1977-08-01 RM Exhibitsr .- RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY OF INTENT TO CLOSE ALL OF THAT UNNAMED STREET OR ROAD LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 9 IN QUEENS POINT, AS THE SAME IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 201, PAGE 5922 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina are of the opinion that the unnamed street or road located on Part of Lot 9 in Queen's Point, as the same is more fully described on a map thereof recorded in Book ZO1, page 5922 of the New Hanover County Registry, should be closed and that the closing of the same is in the public interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED ON THIS THE DAY OF i 977, AS FOLLOWS v 1 That New Hanover County intends to close that unnamed street or road located on part of Lot 9 in Queen's Point, as the same is more fully des- cribed on a map thereof recorded in Book 201, page 5922 of the New Hanover County Registry, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published once a week for four successive weeks, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Section ]53A-241 2 That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County will hear all persons interested in opposing the said closing at a hearing to be held Tl- on the ~_ day of v ~.~ , 1977, at 9'oa Q. rn , in the Assembly Room, First Floor, New Hanover County Administrative Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to send by registered mail or certified mail a copy of this resolution to all owners of property adjoining the above-described unnamed street as reflected by the tax records of New Hanover County and to post in at least two places along said street proposed to be closed, notice of said hearing THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby unanimously adopted BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY _ ~ airman __..__.G~- ~. County Clerk .~ ~.~~m~1r.~~~v.,~` ~ cu,~f ~ ~; ,~ ~-/ _~ I f r d 0 ~ CE'RT ZF'I''CATE I, A1~-ce, ~3. Brown thce duly ~.ppointed E , Clerk ~ of the Board o~ Conpm.ssoners ;, do hereby c.er°ti.fy hart the at~t.ach~:d eictr~ct from the Mi~nU:tes of the re~;ul,ar s m+~eti~:g of the New .Hanover County B.aard o~ Coiii~s,sox~;e-rs het-d on August 1 lg 77 is a txu.e and aor~x ct copy of the original 1~3nute+s of said Meeting on file -and ref t~corid ~ nsofdr ~a axial ~zgn^a.1 ;Mnnt:es re~jate to the matters set forth ~n said attached e:xtraG'~t, and T do further certify that the- copy a°f ate Resalutan appearing in said attac~he:d extract is a true aad carr~c-t c.gpy .a;f Bnch, ~:~.&alu~~om ad©,pted at sa~~ Meeting and- on f il.e and of rec.ard Tn testimony ~hiereaf, I heave here~.tnto a;et my hand land the seal of said New Hl~:nov~r' County of A:u~ust r f .. ~ N 1 ~- ., _. 6 5~~,. ' (~ S0 FORM 51001-19 , (~/+-70) ,~ this lst day • ~ ~~ 7~ 7___~_._ ~,M ,,~.~ "~ y`' '~ SOZUTION (GRANT AREEMENT) EXTxAC.T ~F:RQM ~~ MINUTES OF A Be~ul:ar MEETING OF' T~ New :H.a~.pv~r, Cau~n~~ ~o.ard at c:prnmissioners T~:~IJ~ UN A~~,ust 2.., { ~ _ i lg r'r The fo1lr~g fR ,s~alu;tipn~ wars intro~uc~d by L,,K .I ~,~. ~~~.- ~' 1/ aeiconred h~y :~,,,,,, ~+"~ra~,c~ ,;,"~ dead ~.~ fui]., con&dered and a~~pted: RESOLUTION AU~f3 R.IZING, AD.QE'TYNG, .~.Pl'BOVING, ACGE.PT~'NG AND RATIFYING ", ~XE:CUTIAN QF G AGREEME'N'T FOR RRI~JFCT N0. 6-~~~-OQS~r-~3 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES -OF .AMER.ICA AND tha :~+bfffi~Y ,of B~a1- Sano~-er, ~3o~h CsTOlit~a B:E IT RESOLVE~,~`b~y the ~ ~~ ~a~rs of _ tie C~t't'1r ~f T. SECTION 1 Tl~a said $e~t' ~~ sc~~e~e he~{,eby authorizes, adapts, approves, ~c ep;ts and ratifies ~h~ execution of grant Agreement I hetween the T',ederal viation Adminiatr;a~3on on behalf of the United States of America and ~ Cc~unt~ t~.