E&R 2007-11-16 I I I ~ BOOK 1 PAGE 420 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 16, 2007 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Friday, November 16,2007, at 9: 15 a.m. in Conference Room 601 of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose ofthe meeting was to hear appeals filed by property owners regarding their tax value assessments. Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, and Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett were absent. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Robert C. Glasgow, Appraisal Supervisor Henry J. Montgomery, Revaluation Coordinator Roger Kelley, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Chairman Caster called the meeting to order and informed the appellants that the Board would hear the appeals and make decisions following the hearings. The Tax Administrator will notify each appellant by mail of the Board's decision. TAX APPEAL PRESENT A TIONS The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2007 tax assessment of real property: 1. Dominic L. Lamotta, property owner of 720 Royal Bonnet Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05000-006-138-000 2. William A. Blackburn and Anne T. Blackburn, property owner of21 1 Bogey Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R0501 1-019-003-000 3. Lonnie D. McCracken, Property Tax Manager of Dillard' s Inc., representing Mercantile Properties Inc. Etal, property owner of 1801 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R06l 05-00 1- 012-000 Break: Chairman Caster called a lunch break from 11 :05 a.m. until 1 :00 p.m. 4. David Jones and Janet Beason of David Jones Rentals LLC, property owners of3922 Market Street, 2392 and 2394 Carolina Beach Road, 0 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R04914-006- 006-000, R060 18-002-004-000, R060 18-002-005-000, and R06 1 06-00 1-00 1-00 1 5. Deborah Boniface, property ownerof871 1 New Forest Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R02900- 003-284-000 6. Harry A. Drake Jr., property owner of 125 Spring Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R037 1 8- 007 -014-000 7. Lawrence E. Arnone, property owner ofC-334 Aldrich Lane, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R04420- 002-082-000 8. Jane Broder, property ownerof1211 W. Two Mile Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R050l9-009- 024-000 In deliberations after the hearing of the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Parcel ID Assessed Owner Value Affirmed Value RO 1 020-002-0 12-000 Hobbs Donald Wayne Etal $542,771 5009 Birds View Court, Wilmington, NC $542,771 8 L V .....4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 16, 2007 BOOK 1 PAGE 421 Lamotta Dominic L 720 Royal Bonnet Drive, Wilmington, NC Blackburn Anne T 211 Bogey Drive, Wilmington, NC Tidier James Life Estate Etal 1919 S 17th Street, Wilmington, NC Mercantile Properties Inc Etal $9,624,549 1801 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC David Jones Rentals LLC* $1,619,644 3922 Market Street, Wilmington, NC David Jones Rentals LLC* $637,313 2392 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC David Jones Rentals LLC* $1,130,225 2394 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC David Jones Rentals LLC* $602,258 o Oleander Drive, Wilmington, NC *The Board directed staff to review Mr. Jones' income approach to value to determine a fair and equitable tax assessment for the properties. Staff is to work with Ms. Beason and Mr. Jones before bringing the appeals back to the Board for consideration. Parcel ID R05000-006-138-000 R050 11-0 19-003-000 R06007 -003-001-000 R061 05-00 1-0 12-000 R04914-006-006-000 R060 18-002-004-000 R060 18-002-005-000 R061 06-00 1-00 1-00 1 Owner Assessed Value Affirmed Value $416,548 $416,548 $303,174 $303,174 $602,246 $590,246 - Changed quality grade to C $8,143,888 R02900-003-284-000 Boniface Christopher J Deborah $390,093 $385,665 8711 New Forest Drive, Wilmington, NC R02900-003-327-000 Ciccarelli Paul C Donna M $444,831 $441,711 8610 Ramsbury Way, Wilmington, NC R02900-003-330-000 Booms Jonathan Rachel $421,728 $377,953 8718 Ramsbury Way, Wilmington, NC R03600-008-167 -000 Stancill Tina R $271,409 $271,409 7708 Monarch Drive, Wilmington, NC R03700-004-080-000 Caspary Raymond H Beatrice C $376,900 $330,071 603 Salo Street, Wilmington, NC R03708-007-011-000 Bugnatto Renzo D Erica $485,714 $432,339 8301 Vintage Club Circle, Wilmington, NC R03 718-007 -014-000 Drake Harry A Jr Marjorie B $366,159 $349,534 125 Spring Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC R03718-007-036-000 West Roy K Carolyn R $365,613 $365,613 126 Spring Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC R04417 -005-005-000 Walsh Thomas Carol Liv Trust $354,771 $354,771 302 Snug Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC R04417-006-033-000 Toop Stephen M Rebecca H $359,426 $359,426 7108 Fiddler Circle, Wilmington, NC R04419-003-007 -000 Setliff Harold R Jr Mary M $438,091 $438,091 6508 Providence Road, Wilmington, NC R04420-002-082-000 Arnone Lawrence E Margaret C $348,467 $348,467 334 Aldrich Lane, Wilmington, NC R05000-003-122-0 1 0 Briggs Deborah H $374,483 $374,483 6809 Mayfaire Club Drive, Wilmington, NC R05000-006-009-000 Bykowski Ann $342,567 $342,567 406 Sundial Court, Wilmington, NC R05000-006-131-000 Austin Gail $448,836 $410,714 ........". 