1978-10-16 RM Exhibits ,~~ ~,. 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AMBULANCE ORDINANCE An Ordinance governing the granting of franchises for ambulance services. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does ordain the following Section 1. Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the follow- ing definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforce- ment of this ordinance 1.1 Ambulance or Rescue Vehicle - the term "ambu- lance or rescue vehicle" shall mean any publicly or privately owned vehicle that is specially designed, constructed, or modified and equipped, and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for the transportation upon the streets and highways in this State of persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. 1 2 Emergency Medical Technician. - the term "emergency medical technician" shall mean the individual who is responsible for medical care during the transportation of an incapacitated person prior to his arrival at a hospital, assuming no other person of higher medical certification or license is available ,, ;. V 1.3 Ambulance Attendant - the term "ambulance attendant" shall mean the individual who is responsible for the operation of an ambulance or rescue vehicle and rendering assistance to the Emergency Medical Technician during the transportation of an incapacitated person. 1 4 License - the term "license" shall mean any driver's license or permit to operate a motor vehicle issued under or granted by the laws of the State of North Carolina 1.5 Operator - the term "operator" shall mean a person in actual physical control of an ambulance or rescue vehicle which is in motion or which has the engine running 1.6 Highway or Street - the term "highway or street" shall mean the entire width between property or right-of-way lines of every way or place of whatever nature, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular traffic The terms "highway" or "street" or a combination of the two terms shall be used synonymously 1.7 Approved - the term "approved" shall mean approved by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission pursuant to the latter's rules and regulations promulgated under N C. General Statutes §143B-165. 1 8 Motor Vehicle - the term "motor vehicle°' shall mean any device in, upon, or by which any person or -2- property is or may be transported upon a highway, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon fixed rails or tracks. 1,9 Person - the term "person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, group of individuals acting together for a common purpose, or organization of any kind, including any govern- mental agency other than the United States 1.10 Count - the term "County" shall mean the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners or a designated representative. l.ll Patient - the term "patient" shall mean an individual who is sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless 1.12 Ambulance Service - the term "ambulance service" shall mean a public or privately awned enterprise that is engaged in the transportation of patients to emer- gency and/or non-emergency medical facilities. 1.13 Owner - the term "owner" shall mean any person or entity who~owns and operates an ambulance service 1.14 Emergency - the terms "emergency" and "emer- gency transportation service" shall mean the operation of an ambulance in order to provide medical care and transporta- tion of a patient who is in need of immediate medical treat- -3- ment in order to prevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury. 1.15 Non-Emergency Transportation Services - the term "non-emergency transportation service" shall mean the operation of an ambulance or rescue vehicle for any purpose other than an emergency. 1.16 Emergency ASedical Facility - the term "emer- gency medical facility" shall mean a designated area within a hospital where there is available on a 24 hour basis, staffing by highly qualified medical and hospital support personnel, all types of specialists, blood banks, general and special purpose operating rooms, diagnostic facilities, and equipment capable of rendering complex and comprehensive emergency care. 1.17 Dispatcher - the term "dispatcher" shall mean a person who is available at all times to receive requests for ambulance service, to dispatch ambulances, and to advise the City Police, County Sheriff Dispatcher and emergency medical facilities of any existing or threatened emergencies. 1 18 Franchise - the term "franchise" shall mean a permit issued by the County to a person for the operation of an ambulance service. 1 19 Franchisee - the term "franchisee" shall mean any person having been issued a franchise by County for the operation of an ambulance service -4- Section 2 Franchise Required 2.1 No person either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the business or service of the transportation of patients within New Hanover County unless the person holds a valid permit for each ambulance used in such business or service issued by the Office of Emergency Medical Services of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and has been granted a franchise for the operation of such business or service by the County pursuant to this ordinance. 2.2 No individual shall drive, attend, or permit a vehicle to be operated for ambulance or rescue vehicle purposes within New Hanover County unless this individual holds a currently valid certificate as an ambulance attendant or Emergency Medical Technician issued by the State of North Carolina 2.3 No franchise shall be required. for (a) Any entity rendering assistance to a franchised ambulance service in the case of a major catastrophe or emergency with which the ambulance services franchised by New Hanover County are insufficient or unable to cope, or -5- (b) Any entity operated from a location or headquarters outside of New Hanover County in order to transport patients who are picked up beyond the limits of New Hanover County, but no such entity shall be used to pick up patients within New Hanover County for transporting to locations within New Hanover County unless it is rendering assistance as referred to in section 2 1 above (c) Law enforcement personnel. Section 3. Application for Ambulance or Rescue Vehicle Franchise 3.1 Application for a franchise to operate ambu- lances or rescue vehicles in New Hanover County hereunder shall be made upon such forms as may be prepared or prescribed by County and shall contain (a) The name and address of the