` dew tx~r, Na~- Casaiityt SECTION 2. T.ha: the execution of sa~.tl Grant Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of said a~ o~ aa~.o Hof a Cc-tanty cif ~9~ Hanover a~td the impres.s:.on to~ the official seal of the ~cv~n,ty ~~~ - ~~~ and the atteBtaxion f said execution 'b~ ;Alyce 8.. B.xca~rn , C;~~:.r1~ to t~ie._ ~O'a .d is .hereby authorized, adopted, approved, acc:egte:d and ratif~e~. SECTION 3. That the A.rA.art Mama~er is hereby authorized (Title of I'os;~.ik~n~, ~.irpor't Manager, CityMa~ager, etc.) to exscu.te payment fir;. quests under this (~r~n:t Agreement on behalf of said ward o~ ,C inners of the CG~--~tn~y of New 88ao+~r, Ncacth Carfl~.~.~. SECTION 4. Tha' the Grant Agreement referred to her~einabove sha11 be attached hereto a d made a part of tai Resolution asp'though it were fully copied herein.. S0 FO.RM 5100-18 (4-7 ) ~- ,~..~, P2r,~e ~ ~' 4 pages ~~ ~r~~~t~~rAT~~w ATkt~N AE$Ii~~i~fSTRATICAW ~~7"~~~Cil\ 1 tart 1-Offer Date of Offer New Hanover County Airport Wilmington North Carolina Project No. 6-37-UQ84-(~3 Contract ~O DOT -FA- 7 7 -3~0-106 7 3 TO I~ew Hanover Ce~~n'~y, ~ r+~ .oli.na (herein referred to ~ the "°`p'~~ Fff~tO'l~l The United gta oaf ~ 'ca,{~i thr~~h~e 'l~~eeral ~ Craton, herei~- referred to as the u~. '~'~ WHERE~i.~, die :~~ h~'S~~. to ~; a ' • t ~p~rlicatior- .lure 7, 1977 for ~ ~f Fe~der~1 ~'~ f a ~eot ~'crr develop- ment of'ti~ Tearer ` ~~ ~ {herein called the "Airpnawrz~`j, ~ ~ aid ~eif%at~hs ~~ such pro~ect,'~h Fro~ect Applicatimn, as apgrovetl bty tl~'F~-A ~ ~tat~rte~d her~eir~ a.~~d rraade a part hereo~', and WHEREAS, the FAQ ha°~ ap~r : a p~ojec~ fcxr d~lrapment of the Airport {herein called the "Project") wco~~g of the fo ` ~~-descril~eel airport c~v°eloprnent Recao-mzs!trv~ict, strex~gth~n aid maxk Ttunway .S~/23 (2,~i0' x 8d00';~ and Taxiways B, G, a~ C1;~rehabilitate medium interisit3~ runwag lights, ~ R.ux~way 5JZ3; acquire ommunications equipment; ~ ,.;r ,;: ;~~. all as mom ~,~prt~'J~ `~y er~~e7 the said '~~ ~ati~, FA,A fFQRM 5'+YQ0~13 P5. 1 "(1!0"'7"1') tf l~~p~J-' aid l~ a ~ tOrTStel~ ~ - ~ 4 ~Fihsl~ 6Ri®~141 7+6"32 3~. 1' ;:;. q. -! i ~ Page 2 of 4 pages NOW THEREFORE, pursuant and Airway Development Act the Sponsor's adaptors and ra Protect Application, and its ac. to accrue to the United Mate operation and m.aintexlan~: off' MINISTRA"I'I~OI++I, FOR AT~JD °C AGREES to pay, as the Unite Project, ninety percent (9'D Deveiopment Act of I9?0 and for the purpose cif carrying out the p#ovisioris of the Airport ' 1970, as amended {~9 U.S C 17U1), and in consideration of (a) fixation of the r~e>pre,ntations and assuraixlces contained in said prance of this Offer as hereinafter provided, and {b) the benefits and the public from the accomplishment iof the Project and tlae l~ Art as herein provided, THE FERAi`. AVIATI{3N AD- 1 'B~EHiai~.F OF '~1<E TJ~tITED STATES, I-RE~Y OFFERS A1~1D States share of the a~c~wable costs incurr~tll in accomplishing the 1 from funds appropriated under the Airport and Airway This Offer is made on and subject to the following terms and conditions 1 The maximum obligati;om of the United States payable under this Offer shall be $ Z , ],06 , 384 ~ 2 The Sponsor shall (aj begin accomplishrr~ent of the Protect within ninety (90') days after acceptance o~ this Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the FAA, with failure to do;so constituting just cause for termination of the obligations of the United States here}rnder by the FAA, (b) carry out and car ' plete the Project without undue delay and ~n accordance with the terms hereof, the 'rport and Airway Development Act of 19?a, and Sections 152 51- 152 63 of the Ike ,ul~ations of the Fede~a~ Avia.ti~an Administration {14 CFR 152j irr effect as of the t~e of acceptance of t1~s Offer; which Regulations are hereinafter referred to as the `'Regulations", (c) carry out arzd co , plete the Project in accordance with the Irlans and specifications and property map incorporated herein, ass they may be revse+~ or rrrodified with the approval of the F 3 Tie allovva~bl~e costs of project shall not ir-~clude any costs deter~ined by the FAA to 'be iligitrke for co~sid atiorr as to aliowa'bi~y under Section 15.4? (b) of the Regula- ti~ns. 4 Payment of the United ~ States share of the allpwable project costs will be made pursuant to awl in accordance vYjth the provisions of .Sections 152.65 - 152.? 