1977-11-07 RM ExhibitsH v c~ H z 0 U H x H .~ w x w H z w V H z W W ,.U/ W 0 w z w a'~ H z U w 0 z Q x w z w 0 Q H o pq O i w M ~ i ~ 0 ~ w ~ z ~ o H H rn Q r-+ a k ~ ~ Q .~ H 0 ~ Q U H O W r-1 w H Q w H Q '~' .,-.{ z o !, Q d. H ~ ~ ~ W ~ Q a 0 U Q z 0 'b .~ f~ z 0 c 0 V C o\° o\o Q H W f!~ z W U H W w 5 Q z U O Q Q ~~- (Y. W q W U U. a c a E- C.: Q a z C L 1 M ~t O n c c r C C L o\° Q H 0 z v r ti G u P G a L P c C z 0 H H as Q H Q H W Q W H w H H ~4 W v H cn H x-~ H H U W H H x U d Q H Q, .~ ~. x U d C/~ Q ~F-~ d ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.. U Q a a Qi ~?"~ W W r .~ .~ r ~~IfV/ /r1U76fl~ri~~(~/,(r/UI~lpl~ (~'~ ~~l~b f ~~%'7U7!l~IlJf~ C~i~'t~ ~4(_%atN!/912 V o f 28-~ 01 October 13, 1977 ~~~a~atd ~ r~~lrn L=~~i~~iv~tur~yrt Mr Dan Eller County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N C 28401 Dear Mr Eller ~ ~~.~ X90 ~r/19~ 7G3-~~~1 At a Special Meeting on October 11, 1977, the New Hanover County Board of Education approved the attached transfers deal- ing with the County Bond Funds Please note that only the sum of $2,734 64 remains in the fund The Board voted to use this remaining amount to continue renovations that are underway at the Bus Garage. Please ask the Commissioners to approve this action ,~i Sincerely, ~ ~` '' / ~ ~ (~ -Heyward C Bellamy `- Superintendent B w a 3 BOND CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY October 6, 1977 AMENDED SPENT & PROJECT BUDGET OBLIGATED Carolina Beach Library 57,347.74 57,347 74 Emma B. Trask 1,895,550 00 1,905,319 27 Emsley A. Laney High 347,642 00 330,466.49 Mary C Williams 1,155,400 00 1,159,886 SS Renovations - Ballary & McKim 230,906.00 231,204 10 Renovations - Boney 165,969 00 165,429 60 Renovations - Davis 113,456 72 106,328.46 Renovations - Hicks 157,274.00 155,710 39 Renovations - Oxenfeld 1,130,380 00 1,135,009 65 Renovations - Sullivan 221,917 58 226,406.15 Renovations - Contingency Reserve 24,156 96 24,156 96 $ 5,500,000.00 $ 5,497,265 36 UNOBLIGATED BALANCE (9,769 27) 17,175.51 (4,486 55) (298 10) 539 40 7,128 26 1,563 61 (4,629 65) (4,488 57) $ 2,734 64 BOND CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY Recommended Budget Transfers FROM PROJECT AMOUNT Emsley A Laney High $ 17,175 51 Renovations - Boney 539 40 Renovations - Davis 7,128 26 Renovations - Hicks 1,563 61 $ 26,406 78 Emma B. Trask $ 9,769 27 Mary C. Williams 4,486 55 Renovations - Ballard & McKim 298 10 Renovations - Oxenfeld 4,629 65 Renovations - Sullivan 7,223.21 $ 26,406 78 2 BOND CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY NEW SUMMARY AFTER BUDGET TRANSFERS AMENDED SPENT & UNOBLIGATED PROJECT BUDGET OBLIGATED BALANCE Carolina Beach Library 57,347.74 57,347.74 - Emma B. Trask 1,905,319 27 1,905,319 27 - Emsley A. Laney High 330,466.49 330,466 49 - Mary C. Williams 1,159,8$6 55 1,159,886 55 - Renovations - Ballary & McKim 231,204.10 231,204.10 - Renovations - Boney 165,429 60 165,429 60 - Renovations - Davis 106,328.46 106,328 46 - Renovations - Hicks 155,710 39 155,710.39 - Renovations - Oxenfeld 1,135,009.65 1,135,009.65 - Renovations - Sullivan 229,140.79 226,406.15 2,734 64 Renovations - Contingency Reserve 24,156 96 24,156.96 - $ S,Soo,oo0 00 $ 5,497,265 36 $ 2,734 64 3 °, r ~ '~ x 4 .r s 4 ~ri.~ Y 'air...::. o ~~ ~ ~" ~~~~~~,~l,~r.1.~1 X11 " E. ~ .~ m ~~.~,. NnRTH CAROLINA November 2, 1977 Mr Dan Eller County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Dan G ~~ Attached, please find a list of bids received on city/county owned property for sale Those sales recommended are as shown Policy has been to recommend the sale of parcels wherein the bid is at least 20% of the tax valuation, with a reasonable square foot price on the first bid After the second advertisement, this percentage drops to 15%, and on the third, it drops to 10% Also, shown are parcels on which bids are outstanding-- which do not meet the above criteria, and as such, are not recommended An update on the program is also enclosed for your review Respectfully, Antis R Bryant Property Management Specialist ARB/ km Enclosure ..