The Big Read grant agreement - Museum FY14 - 19936." Z O �:. j� i. LOMM T.,��" 1 Am AN�r 91OwOOT , Cn `aT`e'd Ag eer' -a e 1 t- SI FYF 1 4 1.1 '12,936 This Agreement, dated April 19, 2013, by and between Arts Midwest on behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts and Cape Fear Museum of History and Science 814 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 -4752 herein referred to as GRANTEE, outlines the following organizational and project terms that must be met in order to receive funding from Arts Midwest. The Program The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. The Big Read team at Arts Midwest will serve as your contacts for all questions regarding the program and this Grant Agreement. The team can be reached at 612.238.8010 or TheBigRead @artsmidwest.org. Grant Award Stipulations Grant award Support for GRANTEE from Arts Midwest, on behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts, is $16,000. These funds derive from the National Endowment for the Arts: CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) #45.054 distributed through Arts Midwest. This grant must be indicated as federal funds with GRANTEE's records. This grant must be matched at least 1 to 1 with nonfederal funds. In order to receive the full grant, GRANTEE's total expenses as shown on your Final Report budget must be at least $32,000 or greater. Matching funds must be from nonfederal sources. GRANTEE is expected to carry out a project that is consistent with the proposal that was approved for funding by Arts Midwest and the National Endowment for the Arts. if major changes in the programming or more than a 20% adjustment in a budget line are believed to be necessary, GRANTEE must send a written request, with justification, to Arts Midwest prior to the expenditure of grant funds. Approval is not guaranteed. Page 1 Arts Midwest will disperse this grant by check to GRANTEE as follows; Initial payment of $12,800.00 will be sent to arrive on or about the date of the first event as indicated on Grantee's Event Listing (see "Program Events" below). Final payment of $3,200.00 will be sent four to six weeks following the receipt of a complete Final Report (see "Reporting" below). Independent Contractor It is understood that this Agreement does not constitute a partnership or joint venture between Arts Midwest and GRANTEE, and that GRANTEE's status is solely that of an independent contractor. GRANTEE shall be solely responsible for the performance of its contracts including, without limitation, the payment of all costs, expenses, and damages that may arise from said contracts. Funding Default / Force Majeure This Agreement may be terminated by Arts Midwest in the event that funding from the National Endowment for the Arts is not forthcoming, or by reason of an Act of God, force majeure, or any unforeseen occurrence which renders the fulfillment of this Agreement by either party impossible, Under such circumstances, neither party shall be liable to the other for payment of damages. Program Requirements As a participant in The Big Read, GRANTEE agrees to conduct the following Big Read activities: i* Develop and produce a weII planned, well- attended, community -wide read with widespread involvement and participation. Your literary programming should feature innovative, diverse activities, and plans to connect to the chosen book or poet. The ideal Big Read lasts approximately one month and must occur between September 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. A successful Big Read will be held in a variety of venues and, through effective partnerships, reach a broad audience. Activities should include a kick -off event to launch the program locally; a minimum of 10 discussions on the book or poet in vaned locations, including libraries, bookstores, and museums, that attract diverse audiences, at least one keynote session on the selected book or poet (e.g., lecture by key biographer, panel discussion, or author reading); and a minimum of two special events involving other forms of artistic programming (e.g., art exhibits related to the themes of the book or poet, music or dance events, film series including adaptations of the book, or theatrical readings) The number of activities planned should correlate with your community population. Organizations are responsible for seeking legal permission for activities and promotional materials. A Partner with a library (if the grantee itself is not a library). Other collaborating organizations might include middle and/or high schools (working with teachers, curriculum specialists, or school librarians), bookstores, museums, arts organizations, local businesses, community service organizations, community centers, youth groups, senior centers, correctional institutions, community colleges, universities, social service organizations, and military installations. D Generate media involvement through partnerships with local TV, radio, print, and electronic media, and through other public relations efforts. % Use and distribute the printed and online educational and promotional materials. r Host visiting representatives from The Big Read staff and/or sponsors. While not all organizations will be visited by The Big Read staff, we appreciate your willingness to share your activities. Page 2 In addition, GRANTEE is strongly encouraged to participate in online orientation activities. Program Event Listing GRANTEE's Event Listing is essential to providing Arts Midwest, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the public with detailed information concerning your project's activities, to encourage participation at your activities, to promote The Big Read, and to report to the National Endowment for the Arts. GRANTEE shall use the Grantee Dashboard to manage their events as part of this program. A document included in this notificaiton packet offers an introduction to the Grantee Dashboard. GRANTEE is required to submit their events to Arts Midwest as follows• 1. By July 10, 2013, submit a preliminary Event Listing. Indicate which events are confirmed and which are tentative. Only confirmed public events are displayed on www.NEABigRead.org. 2. Thirty days prior to your first Big Read activity, submit an updated Event Listing. Indicate which events are confirmed and which, if any, are tentative. Your initial payment will be generated after receipt of this Event Listing by Arts Midwest. 