1978-11-06 RM Exhibits~y r" MINUSES OF PUBLIC HEARING RE BUDGET, JUNE 8, 1978 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 8, 1978, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold the public hearing on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1978/79 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978/79 Pursuant to N C General Statute 159-12, notice has been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on Thursday, June 1, 1978, that the proposed budget for fiscal year 1978/79 for New Hanover County had been submitted to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and a copy was available for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, and also stating that a public hearing on the proposed budget would be held on Thursday, June 8, 1978, at 7 30 o'clock p m COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chm O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to comment on the proposed budget for fiscal year 1978/79 and the following persons appeared Mr R W Prunty The Commissioners and County Manager commented County Manager Eller reported for the record that this was also the Public Hearing for the Revenue Sharing budget that this Board was required to hold He explained the proposed uses for the funds Mr Eller reported that the Board of Education had informed him that they could safely allow the Commissioners to appropriate an additional $125,000 to the Appropriated Fund balance for the Schools He also stated that he felt an additional $25,000 could be added to the estimate for Interest on Investments and an additional $238,297 could be added to the County's Unappropriated Fund Balance Finance Officer, Felix Cooper, commented on the school budget ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Alper, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 8 25 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board ~ MINUTES'OF BUDGET HEARING, JUNE 12, 1978 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, June 12, 1978, at 9 00 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed budgets for the Public Schools, Sheriff's Department, Department of Social Services, Health Department and Planning Department Members present were Commissioners George ~ Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order DISCUSSION ON COST OF LIVING INCREASE Comm Wright commented on the past policy of giving employeees a cost-of-living increase each year and stated that she felt that the Board should notify employees that they may not be assured of getting this cost-of-living increase next year, but the Board would be looking at other means of making a more equitable increase in pay instead of an automatic increase for all employees DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978/79 Dr John Codington, Chairman of the Board of Education, Dr Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools, Mr Billy Mason and Mrs Nina Tenuta of the School Administration, appeared before the Board to answer questions on the School budget Ch O'Shields asked the representatives from the schools if they wished to make any comments and the following persons commented Dr Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools Dr John B Codington, Chairman of the Board of Education Dr C D Gurganus, Associate Superintendent of Schools Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to cut out an amount of $28,000 to equal what had been put in for salary plus support items Chm O'Shields commented that he would like to give the Board of Education a dollar amount to cut out, and let them cut wherever they felt they could Comm Wright amended her motion, seconded by Comm Williams, to include in- creasing the Revenue Account for Appropriated Fund Balance by $125,000 and reducing the local tax item by $125,000 Comm Wright reworded the motion, seconded by Comm Williams, to state that instead of the $28,000, the percentage for cost of living be reduced from 7% to 6% and the tax revenue be reduced by a like amount and that the $125,000 be shown as appropriated surplus increase and a reduction in tax revenue Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, not to give longevity pay to School Board employees except those mandated by the State Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Com Alper and Comm Gottovi The following persons offered comments Mr C G Berry Mr Harry Latimer III, Member Board of Education ' SCIi00L BUDGET (CONTINUED) Page 2 i Dr• John B Codington, Chm of Board of Education Chm O'Shields Comm Alper Comm Gottovi Mrs Mary Hood, Member of Board of Education Comm Williams Dr Bellamy Chm O'Shields moved to hold the supplement figure at 7% and reduce the budget by that amount Chm O'Shields restated his motion, seconded by Comm Williams, that the supple- ment be figured at 7% and reduce the budget by the difference between the 7% and 7~% and that the Board of Education determine where to delete the funds Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Finance Officer Felix Cooper reported on the method of remitting County funds to the school system and stated that the Auditors had recommended to him that the County retain the fund balance for the school system Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to accept what the Auditors re- commended to Mr Cooper and that the funds be remitted in accordance with their suggestion Mr George Abeyounis, Auditor