1977-09-19 RM Exhibits~ ~ f_ ~ r ' ~ ~: t f MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING RE BUDGET, June 7, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 7, 1977, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold the public hearing on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order in the absence of Chm O'Shields who was ill PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977/78 Pursuant to N C General Statute 159-12, notice had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on Wednesday, June 1, 1977, that the proposed budget for fiscal year 1977/78 for New Hanover County had been submitted to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and a copy was available for public inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, and also stating that a public hearing on the proposed budget would be held on Tuesday, June 7, 1977, at 7 30 o'clock p m COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Vice-Chm Alper opened the public hearing to discussion and the following persons appeared before the Board to express their opinions on the proposed budget Mrs Lora Lavin, President of the League of Women Voters, appeared on behalf of the Library The following persons commented on the school budget Mr Wilbur Bryant Comm Wright Comm Gottovi Sgt Herbert Hales Comm Williams The following persons spoke in behalf of a helicopter for the Sheriff's Department Mr Bill Gantt, representing the New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad Mayor C R Smith of Kure Beach Mr Tim Caulder, Chief of the Ogden Rescue Squad Mr M A Abernathy, Chairman of the New Hanover Fire Inspection Committee, re- presenting all eight Volunteer Fire Departments in the County Mr George Harrison commented on the budget as a whole Mr John Maye requested some assistance from the Commissioners to improve the roads in his area Mr W B Brown commented on the budget in general MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING RE BUDGET, June 7, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (CONTINUED) The following persons offered further comments Mr Thurston Davis Sgt Hales Mr Donald Bowden spoke in behalf of the Sheriff's budget Mr Wilbur Bryant n n Tnr ro~Ta,~~nTm There being no further persons wishing to speak, Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 8 49 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, C.~e~-~~ Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 8, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 8, 1977, at 9 00 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the proposed budgets for the Public Schools, Sheriff's Department, Department of Social Services, Library, and Recreation Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm Vivian S Wright arrived late and Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order in the absence of Chm O'Shields who was ill and in the hospital DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PUBLIC SCHOOL BUDGET FOR FY 1977/78 Mr Jerry Beaver, Mrs Nina Tenuta and Dr Heyward Bellamy appeared to answer questions from the Commissioners on the school budget Comm Williams commented on the school budget Comm Wright arrived at 9 35 o'clock a m Comm Williams stated for the record that she could not vote for this budget mainly because of the supplements She did not feel that they should be cut out immediately but felt they should be dropped as the State increased its pay, the supplement from the County should be dropped because it was a responsibility of the State The other Commissioners offered their comments Vice-Chm Alper opened the floor to the public for comments and the following persons appeared Mrs Marge Benninger, Chairman of the Education Committee of the League of Women Voters Mr Wilbur Bryant Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hood Comm Williams stated for the record that there were many reasons that she opposed this budget and not just the things she had brought out this morning Comm 1Vright stated for the record that she would not vote for this budget for the simple reason that she felt the Board of Commissioners had abdicated its responsi- bility in not going into it like they should have this year She did not feel it was right since the Legislature had charged the Commissioners with the taxing authority and that was her basic reason for not supporting it Comm Gottovi stated that she had gotten an opinion from the Attorney General's Office :and they felt that the action was within the spirit of the Fiscal Control Act under which the County operates MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 8, 1977 (CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to postpone voting on the school budget until Mr O'Shields was present and there was a full Board present No action was taken BREAK Vice-Chm Alper recessed the meeting for a break from IO 40 o'clock a m until 10 50 o'clock a m DISCUSSION OF SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BUDGET Sheriff H G Grohman, Capt T H Evans, Chief Deputy Jesse Blanton and Capt Paul Wolfe appeared before the Board to present the budget for the Sheriff's Department and the Jail and answer any questions After discussion concerning reclassification of several deputies and the purchase versus rental of a helicopter, Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to appro- priate the funds to rent the helicopter for this fiscal year in the amount requested on a 20-hour per month basis at $16,800 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Alper moved that the budget be accepted as written with the addition of the change in the price of the helicopter The motion did not receive a second Comm Alper moved to adopt the Sheriff's budget as written with the only change in the helicopter as discussed The motion died for lack of a second Comm Williams moved to accept the Sheriff's Budget in the amount of $1,303,027 with the change in the helicopter plus making the change that all deputies doing the same work and qualified in the same manner make the same wage Comm Wright requested the motion be amended so that all those classified as Administrative Deputy be reclassified as Deputy Comm Williams amended her motion accordingly and Comm Wright seconded the motion Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields DISCUSSION OF SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET Mr Frank Ballard, Chairman of Board of Social Services, Mrs Beatrice McIntyre, member of the Board of Social Services and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Social Services, appeared before the Board to answer questions concerning the Social Services Budget After discussion concerning merit increases for Social Service