applicant and of the owner of the ambulance or rescue vehicle (b) The trade or other fictitious name, if any, under which the applicant does business or proposes to do business, along with a certi- fied copy of an assumed name certificate stating such name or articles of incorporation stating such name -6- (c) A resume of the training and experience of the applicant in the transportation and care of patients. (d) A description and copy of State certification for each ambulance or rescue vehicle owned and operated by the applicant. (e) The location and description of the place or places from which it is intended to operate (f) Audited financial statement of the applicant as the same pertains to his operations in New Hanover County, said financial statement to be in such form and in such detail as may be required by County. (g) A description of the applicant's capability to provide 24 hour coverage, seven days per week for the district covered by the franchise applied for, and an accurate estimate of the minimum and maximum times for a response to calls within such district. (h) Any information the County shall deem reason- ably necessary for a fair determination of the capability of the applicant to provide ambulance service in New Hanover County in accordance with the requirements of State laws and the provisions of this regulation. -7- Section 4. Granting of Franchise 4.1 Prior to accepting applications from appli- cants for the operation of an ambulance service, the Board of Commissioners shall designate specific service areas as franchise districts. Said districts will be established on criteria that includes geographic size, road access, the location of existing medical transportation services, popu- lation, and response time. 4.2 An applicant may apply for a franchise to operate either emergency transportation service or non- emergency transportation service If both types of service are to be provided, separate applications must be filed for each type. 4.3 Upon receipt of an application for a fran- chise, County shall schedule a time and place for hearing the applicant. Within thirty (30) days after hearing, County shall cause such investigation as it may deem neces- sary to be made of the applicant and his proposed operations. 4.4 A franchise must be granted if County finds that (a) The public convenience and necessity require the proposed ambulance service (b) Each such ambulance of the applicant, his required equipment and the premises designated -8- in the application, have been certified by the County and State of North Carolina (c) Only duly licensed ambulance attendants and Emergency Medical Technicians are employed in such capacities 4 5 Upon receipt of a request to provide emergency transportation services, a franchise holder immediately shall advise the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department of such request A franchise holder shall respond only if so directed by said department tiVhen dispatched by said department to provide emergency transportation services, an ambulance service must respond regardless of the franchise district wherein the emergency transportation service is to be provided No extra charge shall be made by an ambulance service by reason of providing such emergency transportation service Section 5 Term of Franchise 5 1 County may issue a franchise hereunder to an owner of an ambulance or rescue service, to be valid for a term to be determined by County, provided that either party at its option, may, terminate the franchise upon sixty days prior written notice to the other party After a notice of service termination is given, the ambulance service shall re-apply for a franchise if continued service is desired -9- 5 2 If any franchisee shall fail to comply with or violate any provision of this ordinance, or a franchise issued hereunder, said franchisee shall be cited by the County for said violation or failure to comply. The County, after a hearing, pursuant to this citation may impose a civil penalty of $100.00 for each separate breach of the franchise as provided in Section 13 2 hereinafter or may suspend or revoke the franchise If upon such hearing, County shall find that the franchisee has corrected any deficiencies and has brought his operation into compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, the franchise shall not be suspended or revoked but a civil penalty as provided in 13.2 hereinafter may be imposed 5 3 Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of a franchise granted hereunder, such franchised ambulance service immediately shall cease operations. Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of a driver`s license or attendant's certificate or Emergency Medical Service. Technician certificate such person shall cease to drive an ambulance or provide medical care in conjunction with an ambulance service, or attend an ambulance and no person shall employ or permit such individual to drive an ambulance or provide medical care in conjunction with an ambulance service -10- Section 6 Standards for Ambulance Franchise 6 1 Each franchised ambulance service shall at all times comply with the requirements of this ordinance, the franchise granted hereunder, and all applicable state and local laws relating to health, sanitation, safety, equipment, and ambulance design and all other laws and ordinances. 6 2 Prior approval of County shall be required where ownership or control of more than 10~ of the right of control of Franchisee is acquired by a person or group of persons acting in concert, none of whom own or control 10% or more of such right of control, singularly or collectively, at the date of the franchise By its acceptance of the franchise, Franchisee .specifically agrees that any such acquisition occurring without prior approval of the County shall constitute a violation of the franchise by Franchisee and shall be cause for termi- nation at the option of the County. 6.3 Any change of ownership of a franchised ambulance service shall terminate the franchise and shall require a new application and a new franchise and conformance with all the requirements of this ordinance as upon original franchising -11- 6.4 No franchise may be sold, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise transferred without the approval of County and a finding of conformance with all requirements of this ordinance as upon original franchising. Each franchised ambulance service, its equipment and the premises designated in the application and all records relating to its maintenance and operation as such, shall be open to inspection by the State, County or their designated representatives. 