1977-06-20 RM Exhibits/ ~ i NEVI HANOVER COUNI'lC ~.ority S.R. giber Number Local Name Length Remarks c d > :;_ r ~' e. ,'; L 1351 Railroad Road 0.8 R~fi trouble 1610 Second Avenue 0.35 50' R~i gcquired & stabilized W.O. 6.252076 (1970) 3 1330 Oakley Circle 0.45 60' R~W acquired & stabilized W.O. 6.252063 (1971) 1519 Piper Rr~ad 0.3 R~x trouble x.0. 6.252061 (1966) ~ 1328 White Read 0.35 60' dedicated R~W 21' ®2n ABC x. o. 6.z52o9e ~ 1336 Sidberry Road 4.1 T 1518 Whipperwill Road 0.35 60' dedicated R~x 3 1333 Hermitage Road 0.6 ~ 1406 Turner Nursery Road 0.16 RfW trouble x.0. 6.252061 (1966) 1827 Rogers Avenue 0.32 10' ~ 30• dedicated R~i' L 1186 Titanium Road 1.3 60' R~i acquired ~ stabilized. 0.6 mi. inside Wilmington city limits ? 1513 Police Road 1.0 R~1 trouble 3 1.1+13 Allen's Lane 0.35 ~ 133.4 Sunday Road 0.4 R~i1 trouble x.0. 6.2520049 (1966) 1516 Whiskey Creek Loop Road 1.5 60' R,/~i acquired d~ stabilized x. a 6.252066 (1967) o. b mi., set up to be paved ~ 1J.~90 Dunbar Road O.k - 60* R~`fi acquired do stabilized x.0. 6.252063 (1966) 21' O 2" ABC ~ 2027 Grandie Road 0.25 60' R,/x acquired k stab. 21' O 2" ABC 3 1392 Kennedy Road 0.25 60' R,/x acquired k stabilized x.0. 6.252076 (1969) ~ 1413 Allen's Lane 0.25 1349 Belt Road 0.3 60' R/~i acquired de stabilized x.0. 6.z52o66 (1968) 1822 Beside Eastwood Road 0.18 Can R,/td of V5 74 ' 1471 NkC~ber Station Road 0.25 ,ew Ha_-~cver COi.u `, (Ccnt'd) rriority Number 23 21~ S. R. Number Local Name Length 1232 Signan Road 0.28 Remarkv 60' R~W acquired W.O. 6.25209 0.2 mi. inside Wilmington city limits Last 0.15 ~. stab. ~ 60' R~i~ acquired w. o. b.z52o97 11E07 Darden Road 0.3 25 1.1+08 Prospect Cemetery Road 0.3 2b 13g5 Sampson Street 0.43 27 123 Martin Str et 0.08 28 1224 Primrose Street 0.08 SUBDIV ISIOIIS 1 1533 Lewis Drive 0.4 1178 Charter Road 0.8 2021 Gladiolus & Sassanqua Rd. 0.5 1. 11+89 Hess Street 0.22 1803 Pine Clay Road 0.22 E L,.88 Lancaster Street 0.1 7 2002 Wood Haven Drive 0.2 8 1800 Lexington Drive 0.08 9 1672 to Ocean Heights S.D.~ Hiram 0.38 1675 St.~ Hlanche Ave. nton Avenues & Glenn Avenue 0 1670 Victory Gardens Drive 0.25 1 1839 Rainbow Drive 0.18 -~ 1373 Yorktown Road 0.4 1801 Nash Drive 0.07 k 1802 Wesley Drive O.ll~ 5 ~ X01 Wood Haven Drive 0.2 70' R~W recorded MB 5, Pg 113 24' stab. 2" CABC (1968) Dedicated R`W~ inside WiLnir~*ton C.L. Dedicated R~W, inside Wilmington C.L. 60' R/`W recorded MB 6, Pg 63 21' e 2" CABC W.O. 6.252115 (1976) 60' dedicated R~1 H.i11s Dale Subdivisio: 60' recorded R~1 MB 6, Pg 86 0.3 mil stabilized 4^ ABC 60' dedicated R`W MB 6, Pg 52 60' dedicated R~Ww Stab.W.0.6.252076(197C 60• dedicated R~W 60' dedicated R~W MB 6, Pg 101 60' dedicated R~W~ Stab.W.0.6.252076(1970) 60' dedicated Rid MB 5, Pg 53 W.O. 6.25211b, Old Subdivision 60' dedicated R~W MB 4, Pg 30 W.O. 6.252117 Old Subdivision 50* dedicated R~W MB ].1+, Pg 45 W.O. 6.252L1 (1976) Old Subdivision 32' tops 21' CABC 60' dedicated R/W MB 5, Pg 1,20 60' dedicated R~W stabilized W.O. 6.252076 (1970) b0' dedicated R~W stabilized W.O. 6.252076 (1970) 60' dedicated R~W trID 6, Pg 101 New 7anc ~ r Court (wont' d 'riorit~~ S. R. ?L,~ber ?dumber Local flame 1b07 Masters Lane 7 20b5 Wood Haver_ Drive Length Remarl~ 0.1 60' R`W acquired, 31;' top, 2l'® 2" CABC 0.2 60' recorded p~W 195, M~ b, Pg 101 NE~1 HANOVER COUNTY SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1977-79 1. Apache Trail (Non-System) -dig out, patch, overlay, drain $ 7500• (Old Subdivision) 2. Zaurel Drive - clig out, patch, overlay, drain 5,000• (Old Subdivision) 3. SR 1610 - 7" ABC, 12" I-2 pavement, shoulders, erosion control 0.35 mi. 18,000• 1~. SR 1330 - 7" ABC, 12" I-2 pavement, shoulders, erosion control 0.1+5 mi. 20,000 • • 5. SR 1328 - 5" ABC, 12" I-2 pavement, shoulders, seeding, erosion control 0.35 mi. 12,000 "• • TO BE FUNDED FROM 1977-78 ALLOCATION '• TO BE FUNDED FROM 1978-79 ALLOCATION J ~ ~~ - _ ---- MEMORANDUll4 June 14, 1977 To