E&R 2008-04-22 I I I ,., BOOK 1 PAGE 494 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, APRIL 22, 2008 ASSEMBLY The 2007 New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room 601 of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals flIed by property owners regarding their 2007 tax value assessments. Members present were Chairman William A. Caster, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, and Commissioner William A. Kopp. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. and Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett were absent. Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Roger Kelley, Appraisal Supervisor Henry J. Montgomery, Tax Appraiser Pete Richardson, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore. Board of Equalization and Review Chairman Caster called the meeting to order. TAX APPEAL PRESENTATIONS The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2007 tax assessment of real property. Each appellant was informed that the Board would make decisions following the hearings and they would be notified by mail of the Board's decision. 1. Donald Breck and Denise H. Culler, property owners of 149 Spring Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R037l8-007-020-000 2. James C. Halsey, property owner of 722 Timber Lane, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R050l4-01O- 012-000 3. Catherine Boccaccio, property owner of 2250 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R060 13-0 16-029-000 4. James Andrew Price, property owner of 2035 Trinity Avenue, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R045 1 8-002-008-000 5. Susan C. MecDermid, property owner of 244 Virginia Avenue, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R060 13-0 16-129-000 6. Randolf Ross and Tony Ross representing Acquenette Renee Ross Life Estate, property owner of 913 N. Seabreeze Road, Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R08514-001-018-000 7. Donald L. Luquire, property owner of 316 Columbia Avenue, Kure Beach, NC; Parcel ID R09010-011-001-021 8. Candace Clark, property owner of 225 and 229 Atlantic Avenue, Kure Beach, NC; Parcel ID R09213-005-0 18-000 and R09213-005-0 19-000 9. Ronnie W. Pernell, property owner of 214 J Avenue, Kure Beach, NC; Parcel ID R09217-005- 006-000 10. Steven A. Salke, property owner of 1318 S. Fort Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC; Parcel ID R09316-00 1-0 17 -000 In deliberations after the hearing of the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: 99g ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, APRIL 22, 2008 Parcel ID R03 718-007-020-000 R04406-007 -0 14-000 R04518-002-008-000 R050 14-0 1 0-0 12-000 R05710-002-022-000 R05714-004-0 16-000 R060 13-0 16-004-000 R060 13-0 I 6-024-000 R060 13-0 16-029-000 R060 13-0 16-061-000 R060 13-0 16-068-000 R060 I 3-0 I 6-094-000 R06013-016- I 01-000 R060 13-0 I 6-119-000 R06013-016-129-000 R08514-00 1-0 18-000 R090 1 0-0 11-00 I -021 R09213-005-0 I 8-000 R09213-005-0 19-000 R09217 -005-006-000 R093 16-001-017-000 gg<; Owner Culler Donald Breck Denise H 149 Spring Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC Papan Mike A Cecilia 7343 Bright Leaf Road, Wilmington, NC Price James Andrew 2035 Trinity Avenue, Wilmington, NC Halsey James C 722 Timber Lane, Wilmington, NC Epstein Mathias 120 Beech Street, Wilmington, NC Epstein Mathias 200 Beech Street, Wilmington, NC Miles Monica Danielle 2205 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC Conyers Edna 2230 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC Garvey Donn E JrlBoccaccio Catherine 2250 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC Morrissey Alan W Trust Etal 334 Virginia Avenue, Wilmington, NC Chance Irma R 327 Virginia Avenue, Wilmington, NC Norton John J 313 Maryland Avenue, Wilmington, NC Schneiderman Stacy L Jon Etal 2338 Adams Street, Wilmington, NC Paul Maria V Trust 2332 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC MecDermid Susan C 244 Virginia Avenue, Wilmington, NC Ross Acquenette Renee Life Est 913 N Seabreeze Road, Wilmington, NC Assessed Value $90,000 $211,637 $453,798 $246,358 $727,203 $1,043,526 $141,623 $136,314 $146,271 $ I 46,908 $162,381 $148,270 $196,442 $137,795 $150,453 BOOK 1 PAGE 495 Affirmed Value $50,000 - Reduced land value by $40,000 $20 I ,233 - Staff corrected measurements of house $398,286 - Reduced land value to $280,000 $157,347 - Changed CDU to poor, less 15% functional obsolescence $539,953 - Staff reduced land value to $347,750 $347,541 - Staff reduced land value $141,623 $136,314 $146,271 $ I 46,908 $162,381 $148,270 $ I 84,636 - Staff changed