~ RECOUP PROGRAM October 26, 1976 1 Parcels Sold 126 Sales Price (Includes forfeited deposits totaling $205 00~ $97,793 53 Tax Value $177,300 00 2 Parcels submitted for Approval this Report 13 Amount of Bids $3,859 00 3 Parcels Advertised for Upset Sids 12 Bids to Date 3,614 68 4 Parcels with No Bids 135 5 Additions to Workload --0~ 6 Total in Workload 286 7 Parcels Removed for future Public Use 37 8 Net Workload 249 ~, < p •~ o~ 1 r •~ v O ~ •~ :17 O 00 Ln ~ h co ~ ) 1 o rte, rn .-s -~ ~ ~ ~- ~ h O O O e I ~ CT CT N 1 r-+ O +-~ r~ O .-i d- ri M lt> ~ M ~--~ d' +~ .r Li 1~ O O O O CJ t.t) CJO tD h h 1.J ~- N O N In LA h N ri M M lG? M C7l ra L C7 ~ r+ N r`. .--i ct ~ O O CV lD CYJ .-+ to ~t ~ ~D M N h e:Y M ~ M M M 1n , I ~ I tO ct' N C51 l0 C`.i cf' r~ CT d- N I l.fi ~ M Yy- 11') tD lU tL7 C~ N ca" IS7 C7l d' Lf7 l0 ri CT tI) 0'J I.17 h h ~ lO ~ M lt7 O N M M ~fi M ~}' (71 sy- ri N r-0 M O O i O O O r•-1 O 0 0 O O r+ O i 0 O r-+ O 1.:7 1 ~ ~ , > CC lL~ tt' M cf O Lt7 O .-~ d- M CO ri ri I ~ N cr CV J C31 lD CV M N G1- `D N Lf7 N ~}- O N h r•-s r-i LLB rte. ) CYJ rl N M h r-1 CT O 4fJ h t0 lG) t-O r-i M r~ M •CI' r• ct' r• C7 O r--1 O ~-+ N +-~ ~-+ r•-1 CJ ~ '-~ ri O Q O { I ~ S • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ! ,I d ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ! ~~ C ~ ~ L _Y a a) i S `. L y L cn ~^, L L rL5 O ~ O CT L CT CJ) O G C7'~ C Ill O O u 'O O 3 C L Sv 4) C C O > C C7 C3 > O O N ^~ tL5 •r lYl •r 't7 •r •r ~ r• .r QJ V7 •r ,r_- ~ CU .C L L C L L •r L G , Cl, S_ N f.1 N S CU QI L N a[3 L L C N ~ r- :L S _T, CU V :L C L N CU N ..C 1~ _J O ~ .C] L ~ L n ~ ~ > O O ~ 'CS T3 •r TJ T3 O rt3 "L7 O U O O ~-+ ~ ~ 3 w f cL w r~ (w w oc ~ w I ~ ~ ¢ rY_ ' I O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 Q O O O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O C O O O d- O O C7 O 0 117 O O O O O ~ O O )17 u7 O t-f) ri O ~ O !`~ U7 h L17 L17 Lf') O L17 O lC7 M M M r--1 cr M Q ri ri ri ri M Ln r-1 r• r--1 C`"i rn - ~ _ I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a ctJ cx) o rn r~. ~ h v~ h M N ,-, ocJ I,p ri ~ a- i i M M rn is h h ~- ~n oa ~--+ ~r w N h rn rn h M co •-•~ •-~ c., M ,-i rl _ ~ v I I ~ N ~? M C31 M M 4S~i Q N rl N CX) LC) CJ 117 ri O J O N L17 lp X M X C7) lU tf) 1.17 O t_~' l0 h L17 J .-i r-i r-1 117 ~-, ~ rn ~ ~ ~-+ ri r1 r~ cr- r-1 X x j O O L17 lU M l0 M L17 l Q M O M eY M M ct' L17 N P M N t17 M L17 t17 M b iO M M M M CU N ~--~ ~ ~ ~ CU •1-> > L ~ -I-~ "C7 G ~ L CU (U +~ L an CU CU N L •F-) Cll -N r L (ll (>Z ~i-y CL) L L QJ (n (1) C L CU ¢ i-~ -V-> •r TT_5 1n (e7 -F-> 1L1 L C -N S CU N C/7 C ~ •i-~ Cll (1) CU 'O +~ N to -N L -i-~ N O O -a-~ ZS ~ "CJ sr -N L r0 (./) > *-{ +~ (U O L v) C~ ~4- C O +-~ ..C CU -F-~ w CJ L S-. ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ .Y N L Z •r r- r fLS ~ N L ~G O ..3 O C ~ t1) {-~ j w RS C rp L ~ lC) RS r O CX7 O Cn , V L .C C7l ~ O ~ r-- CO -N a-' O O ~ TJ- O (~ O ' (J -4-> U O O r/ ~ V) Ct` O N ri ,--~ C +-) O t17 ~ cn U ° ° ca ,-1 ~n ~ .