employees Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams that the merit increases on Page 123 not be given out except with approval of the Social Services Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 8, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET (CONTINUED) Ms McIntyre commented on the merit increases Comm Wright stated that her motion was intended to mean that the lump sum be left in the budget until such time as the Social Services Board approved the merit increases Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Social Services budget in the amount of $1,561,820 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields i.iiN('i-i RRFAiC Vice-Chm Alper recessed the meeting for lunch from 12 25 o'clock p. m to 1 35 o'clock p m LIBRARY BUDGET Dr E S Benson and Mr Joe Holman of the Library Board of Trustees and Miss Katherine Howell, Librarian, appeared to answer questions on the Library Budget County Manager Eller explained that the budget reflected the take-over by the County of the total financial responsibility for the Library After discussion concerning the various aspects of taking over the Library, Comm Gottovi moved to approve the budget as presented in the amount of $315,526 and assume responsibility for the Library under the County Administration Comm Williams stated for the record that she believed the County had the responsi- bility of the Main Library but she felt branch libraries in the municipalities should be taken care of in the area they served Comm Gottovi stated that her motion was intended to mean the Library System and to take over the operating budget of the Wilmington Public Library meaning the Main Library Building on Market Street, the Branch Library on Red Cross Street, the Bookmobile and the books that go down to Carolina Beach Vice-Chm Alper seconded Comm Gottovi's motion Comm Wright stated that she felt it should be put on the ballot for the people of the County to vote on before the County took over the library Comm 6'dilliams moved to take over the system for a year, as is, and next year the branch library part of it be reconsidered, but to continue operating the main Library permanently The motion died for lack of a second ~ MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 8, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE FOUR LIBRARY BUDGET (CONTINUED) Upon vote, Comm Gottovi's motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields DISCUSSION ON RECREATION BUDGET Comm Wright stated that she felt it wasamistake to set up another department and hire someone at this point Comm Williams stated that she felt the original plan to set aside money in the Capital Improvement Program to buy and develop as the County could afford it was better rather than to set up a whole new department, that she could not go with $164,000 the first year and questioned what a director would do with his time Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to table discussion on the Recreation Budget until Chm O'Shields got out of the hospital Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF CONTINGENCIES Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the $200,000 Contingency Fund on Page 18 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, 1illiams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF DEBT SERVICE Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, approval of Debt Service Fund as listed on Pages 105 and 106 in the amount of $2,753,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF LEGAL BUDGET Comm Gottovi, moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the Legal Budget in the amount of $46,300 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Vice-Chm Alper, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 8, 1977 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED) Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm 0' Shields Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 2 55 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board PAGE FIVE MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 9, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 9, 1977, at 2 00 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order in the absence of Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY BUDGET Mr Allen Cobb, District Attorney, appeared before the Board to request funds for his budget and requested that the County put a secretary back in the budget for him and if the State approved it, as they had promised, he would come back and have the funds deleted He also requested $2,000 for office furniture for an additional assis- tant that he was getting Comm Williams moved to allow the secretary in the District Attorney's budget The motion died for lack of a second Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to increase the $1,000 Miscellaneous Expense as proposed by the County Manager, to $2,000 for the additional office furniture Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, that the District Attorney Budget from the County this year be $4,515 as amended Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mrs Ethel Booth, Chairman of the Mental Health Board, Mr Melton Martin, Area Director and Mr George Murray appeared before the Board to answer questions on the Mental Health Budget Mr Martin and Mrs Booth explained the reasons for the increase over last year's budget Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Mental Health Budget as submitted in the amount of $238,551 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Dr James Finger, Director of the Health Department and Ms Mable Price appeared before the Board to answer questions on the Health Department Budget r MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 9, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET (CONTINUED) Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Health Department Budget as presented in the amount of $952,741 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET Mr M J McLeod, President of Cape Fear Technical. Institute, and Mr Charles Coleman, Business Manager, requested approval and answered questions on their budget Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Cape Fear Techni- cal Institute budget in the amount of $278,937 as proposed by the Manager and to write the State and ask them to increase the automobile per mile reimbursement for school- owned vehicles Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF AIRPORT BUDGET Mr W E Edwards, Chaixman of the Airport Commission, Mr John Westbrook, Airport Manager and Mr R C Shackelford, Assistant Airport PAanager, presented the budget for the Airport and answered questions from the Commissioners County Manager Eller clarified the reasons for the