1978-01-03 RM ExhibitsN C Department of Natural and Economic Resour ces Attachment F Law and Order Section MODEL LOCAL GOVERNNfENTAL RESOLUTION p 0 Box 27687 (See reverse side for policy statement) Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 herein called the NTHEREAS, the ~10~~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body of Unit of Government) "Applicant has thoroughly considered the problem addressed in th~eduh8gaieviewedctheon entitled Career Guidance. Institute project described in the application, and s" 471-1EREAS, under the terns of Public Law 90-351 as amended, the United States of ~.merica has authorized the Law Enforcement ASSisantseto~assistrlocal~goverrmentseinothe imporovea Lam.: and Order Section to make federal g~ Went of the criminal justice system, NOW TI~REFORE BE IT RESOLGED BY THE _ New Hanover .County Board of Commissioners_ (Governing spay of Unit of Gover:unent) ~ North Carolina, Wilmin on IN ppEN MEETING ~:SSEMBLED IN THE Cig $ F' ~ FOLLOWS THIS 3rd DAY OF Janua~ 1 That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Applicant and the general public. 2 That Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent. be authorized to fi}e, in behalf of (Name and Title of Representative) the Applicant, an application in the form prescribedtoybehmade tonth~ Applicantotofor a subgrant in the amount of $47.414 (federal dollar request) assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the application This individual shall act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in conne r tion with all aspects of the application process 3 That if the subgrant is made, the Applicant shall provide or make arrangements to pravide, a local cash matching contribution in the anount of $2,634 as (local cash match) required by the most current guidelines 4 That to the full extent the law allows, the applicant agrees that upon submission of an application for this subgrant, the applicant intends to continue the program at its own expense and to appropriate funds therefore subject only to budgetary limitations should the program be useful, effective and pertinent 5 That applicant understands that approval of the subgrant application in no way implies or commits the United States of America, the Law Enforcement Administra- tion or the Law and Order Section to approve any application for continuation funding or to provide any continuation funding whatsoever, rather, applicant understands that continuation funding will probably not be available and applica- tions therefore will only be considered, if at all, under only unusual circum- stan ces E Tnat the Froject Director designated in the application form shall furnish or m e arrangE.:.en's for other appropriate persons for furnish such information, data, documents and reports pertaining to the project, if approved, as may be required by the Law and Order Section 7 That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application referenced above 8 This resolution having been read aloud in its entirety at the meeting above mentioned, shall be effective upon its adoption and shall be recorded in its entirety in the minutes of New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body of unit of Government) I the un~ersigned (Clerk) (~~~X of New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body of Unit of Government) do hereby certify the foregoing is an exact copy of a onstheti3rdeadaa oof January 1978bas the *~ ~ H^nover Cot~nty Road of Commissioners y (Governing Body of Unit of Govenment) by law provided L:x%~4c~ ~ ~ - (Clerlf'S ~B~E~s3~%:~~~ of ~Sxoc~~i~dxxPt~c ~~~~ anover County Board of Commissioners ~o ~.. WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER PORT WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION P O. Box 330 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 (919) 762 2611 October 14, 1877 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Water Resources Planning Section P o. Box 27637 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Re North Carolina Water Resources Framework Study Gentlemen The Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway and Beach Commission has revie~,red the referenced study as requested in Mr John D Wray's August 15, 1977 memorandum We commend. the study a.nd report as an essential step in establishing a viable water resources development program and priorities for the State of North