for the Board of Education, stated his objections to handling the remittance in this manner Upon vote, Comm Wright's motion carried unanimously Mrs Lucille Shaffer commented on behalf of the League of Women Voters Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the $75,000 Capital Reserve item as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Gottovi BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 11 10 o'clock a m until 11 25 o'clock a m DISCUSSION OF SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BUDGET Sheriff H G Grohman, Capt T L Evans, Sgt Bruce Lewis and Chief Jailer, Kitts McQueen, appeared before the Board to answer questions on the budgets for the Sheriff's Department and Jail Upon request from Comm Gottovi, County Manager E11er explained the increase in the salary figure Comm Williams questioned the number of bullet proof vests that were requested, and Sheriff Grohman and Capt Evans explained the reasons for that number and also the difference in types of vests After discussion on the ABC Contract, the use of the helicopter and re- classifications, Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the recommended budget for the Sheriff's Department with the amended contract for ABC Enforcement Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ~ Page 3 LUNCH BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for lunch from 12 10 o'clock p m until 1 08 o'clock p m DISCUSSION ON DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social Services, Mr Frank Ballard, Chairman, and other members of the Social Services Board of Trustees appeared before the Board to answer questions on the proposed Social Services budget Miss Hall explained various programs planned for the Department of Social Services for fiscal year 1978/,&9" ?57 (See M2nute Bk 18, Page 294 ,for correction ) Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to accept the proposition that the person being considered for director had given from a salary standpoint, including car allowance and moving expenses Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Social Services budget as amended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 2 08 o'clock p m until 2 15 o'clock p m DISCUSSION ON HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Dr James Finger, Health Director, and Mrs Mabel Price appeared before the Board to explain the Health Department budget and answer questions from the Board Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained the County's involvement in the WIC Program Comm Williams and Comm Wright requested that the record show that they were opposed to the WIC program in the beginning and were even more opposed to it now Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to drop the WIC Program because of problems encountered in other areas Upon vote, the motion was defeated as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams and Wright Voting Noe Comm Alper, Gottovi and Chm O'Shields Comm Wright stated that she felt Dr Finger's salary should be increased to Gr 91, St 4 Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained some minor changes to be made on Page 142, that the amount to be received for the School Health Program would be $13,932 and the amount for the Dental Project would be $12,444 instead of the figures indicated in the proposed budget He also reported that the employee in position ~~060 on page 147 would be transferred to the Dental Project and the account X6590 33 on page 143 had been broken down into different types of supplies instead of all lumped into one figure Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Health Department budget as presented with the amendment to the salary for Dr Finger, the suggestions made by Mr Cooper and that the backhoe would be reconsidered before the total budget was adopted Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET Page 4 Planning Director Richard Fender appeared before the Board to explain the proposed budget for the Planning Department and answer questions from the Commissioners Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of the Planning Depart- ment Budget at $106,804 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously DISCUSSION OF RECREATION BUDGET Mr Norman Ramsey and Mr Julius Moore appeared before the Board to request funds be placed in the Recreation budget for operation of the Cape Fear Optimist Club programs or that the Cape Fear Optimist Club be allowed equal time to use the existing ballfields at Blair Park and Hugh MacRae Park ADJOURNMENT Chm O'Shields adjourned the budget meeting at 3 22 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, G~e~Cc~tc--~ N Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board BUDGET MEETING JUNE 13, 197$ ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 13, 1978, at 2 00 p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed departmental budgets Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order RESCISSION OF ACTION TAKEN ON SCHOOLS APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE ON 6/12/78 Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained the difficulties in changing the method of remitting County funds to the school system at this time, and recommended that the action taken on June 12 be rescinded and he would report back to the board at the next meeting Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to rescind