increase and also advised the Commissioners of the Public Works allocation that had just been announced He recommended that the application for reconstruction of the Airport sewer lines be resubmitted Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Airport Budget as presented in the amount of $1,400,678 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 4 32 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board f' MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 10, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Friday, June 10, 1977, at 9 00 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm Karen E Gottovi arrived late and Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order in the absence of Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET Mr Hyton Babson, Mr Ed Snead, and Mr Don Britt, members of the Board of Elections, and Mr Abraham, an upcoming member of the Board of Elections, appeared to request approval of the Board of Elections budget and answer questions Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Elections Budget as presented in the amount of $91,009 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Comm Gottovi (temporarily) and Chm O'Shields BREAK Vice -Chm Alper recessed the meeting from 9 ZO o'clock a m to 9 38 o'clock a m to wait for the arrival of Comm Gottovi APPROVAL OF GOVERNING BODY BUDGET After discussion concerning an increase in the salaries for the Chairman and Commissioners, Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi to increase the Commissioners and Chairman's salaries by 25% and leave the travel allowance the same Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Wright moved to leave out the American Shore and Beach Preservation Funds again Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the Governing Body Budget as amended in the amount of $79,152 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF TAX DEPARTMENT BUDGET Mr Larry Powell appeared before the Board to answer questions on his proposed budget County Manager Eller explained an error on the salary page and requested it be corrected Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Tax Department budget as amended in the amount of $447,716 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 10, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATION BUDGET There was some discussion concerning classification of the Department Heads and Mrs Lois LeRay, Register of Deeds offered her opinions on classification Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Administration Budget as proposed in the amount of $71,931 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET Mrs Lois LeRay appeared before the Board to request approval of her budget Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright to approve the Register of Deeds Budget as presented Mrs LeRay requested that the reclassifications she had requested be approved Comm Gottovi withdrew her motion Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the requested reclassifica- tions for the Deputy II's from 58 to 59 and for the Deputy I's from 56 to 58 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the Register of Deeds Budget as amended in the amount of $198,583. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields BREAK Vice-Chm Alper recessed the meeting for a break from 10 55 o'clock a m until 11 10 o'clock a m APPROVAL OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET Mr Richard Fender, Planning Director, appeared to request approval of his budget Vice-Chm Alper moved to accept the Planning Department Budget subject to any changes made by the City The motion died for lack of a second Comm Gottovi made a substitute motion to accept the recommendations of the Manager for the County share of the Planning and Zoning Budget and will reconsider it if the City changes its hat The motion died for lack of a second Vice-Chm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to accept the Planning and Zoning Budget in the amount of $102,710 as stated in the proposed budget Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 10, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE APPROVAL OF JUVENILE SERVICES BUDGET Mr Jim Miller, Director of Juvenile Service Center, appeared before the Board to explain and request approval of his budget After discussion concerning the expenditure for food, Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Juvenile Services Center Budget as presented in the amount of $172,246 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUDGET Mr Felix Cooper, Finance Officer, presented his budget to the Board and requested reclassification of one of his employees from Accounting Clerk III, Grade 56 to Accounting Technician I, Grade 59 and two of his employees from Accounting Clerk II, Grade 53 to Accounting Technician I, Grade 59, instead of adding the new position he had requested Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Finance Budget as amended in the amount of $109,337 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 12 15 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 13, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, June 13, 1977, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF CIVIL PREPAREDNESS BUDGET Civil Preparedness Coordinator, Ben Washburn, presented his budget and answered questions from the Commissioners Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to accept this budget as presented in the amount of $15,726 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS BUDGET Mr Robert M Williams, County Engineer, and Mr Winfred Simpson, Buildings and Grounds Superintendent, presented the budget for the Buildings and Grounds Depart- ment and answered questions from the Board After discussion concerning repairs to the dog pound, Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Wright to add $1500 to the amount for repairs to the dog pound Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the sections covered on pages 55, 56, 57 and 58 of the Buildings and Grounds Budget with the change that was made on the Dog Pound item for a total budget of $312,158 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONS BUDGET County Engineer Robert Williams appeared to answer questions concerning his budget County Manager Eller explained that there was an additional position recommended for a Heating and Air Conditioning Inspector Comm Williams moved to go ahead and approve the position After discussion concerning the reclassification of Steno III to Administrative Secretary, Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to reclassify the position to a 61(-2) at a salary of $8,294 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Gottovi