6.5 No official entry made upon a franchise may be defaced, removed or obliterated. Section 7 Standards for Drivers and Attendants 7.1 Physical Examination - Every ambulance attend- ant and emergency medical technician shall have a physical examination performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine A written statement shall be signed by the physi- cian on forms supplied by the Office of Emergency Medical Services stating that he or she is physically fit and free from physical defects or diseases which might impair his or her ability to drive, attend an ambulance patient or operate communications equipment. Copies of the statement shall be filed with his or her employer and the Office of Emergency Medical Services. Anew physical examination is required for each renewal of certification -12- ~` 7.2 Character and Temperament - Each ambulance attendant and emergency medical technician shall be prepared to show that he or she is of suitable character and temper- ament to function as an ambulance attendant or an emergency medical technician. No ambulance attendant or emergency medical technician shall be addicted to the use of drugs or alcohol. No ambulance attendant or emergency medical tech- nician shall have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude within three•years prior to engaging in said operation. 7.3 Appearance - Each ambulance attendant and emergency medical technician shall be clean in person and dress, well groomed, and in clean outer garment or uniform and shall be proficient in the technique of administering emergency care to the sick, ill, and injured 7.4 Age - Each ambulance attendant and emergency medical technician shall be at least 18 years of age 7.5 Licenses - Each ambulance attendant shall possess a valid driver's license and have a minimum of two years driving experience. 7.6 Training - Each ambulance attendant shall show evidence of successful completion of a course, or courses, approved by the Off ice of Emergency Medical Services, the total time involved not less than thirty-three (33) -13- hours, with successful completion of an oral or written examination at the option of the candidate, and shall suc- cessfully complete an ambulance attendant refresher course, approved by the Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council prior to each recertification. Each emergency medical technician shall show evidence of successful completion of a basic Emergency Medical Technician Course, which shall be approved by the Office of Emergency Medical Services. The applicant shall successfully complete an examination for certification as an emergency medical technician, administered or approved by the Office of Emergency Medical Services, and shall success- fully complete an emergency medical technician refresher course approved by the Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council prior to each recertification. Section 8. Standards for Vehicles and Equipment 8.1 The standards to be applied to both vehicles and equipment are those developed by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission pursuant to Article 26, Chaper 13Q and Article 56, Chapter 143, of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Said standards are contained in "Rules and Regulations Governing Ambulance Service" -14- Section 9 Standards for Communications 9.1 Each ambulance or rescue vehicle must be equipped with a two-way VHF radio licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and it must be in operative condi- tion at all times. The radio must have a four channel capability with two channels equipped with crystals that conform to the Region O EMS Communications Plan. 9.2 Each base of operations must have at least one open telephone line. The ambulance service must provide for the phone to be manned twenty-four hours per day Phone numbers must be registered with each law enforcement agency in New Hanover County. Section 10 Insurance 10.1 No ambulance franchise shall be issued under this Ordinance, nor shall such franchise be valid after issuance, nor shall any ambulance or rescue vehicle be operated in New Hanover County unless there is at all times in force and effect insurance coverage, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina, for each and every ambulance or rescue vehicle. owned and/or operated by or for the ambulance service providing for the payment of damages. (a) In the sum of $300,000 for injury to or death of individuals in accidents result- -15- ing from any cause for which the owner of said vehicle would be liable on account of liability imposed on him by law, regardless of whether the ambulance was being driven by the owner or his agent; and, (b) In the sum of $50,000 for the loss of or damage to the property of another, including personal property, under like circumstances, in sums as may be required by the State or as approved by New Hanover County Section 11 Records 11.1 Each owner of an ambulance service shall maintain the following records 11 10 Record of Dispatcher or Owner - Shall show time call received, time ambulance dispatched, time arrived on scene, time arrived at destination, time in service and time returned to base Shall also include the caller's name, address, driver's name, attendant's name, address -16- of point of pick-up, address of destina- tion, dispatcher's name and whether or not call was an emergency 11.12 Trip Record - Shall state all informa- tion required in Section 11 1 in addition to patient's address and telephone, condition of patient, type of medical assistance administered before reaching hospital, odometer readings at beginning and end of trip, total trip miles, schedule of charges, and signature of attendant and driver. The trip record shall be so designated as to provide the patient with a copy thereof containing all required information. A copy of the trip record may serve as a receipt fo.r any charges paid 11.13 Daily Report Log - Shall be maintained for the purpose of identifying persons transported in any one day. 11.14 Daily Driver and Attendant Check List and Inspection Report - Shall list con- tents and description of operation for each vehicle, signed by both the off -17- going and on coming driver, and the off going and on coming attendant. 11.15 Accou nts Receivable Form - Shall be kept on al l partial and full payments with date of payments. 