--+ cn c...) rn r+ ~ r~ r+ i n ~ ,-- i a In _ cn If l ~ * ~ ~ ~ I I r ~ 1~ ~ - o cv 1~ ®~ N cx) ~ ~ r--+ 1 ~ ~ ~ C_) n X Y ~L S' ~ ~ Z T C O ~ Q 1~.J O (~- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, CONCERNING THE REMOVAL OF CERTAIN GRAVES LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY OF MARTIN MARIETTA CORPORATION IN CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP WHEREAS, this the ~;%~"~~l day of NOVEMBER, 1977, MARTIN MARIETTA CORPORATION has petitioned this Board to approve and direct the removal of certain graves from an abandoned cemetery located on the property of the Petitioner and directly in the path of projected mining operations, and WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Board that this cemetery has, in fact, been abandoned, it having been shown that no graves have been placed in said cemetery since around 1878 and said cemetery hasfal]en into disuse and is complete overgrown by trees and vines, and WHEREAS, the Petitioner has agreed to remove the graves in strict compliance with North Carolina General Statute 65-13 and under the supervision of the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 1 The Petitioner is directed to give thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to remove these graves to the next of kin of each decedent, if known, or subject to being ascertained by reasonable search and inquiry 2 The Petitioner is directed to cause a Notice of the dis- interment, removal and reinterment to be published at least once a week for four (4) successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in New Hanover County, the first publication to'be not less than thirty (30) days before disinterment 3 The Petitioner is directed to reinter any remains removed hereunder to a suitable cemetery or burial ground located to the Southeast of the present site and near the intersection of the Blossom Ferry Road with S R 1002 4 The Petitioner is directed within thirty (30) days after completion of the removal and reinterment, to file with the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, a written Certificate of the removal facts Such Certificate shall comply with North Carolina General Statute 65-13(c) and contain the full name, if known, or reasonably ascertainable, of each decedent whose grave is moved, a precise description of the site from which such grave was removed, a precise description of the site and specific ~ v Page two location where the decedents' remains have been interred, the fu71 and correct name of the party effecting the removal, and a brief description of the statutory basis or bases upon which such removal or reinterment was effected 5 The Petitioner shall pay all expenses of disinterment, removal, acquisition of the new burial site and reinterment 6 The Petitioner must insure that the new burial site on which reinterment is accomplished shall be of such suitable dimensions to accommodate the remains of each decedent and that such site shall be reasonably accessible to all relatives 7 The Petitioners shall disinter, remove and reinter under this Resolution only under the strict supervision of Dr James A Finger, New Hanover County Health Director NEW HA VER COUNTY OA D OF COMMISSIONERS BY ~, • Claude O'Shields, Jr `airman ...--- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover has no need in the foreseeable future for the tract of land hereinafter described, and WHEREAS, said tract of land comprises approximately 41 27 acres of land of the New Hanover County Airport (formerly Bluethenthal Field), said land being part of some 80 acres lying southeast of the northwest-southeast runway formerly leased from New Hanover County by the United States Air Force, an d WHEREAS, the United States Air Force has declared that it no longer needs said 80 acres of land, and WHEREAS, the United States of America has expressed a need to retain the hereinafter-described 41 27 acre tract of land on a permanent basis for use by the United States Army National