the action of June 12 pertaining to the method of remitting County funds to the School System until the mechanics of the situation could be worked out Upon vote, the motion carried un- animously Mr Cooper explained some other reductions that were made in the school budget MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mr Mel Martin, Area Director, and Mr Bill Royal of the Southeastern Mental Health Center appeared to explain and answer questions on the budget for the Mental Health Center Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Mental Health Budget Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously LIBRARY BUDGET Dr James Hundley, Chairman of the Library Advisory Board, Miss Katherine Howell, Library Director, and members of the Library Advisory Board appeared to explain and answer questions on the Library budget Personnel Director Gary Cannon pointed out a change in the salary for position 4~7, stating that the salary figure should be $8,790 Comm Williams moved to add the administrative personnel requested by the Library to the list of things to look at after all the budgets have been reviewed Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Library budget County Manager Eller explained the request for support of the Carolina Beach Branch of the Library It was felt that this could be considered at a future time Upon vote, Comm Alper's motion for approval carried unanimously By concensus it was agreed to reconsider the addition of an administrative assistant later e o BUDGET MEETING•JUNE 13, 1978 (CONTINUED) Page 2 BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 3 16 o'clock p m until 3 25 o'clock p m AIRPORT BUDGET Mr W E Edwards, Chairman, and other members of the Airport Commission and Mr R C Shackelford, Airport Manager, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the Airport budget Comm Alper moved to approve the budget Comm Williams, moved that the $133,000 go back into the Capital Reserve Fund Comm Alper restated his motion, seconded by Ch O'Shields, to accept the Airport budget as presented Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Mr Edwards suggested that in the future, the Commissioners consider setting up the Airport budget on a different basis, similar to a corporate budget, as he felt it would show a truer picture of the Airport operations FUNDS BUDGETED FOR TRANSFER STATION Comm Williams moved to take $45,000 from the General Fund and put in Capital Outlay for a Transfer Station Comm Williams amended her motion, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to increase the Engineering Budget - Capital Outlay - Other Improvements by $45,000 for the Transfer Station Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously RECREATION BUDGET Mr Steve Stevens, Recreation Director, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the Recreation budget Mr Norman Ramsey, Mr Julius Moore and Mrs Audrey Feenstra appeared to request help from the County for the Cape Fear Optimist Club programs in the Castle Hayne/ Wrightsboro areas Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to approve the Recreation Budget Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ADJOURNMENT Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 4 45 o'clock p m Respectfully/ subQmitted, Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board ' MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING June 14, 1978 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 14, 1978, at 9 00 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed departmental budgets for Fiscal Year 1978/79 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order GOVERNING BODY BUDGET Chm O'Shields brought up the matter of salaries for the Commissioners and moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to increase the line item for auto expenses by $25 per member per month Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Williams moved to approve the budget The motion did not receive a second Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Governing Body Budget as amended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to set the salary for the County Manager at $31,736 for the coming fiscal year Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, that the Administration Budget be accepted with the change in salary for the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET It was agreed to put this budget on the ''bring back" list to be considered after all the budgets had been considered ELECTIONS BUDGET Mrs Dorothy Harrell, Supervisor of Elections, appeared before the Board to request funds for an additional election if the Liquor By the Drink Bill carried Comm Alper moved to approve the Election Budget as presented It was agreed to reduce the salaries for the members of the Board of Elections to a 6% increase over the previous year Comm Alper withdrew his motion Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Elections Budget with the increase to $26,000 for Professional Services and $800 for Building Rent and the change in salaries for board members Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously CONTINGENCIES BUDGET Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Manager's proposed Contingencies budget Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Page 2 " FINANCE BUDGET Finance Officer Felix Cooper requested that he be given a monthly auto allowance at