11.16 Data Sheet - To be submitted monthly to Count y stating the following a. Number of total calls b. Number of emergency calls c. Average response time of total emergency calls d Number of DOA e. Number of dry runs f Number transporting non-emergency g Number police/fire originating h. Number of total staff and number of training hours and courses each has completed i. List of vehicles, equipment inventory, and operating condition of each vehicle j. Copies of State inspection reports k. Breakdown of number of emergency calls by time of day -18- 1. Number, location, and time of all emergency calls originating more than 5 miles from headquarters Section 12 Rates and Charges 12.1 Each owner of an ambulance service shall submit a schedule of rates to the County for approval and shall not charge more than the approved rates without specific approval by County 12 2 No ambulance service shall attempt to collect rates on emergency calls until the patient has reached the point of destination, has received medical attention and is in a condition deemed by the physician fit to consult with the ambulance service, but such service may attempt to collect rates with family or guardian of the patient once the patient is in the process of receiving medical attention. 12.3 On non-emergency calls, or calls where a person requires transportation to a non-emergency medical facility, attempts to collect payment can be made before the ambulance begins its trip Section 13. Violations 13 1 It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to obtain or receive ambulance service without intending at the time of obtaining or receiving such services to pay, if financially able, the necessary charges A determination -19- t` a that the recipient of such services has failed to pay for the services rendered for a period of ninety (90) days after request for payment, and that the recipient is financially able to do so, shall raise a presumption that the recipient of the services did not intend to pay for the services at the time they were obtained or received. 13.2 Violation of this ordinance, or the terms of any franchise granted hereunder, shall be a misdemeanor as provided by N.C. General Statutes X14-4. Each such violation also shall subject the offender (Franchisee) to a civil penalty in the amount of $100 for each separate breach of the franchise or violation of this ordinance. This civil penalty must be paid within 10 days after the hearing as provided in Section 5 2 above on said citation has been held If not so paid, such penalty may be recovered by County as provided by N.C. General Statutes ~153A-123(c) If the civil penalty is not paid within the ten (10) days as provided for above, County may suspend or revoke the franchise. Section 14. Enforcement 14 1 The New Hanover County Office of Civil Pre- paredness shall be the enforcing agency for the regulations contained in this Ordinance Such office will. 14 10 Receive all franchise proposals from potential providers -20- ~_ 14.11 Study each proposal for conformance to this Ordinance. 14.12 Recommend to the Board of Commissioners the award of franchise(s) to the appli- cants submitting the best proposal(s). 14 13 Quarterly inspect the premises, vehicles, equipment, and personnel of franchisees to assure compliance to this Ordinance and perform any other inspections that may be required 14.14 Recommend the temporary or permanent suspension of a franchise in the event of non-compliance with the franchise terms or this Ordinance Recommend the imposition of misdemeanor or civil penalties as provided herein 14 15 Insure by cooperative agreement with other ambulance services the continued service in a district where an ambulance service franchise has been suspended. 14.16 Receive monthly reports from ambulance services and consolidate the same into a quarterly summary for review by County -21- ~_ 14.17 Receive complaints from the public, other enforcing agencies, and ambulance services regarding franchise infractions, review the complaint, and obtain correc- tive action. 14.18 Recommend improvements to County which will insure better medical transportation. 14.19 Maintain all records required by this Ordinance and other applicable County regulations. 14.20 Perform such of the above functions as may be requested by any municipality within New Hanover County. Section 15. Territorial Jurisdiction 15 1 The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all unincorporated areas within the geographic confines of the County of New Hanover, and to such incorporated. areas as may by resolution permit this Ordinance to be applicable within such incorporated areas. Section 16. Miscellaneous 16.1 County may inspect a franchisee's records, premises and equipment at any time in order to insure com- pliance with this Ordinance and any franchise granted hereunder -22- ~a 16.2 The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 16 , 19 79 -23- # t AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN Section 1 That Sections 54-2, 54-3, 55-2, and 55-3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended, be, and the same is hereby repealed and the following substituted in lieu thereof A Section 54-2 Permitted Uses (1) Service station or retail motor fuel sales at convenience food stores pro- vided (a) Service station principal building and any accessory building shall not be constructed closer than forty (40) feet to any Residential District, (b) Fuel pumps at service stations or at convenience food stores shall not be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any street right-of- way, and thirty (30) feet to any Residential District or residential property line, (c) Overhead canopies at service stations or at convenience food stores shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet to any street right- of-way, and twenty (20) feet to any Residential District or residential property line (2) Automatic cleaners and laundry, and dry cleaning pick-up station (3) Banks, saving and loan institution (4) Beauty and barber shops (5) Pharmacy with sales of sundry items (6) Food store (7) Gift shops (8) Offices (9) Neighborhood Oriented General Retail Store other than full scale Department or Discount type of retail facilities (10) Post Office contract station (11) Principal Use sign (12) Restaurant, other than drive-in, fast food, or carry-out type (13) Temporary sign (14) Furniture upholstery shop (15) Appliance sales and repair without outside storage or display of wares (16) Churches (17) Veterinary facilities, clinics, or hopsitals, for small animals B Section 