1 of the Regulations. Final determination as ~o the allowability of the costs of the project will be made at the time of the final grant ayment pursuant to Section 152.?i of the regulations Provided, that, in the event a semi-final grant payment is made pursuant to Section 152.?i of the .Regulations, final cetertnination as to the allo~vability of those costs to which such semi- final payment relates wild be made at the time of such semi final payment FAA FOR1W 510'0-13 PG 2 (7-72) ~ SUPER~EDE5 PREVIOUS EDITlOM t'AGE ~ „ ~ ~ i M a ~ l Page 3 of 4 pages i 5 The sponsor shall oper`~te and maintain the Airport as Provided in the Project Application incorporat d herein and specifically covenants and agrees, in accordance with its As urance 20 in Part d of said Application For Federal Assistance (For Constr coon Programs), that in its operation and the opera- tion of all facilitiesithereof, neither it nor any person qr organization occupying space or fac}lities thereon will discriminate against any person or class of persons by reason of race, color, creed or national origin i.n the use of any of the facilities provided for the public on the airport F~ The FAA reserves the r~.ght to amend or withdraw this Offer~at any time prior to its acceptance by t~e Sponsor 7. This O:ffershall e~pir a~ the United Stites shall not be lobligated to pey any ,part of the costs f the Project unless this Offer has Ibeen accepted by ttze ~psor Qu or ~:fp e uat 1~, B:a39~y or such subsequent date as asay be prey-crih~ed i writia9g lay t~e ~'~;. 8 Tkae ~r~'~-nsor hereb~- ~; s ghat it will i~c~t-psara;te or cause to ire ictcorporated ir-to an~- ccrntrsct fr,r traction ~, dificatit~n t~~reof, as defir-ed in tie z°egra~.atic~s of 5ec~retary of l,ar a"t ~-1 C Ch,s~er ~{~, teach is paid fr~~r in ro~ole or i ~+art ~^1th f.s as'bltsi~ae~ from the F #eral Gc~vero~ent or bmrrcd o~n cr ~.t uaf the ~'~ec~eral t+~e'tsnt pa~~s~ua~a~ tv a grit, con- tract, le~a~, irtauran~e, r guar~mtee, a:r 1naet'taficet2 purstst to any fe8~ra1 ,pro,g~atn rt~roiw~g su,,c:h r7t, contract, ~b~n, insurance, ar; guarantee, °the folla~ti Equal. OgYaor i~ty clause Duriztg the performartc~ bf this contract, fi.~e contractor agrees as follows I (1) 'The GontractQrs w~i11 not discrmin~ete against any +loyee or applicant for p`oyment because ~f race, color, religion, sex or zastio-n~a Qrigin. The contractor will hake t~ffira-ative action to ensu a that applicants dare employed, and that employees are treated du i~g erraployment without regard to their race, color, s.ex or nationa~ origin Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following Employrment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; Layoff or termination, r tea of pay or othet forms of compensation; and selection for raining, .including apprenticeship The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants fox employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of thus non-discrimination clause (2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees plac'~d by or oa behalf of thecontractor,' state that all qualified plicarets will receive consideration for employaaent without regard 'to race, color, religion, sex or n$t~ioxaal origin {3) The coniracto,t of workers gait or other cont~ advising the ~;~ contsra~ctor" s ct~~aie;s .pf thy: a and a,,P"Plicant~ FA,9~ ;Fc~~in ~~~Ot~-13 (2I95 X111 ser-~d to each labor uriiori or r!res~entative +a~a.ch he has a ct~l.lective bargaini~ agre~~eswent t ~or undaerstas~diti, a notice to be ~rovi~ed ~ 1a>l~err vu~ioaa or ;s~rlcers~ represext~tit~es of the -t'x¢t!5 n3ader tlii~ section, a~ad sii post ziCe ~.