a fixed amount BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 10 15 o'clock a m until 1030 am FINANCE BUDGET {CONTINUED) Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Finance Budget as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously LEGAL BUDGET Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to accept the Legal Budget as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously TAX DEPARTMENT BUDGET Tax Supervisor Larry Powell appeared before the Board to answer questions on the Tax Department budget Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to appropriate $10,000 from the General Fund for the Reappraisal Reserve Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Williams and Wright Voting Noe Chm O'Shields Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to approve the Tax Budget Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET Registrar of Deeds Lois LeRay appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the budget for the Register of Deeds Office Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, approval of the Register of Deeds Budget as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET Mr M J McLeod, President, Mr Charles Coleman, Business Manager, Mrs Joseph Schwartz and Mrs Conrad Schwarz, members of the Board of Trustees, of Cape Fear Technical Institute, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the budget Mr McLeod requested that the funds for a bus be put back into the budget Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to put $12,000 back into the budget for purchase of a bus Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Mr Coleman requested the Maintenance Supervisor's salary be increased to $13,217 Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the increase in the Maintenance Supervisor's salary to $13,217 and take from the unappropriated fund balance Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Cape Fear Tech budget as amended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously BUDGET MEETING,JUNE 14, 1978 (CONTINUED) Page 3 BREAD Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 11 30 o'clock a m until 11 42 o'clock a m JUVENILE SERVICES BUDGET Mr Jim Miller, Director of the Juvenile Service Center, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the budget It was agreed to add $10,000 to Revenue Item ~~11 350 43 which was the subsidy received for retaining juveniles to the Center Since the vacuum cleaner had already been purchased, the funds for it were not necessary Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Juvenile Services Center Budget less the $175 for the vacuum cleaner Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously dTl T(1TTATTMT:7~TT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 12 05 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, E~~ Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board y ' MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1978 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 15, 1978, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed departmental budgets for Fiscal Year 1978/79 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order EXPLANATION OF CHANGES IN SCHOOL BUDGET Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained the changes that had been made in the school budget, stating that the supplement was not decreased but the decreases were made in other areas amounting to the same percentage CIVIL PREPAREDNESS BUDGET Col Ben Washburn, Civil Preparedness Coordinator, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the Civil Preparedness Budget Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of the Civil Preparedness Budget as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously BUILDING & GROUNDS BUDGET Mr Robert M Williams, County Engineer, and Mr Winfred Simpson, Superintendent of Building & Grounds, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the Building & Grounds Budget Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to increase the Superintendent's salary to grade 66, step 3, which was $13,217 Upon vote, the motion carried un- animously Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Building & Grounds Budget with the change in salary Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously INSPECTIONS BUDGET Mr Robert M Williams, County Engineer, and Mr Thad Charmichael, Superintendent of Inspections, appeared before the Board to answer questions on the Inspection Budget Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the Inspections Budget as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously GARAGE BUDGET Mr Robert M Williams, County Engineer, and Mr C D Little, Garage Superin- tendent, appeared before the Board to explain the Garage budget Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Garage Budget as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously CORONER'S BUDGET Coroner Robert Smith appeared before the Board to answer questions on the Coroner's Budget Comm Williams. moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to increase Professional Services to $15,000 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ~ CORONER'S BUDGET (CONTINUED) Page 2 Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to increase the salary for the Assistant Coroner to $3,000 and increase Coroner Smith's Salary to $9,000. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Coroner's Budget with the changes Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION BUDGET Mr Durwood Baggett, Agricultural Extension Chairman, appeared to answer questions on his budget and requested additional funds to go to Atlanta for the Tree Program Exhibit (See Minute Book 18, Page 294, for motion by Comm Wright that was omitted here ) Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Agricultural Extension Budget as amended Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously AT T(1TTD ATARI7TTT Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 9 05 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 20, 1978 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 20, 1978, at 3 00 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County .Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed departmental budgets for Fiscal Year 1978/79 Members present were Commissioners Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell Comm George E Alper was absent MUSEUM BUDGET Mrs Linda Nance, Chairman, and other members of the Museum Board of Trustees appeared to explain the Museum Budget and answer questions from the Commissioners County Manager E11er explained the changes in the salaries Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Museum Budget as recommended by the Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper APPROVAL OF NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to approve the Retirement Account ~1~11 660 09 on Page 90 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Sales Tax Accounts #~11 660 37 and ~~11 660 as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Absent Comm Alper Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Account ~~'11 660 54 on Page 90 Upon vote, Williams, approval of the State and County 39 on Page 90 Upon vote, the motion carried Wright and Chm O'Shields Williams, approval of the Insurance & Bonds the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of the Miscellaneous Account ~~11 660 57 on Page 90 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows (Wright) Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams/and Chairman O'Shields (See Minute Bk. 18, Absent Comm Alper Page 295, for correction.) Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, approval of $32,700 for Capital Outlay - Land, Account 411 660 71 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper APPROVAL OF NON-DEFARTMENT ACCOUNTS (CONTINUED) Page 2 Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, approval of the Kure Beach ABC Profits, Account ~~11 660 99, on Page 90 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper CETA BUDGETS Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the CETA budgets on Page 101-102 and 105-106 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper GENERAL FUND REVENUES Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained the following changes that had been made in the Revenues since it was printed Interest on Investments, Account ~~11 329 00 increased to $200,000 Assesments - Other Govts Account 411 226 00 reduced to $$7,333 Juvenile Services Subsidy Grant, Account ~~11 350 43 increased to $57,332 Appropriated Fund Balance, Account ~~11 299 00 increased to $706,360 Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields to approve the Revenue Budget as amended except for Ad Valorem Taxes, Account #11 301 00 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper DEBT SERVICE Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of the Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expenditures on Pages 113 - 114 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper REVENUE SHARING Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Revenue Sharing Expenditure & Revenue Budgets on Pages 176-177 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Apler DISTRICT ATTORNEY BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the District Attorney's Budget as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper COURTHOUSE & JAIL CONSTRUCTION Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to reduce the Courthouse and Jail to $175,000 and Transfer $58,084, to the General Fund Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper • WATER & SEWER BUDGET Page 3 ` Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Water & Sewer Budget on pages 184-185 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper GENERAL CAPITAL RESERVE Chm O'5hields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of the Revenue & Ex- penditure Budget for General Capital Reserve Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chairman O'Shields Absent Comm Alper BREAK Chm O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 4 15 o'clock p m until 4 30 o'clock p m REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR COUNCIL ON STATUS OF WOMEN Comm Gottovi requested that $800 be appropriated to the Council on the Status of Women No action was taken CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to appropriate $16,520 for the Cape Fear Council of Governments Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper PORT, WATERWAY & $EACH COMMISSION Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of appropriating $1500 for the Port, Waterway & Beach Commission Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the amount of $3,321 for Southeastern Economic Development