54-3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses) (1) Kennels, subject to the provisions of Section 72-26 (2) Community fallout shelters (3) Entertainment establishments such as bars, cabarets, discotheques, lounges, night clubs or taverns (4) Public utility building or use (5) Seafood market (6) Dry cleaning and laundry plants (7) Pier for docking and/or operation of commercial and/or sport fishing vessels (8) Repair, sales, service, rental and storage of boats and motors (9) Government facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and/or Municipal Government on land owned or leased by a govern- mental body not otherwise indicated as a permitted use of Special Use in the B-1 District (10) Funeral home (11) Drive-in, fast food, or carry-out type restaurants (12) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U S or N C numbered highway (13) Indoor or outdoor recreational facilities and/or activities r C Section 55-2 Permitted Uses (1) Permitted Uses of the B-1 District (2) Auto, truck, trailer, and/or boat sales, service repair, (3) Restaurants (4) Dry cleaning and laundry plants (5) Funeral home (6) Post Office (7) General retail store (8) Upholstery shop (9) Farm, garden and/or landscape supplies and/or service (10) Farm implement sales and storage (11) Farmer's market (12) Freezer locker service or ice storage (13) Greenhouse or plant nursery (14) Motel and hotel (15) Outdoor Advertising sign (16) Radio and television studios and transmission facilities (17) Retail auto parts and tire service (18) Taxi-cab and/or bus storage yard (19) Indoor recreational facilities and/or activities (20) Automobile wash (21) Mobile home sales (22) Animal hospital or veterinary clinic D and/or rental Section 55-3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses) (1) Kennels, subject to the provisions of Section 72-26 (2) Entertainment establishments such as bars, cabarets, discotheques, lounges, night clubs or taverns (3) Public utility building or use (4) Seafood market (5) Research facilities (6) Storage and/or distribution facilities (7) Governmental facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and/or Municipal Government on land owned or leased by a govern- mental body not otherwise indicated as a permitted use or Special Use in the B-2 District (8) Automobile paint shop, body repair and/or frame shop (9) Cabinet and wood working shops with retail sales (10) Machine and welding shop including the assembly of prefabricated materials and component parts (11) Heating and air conditioning shop including the assembly of prefabricated materials and component parts (12) Outdoor recreational and outdoor amusement facilities (13) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U S or N C numbered highway (14) Tire recapping plants (15) Drive-in SI'heater (16) Community Fallout Shelter Section 2 Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed Section 3 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted this ~ ~ T~ day of 1978 Chai and Co is s/ r „,. /Commiss~i~iner p "~ V~ _ Commissioner ~~ y ~ , ~_~c~/w~^' (~. !mot/ Commissioner Commissioner ~ ~ ~f ~~ i~ ~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor ~~~~~~~ 320 Chestnut St ~attober ~~1, 'I\ ~timmgtott, ,~ c~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru September 30, 1978 1978 Charged Per Scroll $11,681,843 69 Discoveries Added 138,865 33 $11,820,709 02 Less Abatements - 10,829 55 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co $11,809,879 47 Total Collected - 2,173,720 69 Outstanding Balance $ 9,636,158 78 Percentage Collected 18 41% Back Taxes MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-0991 1977 $11,092,525 59 116,409 Ol $11,208,934 60 - 7,392 11 $11,201,542 49 - 1,364,909 O1 $ 9,836,633 48 12 18°~ Real Estate Taxes $ 409,753 20 $ 467,381 79 Less Abatements - 230 13 - 74 36 Total Collections to Date - 52,2.68 87 - 79,654 25 Outstanding Balance $ 357,254 20 $ 387,653 18 Percentage Collected 12 76% 17 04% Personal Property Taxes $ 415,166 59 $ 361,133 31 Less Abatements - 251 80 - 162 03 Collections to Date - 28,205 62 - 15,689 63 Outstanding Balance $ 38E,709 17 $ 345,281 65 Percentage Collected 6 80a 4 34% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date, $3,232,639 20 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978 Re~ectfull~v sub fitted, ~~ Janie B Straughn Collector of Revenue ~ / i ~QO 4~ ~a JBS/pbc ~-.~ ~. MEMORANDUM October 11, 1978 To b1r Dan W Eller County Manager From Larry J Powell ~_, Tax Administrator Subject Abatements and Refunds f ~ 5 In accordance with G S 105-277 1, the following individuals qualify for the Senior Citizens' Exclusion, however, they failed to file application during the regular listing period or did not furnish enough information to enable us to determine their eligibility until such time as they received their tax notices Request the following abatements be approved to allow these taxpayers the benefit of the Exclusion 1 Burris Bender $ 55 50 2 Sophia Brooks 78 S1 3 Margaret Burnie 55 50 4 Winfred Buttler 24 89 5 Marvin Byrd 21 39 6 J W Cleamons 120 11 7 Hessie Cottle 55 50 8 Samuel Culverhouse 110 25 9 Isaac Dixon 55 50 10 Clyde Douglas 48 74 11 Luvenia Gaymon 96 46 12 Jeanette CTodwin 128 25 13 Douglas Grant 29 41 14 Adlena M Hill 128 25 15 Milton Hinson 81 57 16 Eunice Horne 55 50 17 Florence Howard 116 30 18 Thomas Jacobs 42 66 19 Arrie Johnson 55 50 20 K E Johnson 128 25 21 Louise Johnson 73 70 22 Catherine Jones 55 50 23 John King 123 65 24 Lacy King 55 50 25 Quillie King 128 25 26 J R Lane 55 50 27 Eva Larson 55 50 28 Margaret Lennon 55 50 29 Esther McCorsley 128 25 30 Kathleen McNeill 59 34 31 Wilbert McNeil 128 25 32 Boyd Miller 128 25 33 Cecil Mishoe 128 25 34 Robert Mohr 128 25 35 Willie Nelson 23 20 36 Thomas Nevill 128 25 37 Margaret Newland 128 25 38 H Mary O'Sullivan 128 25 Mr Dan W Eller Page 2 October 11, 1978 39 J M Potter $ 128 25 40 George Poulos 128 25 41 Elizabeth Powell 128 25 42 G L Pridgen 89 58 43 Julia Provost 29 30 44 John Putney 19 31 45 Annie Reese 128 25 46 Irene Rich 128 25 47 Winfield Robinson 81 06 48 B.erth.a Shipman 128 25 49 Leona. Sternberger 128 25 50 I J Stevens 55 50 51 Robert Swindell 128 25 52 James Tann 82 42 53 E.lm Vickers 128 25 54 Martha Vinning 83 79 55 Elease Walker 127 89 56 Evelyn Wa,Ish 128 25 57 ~9iley Watson 128 25 58 Mary Welker 8 38 59 Henry Whisette 128 25 60 Elijah Williams, Hrs 44 62 61 Elizabeth Williams 55 50 62 Katherine Williams 1.17 99 63 Earl Wittmeyer 55 50 Request that the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 Ca 27 28 Edwin