E&R 2007-11-30 I I I ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30, 2007 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Friday, November 30,2007, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room 601 of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose ofthe meeting was to hear appeals filed by property owners regarding their tax value assessments. BOOK 1 PAGE 424 Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster (attended afternoon session only), Vice- Chairman Robert G. Greer (attended morning session only), Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Robert C. Glasgow, Appraisal Supervisor Henry 1. Montgomery, Revaluation Coordinator Roger Kelley, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Vice-Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and informed the appellants that the Board would hear the appeals and make decisions following the hearings. The Tax Administrator will notify each appellant by mail of the Board's decision. TAX APPEAL PRESENTATIONS The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2007 tax assessment of real property: 1. Jean G. Willard, property owner of 1516 S. Live Oak Parkway, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05416- 012-002-000 2. James H. Medlin, property owner of 4814 College Acres Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05508- 004-005-000 3. Jacqueline Pressley, property owner of 716 S. Ft. Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05613-006-005-000 4. Sandra E. Weibley, property owner of 1904 WrightsvilleGreen, Wilmington, NC; ParcelID R05615- 005-005-000 5. Ashley Scott Thomas, property owner of246 Oak Crest Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R0561 7- 005 -00 1-000 6. Larry Smith, property owner of218 Oak Crest Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R056l7-005-033- 000 7. Allen B. Whitfield, property owner of 5313 Greenleaf Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05617- 008-009-000 8. William T. Bland, property owner of5825 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05619-008- 016-000 9. Janet P. Hicks, property owner of 1845 Churchill Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R06008-002- 001-000 10. Wayne Bullard, representative of T owano Corporation and property owner of 117 Partridge Road, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R06118-005-005-000 1 1. Billy Southerland, property owner of 5504 Peden Point Road and his son Gary Southerland, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R07620-002-002-000 Break: Vice-Chairman Greer called a lunch break at 12:45 p.m. until 1 :00 p.m. Chairman Caster presided over the afternoon session. G 817 .....4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 BOOK 1 PAGE 425 12. Norman E. and Dorothy Tyson, property owners of3280 Camden Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R05509-005-008-000 13. Susan W. Prickett, property owner of 975 Downey Branch Lane, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R05514-00 1-076-000 14. Billy King, property owner of 818 Morningside Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R060 1 0-003-005- 000 15. Charleene Wilson, property owner of 3914 Sweetbriar Road, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R06109- 004-013-000 16. Linda W. Martin, property owner of 1009 Parkway Boulevard, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R06507- 009-025-000 17. Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Pasquarette, property owners of5015 Nicholas Creek Circle, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R07100-005-037-000 18. Franklin N. Bryant, property owner of 1 102 S. 8th Street, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R05413-023- 019-000 In deliberations after the hearing of the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05416-012-002-000 Willard G Jean $337,580 $325,677 - Changed 1516 S Live Oak Parkway, Wilmington, NC grade to C from c+ R05508-004-005-000 Medlin James H Betty F $225,824 $204,159 - Changed 4814 College Acres Drive, Wilmington, NC condition to Fair from Average R05605-006-023-000 Robbins Porter A Etux $203,262 $203,262 5002 Clear Run Drive, Wilmington, NC R05613-006-005-000 Pressley William S Jacqueline $122,353 $122,353 248 Rose Avenue, Wilmington, NC R09405-0 14-008-000 Pressley William S Jacqueline $786,107 $770,239 - Correction on 716 S Ft Fisher Blv, Kure Beach, NC bathrooms and square footage of house R05615-005-005-000 Weibley Sandra E $300,741 $282,741 - Reduced value 1904 Wrightsville Green, Wilmington, NC to comparable properties R05617-005-001-000 Thomas Ashley Scott Etal $169,592 $159,325 - Changed 246 Oak Crest Drive, Wilmington, NC grade to C from C+ R05617-005-033-000 Smith Larry $4,960 $2,000 - Reduced for 218 Oak Crest Drive, Wilmington, NC unbuildable lot R05617 -008-009-000 Whitfield Allen B Etux $106,634 $106,634 5313 Greenleaf Drive, Wilmington, NC R05619-008-0 16-000 Bland William T Mary E $200,205 $170,205 - Reduced land 5825 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC value to $40,000 R06008-002-00 1-000 Hicks Janet P $459,887 $432,767 ~ Reduced land 1845 Churchill Drive, Wilmington, NC value by 15% R06118-005-005-000 Towano Corp $247,828 $233,310 ~ Changed 117 Partridge Road, Wilmington, NC condition to Average R06500-003-098-174 Hanna Ezzat Etal $157,851 $157,851 4138 Breezewood Drive, Wilmington, NC R06507 -015-001-003 V onderau Karin $180,189 $180,189 1521 Cadfel Court, Wilmington, NC R06507 -0 15-00 1-004 V onderau Karin $162,329 $162,329 1521 Cadfel Court, Wilmington, NC l8tJ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 PAGE 426 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R06507 -015-001-028 Bobbitt David J Connie Glover $162,329 $162,329 1505 Cadfel Court, Wilmington, NC R071 00-007 -001-148 Brideau Femande Mimi $169,179 $169,179 1549 Honeybee Lane, Wilmington, NC R07116-003-007-000 Sebik Augustin Frances A $180,118 $180,118 141 Navaho Trail, Wilmington, NC R07116-006-002-000 Carver Fred Betty Rev Liv Tr $265,319 $265,319 240 Seminole Trail, Wilmington, NC R07620-002-002-000 Southerland Billy B Wanda $536,760 $360,260 - Reduced land 5504 Peden Point Road, Wilmington, NC value to $225,000 R07908-003-077 -000 Gibson James F Jr Jerri F $300,000 $300,000 1420 Marsh Cove Lane, Wilmington, NC R04919-008-0 15-000 Brock Virginia J $184,868 $184,868 4907 Greenway Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05405-020-0 12-000 Woodcock Elizabeth $238,379 $225,928 312 S 4th Street, Wilmington, NC R05406-039-003-000 Croom Betty S $99,775 $99,775 1414 Castle Street, Wilmington, NC R05410-025-006-000 Davis Reginald S Sr Life Est $152,683 $152,683 815 S 13th Street, Wilmington, NC R05413-023-0 19-000 Bryant Franklin N