E&R 2005-05-16 I I I 407 .., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, MAY 16,2005 BOOK 1 PAGE 356 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 2:45 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals filed by property owners regarding their tax value assessments. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; Tax Administrator Robert G. Glasgow; Tax Appraisal Supervisor Hank Montgomery; Assistant County Attorney Holt Moore; and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. TAX APPEAL PRESENTATIONS TAX APPEAL: EDWARD GODWIN, 7223 MASONBORO SOUND ROAD, WILMINGTON, NC, TAX MAP NUMBER R06700-002-024-000 Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the subject property is a 2.70 acre parcel improved with an architect custom home built in 1986. This multi-story home has a view of salt-water marsh land from the upper story. The owner enjoys the use of a dock in the community along with other owners in the area. Prior to Mr. Godwin's purchase of the property in March 2004 for $340,000, the property had remained vacant since 1998. Mr. Godwin=s appeal was based on the purchase price being less than the tax value and that the assessed value did not reflect the current condition of the home. The appellant provided a list of repairs needed for the house at $109,602 and he felt that the costs should be deducted from the appraised tax value and that the purchase price should be reflective of the market value. Edward Godwin, property owner of 7223 Masonboro Sound Road, spoke on the large difference between the purchase price and the assessed value of the property. He believed that the market value was the best indicator of value. Although a $100,000 reduction was applied to the assessed value for storm damage, he felt that an additional quality adjustment should be given for the gravel driveway and the unavailability of community water and sewer. He also felt that the measurement for the square footage of the house should be taken from inside instead of the exterior dimensions in order to get a true indication of the heated area. He requested the Board to give a further reduction in value. Appraisal Supervisor Montgomery reported that the tax office reviewed the descriptive records for the property and adjusted the heated square feet from 2,354 to 2,098, for a reduction of 256 square feet. The heated basement area increased to 390 square feet resulting in a net increase of 134 square feet of heated living space. At the time of the 1999 revaluation, the property was considered to be in good condition. He presented support for the assessed value based on sales of three comparable properties that sold in 1998. ~ 408 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, MAY 16,2005 BOOK 1 PAGE 357 Appraisal Supervisor Montgomery said that it was not until the appellant appealed the value this year that the condition of the property was recognized. Some of the repairs identified on the cost-to-cure list were completed prior to January I, 2005 and could not be included as a deduction for 2005. And some of the items were not included as part of the appraised value or tax assessment. The Tax Department did allow $58,283 from the appellant's list of repairs and reduced the assessed value by $61,800 to $385,975. Further discussion was held on the comparable sales used in the assessment support and which adjustments could be considered in the assessment. Mr. Godwin reiterated that the assessed value was 15% more than his purchase price and that the value should be more in line with the market value. Tax Administrator Glasgow informed the appellant that the Board would make a decision following the hearing and notification would be mailed within a week. Motion: During the deliberation of the appeal, Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, to reduce the assessed value to $385,975, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO O. TAX APPEAL: ROBERT M. GABEL, 2100 AINSDALE COURT, WILMINGTON, NC, TAX MAP NUMBER R05107-011-021-000 Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the subject property is a one story, brick home built in 2003. The property is located in Landfall in the Birkdale Subdivision. The house has 2,263 square feet of heated living area, 662 square feet of garage and 174 square feet of porches. A change in value notice was sent to the appellant on March 30, 2005, which reduced the value of the property by $25,218. The appellant has not specifically identified any evidence that the assigned value is incorrect. Mr. Glasgow surmised that Dr. Gable is looking at the annual rate of inflation since 1999 and compared the 1999 revaluation value to the assigned tax value of 2005. Robert M. Gabel, property owner of 2100 Ainsdale Court, was not present to give his appeal. Appraisal Supervisor Montgomery reported that the appellant purchased the property on September 20,2004 for $368,000. Properties in appellant's neighborhood are similarly appraised and no other appeals have been submitted. He concluded that the appellant has not provided any evidence to show that the assigned tax value was incorrect as required by State law. Although no evidence was provided by the appellant, the Tax Department completed a market study which supports the assigned tax value. He recommended that the assessed tax value of $307,219 be upheld. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to uphold the assessed value of $307,219, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO O. 409 ,., I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, MAY 16,2005 BOOK 1 PAGE 358 ASSESSED VALUES REDUCED Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that several appellants have met with the Tax Appraisal Staff, and based on these discussions the appellants have concurred with the corrections made in values. He recommended that the Board approve the reductions in the assessed values for those appeals. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to reduce the assessed value on the following properties for which the Tax Department has reached an agreement with the appellants. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO O. The assessed value was reduced for the following appeals: Tax Map Numbers Assessed Value Cypress Pond @ Porters Neck R02800-00 1-143-000 $12,561,963 8225 Market Street Harkin, Sandra S. R07206-008-002-000 $105,000 332 and 338 Seabreeze Road R07206-007 -007 -000 $371,393 R07206-007 -006-000 $79,999 I R07206-007 -005-100 $85,625 R07206-007 -005-000 $615 Hommes, Adrian ROI700-001-014-001 $110,749 4411 Castle Hayne Road McCall, Darrell, Eta!., R04 720-007 -003-000 $3,128,697 101 N. Front Street New Hanover/Mariner Health - LLC R060 18-004-00 1-000 $2,914,446 820 Wellington Avenue TAX APPEALS WITHDRAWN Tax Administrator Robert Glasgow reported that the following appellants have withdrawn their appeals. Harrington, George W. & Joann R05411-00 1-002-000 R05411-001-003-000 R063 19-005-005-000 R08800-005-0 14-000 R08800-005-0 15-000 R08800-005-0 16-000 R05112-0 10-018-000 Bremer, Emma Food Lion, LLC King, Charles B. I ~ 410 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, MAY 16,2005 BOOK 1 PAGE 359 ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Greer adjourned the 2005 Board of Equalization and Review at 3 :30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~p~ Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board 4J!Ifi,;,C