Armstrong James Bahen William Batchelor Ben Boynton Belinda Surrey John Campion Carolina Beach Tasty Consolidated Energy Rosa Cotses ~1' F Cox Lula Cramer Don Davis Michael Dombroski Toni Efird First Union Mortgage James Gaillard Roman Gabriel, Jr James Gates Henry Jenkins Edna Lewis Freeze Prod Cq Corp Location Autq Leasing Cgrp May Martin Doris McLamb Harris Minchew pamper Room ReagQn Construction Co Catherine E Ross Kenneth Ross $ 30 71 112 86 3 27 7 53 48 45 .116 79 37 49 983 23 76 23 13 17 18 60 17 46 59 20 24 63 53 87 101 07 9 77 69 08 45 99 82 30 26 09 88 36 2 89 19 43 22 20 66 68 62 08 78 57 (Refund) (_1976 ) Mr Dan W Eller Page 3 October 11, 1978 29 30 31 N~argie Rowland Thomas Williams Wilmington Homes, $ 5 34 134 76 Inc 68 66 (1977) Request that the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Babcock & Wilcox Co $ 20 52 2 Frederick Barnhill 11 12 (1974) 3 Thomas Debnam 139 93 4 Jack Glazier 71 99 (1977) 5 Esma McClammy 66 60 6 John McLean 198 84 7 Williams Bros Texaco 20 52 Request the following taxes be abated as these charges are due to clerical errors in addition, pricing vehicles, misfiguring the ten percent factor, pricing buildings, lot size or incorrect acreage charged, incoding incorrect information, & land pricing, etc 1 Joseph Baker 2 James Bean 3 Henry Elam 4 Marshall Ennis 5 Walter Freeman 6 Morris Friedland 7 Nettie Grissom 8 L L Hanby Hrs 9 Herbert Hazard 10 Joseph Holleman 11 Paul Holliday 12 Margaret Jones 13 Robert Jones 14 James Justice 15 James Kermon 16 Thomas Lewis 17 Andree McKenney 18 Pauline Morrison 19 James Moses 20 Alfred Murray 21 Katie Nixon 22 Gerald Novak 23 Raymond Pennington 24 Phylliss Peterson 25 Herbert Fittsley 26 Helen Poindexter 27 J H Rackley 28 RCPT of Wilm 29 Q C Reynolds 30 Gladys Robbins 31 Dale Rusmisell $ 64 47 20 49 130 18 34 20 9 25 1 73(1977 Refund) 71 31 45 24 93 173 05 (1976 & 1977 Refund-$115 25) 28 38 40 65 22 35(1976-1978 Refund) 21 12 13 26 4 71 6 82 4 65 171 93 20 20 26 64 71 78 67 13 47 73 28 83 26 94 125 78 19 O1 53 74 (1975) 57 72 48 39 Mr Dan W Eller• Page 4 October 11, 1978 32 William Russell $ 190 51 33 E K Scott 81 34 Seaside Inv Co 60 95 35 Michael Sheehan 5 18 36 Sun Oil Co 1,598 40 37 Henry Ward 5 29 Request the following taxes be released as this is exempt property 1 Old Apostolic Lutheran Church $ 11 14 (1975} 2 Second Calvary Baptist Church 1,794 95 (1975-1978) Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers listed the real or personal property within the city or town limits and the property is not located within a municipality 1 Herbert Aman 2 Robert Andrews 3 Thomas Barnhill 4 Pamela Bass 5 W S R Beane 6 Catherine Burruss 7 Burris Trask Const Co 8 Barbara Cagle 9 Thomas Cassell 10 College Acres Amoco 11 Harry Craft 12 Henry Dudley 13 Family Dollar Stores 14 Charles Fieselman 15 Frances Garrell 16 Wilbert Gore 17 Joyce Head 18 James Hearn 19 Larry McCarthey 20 Elizabeth Pelham 21 John Rackley 22 Roberts Barber Shop 23 Sassers Auto Sales 24 Shrimp Trawler Seafood 25 Thomas Skipper 26 Caroline Struthers 27 Turners Pharmacy 28 William Wagoner 29 b4ilton Warwick 30 Wickes Corp 31 S T Withers, Jr 32 Paris Wood $ 56 35 (1976) 260 00 25 73 41 71 129 Ol 18 43 25 74 (1977) 76 97 96 84 152 32 (1976 & 1978) 47 72 33 47 535 36 29 83 19 63 46 41 47 05 85 98 31 77 13 10 53 74 3 63 127 57 27 45 57 62 36 86 584 06 34 32 33 98 4,093 20 110 68 101 62 Mr Dan W Ellex Page 5 October 11, 1978 The following taxpayers request the listing penalties be released The individuals listed in items #1 through #5 requested the release due to s-ickness or they mailed a copy of their original listing as their listing was assumed lost in the mail These requests fall within the categories in which penalties were released at the Board's meeting of September 18, 1978 Individuals listed in items #6 through #11 furnished a written statement to the effect that they placed their listings in the mail in January, but the listing was never received by this office Individuals listed in items #12 through #18 furnished written statements that they placed their listings in the mail in January, however, the envelope by which we received the listing was postmarked as shown below The individuals listed in items #19 through #26 have various reasons for listing late, attached please find copies of their letters requesting the release 1 Alonza Bland $ 44 12 (Refund) 2 William Carter 18 46 3 Myrtle Morris 208 81 ($80 56 List Pen $128 25 Sr Citizen 4 James W Overton 15 65 5 [N N Yates 112 97 6 James H Guy 8 46 7 Lillian Guy 19 97 8 Guy's Service Station 1 11 9 James W Ludes 26 79 10 Robert Slockett 43 33 11 Hugh Wrisbon 19 74 12 George T Clark, Jr 179 88 (Refund $.105 42 Postmarked 2/1/78) 13 Alma Glover 1 97 (Postmarked 2/1./78) 14 S T Glover, Jr 38 94 (Postmarked 2/1/78) 15 Kenneth Nichols 45 00 (Refund $32 58-- $8 55 Cler Error 36 45 List Pen Postmarked 2/3/78) 16 Rufus Park er 85 78 (Postmarked 2/1/78) 17 James Rochelle 23 81 (Refund -- Postmarked 2/1/78) 18 Worth Sanderford 23 94 (Postmarked 2/1/78) 19 Robert Bennett 18 21 20 C Itoh 8. Co (America) Inc 6,821 55 (14Sr Smith's letter of 9/6/78, Mr Taylor's letter of 9/11/78, and my letter of 9/18/78) 21 Louis Mueller 17 23 (Refund) 22 Bruce Riley 23 47 23 Rizk Realty Co 173 76 24 Albert D Ross 1,039 03 (Mr Peace's letter of 9/27/78, and my lett er of 10/4/78) 25 Fred Thompson 27 52 26 Charles Von Rosenberg 66 46 Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of October 16, 1978 cc Mr Fox Mrs Rusmisell LJP/pjr r' gds-,~~~ l~ ~ Jz.~.cv cl,~-cam a- _. _ ..-~ _ __t..~--~--e.-c..~__ i -----_____. ---__.___._.___~~ /_,C__-_._c7_Q_.~ -ter ~__?__._ ____ 1 ________._~________._~ __.. __.._ _ i "" (lam ~` I r ____ } TELEPHONE (2i2) 953 5200 C. ITOH & CO (AM~R[CA) 1NC. 2 7 0 P A R K A.V E N U E NEW YORK, N Y 10017 September 6, 1978 Mr Larry J Powell Tax Administrator New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N C 28401 Re 1977 Property Tax Assessment for C ItoIi & Co CAmerica~ Inc Map 46078n00-.1195 Dear Mr Powell CABLE ADDRESS ITOHAME NEWYORK TWX 710 561 5554 W U ,. 