CDU to Average $142,482 - Staff corrected record card $150,453 $21,760 - Reduced land value due to drainage problem $419,003 - Staff corrected basement area $1,004,225 - Reduced land value to $945,000, removed effective year built Note: Other lots along Atlantic Avenue will be reduced to $945,000 effective 2008. Clark Candace $1,175,112 $1,046,340 - Reduced 229 Atlantic Avenue, Kure Beach, NC land value to $945,000, removed effective year built $450,000 - Reduced land value to $450,000 $653,459 - Reduced land value by $15,000 $43,520 Luquire Donald L Sharon C $414,586 316 Columbia Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Clark Candace $1,127,000 225 Atlantic Avenue, Kure Beach, NC $504,000 Pernell Ronnie W Dianna 214 J Avenue, Kure Beach, NC Salke Steven A Donna L $668,459 1318 S Fort Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC I I I ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, APRIL 22, 2008 OLD BUSINESS (TABLED FROM MEETING OF APRIL 4, 2008) Upon review of the properties, Staff re-measured the houses and corrected the property record cards for the following: BOOK 1 PAGE 496 Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R09209-0 12-008-000 Snyder Herbert Alice R $344,091 $344,091 661 Settlers Lane, Kure Beach, NC R05407 -005-006-000 Webb David P Charlotte K $141,134 $141,134 1819 Ann Street, Wilmington, NC TAX APPEALS WITHDRAWN Tax Administrator Kelley reported that the following appellants have agreed to an adjusted value and withdrawn their appeals. The Board afftrmed the assessed values of the following: Assessed Affirmed Parcel ID Owner Value Value R02900-003-00 I -002 Adams Michael C Stephanie F $165,592 $165,592 634 Creekwood Road, Wilmington, NC R02900-003-008-004 Yellen Barbara Christine $333,497 $333,497 328 Creekwood Road, Wilmington, NC R02900-003-008-007 Dennis Lonnie PEtal $217,147 $217,147 332 Creekwood Road, Wilmington, NC R03017-001-014-000 Chinn Leonard David $625,491 $625,491 18 I 7 Futch Creek Road, Wilmington, NC R03600-005-039-000 Jordan Barbara Ann $114,229 $114,229 7590 Market Street, Wilmington, NC R03600-005-092-000 Jordan Barbara Ann $145,956 $145,956 7590 Market Street, Wilmington, NC R041 00-004-0 1 0-000 Morehead Marketplace Ltd Ptrp $4,070,000 $4,070,000 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC R04320-003-013-000 Campbell Antoinette $155,846 $155,846 7 Northwood Drive, Wilmington, NC R049 I 5-00 1-004-000 Prevatte H L Betty R $108,722 $108,722 o Market Street, Wilmington, NC R049 I 5-00 1-006-000 Prevatte H L Betty R $189,323 $189,323 4705 Market Street, Wilmington, NC R050 19-003-002-000 Armstrong Taabet Monica Lee $296,675 $296,675 202 Bretonshire Road, Wilmington, NC R05600-00 1-00 1-000 WetheriII Richard Jr Etal $3,693,443 $3,693,443 1541 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC R060 I 3-0 16-118-000 Moynahan Sue Ann James H Etal $139,517 $139,517 2336 Jefferson Street, Wilmington, NC R063 15-006-026-000 Massey Sue A $1,627,965 $ I ,627 ,965 610 Waynick Boulevard, WrightsviIIe Beach, NC R06707 -001-006-000 Cook Kevin P Phyllis B $1,649,845 $1,649,845 1020 Windlea Run, Wilmington, NC R08811-003-01O-000 Davis Donald A $118,938 $118,938 1207 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, NC 89g ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, APRIL 22, 2008 Parcel ID R090 10-035-003-000 R090 14-0 I 4-006-000 R090 14-0 14-007 -000 R09018-011-004-000 R09018-011-006-000 R09018-011-007-000 R09018-011-008-000 R09018-011-012-000 R09206-00 I -0 1 0-000 Owner Assessed Value Affirmed Value $300,033 $270,000 $270,000 $803,600 $870,240 $1,460,214 $1,087,800 $120,540 $805,755 BOOK 1 PAGE 497 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Caster recessed the 2007 Board of Equalization and Review at 3: 18 p.m. The meeting will convene April 24, 2008 at 1 :00 p.m. L99 Garrity Bertha Ann Rev Trust $300,033 211 GreenviIIe Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Maisel Stanley Joseph Nancy E $270,000 105 North Carolina Avenue, Carolina Beach, NC Maisel Stanley Joseph Nancy E $270,000 1303 BowfIn Lane, Carolina Beach, NC Lynch Jack L Tamsie G $803,600 1507 S Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Lynch Jack L Tamsie G $870,240 1513 S Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Lynch Jack L Tamsie G $1,460,214 1515 S Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Lynch Jack L Tamsie G $1,087,800 1517 S Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Lynch Jack L Tamsie G $120,540 1509 S Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC Bennett Ward E Terry G $805,755 1102 N Fort Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board