1977-09-06 RM Exhibits:"- .~ ; ~"-~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING OF PUBLIC STREET OR ROAD ~ ,. BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '~GOh i~.~1. PAGE 4J`"~ ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County of intent to close the unnamed street or road located on part of Lot 9 in Queen's Point, as the same is more fully described on a map thereof recorded in Book 201, page 5922 of the New Hanover County Registry, running from the north- ernmost corner of Lot 6 as appears on said map to Barren Inlet Creek fora dis- tance of 432 feet, more or less, was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County on the ~ day of ~,_,~ 1977, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 6~"i day of ~~~-„,,,~~.~, 4/ 1977, at which time the Board of County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hear- ing was published in the Wilmington Star-News Newspaper in accordance with General Statutes of North Carolina 153A-241, and no objections were raised to the closing ~f said unnamed public street or road, and it further appearing that no property owner in the vicinity of said street or road will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and ingress to his property by a closing of the same, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said public unnamed street or road in the County of New Hanover should be closed and removed from dedication and the closing of same is in and not contrary to the public interest, and the legal description of said street or road to be closed being as follows BEGINNING at the Northernmost corner of Lot 6 as per the map recorded in Deed Book 201, page 5922 of the New Hanover County Registry, thence South 36 degrees 55 minutes West and along the Western line of Lots 6 ~~ and 5 as per said map, 170 feet, thence South 20 de- grees 15 minutes West, and along the 4Jestern lines of Lots 5 and 1 as per said map, 215 feet, thence South 36 degrees 55 minutes West 25 feet to Barren Inlet Creek, thence Westerly along the Northern edge of Barren Inlet Creek 20 feet, thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes East 25 feet, thence North 20 degrees 15 minutes East 156 feet, thence North 53 degrees 05 minutes West 31 feet, thence North 56 degrees 30 minutes East 52 feet, thence North 36 degrees 55 min- utes East to a point that is North 53 degrees 05 minutes West 13 5 feet from the point of beginning, thence South 53 degrees 05 minutes East 13 5 feet to the point of Beginning, the same being all of the read- ~,~ way shown on the above mentioned map ~ ~~ ~ ~ n RETURNED TQ .. ~ X1 m .l: C7 A a7 '. ©~~ s ~ p ., ~ Z t x ~ n ~ ~ ~ a --a ~ ~. ~ J Page Two s~~F 1111 PAGE 459 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described r_ street be and the same is hereby closed and removed from dedication It is further ORDERED that a copy of this Order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina THIS the ~~% day of ~J 1977 ~, ~ -:,, r„~ ~~, '~ ~~; . r ~ ~,x ,.~ ,~ a c, ATTEST ` c , ~ ~ County Clerk STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i By ~ a i rma THIS 1J DAY OF ,,~,~~,~~-~~,-~.~-,/.~z} 1977, personally came before me, r ,~_, ~ .~~y,,,~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, c~ ~' ~`~:,,~ ~~ , '~~_~.~.x,-,,.~ who, being by me duly sworn, says that she d knows the Common Seal of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and is acquainted with '~ CJCCcCt_a~ ~ '_.~ <.,~.t ~,>~~ ~Lr who is the Chairman of the Board of Count Commissioners of New HanovervCount and that said ~~ `~~~ a is County Clerk, and the said ~4_~'%~/L.F ~~ ,~ ~t~~~, saw the Chairman D of the Board of County Commissioners sign the foregoing instrument, and that the said 2i r.,Z,~ ~S' ~ , a-„ , affixed the Common Seal of the County of New Hanover to said instrument and signed her name in attestation of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners THIS the ~; day of ,C1~_~,,~,r„~ ~~~ 1977 `~ Notate Public My Comm~,ssion Expires i ~ t''ir /` ~ {'t' ~ ~` 7i / `i. > =~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ^~ ~ ~ New Hanover County ~ _ The Foregoing Certificate of _ _ _ .~ _ ~ ~~L~• _ Gra Thomas----___--- r~ ~ ~ ~-l ~ is certif d to be~~o ec~~~~~~ - This the_ ~_ $ay of _ S ept . _19 7 7 ~ s ~ ~ Drawn By_HHJN&L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lois C L~eR,ay, Register of Deeds BY _~~?~~ TJ~" ~ .~.~~Sht.