~ cons~rien~a'uIs pierces avaiiabl~ to employees S or erc~ioyinent. t I r ..~~ ~ ---art, •'" v- ~a a "a ` Page 3a of 4 pages (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965 anc~ the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the ~•ecretary of Labor (5) The contractors will furnish all iuformation and reports required by Executive der 11246 of 24 September 1965, and by rules, regulations, a d orders of the Secretary of. Labor, or pursuant thereto, and 'll permit access t~ his books, xeco~tds, and accounts by the adminis :ring agency and the Secretary of Libor for purposes of investigati r~ to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders (6) In the event o~ the contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules, re ulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, to noted or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further government contracts or f~derally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of 24 Septemb~e~ 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies i yoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of 24 September '1 65, or by-rule, tegulation or order of the Secretary of L bor, or as otherwise provided by law (7) The contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding para raph () and the Provisions of paragjraphs {I) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order .unless exempted by rules, regu atioas or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to 5e lion 204 of Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, so that uch provisions will be binding upon peach subcontractor or vendor T° contractor will take such action ~a~.'th respect to any subcontract or ;purchase order ~s 'tie administering ~g~ncy afay direct as a inean.s of nforcing such pr~rvi^si,c~~s, incl~~ing ;ss~a~ctia~ns for noncora~pliance; ~ provided, howuever, that in the evenit $ contractor becomes involvs d in, or is threate9t~~ with iitigati+on with a subcontractor , r vendor as a result of such directio~a by the admiz-istering envy, the contractaor may re~gt~est th+e Unite6 States tc~ enter into s ch li.tgation to psrc~tect the intereysts of the '[)'Wiled States I The Sp~uspr furth~:r ogre s that 3.t will he bound by the abo~vg equal opportunity dense ~a3,tln respect to i s own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted coast action work Provided, that if the. applicant so participating is a State or local goverrureent, the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality or subdivis~.on of such goverr~nent which does not participa e in work on or under the contract The Sponsor agrees that twill assist and cooperate actively with the administer- ing agency and the Secre~ary of Labor in abtaini•ng the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with he equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of tie Secretary of Labor that it will furnish the administer- ing agency with the Secr~tary of Labor such information as they may require FAA. Form 5100-13 i ~~ , `: Page 3b of 4 pages for the supervisipn of such compliance, and that it will otherwise assist the administering agency in the discharge of the agency's primary responsiliility for securing comp~Liance The Sponsor furth~r agrees that it will refrain from entering into any con- tract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965 with a contractor debarred from, or who has not assisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Order and will carry out such sanctions ands penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the administering, agency or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part III, Subpart D of the Executive Order iIn addition, the Sponsor agrees that i_f it rails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the administering agency may take any or all o~ the following actions cancel, terminate or suspend in