E&R 2007-12-14 I I I ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Friday, December 14,2007, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room 601 of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals filed by property owners regarding their tax value assessments. BOOK 1 PAGE 436 Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr. (morning session only); and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett (afternoon session only). Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Robert C. Glasgow, Assistant Tax Administrator Roger Kelley, Appraisal Supervisor Henry 1. Montgomery, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Board of Equalization and Review Chairman Caster called the meeting to order and informed the appellants that the Board would hear the appeals and make decisions following the hearings. The Tax Administrator will notify each appellant by mail of the Board's decision. PENDING ACTION Tax Administrator Glasgow reported on pending action from prior meetings and requested Board action on the following: Parcel ill Owner Assessed Value Affirmed Value November 9. 2007 R08514-008-007-000 O'Brien Christopher Diane Trust $152,451 $151,552 7508 Player Way, Wilmington, NC After a review of the property, it was discovered that the enclosed porch did not have permanent walls which resulted in a value reduction of$900. The Board affIrmed the value. December 6. 2007 R057 1 4-009-034-000 Hardeen Theodore B Skipwith S $834,285 $825,000 2240 Bel Arbor Place, Wilmington, NC Upon re-measuring the house, the square footage was corrected to 2,936 square feet. The Board affirmed the value. R06309-004-006-000 Woodward Joseph A Marie $613,045 $613,045 2811 Shandy Avenue, Wilmington, NC At the December 6, 2007 meeting, the Board had directed staff to review the assessed values of properties at 2809,2818,2819, and 2821 Shandy Avenue. After a field examination, the property record cards were corrected showing increases in value for those properties. Upon Mr. Glasgow's recommendation, the Board agreed to wait until next year to correct the assessed values due to the fact that the property owners had not filed an appeal and the errors were found late in the year. The Board affirmed the value of the Woodward property. NEW BUSINESS The Board agreed to hear an appeal filed by Ernest Bozeman of 7178 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Bozeman had filed appeals on four properties before the May 7, 2007 deadline, but he failed to respond to the Value Change Notices ofJuly 3, 2007. Mr. Glasgow will notify Mr. Bozeman of the Board's decision to hear 9ot' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 BOOK 1 PAGE 437 the late appeal. TAX APPEAL PRESENTATIONS The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2007 tax assessment of real property: 1. Harold L. and Vivian Scharver, property owners of 404 Rivage Promenade, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R07812-002-012-000 2. Albert Roy Syster, property owner of 8919 Sedgley Drive, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ill R08413-003- 026-000 3. Nancy J. Reaves, property owner of1610 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R08807-017- 002-000 4. Charlette M. and Ernest O. Jones Jr., property owners of 1514 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R08807-020-003-00l 5. Rebecca Wilkins, property owner of 1314 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08811-007- 002-000 Break: Chairman Caster called a lunch break at 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 6. Bonnie T. Warner, property owner of 1306, 1308, and 13 10 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R0881 1-007-004-000, R08811-007-005-000, and R08811-007-006-000 7. George Parrish, representing Jewel Armour Gourley, the property owner of 1302 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R0881 1-007-007-000 8. James Moore, property owner of 1301 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R0881 1-007 -010-000 9. Wayne Dewitt and Barbara C. Falls, property owners of 1309 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08811-007-013-000 10. Robert and Jill Shoffner, property owners of 13 11 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R08811-007-014-000 11. Larry W. Brewer, property owner of 1315 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08811-007-016-000 12. Meredith P. Ezzell, property owner of 1207 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R088l1-008-012-000 13. Catherine S. Thomas, property owner of12 1 5 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R0881 1-008-016-000 14. John N. Denning, property ownerof915 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R08815-005-0 1 9-000 15. Charles Hinson of Chelson Properties LLC, property owner of 815 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08815-008-003-000 16. Linda C. and Wayne Thrift, property owners of 803 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08815-008-010-000 17. Edward Lee Holland, property owner of 502 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ill R08819- 004-009-000 18. Hilda P. Cox, property owner of 503 N. Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC; Parcel ID R08 819-004-0 11-000 In deliberations after the hearing of the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: C ( , f7 .::1 0 -.., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 PAGE 438 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05809-002-044-039 Gregory Lynne Eubank Etal $1,442,121 $1,442,121 2400 N Lumina Avenue Ext, Wrightsville Beach, NC R07811-005-011-000 Detora Don Carol $297,321 $278,681 6204 Sugar Pine Drive, Wilmington, NC R07812-002-0 12-000 Scharver Harold L Vivian $373,542 $367,503 - A Correction 404 Rivage Promenade, Wilmington, NC made in the type of porch R07815-002-0 1 0-000 Nunnally Maryann KEtal $281,489 $281,489 105 Pitch Pine Court, Wilmington, NC R07816-004-007 -000 Sullivan Joseph F Lucille M $285,837 $270,837 6240 Sugar Pine Drive, Wilmington, NC R07905-002-009-000 Elden Leonard L III Nancy E $321,397 $321,397 936 Rivage Promenade, Wilmington, NC R08407-001-017-000 Staropoli Dominick Marie $80,000 $80,000 319 The Cape Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R08407 -001-025-000 Sanderson Homer Glenn $415,425 $411,546 219 The Cape Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R08407 -001-037 -000 Musser Wayne E Karen M $273,176 $273,176 207 Rouen Court, Wilmington, NC R08410-001-043-000 Wadman William M Linda $251,497 $251,497 224 Club Court, Wilmington, NC R084 I 3-003-026-000 Syster Albert Roy Cheryl Lu $433,377 $418,530 - Adjusted to I 8919 Sedgley Drive, Wilmington, NC market value R08500-007 -024-000 Blackledge Michelle R $280,962 $280,962 505 Soundside Drive, Wilmington, NC R08505-002-004-000 Staropoli Dominick A Marie Dee $80,000 $80,000 617 The Cape Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R08807-016-003-000 Bullard Myrl S $391,000 $391,000 1712 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08807-016-004-000 Bullard John Robert Jr $496,447 $456,098 1710 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08807-017-002-000 Reaves Horace L Nancy J $535,540 $535,540 1610 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08807-020-003-001 Jones Ernest 0 Jr Charlette M $491,255 $483,459 1514 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08811-007-002-000 Williams Amy C $514,766 $514,766 1314 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08811-007 -004-000 Warner David E III Bonnie T $391,000 $391,000 1310 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08811-007 -005-000 Warner David E III $542,005 $489,153 1308 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08811-007-006-000 Warner Bonnie T $469,200 $469,200 1306 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R0881 1-007-007-000 Gourley Jewel Armour $646,912 $594,176 1302 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R08811-007-01O-000 Moore Helen L $773,748 $740,460 1301 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC R0881 1-007 -013-000 Falls Wayne Dewitt Barbara C $713,066 $680,188 1309 N Carolina Beach A venue, Carolina Beach, NC I R08811-007-014-000 Shoffner Robert Jill $691,461 $666,590 1311 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC R088 11-007 -016-000 Brewer Larry W Judy D $710,667 $681,948 1315 N Carolina Beach A venue, Carolina Beach, NC 8bV ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 Parcel ID R088II-008-01O-000 R088l 1-008-012-000 R088I1-008-014-000 R088II-008-0 16-000 R08815-005-0 19-000 R088 I 5-008-003-000 R08815-008-0 1 0-000 R08815-011-015-000 R08815-0 11-020-000 R08819-004-009-000 R08819-004-011-000 R08819-004-033-000 Owner Assessed Value BOOK 1 PAGE 439 Affirmed Value $654,133 $683,178 $666,157 $681,934 $678,706 $728,745 $707,278 $764,901 $705,337 $471,628 $722,798 $391,000 TAX APPEALS WITHDRAWN Tax Administrator Glasgow reported that the following appellants have agreed to an adjusted value and withdrawn their appeals. The Board affirmed the assessed values of the following: Killian Mary E G Paul W Jr $671,228 1203 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Ezzell Meredith P $715,387 1207 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Maginnes Philip R Jennifer M $693,104 1211 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Thomas Catherine S $717,372 1215 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Denning John N Etux $738,048 915 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Chelson Properties LLC $775,180 815 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Thrift Linda C Wayne $743,912 803 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Dinero LLC $817,594 703 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC McGirt James Lee Susan D $754,129 713 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Holland Edward Lee $514,456 502 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC Cox Hilda P $796,668 503 N Carolina Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC N C Horne Family Trust $391,000 500 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC Assessed Affirmed Parcel- ID Owner Value Value RO 1 020-002-0 12-000 Hobbs Donald Wayne Etal $519,111 $519,111 5009 Birds View Court, Wilmington, NC R02900-003-079-000 Willis Cecil Deborah $299,150 $299,150 8704 Pinkerton Drive, Wilmington, NC R04406-00 1-00 1-000 Parrish Carolyn B $247,151 $247,151 7238 Market Street, Wilmington, NC R04 716-007 -006-001 518 North Second Street LLC $492,995 $492,995 518 N 2nd Street, Wilmington, NC R050 17 -003-041-000 Franck John MArgie SEtal $119,821 $119,821 215 Hillsdale Drive, Wilmington, NC R050 17 -007 -009-000 Forest Grove Properties LLC $292,068 $292,068 118 Hillsdale Drive, Wilmington, NC R051 00-006-00 1-000 Trask Raiford G Jr $475,000 $475,000 2601 Middle Sound Loop Wilmington, NC