2008-06-16 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 2008 PAGE 287 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, June 16, 2008 at 10:34 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Chairman William A. Kopp; District Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner Robert G. Greer; District Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the District Board Sheila L. Schult; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. NON-AGENDA ITEMS District Chairman Kopp announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES District Chairman Kopp called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District regular meeting held on June 2, 2008, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District regular meeting held on June 2, 2008, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONTRACT AWARD TO STATE UTILITY CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR GREENVIEW RANCHES RAW WATER WELL SITES, WELL FIELD AND WATER TREATMENT PLANT CAPITAL PROJECT Interim County Engineer Dennis Ihnat reported that well head construction is a separate project within the capital project that follows well drilling, development and testing. The Board previously approved a contract to expedite construction of the ?above ground? portion, or ?well head? components for wells M, N, and O. Staff is now ready to construct the well heads for the remaining well sites that are included in the Water Treatment Plant and Well Field Capital Project. On June 3, 2008, bids were opened for this work. Three bids were received. WK Dickson has evaluated these bids and recommends awarding the contract to State Utility Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $3,551,020. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the District Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer, to award the contract for Greenview Ranches raw water well sites, well field and water treatment plant capital project to State Utility Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $3,551,020 and authorize the Chairman of the Water and Sewer District to execute the contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN COST OF SEWER LINES IN THE DEER CROSSING AND TARIN WOODS SUBDIVISIONS AND ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2008-128 Interim County Engineer Dennis Ihnat reported that on October 15, 2001, the Board approved a request by developer Wilson Ki for District participation in the cost of installing sewer lines for a proposed development called Deer Crossing in the amount of $88,246.32. For a number of reasons, the project was delayed and the contract for this participation was not executed. Recently, Mr. Ki and Steve Shuttleworth, developer of an adjacent project called Tarin Woods that will share the proposed sewer infrastructure, have requested a revised participation agreement to account for the increase in the cost of materials and construction. The proposed participation agreement includes the same items previously approved by the Board and permitted by DWQ. Under this NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 2008 PAGE 288 agreement, the developers will upsize the required 8-inch gravity sewer line to 12-inch lines, install an 8-inch Force Main for future use by the District, and install 38 taps for future connection of existing residences. Staff has reviewed the proposed charges and has negotiated the agreement with the developers. Funding has been identified from previously approved projects that have been completed under budget and recently closed out King's Grant and Bradley Creek. The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Director of Engineering has been informed of this request and agrees with the District staff recommendation to enter into this agreement. Staff requests the District Board approve participation in the project in the amount of $186,599.21 and adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008-128. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the District Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer, to approve participation in the Deer Crossing and Tarin Woods subdivisions and adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008- 128. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Budget Ordinance Amendment is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in the Water and Sewer Exhibit Book III, Page 29.1 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY Assistant County Attorney Kemp Burpeau reported that the District previously directed the developers of Tall Ships Subdivision to install public sewer within an easement acquired by plat dedication. The developer has finished construction, but Jonathan Costa, a lot owner, has contested the rights acquired through the recorded plat. To address the title issues, the developer has asked the District to use its condemnation powers to acquire what further interest, if any, may be necessary for conveyance of the lines to the District. This process will be passed on to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. Staff requests the District Board adopt the resolution authorizing staff to initiate acquisition of what real property interests, if any, are necessary for conveyance of the line to the District. The condemnation action shall be assigned to the Authority for filing of the Complaint and Notice of Taking. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the District Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to adopt the resolution authorizing staff to initiate acquisition of what real property interests, if any, are necessary for conveyance of the line to the District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in the Water and Sewer Exhibit Book III, Page 29.2. CONTRACT AWARD TO CALDWELL TANKS, INC. FOR ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK AND WATER MAIN FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS NORTHERN REGIONAL CAMPUS CAPITAL PROJECT Interim County Engineer Dennis Ihnat reported that on November 5, 2007 the District Board approved an Interlocal Agreement with the School Board to cooperate in the construction of a new water tower and regional sewer pumping station adjacent to the school site. Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008-07 was adopted by the District Board on March 10, 2008, establishing the funding for the capital project. McKim and Creed compiled the bid tabulation and recommends awarding the contract to Caldwell Tanks, Inc. in the amount of $1,724,700. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 2008 PAGE 289 Staff requests the District Board award the contract to Caldwell Tanks, Inc. in the amount of $1,724,700, and authorize the Chairman of the Water and Sewer District to execute the contract. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the District Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Chairman Kopp, to award the contract to Caldwell Tanks, Inc. in the amount of $1,724,700 for elevated water storage tank and water main for New Hanover County Schools Northern Regional Campus Capital Project. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Finance Director Avril Pinder reported that the following budget ordinance amendments are required to amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008 to close two capital projects and return the funds to the Water and Sewer District Fund Balance. 2008-124 - Water & Sewer Administration/Finance 2008-125 - Water & Sewer Administration/Finance District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the District Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to adopt the budget ordinance amendments to amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the Budget Ordinance Amendments are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in the Water and Sewer Exhibit Book III, Page 29.3. UPDATE ON THE CONSOLIDATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND CITY OF WILMINGTON TO THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that the closing is on schedule for next week for the consolidation of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and City of Wilmington to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. The physical move of employees and offices has been delayed due to the facilities not being ready but staff will be able to continue to work in their current locations. It is not anticipated that the citizens will have any disruption of service. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business, District Chairman Kopp adjourned the meeting at 10:53 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the District Board