1977-01-27 SpM ExhibitsJ / ~~i MEMORANDUM To Mr. Dan h:I_:1 er County Manager January 26, 1.977 New Hanover County Board of Commi.ssi_oners From Larry J Powel_1 ~~ Tax Administrator Subject Extensions of List:i.ng Period Since the Board approved the requests for extensions of listing period for indivldua]_ taxpayers, I have recel.ved the following additional requests for ext:enslons Letters wr~_tten by the following taxpayers requestl_ng the extensions a.re available for review In Mr E1.7_Pr's office Service, Inc Macke Electronic Office Systems, Inc Hanover Tron Wor. }<s , Inc Cape Fear. Motor gale, Tnc Melville Corp Wr. lghtsvllle Moir. ,1 n ~ , T Sand Casty T.rrr~ Hazeltine I~c~~a ~ n~,_ C ~> Wilmington "~~r ~.~ Tr<>u `~ ~ ~ ~~l Co Britts Auto Pear ~ ~ ~ Tnc, Ilanks Di~tri};~ut~n~~ C'~ ln~ J W Georg}c~ George's cupc~.~ M-~t ]<c~t- Iiighlander, I,trl Richlands Text. plc' Claremont Tex-tiles Heavy Duty P-irts, Inc Triton Tnvestrnent Co , Inc Ilasco , Inc Welker_'s Inc Sanitary Uti].a..ties, Inc Associated Ut~lits_es, Inc Pine Valley Water Co , Inc Essential Utilities, Inc Cape Fear Ut.tli.t~es, Tnc Consolidated tJt~7_l.ties, Inc Quality Water Supplies, Inc Figure "8" Island U-ti.lity Co Coleman Supply Co Mercer's Enterprise, Inc Newell's Ente.rpr.l~~e, Inc Pilot Freiā‚¬;ht Carri.er. s, Inc Industrial. Truck S~~les & Service, Tnc Red Dogs King's Grant Water C'oT?il~a.ny Roland H Robinson 'I'/A Rohl neon' s Al.~.~;nment Ser. vice Northeast C'h~mi ca ~ C'o Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners January 26, 19.77 Page 2 Jordan's Funeral Home C F S Corporation Duck Haven Golf Club H W Coupland T/A Waff Builders R R Key T/A Key Motor Company Zora's Seafood Market Foy, Roe ~ Company Moore's Insurance Agency Tom Reich Chevrolet, Inc Luther T Rogers, Inc Service Office Supply ~ Design Strickland Corporation Wilmington Iron Works Century Mens Shop Lenox G Cooper, Insurance Lamar McIver Insurance Agency Suggs & Harrelson Construction Company Robert J Hobbs T/A Bob's Holiday Gulf Jeffrey Johnson T/A Undersea Sales & Engineering Barbara McFadyen T!A Nicholson Designs New Hanover County Cold Storage, Inc Standard Paint & Glass Company Jack S Campbell, M D P A Dr J Alan Gray, P A Keagan Construction Company East Coast Corporation Shop Rite Supermarkets, Inc Keg N' Kleaver, lnc Travel Unlimited, Inc Podiatry Associates of Wilmington, P A Mister Golf, Inc McKenzie Supply Company Owens Electric Supply Company Don R Whittemore OP P A Dr E C Anderson Hanover Dental Laboratory Rogers Development Co , Inc Tatum S Robertson Realtor Rose Ice & Coal Company Krispy Kreme Doughnut Company Farrar Transfer & Storage Warehouse, Inc Miller-Motte Business College, Inc The Electric Repair ~ Service Co Wertheimer Bag Company Glen Meade Fashions Wellington Arms Apartments Hedquist Radio ~ T V Service Auto Sales, Inc Harley-Davidson of Wilmington, Inc EBCO, Inc T/A College Vlew Mobile Homes Home Insulation Co , Inc D & L Transport Winter Park Shell Safety Equipment Co , Inc Dan Inman Septic Tank- ~Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners January ?_6, 1977 Page 3 Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaners Clene Towne Coin Laundries The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Metropolitan Furn~.ture Leasing, Sun Company North Carolina Nattional Bank N C N B Properties, Inc N C N B Mortgage Corporation Tlmme Corporation SCM Corp First Leasing Corp Pine Valley Apartments, Ltd Texaco, Inc N C R Corp AVCO Financial Service Mabel H West Consolidated Energy Products, Co Salem Carpet Mills, Inc King's Dept Store Randolph Computer Corp Graybar McDonald's Co , Inc I.nc (Metrolease) Continental Illinois Realty Advisors, Inc Harms Data Communications, Inc Transnitro, Inc Wilmington Chemical Terminal, Inc Wilmington Glycol Terminal, Inc Wilmington Xyl.ene Terminal, Inc Wilmington Sulphur Terminal, Inc Carolina Sulphur Terminal, Inc Carolina Glycol Terminal, Inc Carolina Methanol Terminal, Inc Hanover Chemical