Absent Chm O'Shields V MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 13, 1977_ (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONS (CONTINUED) Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Engineering and Inspections budget as amended in the amount of $342,835 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF GARAGE BUDGET County Engineer Robert Williams answered questions concerning the Garage budget Comm Williams suggested possibly purchasing a Diagnostic Analyzer for use in the garage Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to pass the garage budget in the amount of $114,434 as proposed and consider in the future a Diagnostic Analyzer Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION BUDGET Mr Durwood Baggett appeared before the Board to answer questions concerning his budget Comm Williams, moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the budget as presented in the amount of $62,131 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF CORONER'S BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Coroner's budget as submitted in the amount of $21,377 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF CONTRIBUTION TO RESCUE SQUADS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the $40,000 for the Rescue Squads which would be $20,000 for each as listed on page 83 and also require quarterly performance reports from them Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields DENIAL OF FUND REQUEST FROM DARE Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to deny the request for funds from DARE Upon Vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Gottovi Absent Chm O'Shields t MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 13, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE APPROVAL OF FUNDS FOR LIFEGUARDS AT BEACHES Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the three items for lifeguards at Wrightsville Beach in the amount of $10,794, Carolina Beach in the amount of $6,844 and Kure Beach in the amount of $4,155 on Page 86 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF CETA BUDGETS Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the CETA II and CETA VI Budgets on page 93 in the amount of $73,956, page 94 in the amount of $3,069, page 95 in the amount of $128,621 and page 96 in the amount of $8,643 Upon vote, motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST - COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Council for the Arts budget request in the amount of $15,000 on Page 86 Upon vote, motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields MOTION TO DENY FUNDS FOR ST JOHN'S ART GALLERY Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to deny approval of funds for St John's Art Gallery It was decided to let them explain their request for funds ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams that the meeting be adjourned Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 9 45 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, ~ /~-.~-.~-n----- Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 14, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 14, 1977, at 3 00 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF MUSEUM BUDGET Mrs Linda Nance, Chairman of Museum Board of Trustees, Mrs Jean Kelly and Dame Catherine Carpender, members of the Museum Board of Trustees, and Mr Gary Eyster, Museum Director, appeared before the Board to present the Museum budget and answer questions concerning it Comm Wright moved to approve the Museum budget in the amount of $97,784 as recommended by the County Manager County Manager Eller explained that the Museum Director had requested $4,500 for heating and air conditioning units for the Hall House Comm Wright amended her motion to include the $4,500 for the heating and air conditioning units Comm Gottovi seconded the motion, and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, approval of Code 09, Retirement, on Page 83 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Vice-Chm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve items 37 State Sales Tax, 39 County Sales Tax, 54 Insurance and Bonds and 57 Miscellaneous Expense on page 83 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Vice-Chm Alper, to approve the Kure Beach ABC Profits in the amount of $6,500 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 14, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO APPROVAL OF REVENUE BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the General Fund Revenue budget Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF CLERK OF COURT BUDGET Mr James McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared to explain his budget to the Board Comm Wright moved, seconded by Vice-Chm Alper, to approve the Clerk of Court budget in the amount of $46,655 and the Law Library budget in the amount of $9,640, as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRIBUTION Mr J iN Johnson appeared before the Board to explain his budget request and answer questions from the Commissioners County Manager proposed that the Animal Control records be opened for audit by the County Finance Officer, and it was agreed to audit his figures on a semi-annual basis Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to approve the Animal Control budget request in the amount of $155,805 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF REAPPRAISAL RESERVE BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to take whatever steps necessary to have the $62,000 released and the funds be used to cover the additions to the budget and any excess be used to reduce the tax rate Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF GENERAL CAPITAL RESERVE BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the General Capital Reserve Budget in the amount of $205,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields DISCUSSION ON YOUTH HELP BUDGET REQUEST Ms Joyce Brown, Director, and Mrs Elena Jones and Mr Joe Schwartz of the Board of Directors, appeared before the Board to request funds for the Youth Help budget Ms Brown showed slides of the ways Youth Help was helpful to the Community It was agreed by common consent that this group would go back to the Mental Health Board and ask to be included in their budget MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 14, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE 411 T (lT TR i\TMF ATT Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 5 50 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board f MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 15, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 15, 1977, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields,Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR NEW HANOVER VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD Mr Ron Detter, Asst Chief of the New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad, appeared before the Board to ask additional funds to assist them in the purchase of a new ambulance Sheriff H G Grohman offered his comments on this matter Comm Gottovi moved to approve the request for an additional $5,000 to assist with the purchase of a new ambulance Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to allocate an additional $5,000 to each of the two rescue squads on the basis that when the New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad was first started there was no County help, and she felt that both of them were owed the same consideration Upon suggestion from Comm Williams, Comm Wright amended her motion to approve the $5,000 for New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad, and if Ogden could justify the need, the additional $5,000 be held in reserve for them making a total contribution of $50,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST TO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS The Volunteer Fire Departments were also asked to furnish quarterly performance reports to the Commissioners Mr M A Abernathy of the Fire Inspections Committee appeared before the Board in behalf of the Volunteer Fire Departments The following persons offered comments on the quarterly reports that were requested Mr Abernathy Mr Steve Vosnock of Castle Hayne VFD Mr Leonard McDowell of Federal Point VFD Mr George Croom Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the budget request for the Volunteer Fire Departments in the amount of $104,742 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields ` MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 15, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO DISCUSSION OF BUDGET REQUEST FOR SERVICES FOR THE AGING Mrs Dolli Asbury, Director of Services for the Aging, and Mr E C Snead, Chair- man of the Board of Directors appeared to request $10,836 instead of the $9,587 proposed by the Manager Mrs Asbury explained the reason for the additional request which was actually for a 15-month budget period in order to get them on the Federal Fiscal Year Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to request copies of the budget materials for Services for the Aging to study and have a short budget session after Monday's meeting to take this and other items up Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields DISCUSSION ON RSVP BUDGET REQUEST Mrs Marcelle Austin appeared to request approval of the budget request for RSVP It was agreed that the Board would be sent copies of this budget material also and come back to the meeting on Monday, June 20 APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST FOR ST JOHN'S ART GALLERY Mr Allen Riches, Director, and Mrs Caroline Milner and Mrs Mary Gornto, members of the Board of Directors of St John's Art Gallery appeared before the Board to explain their budget request Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to go ahead and approve this budget this time in the amount of $3,000 on the condition that before coming back another year there will be some more planning so that the Board will know more about what the plans for the Gallery are before putting any more money into it Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST FOR DARE Mr Rick Willetts, Mr Doug McFayden, Mr Mal Murray and Mr Gene Merritt appeared before the Board to request funds in the amount of $10,000 for the Downtown Area Re- vitalization Effort The Commissioners offered their comments on this effort Vice-Chm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, to give them $10,000 on a matching basis Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields BREAK Vice-Chm Alper recessed the meeting for a break from 9 45 o'clock p m until 9 55 o'clock p m MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 15, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST FOR SOIL ~ WATER CONSERVATION Ms Elizabeth Bland, Soil Supervisor for New Hanover and Pender Counties, appeared before the Board to present the budget request for the Soil ~, Water Conservation Depart- ment She explained what these funds were used for in New Hanover County Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the budget as requested for Soil & Water Conservation in the amount of $6,292 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR AZALEA FESTIVAL Mr Russell Clark, Incoming President of the Azalea Festival, and Mr Don Britt, Treasurer, appeared before the Board and requested approval of funding in the amount of $5,000 for the Azalea Festival Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to fund the Azalea Festival in the amount of $3,500 as recommended by the County Manager Comm Wright made a substitute motion that the funding be $3,000 The motion died for lack of a second Upon vote, Comm Gottovi's motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields A T1_T(li iR NMFNT Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 10 40 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 16, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 16, 1977, at 9 35 o'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Build- ing, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Chm Claud O'Shields, Jr was absent Vice-Chm Alper called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION FUNDING Mr John Metts of the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission appeared before the Board to answer any questions concerning this budget Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the budget for the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission as requested in the amount of $1,500 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR SENCLAND COMMUNITY ACTION Mr Robert Clark of Sencland Community Action, Inc appeared before the Board to answer questions concerning this budget request Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Sencland Community Action request in the amount of $3,966 for the congregate feeding program Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR SEDC County Manager Eller explained a little about the SEDC and the reason their budget had always been supported in the past Mr Van Reid commented on the SEDC Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Southeastern Economic Development Commission request in the amount of $2,634 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR ADVERTISING THROUGH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr Van Reid, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board to answer questions