2297 RCA 232837 ITT d20225 W U I, 620335 We are in receipt o~ your tax notice on personal property located within New Hanover County and on which we have had cony, siderable correspondence and discussion with your office The tax notice received by our Machinery Division shows city and county tax of $34,107 75 and a listing penalty of $6,821 55 We are concerned that your office has added the penalties to the tax assessment after assurances were given to the underT signed on May 15, 1978 at the Board of County Commissioners meet-~ ing, that no penalties would be assessed We had also been assured of this by the Board°s counsel, Mr Joseph 0 Taylor, Jr of Murchison, Fox & Newton Our Company has consented to the Board of County Com- missioners finding on June 19, 1978 that the property is subject to tax and is agreeable to paying the tax However, we strongly feel that based on the discussions and opinions previously ex-. pressed, that there should be no penalty We would like an explanation of the penalties prior to our paying the tax assessment on the tax notice TDS HB cc Joseph 0 Taylor, Jr Murchison, Fox & Newton Yours very truly, C ITOH & CO (AMERICA) INC ~ ~ .~ T D Smith Assistant Controller WALLACE C, MURC HISON JAMES C. FOx LOU15 K, NEWTON JOSEPH O.TAYLO R,JR. WILLIAM R. SMELL FFANx B, G1830N,J R. FRED B• DAVENPO RTC JR. MUxCHISON, FOX & NEWTON ATTOIINEYS AT LAW 1G NOBTH FIFTH AVENUE ~YILbiINOTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 919 763-2426 f ~";'"" ~1 SOUTIIPOItT, N C. OFFICE: 130 MOORE STREET 919 457-6733 CARTER T. LAMBETH MICHAEL R.IS ENBERG September 11, 1978 Mr. Larry J. Powell Tax Administrator New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, Narth Carolina 28401 RE: 1977 Tax Assessment for C Itoh & Company (America), Inc Dear Larry I am in receipt of a letter dated September 6, 1978, from Mr T. D. Smith, Assistant Controller of C Itoh & Company (America), Inc., in which he stated that you had assured him that no penalties would be assessed on the company's personal property. He also stated that I had assured him that there would be no assessment of a penalty. As I remember the conference which we had with Mr. Smith, neither you nor I gave any such assurances or led him to believe that we were giving any such assurance. As I remember the conference, you told Mr Smith that the listing penalty would be placed and you then gave him, in great detail, the procedures that he would have to follow to appeal this listing penalty to the Board of Commissioners. Again, it is my impression that you explained the penalty to him and also explained the procedure whereby he could appeal the penalty and that neither of us gave him any assurance whatsoever that the penalty would not be assessed or that the Commissioners would release the penalty. ~ , Mr. Larry J. Powell September 11, 1978 Page Two If your recollection of the conference is different from mine, please contact me immediately Very truly yours, MURCHISON, FOX & NEWTON .~' -~_ J "seph 0. Taylor, Jr. JOTjr/mr cc Mr Dan E11er .3~.., ~,~~; itltLL~ Oft ~t v'~ ~ S r /Z ;,i ~~~7~~. ~1£1" ~L , .I. ~ Sn;itr] {~ Xt!>ll .~. CO (~t':€-x'iCa) Zlzt, G ~ ~ I <~rs~ f~v~: C Itc)`~ C ±a (nr; F-rica. j Tzzc I iLaV r~?f~rrt;~.~ tC? t;;ic r„inute~ oY t~:Lr, C.t~t,L,;4~/ [:fjr,^[::i ~2.~~S2i3T'C:~ I.;r r'~.~.~f'• clz ny I:~, I:. ?v, wile ~Tur;~ ?~, I:~7r', pf ca~tic r.~;piK~:y wrE; attttc: (~~~, . IS(: 3 (`.~ r;ot :Pine t~ r.;oti~~r? to r;~Iu-~:ise t~~r;> IiUt iz~;- r~cn~.lty cflart_:EC~ on tiz~ a cvE: Z'~.~:~a't'-rE'IlC,~L'~ .~.~.:,t~.n~ ~r0~?)i~V~'''", I E1n rl?CR~I & .~] sCli=i`3~C?I7 E;pP«C,ErISii ~' ~ :f' ~ cC ~:n.li: t_T;: ~'c>r~t:i:3si~3:z:~r:>r~av(~ ~z~ aut~:ority Cc~ ;~x-3.~Y ~ fiir~ r~ r~:yi.t~' ~.'_'~:G'2' tli~ i ~t:tC??' fJ2' to<t~ 1:i-~t~r^' .I:C.~, ^cic~f'':3^~•.~!' n~ ~:~'.''. P'13,'C%'t'r~ :..I ti 1 ~ :i ~: 4tJi1 x7 FL.".i ~;I£?E'?I r4'':iC)~ V~'t.. {' w ;. ,,,t,_~1v ; r'ci'w~.rr3~ tfl<3.i, I corr~putc~ t~LE~ t.~.~(c?:~ E1z1 c;~-s C:rSV~rc'c: Y'c)S~C2'~i,' :1.iii.,. ~Z.iSf?'>3 ? 1.11 .i?StZI]~' ,~~IT7.it:'~ T.L?~'t:i~?;.", T. i3 ~ ~ /°^ i~ (~~~ Q:S i'J~,?.? ;j.I?+:i ti2f: ir~y.O~vll;;;' r.x?iOr:T'ii,ti01~ t1~~::Y.' 1 ~~%. .1"t"'vrt?:~tit E:()i~l?.Li;f~E{ L i' "? ~.:i ''. < ~2 :~ t' r i : 7 L t~'t,: i-L:., r.l t~ E: L~1 _ -. i ~ .i: {. :? : _ 1 'C' t" k' (..i ': cc~xyrcLor t,li_` izc+~rc: oi' cot.i:t;J ~c~r-, i~.-ianz;rs, ~,_~c~„ t:~~~ ; e~tit~-or o-Q tii;, i:L1 ri;?.jk'r, P'~lZT CpC:':{:12"t7I:1?~E', >r?:;+~.~.E'.T p~' ,t.S,C~.,,j_ls~ tl? C<)UI'bty~; C1^7.C;t f~UZ' t.,i ~+.`~ z x' i~ i. n c~. t 1 c~ re P rE752; Izl ~L~ci~rciz+zlct~ tiritel ttz~: r.c f'erfrzzr.~xi zr3T1 ;t t; ,)f t:?~~ {;cr ,-;i~sip*SF:2's' .: :rEti~t .~ ilillt t:~~~ ~'+~nc~r~.I ~•'t .ct~.t~=s, ~L?zi5 o r'~fict~ hay ~~~ <<~l iefii ~itP~ ~::e rc~+,;txir~:cl c~ir~ctivc: s i~.l r;r~~E.~zzt Lili,~ r~~tt~=r ::~~~.+ tt~ t}~ ?'~nr~T of C~,.z.lf~~ ~'~,x~~rj.:~~zc~rrEar:~ ~C)r G`18iX' u'e::{'irE? i3 :+ ~7 i. r4?I~:'F1 P ? { p y c. ~ s '~ ~~:if~:`: '~i.L~f:C:sl.L j;~l.i' L;oF~.I'c.l ~ ~. .'.'f?t illy: p~ r.~~~~i.) it .L (l, .~. j~_:, <,`?f ~ ~.L1I ~.( S/:L (~?~ p~ tY'te~ll' ftCtinll t t. ~~ ~F:r, E:I? t: cc 12•~> C.icryl Ft ':r ~7osn1~:1 0 ~'OhP.r'~S ;'aglor , Tr TFix t!(:m+il:i-~tratc>r L. P Mueller C C~ • ts335 Woodward Street ~~~' -~`~ ~ ~ 1 ~ I J `.~ Savage, Maryland 20863 `, J ~- _ ~ ,1~CL(~~~-~-r{„ \,~~.000~t.C1,t~~,~ csy~ b`7\,`{ ~~,l.titi~'~+~~~;z.. ~-~w.~•~c~s=-- 1.~\,V ~\,\-~lS~ ~'~l S;~-~~'1~, C~,\\ c~ C,~~ L`-~~_ '~.~•~~~ C ~c~5~~ ~ti:~ l ~°- ~C ~ ~~- 1 •~- 1 P~~~ ~ ~c~L~.. ~~~LL ~ ~, L.~-~ ~ ~~~~_ ,mac' t ~ ~ -°~ r {, films L~CS~ L~ ~ ~ ~ _ ` ~~, ~. ~~~ ' ' ~l~'yJ~..iV1 C ~ ~~J..1vLC?l ~ ~i . ~~ ' !: S .~ ~C ICY C~~ \~•~``- <~' u~',C~~ °l ~LCtU\~ ~ j - ~k~ tip. LC \ Y`~ c ~~ ~~~~4. --~ , '}~ ` ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~~ ~~` ~ ~.. ~ ~t ~~ `c. zc , X11 c~\ c t ~ c~ ti ~~ ~,~~-•`t'~' ~~ ~Z. ~`il~~Cy.:t ` `%L~.,~\C l.L c~. Ti.~ C~.~~ C c~ :1.1~ ~ c`~~ ~:`~~ZE C~~: ~'.~,. 1 ~ c ` C `~ - --~- .~ i ~'J j.-L~l. ~~~.\~. 1.,\~~~.~.'~C~C~cC. ~•l. •~ ~3,-~ti~ -~..~.~~c~..uti~z~. ~_:~za.-~ ~-{, Yl~~a_'• i b I ~- _ _ i ~ , ~ (\) t, ` ~ ~-C`J l~l..`-~~~ '~~<.__~i s~~j V~-~~Li-- CC~ ~tl ~G~-`.. ~y. 1. ~~.~ `~. L:L ~__ `l .ka,~ l~tL~ ~ ~v ~L~~~LL ~~ L} L\.C ` tiL~1 `~~..,CE_r. L,~;. ,l-~4LC~ V.,azwL'~~~ G~ ~'rt.~/,(/vv `CG.~~I,L~L~t~.. cj ~~ ~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~'1-~i~!~-~ L~ (~ J ~ ~ + ~ J ~~,LC~-~-~ Chi ti\~,~ C!S.,LC~,,,~C~, ~.~ 1~~.~C~~1:1r~,~. , "',~!.~~;~.~J~_~.~~ /_ ~ti ~ k t V ,~ 7J~ g3 ~ j T,zrry J. Pot~rell Tax Adr..inistration iJEt~r IIanaver County 3~0 Chestnut Street l~Iil.min~ton~ 1`J.,C.. 2c~~+Ol Dear r~ir.. Powell: I Vrould request that I be exempt frox~ paying the ~23..~-7 lato lisiting ponalty end be refunded. the above amount. I ask for the exemption due to my t~zife ~ s fathers death on January 1, 1.978 at trhich time. T had to be e~.cused from t~zork to go'to Charleston S.C. and I returned from Charleston on P~_arch_31? 1978• Z lisited ------_. any personal property on February l~ 1978. Thai~z you for your.