1976-01-05 RM Exhibits.. - ~ ~,,, i~ ~,,, ~~ e~ ~,. ~;~ December 31, 1475 MEMORANDUM TO Mr Dan W Eller, County rlanager New Hanovel^ Board of County Commissioners FROM Larry J Powell ~ Tax Administrator ~~ SUBJ Discovered Property In accordance with G S 105-312, I request the following wal.ues be assigned to the 1975 tax records for Cape Fear Memorial Hospital Prior to 1975, the parcels listed below with previous years.' values, were ~.ncluded with exempt property of the hospital and should be taxed. The property with 1975 values have been taxed in previous years but CL'I' had also exempted them for 1975 1.975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 B 22. Sec 5 Piney Acres 31,680 211 Forest Road B 23 Piney Acres 18,490 209 Forest Road B 21 Piney Acres 21,500 213 Forest Road B 1,2...Piney Acres 27,010 5302 Greenleaf Dr B 11 Piney Acres 24,700 53.00 Greenleaf Dr B 1 Sub of Piney Acres 22,170 5301 inlrightsvi.lle Ave B 9 Sec 5 Piney Acres 23,340 222 Spruce Dr B 24 Sec 5 Piney Acres 21,860 207 Forest Road Pt B Sec 5 Piney Acres 54,480 27,820 27,820 27,820 27,820 1.3,910 Wrightsville Ave Pt B Sec 5 Piney Acres 40,040 14,940 14,940 14,940 14,940 7,470 Wrightsville Ave v Page 2 I am forwarding a copy of the memo to Cape Fear Memorial Hospital so they well be aware of the va7_ues that we are requesting approval for and also to a.dv~_s~ they may be present to discuss the values Request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of January 5, 1976 ec Mr Fo x Cape Fear Memorial Hosp~_tal LJP/par u„ ~~<w, ,, ,,~