E&R 2007-07-25 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 I BOOK 1 PAGE 376 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Wednesday, July 25,2007, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room 601 ofthe New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals filed by property owners regarding their tax value assessments. Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr., and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Robert C. Glasgow, Appraisal Supervisor Henry 1. Montgomery, Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Chairman Caster called the meeting to order and informed appellants that the Board would hear the appeals and make decisions following the hearings. The Tax Administrator will notify each appellant by mail of the Board's decision. Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the appeals scheduled to be heard on this date were in the Porters Neck area and that Roger Kelley, the Tax Appraiser who had prepared the cases had a death in the family and would not be in attendance. Appraisal Supervisor Montgomery had reviewed the cases and he made additional adjustments. I After hearing the first case where a further reduction in the assessed value was recommended, and the taxpayer was unaware of the change, the Board recessed the meeting to allow staff to meet with the appellants to give them their revised values. This was done to allow the taxpayers who were in agreement with the new assessed value to leave without having to wait to give their appeal. TAX APPEAL PRESENTATIONS The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2007 tax assessment of real property: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I 8. 9. Sam Noel, property owner of 8614 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID; R03708- 003-007-000 Bruce C. Baliko, property owner of 8612 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03708-003-008-000 Maryann Maitland, property owner of 8610 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03708-003-009-000 Valerie A. Desanti, property owner of 8602 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03708-003-0I3-000 Clarence E. Hjelte Jr, property owner 8605 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03708-003-0 19-000 Joseph R. CapeIIini, property owner of 843 7 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03708-005- 004-000 Joseph D. Griggs, property owner of 8321 Vintage Club Cir, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03708- 007 -001 -000 Lorraine Alipanah, property owner of 8504 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03 708-008-0 1 0-000 David J. Riggs, property owner of 1508 Jupiter Hills Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03712-004- 010-000 8cv ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 BOOK 1 PAGE 377 ..........',., 10. Joseph S. Treman, property owner of8347 Vintage Club Cir, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03712- 005-005-000 BREAK: Chairman Caster called a lunch break from 12: 1 0 p.m. until 1 :00 p.m. 11. Harry Timothy Bass, property owner of 8500 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03 708-008-0 12-000 12. Bruce P. and Patricia Myers, property owners of 1019 Wild Dunes Cir, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02919-009-0 1 0-000 13. Bob Skrzycki, property owner of 1013 Wild Dunes Cir, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R02919-009- 013-000 14. David A. Bauereis, property owner of 416 Black Diamond Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03700-002-038-000 15. Gary R. and Virginia A. Teachey, property owners of 8713 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC; ParcelID R03700-002-060-000 16. Lisa R. McLean, property owner of 8706 Champion Hills Dr, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03700- 002-062-000 17. Frederick E. Meiser, property owner of 1806 Hartefield National, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03 700-002-074-000 18. Beverly C. Butler, property owner of 411 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03700- 002-080-000 19. Lev A. and Milla L. Klebanov, propertyownersof423 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC; Parcel IDR03700-002-086-000 20. Michael A. and Julienne B. Orr, property owners of 8335 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03712-005-011-000 21. Cornelius Cahill, property owner of 8716 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03700-002-130-000 22. Joseph M. Damitz, property owner of8822 Champion Hills Dr, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R03700- 002- 139-000 23. Stephen 1. Lucas, property owner of 8327 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03712-005-015-000 In deliberations after the hearing of the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Parcel ID R03 708-003-007 -000 R03708-003-008-000 R03708-003-009-000 R03 708-003-0 1 0-000 R03 708-003-011-000 R03 708-003-0 12-000 R03 708-003-013-000 LGV Owner Assessed Value Noel Family Trust $320,000 8614 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Baliko Bruce C Teresa M $348,228 8612 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Maitland E F Maryann Liv Trust $355,241 8610 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Mitchell John L Rachel T $324,329 8608 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Fulton