Phyllis C $134,406 $124,223 - Changed I 1102 S 8th Street, Wilmington, NC condition to Fair R05413-030-002-000 Ward Tony $74,498 $74,498 1205 S 4th Street, Wilmington, NC R05509-005-008-000 Tyson Norman E Dorothy $265,997 $207,596 - Correction on 3280 Camden Circle, Wilmington, NC size of garage R05511-00 1-007 -000 Craig Mildred Patricia $148,675 $148,675 622 S Kerr Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05513-007-011-000 Moore Lillie Whitman Hrs $114,817 $108,006 1018 Bryan Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05514-00 1-076-000 Prickett Susan W $170,215 $170,215 975 Downey Branch Lane, Wilmington, NC R060 1 0-003-005-000 King Barbara A $157,860 $144,965 - Changed 818 Momingside Drive, Wilmington, NC condition to Fair R060 1 0-004-006-000 Cherry Frank D Jr $168,896 $168,896 2125 E Lake Shore Drive, Wilmington, NC R061 06-006-020-008 Sullivan Edith Ann $113,472 $113,472 4196 Spirea Drive, Wilmington, NC R061 09-004-0 13-000 Wilson Charleene $201,643 $201,777 3914 Sweetbriar Road, Wilmington, NC R06118-004-044-000 Porter Helen Hrs $282,895 $282,895 114 Partridge Road, Wilmington, NC R06500-003-021-000 Harrelson Mildred L Etvir $85,364 $67,584 3921 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC R06507 -009-025-000 Martin Linda W $154,280 $154,280 1009 Parkway Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R071 00-005-037 -000 Pasquarette Lynne Rev Trust $496,116 $496,116 5015 Nicholas Creek Circle, Wilmington, NC I V 8 t' .....4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 TAXAPPEALS~THDRAWN Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the following appellants have agreed to an adjusted value and withdrawn their appeals. The Board affirmed the assessed values of the following: BOOK 1 PAGE 427 Assessed Affirmed Parcel- In Owner Value Value ROI020-002-012-000 Hobbs Donald Wayne Etal $519,111 $519,111 5009 Birds View Court, Wilmington, NC R04818-041-023-000 Harris H L }r Elfenia Life Est $68,693 $68,693 103 Kendall Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-002 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 352 Red Wing Lane, Unit 1, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-003 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 353 Black Wing Place, Unit 2, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-004 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 352 Red Wing Lane, Unit 3, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-005 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 353 Black Wing Place, Unit 4, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-006 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 352 Red Wing Lane, Unit 5, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-007 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 353 Black Wing Place, Unit 6, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-008 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 352 Red Wing Lane, Unit 7, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-009 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 353 Black Wing Place, Unit 8, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-01O Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 9, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-011 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 10, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-012 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 11, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-013 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 12, Wilmington, NC R050 17 -0 14-0 11-0 14 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 13, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-015 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 14, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-0 16 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 15, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-017 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 16, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-018 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 17, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-019 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 18, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-020 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 354 Red Wing Lane, Unit 19, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-021 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 355 Black Wing Place, Unit 20, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-022 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 21, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-023 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 22, Wilmington, NC ~817 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 PAGE 428 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05017-0l4-011-024 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 23, Wilmington, NC R05017-0l4-011-025 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 24, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-026 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 25, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-027 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 26, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-028 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 27, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-029 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 28, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-030 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 29, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-031 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 30, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-032 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 358 Red Wing Lane, Unit 31, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-033 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 359 Black Wing Place, Unit 32, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-034 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 I 362 Red Wing Lane, Unit 33, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-035 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 363 Black Wing Place, Unit 34, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-036 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 362 Red Wing Lane, Unit 35, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-037 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 363 Black Wing Place, Unit 36, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-038 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 362 Red Wing Lane, Unit 37, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-039 