Carolina. Qur review comments axe contained in the attached evaluation survey and in the following paragraphs The Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway and Beach Commission is an agency established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council to foster and support water resources development projects in our region Consequently, our comments are confined to specific projects that affect our area, even though some of them axe geographically removed from New Hanover County After careful review of ongoing water resource project studies and proposed improvements to existing projects, the Commission desires to express strong support for the following projects vital to the economy and the interests of the citizens of this area 1 Wilmington Harbor - Northeast Cape Fear River This project is absolutely essential to the continued growth and development of the Port of Wilmington We support the Corps of Engineers' study which is nearing completion, which recommends widening and deepening of certain portions of the authorized exist- ing navigation channel This includes extension of the navigation channel This includes extension of the navigation channel up the Northeast Cape Fear River with increased depths, and associated environmental Preservation attributes Further comments will be offered when the final report is completed and submitted. for review WILMINGTON -NEW HANOVER PORT WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION P O. Box 330 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 (9l9) 762-2611 2 Carolina Beach Inlet The Commission supports stabilization and/or other improvements to Carolina Beach Inlet to support commercial and sports fishing vessel use of that inlet for safe access to the southern part of New Hanover County 3 Wrightsville Beach The Commission supports the authorized study to extend the beach erosion control and hurricane protection project north of its present limits to include newly developed areas at the north end of Wrightsville Beach, (Shell Island) 4 Masonboro Inlet - South Jetty The Commission strongly supports construction of the south jetty at Masonboro inlet which is presently under disign We also support prospective plans for use of sand. excavated from the navigation channel at Masonboro Inlet to renourish the berm and dune project at Wrightsville Beach 5 Fort Fisher The Commission supports the Fort Fisher beach erosion control and hurricane protection project presently under design for the Fort Fisher Historical Site 6 Maintenance of Completed Project The Commission supports continued periodic maintenance by dredging of the following authorized and existing navigational projects a Wilmington Harbor b Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and connecting channels c. Cape Fear River above Wilmington 7 Hurricane Protection and Beach Erosion Control The Commission supports continued maintenance of the existing hurricane protection and beach erosion control projects a.s follows a Wrightsville Beach b Carolina Beach WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER PORT WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION P O. Box 330 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 (919) 762 26l t It may be seen from the above that the Commission and the citizens of this area are vitally concerned with the restoration and preservation of our beach areas These are absolutely essential to the recreational needs of the people of our area and. to the entire state of North Carolina They are also a vital ingredient to the growing tourist industry which, to a large degree, depends on these beach areas for its attraction In this regard, the Commission desires to point out what we consider to be the serious shortcoming in the North Carolina. Water Resources Framework Study This is the omission of indentification and consideration of beach erosion control and hurricane protection projects as an essential part of the water resource assets of the state We strongly recommend that this omission be recognized and that the framework study be revised to adress this important water resource asset Thank you for the opportunity to submit our comments related to the Framework study We would be most happy to have a representative of the Water Resources Planning Branch meet with us at some time in the near future to discuss water resource programs that are of vital concern to the citizens of this region and all the people of North Carolina. Sincerely yours, J Van B Metts, Chairman JVBM/d lp encl 1973 Priority Evaluation ~~~...:KE.,. ~ . i > e e ~ t I 1 ._1739 ~ NORTH CAROLINA .