1977-01-17 RM Exhibits{ / ~~ HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Proposed Membership - STEERING COMMITTEE Participating Agency ~ Agency Representative Title Cape Fear Area United Way Mr Don Morton Assoc Exec Director Child Development Center Pis Janice Norris Exec Director Employment Security Commission Mr W A Muench Manager N H County Dept of Social Services Miss Lela Moore Hall Director N H County Health Department Dr James A Finger Director N H County Sheltered Workshop, Inc Mr Donald Walker Executive Director Region "O" Family Resources, Inc Ms Meredith Cosby Program Coordinator Southeastern Mental Health Center Mr Melton Martin Area Director W -N H Services for the Aging Mrs Dolli Asbury Director Voluntary Action Center Ms Carolyn Gruelle Executive Director 1 consumer representative from wheelchair & se mi-ambulatory clien tele 1 consumer representative from elderly cliente le FULL COMMITTEE 12 members of the Steering Committee, plus American Red Cross firs Martha King Exec Director Brigade Boys' Club Mr Buddy Goodson Director Developmental Evaluation Clinic Mr Stephen Bundy, Jr Administrator Family Services-Travelers Aid Mr Sid Bradsher Exec Director Girls Club of Wilmington firs E D Treanor, III Director N C Commission for the Blind Mr Roland C Brantley Director N H County RSVP Ms Marcel Austen Director Salvation Army Dr Fred Boyette Brigadier United Cerebral Palsy C D C Ms Janet Ensign Director Vocational Rehabilitation Mr Joe Harden Administrative Counselor IrJilmington Transit Authority Mr Joseph F Dunn Chairman Y P1 C A P-1s Maxine Maddox Program Director Y W C A Ms Bessie Fay Hunt Director City of 4ilmington (City Council's designee) New Hanover County (County Commissioners' designee) TOTAL H S T A C Pembership = 27 representatives r REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF Rm 308, 1191 ~~NON~t~ TH CAROLINA P O. BOX 87 28401 TELEPHONE 919 763.9876 January 4, 1977 Mr Dan Eller County Manager Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Dan •- F" ~ ,. °r' ,.'~,~ r i ~ t„ Attached you will find two lists of bids received on City- County owned property for sale One list shows property on which bids have been received and are recommended by the staff to be sold at the bid price The staff's policy has been to recommend bids received that are at least 20% of the tax valuation with a reasonable square foot price on the first bid After the parcels have been advertised the second time the staff recommends bids that represent over 15% of the tax valuation After the third advertisement the recommendation drops to 10% The second list contains parcels on which bids have been received that are not considered satisfactory using the above criteria and are not recommended by the staff for sale at this time We are also enclosing a report showing the current status of City-County owned property Very truly yours, S W Sanders, Jr Executive Director Encs RECOUP PROGRAM 1 Number of Parcels sold 48 Sales Price $ 18,057 50 Tax Valuation $ 44,235 00 2 Number of Parcels for approval submitted with this report 25 Amount of Bids $ 20,040 O1 3 Number of Parcels readvertised for upset Bids 15 Amount of Bids to date $ 40,224 19 4 Bids rejected - not readvertised as yet 13 Amount of above bids $ 1,227 00 5 Number of parcels on which no bids have been received 85 6 Number of new Parcels added to workload 29 7 Total number of Parcels in workload 252 8 Number of Parcels removed from workload by City or County for future public use 37 9 Net workload of Parcels in Recoup Program 215 EXPENSES (Estimated to date) Personnel (charged