concerning the request for funds for advertising Comm Gottovi moved to approve the Chamber of Commerce's requested allocation for advertising The motion died for lack of a second Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the amount of $18,000 as recommended by the County Manager for advertising Upon vote, the motion carried as follows MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 16, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO CHAD4BER OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, tiVilliams, and Vice-Chm Alper Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Chm O'Shields BREAK Vice-Chm Alper recessed the meeting for a break from 10 15 o'clock a m until 10 30 o'clock a m APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Mr Beverly P Paul, Executive Director of the Cape Fear Council of Governments, appeared before the Board to request approval of his budget request Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the Council of Governments budget in the amount of $15,344 as requested Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF FUNDING YOUTH HELP THROUGH THE MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mr Mel P9artin, Area Director of the Mental Health Center, and Mrs Elena Jones and Mrs Joyce Brown of the Youth Help Program, appeared before the Board to discuss the Commissioners' request that the Youth Help Program caame under the Mental Health Center Comm Gottovi moved to appropriate $25,000 to Youth Help for the operation of two Group Care Homes The motion died for lack of a second Comm Gottovi moved to study the administration of the Group Care Homes The motion died for lack of a second Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to put the $25,000 requested through Mental Health as a pass through like they suggested at this time with the understanding that next year the Mental Health Agency would be responsible for whatever recommendations came to the Commissioners on this or any of these other groups Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF REVENUE SHARING BUDGET County Manager Eller explained the Revenue Sharing Budget Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to take $260,000 from the Library Capital Project fund - line 94, and place in a separate line for the Courthouse Renovation - line 92, so that it will be ready to go and begin renovations the day the people move into the new Law Enforcement Center Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 16, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE REVENUE SHARING BUDGET (CONTINUED) Vice-Chm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, that when the courthouse alterations are being planned that the County Manager allocate the space subject to the County Commission's approval Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams to approve pages 162 and 163-Revenue Sharing Fund, with the changes made Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF WATER ~ SEWER BUDGET Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve pages 170 and 171 - Water and Sewer Fund as listed Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL $ SPORTS FISHERIES BUDGET REQUEST County Manager Eller gave the background and explained this program Comm Williams moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve this budget request in the amount of $5,500 as recommended Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Vice-Chm Alper Absent Chm O'Shields ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Gottovi, that the meeting be adjourned Vice-Chm Alper adjourned the meeting at 11 50 o'clock a m Respectfully submitted, CG~~ Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 20, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, June 20, 1977, at 3 15 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 1977/78 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Karen E Gottovi, Ellen C Williams, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown No members were absent Chm O'Shields called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF SCHOOL BUDGET Comm Gottovi, moved, seconded by Chm O'Shields, to approve the New Hanover County School Budget as presented by the Board of Education Comm Williams stated for the record that there was a superintendent, an associate superindendent, at present three assistant superintendents and all three of those had assistants, along with 34 clerical people who were hired above the County's normal wage scale who worked just at the Spencer Building That, along with the other things she had said when this budget was discussed before as to the number of schools that had been built since 1959, which was 13, and at that time there were less than 17,000 students and now there were just slightly over 21,000 students, she felt the County was being "had" on this school budget She stated that she felt there were many things that could be and should be done to cut it down some Comm Wright stated for the record that she believed that if the Legislature had in- tended for them (School Board) to have the taxing authority, it would gave given it to them, that it left that authority with the Commissioners to serve as a checks and balances system, that it was the Commissioners responsibility to do that and she would like to point out that every year this Board (School Board) had large surpluses -- in the four prior years they had surpluses each year anywhere from $300,000 to $600,000 at the end of the year, which showed that they overbudgeted to start with She felt that a lump sum should be cut out and they could manage without it and would not end up with a big surplus at the end of the year like they had done historically Upon vote, the motion for approval carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Williams and Wright APPROVAL OF RECREATION BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to compromise on this budget by not setting up the department and buying the furniture but to concentrate on land acquisition and the improvements at Hugh A1acRae Park Chm O'Shields moved, to accept the County Manager's recommendation on this and leave it at his discretion as to when he felt it was necessary to put these people on the staff Chm O'Shields made a substitute motion, seconded by Comm Alper, that the budget be approved in the amount of $164,726 as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Gottovi and Chm O'Shields Voting Noe Comm Williams and Wright ~s MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, June 20, 1977 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO APPROVAL OF BUDGET REQUEST FOR SERVICES FOR THE AGING Mr E C Snead, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mrs Dolli Asbury, Director