3. Within 30 hays of the completion of your activities, submit a final Event Listing with complete attendance figures as described in the Final Report. Your final grant payment will be generated after receipt of this submission along with your Final Report_ It is understood that your activities may change. Please promptly inform The Big Read team directly at TheBigRead(a)artsmidwest.org or 6 121. 23 8.80 10 of any %:hanger in your programming beginning and ending dates. Please be as complete and timely as possible updating your Events. Crediting and Public Relations The Big Read is a program of the National. Endowment for the Arts. The National Endowment for the Arts. Arts Midwest, and participating community organizations will work together cohesively to ensure maximum positive promotion of The Big Read As a program participant, GRANTEE must follow all crediting and public relations requirements. GRANTEE will be required to include a sampling of printed materials and digital communications with your Final Report. Failure to meet these credit requirements will jeopardize GRAN TEE's future funding from Arts Midwest. Crediting Full name You must use the full name, The Big Read, when referring to this program. You may add a tag line to the name The Big Read with your organization or community name, or the book title or poet's name. Credit line and Iogo block Note: the Big Read materials have been redesigned this year. There is a new Big Read logo. Please delete any,iles containing the old logo and do not use there going forward Page 3 The Big Read credit line and logo block must be used in all printed materials and digital communications related to GRANTEE's Big Read events and activities. Examples of printed materials and digital communications in which this credit line and logo block must appear include the title page of programs, educational materials, advertisements, brochures, posters, and newsletters. The Big Read credit line and logo block must be included on GRANTEE'S website, preferably on the home /splash page, with a link to www.NEABigRead.org The credit line for the Big Read is as follows. The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest. The credit line must be displayed prominently and generally should not be smaller than 11 -point type. Should The Big Read secure any additional sponsors, GRANTEE will receive amended credit requirements. The Big Read logo block should be positioned prominently for high risibility and readability. The logo block may not be altered in proportion, color, cropping, or in any other way The logo block can be downloaded from www.NEABigRead.org, in the Grantee Dashboard. Basic description The following paragraph represents the basic description of The Big Read. This text shall be used in all publicity and promotion where space allows, including on websites and in print materials. The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture. The Big Read brings together partners across the country to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. The Big Read basic description must be included on GRANTEE's website with a link to www.NEADigRead.org. Public Relations GRANTEE'S outreach efforts to local media; including print, television, and radio outlets, are very important to the success of The Big Read. The National Endowment for the Arts will issue a rsational news release on May 219, 2013 announcing the selected grantees. This will be distributed to the national wire services (e.g., Associated Press), statewide newspapers, and trade publications (e.g. Publisher's Weekly). The National Endowment for the Arts created a sample news release for use in publicizing GRANTEE'S participation in The Big Read. This news release should be customized to accommodate your local organization and distributed to your local media The news release can be downloaded from www,NEABigRead.org, in the Grantee Dashboard. You are encouraged to issue your own news release on or after May 29, 2013. Page 4 The Organizer's Guide contains a section on planning and executing your PR strategy. The NEA also created a PR toolkit, which is available online at www NEABigRead.org in the Grantee Dashboard, Resources — ?Media and Public Relations tab. This toolkit contains sample press releases, talking points, frequently asked questions, and other public relations tools, along with tips on working with print, radio, and television media. Educational Materials Note. the Big Read educational materials have been redesigned this year and include a new Big Read logo. Please do not use any educational materials that feature the old design or logo. The Big Read educational materials are accessible on www.NEABigRead.org, as well as provided in print versions to GRANTEE. Reader's Guides GRANTEE shall receive 16 -page booklets containing an introduction to the featured book or poet, historical context, background on the writer, information about related works, and discussion questions. The Reader's Guides should be distributed free of charge Distribution locations may include area high schools, libraries, literary centers, bookstores, coffee shops, grocery stores. community centers, YMCAs and YWCAs, convenience stores, youth centers, senior centers, laundromats, transit stations, and other public spaces. Note • For legal reasons, photcs and graphics used to the Reader's Guides are prohibited from duplication withour permission. Fo? permission to duplicate select text portions from the Reader's Guides, contact Arts