Commission Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET Mr J W Johnson, Contractor for the operation of the Animal Control Center, appeared before the Board to answer questions on the budget and requested funds to cover his employees with hospitalization insurance Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Animal Control Budget with the addition of $2,835 for employee hospitalization insurance Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper Page 4 ° CLERK OF COURT BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of the Clerk of Court Budget on pages 86-87 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper LAW LIBRARY BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Law Library Budget as proposed on page 89 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Soil & Water Conservation Budget in the amount of $6,292 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper AZALEA FESTIVAL BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of contribution to the Azalea Festival in the amount of $3,500 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper WRIGHTSVZLLE, CAROLINA AND KURE BEACH LIFEGUARDS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the County Manager's recommendation on Lifeguard funds in the amount of $11,874 for Wrightsville Beach, $7,529 for Carolina Beach and $4,571 for Kure Beach Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Gottovi Absent Comm Alper CONTRIBUTION TO LOCAL MILITARY UNITS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of funding the Local Military Units in the amount of $1,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper YOUTH HELP BUDGET Ms Linda Williams, Mr Ron Knopf, Mrs Elena Jones and Ms Mary Thompson appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on the Youth Help Budget Ms Thompson made the budget presentation and requested approval of the $30,000 they had requested Comm Wright moved to approve the $25,000 contribution recommended by the County Manager The motion died for lack of a second YOUTH HELP (CONTINUED) Comm Gottovi moved to approve the $30,000 requested Page 5 Comm Williams seconded Comm Wright's motion, and upon vote, the motion carried as fellows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, that the meeting be adjourned for the day Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 5 50 o'clock p m Respectfully submiQtted, /~ Alyce B Rusmisell Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 'l 1, 197th ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 21, 1978, at 9 00 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 19/8/%9 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman C,Iaud O'Shields, Jr County Pdanager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Rusmisell No members were absent Chm O'~hields called the meeting to order RDSCUE SQUAll BUllGETS PAr Ray Stanford of Ogden Volunteer Rescue Squad and Mr Hilton Jones of New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad appeared before the Board to present their budget requests The following persons also offered comments Ms Linda Roop - Ogden Mr Jeff Tripp - Ogden Ms Sybil Walker - New Hanover Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to contribute $40,000 to each of the Volunteer Rescue Squads Mr Al Schomp of the Gape Fear Council of Governments commented It was the consensus of the Board that the possibility of maintenance of the Rescue Squad vehicles by the County Garage should be investigated Upon vote, Comm Wright's motion carried unanimously BREAK Chm U'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 9 55 o'clock a m until 10 06 o'clock a m VOLUN'1'EEx FIKE DhPAKTMENTS Mr 'lom Herring of the Fire Inspections Committee, Mr Joe Munroe of Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department and Mr Steve Vosnock of the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department appeared before the Board to present their budget requests The Departments that were members of the Fire Inspections Committee requested a 15% increase over their budgets for 1977/78 Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department presented a budget request in the amount of $31,516 Mr Ed Vosnock of the Castle Hayne Fire Department commented MINU~'ES Or BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 21, 1978 (CONTINUED) VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS ~GONTINUED) PAGE TWO Chm O'Shields moved to fund the Volunteer Fire Departments in the amount of $15,056 63 for each of the 8 volunteer fire departments Chm O'Shields amended his motion to fund each of the 8 volunteer fire depart- ments in the amount of $15,100 Comm Wright seconded the motion and upon vote, the motion carried unanimously SERVICES FOR THE AGING Mrs Dolli Asbury, Executive Director of Services for the Aging, appeared before the Board to answer questions and requested approval of the $11,500 Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the recommended amount of $11,500 for Services for the Aging Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Wright. and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Williams RSVP BUDGET Mrs Marcelle Austin appeared before the Board to answer questions and requested approval of funding for RSVP in the amount of $4,500 Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the recommended funding for RSVP in the amount of $4,500 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously