E&R 2001-04-16 I I I ~ BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW MEETING APRIL 16, 2001 PAGE 272 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Monday, April 16, 2001, at 11:32 AM. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Julia Boseman; Commissioner William A Caster; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COMMISSIONER JULIA BOSEMAN AND TO COMMISSIONER NANCY H. PRITCHETT Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Julia Boseman and to Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett. Copies of the oaths are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 27. APPOINTMENT OF TED DAVIS, JR. TO SERVE AS CHAIRMAN OF THE 2001 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW AND APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT G. GREER TO SERVE AS VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE 2001 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Chairman Davis opened the floor to receive nominations for Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Equalization and Review. Commissioner Caster nominated Ted Davis, Jr. as Chairman and Robert G. Greer as Vice- Chairman of the 2001 Board of Equalization and Review. There being no further nominations, Chairman Davis declared the nominations closed. Vote: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Ted Davis, Jr. as Chairman and Robert G. Greer as Vice-Chairman of the 2001 Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Davis called the meeting to order and entered into the record the following property owners who have submitted written appeals to the Tax Administrator: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DRPfReserve at Forest Hills Todd Properties Lumina Station Barwick, Hugh B. Jr. Long, James B., Myrtle Cherry, Sandra F. Caper Corporation R05505-004-001-000 R060 15-003-005-00 1 47 Parcels on Eastwood Road R03 716-002-003 -000 R05 518-0 1 0-008-000 R05408-0 1 0-015-000 RO 5 514-001-036-000 ~1LG ~ BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW MEETING APRIL 16, 2001 PAGE 273 8. Johnson, Weber 9. Vosnock, Steve M. 10. Ragone, James R., Anne L. 11. Vigus, Donald T., Connie W. 12. Martin, Rachel F., Etal. 13. Zack, P. Gregory, Cathleen Malone 14. Wiggins, O. K., Jeannean 15. Parrow, Jason B., Angela M. 16. Reynolds, Jack White, Arlene L. 17. Wenger, Craig A, Elisabeth O. 18. Church, C. Daniel, Tema C. 19. Ramsey,Charles M., Etal. 20. Haas, Raymond W., Eta!. 21. SelfHeIp Ventures Fund 22. Belcher, Jerry Edwin 23. Ragone, James R., Anne L. 24. Williams, Leah Rose 25. McCall, Darrell 26. Old Baymeade Development Company 27. Howard, George R. Jr. 28. Southern Lifestyles LLC 29. Sims, Roger, Etal. R0541 0-00 1-003-000 RO 1000-001-008-001 R08112-006-015-000 R06217 -006-004-002 R0711O-003-038-000 R06208-0 11-029-000 R05613-003-025-001 Fl070 16-0 10-090-000 R08818-006-047-000 R08207 -001-014-001 R09200-00 1-002-05 5 R07117-003-006-000 R04405-002-0 15-000 R04 720-006-001-000 R03 500-007 -029-000 R08112-006-015-000 R02919-003 -03 9-000 R06308-015-014-000 R06308-015-010-000 R063 08-0 15-009-000 R04400-004-036-000 R051 14-009-158-000 R07908-003-044-000 Fl07908-003-052-000 Fl07908-003-069-000 R07908-003-070-000 R06611-0 1 0-0 19-000 Chairman Davis also noted that the Tax Administrator will receive all duly filed appeals until 5:00 P.M. today in the Tax Office and any letters that have already been postmarked no later than April 16, 2001. Chairman Davis asked if anyone present would like to present an appeal. No appeals were presented. Chairman Davis requested the Board to select a date to hear the appeals. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a meeting on May 21, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. and on June 18,2001 at 1:00 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. gLG I I I ~ BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW MEETING APRIL 16, 2001 PAGE 274 Chairman Davis read the following information into the record: Hearings will be scheduled to start at 1:00 P.M. on May 21 and June 18, 2001 or as soon thereafter as possible after completion of the regular meetings of the Board of County Commissioners. Each appellant will be allowed 10 minutes to present evidence as to why their real property value is not at market value as of January 1, 1999. All evidence must be presented to the Tax Administrator for inclusion in notebooks for the members of the Board of Equalization and Review by Wednesday, May 9,2001 for the May 21,2001 meeting and by June 6, 2001 for the June 18, 2001 meeting. Evidence not provided to the Tax Administrator by these dates will not be entertained at the appeal hearing. The burden of proof is upon the appellant to show that the January 1, 1999 market value is incorrect. Chairman Davis asked Tax Administrator Glasgow if the Board of Equalization and Review should be reconvened prior to May 21, 200 I. Tax Administrator Glasgow responded that the Board of Equalization and Review did not need to reconvene prior to May 21. MEETING RECESSED Chairman Davis recessed the Board of Equalization and Review meeting at 11:45 P.M. until May 21,2001 at 1:00 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board 8LG ~