Guard, and WHEREAS, it is deemed by this Board of Corrnnissioners to be in the best interests of New Hanover County and its people generally to convey said 41 27 acre tract of land to the Federal Government for said purpose, and WHEREAS, the Board of Conmmissioners of New Hanover County has been empowered and authorized by House Bill 351 ratified 18 March 1977 amending North Carolina General Statutes Section 160A-274 to convey said tract of land without consideration to the United States Government, and WHEREAS, although said other conveyances bear no relationship to the instant transaction, or to the consideration or lack of consideration thereof, several other tracts of land and appurtenant facilities and equipment of considerable value at said New Hanover County Airport have been or will be conveyed without consideration by the Federal Government to New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, the tract of land which is the subject of this transaction is more particularly described as follows All that tract of land situate in New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, being bound now or formerly on the north, east, south, and west, by land of the New Hanover County Airport, and being more particularly described as follows E PAGE 1 OF 3 ".~~ / -~ ~. "; ~ Y gyn., y Beginning at a concrete monument having a coordinate value of N 189,290 60 feet, E 2,33~+,~+09 98 feet, located S 16° 1+0' 30" w 268 49 feet from a nail and cap in the centerline of NCSR No 1175, thence, from the point of beginning with the lands of New Hanover County Airport the following courses and distances S 310 11' 33" W ~+~+0 70 feet to a concrete monument, S k80 51' 03" E 296 31 feet to a concrete monument, S ~+l° 07' 13" W 730 3~+ feet to a concrete monument, S 730 Ol' 01+" W x+76 29 feet to a concrete monument, N 820 58' 25" W 955 ~+~+ feet to a concrete monument, S b8° 37' 29" W 183 ~+3 feet to a concrete monument, N 210 38' 08" W 100 O1 feet to a concrete monument, S 680 21' 52" W 75 00 feet to a concrete monument, N 53° 38' S1" W 235 83 feet to a concrete monument, N 680 21' S2" E 200 Ol feet to a concrete monument, S 21° 38' 08" E 20 06 feet to a concrete monument, S 790 19' 48" E x+02 21+ feet to a concrete monument, N 530 32' ~+0" E x+36 0~+ feet to a concrete monument, N 270 36' 35" E 397 61+ feet to a concrete monument, N 090 06' ~+1+" W 399 07 feet to a concrete monument, N 550 26' 18" E 519 62 feet to a concrete monument, S 820 59` 31" E passing a concrete monument at 676 11 feet in all 695 86 feet to an iron pipe having a coordinate value of N 18g,~+80 4~+ feet, E 2,33+,232 ~+2 feet located 7 feet southwest of the centerline of a paved road, thence, leaving the road S ~+3° 05` 06" E crossing the center of another paved road 259 9~+ feet to the point of beginning and containing 1tl 27 acres more or less Said tract of land i described with more particularity in that certain Survey Map d: ~ by William W. Blanchard, Inc., Surveyors, of Wallace, North Car !ina, dated 22 June 1976, which map is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as Exhibit ttAn- The bearings and coordinates used herein including those used in said map are based on the North Carolina Plane Coordinate System NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, be and hereby is authorized and empowered by said Board of Commissioners to convey the hereinabove-described tract of land on the above-discussed terms and conditions by Quitclaim Deed to the United States of America SEAL ATTEST COUNTY OF NEW HANOVE/R, NORTH CAROLINA ._ ,, - U Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~! i ~- .~ Clerk, Board of County Commissioners PAGE 2 OF 3