1977-06-27 SpM Exhibits~y NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1977-1978 BUDGET ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, N C , in special session assembled Section 1 The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, according to the following summary and schedules Estimated Fund Balance Total SUMMARY Revenues Appropriated Appropriations General Fund $ 17,261,094 $ 232,464 $ 17,493,558 Non-Tax Fund 5,000 342,000 347,000 Court of Justice Fund 60,810 -0- 60,810 Debt Service Fund 2,733,000 20,000 2,753,000 Airport Operating Fund 1,400,678 -0- 1,400,678 Public Assistance Fund 5,574,144 -0- 5,574,144 Public Health Fund 1,164,995 103,000 1,267,995 Mental Health Fund 272,551 (9,000) 263,551 School Pension Fund 292,994 -0- 292,994 Public Schools 6,652,893 -0- 6,652,893 Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund 278,937 -0- 278,937 Revenue Sharing Fund 1,116,062 -0- 1,116,062 Cape Fear Technical Insti- tute Construction Fund -0- 70,000 70,000 Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund -0- 37,053 37,053 Water and Sewer Fund 121,348 56,435 177,783 Reappraisal Reserve Fund -0- 68,548 68,548 Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund 39,000 36,000 75,000 General Capital Reserve Fund 105,000 100,000 205,000 Total Budget $ 37,078,506 $ 1,056,500 $ 38,135,006 Section 2 That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following Code Department Appropriation 11 410 Governing Body $ 79,152 11 420 Administration 71,931 11 430 Elections 91,009 11 440 Finance 109,337 11 445 Contingencies 218,615 11 450 Tax Listing and Collection 447,716 11 470 Legal 46,300 11 480 Register of Deeds 198,583 11 490 Planning and Zoning 102,710 11 510 Sheriff - Operating 1,303,027 11 512 Sheriff - Crime Prevention 14,600 11 513 Sheriff - Juvenile Unit 26,408 11 514 Sheriff - ABC Law Enforcement 72,257 11 520 Sheriff - Jail 252,803 11 522 Juvenile Services 172,246 11 525 Civil Preparedness 15,726 11 535 Buildings and Grounds 312,158 11 540 Inspections 342,835 11 555 Garage 114,434 11 600 Coroner 21,377 it 615 Agriculture and Economics 62,131 -1- Code Department Appropriation 11 620 Recreation $ 164,726 11 625 Museum 97,784 11 630 Library 315 526 11 660 Non-Departmental 615,870 11 663 Transfers to Other Funds 4,898,350 11 664 Contributions to Other Agencies 7,111,658 11 670 CETA II (New Contract) - Participants 73,956 11 671 CETA II (New Contract) - Administration 3,069 11 675 CETA VI (New Contract) - Participants 128,621 11 676 CETA VI (New Contract) - Administration 8,643 Total Appropriations - General Fund $ 17,493,558 Section 3 It is estimated that the following General Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing General Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount 11 301 00 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1977 $ 12,049,420 11 301 O1 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1976 129,852 11 301 02 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1975 3,000 11 301 03 Taxes - Ad Valorem - Prior 44,000 11 317 00 Tax Penalties and Interest 60,000 11 318 00 Tax Advertising Fee 2,600 11 325 00 Privilege Licenses 21,800 11 329 00 Interest on Investments 126,000 11 331 00 Rents and Concessions 33,000 11 335 00 Miscellaneous Revenues 50,000 11 335 O1 Library Fines 8,000 11 336 00 Assessments - Other Governments 94,000 11 339 00 Intangibles Tax 415,127 11 341 00 Wine and Beer Tax 118,585 11 342 00 Register of Deeds Fees 190,000 11 345 00 Local Sales Tax 2,311,420 11 347 00 ABC Revenue 410,000 11 348 00 Sheriff Fees 23,138 Federal Government Grants 11 349 02 Crime Prevention 2,609 11 349 04 Training 15,000 11 349 10 Civil Preparedness 7,500 11 349 16 Juvenile Unit 3,942 State Grants 11 350 02 Crime Prevention 521 11 350 16 Juvenile Unit 788 11 350 21 County Welfare - Indirect Costs 24,500 11 350 23 CETA II - Participants 73,956 11 350 24 CETA II - Administration 3,069 11 350 25 CETA VI - Participants 128,621 11 350 26 CETA VI - Administration 8,643 11 350 40 Library - Basic Grant 4,000 11 350 41 Library - Personnel Grant 13,000 11 350 42 Library - Effort Grant 20,848 11 350 45 Juvenile Services - Subsidy 60,000 11 351 00 Court Costs, Fees, and Charges 13,000 11 353 00 D~unicipal Tax Collection Fees 100,500 11 357 00 Inspection Fees 120,000 11 358 00 Jail Fees 11,000 11 s59 00 Juvenile Evaluation Fees 4,000 1.1 359 02 Animal Control Fees and Licenses 30,000 11 367 O1 State Sales Tax Refunds 19,500 -2- I Code Revenue Source Amount 11 367 02 State Gasoline Tax Refunds $ 12,000 11 380 00 Sale of Fixed Assets 20,000 11 397 16 Transfer from Non-Tax Fund 347,000 11 397 17 Transfer from Court of Justice 39,899 11 397 13 Transfer from Airport Operating 24,708 11 397 73 Transfer from Reappraisal Reserve 62,548 Total Revenues - General Fund $ 17,261,094 Section 4 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Non-Tax Fund the sum of $ 347,000 Section 5 It i s estimated that the following Non-Tax Fund revenues will be avai lable during this fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending Time 30 1978 riations ro a to meet the foregoing Non-Tax Fund 000 $ 5 pp p , Section 6 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Court of Just ice Fund th e following Code Department Appropriation 17 471 00 District Attorney $ 4,515 17 