Douglas J Sharyn L $360,374 8606 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Reis Doreen P Revocable Trust $358,076 8604 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Desanti Valerie A $329,627 8602 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC Affirmed Value $320,000 - less 20% land adjustment $348,228 - less 20% land adjustment $320,000- less 20% land adjustment $324,329 -less 20% land adjustment $360,374 -less 20% land adjustment $358,076 -less 20% land adjustment $315,000 - less 20% land adjustment ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 PAGE 378 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R03 708-003-016-000 Holt William W Etal $328,000 $328,000 -less 20% land 8611 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03 708-003-017 -000 Reider Brett D Sara L $284,000 $284,000 - less 20% land 8609 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03 708-003-0 19-000 Hjelte Clarence E Jr Dianne J $328,000 $328,000 - less 20% land 8605 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03708-003-020-000 Swain M A $289,000 $289,000 -less 20% land 8603 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03708-005-003-000 Evans Gerald S Peggy J $721,926 $721,926 8433 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03708-005-004-000 Capellini Joseph R Sherry A $534,000 $534,000 8437 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03 708-007 -001-000 Griggs Joseph D Etal $452,959 $435,000 8321 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 708-007 -007 -000 Lowry Richard C Judith K $545,923 $545,923 8309 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 708-007-010-000 Pfisterer Jack N Joan E $372,000 $372,000 8303 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03708-008-003-000 Vescovi Peter J Linda R $312,630 $312,630 - less 20% land 8505 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03708-008-009-000 Jenkins David B Suzanne R $377,748 $377,748 -less 20% land I 8506 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03 708-008-0 1 0-000 Alipanah Manouchehr Lorraine $363,229 $325,000 - less 20% land 8504 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03 708-008-0 12-000 Bass Harry Timothy $355,311 $330,000 - less 20% land 8500 Hammock Dunes Drive, Wilmington, NC adjustment R03712-003-006-000 Mintzell William Revoc Liv Tr $542,000 $542,000 1604 Jupiter Hills Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 712-003-010-000 Pollock Robert S Rosemary B $256,000 $256,000 8408 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03 712-003-0 12-000 Akerhielm David A Etal $517,000 $517,000 8416 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03712-004-005-000 Banks Steven P Brenda P $654,000 $654,000 1528 Jupiter Hills Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 712-004-0 1 0-000 Riggs David J Penelope L $508,557 $508,557 - adjustment 1508 Jupiter Hills Circle, Wilmington, NC for a flood zone area R03 712-004-0 13-000 Schoolfield John H Susan R $612,047 $612,047 - adjustment 1513 Jupiter Hills Circle, Wilmington, NC for a flood zone area R03 712-004-018-000 Stewart J T III Ann W $593,000 $593,000 8417 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03712-004-020-000 Oxendine Earl B Vanessa C $610,520 $610,520 8425 Fazio Drive, Wilmington, NC R03712-005-005-000 Treman Joseph S Barbara M $453,723 $425,000 8347 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 712-005-010-000 Pope William 0 Mary Jo $460,729 $460,729 8337 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R04516-00 1-00 1-000 Johnson James Evans Jr $1,572,253 $1,572,253 75 S Beach Road, Wilmington, NC I R04520-002-001-000 Johnson James Evans Jr $1,289,000 $1,289,000 74 S Beach Road, Wilmington, NC R05208-002-00 1-000 1 JIB LLC $2,781,505 $2,781,505 1 JIB Road, Wilmington, NC OSP .....4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 Parcel ID R02919-009-0 1 0-000 R02919-009-013-000 R02919-009-0 15-000 R02919-009-026-000 R02919-009-031-000 R02919-0 1 0-005-000 R03700-002-020-000 R03700-002-029-000 R03 700-002-03 8-000 R03700-002-039-000 R03700-002-059-000 R03700-002-060-000 R03700-002-062-000 R03700-002-066-000 R03700-002-068-000 R03700-002-073-000 R03700-002-074-000 R03700-002-079-000 R03700-002-080-000 R03700-002-086-000 R03700-002-088-000 R03700-002-092-000 R03700-002-098-000 R03700-002-130-000 R03700-002-139-000 R03700-002-162-000 hjh ,...; C-" V Owner Assessed Value Myers Bruce P Patricia $366,866 1019 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC Skrzycki Family Trust The $356,534 1013 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC Schauf Alice T $367,704 1009 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC McDonough Sean Janet A $364,000 925 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC Murray Jay A Michelle R $526,599 909 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC Tallent William S Karen L $375,220 1030 Wild Dunes Circle, Wilmington, NC Stair John E Jr Suzanne M $445,000 403 Black Diamond Drive, Wilmington, NC Bryden David W Pamela B $152,232 421 Black Diamond Drive, Wilmington, NC Bauereis David A Elizabeth I $435,810 416 Black Diamond Drive, Wilmington, NC Warfield Delores J $154,000 414 Black Diamond Drive, Wilmington, NC Recht G Thomas Katharine J $596,991 8802 Old Overton Way, Wilmington, NC Teachey Gary R Virginia A $714,000 8713 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC McLean Gregory S Lisa R $624,148 8706 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC Everette Jack L N Donna Jo S $435,000 1807 Karsten Creek Way, Wilmington, NC Fontana Gary W Jeanne M $616,718 1804 Karsten Creek Way, Wilmington, NC Perez Rosemarie Andress $437,000 1805 Hartefield National Lane, Wilmington, NC Meiser Frederick E Dorothy A $505,980 1806 Hartefield National Lane, Wilmington, NC Ramsey Jane S Rev Trust $531,000 409 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Butler Beverly C Thomas M $539,000 411 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Klebanov Lev A Milla L $586,000 423 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Baer John H Julia M $533,000 438 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Nickol Jean A $539,000 430 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Bebb Raymond Janet $475,000 418 White Columns Way, Wilmington, NC Cahill Cornelius $608, 570 8716 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC Damitz Joseph M Corinne C $594,820 8822 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC Caglarcan Louise C Eral $840,615 8937 Champion Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC BOOK 1 PAGE 379 Affirmed Value $366,866 $356,534 $367,704 $364,000 $526,599 $375,220 $445,000 $152,232 $420,000/$373,000 $154,000 $596,991 $714,000 $624,148 $435,000 $616,718 $437,000 $505,980 $531,000 $510,367 -20% reduction for odd shape lot $546,000 $533,000 $539,000 $475,000 $580,000 -less reduction for vaulted ceiling area $560,000 -less $10 sq ft for lot adjustment $840,615 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 PAGE 380 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ill Owner Value Value R03 700-002-204-000 Adair Family Trust $553,500 $553,500 8721 Lowes Island Drive, Wilmington, NC R03 712-005-011-000 Orr Michael A Julienne B $432,418 $410,000 $404, 994- 8335 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC reduction for land value R03 712-005-015-000 Lucas Stephen J J Marie $429,000 $408,000 8327 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03712-005-017-000 Elmer Ann B $533,000 $533,000 8323 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03716-002-003-000 Barwick Hugh B Jr $1,340,461 $1,340,461 8300 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03 716-003-015-000 Wedgeworth Donald Phyllis $425,000 $425,000 8113 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC TAX APPEALS WITHDRAWN Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the following appellants have agreed to an adjusted value and withdrawn their appeals. The Board affirmed the assessed values of the following: Assessed Affirmed Parcel ill Owner Value Value RO 1900-002-008-004 Dowless Joseph Margie E $20,074 $20,074 I 4002 Ennis Acres Drive, Wilmington, NC RO 1900-002-0 16-000 Dowless Margie E $360 $360 4006 Ennis Acres Drive, Wilmington, NC R02920-003-0 14-000 Zamparelle Frederick L Laurie $379,330 $379,330 8902 Mahogany Run, Wilmington, NC R02920-003-020-000 DiMartino Michael Rose B $1,005,003 $1,005,003 8905 Saint Ives Place, Wilmington, NC R02920-003-022-000 Munoz C Frank Lourdes T Etal $1,005,292 $1,005,292 8901 Saint Ives Place, Wilmington, NC R03017-001-001-000 Jefferies John R $784,579 $784,579 1701 Futch Creek Road, Wilmington, NC R03611-006-004-000 Hajzak Peter Rosemary $19,000 $19,000 138 Beawood Road, Wilmington, NC R03611-006-005-000 Hajzak Peter Rosemary $149,664 $149,664 142 Beawood Road, Wilmington, NC R03 707-001-001-000 Costello Timothy D Kimberly A $884,621 $884,621 8703 Thomblade Circle, Wilmington, NC R03712-001-017-000 Dunn Nancy W $1,120,857 $1,120,857 8312 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03712-002-008-000 Beagle Wayne Kimberly $250,000 $250,000 8337 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03 712-002-013-000 Beagle Wayne Etal $180,000 $180,000 8409 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03 712-002-0 18-000 Brinson Jacob $415,797 $415,797 8429 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03 712-002-019-000 Blalock Charles M $408,636 $408,636 I 8433 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R03 720-00 1-006-000 Foster Robert D Jr Karen K $1,265,343 $1,265,343 8024 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC R04207-009-009-003 Mitchell Jewell M $32,860 $32,860 1525 Mame Drive, Wilmington, NC GSV ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, JULY 25, 2007 PAGE 381 ........' Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R04814-0 12-009-000 Monroe Dorothy Mae $65,032 $65,032 1003 Rankin Street, Wilmington, NC R04816-0 17 -002-000 Weisman Richard A $257,900 $257,900 114 Barnard Drive, Wilmington, NC R0551 0-009-0 15-000 Wynne Frances H $173,844 $173,844 4114 Hoggard Drive, Wilmington, NC R06600-003-0 1 0-000 Smith Letha Mae Life Estate $129,766 $129,766 525 Ponderosa Lane, Wilmington, NC R076 1 6-003-002-00 1 Russ Denver C $125,373 $125,373 5503 Myrtle Grove Road, Wilmington, NC R09217-023-013-000 Smith H Winfield Jr $407,062 $407,062 434 S Fourth Avenue, Wilmington, NC MEETING SCHEDULE The Board added another meeting to its schedule for August 24,2007, at 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Caster recessed the 2007 Board of Equalization and Review at 4:45 p.m. The meeting will reconvene on August 14,2007 at 9:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board lEV