761 Royal Bonnet Drive, Wilmington, NC R050 1 0-003-008-000 Gniadek Ernest Helen Family Tr $220,889 $220,889 6106 Inland Greens Drive, Wilmington, NC LLt? -., I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 16, 2007 PAGE 422 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ill Owner Value Value R050 19-009-008-000 Gilstrap Donald Douglas Jr $361,477 $361,477 1203 W Smith Bay Crrc1e, Wilmington, NC R050 19-009-024-000 Broder Jane B $297,832 $297,832 1211 W Two Mile Circle, Wilmington, NC R05019-01O-013-000 Dolan Agnes C Life Estate $315060 $315,060 1116 W Two Mile Circle, Wilmmgton, NC R05709-007-173-000 Burke Anna Elizabeth $271,507 $271,507 1800 Eastwood Road, Wilmmgton, NC TAX APPEALS WITHDRAWN Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the followmg appellants have agreed to an adjusted value and wIthdrawn therr appeals. The Board affIrmed the assessed values of the followmg. Assessed Affirmed Parcel- ill Owner Value Value R04817-032-013-000 Laing H P $125477 $125477 226 Princess Street, Wilmington, NC R03 719-002-0 1 0-000 Blum Troy E Lucia E $66,000 $66,000 1435 Final Landmg Lane, Wilmington, NC I R04415-0 13-002-000 Boyette Clemon MEtal $417,932 $417,932 3404 Graylyn Terrace, Wilmington, NC R04418-004-002-000 Houser Family Trust $290,178 $290,178 6420 Old Fort Road, Wilmmgton, NC R04509-002-008-000 Chewning Ronald B Kimberly $201,140 $201,140 122 North Hills Drive, Wilmington, NC R04820-008-00 1-000 Rigi Inc $2,206,346 $2,206,346 2916 Market Street, Wilmington, NC R04915-003-006-000 Colomal Parke Ltd Partnshp $8,123,908 $8,123,908 4930 New Centre Drive, Wilmmgton, NC R05000-006-118-000 Root Karen S Charles A $417,451 $417,451 401 New Kent Drive, Wilmmgton, NC R05411-0 16-003-000 Surf CIty Plaza $634,930 $634,930 1901 Oleander Drive, Wilmmgton, NC R05517-006-005-000 Inland Southeast Oleander LLC $5,815,546 $5,815,546 3804 Oleander Dnve, Wilmington, NC R05714-012-001-011 Alpha Mortgage Corporation $196,513 $196,513 2030 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC R060 18-0 1 0-0 15-000 ZP No 143 LLC $925,952 $925,952 700 ShIpyard Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R060 18-0 1 0-0 16-000 Zimmer CommercIal PropertIes $584,640 $584,640 680 Shipyard Boulevard, Wilmmgton, NC R060 18-0 1 0-0 17 -000 Zimmer Commercial PropertIes $673,940 $673,940 608 ShIpyard Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R060 18-0 1 0-0 18-000 ZP No 58 LLC $473,499 $473,499 604 ShIpyard Boulevard, Wilmmgton, NC R06119-007-002-000 Norwood John T Norma R $272,626 $272,626 I 810 Rollmg Hills Cove, Wilmington, NC R06208-0 11-041-000 Stehman Charles F $47,500 $47,500 6813 Camp Wright Road, Wilmmgton, NC R06218-008-024-000 Watson George N Anne 0 $448,088 $448,088 5905 Hunters Mill Lane, Wilmington, NC 9bS ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 16, 2007 BOOK 1 PAGE 423 Parcel- ill Owner Assessed Value Affirmed Value R07213-0 14-002-000 Webb MeredIth L $289,792 3533 Ins Street, Wilmmgton, NC Roepke Robert J Amanda M $236,606 5126 Long Pomte Road, Wilmington, NC MagUIre Joseph P Jr PatrICIa J $172,927 126 S Channel Haven Dnve, Wilmington, NC $289,792 $236,606 $172,927 R06616-007 -013-000 R07120-012-008-000 ADDITIONAL ITEM Tax AdmmIstrator Glasgow stated that the General Statutes allow for changes m value up and until the Board or EqualIzatlOn begms to meet. However, the Tax OffIce made adJustments to the assessed value of propertIes m Seapath Towers after the Board of EqualIzatIOn and ReVIew convened on May 7, 2007 The County had receIved complamts of some meqUltIes m value and mcreased those values based on the umts' locatIon and elevatIon. Rmsmg the values at thIS pomt m tIme may create some potentIal legal actIOn agamst the County and could cause some bad publICIty He recommended the Board change the assessed values back to the values as establIshed on February 14, 2007 He reported that ten property owners m Seapath had fIled appeals by the May 7, 2007 deadlme and they will need to be heard thIs year The Board dId hear appeals from two ofthe ten, Bill Stafford and Ben Baggott, at the November 9,2007 hearmg. Based on G S 105-286, the Tax OffIce will be able to legally correct the assessed values m Seapath next year due to a mIsapplIcatIOn of the schedule of values or a clencal error smce the County failed to properly IdentIfy the propertIes based on Its 10catlOn, elevatIOn and VIew Tax AdmmIstrator Glasgow also recommended that the Board may want to appomt a separate board to hear appeals especIally after a revaluatIOn year Consensus. The Board agreed to change the assessed values of propertIes m Seapath Towers back to the values that were m place as of May 7, 2007, WIth correctIOns occurrmg next year Vice-Chairman Greer suggested that the Tax OffIce work WIth the reSIdents, especIally those who are more familIar WIth the dIfferent towers and elevatlOns, to get a general agreement on how the schedule of values should apply ADJOURNMENT There bemg no further busmess, ChaIrman Caster recessed the 2007 Board of EqualIzatIOn and ReVIew at 415 p.m. The meetmg will convene November 30,2007 at 9.00 a.m. Respectfully submItted, ~{J~ Teresa P Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board gbSj