LIFEGUARD FUNDING FOR WRIGHTSVILLE AND CAROLINA BEACHBS Mr Robert Sawyer, Mayor of Wrightsville Beach, and Mrs Corneille Sineath and Mrs Fran Russ, representing Wrightsville Beach, and Mr Jim Taylor, Acting Town Manager of Carolina Beach, and Mr Robert Warren, representing Carolina Beach, appeared before the Board to request the appropriation for lifeguards for the two beaches be reconsider- ed and increased to the amounts that they had requested instead of the amounts recommended by the County Manager Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to rescind the action taken on June 20, and appropriate the requested amount for lifeguards of $13,918 for Wrightsville Beach and $y,648 for Carolina Beach Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ST JOHN'S ART GALLERY Mrs Mary Gornto, President, and Bill Joyner, Treasurer of the Board of Directors of St John's Art Gallery, and Alan Aiches, Director of St John's Art Gallery, appeared before the Board and requested approval of the $5,000 they had requested instead of the $4,000 recommended by the County Manager Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the amount of $4,000 recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ~HAMBEk OF c.OMMERCE ADVERTISING FUNDS Mr Robert Little, Chairman of the Tourism Task Force, Mr W W rountain, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr Rick Reeder and Mrs Mary Lou Pagano appeared before the Board to request funding for advertising by the Chamber of Commerce r MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE ll, 1978 (CUNTINUED) PAGE THREE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ADVERTISING FUNDS (CONTINUED) Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Manager's proposed funding in the amount of $19,'L00 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Williams and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Wright LUNCH BREAK Chm G'Shields recessed the meeting for lunch from 12 05 o'clock p m until 12 40 o'clock p m ARTS COUNCIL BUllGE'I' REQUEST Mr James Pridemore, Vice-President of the Arts Council, and Mr iiob llavis, Director, appeared before the Board to present their budget request for $18,000 Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to take the Manager's recommended amount of $17,000 with the hope that if there was any surplus, the other $1,000 might be considered Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Williams, Wright and Chm O'Shields Temporarily Absent Comm Gottovi DARE BUDGirT RI;QUi;ST Mr Rick Willetts, President of DARE, Inc Mr Gene Merritt, Director, and Mr Roger Frankoff, Asst Director, appeared to present their request for funds Mr Willetts gave a report on what DARE had accomplished in the last year Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to accept the County Manager's recommended amount of $3,750 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Williams, Wright and Chm U'Shields emporarily Absent Comm Gottovi COMM GUTTUVI KETURNI;D AT 1 15 O'CLOCK P M ANll WAS PRESENT FOR THE REST OF i'HE idIEEI'ING PRUJE~T UP BUllGE`P REQUEST i~ir uon 'vJatson, Mr W Ni Fountain and Mrs Jean Fountain appeared to request funding in the amount of $5,319 for a Clean Community Systems Program to be operated by Project UP Comm Alper moved, seconded by chm O'Shields to fund $2,500 for the Clean Community System Program Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously SENCLAND COMMUNITY ACTION FUNDING Mr Robert Clark of SENCland community Action appeared before the Board to answer questions pertaining to his budget request Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to approve $4,271 as recommended oy the Manager and that local caterers be notified when the bids are advertised Upon vote, the motion carried as follows MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 21, 1978 (CONTINUED) PAGE FOUR SENCLAND COMMUNITY ACTION FUNDING (CONTINUED) Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi and Chm O~Shields Voting Noe Comm Williams and Wright OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION BUDGET Wilmington Police Chief Darryl Bruestle, Sheriff H G Gronman, and Mr Meares Harriss of the OAR Board of uirectors and Mrs Barbara Graham, Director, appeared before the Board to present the OAR Budget request and answer questions Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Otfendex Aid ~ Restoration Program in the amount of $36,98y as requested and that it be a i,ourrty agency under the supervision of the Sheriff's uepartment CUMM WILLIAMS LEF"t THE MEETING AT 2 I5 O'CLOCK P M AND WAS ABSENT FOR THE REST OF 1'HE MEET INS Upon vote, Comm Gottovi's motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Williams APPROPRIATION FUR BACKHOE FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to appropriate ,60,000 for a used backhoe, tractor and trailer for the Health Department upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Williams REI~UEST ADJUSTMENT OF UNAPPROrRIATEll FUND BALANCE Chm O'Shields moved that the additional funds necessary in order to hold the budget at 74¢ be brought out of unappropriated fund balances The motion did not receive a second REQUEST FUR TITLE XX FUNDS FOR FUTUKE HUMAN SERVICES COORDINATOk Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Co~zun Alper, to allocate matching funds in the amount of $10,000 to be used for Human Services Agency if more Title XX funds become available during the year Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi and Cnm U'Snields Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Williams SPECIAL MEETING SET FOR ADOPTION OF BUDGECORDINANCE It was agreed by common consent to have a Special Meeting on Thursday, June 29, 19713, at 9 UO o'clock a m to adopt the budget ordinance M I MINUTES OF BUDGET METING, JUNE 21, 1y78 ~COivTINUEu) PAGE FIVE n ~. Tn~.n~.