to Recoup Project) Community Development Commission $ 1,275 00 C E T A 7,225 00 Wilmington Redevelopment Commission None Advertising - includes signs 1,285 00 Misc - Phone, auto, office supplies and copying 200 00 Total Expenses $ 9, 985:-0@- ~J 2( ~ ~~ MEMORANDUM - City-County owned Property FROM Porter Hamric TO S W Sanders, Jr DATE January 4, 1977 The number of parcels of property sold at this time is 48 These parcels have been approved by the governing bodies, but not all the deeds have been delivered due to a delay in obtaining the deeds from Mr Fox, the County Attorney The total income will be $18,057 50 when all the deeds are delivered The tax value of these properties is $44,235 00, and the sales price represents 40 82% of the tax value The number of parcels under upset bids from the last advertisement is 15 and the total of the current bids on the properties is $40,224 19 These 15 are some of the better properties and have to be readvertised There are also 38 properties which have already been advertised for upset and are to be submitted to Council and Commissioners with this report The total amount of these bids is $21,267 O1 There are currently 85 parcels of property with no bids Part of the reason for this situation is due to the fact that I did not find out that the City and County owned some of this property until November of 1976 In mid December of 1976 we began mailing a note and a sketch of these properties to gall adjoining property owners, especially absentee property owners The response has been good, and I think we will have bids on about 25% of this property by January 31, 1977 Also, on December 6, 1976 the City and the County bought in 29 more parcels of property at the courthouse and they will be cleared for sale in January 1977 Q~ I r-1 ~ O~ i .--1 N r` N 0 x b v G E a~ v o U I O~ ~ ~D' O~ M ~ r` ~ ~ N d' N ~i i i ~ r` M ~ r-i N ~ O r-t ~ ~ f` n e--1 ~--i r--1 M a m v! v] C O O O •rl Q1 N ~ r-1 b b N N 'LS rl •rl •r-I L 1J •r-1 a~ c~ c7 a~ ~ d c~ can v ~ a ~ ~ v 0 0 0 w o o ~ m m o a~ ~ a~ 3 rx a s ti h ti ,a 00 00 °o ~ ~ ~ o0 ~ ~ o0 0"'o w o 00 ~ O ~o r1 rn n M M r-1 rl N .--~ O O O O O O O tI1 M f` lf'1 i1'1 O~ C~'l O o0 O ~ N cal 00 N M ,-t N ~ N ~-.! 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O r-+ ao a a .~, .r., N ~ ~ ~ x x v ~v w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 U1 O r-I > O ~ ~i ~ O r-I u'1 ~!'1 > .--t X~ 1 M C'~'1 0 a~ b 00 bD •r-I a a a a c7 .~., .~, .r., .~, ' ~, ~ ~ ~ b 1 x x x x 3 1 lp w w w w a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ ~ o o ~n ~~ I~ u'1 O ~ M O O O O n ~ n ~ ap ~O ~ c~'1 '--i r-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ 00 ~O Imo. x x ~ x Cr) ~ (~ CYl O O N ~ I M Qi O yJ L L ~ F" ~ 1J C/] Cn C!] to V] ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ y j J -1 yJ N N O ~ .u i.~ ~ ap ao ~ .~ u 1~ ~ ''~ ~ ~ ° ~ L ~ ~ a i .[ .~ o Uj ri U 1-.~ C/] 1J L1 S CO cn ~ r+ O O ~ N cd O ~ .~ N O O r-+ O ~ .o v v cn ~+ ~ 3 rn cn cn ~ ~+ o ~ z ~ ~ ° ~, ~ M r-, ~° ~ ~ a , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ F-I ~ ~: x ti Q ~O Z 7 ~ ~ ~. .~ ~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE, JR. Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET ~iAllObeC ,~ ~, ~( ~tlm[rtgtott, ~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru December 31, 1976 Regular Scroll Charges Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co Total Collected Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Total Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes 1976 $ 9,887,734 29 1,635,979 81 $11,523,714 10 - 70,316 14 11,453,397 96 - 9,809,492 48 $ 1,643,905 48 85 60 $ 466,470 92 - 5,052 11 - 125,877 99 S 335,540 82 27 2~ MAE B STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 1975 762-0391 $8,125,391 15 1,170,857 28 $9,296,248 43 - 157,134 28 9,139,.114 15 -7,023,558 04 $2,115,556 11 76 9 0 $ 332,356 19 - 136 07 - 67,019 21 $ 265,200 91 20 2% Personal Property $ 328,845 80 $ 343,874 95 Less Abatements - 1,248 57 - 94 83 Collections to Date - 19,984 O1 - 24,409 02 Outstanding Balance $ 307,613 22 $ 319,371 10 Percentage Collected 6 10 7 3% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wr>_ghtsville Beach to date, $15,646,255 89 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 Respectfully submitted, J ie B traughn C lector of Revenue ~o~ ~~ JBS/pbc ,. MEMORANDUM January 13, 1977 To Mr Dan Eller County Manager New Hanover County Board f Commissioners 7 From Larry J Powelh~ Tax Administrator. Subject Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incoY~rect in.formatlon 1 E S Benson, Jr $ 50 26 2 E I Dupont 66 81 3 W~1_llam H Fisher 17 08 4 Leaseway System Corp 153 32 (Refund) 5 William Monroe ?_3 20 6 Duane Olerich 15 85 (Refund) 1 Alberto Rodriquez 35 11 Request the following taxes be abated as this is ex empt property 1 Faith Baptist Churcr~ $137 27 (Refund. 1975) ?_ Winter Park Cemetary 190 41. (1975 8 ].976) Request the following taxes be released as these are cleri_ca]_ errors In not applying the Senior Cltizens° Exemption 1 Anna Allen $ 58 50 (Refund) 2 Eva Berkley 34 50 (Refund) 3 Gussie Blanks 50 83 4 Nellie Brown 8LE 00 5 Herbert Clark 34 50 6 A S Klein 84 00 (Refund) 7 Charlie Pope 84 00 (Refund) 8 GI C Riggs, Jr 84 00 (Refund) 9 James C Wells 34 50 (Refund) 10 Robert M Williams 84 00 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical and appraisal errors In additions, pricing motor vehicles, lot sizes, etc 1 Kay Benson 2 Seavy Brown 3 Joanette Conner 1+ Four Seasons Roofing F Rena~r.Lng 5 Robert Harris 6 Terrv Hobbs 7 Arr~h Iri~ram 8 St-anley Johnson 9 Joseph T King 10 Lease Plar. Inc 11 Giill~am A Mar].onee 12 Merle B Mar-tin 13 J C; Nesbitt $ 12 19 (1975) 55 64 18 48 2 7 14 3 14 46 3i+ 78 (Refund) 2 78 8 ]_ 6 22 62 (1975) 41 25 371 40 (7.975 Refund) 1 94 2_ Re~c~uest 1.he fol_1.ow.~_ng taxes be r~e7_eased as -these Lncl~ v_L~ u z i do not r~es~de wzthz.n the C.r.tj;~ or Town: "1_ ~.mlt 7 , or the persona l property r.s lora~ted within the' CourlLv ~_ Edrtrond Clemmons $ 28 98 (1975 ) 2 Alvin Debose 42 55 (:y975) 3 ~T~..m ]ievauns F7 oor Cc~ver~_ng 8 5 5 l+ Larrv 1:11.zs 63 56 5 Robert F,17_:L on 2.1 ? 3 6 DoZ ores Fit;,ger.~ald 16 70 (197 5 ) W<<7.1_.i.a.rn Godbo~.i 20 sEi (:L975) 8 F7 oy~1 t-,r. eenf.ield 37 22 9 .Tames i?ammond 3;> 7.1 1C,' Bennie Herring 1ci 76 ;~.. Frani~lr.n T':ln~~,.a~~ <1 05 (7.97 ) 12 Robert `vr Johanneser~ 118 7. ~ 1.1 1\Obei't 1, '.C:r l.lrrE' i ~ ) ~~+ T C' Mch,rl~ie ?8 '2 15 t ar-ter Ne~~sor,iN '+3 q1+ 17 ~~r'ar~: ~~~> r~1 rl ~~ ~ ti '~ ~ 1 3 4im~~ s Ox~:>> ~ e d~ r' (~ 2 ~~ 7. ~; Part sl; ° s L. t;N ' Par ~ ~ 1.6 ~'> ~. 2 !? F"~arbara Perry 16 61 21 Robbins jAse~~ Cars 64 62 22 Ell Rose 4 13 23 Lawrence Russell 32 97 2.4 Sassers Auto Sales 102 48 25 Samuel Smith 19 80 26 Luther Stanley 8 74 (1975) 27 Richard Strickland 36 75 28 Gloria Weaver 18 29 (1975) 29 Kaye Weaver 24 02 (1975) 30 Ricky Wilkie 10 89 31 A H Yopp 56 09 Request the follows_ng taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Anna Alles $ 13 04 2 W Herbert Blackledge 41 64 3 Chamblee Ins Agency 261 91 4 Carolina Furniture Co 30 90 5 L H Couch 53 00 6 Kenneth Dav7.s 16 53 7 Robert G Ford 33 60 8 France Neckwear Co 9 23 9 Graham