1977-10-03 RM Exhibitsr i ;~ ~ - r PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR IMPROVEMENT TO NF.W HANOVER COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County WHEREAS 1 New Ilariover County (County) is engaged in improvements to New Hanover County Administration Building which capital project involves the construction or acquisition of a capital asset 2 County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 159-13 2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said pro~cct NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT 1 This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 159-13 2 2 The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is improvements to New Hanover County Administration Building which project is herewith authorized 3 The revenue that will finance said project is EDA Grant No 041-51-26287 $156,000 4 The following appropriations, necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above Engineering Lxpense $ 9,500 Construction $ Project Improvements-Labor 55,000 Construction ~ Project Improvements-Non- Labor 40,000 Equipment 50 000 Contingencies 1,500 5 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the fi.nancE: and budget offices of the New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners i i Adopted this ~ ~`_ _ day of __<_ ~ C,' -~ ~_~'-~ Z-'~ 1977 ,, (~ffirr (~f CLA UD O'SHIELDS JR.. CNre. GEORGE E ALPER. v-CH M. KAREN E GOTTOVI ELLEN C. WIL LIAMS VIVIAN S. WRIG HT DAN W ELLER COUNTY MANAG ER JAMES C. FOX COUNTY ATTORNEY A LVCE B. BROWN CLERK TO THE BOARD September 27, 1977 MEMORANDUM U~IX~ II# ~1.Qltttiti8$t>JItPXB ~rhi ~~annfier Lnllttt~ 320 Ct:hrstuut ~trret 119~lmingtun ?iurth (l,arnlinn 28101 (~'elcpljnne (919) 763-3688 TO P9r Dan W Eller FROM Gary M Cannon m e RE Budget Amendment - Ceta II and VI Contract negotiations for Ceta II and Ceta VI programs have been finalized and New Hanover County will be receiving the following amounts to fund these programs October 1, 1977, through September 30, 1978 Ceta II $441,608 Geta VI $990,675 In order to account for the funds which were not budgeted August 1, 1977, I respectfully request the County Commissioners approve the following budget amendment Credit Revenue 11 350 27 Ceta II - Participant $193,432 11 350 27 Ceta II - Administration 12,057 11 350 29 Ceta VI - Participant 259,607 11 350 30 Ceta VI - Administration 12,108 Debit Expenditures - Ceta-II Participant 11 672 02 Salaries $166,247 11 672 05 FICA 11,532 11 672 06 Group Insurance 5,012 11 672 08 Unemployment Insurance 7,771 11 672 54 Insurance & Bonds 2,870 $193,432 htr Dan W Eller Page Two September 27, 1977 Expenditures - Ceta II-Administration 11 673 02 Salaries $ 9,231 11 673 05 FICA 553 11 673 06 Group Insurance 218 11 673 07 Retirement 679 11 673 08 Unemployment Insurance 188 11 673 14 Travel, Meetings, $ Schools 600 11 673 54 Insurance ~ Bonds 138 11 673 74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 450 $ 12,057 Expenditures - Ceta VI-Participant 11 677 02 Salaries $219,105 11 677 05 FICA 14,076 11 677 06 Group Insurance 6,047 11 677 08 Unemployment Insurance 17,092 11 677 54 Insurance ~ Bonds 3,287 $259,607 Expenditures - Ceta VI-Administration 11 678 02 Salaries $ 7,066 11 678 05 FICA 456 I1 678 06 Group Insurance 159 11 678 07 Reitrement 520 11 678 08 Unemployment Insurance 572 11 678 11 Telephone ~ Postabe 600 11 678 14 Travel, Meetings $ School 1,125 11 678 16 Equipment Maintenance 25 11 678 21 Rent (Occupancy) 354 11 678 27 Advertising 150 11 678 32 Copying ~ Duplicating 600 11 678 33 Supplies F, Materials 375 11 678 54 Insurance ~ Bonds 106 12,108