Midwest at 612,235 8010 or 7heBigRead@arismidwest.org. Note. Educational materials are not for re -sale under anv circumstances. Teacher's Guides GRANTEE shall receive 20 -page booklets containing lesson plans on the featured book or poet, and other teacher resources for high schools or middle schools that can be used in the classroom and/or by the school library media specialist. GRANTEE is encouraged to distribute the Teacher's Guides free of charge to area middle and high schools. Note: For legal reasons, text photos and graphics used in the Teacher's Guides are prohibited front duplication without permission. Please viers, the website for downloadable versions of lesson plans and handouts. Note: Educational materials are not for re -sale under any circumstances. Audio Guides GRANTEE shall receive 30- minute CDs on the featured book or poet featuring interviews with notable literary and public figures about the book or poet for radio promotion and classroom use. The .Audio Guides should be distributed free of charge to radio stations, to teachers for classroom use in conjunction with the Teacher's Guides, as well as to book clubs or the general public at Big Read events. Note For legal reasons, tent, photos and graphics used in the Audio Guides are prohibited from duplication without permission. The Audio Guides may be used for radio broadcast, classroom, and individual uses. Note. Educational materials are not for re sale ander atzv circumstances. Page 5 Promotional Materials Note. the Big Read promotional materials have been redesigned this year and include a new Big Read logo. Please do not use any promotional materials that feature the old design or logo. The following Big Read promotional materials are provided to GRANTEE. Banners To widely promote The Big Read, GRANTEE will receive three 2.5' x 6.5° The Big Read banners (two horizontal banners and one vertical banner) featuring the initiative logo for on -site event promotion. GRANTEE shall hang these banners in visible locations of your choice before and during your community read activities. Bookmarks GRANTEE will receive S 5" x 1.125" bookmarks featuring The Big Read logo and the website address. Optional promotional tools In addition to these materials, we also provide tools for GRANTEE's use in creating your own promotional and marketing materials Poster templates featuring the author!poet caricatures are available for downloading, customizing, and printing. Author /poet caricatures, The Big Read logo block, and the credit line are available to be included on advertisements, posters, flyers, postcards, or other promotional items of your design. These materials are available for downloading in the Grantee Dashboard on the website. Website The Big Read website provides context on the program and enhances the public's knowledge and understanding of the boots and poetry, the authors, and the participating community organizations. The website will be promoted jointly be the National Endowment for the Arts, .Arts Midwest, and GRANTEE. Reporting GRANTEE is obligated to submit a Final Report to Arts Midwest within 30 days following the conclusion of your programming The Final Report enables us to compile and forward comprehensive information to the National Endowment for the Arts regarding The Big Read. Sample Final Report materials are enclosed and are available on The Big Read website in the Grantee Dashboard. Please review the Final Report requirements prior to beginning your Big Read activities so you can properly document them throughout the process. The Final Report includes a narrative, final budget, final event listing, crediting examples, and other items submitted online and in hard copy. In the event that GRANTEE does not comply with this reporting requirement, GRANTEE may no longer be entitled to future support from .Arts Midwest. Page 6 Compliances Assurance of Compliance GRANTEE shall comply with all provisions of the Assurance of Compliance. which is attached and therefore made a part of this Agreement. These compliances are required by Arts Midwest's federal and state funding sources. An interactive version of the Assurance of Compliance with web links is also downloadable from the Grantee Dashboard at www NEABigRead.org. In addition, the following ate not allowable uses of federal funds and therefore GRANTEE is prohibited from using Big Read funding for them: 1) fund- raising events, 2) purchase of alcohol, 3) cash incentives, 4) food and refreshments, 5) regranting. Non - profit Status GRANTEE certifies that it is a duly constituted, registered, and qualified 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service, or is an entity of federal, state, local, or tribal government. GRANTEE agrees to notify Arts Midwest immediately of any alteration of such status that may occur prior to the conclusion of the grant period. Admission Admission to, as well as seating and participation in, Arts Midwest programs shall be open to the general public and shall be without regard to race, color, natural origin, disability, religion, age, or sex as provided in Title VI of the Ci-vil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. GRANTEE shall provide, upon request from Arts Midwest, up to six complimentary admissions to all paid program activities without cost to Arts Midwest or the National Endowment for the Arts for VIP or promotional use. Arts Midwest will work with GRANTEE to ensure that proper procedures for admission are followed at all venues. Liability GRANTEE agrees that Arts Midwest shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense of any kind arising from acts or omissions of GRANTEE, or its agents and employees, including but not limited to compensation for injury, property damage, the payment of any taxes, or the payment of court and reasonable attorney fees. Binding Effect GRANTEE agrees to carry out this project in compliance with the terms listed in the Agreement. GRANTEE agrees to notify Arts Midwest in writing of any changes that may impact or require an amendment to this Agreement. Failure to comply with all terms of the Agreement and attachments may jeopardize future funding to GRANTEE from Arts Midwest. GRANTEE further understands and agrees that the grant received from Arts Midwest must be returned in full in the event that GRANTEE unilaterally cancels this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. All disputed claims or controversies arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be settled in the state or federal courts located in Hennepin County, Minnesota. GRANTEE expressly waives all jurisdictional rights and questions of proper venue. Page 7 Instructions 1. Please check the appropriate box udder "A -133 Audit" below. 