~,rr.~r ~~ Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Wright that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi, Wright and Chm O'Shields Absent Comm Williams c:hm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 3 50 o'clock p m Respectfully suvmitted, G~1 t t~c.,c.r I~ Alyce Rusmisell Clerk to the Board r Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Paving }t'HEREAS, at least seventy-five percent of oitiners of property to be assessed, and who represent at least seventy-five percent of all of the lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting on the streets or portions thereof to be improved (to wit a section of Lexington Atienue and ttesley Avenue in the Hillsdale and Dixon Subdivisions) }gave petitioned Neva }ianover County to finance the Iocal share of the costs of improvements to be made under the supervision of the North Carolina Department of Transportation and, }VHEREAS, the Ditiision Engineer, North Carolina Department of Transportation, }'~llmington, \orth Carolina has advised that funds are mailable for the State s participation in this improvement and they ~+111 begin Rork upon receipt of funds from \eie Hanover Count}, Noi,, TI:EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b} the Board of Commissioners of ?v'eh~ Hanover County, \orth Carolina 1 That the above petitions are found to be sufricient In all respects 2 That the proportion of the costs of the improvements to be assessed is approximately 25o but as determined by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, such costs will not exceed $2 00 per linear foot of property owned ~+hi.ch abuts Lexington Avenue and S1 00 per linear foot of property owned which abuts 1'eslev Avenue 3 That it is the intent of the Board of Commissioners to finance the local share of the cost of im;~r.ovements 4 That it is intended that part of Lexington Avenue (SR 1800) beti,een Pine Clay Road (SR 1803) and Charter Drive (SR 1478) and that 1?art of ','esle} 4~em~e (SR 1478} beta,een Charter Drive •` ~a ~~ ~' and }lillsdale Avenue which are presently sand clay surfaced roads be paved by the North Carolina Department of Trans- portation 5 That the assessments herein provided for shall be payable in cash or if any property o~.~ner shall so elect and give notice to that fact to the Vew Hanover County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 153A, Article 9, of the General Statutes of 'Forth Carolina, he shall have the option and privilege of paying the assessment in five equal annual installments, said installments to bear interest at the rate of S% per annum 6 That a public hearing on all matters covered b} this resolu- tion shall be held on the 4th day o~ December ..~ , 1978, at the Commissioners Dieeti_nb }loom,.\ew Hanover County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street, }'~ilmington, North Carolina T}iis the 6th da} of November 1975 - 2 - t GEORGE F COOPER County Finance Officer MEr~oRANDUM a f y~ w G~~~. i~ ~ ~~/3~7 ~ 4~~"-~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 (919) 343-0286 TO Dan Eller FROM Felix Cooper._~° ~- ~-~ ~ j DATE Noverflb er 2 , 19 7 8 Subject CETA budget amendments The following amendments reflect Federal Grant money which has not been previously budgeted The original purpose of these funds was to allow the county to operate the CETA programs through 10/31/78 Due to attrition, etc , there are excess funds, which allows us to extend operation of both programs CETA II can operate through November 8th without additional funds and CETA VI can operate through November 13th without additional funds CETA VI project (Highway) can operate through rovember 15th without any additional funds Please request the Commissioners to approve the following amendments which allocate these new funds to the appropriate line item CETA II Revenues DR 11 350 29 Federal Grants CETA II Participants $28,190 DR 11 350 30 Federal Grants CETA II Administration 1,747 Expenditures Administration CR 11 b72 02 Salaries and Wages 27,167 CR 11 672 05 FICA 1,644 CR 11 672 06 Group Insurance 2,199 DR 11 672 54 Insurance and Bonds 8~2~0~ f ~ • "• MEMORANDUM Page 2 Dan Eller Participants CR 11 673 02 Salaries and Wages CR 11 673 05 FICA CR 11 673 06 Group Insurance CR 11 673 07 Retirement DR 11 673 10 Auto Allowance CETA VI Revenues .~, $ 1,589 97 43 133 115 ) DR 11 350 27 Federal Grant CETA VI Participants $32,251 DR 11 350 28 Federal Grant CETA VI Administration 3,083 Expenditures Participants CR 11 677 02 Salaries and Wages 34,437 CR 11 677 05 FICA 2,062 CR 11 677 06 Group Insurance 1,960 DR 11 677 54 Insurance and Bonds (6,208 ) Administration CR 11 678 02 Salaries and Wages 3,818 CR 11 678 05 FICA 231 CR 11 678 06 Group Insurance 129 CR 11 678 07 Retirement 269 DR 11 678 11 Telephone and Postage (341 ) CR II 678 21 Rent 503 DR 11 678 27 Advertising (571 ) DR 11 678 32 Copying and Duplicating (731 ) CR 11 678 33 Supplies and Materials 225 DR 11 678 54 Insurance and Bonds (449 ~ ) -