whole or in part phis:grant (contract, loan, insurance, guarantee), refrain from extending ani,~ further assistance to the Sponsor under the program with respect to which he failure or refund occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from the Sponsor; or refer the case to the Department``of .justice for appropriate legal prgceedings 9 The Sponsor's finj~ncial records of tl~e project, established, maintained, and made available toipersor~nel of the F~0.A in conformity to Section 152.63 of the ~tegulations of the Federal Aviation A~laninistration (l~ CFR 152) will also be available to re~pr~sentatives of the ~z-ptroller General of tlae United States 10 It is understood end agreed that the term '"Project Ap~alication" wherever it appears in thi~ agreement or other docutments constituting a part of this agreement shall b~ deemed to mean "Application For Federal Assistance (For Construction Programs ) ''' 11, The Sponsor will fiend a copy of all Invitations for Bids, advertised. or negotiated, for concessions or other businesses at the airport to the appropriate Office of Minority Business Enterprise (O1#t8E) representative as identified by the~FAA Regional Civil Rights Office 'Ihe Sponsor will disclose and make information about the contracts, contracting procedures and require- ments available to the designated OM~E representative and minority firms on the same basis that such information is disclosed and made available to other. organizations or arms Responses by minority firms to Invitations for Bids shall be treated `n the same manner as all other responses to the Invitation:; for Bids Compliance with the preceding paragraph will be deemed to constitute com- pliance by the Sponsor with requirettlents of 49 CFR 21 Appendix C(a)(1)(x'1, :Regulations of tht Office of the Secretary of Transportation FAA V~'orm 5100-13 (3/T5",) a t ~e.. Page 3c of 4 Pages 12 I~ is .rderstood end agreed that no kart of the federal share of an a i rPa?~t develop~tet project for a~hicb a grant is made under tI}e Airport a rd r~~rw v I'~e~re],oart Act of 1970, as 2~erided (44 U S.C. 17011, et seq ), c ur.~l r the Fec~e`al Airg~ort Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. li0i ~t seq.), shall 'he incl~ed~in t'he rate base ~.~ +establishing fees, rates, and charges fox users of the airport. 13. ~'hi.s project and X11 c~,r3c p,erformeed t'hereut~cier is subject to the Clean Aix Act and the Federal Water Pollu~:ion Control Act. Accordingly, (A) The Spo~asor hereby stipulates that any facility to be utilized in perf r~ax~te under the grant or to benefit from the grant is not fisted on the EPA List of Violating Facilities (B) The Spo~sor agrees to comply with all the requirements of Section~il4 of. the Clean Air Act and Sectiorn 3(IS of the Federal.t Water I?ollution Control Act and all regulations issued thereunder { (C) The Spa~s.or shall' notify ttee FAA of the receipt of any coemnuni.~ation from the EPA indicating that a facility to be utilize~I for performance of or benefit from the grant is under consideratl:on to be listed on the EPA List of Violating Facilities (D) The Sponsor agrees that it will include, or r_ause to be irccluda~i, in any contract or subcontract under the grant which e~CCeeds $100,000 the criteria and requirements in these s~'bparagraphs. 1~+. Assurance Iluznber ~8 of Part V of the Pr+~ject Application i.e4corporateud le~reix+. i~ amended! by 3.ncluding at t?hse end of the secor~d sentence tYt€ f o:~.lowing iam.g~uag~ ; "clud~:ng the x~e~uxe~aent that e~c~ c~ir carrier, arat~cariaed tc+ ~e d.3.~ectly 3.n air t~ran:sportation prsn~t~t to Section ~f?~. ~r ~i0~ of t~ ~'~e~leral Aviation t of 195, un ~ Airpnrt sh~t~~ ~~mb~a~ct ~ x~a~ellser~.mi.m~at~ry~ a~x~1 substant3ali~ ~ar~'ble rates, fe~a, re~:ta~.i.e, and ot'hex' chaz~esy a~acl nxsndiscr3.minstt~t^y coitditioa~.r~ as ~ ar+e ~plicab~.~ to all such air c criers which I~.