• eox Isio ssa°~ December 21, 1977 ~ _ C` _ ~ ~ f~ << DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CITY ACCOUNTANT Mr Dan Eller, County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N C 28401 Re Sales Approval of Surplus Property Dear Mr Eller Attached please find a list of bids received on City/County owned property for sale Recommended sales are as shown Policy has been to recommend the sale of parcels wherein the bid is at Least 20% of the tax valuation, with a reasonable square foot price on the first advertisement, with the second advertisement, this percentage falls to 15% and on the third to 10% An update on the program is enclosed for Comzn~ission reva~ew Please place this item on the next scheduled County Commissioner's Meeting Sincerely, /~~~~ ti~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Artis R Bryant ( ~/ Property Mangement Specialist ARB/wph a 1 ~ H I .-] ~ L-1 O O ~ 1 6 ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~O O O O N a ~I Q~ r-I r II 1 ~D r-1 N O O r-I o ~ i rn O ~ rn ~n ao .-1 I '~ O~ N ~D r-i ~7 .--I 00 u'1 n ~D O t~ N ~O M ~O r-I ~7 r-i O n N t~ OO c'1 N v1 NI O n n O N V'1 M O~ ~O vl d ~!1 t~ O~ N 7 rl Q~ O ~ vl N c`"1 M ~Y Q~ <'''1 ~t O ~-~I r-I O O O O OI HI SDI OHI OI NI r~ ~ ~ 1 H H ` ~ H H ~ ~ ~ ro H U •L v d b 4 6 •~+ a v v x ~ H U ~- O O C 0 o c O O C O n I O C O C o c 0o a ~ ~ r"I C O ~C ~ r C u'1 C n ~ .x v v ~ v ti-+ ~+ G > 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ro >-+ ~+ ~+ A v v }-~ p ~ ~ ~ P.~. C4 O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O 7 O O ~l rl O r--i C+l .7 rl O O O O 0 0 ~ ~ ~ rn ~O M u'1 '--I ~O ?C ~ ~ M C"l c~'1 M 3 ro ~ a ~ ,L •rl •rl p=7 ~ ~ ~ ~ a x x a 3 W w ~ 1 G O m a .n O ro y v z i ~ (~ °m v b G N x •r-I h~ ~ n co ~o r~ r-+ ~ ~ O ~p rl O s ~ ~1 u'1 O H ~ ~ rl H O~ tf1 ~+'1 ~T ~D O V1 M O~ O e-1 C'~'1 O O •--I I~ t~ N N O~ ~O O N O N HI 1I al HI a~ ,I , I H 0 0 i s~ v O x ° ~ ~ a o ~ •ri •rl ~.' •r~ •r-I ~ ~ ~ N ~ v v >-, v v x x a, x x .~ b 'b O b b W W c~ W W N >~ 0 0 a~ v O O O O O N O O O O O O O O' 0 0 . o o ~ o 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0~. O O O O ~7 O C ~1 O C) O O O' O O ~!'1 O ~ O O r-i N r--I rl C'l ~ M r-i r~ r-1 l O O O O O O O O O O C C O O O O O O O O rn ~ c~ ~ rn ~ ~ rl r-I ~ ~o ~ .o ~ ~ .o co o .o ~ ~ ri rl N N rl r~ 1J 4-I Q~ I~ d> cA O~ N ~D o0 ul V1 O ~ K c'> >C 5C rn vl v1 ~ N ~ ~ 5C N 5C >C X X c+1 ~7 N c+1 r-1 ~O c+1 e~1 M M M t~ Op N ~7 t!1 M cal C`l M ~ ~ ~ JJ 1J 1J 1J ~J 1J TJ l~ V] (!J C/1 (/] fA Cn Cn O t/1 O 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W .C .+ N 1J A U A ~..~ +..+ C rl E +..+ i~ .~ cn oo ao z ~ ~ co cn ro ~ ~+ cn ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ 3 o z v U i a v~ a ~ z v cn rl ~ +.~ p O •~ a0 H co .o a+ ~ cn s U x ~ o ~n m o ao o m o m o r-I ~] •rl ro U1 O O _ O O ~7' ro O r-1 O N ~ ~ rn is .1 .--I -k ~-~I O ~ N iC r-1 rl iC -K ~7 N M ri r-I I I I I I I l I I I I ~ ~ U~ cW -K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ C .b N ri ~+ N CORRELLARY RE-COUP NUMBER TAX ~1AP NUMBER ADDRESS B-29 48-09-19-01 Nixon Street B_1 48-09-36-01 Davis & Cowan Sts C-11 48-10-05-06 1508 Wynnwood St E-31 48-13-18-15 605 N 8th St I_g 48-18-19-09 5 N 12th St D-3 49-09-05-02 530 Manley Avenue G-4 49-13-08104 Mosley St X-3 50-14-12-10 Hillsdale Avenue X_2 50-17-03-26 Hillsdale Avenue J-1 54-05-22--20 So 6th St K-5 54-06-18-01 1008 Orange St K-21 54-06-18--03 208 S 11th St K-19 54-06-31-03 1406 Norman St M-3 54-09-15-25 Castle St - 54-10-03-04 1007 Castle St N-10 54-10--05-20 914 Starkey's Alley N-19 54-10-15-12 Wooster St N-22 54-10=22--22 1020 Wooster St N-28 54-1030-.-27 101618 Dawson St 0-14 54-13-0920 1004 S 8th St 0-16 54-13-24-19 1214 S 8th St p_4 54-14-12-09 S 9th St RE-COUP PROGRAM 12/20/77 1 Parcels Sold 126 Sales Price (Includes forfeited deposits totaling $205 00) $97,793 53 Tax Value 177,300 00 2 Parcels submitted for Approval this Report 22 Amount of Bids $ 7,495 12 3 Parcels to be Advertised for Upset Bids 7 Bids to date $ 2,714 00 4 Parcels Held Dormant 2 (Unclear Deed or Resale to Prior Owner) Bids to date $ 993 61 5 Parcels with no bids 129 6 Additions to Workload ~0- 7 Total in Workload 286 8 Parcels removed for future Public Use 43 9 Net Workload 243