of Services for the Aging, appeared before the Board to request approval of their budget Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Alper to approve the Services for the Aging Budget in the amount of $10,836 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously APPROVAL OF RSVP BUDGET Mr E e Snead, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Services for the Aging, and Mrs Marcelle Austin, Director of RSVP, appeared before the Board to request approval of the RSVP budget request Chm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the RSVP Budget as recommended by the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm Williams, to approve the allocation for RSVP be increased to $3,502 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously SPECIAL MEETING SET FOR BUDGET ORDINANCE It was agreed to set a Special Meeting for June 27, 1977, at 9 00 a m to adopt the Budget Ordinance ADJOURNMENT Chm O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 3 43 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ~a`~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE JR Appraisal Supervisor 320 Chestnut St ~aAnober /%~' ~f(i, ~tCtntngton, ~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru August 31, 1977 ~~~~ 763-0991 1977 1976 Charged Per Scroll $11,092,525 59 $9,887,734 29 Discoveries Added 116,409 Ol 00 $11,208,934 60 $9,887,734 29 Less Abatements - 00 - 00 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co $11,208,934 60 $9,887,734 29 Total Collected - 53,348 78 - 144,260 48 Outstanding Balance $11,155,585 82 $9,743,473 81 Percentage Collected 0 47% 1 46% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 467,381 79 $ 466,470 92 Less Abatements - 00 - 850 88 Total Collected to Date - 55,070 57 - 40,925 47 Outstanding Balance $ 412,311 22 $ 424,694 57 Percentage Collected 11 78% 8 8% Personal Property Taxes $ 361,133 31 $ 328,845 80 Less Abatements - 111 78 - 218 72 Collections to Date - 11,531 29 - 9,631 33 Outstanding Balance $ 349,490 24 $ 318,995 75 Percentage Collected 3 19% 2 9% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date, $251,353 44 This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977 Respectfully submitted, nie B Straughn ~ ollector of Revenue 1 MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 3 JBS/pbc MEMORANDUM September 13, 1977 To Mr Dan Eller County Manager New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From Larry J Powell ,,i~~/ Tax Administrato3~-~-f ""~/ Subject Abatements and Refunds The following taxpayers request that they be allowed the Senior Citizens' Exemption Each individual qualifies for the exemption, however they failed to file for the release in January or the property was annexed into the City after the cut-off date for us to apply the exemption 1 Richard Allen $ 86 50 2 Anna M Alles 63 00 3 Frankie Backus 95 15 4 Felix Cebral 37 00 5 Katie Clemmons 49 50 6 George Crandall 49 50 7 John Elmore 49 50 8 W C Haas 86 50 9 H P Henry 28 71 10 Hazel H Huband 86 50 11 Eddie Jackson 86 50 12 Thomas L Jacobs 44 44 13 John D James 63 00 14 Fred Johnson 37 00 15 D E Jones, Jr 49 50 1G Bennie M Jordan 49 50 17 Ray S Landen 49 50 18 George Leonard 49 50 19 Edward Lipsius 86 50 20 Herschel Lucus 86 50 21 Houston McGhee 70 50 22 Oscar McKoy 86 50 23 B F Melton, Sr 49 50 24 Leona Miller 19 94 25 Helen Moore 44 81 26 Grace Norris 95 15 27 Paul Norris 37 00 28 Robert Norton 3 11 29 Emma R Overton 86 50 30 H E Peterson 86 50 31 B G Ramsey 49 50 32 Eloise Sidbury 52 42 33 Edward Smith 63 00 34 Helen Stepnicka 37 00 35 Inez Swinson 3 33 36 M Page Taylor 49 50 37 Ellen Vasiliou 49 50 38 William Vaught 86 50 39 Retha Wilson 86 50 40 Fred Wright 86 50 Mr Dan Eller It~w Hanover County Board of Commissioners September 13, 1977 Page 2 Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 Cape Fear Gospel Rescue Mission $ 365 73 2 Seaside Chapel 885 93 3 Federal Point Resort 114inistry 387 75 4 Redevelopment Commission 136 67 5 Town of Carolina Beach 16 29 The following taxpayers request listing penalties be released as they certify that they placed the listing in the mail during the listing period or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 Walter Baker $ 35 39 2 Samuel Barfield 96 48 3 John Clark 40 72 4 Annetta Collins 42 72 5 Ollie Davis 79 05 6 Isabel Warren 24 26 7 Charles D Wolford 80 16 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in addition, pricing motor vehicles, etc 1 Booth Computer Corp $ 178 83 2 Landon Brickhead 1 26 3 Iva Ellis 18 84 4 Stuart Laney 24 57 5 Carolyn Owens 9 37 6 John S Scott 19 98 Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 David J Bland $ 35 29 2 Boyd V Bradberry 4 18 (1976 Refund) 3 Claudius Brown 24 54 (1975) 4 Francis Charles 25 22 5 E I Dupont 243 83 6 Wilhelmina Ferguson 69 46 7 Romeo Misiera 36 39 8 John W Mobley 17 30 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the City or Town limits, or the personal property is located within the County 1 Joseph A King $ 24 23 (1976) 2 Robert Norris 32 70 3 R C Patton 72 79 4 William Robertson 41 83 5 Robert Sayyear 51 50 (1975) 6 William D West 36 88 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in incoding changes, lots and buildings mispriced due to incorrect size and addition errors, etc Mr Dan Eller ' . hew Hanover County Board of Commissioners September 13, 1977 Page 3 1 Charles T Allen $ 61 34 2 H A Eaton 80 36 3 James C Fox 22 27 4 Frederick Homes, Inc 24 94 5 Lawrence A Freeman 50 26 6 Annie B Gainey 26 42 7 Lenwood D Gay 4 59 8 Dan L Gregg 8 21 9 J R Hollis 8 73 10 J & S Investment 107 78 11 E Gerald Lackey 63 49 12 Masonboro Properties 641 14 13 Dellie McDonald 69 12 14 Karl_ McGhee 48 54 15 James W McLean 115 04 16 Stanley N Patelos 1,989 12 17 Rosa Pearsall 443 24 18 A Fraser Perry 60 23 19 Linwood Rogers 13 25 20 William Sanderson 3 46 21 Kenneth Symonds 111 37 22 Donald Taylor 5 25 23 Louis Wade 9 84 24 Eldridge Yates 10 51 } (1975) P~equest the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 David E Edwards $ 20 79 (1976) 2 Fourth Street Bargain House 316 59 3 Georgia Pacific Co 599 10 4 Royce Grove 3 22 (1976) 5 Heart of Wilmington 516 92 6 C L Holliday 8 88 7 Elijah Holmes 23 68 8 Alton Kemp 44 70 9 Maola Milk & Ice Cream Co 80 28 10 Clayton McDonald 19 86 (1976) 11 Nationwide Fleet Leasing 72 23 12 Robert Pigford 85 21 13 Mickey Pucci 43 85 (1976) 14 Donnie Reynolds 40 37 15 Phillip Roberson 24 10 (1975) 16 R L Roberts 33 39 17 William Pullman 17 05 (1976) 18 Harold Russell 17 59 (1976) 19 W Ed Samuels 366 47 20 Nettie Scott 63 94 (1973) 21 Edythe Shepard 11 54 22 William Smith 38 41 23 Murray Sonsky 25 78 24 Yvonne Thompson 10 20 (1976) 25 R B Williams 99 68 Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of September 19, 