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 363 Black Wing Place, Unit 38, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-040 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 362 Red Wing Lane, Unit 39, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-041 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 363 Black Wing Place, Unit 40, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-042 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 41, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-043 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 42, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-044 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 43, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-045 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 44, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-046 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 45, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-047 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 361 Red Wing Lane, Unit 46, Wilmington, NC I R05017-014-011-048 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 47, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-049 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 48, Wilmington, NC 98v ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 PAGE 429 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05017-014-011-050 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 49, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-051 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 50, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-052 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 51, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-053 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 52, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-054 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 53, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-055 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 54, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-056 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 55, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-057 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 56, Wilmington, NC R050l7-014-011-058 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 57, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-059 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 58, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-060 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 59, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-061 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 60, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-062 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 61, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-063 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 357 Red Wing Lane, Unit 62, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-064 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 63, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-065 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 64, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-066 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 65, Wilmington, NC R050 17 -014-011-067 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 66, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-068 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 67, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-069 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 68, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-0l1-070 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 69, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-01l-071 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 70, Wilmington, NC R050l7-0l4-011-072 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 71, Wilmington, NC R050l7-0l4-011-073 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 72, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-074 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 73, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-075 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 74, Wilmington, NC g8t7 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, NOVEMBER 30,2007 PAGE 430 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05017-014-011-076 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 75, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-077 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 76, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-078 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 77, Wilmington, NC R05017-014-011-079 Tar Heel Management & Maint Co $42,799 $42,799 351 Red Wing Lane, Unit 78, Wilmington, NC R05700-006-049-000 Thompson Daniel K Maria $455,324 $455,324 599 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC R061 05-0 1 0-0 1 0-000 Kelly Madeline C Life Estate $171,870 $171,870 3911 Westover Road, Wilmington, NC R06206-0 12-00 1-002 Lupton Julian W Jr Peggy W $162,298 $162,298 5739 Camellia Lane, Wilmington, NC R06700-005-131-000 Gattone Dean R Etal $458,978 $458,978 3714 Grantham Court, Wilmington, NC R071 05-006-0 1 0-000- Richichi Paul Clara $306,443 $306,443 4402 Fireside Court, Wilmington, NC R07116-008-0 14-000 Marshburn Teressa K $157,075 $157,075 105 Seminole Trail, Wilmington, NC R07120-011-017-000 Dorn Dawn $265,544 $265,544 I 5008 Mako Drive, Wilmington, NC R07616-004-020-000 Southerland Billy B Wanda $64,623 $64,623 5308 Peden Point Road, Wilmington, NC R08217-006-015-000 Murrell John F Rose Marie $175,296 $175,296 401 McQuillan Drive, Wilmington, NC R09213-011-001-000 Red Eye Properties $180,000 $180,000 116 N Fifth Avenue, Wilmington, NC R09213-0 11-002-000 Red Eye Properties $180,000 $180,000 114 N Fifth Avenue, Wilmington, NC ADDITIONAL ITEM Tax Appraisal Supervisor Montgomery submitted revised tax assessments for David Jones Rentals LLC on the following properties: R060 18-002-004-000 R060 18-002-005-000 R061 06-00 1-00 1-00 1 2390 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 2392 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC o Oleander Drive, Wilmington, NC $576,000 $1,468,971 $548,500 The Board directed staff to work with Ms. Beason and Mr. Jones, the property owners, before bringing the appeals back to the Board for approval. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Caster recessed the 2007 Board of Equalization and Review at 3:05 p.m. The meeting will convene December 6,2007 at 9:00 a.m. I Respectfully submitted, ~jJ~ Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board 88t' ~