~-~ Deputy R +' ~ea9ae o~~~,Q~o~er~ <<~ote-~~ of New Hanover County WILMINGTON N C 28401 STATEMEdJT TO THE NEW HANOVER COiJNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Tuesalay, September 6, 1977 9 a.m. County Administration Building The League of Women Voters of New Haxusver County notes, with pleasure, that the County Commissioners have begun advertizing openings on County Boards, Commissions and Committees. We commend you for phis action on behalf of more openess in government. We believe that publication of notice of such openings will build citizen awareness of the existence of these Boaxd, Commissions and Committees and their vital role in County government. We hope your action will stimulate more citizens to become involved not only by offering to serve as members of these graps but also by monitoring their activities. Thankyou. Lora Lavin, President League of Women Voters of New Hanover County v / t ~ A RESOLUTION REGARDING RECONSIDERATION OF HOUSE BILL 658 ("File and Use Insurance Rates") WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted House Bill 658 which permits insurance companies to put insurance rotes into effect without the prior approval of the Commissioner of Insurance in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, unjustified rate increases will adversely affect all County, City and Municipal Governments by raising general operating expenses, and WHEREAS, unjustified rate increases are not in the best interest of the people of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, the Honorable John Ingram, a constitutional officer, was elected by the people of North Carolina to effectively regulate the insurance industry under a prior approval rating system NOW, THEREFORE BE tT RESOLVED, by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners that the North Carolina General Assembly is urged to reconsider its enactment of House Bill 658 at the earliest appropriate opportunity and to restore the prior approval insurance rating system. APPROVED DISAPPROVED _ i~~C.(~ /`~ OUNTY BY: !~? CHAIRMAN RETURN BY SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 TO: NCACC P. O. Box 1488 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 n N +-~ a ~ o be o 0 ~ N i-r N '~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O cd p. Q, O O Q ~ U ~, •~ 4-~ 3 4-i •~ >. ~ S~ +~ • ~ O ~ ~ O H t./) O N U b ~ ~ O S-~ O V-a N O ~ O ~-+ E G O x ~ 4-+ • r-I •~-+ 3 v [.' a7 ~i a z o U ~ U cS n t~ 'L7 a~ M +~ N .,.~ O r-+ z N b 'O ..-a .,~ ~ ~;. r ~) G - ~ O C ~ G ~. ~ _ - C O G ~ ~ ' C ~D u7 O~ N ~ dJ ~ O N p n ~t N M M F-' V M V Ln ~ r•i .--I rl r-i r-1 O O O O [~ N ~"~ ~ 00 00 N r-i O • r-1 .- C/~ (/~ i ~ N ~ a~ ~ ~ O O O O O ~D 01 00 ~D M "~ 01 Q1 [~ ~ Q~ ~ O O O O O ~ ~ N M d' O ~D +-' O .--I M ~ M O K x ., ., .. .. ., •ri U M M N M M Cn CC ti ~+ o 0 0 ~ ~ fJ N [~ O 07 to O +~ to O~ 1~ ~O ~D ~ ~ ~-'~ •n N N N N N I ~ N i-~ •ri .C fr CJ O N t!) .-i M C~ ~ ~ 00 l.n ri 00 ~ M ~ ~O t1) M C.^, I N ` N N N N !%. S-~ O t7' O O O O U V M l~ M O~ op O 1~ l~ r--1 t.r) F~+ E- •~ O ~z 0 N O cn b b ~D b O O O ~ O -d } , oo .r{ M fr1 GO b4 dU ~ ~ t~ b b b W C1 U CA U ~ H H N ~ vi O cd I U O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (/~ U ~ a ~ ~ ~ ii U ~ ~ ~ U O 4-I W •r-1 ~ •r-I ° • _ ~ ~ ~ ~ > O = O W G '~. -- .. ~_ I ~ - U ` _ O~ ` .~ •~ l I I~ T II ~ ' , b0 .'.{ O a 0 .-d .~ GO +~ ~v ~5 a O U S-+ O O cd x 3 O z co .r., +~ N O F•+ N ao Cti *t i L- RESOi.i'T !GRANT AGP.F("1E NT) EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF T ~~jy~~~' ~i HELD ON ~ / 4 7 ~ p 19 The following Resolution was introduced by ~p~,,,,,,, . y ~~ , /o~ seconded by Cyrwve . ~xGG,t /~~w~xead in full, considered and adopted RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, ADOPTING, APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND RATIFXING THE EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT T`TO 6-37-0084-04 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND County of New Hanover, North Carolina BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina SECTION 1 That said Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes, adopts, approves, accepts and ratifies the execution of Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States of America and County of New Hanover, North Carolina SECTION 2 That the execution of said Grant Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of said Board of Commissioners ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ -- i and the impression of the official seal of the C'.n„nty of NPw Hanover ~f there is o seal, so state.) and the attestation of said execution by , ~~-~ ~7~'~-.~ is hereby authorized, adopted, approved, - v accepted and ratified SECTION 3o That the ~ ~t,Gs~eif,Gs. is hereby authorized (Title f Position, Airport Manager, Cit~_~uages-,-etc._). to execute payment requests under this Grant Agreement on behalf of said Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina SECTION 4 That the Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove shall be attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though it were fully copied herein SO FORM 5100-18 (10/75) (Supersedes previous c_dit -~ C E R T I F I C A T E I, Alvice B. Brown. , the duly ,~nDOintPC] Clerk to the Board of the New Hanover County Commissioners do hereby certify that the attached extract from the Minutes of the regular meeting of the New Hanover County n,-...,,.a ~~ (4~mmi ZCic~nors , held on September 6 1977 is a true and correct copy of the original Minutes of said Meeting on file and of record insofar as said original Minutes relate to the matters set forth in said attached extract, and I do further certify that the copy of the Resolution appearing in said attached extract is a true and correct copy of such Resolution adopted at said Meeting and on file and of record In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said New Hanover County this 8th day of September 19 77 SEAL SO FORM 5100-19 (4-70)