1977-05-16 RM Exhibits PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE STRENGTHENING AND IMPROVING OF RUNWAY 5-23, NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County WHEREAS, 1 New Hanover County (County) is engaged in construction work consisting of strengthening and improving existing runway 5-23, New Hanover County Airport which capital project is financed by State Grant Funds, Federal Grant Funds, and Funds from the County 2 County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-13 2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT 1 This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~ 159-13 2 2 The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the strengthening and improvement of runway 5-23 New Hanover County Airport, property of New Hanover County which project is herewith authorized 3 The revenues that will finance said project are Federal Grant Funds $1,101,132 State of N C Grant Funds 61,174 County Funds 61,174 Refund-State & County Sales Tax 20,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,243,480 4 The following appropriations necessary for the project, are herewith made from the revenues listed above Preliminary Engineering Costs $ 8,670 00 Engineering Costs 38,634 00 Resident Inspection 12,000 00 Construction Testing 15,000 00 Paving Contract 1,016,835 00 Lighting Contract 32,341 00 Contingencies 100,000 00 State and County Sales Tax 20,000 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,243,480 00 5 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices of New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners ~..:w r Adopted this; ~ day of ~ ~,~ y~ 1977 ART~C1 ~ V i t Sec 3 Reduction in Force For reasons of curtailment of work or lack of funds, the County Manager (or in the case of the following departments the Sheriff, the Register of Deeds, the Director of Social Services, or the Public Health Director, the respective department hmd) may separate employees Retention of employees in classes affected shall be based on systematic consideration of type of appointment, length of service, and relative efficiency No permanent employee shall be separated while there are emergency, intermittent, temporary, provisional, or trainee employees serving in the same class in the department, unless the permanent employee is not willing to transfer to the position held by the non-status employee An employee in permanent, temporary, probationary, or trainee status who is separated in accordance with these provisions may retain his status upon separation for one year from the date of separation If suitable employment becomes available during this period, the employee may be reinstated at the request of the Department Head A permanent employee who is separated due to a reduction in force shall have the right of appeal as set forth in Article VII, Grievance Procedure, of this policy, for a review to assure that systematic procedures were applied equally and fairly AR-lv~~ ~ ~ 7 ~ Sc-c '_ instatement A permanent employee who resigned in good standing or was separated under a reduction of force shall be eligible for consideration for reinstatement within a specified time period based on length of continuous service If the continuous period of service'•was less than three years, the employee shall be eligible for consideration for reinstatement within the three years following the date of separation, if the continuous period of service was three years or longer, the time for eligibility for reinstatement is unlimited When periods of leave without pay are granted, the time before and after such leave is considered continuous service Before being reinstated an individual must meet the current minimum qualifi- cations for the class to which he/she is being appointed The new status of the employee who is reinstated may be permanent, temporary, or intermittent depending on the nature of the position An employee who enters extended active duty with the Armed Services of the United States, the Public Health Service, or with a Reserve component of the Armed Services is eligible for reinstatement to the same position or one of like status, seniority,and pay An employee who is reinstated will be credited with previously accrued sick leave The employee may receive any salary increases which he might have received had the employee remained in the position, subject to the avail- ability of funds and the limit placed by the maximum of his salary range If during military service, an employee is disabled to the extent that the employee cannot perform the duties of the original position, the employee shall be reinstated to a position with duties commensurate with the disability, if any such position is available 9' 1•~ RECOUP PROGRAM 1 Number of Parcels sold Sales Price Tax Valuation 2 Number of Parcels for approval submitted with this report Amount of Bids 3 Number of Parcels advertised for upset bids Amount of Bids to date 1 « 4 Number of Parcels on which no bids have been received 5 Number of new parcels added to workload 6 Total number of parcels in workload 7 Number of parcels removed from workload by City or County for future public use 8 Net workload of parcels in Recoup Program EXPENSES (Estimated to date) Personnel (charged to Recoup Project) Community Development Commission C E T A Wilmington Redevelopment Commission Advertising - includes signs Misc - Phone, auto, office supplies and copying Total Expenses 115 $ 55,941 57 130,809 00 12 $ 43,664 00 26 $ 8,797 46 98 3 288 37 251 $ 1,275 00 9,185 00 None 1,900 00 $ 12,685 00 May 10, 1977 n r-1 ,-+ t\ O O M O r--1 .-+ M O N N ai .~, .~, a a rn ~ N 1~ rn O rn rn M N t!Y tn- I M O ~O I~ O N ~ ~ ~ N O O .-t fl M rl N ~O I~ M M 111 O N M N ~I r-1 '--I N O O x -I r U O O G ctf Sa v] ~ O 3 ~ v ~C v b N V .