R051 00-006-0 15-000 Trask Raiford G Jr $692,494 $692,494 2601 Middle Sound Loop Wilmington, NC R05508-002-0 15-096 United Zion LLC $69,831 $69,831 460 Racine Drive, Wilmington, NC Lbv ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK 1 I EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 PAGE 440 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R05520-003-037-000 Franck John M Agiro S $151,531 $151,531 230 Dixie Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05619-006-00 1-000 Franck John MArgie SEtal $161,708 $161,708 6020 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05619-006-006-000 Franck John MArgie SEtal $161,708 $161,708 6008 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05619-006-009-000 Franck John MArgie SEtal $161,708 $161,708 6010 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC R05720-021-0 19-000 Markham Samuel P $766,143 $766,143 7 W Greensboro Street, Wilmington, NC R060 19-006-0 12-047 Johnson Esther Lois $128,241 $128,241 1162 Shipyard Boulevard, Wilmington, NC R061 00-00 1-125-000 Baddour Madeleine $310,425 $310,425 509 Wallington Wilmington, NC R061 08-004-004-000 Forest Grove Properties LLC $146,396 $146,396 5041 Peachtree Avenue, Wilmington, NC R061 08-004-005-000 Forest Grove Properties LLC $146,396 $146,396 5039 Peachtree Avenue, Wilmington, NC R06117-006-002-000 Everett Rowland Grace $201,020 $201,020 305 Longstreet Drive, Wilmington, NC R06119-009-008-000 Chambers Earl M Sr Julie Ann $399,525 $399,525 I 4608 Bentley Drive, Wilmington, NC R06700-006-004-000 Coastal Investments Inc $746,641 $746,641 3642 Masonboro Loop Wilmington, NC R06705-005-008-000 Morvil David B Rebecca H $228,205 $228,205 5004 W Villa Place, Wilmington, NC R07117 -001-004-000 Parker Paul G Revoc Trust $189,450 $189,450 114 Horn Road, Wilmington, NC R07117 -001-007 -000 Parker Anne M Revoc Trust $189,450 $189,450 102 Horn Road, Wilmington, NC R07117-001-008-000 Parker Paul G Revoc Trust $189,450 $189,450 98 Horn Road, Wilmington, NC R07120-007 -002-000 Wheeler Patricia A Etal $362,239 $362,239 5809 Seabouy Circle, Wilmington, NC R07811-005-012-000 Fishero Donald W Maxine B $278,681 $278,681 6202 Sugar Pine Drive, Wilmington, NC R08413-007 -009-000 Gallagher Bernard F Patti Ann $358,922 $358,922 402 Bobby Jones Drive, Wilmington, NC R08500-002-203-000 Stack Joseph Tanya $230,349 $230,349 717 Ocracoke Drive, Wilmington, NC R08513-00 1-005-000 Homacy Anthony A Ann P $286,821 $286,821 8828 W Telfair Circle, Wilmington, NC R08513-003-022-000 Scales Family Trust $142,338 $142,338 504 Capeside Drive, Wilmington, NC R08817-006-009-000 Lakey Thomas H $167,689 $167,689 608 Rocky Mount A venue, Wilmington, NC R08818-009-006-000 Bachman Oliver J Jennifer K $214,712 $214,712 308 Wilson Avenue, Wilmington, NC I R08818-016-001-000 East Doris SEtal $682,844 $682,844 318 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC R090 1 0-0 11-00 1-025 Holdren Robin SEtal $417,148 $417,148 318 Columbia Avenue, W rightsville Beach, NC o 0 c; .....4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, DECEMBER 14, 2007 Parcel ID R090 10-027 -004-000 R090 1 0-034-00 1-008 R090 1 0-034-00 1-009 R090 13-008-0 1 0-000 R090 13-0 13-009-000 R09120-002-00 1-000 R09205-022-0 15-000 R09213-006-003-00 1 R09213-006-003-002 R09217 -017 -020-001 R09217 -017 -020-002 R09217-017-023-001 R09217-017-023-002 R09217-017-024-001 R09217 -017 -024-002 R06308-0 13-005-00 1 R090 14-0 14-002-000 Owner Assessed Value Swaringen Jean S $223,720 204 Spartanburg Avenue, Wrightsville Beach, NC, Gottesman Robert A $255,037 305 Greenville Avenue, Wilmington, NC Kochik Scott A Monica G $255,037 305 Greenville A venue, Wilmington, NC Atkinson Ray M Jr Jeane H $185,028 504 North Carolina Avenue, Wilmington, NC Halo Development LLC $13,200 706 Ocean Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Beulah Owens Life Estate $221,704 314 S Sixth Avenue, Wilmington, NC Lechiara Patricia P $474,893 135 Clementree Lane, Wilmington, NC Murray James Dorothy $514,002 230 N Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $514,002 230 N Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 306 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 306 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 302 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 302 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 322 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Murray James Dorothy $513,192 322 S Third Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Markham Samuel P $749,633 7 E Birmingham Street, Kure Beach, NC Samuels Timothy D Wendy M $871,332 1306 S Lake Park Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC MEETING SCHEDULE The Board scheduled the following meetings: Thursday, January 3,2008,9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday, January 11, 2008, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 30,2008,9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. BOOK 1 PAGE 441 Affirmed Value $223,720 $255,037 $255,037 $185,028 $13,200 $221,704 $474,893 $514,002 $514,002 $513,192 $513,192 $513,192 $513,192 $513,192 $513,192 $749,633 $871,332 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Caster recessed the 2007 Board of Equalization and Review at 5:05 p.m. The meeting will convene December 18, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. bb17 Respectfully submitted, ~~p~ Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board