- favorable consideration in this matter... Sincerely~_ f ~ ' ~G'J t-~- incl. Copy of paid pentalty receipt. RIZK REALTY GO., P.O. Box 1786 L~.urinburg, N.C. 2832 September 27, 1978 21ew Hanover County Tax Administrator's Office 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Mr. Larry Powell Dear sir: On my tax bill for 1878 a 10/ late listing penalty was charged. ~v l ~\1 N ~~ •~ /~ ~ ~ / r I would greatly appreciate your releasing this penalty because my wife who kept my records pasted away 1st summer, I didn't realize it wasn't listed until the last day. And since I am 100 miles away the letter was one day late arriving. In the past twenty years it has always been listed on time and I can assure you in the future it will be listed on time. I hope to receive a favorable reply soon. Sincerely yours, ~~ N ,~ S. G. Rizk ~T 4 Carolina power & Light Cornpany September 27, 1978 Mr Larry Powell Tax Supervisor New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr Powell ,~ ~ ~ !N i± ~r r This is in regard to a listing penalty of $1,039 03 included on Tax Notice Receipt Number 43227. The taxable property on the notice is in the name of Mr. Albert D Ross, the property owner and lessor, the property is held by Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) as lessee and CP&L is responsible for listing the property and paying the property tax CP&L has been a conscientious property taxpayer in New Hanover County over a number of years, and it is CP&L's expressed policy to pay its fair share of tax liability CP&L has an internal system for receiving and forwarding mail, and if the listing form was properly mailed, CP&L's Tax Unit would, under ordinary circumstances, receive the listing form and file it with. the County We have no record of having received the before mentioned listing form for the 1978 tax year You stated in a phone conversation that the County does not maintain a record to substantiate the. fact of the mailing of the notices, and it appears to us that the failure to file may be the consequence of an oversight by either the County, the Postal Sez-vice, or CP&L We respectfully request that New Hanover County waive or abate the listing penalty in view of CP&L's established history of compliance with New Hanover County's requirements and CP&L's record as a taxpayer in the County Sincerely, /mil •- Robert L Peace Tax Manager RLP JPY 336 Fayetteville Street P O Box 1551 Raleigh N C ?_7602 ~ Q ~ 1~~~;tllLit ~,± ~CtC)',r ~ 1. ~ ~~ 1 ~~ v `.r Hobert I., Peace ,~:av P, a.na;,er C ~rolina Power ~; Li~tit f,onr~a,nv i' O „o ~ 1~~1 1:ezr it Pease Re It-7,S Listins~~ x'eI1a.ItS~ x'~Y~ ~X i E•.~--~1~}tll Zr c reVietV O~ C7ll2' fi.lo=~ 'rVP t:~EIlt~'tt; "i:':'lrl.t ~4a i!~~1i11't~.ill a rc~ni_li~xfr `t.I;iress of ~'11~iert I) F.o~~, c,~o Ca.roli:la Toner ~ Li~•zt C'or~pan=,~, ~' {~ :,o.i l~>~1., rlttn Tam ~ectioll, I'a1:~1_~•:1 ~r` ~' ~ro"~~~rty oP t'1' 4~os; r ~ L - x.74 ,1 ,., for the ?fi -a~clci :i~~ne~r,r t,.za,~ ~ P li.~ti.n~r sleet 4voulc' i:a.vc. t,~eon x•outinel;,T nlailea ~i'itilout ~ ~lv prof lerr~s Can October Y~a, 1~s75, I tx~i_ll ~xx•t~:;ont >>our le-tt:~r oP ~• iJ7U, -to tYle bo;.zr~t of County COll"~rlisioner-, for t'z~ir ci_ecisionr,~tsrtoTa. release of the penalty I will a~visc. yc,u of t},e ~;~,~~ ri r s r?°si.rP Very t.x-~.11 c~ : ~~t.tr~; , Larx'v J Po~.~~~~ll Tax flc~rlinistrr~tor I.~,r ~r,b//C cc /P:Ir:; Clleryl i~ Ffoberts ~, ,~~ ~y ~~, ~~ ~-^r ~"°~. ~~~ ~~~~~~, .~.,y~ ~b~y~~,~~-, Gl ~:e~,. YI e, ~ s yos l ' ~T JAMES CHURCH WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28401 September 11, 1978 Ne~r~ Hanover County Commissioners o Tax Administration Office 320 Chestnut Street ZVilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Sirs: This letter is in reference to the late listing penalty attached to my tax bill. If ,you check my property tax sheet, you will find a nate to the effect that a duplicate listing may exist. That note is the result df the telephone call I made just after a late listing notice reached me. I remember the first notice; I remember filling it out. I do not remember actually putting it in the mail, but T cannat find it at home. Further, I cannot imagine that I filled it out and then did not send it in. Therefore, T am petitioning you to reconsider^ my late listing penalty. I believe -that the first listing notice was mailed in but lost some- where between my hands and the tax office. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely yours, (~ ~ !ten Charley G. vonRosen erg PHONE 919/763-1671 _ ROUTE~""w-'6, BOX 49 ~ 7 ~y1T~N~~\[~~[~/T 11I-~~y~,1r R\\/T ~ ~~1~"y ~,~~\ 7~~(-'~(~' T~tF'~~' PI~~V ('^, ~'~'y,~~~\y~~( ~\1,\'1 ~yI • 1 V ~ V V ~L J1~~® V ~~ ~j®~i '~l7 :L ~l d 11~1L~~®11~ ~L ~/©1" ~Ll' 1L~illJ~®A V NEW HANOVER COUNTY AfRPORT BLUETHENTHAL FIELD WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28405 W EUGENE ED6VARDS, Chairman GEORGE E. KIDDER, Vice-Chairman AUDREY VV FEENSTRA, Secretary LENOX G. COOPER RAIFORD G. TRASK, JR. KAREN E. GOTTOVI, fx-Offico Member rZE1410RANDUM TO Dan W Eller, County 1!?anager FROM- Rudolph C Shackelford, Jr A A E Airport Pdanager DATE October 12, 1978 SUBJECT Front Cutting Industrial Mower Proposal JOHN A.WESTBROOK Airport Manager RUDOLPH C. SHACKELFORD JR., AAE Assistant Airport Manager Bids were opened on October 4 for the subject mower with two bidders responding Several items were bid as alternates and I recommend we approve the Porter Brothers proposal for pur- chasing the following I4Iower $2 , 790 00 Quite l~iuf f ler 36 00 Deadman Controls 4 50 Extra Traction Tires 109 25 $2,939 75 We also intend to purchase a trailer for transporting the mower The trailer bid by Porter Brothers is available locally and I am currently negotiating a price through Pennington's Sporting Goods ~'„ lY~ ., H Q~ 3 0 cd .~ N 'O L' N ~.' c3 . rl .}~ O +-1 O v o .--~ +~ H ~ L'-. Gl r-1 1 GO d n 1 S-~ !~ U ~ ,S] O 'CS +~ •.i U CII O FdE ~ ~~ I ~ - F E _ _ E ~ F~ E f f_ F-~ _I v - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ P ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~R~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ao s; .^^~ l~ Q~ H O 'L~ .~ C~ 1~ O U H U O [~ x H ~~ 0 0 v z ~! ~ w r.,l O +-1 ~ N ~'~ i-, J O N ~ U O U a i~ U ~ ~ ~ U c.~ t/1 U to N to .~ c' ~ ~. CD u ~ ~ ~ chi v, ~ • ~ E - 0 0~~~ o d o s .~ O • r1 U 4-, r O ~~ f-/ C!7 C3 .? ~ to 1 O U ~5' O i-i < 4{ il. ~ +~ U O v) t U U f+ G E-' .O 7 ~ F ~ ? b O cam.' O U •r1 ~ r-t 1 J ~ O cS - U ~ c ~ .-{ .--1 ~ p~ 0 c: O X U U 1~ 1 - 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .--1 N M V ~ ~.: I~ cC Gl < ~ r U +~ N