Terminal, Inc Terminal Services, Inc Canal Industries, Inc Canal Wood Corp Canal Land Co Gibson-G?all Investment Ca Alice Rose Gibson and Maysie N National Gypsum Co Amerada Hess Corp Wall D/A Gibson-Wall Mercant:i_le Co W M F D (Dunlea Broadcast~n~? Company) Pacesetter Industries, Inc France Neckwear Co Colorcraft Corp Cummins Carolina, Inc Gulf Oil Corp Tremarco Corp Union 76 E I DuPont DeNemours ~ Company C I T Service Leasing Corp Sealtest Foods Div Exxon Corp IBM Corp r Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners January 26, 1977 Page 4 United States Leasing Corp Roadway Express, Tnc Greyhound Computer Corp Best Products, Inc LJP/pbc Copy Mrs Hazel Wallace Mr James C Fox Ms .Alyce Browrz NEW POSITIONS (11-671) NO OF POSITIONS 1 1 TOTAL NEW POSITIONS (11 676) NO OF POSITIONS 1 1 2 TOTAL CETA II ADMINISTRATION TITLE DEPT Manpower Coordinator Manpower Office CETA VI ADMINISTRATION TITLE DEPT Accounting Clerk III Manpower Office Clerk Typist II Manpower Office CETA VI Feb 1, 1977 through Sept 30, 1977 (11 675) CARRY OVER POSITIONS NO OF POSITIONS 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 24 Sub-Total NEW POSITION 1 1 Sub-Total TITLE Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Mechanic I Maintenance Mechanic IV Maintenance Mechanic II Housekeeping Assistant Housekeeping Assistant General Utility Man General Utility Man General Utility Man Cabinet Maker Clerk II Coding Clerk Carpenter Indexing Editor DEPT Buildings & Grounds Buildings & Grounds Buildings & Grounds Cape Fear Tech Buildings & Grounds Cape Fear Tech Airport Board of Education Garage Museum Tax Planning Museum Governing Body Recreational Coordinator Administration 25 TOTAL POSITIONS CETA II Feb 1, 1977 through Sept 30, 1977 CARRY OVER POSITIONS (11 670) NO OF POSITIONS 1 1 3 1 1 1 8 Sub-Total TITLE Personnel Technician Accounting Technician II Firefighter I Office Machine Tech Juvenile Attendant Draftsman NEW POSITIONS 1 1 1 3 Sub-Total Heavy Equipment Operator Elig Specialist I Clerk - Typist II 11 TOTAL POSITIONS DEPT Administration Finance Airport Buildings & Grounds Juvenile Services Center Tax Airport Dept of Social Services Administration GEORGE F COOPER County Finance Otficer MEMORANDUM January 27, 1977 TO Mr Dan Eller FROM Felix Cooper NEW HANOVER COUNT' FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 (919) 343-0286 Subject CETA II and VI Budget Amendment Based on figures supplied by Gary Cannon, the following budget amendment needs to be made to account for the new CETA contracts CETA II Contract #2-02026-7-0-02 Total amount of Contract - $205,399 Revenues Debit - 11-350-22 CETA II Participant Revenues $197,215 23 CETA II Administrative Revenues 8,184 Total Revenues $205,399 Expenditures - Participants Credit - 11-670-02 Salaries and Wages $178,665 05 FICA 10,484 06 Group Insurance 5,377 54 Insurance and Bonds 2,689 Total Participant Expenditures $197,215 Expenditures - Admi Credit - 11-671-02 05 06 07 54 zistrative Salaries and Wages FICA Group Insurance Retirement Insurance and Bonds Total Administrative Expenditures Total Expenditures $ 7,046 4I2 146 474 106 $ 8,184 $205,399 Mr Dan Eller CETA II and VI Budget Amendment Page 2 CETA VI Contract #6-03189-5-0-65 Total Amount of Contract - $369,005 Revenues Debit - 11-350-24 25 Expenditures - Part Credit - 11-675-02 05 06 54 Expenditures - Admix Credit - 11-676-02 05 06 07 11 14 21 27 32 54 74 CETA VI Participant Revenues $342,989 CETA VI Administrative Revenues 23,057 Total Revenues $366,046 icipants Salaries and Wages $310,4G6 FICA 18,158 Group Insurance 9,775 Insurance and Bonds 4,650 Total Participant Expenditures $342,989 iistration Salaries and Wages $ 8,901 FICA 663 Group Insurance 292 Retirement 600 Telephone and Postage 1,740 Travel, Meetings, Schools 3,768 Occupancy (Rent) 944 Advertising 1,200 Copying and Duplicating 500 Workmens Compensation 134 Capital Outlay Equipment 4,315 Total Administrative Expenditures $ 23,057 Total Expenditures $366,046 GFC ik