~ si~aai.lar use of tb~ A3.rgort ~ wh3.eh utilise simper facilities, su°bjeet to reasonable clas~sificatiarxs such as tenants oit nontenants, and ~c~~ines passenger and cargt~ fiigb+ts or all cargo flig~ts, and such classification or statues as tenant shall not be unreasonably withheld by any sponsor provided an air carrier assumes obl3.gatio s substantially similar to those already imposed on tenant air cargriers This provision shall not require the reformation of any lease or o~her contract entered into by the Sponsor before July 12, 1976 " a ~ , .. Page 3d o,f ~+ Pages l5 The Grantee agree' to effectuate the purposes of Section 30 of the Airport and ;Agway Aevelopment Act of 1970, as ameanded, by assuring that mipc~rity business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in pa t with federal funds provided under this agreement For the purposes ~f this provision, "'Minority Business Enterprise" means a business. enterprise that is awned by, or is controlled by, a socially o,r economically disadvantaged person or persons. Such disadvantage may arise from cultural, racial, religious, sex, national origin, ~hronic economic circumstances or background or other similar cau e. Such persons may include, but are not limited to, Blacks not of Hispanic origin,. persons of Hispanic; origin, Asians or Pacific Islanders; American Indians, and Alaskan Natives Grantee further 'a~rees to comply with such regulations as may be issued by the Fed~ral Aviation Administration to implement Section 30 of the Act. 16 It is mutually urn erstood and agreed that the "Airport Lighting .Agreement" dated' my 5, 1977, is itACOrporated herein~by reference and made a part h reof as it set out in full 17 It is mutually un erstood and agreed that the Sponsor 'will acquire property interest satisfactory to the Administrator in the government- owned land an the end of Runway 23 before starting the construction work included in phis Grant Offer ~. i t 3 ,~ f ~ ~ Page 4 of 4 pages A The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Project Application incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as herein- after provided, and said Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Airport and -Airway Development Act of 1970, constituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponso{ with respect to the accomplishment of the Protect and the operation anal maintenance of the Airport Such Grant Agreerr~ent shall become effective upon the Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and lshall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under tl2e~~ Project but in any event not to exceed twenty years from the date t,~id acceptance UNITED STATES GF AMERICA FEDERAL AViATIION ADMINISTRATION Py (TITLE) Chief, Airports District office Part II Acceptance The C.©unty of New Hanover does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreernemts contained in the Pro}ect Application and incorporated materials referrejd to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to;all of the terms and conditions thereof Executed thins ~~ day of .. .. , 19 7.~ BY (SEAL) _ Title Attest ~~~-= !~?~ Title ~ ~` County o~ ~~W t1ax~QY~z (Name of Sponsor) %~ ~~ ,. i3~ ~ . ... CERTIFICI~TE OF SPONSQ~.'S ATTORNEY I, ~ ,acting as Attorney far tts~e aunty of P~eoi fisx~ov~r (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") do hereby certify That `~ have examined he foregoing Grant A~reernent &nd the p~ocere~Iingg t~e~ ~ aaitl Sponsor relating ..thereto, and nd that the Accept.anae thereof 'by said S,p~x~sar Ins bee~a Y nth prized acid that the executlorl thereo#' is in all respects •dhue ari~d proper a rice ~~ ire laws of the S~t.ate of N:~xt~ `~.a~P1-1-?~ ,and further iha't, i~ y c~I~, r~d art Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation mf the Sponsor in a~cor~~ with the terms thereof Dated at ~ this. day of 19 Title FAA FORM 51UU-13 PG 410-71) SUPERpSEDES FAA FORM 1632 PG 4 ~ PAGE 4