2. Sign both copies of this Grant Agreement. 3. Return all pages of both copies of this Grant Agreement to Arts Midwest by May 30, 2013. 4. Please circulate copies of this Grant Agreement to appropriate members of your staff. A -133 Audit Report Please check the appropriate box. Did GRANTEE expend $$00,000 or more in federal awards during your most recent completed fiscal year? 'NO V_ YES: GRANTEE must provide a copy of the Single Audit Report (OMB Circular A -133); Finding Section (if applicable); and Corrective Action Plans Section (if applicable). No funds will be distributed until Arts Midwest receives this Audit. I have read and agree to comply to the terms and conditions within T he Big Read Agreement and its attachments on behalf of GRANTEE. Cape Fea enm of history and Science Au orued Si tore Name (typed or printed) Title Date Arts "dwest Autho 'ze igrrature _ 6.{s Date A fully- executed copy will be returned to GRANTEE once countersigned by Arts Midwest. Page 8 A,c.;suranicel, cuf Ge1itni[a fia nce ..13WV,, -h 5� 4 itu.-4C9.Yi: #* -, I. r—u I.I v,i:tlk:NPW ik''- ?.'i.. is plL {kfJC'V �- 1-4 r, FZ4 0. [dam rin F, 0INWA7 9 Zf3WW,IB:'W17IDWW,X ff This program is supported by Federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, and therefore all organizations must agree to comply with the following federal regulations. I. Organization agrees to have a DUNS number (Dun and Bradstreet) and an active registration in SAM�or Ii. Organization agrees to comply with the following Acts and Statutes. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 11,S.0 12101- 12213) • Section 504 of the Rehabilitatikm Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and NEA Section 504 Self Evaluation. f Title VI of thc C_%vt) Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.0 2000d et seq.) • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.&C; 6101 et seq.) • Title IX of the Education Amendment<N of 1072 (20 U.S,C 1681 and 1684 et seq) • Drug-Free Workplace .�►ct (41 U.S.C' 701 et seq, and 45 CFR Part 1155) • National lrnvirunmental Polo icy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.0 Section 4332 • National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C, 470) • The Native American Graves Protection and Renatngtion Act of 1990 (25 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.) III. Organization's allowability of costs shall be in accordance with applicable cost principles as established with OMB Circular A -122 (cost principles for nonprofit organizations), Circular A -87 (cost principles for state, local, and Federally- recognized Indian tribal governments), or Circular A_21 (cost principles for educational institutions). IV. Organization certifies that their organizations complies with the requirements regarding debarment and suspension in Subpart C of 2 CFR part 180, as adopted by the Arts Endowment in Title 2 CFR, Chapter 32, Park 3254 or are otherwise excluded from participation in Federal assistance or activities. V. Organization certifies that it is not delinquent in the repayment of any Federal debt OMB Circular A -129. VI. Organization shall not use Federal funds to conduct political lobbying, as defined in the OMB Circulars as indicated above in III. In addition, you may not use Federal funds for lobbying specifically to obtain awards. VII. None of the Federal funds received shall be distributed to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries (P.L. 111 -88 Sec. 427) VIII. Educational institutions (including but not limited to local educational agencies and institutions of higher education) receiving Federal fimds are required to provide an educational program on the U.S. Constitution on September 17 (PL 108 -447, Division J, Section 111 (b)). IX. Organization's records related to the NEA- supported program shall be retained for a period of three years following the submission of a Final Report. Organization shall grant Arts Midwest access to any records kept by organization to make audits or examinations as necessary. X. Organization certifies that no portion of Arts Midwest funding shall be used to match any other Federal funds and there cannot be overlapping project costs between Federal awards, whether they are received directly from a Federal agency or indirectly. such as through a stage agency. XI. A -133 Audit requirements (if applicable): Organization certifies that, if Organization expends $500,000 or more in yearly expenditures of Federal awards during a fiscal year, it shall have an audit performed in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Circular A- -133. Organization must conduct prompt corrective action plans on any audit finding(s) and provide proof of implementation of such correction plans. X11. Organization shall comply with Part 505 of Title 29: Regulations Relating to Labor concerning all professional performers and personnel employed on a project or productions which are financed in whole or in part with Arts Midwest funds. For further copies of the nondiscrimination statutes, visit the National Endowment _fQr the Arta office of Civil Rights. Other guidelines can be obtained from the Office of klM ement and Bud ei or your local library.