the "Industrial Project") at the optical waveguides manufacturing facility to be constructed at the existing plant of Corning Glass Works in Wilmington; and WHEREAS, the Authority intends to file an application for approval of each of such Projects with the Secretary of the Department of Commerce (the "Department"), as required by the Act; and WHEREAS, the Department has, by regulation, provided that no application for approval of a project will be officially received until the governing body of the county from which the application is made has, by resolution, approved in principle the proposed project and a certified copy of such resolution has been provided to the Department; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to approve the projects in principle NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows - 3- J (1) The Pollution Control Project is hereby approved in principle (2) The Industrial Project is hereby approved in principle. (3) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of this resolution to the Department (4) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage Commissioner Claud O'Shields, Jr moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Commissioner Vivian s wright seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: Comm. Alper, Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields NAYS : None -4- ~: .~ ,~~'~ a~~o v !~~ o~ b i° pt o~ 4 j ti u ~ ~ y~ ~ v O ~ ~ ~ 0 n Y- h ~~? ~ v o ~ U ~ ~ ~ a a W M 0 ~ ~ C X ~ Y. ~ A ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ "~ ° N 0,! ~ ~ ~ Q ti ~ ~ 0 ~ ,~ F~ v Iv s 1, ~ v ~ O ~~ ~. ~ IT I I, ~Q 1 4 Q Q I 1~~ ~ ~ o Q n ti Q Q z 0 ~ ~ z s O t/?' ~ 0~ ~~ m ~ u~ Z 7- LL - O z 0 ~ ~ Z z ~o ~-~s OSz~ z ~ t. _~ Q ~ ~ J'O S ° ff ~ o Q = m U d ~ ~ ~ ~ \il 4 7 Z ~v 9 Q O 4 0 a Q m w_ I ~ H Z a d w O w J G w 2 U Q o ( I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I _ - __ ~O' ~ I I I I I I ! j I I I ~~ 1~~ J ~~~,~ ~n z 0 u\ 0 p o, 0 0 OO \ 0 O 8 j N~I r\ ~ O ils~H . ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~,~ o ~~ , . ~~~I _ O il> Z ,'` FU I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~I O I ~ I ~ i 9~~ha ~ ~ I ~wJ~ _ J~ Z ''- ~~zi0 'i~`~IF- j I I I i I I --~ I - I I I I ~ -i I ~ I i o ~ T sv Q ~ u ~ ~\° N O Od ~jT ~ ~' ~ ~ Iv ~I~I ~ v rylN 1~ N ~ ~, n) ~ ~ ~ I s ~ `S'Fr-ol ~ - ~ i ~~ ~ I J I 0~ n~ u ~ r r N _ ~ - OQ> d l I O '~ a ~ ~ i I I I 0 ,f ~ J .i o\ V, Q I j I I ~ O .A O O O O 3~ O p O O n1 O O w0-Z F- ~o~;o ~ I II I ~ N _ ~ N c S\ G h~ O ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~' N ~ 'Ozlrw _ I T -t -+ _ ... r- _ ~; i I I OBI 9 ctl 0 ~ ~ I ~ ~~l~-U ~ ~ I I ~ ~ u1 u' O O°I N I ~ l ( I l O la ~~ ~ j I I I I ~ o o p o o o O~ of ~m' ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ o _ ~ o ~ s~II m ~, u~vl i-- I _ r_ . j i j l l l l i E o ~ O pl I c0 ~~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ N " ~rc ° o ° ~ i I I I j O~ O O O ral o ~ _ o l a o ~zIJI oir F- ~-z~0 `~ QI gl8lo$ °~g~o I ~ O g0 ~~ V 0 0 0 ~ D ~ ~ ° ~ ~O 'o ~~ ~ N ;B, ~ o ° O 'p'~ o~ 'o I o n 0 OI~'O O O O a- IO ~ I 01~18~° 0 dl O10 ,~ !OO ~c, 8 I~ 0 ~0I$I~lo o '0 o r 11,. ~ ~~~ aJ ~~ O m n QIo o N e r NI Q ~ r IA o a o ~ NM N ^ a° 0 o o O Oi FA a sv ~ O "` ~ a 0 O N ? 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Appraisal Supervisor ~~~K~I~-~r~~r 320 Chestnut St ~aAnober /, I~I II \` ~t[mtttgtott, .,~ t~ ~O~ ~~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU MAY 31, 1978 1977 Regular Scroll Charges $11,092,525 59 Discoveries Added 1,781,668 62 $12,874,194 21 Less Abatements - 34,961 06 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co $12,839,233 15 Total Collected -12,473,337 96 Outstanding Balance $ 365,895 19 Percentage Collected 9? 15% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 467,381 79 Less Abatements - 3,229 95 Total Collections to Date -277,664 91 Outstanding Balance $ 186,486 93 Percentage Collected 59 83~ Personal Property Taxes $ 361,133 31 Less Abatements - 12,949 58 Collections to Date - 64,074 30 Outstanding Balance $ 284,109 43 Percentage Collected 18 41% MAE 6. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue ~~ 763-0991 1976 $ 9,887,734 29 1,635,979 81 $11,523,714 10 - 79,782 78 $11,443,931 32 -11,103,804 35 $ 340,126 97 97~ $ 466,470 92 - 12,250 57 -218,439 35 $ 235,781 00 48% $ 328,845 80 - 12,700 40 - 33,341 61 $ 282,803 79 10 55°~ Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $19,817,381 55 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977 R spectfully Submitted, p Janie B Straughn Collector of Revenue JBS/pjr MEMORANDUM June 14, 1978 TO Mr Dan W Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM Larry J Powell ~ Tax Administrator SUBJ Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 B & B Cash Grocery $44 55 2 David Brown 6 92 3 Linwood Costin 46 99 (1975) 4 Henry Hewitt 42 58 5 Mamie Nixon 36 04 6 Alma Spurlock 51 87 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Rodney Boswell $ 8 95 2 Lester Bryant 27 68 3 Hrs Sam Hill 44 83 (1975-1977) 4 Mirian Keels 9 77 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits or the personal property is located within the county 1 Marion Capps $27 62 (1976) 2 Consolidated Utilities, Inc 126 09 (Refund) 3 Hyman Flowers 40 09 (1976) 4 John Parker 15 35 5 Betty Pope 37 97 (Refund 1976) 6 Sassers Auto Sales 133 87 7 John Willis 28 31 (1969) Request Phillip J Musto be refunded $62 43 for 1975 - 1977 taxes because of an appraisal error in calculating the square footage of his house Wesley Memorial Methodist Church requests they be refunded 1977 taxes paid on their church parsonage This is an exempt organization and would have been exempted, if application had been filed The amount of refund is $1,115 34 Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of June 19, 1978 cc Mr Fox Mrs Rusmisell LJP/pjr ti ~S l ~ CD fD N x ~ ~ r• .t ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ w ~ ct C7 _ ~ ~ /--~ O O < ~ K n 0 `•~ T~ A G7 r- O w .~- Oq * ~ ~ ~ ~ rn cn O F-+ i ~! ~_ -c ~ sv rf I CD N H n n H. C UQ ~ ]' w D O n H -i n (D t~ !") to p C r• n O r+ w n. r• c C N r• N• c-r (D ~. r~ r• N ~-- r• U rf co a. A~ C7 n 0 d r• oa ~+ 0 ~ O N • -i a. ~• -~ ~ -< -~ ~ cu m m cn r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F'Cy H F'• o r+ ~ I ~ ~ rt ~ ' n ~ r- ~ ~ ~' ~ n ~-i o rn V V rn r• ~p n w rn ? 1--+ Ul N (p ~ Cn Cn W •A (a N O~ OD .O lD ¢, O W O O _ O O~ __ O O ' - CC N• ^< '•G ~•C '••G d (D (D CD (D (D N y ~ N O N • ~-i r+ ~ ~ V V V O~ 9 ~ •A (Il tD N ~'i W tD ~ A Y• O~ Oo Oo O f7 fD O N O O O N O O Cb H• (]. N ~ -G -G -G ~-C d cn rn c~ rn cn x in v, v, v, w o ~ In f1. H r• H+- c+ ~ f) (D W 9 V ~ N ~i CY N N N F~ 1-'• 1-' n c~ 0 0 ~ o m cn w rn rn o w V u, o 0 00 0 0 w W ~ Cn '•G -•G -G lD (D (D D O to cn cn m O O C V1 r't H N• ~. rt r+ o cu - - o ~ ~ N N W Z ~k ~ 'l7 Cn W y v ~ w td ~•i ~-+ N pp (!1 ~'• O O ~ O l7 tD (D Vt tD O ~F ~F ~-3 00 •v G R. n Fi C vi ~ r• t]. ~-' n w o `G ~ y V A~ V Cr ~ ~-. O w ~ ~ c~. V--+ O ~ ~ V rt 0o a. o 0 N ~j o n 0 0 0 ro x N. ~ ~ {. QQ 0 cn