Goodrum 55 90 10 Randolph Gore 69 60 11 T S Gregory 53 00 1.2 Gregory Poole Equi p Co 1.3 3 3 13 Bruce Hammond 4 52 1.1E Nettle Hampton 53 00 15 A H Harrell 55 2.0 16 W T Herndon 52 66 17 Harvey D Hendricks 54 98 l8 Jan Hendricks 32 35 19 Stanley Hawse 56 10 2.0 June H1117_ard 13 22 (Refund 1975) (1975) (1966 thr.u 1976) (1975) (Refund 1975) (1975) (1966 thru 1976) (1966 thru 1976) (1966 thru 1976) (1975) (1975) 3 21 James ~.Ierrlott $ '36 05 22 Elijah Holmes 1 38 23 Martha Hogan 13 75 (1975) 24 Hubert: Horne 1.76 98 (1975) 25 Flora Johnson 7 40 26 Edward Koontz 9 38 (1975) 27 Walter Mapson 58 73 (1975) 28 Elizabeth Meier 13 05 (1975) 2.9 Leonard McDowell. 37 ?_6 (Refund) 30 Bynum Merri.tte 5 40 (1.975) 31. Donald Mintz 1.2_ 53 32_ North Carolina National Bank 65 10 (Refund) s3 Wi-lllam Parker 2.8 01 34 D L Peterson ~+0 06 (1975) 35 R C R of Wi_1mi.ngton 55 75 36 Walter Rlvenbark 16 53 (1975) 37 Rosemary Russel-1 48 51 38 Gordan Shol-ar 27 26 (1-975) 39 James Snyder 38 52 40 John Sullivan 14 1-0 (1975) 41 Alex M Trask 878 2.3 42 Jack Watson ]-8 40 43 Noah Ward 29 50 '+4 Elvie White 77 89 45 Randall Wood 22 80 (1.975) The following taxpayers request the l.lst2ng penalty be released as they certify that they placed the li.sting in the mall during January, received the listing sheet late, or listed other property which they felt covered all. tracts 1 John R Baker $ ~-+ 77 ?_ Bessemer Improvement Co 25 88 3 May Brinson 1.4 68 (Refund) ~~ Wilbur Bryant 37 69 5 Robert F Cameron 61'1 74 6 James Conaway 32 00 (Refund) 7 Ell-1.s Covil_ 27 31 (Refund) 8 John Creed 38 87 9 Clyde Dickerson 8 53 10 Max 0 Fryar 16 28 11 IIarry Godfrey 87 12 Thomas Gore 76 99 13 Robert Graham 15 58 (Ref_und) 14 Joseph Gurganus 33 94 (Refund) 15 Roger flawklns 30 34 (Refund ) 16 Gerald Hurst 2.1 72 (Refund. ]-975 & 1976) 17 Jade East of Carolina 396 27 18 Robert Kaltman 470 ].3 19 David Kilpatrick 9 99 20 George Leonard 4 33 2.1 Dula Little 27 09 22 Elizabeth Mebane 11. 83 (Refund) 23 Mer-Cam Company 72 92 24 John Munroe 71 40 25 B D Millis 39 68 26 Luther Pressley 5 77 27 R 6 R Properties 42.3 08 28 Clarence Roddy 40 90 (Refund) 29 D G Rowe $ 49 30 Jack Stocks 1 31 Alice Sweat 20 32 Gilbert Walker 29 33 Herbert Zimmer 62 Request the above items be placed on the agenda Commissioners' meeing on January 17, 1977 LJP/pbc Copy Mr James C Fox Ms Alyce Brown 4 40 98 24 69 ($24 68 Refund) 57 ~f the County M:~ ~_ , ~ ~ ~, ,w, MEMORANDUM January 13, 1977 To New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Mr Dan Eller County Manager From Larry J Powell,~~ Tax Administrator Subject Extensions of L,lsting Period G S 105-307 allows the Board of County Commissioners to grant individual extensions if the taxpayer .requests the extension seven days prior to the close of the listing period and shows good cause for the requested extension Letters written by the following taxpayers requesting the extensions are aval]_able for review in Mr E11er's office Thomas 0 Howard Company Sea Cate Yachts Southern Securities, Ltd Eastman Kodak Company Mobil Oil Corporation Kayser Roth Corporation Rolane Sales Corporation Century Mills, Tnc The B F Goodrich Company Union Carbide 6150 Rockower Corporation Pinnix Corporation Amoco Oil Company Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of January 17, 1977 As the taxpayers may request extensions as late as seven days before the close of the listing period, I wou]_d suggest a special meeting of the Board be scheduled during the latter part of January to rule on additional requests received LJP/pbc copy Ms Alyce Brown Mr James C Fox Mrs Hazel E Wallace