--I ,--1 •rl C.7 ~ ~ ~ G N U e,' ~ O •r-I f". O ,-~ •rl r-I rl !A CA ~'+ ° 3 x ~ ~ a 0 0 0 ~ o O O O N O O ~' N Ol 111 n t\ O ~ ~' r--1 N ~l r--1 N t/T O O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ O ~ n O M N V1 N N rl O u'1 to u'1 N 111 ~O to ul M r-I r-I r-I r-1 r-I X ?C k k 5C O ~ ~O N O O ~D ~O M ~ r-1 r-1 t~ +~ ~ v] m Q .C .G m fs-1 .u .u O Q .u ~ ~ Sa N cn ~-+ r--1 U D .~ 3-1 J-1 C!] V] Q1 o Q ~ x x x ( ~ P4 4J ~ P~ p0 a-1 P~ RS ~ O O O G O *-1 r--1 O U .-1 r-1 r1 ~t ~t r1 ~ N M N 1 I 1 1 t ~ o o' w M O O M O M ~I{ .~ S-1 G U x x ~ ~ t-1 7 4-~ .-a Q a ~ 0 0 00 0 0 O O 00 O r-1 .--I '--I O O ~ ~t M ~O I~ N ~ vl M lf1 ~-I rl >C ~ >C M M M M M M 41 .-t d +-' U] J-I m v] N '--1 Q1 J~-1 h ,~ M r-I .I.-1 cti Cn U Zi C7~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~f1 M ~t r1 N N I I 1 ~ w w b ~i b G N ~t M ~ ao ~ u'1 rl r--I I.f1 O O O ~ ~ rn '--I I~ M ~-+ O O ii N ~ N Z-I Ul ~ ~..' c[S m 3-+ N ~ ~ ~-+' 11"7 P-+' 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 111 O r-1 ~-I N O O O v 1~ M r ~ 001 N v ,b G. N N r-d n r-I 111 111 k 5C>C 5C i .u ~ ~ N G ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ q O ~ N r--I O O V ~--~ r1 r-7 N 00 M N N 1 1 1 I w z z t` n ~ I r-1 i O II I ' ~~~i ~a~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE JR Appraisal Supervisor ~~~~~ 320 Chestnut St ~,Annber ,,,~ Ir~~, ~tlmtngtott, .~ c~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru April 30, 1977 ~~~~ 763-0991 1976 1975 Regular Scroll Charges $ 9,887,734 29 $ 8,125,391 15 Discover>_es Added 1,635,979 81 1,218,215 26 11,523,714 10 9,343,606 41 Less Abatements - 79,436 58 - 287,715 26 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co 11,444,277 52 9,055,891 15 Total Collected - 11,044,019 33 - 8,655,569 40 Outstand>ng Balance $ 400,258 19 $ 400,321 75 Percentage Collected 96 5% 95 6% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 466,470 92 $ 332,356 19 Less Abatements - 11,975 71 - 3,646 26 Total Collect>ons to Date - 199,720 32 - 110,689 82 Outstanding Balance $ 254,774 89 $ 218,020 11 Percentage Collected 43 94% 33 7% Personal Property Taxes $ 328,845 80 $ 343,874 95 Less Abatements - 12,700 40 - 8,885 54 Collections to Date - 30,813 87 - 37,303 79 Outstanding Balance $ 285,331 53 $ 297,685 62 Percentage Collected 9 75 11 1% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date, $17,737,927 77 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 Respectfully submitted, 1, Janie B Straughn %J Collector of Revenue ~O~ ~~ MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue JBS/pbc MEMORANDUM May 12, 1977 To Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners /~ From Larry J Powe 11 ~~~, f ~ Tax Administrator i' Subject Abatements and Refunds ~_,.. Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the Clty or Town limits, or the personal property is located within the County 1 Robert J Lehrschall, Jr $ 2 61 (1975) 2 James S Jenkins 15 17 (1970 & 71) 3 Jerald W Davis 99 37 4 Larry P Beckham 39 85 Request the following taxes be released as they are clerical and appraisal errors 1 Walter J Gore 2 Norwood T Blanton $ 148 87 19 91 Request the following taxes be released as they arse double charged 1 E C Lewis Estate $ 129 92 2 Cicero Craig 54 00 3 Trustee Church of Christ 67 28 4 M T Piver 39 82 5 Mary A Moore 37 82 6 Ledger Meyer 6 76 7 Joe D Yates 33 60 8 Lewis Graham 23 20 9 Annie Cooper 37 41 10 Hrs H C Grubb 37 82 (1975) (1975) (1975) (1967 thru 1974) (1967 thru 1974) (1967 thru 1969) (1975) (1967 thru 1974) Request the 1976 taxes paid by Janice Burroughs be refunded In the amount of $57 41 as taxpayer listed w1th New Hanover County In error Request 'the 1976 taxes charged to Salvation Army in the amount of $361 29 be released as this is exempt property Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners meeting of May 16, 1977 LJP/pbc Copy Ms Alyce Brown Mr Joseph Taylor * _ ~. ~ u RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION I~t~R TRANSFER OF SURPLUS PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NEW H11Nt~VER COUNTY AIRPORT FROM GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION TO NI'W HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, certain properties loc;-ted at the New Hanover County Airport have been surpluscc~ to the General Services Administration for disposition. WHEREAS, New Hanover County is tt-e owner and operator of the New Hanover County Airport (formerly Blue- thenthal Field); WHEREAS, The Board of Commissic-r~~ rs, New Hanover County realizes that the acquisition of il~~~ property is critical for the proper maintenance and c~}~~ration of the New Hanover County Airport; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ltY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NOR'1'11 CAROLINA: (1) That an application be ma~ic~ to the General Services Administration for transfer of tt~~ surplus property located at the New Hanover County Airport.. (2) That the Chairman of the lto:~rd of Commissioners be authorized and directed to file such replication on behalf of New Hanover County, to provide a~tditional informa- tion, to furnish such documents as may bc~ required by the General Services Administration, to act n the authorized correspondent of New Hanover County and tro accept delivery of all formal instruments of transfer. (3) That the General Services administration be, and hereby is assured that the applicant (transferee) New Hanover County agrees to be found bound ley all the terms, reservations, restrictions and condition;; of transfer as set forth in the application. Motion for thc~ foregoing resolution was made by comm. Ellen c. Williams acid seconded by Comm. Georae E. Alper Read, approved and adopted, this 16th day of May 1977. ~~~ fr Claud O' S1~ ells,/ chairman