516 00 Clerk of Court 46,655 17 630 00 Law Library 9,640 Total Appropriations-Court of Justice Fund $ 60,810 Section 7 It is estimated that the following Court of Justice Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Court of Justice appropriations Code Revenue Source Appropriation 17 329 00 Interest on Investments $ 810 17 350 00 Court Costs, Fees, and Charges 60,000 Total Revenues - Court of Justice Fund $ 60,810 Section 8 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Debt Service Fund the following Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation 21 575 81 Principal on Bonds $ 1,361,000 21 575 82 Interest on Bonds 1,385,000 21 575 88 Bond Expense 7,000 Total Appropriations-Debt Service Fund $ 2,753,000 Section 9 It is estimated that the following Debt Service Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Debt Service Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Appropriation 21 301 O1 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1975 $ 1,300 21 329 00 Interest on Investments 5,000 21 349 O1 H E W Interest Grant 40,000 21 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 2,451,700 21 397 61 Transfer from Cape Fear Tech Contt Fund 60,000 21 397 78 Transfer from Hospital Capital Project 175,000 Total Revenues-Debt Service Fund $ 2,733,000 -3- r Total Appropriations-Public Assistance Fund $ 5,574,144 Section 13 It is estimated that the following Public Assistance Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Public Assista nce Fund appropria- tions Code Revenue Source Amount 41 301 O1 Taxes Ad Valorem-1975 $ 750 41 350 03 State Public Assistance-AFDC 2,091,720 41 350 04 Special Assistance for Adults 150,000 41 350 06 State Foster Home Care 33,000 41 350 09 AFDC-Foster Care 60,412 41 350 10 AFDC-Day Care ~ WIN Day Care 346,710 41 350 11 Purchased Services-Chore Services 115,500 41 350 12 Family Planning 38,000 41 350 14 Program Staff-Administration 1,133,093 41 350 20 Miscellaneous Revenue 3,000 41 351 O1 State-Inf F, Referral Service 21,916 41 351 02 Local-Inf ~ Referral Service 7,305 41 351 03 Local-Inf ~, Referal Serv Monitor Fee 365 41 352 O1 State-Consumer Credit Counseling 26,812 41 352 02 Local-Consumer Credit Counseling 8,938 41 352 03 Local-Cons Credit Counseling-Monitor Fee 447 41 354 O1 State-Legal Services Foundation 60,000 41 354 02 Local-Legal Services Foundation 20,000 Section 10 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Airport Operating Fund the sum of $ 1,400,678 Section 11 It is estimated that the following Airport Operating Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Airport Operating Fund appropriations ('nrl a Revenue Source Amount 31 329 00 Interest on Investments 31 331 00 Rents and Concessions 31 333 O1 Landing Fees 31 333 02 Aviation Gasoline 31 333 04 Miscellaneous Income 31 333 05 Contributions Federal Grants 31 349 O1 ADAP-01 31 349 08 ADAP-04-Taxiway "A" 31 349 09 ADAP-05-Apron (North) State Grants 31 350 08 NCSA-04-Taxiway "A" 31 350 09 NCSA-05-Apron (North) 31 367 00 Tax Refund - State 31 397 11 Transfer from General Fund Total Revenues-Airport Operating Fund $ 3,000 210,000 47,150 17,700 500 12,500 20,000 715,941 225,000 39,775 12,500 450 96,162 $ 1,400,678 Section 12 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Assistance Fund the following Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation 41 609 00 Administration $ 1,561,820 41 610 00 Public Assistance 3,854,762 41 611 00 Information and Referral 29,586 41 612 00 Comsumer Credit Counselling 36,197 41 614 00 Legal Services 81,000 41 617 00 Northside Neighborhood Center 10,779 -4- i Code Revenue Source Amount 41 354 03 Local-Legal Serv Foundation- Monitor Fee $ 1,000 41 356 O1 State-N S Neighborhood Center 7,984 41 356 02 Local-N S Neighborhood Center 2,662 41 356 03 Local-N C Neighborhood Center- Monitor Fee 133 41 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 1,281,567 41 397 56 Transfer from Revenue Sharing- AFA Fund 162,830 Total Revenues-Public Assistance $ 5,574,144 Section 14 For the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Health Fund the following Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation 44 590 00 Public Health Operations $ 952,741 44 591 00 Maternal ~ Child Health 65,434 44 592 00 Family Planning 65,292 44 593 00 Drainage $ Mosquito Control 81,004 44 594 00 Insect ~ Rodent Control 46,839 44 595 00 Hypertension Screening 25,170 44 596 00 Lead Poison Screening 31,515 Total Appropriations-Public Health Fund $ 1,267,995 Section 15 It is estimated that the following Public Health Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Public Health Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source 44 301 02 Taxes-Ad Valorem-1975 44 329 00 Interest on Investments 44 335 00 Miscellaneous Revenue 44 359 00 Fees - Other 44 361 13 School Health Program 44 361 14 Dental Project 44 368 03 Federal and State Grants 44 368 05 Drainage-Mosquito Control-State 44 368 06 Insect and Rodent Control-State 44 368 07 T B Control - State 44 368 08 V D Control - State 44 368 09 Medicare and Medicaid 44 368 10 Family Planning 44 368 11 Maternal, Child Health - State 44 368 12 Hypertension - State 44 368 14 Lead Poisoning Project 44 397 11 Transfer from General Fund $ Amrnmt 1,500 4,000 500 28,000 13,348 15,563 78,604 40,000 9,000 14,339 4,260 