1977 Copy Ms Alyce Brown Mr James C Fox ~ ~. r ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT LETTING IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Section 1 Designation of Responsible Local Official a Appointment -- The New Hanover County Engineer is hereby appointed "Permit Officer" and is authorized to carry out the duties described in this policy and required to implement the Minor Development Permit Ordinance b Qualifications -- The Permit Officer shall be required to successfully complete within the first twelve months of employment the required course of study consisting of no more than two weeks duration that shall be developed by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Develop- ment in cooperation with one or more of the state's institutions of higher education c General Duties -- In discharging his duties, the Permit Officer shall (1) Administer and enforce in duly designated AEC's the minor development permit process, all applicable local ordinances, and all other guide- lines and standards established by the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) and New Hanover County pursuant to the CAMA (2) Be familiar with existing state and federal permits required in this jurisdiction, so that he can aid potential developers in determining when a major development permit rather than minor development permit is required, and to aid the developers in applying to the CRC when a major development permit is required (3) Assist in identifying and assessing projects of greater than local concern and bringing them to the attention of the CRC (Such pro- jects of regional, state, or national concern are almost certain to require some other state permit, and therefore require a major development permit from the CRC Therefore they will usually be brought to the attention of the CRC through the major development permit application ) (4) Be responsible for implementing any procedures agreed on by the governing bodies of the jurisdictions to which the Minor Develop- ment Permit Ordinance applies for the purpose of coordinating the CAMA minor development permit with other locally required permits Such locally required permits include but are not limited to plumbing permits, electrical permits, building permits, septic tank permits, sand dune permits, and certifications of compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations (5) Forward all requested documentation to the Coastal Resources Com- mission and cooperate with the Commission during any appeal process d Records -- The Permit Officer shall prepare a quarterly summary of all permit applications and dispositions to be presented to the governing body of each of the jurisdictions to which this plan applies, to the CRC, and to the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development He shall keep correct and comprehensive records of all transactions related to minor development permit requests (appli- cations, grants, denials, other dispositions) and shall maintain such records so long as any part of the structure or entity to which it re- lates remains in existence, or, in the case of denials or other in- stances, for a period of ten (10) years Section 2 Procedures for Responding to Complaints that this Plan is not Properly Enforced and Administered a Citizen Complaints -- Upon receiving complaints from local citizens that the Implementation and Enforcement Plan is not being properly administered and enforced, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will investigate the situation and respond to the alleged deficiencies If the person making the complaint is not satisfied, then he will be advised that he may take his complaint either in writing or in person to the CRC -~ .- ~~ b Response to the CRC -- Upon notification from the CRC concerning de- ficiencies in administration and enforcement of the plan, the County Board of Commissioners will investigate the alleged problem and pre- pare a response for the CRC If the allegation of deficiencies is found to be valid, the Board of Commissioners will, within thirty (30) days of the original notification from the CRC, inform the CRC of its willingness and ability to correct the deficiency and prevent similar problems in the future If the Board of Commissioners find the CRC's allegation of deficiencies invalid, they will so inform the CRC If the CRC disagrees with that finding, the Board may request a hearing before the CRC or in some other manner attempt to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with the CRC within a 90-day period after receipt of the CRC's original notification of the deficiency It is understood that if no such solution is reached within the 90-day period, then the authority to issue permits for minor development pursuant to this plan shall be automatically relinquished until such a time as the CRC is convinced that the program will be pro- perly enforced Section 3 Ensuring Consistency with Existing Ordinances and Requirements To ensure that existing land use and development control ordinances are con- sistent with the objectives, policies, and standards of the Coastal Area Management Act and the local land use plan, the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission is requested to review the appropriate ordinances and make recom- mendations for needed changes to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council This review should comply with the time limits established by the Coastal Resources Commission -2- PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER LINES NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County '~'1-IEREAS 1 New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the construction of airport water and sewer lines which capital project involves the construction or acquisition of a capital asset 2 County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-13 2, such ordinance to authroize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSEI'II THAT 1 This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~ 159-13 2 2 The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the construction of water and sewer lines on New Hanover County Airport property, which project is herewith authorized 3 The revenue that will finance said project is EDA Grant No 04-51-22413 $205,000 4 The following appropriations, necessary for the project, are herewith made from the revenue listed above Administrative Expense $ 650 Architectural/Engineering 11,000 Project Inspection Fees 3,000 Construction - Labor 105,350 Construction - Non-Labor 75,000 Contingencies 10,000 5 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices of New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Adopted this l day of ,_ ~ f~ , ~ 1977