Mr Dan Eller County Manager New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From Larry J Powell ~ Tax Administrator Subject Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 C E Crowell 2 John D Midgett $371 42 (1975) 4 49 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Jack H Glazier $ 83 67 2 Annie Watson 37 41 (1975) 3 C L Holliday 285 41 (Refund) 4 Curley Mae Williams 224 98 (1974) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the City or Town limits, or the personal property is located within the County 1 Margaret B Gray 2 William H Sanderson $ 13 52 (7.975 & 1976) 28 98 (1975) Request the taxes charged to William Chadwick, Trustee for Seaside Chapel, in the amount of $825 80 be released as this is exempt property Request the following cost and interest be released The principal tax on these accounts was released by the Board at their meeting on May 16, 1977, however, with the change in the bookkeeping system on May 10th, the request for the release of cost and interest was not in- cluded in the abatements on May 16, 1977 Therefore, we need approval at this time to release these charges 1 Trustee Church of Christ $ 5 36 (1975) 2 Cicero Craig 4 69 (1975) 3 Hrs H C Grubb 17 54 (1967 - 1974) 4 Est E C Lewis 8 50 (1975) 5 Ledger Meyer 6 35 (1967 - 1969) 6 Mary A Moore 17 62 (1967 - 1974) 7 M T Piver 17 68 (1967 - 1974) Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners June 14, 1977 Page 2 Request $E2 be transferred from 11-450-21, Building Rent, to 11-450-60, Tax Refunds This transfer is necessary to issue refunds requested above The present balance in this account is X228 42 Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners` meeting of June 20, 1977 LJP/pbc Copy Ms Alyce Brown Mr James C Fox ~a`~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE, JR Appraisal Supervisor ~iAnOber ~~ 320 Chestnut St ~~~~~~ ~t[rrtmgtott, ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru May 31, 1977 1976 Regular Scroll Charges $ 9,887,734 29 Discoveries Added 1,635,979 81 $11,523,714 10 Less Abatements - ?9,782 78 Total Taxes Due New Hanover County $11,443,931 32 Total Collected -11,103,804 35 Outstanding Balance $ 340,126 97 Percentage Collected 97% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 466,470 92 Less Abatements - 12,250 57 Total Collections to Date - 218,439 35 Outstanding Balance $ 235,781 00 Percentage Collected 48% Personal Property Taxes $ 328,845 80 Less Abatements - 12,700 40 Collections to Date - 33,341 61 Outstanding Balance $ 282,803 79 Percentage Collected 10 55% MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-0991 1975 $8,125,391 15 1,232,983 34 $9,358,374 49 - 291,499 63 $9,066,874 86 -8,696,896 39 $ 369,978 47 95 9% $ 332,356 19 - 3,930 38 - 124,069 75 $ 204,356 06 37 8% $ 343,874 95 - 8,910 62 - 40,637 06 $ 294,327 27 12 2°~ Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date, $17,950,983 64 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 Respectfully submitted, t ~1`al~_~ait° iY ~.~ J nie B traughn llector of Revenue~~ t~ ,~ 4 ~ ,. ~ ~ ~-~ ~QO 4~ JBS/pbc ~ ~ O h. hl ~ u'1 Z. w? ~ ~' 00~ h ~D 1 v t11 f p, n u I Y F H H ~ Pf ; ;~,+._~,Y «~' ~'w'f M'1 ri~ tLA C71 . r-1 ,;M~7, Cp tV ~., . . ~ a ' ~ C , n ' i~l ta'1 'rte,. r4, ~ C'7 tr'~ C~1 O N h N N N Cr1 r1 ~ ~ O f*1 '~" I ~ k C W A A H W d1 O N b ~rl C7 b a 0 a A H ~ W ~.., IJ") z 0 H 4: ~ O ~ ~~ .J W N H x h ~~ O O r-1 .. !I ~~ I} O O O cY1 I i O1 ~ •~r~fY~ x N i III ~ G b ~ W '. i-~ .~~ ~ N r i .~ ~+ a ;~ ~ v~ y ~ ~ ~ U i ~ ~ r-1 ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ I`~ r1 r-i r-~ 4V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rl rl ~ x M can ~~i 1.U ', I x' OI If1 ., W O v'1 v '1 O N ri t!') N N O nc> h ~--1 x M c+1 O ON rn O O O ttl N ~ O ~ ~. r-1 r-1 ~'-~ x x x tr1 ~D c*~ c+1 ~o t+1 O .-a '-+ CU L Q t~ N r-. ~' }r1 U A U o .O ~ . u ~ O ~ ~ I , o cI 0 ~ :~ ! 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