94,000 65,292 65,434 25,170 31,515 tin non Total Revenues-Public Health Fund $ 1,164,995 Section 16 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Mental Health Fund the sum of $ 263,551 Section 17 It is estimated that the following Mental Health Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Mental Health Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount 47 331 00 Rents and Concessions $ 15,432 47 341 00 A B C Bottle Charges 57,091 47 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 200,028 Total Revenues-A4ental Health Fund $ 272,551 -5- Section 18 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Pension Fund the sum of $ 292,994 Section 19 It is estimated that the following Public Schools Pension Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and end- ing June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Pension Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount 51 301 OZ Taxes-Ad Valorem-1975 $ 490 51 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 292,504 Total Revenues-Public Schools Pension Fund $ 292,994 Section 20 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public School Fund the following Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation 52 660 96 Supplementary Fund $ 1,615,000 52 660 98 Capital Outlay Fund 569,588 52 660 99 Current Expense Fund 4,468,305 Total Appropriations-Public School Fund $ 6,652,893 Section 21 It is estimated that the following Public School Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount 52 301 02 Taxes-Ad Valorem-1975 $ 10,000 52 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 6,642,893 Total Revenues-Public School Fund $ 6,652,893 Section 22 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund the sum of $ 278,937 Section 23 It is estimated that the following Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount 53 301 02 Taxes-Ad Valorem-1975 $ 200 53 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 268,737 53 397 61 Transfer from CFTI Construction 10,000 Total Revenues-Cape Fear Technical Institute Operating Fund $ 278,937 Section 24 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund the sum of $ 1,116,062 Section 25 It is estimated that the following Revenue Sharing Trust Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Revenue Sharing Trust Fund appropriations Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation 56 329 00 Interest on Investments $ 3,000 56 349 00 General Revenue Sharing 95G,232 56 349 O1 Title II Fiscal Assistance 162,830 Total Appropriations-Revenue Sharing Trust Fund $ 1,116,062 -6- Section 26 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund the sum of $ 70,000 Section 27 It is estimated that the following Cape Fear Technical Institute Con- struction Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Cape Fear Technical Institute Construction Fund appropriations $ -0- Section 28 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund the sum of $ 37,053 Section 29 It is estimated that the following Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund appropriations $ -0- Section 30 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Fund the sum of $ 177,783 Section 31 It is estimated that the following Water and Sewer Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Water and Sewer Fund appropriations Code Revenue Source Amount Federal Grants 64 349 60 "201" Greater jilmington $ 10,836 64 349 61 "201" South 6,750 64 349 62 '''201" Greater Wilmington-II 86,377 State Grants 64 350 60 "201" Greater Wilmington 1,864 64 350 61 "201" South 1,125 64 350 62 "201" Greater Wilmington-II 14,396 Total Revenues-Water and Sewer $ 121,348 Section 32 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Reappraisal Reserve Fund the sum of $ 68,548 Section 33 It is estimated that the following Reappraisal Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Reappraisal Reserve Fund appropria- tions $ -0- Section 34 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 75,000 Section 35 It is estimated that the following Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund appropriations $ 39,000 Section 36 For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 205,000 Section 37 It is estimated that the following General Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, to meet the foregoing General Capital Reserve Fund appro- priations Code Revenue Source Amount 72 329 00 Interest on Investments $ 5,000 76 397 11 Transfer from General Fund 62,947 76 397 63 Transfer from Courthouse ~ Jail 37,053 Total Revenues-General Capital Reserve Fund $ 105,000 -7- Section 38 There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978, the rate of $ 7400 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1977, for the purpose of raising the revenues from current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue, and in order to finance foregoing appropriations Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $1,714,000,000 with an assessment ratio of 100% of appraised value Estimated collection rate of 95o is based on fiscal year 1975-1976 collection rate of 96 54% Section 39 Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and the County Finance Officer of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated Adopted this the 27th day of June, 1977 -8-