1976-02-02 RM Exhibits (l9ffice (®f ~- D~IX~ II# V.DritTCCtSStUIt~xB PETER R DAMS CHM. C LAUD O SHIELDS JR V-CMM ~ GEORGE E ALPER ~~+' ~u+ttn~+'er ~un+~ WILLIAM C TAYLOR S W 7~ ;~{ ~rD ~treet C}I I' 14 V MAN RIGHT j V1 ~ YV O DCOUNTYEMANA G R ~ilminaton ~1nrth (rurolircb 284U1 JAMES C FOX nne (919) 762-D901 l l (`~I COUNTY ATTORNEY 2 e ep LISE K KING CLERK TO THE BOARD PRUCLAMATTUN wH~R~AS, The G!-iem.~..ng~an-New Hanave~c fTuman Re,2a~.i.a~v5 Camm~~,c.an and the G~c.eatelt. CU.c,2m.cng~an Chambeh- ab Commence cute co-~sparusanc.ng "Human Re.~a~caws lUeeFz tin Nanth Catw.~%na" caPP~i.ng a~ten~,c-an ~a the ~.nhetcen~ d.~gvu~y and wash o~ a.P.e cctt.ze~v5 ~r-egan-d.~e~~ ab pace, ca.~an, dex an na~,c-aviae ah.%g.cn, fc.eque~z%ng ghat aP~. c.%tc.zevv~ cam- memat~ate the 200~h. anhc.ve~u5atcy ab ~hi~ na~c.an by 1atiw%ng ~cige~h~. tin watc.lzi.ng ~auxucd ~h.e gaa.2 os one cammun.i~y whence hanmany and un~cty ~ a nea.Pcty na~he~c khan an .idea., and IUHi=RYAS, Gave~c.nan Jamey ~ Ha~.~hau.ae~c hays decearced the ev~tctce mar~th as ~ebnuany a~ Human Reka~ov~ Mavith, and LVH~R~AS, we mws~ .c.mp.2ement the p}c,%nc.%p.~e o~ human he.~~tc.a~vs an an evetcyday ba~s,us by encaufcag~,ng and ne,%.n~onc~c.ng pa~5.it~c.ve ac~can and a~t,%tuded ~awcucd~s ~l~.e pooh and nc.ch, young and a.~d, hand~.capped and nanhand~.capped, and peap.2e a~ a,22 ~ca.ce~, nee~.g.c.an~ and cneed~, ~he~ceby encawragting a~ c~ct,~zenl, ~a can~bute ~awascd a c,P,ima~e a~ peace and goad w.c,~2, and wHf=RYAS, ~ ~i~5 appnaptu.ate ~G~,i~s b.c.cev~enwca.~ yea~c ~ha~ evehy c.i~.c.zen have ~o~a,e acce~s~s zo xhectc ca-vs~tu~,c.ana~ ~c.c.gh~ ~a .et.~e, .?..c.betcty and the pcv~u,it a~ hap- p~.ne~~ wh.c.c.h en~scviceb .P i.betr~y and ~u~5~,t.ce ~atc a.~2, and wHf=RYAS, we urge c,c~c.zev>,s a~ the Ul,c,2m~.ng~an-New HanaveJc Caurrty anew ~o tc.eveh.en~2y satin banced .in c~ceatc.ng a mu~u.ae band a~ ~e,P.eawah.cp, cammuni.ca~.c:an and pcvr~,ic,%.pat~.an ne- ~o.2vting ~a accept a pe~r~ana2 cha.P..~enge ~a ~.nd.c..v~.dua,?~y and ca.P.eectc.ve,2y ,cmpnave the ~5~atu~5 a ~ a.P.e pea p.2e, and (DH~R~AS, we necagvu.ze ~ha~ human ne.~a~c.a~vs can be max,c.ma,2y bene~~.c,c.ae ~:a ~h.e pnagne~s~s and gtcawth a~ the ~s~ate, c,cty, cauw,ty and cammun.cty NUG1 TH~R~~UR~, I, Petetc R 17av~, Cha,vunan a b the New Hanavetc Caur~ty $varcd ob Camm,v5~.canetu5, do hetceby prcacea~c.m Febnuany 15 - 22, 1976, ab HUMAN R~LATIUNS GI~~K ~.n the CaurLty a~ New Hanavetc, and uhge a~2 auh cc~,%zenl, ~a came xage~he~c..cn uv-,i ty, ~a pnama.te the p~r.%nc.ip.~e~5 a iy ~h.%s weeh.. IN T~STIMONy wH~R~OF, I have ~se~ my hand and have cawed ~a 6e a~5.ixed .the be,a,Q ab the Cau-tity as New Hanave~c., North Cana~tna, ~Gu~ 2nd day ab Febrcuutcy, 1976 ~ ~-~- (~ ~ ATTEST P~T~R R ~AVIS, Cha.i~man ~j ` New Hanave~c County Baatc.d as Camm-us~s,c.ane~ Cow-~-~ ~~c- ~ ~n-~. ~.t-yc J Ca uvLt-~ C.~enFz 1 4 DIVISION OF COMMUNITY North Carolina Department of ASSISTANCE DIRECTOR Natural & Economic Resources ROBERTSEWING BOX 27687 RALEIGH 27611 JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR JAMES E. HARRINGTON, SECRETARY TELEPHONE 919829-3174 ~~~ iAf~ ~1x'« Plus` Davis, Ctraix~+l~t Kilt g~kl"I~ C~'-Lj/ 80i1'd 0~ #~i/MM~'i P, ti, ~r~r 33'~I, Wi1~f,~~t, Ma~rth Carolina 284k'1I Dec 1tr. l~aviā€¢ s In order to assist your community to further carry out the the land use planning activities as called for 'by the Coastal Area Management Act, we are awarding your community and additional grant amount of $ ?,all. We are committing .50f of the grant amount from present money available and will commit the addi- tional 50/ upon approval of the grant request from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Since our agency presently has a contract with your community, we would like to extend this contract by an amendment rather develop new contracts The terms and requirements of the original contract will remain in force as presently specified Specifically, the contract for your community identified by budget code C~2 DRM i s amended a s follows a The time for completion of work i.s extended to June 30, 19'76 b The Manning agency shall pay the local government 50~ of the total grant amount on March 1, 1976, and 50~ payable on or before June 30, 1976 pending additional funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration This is subject to the satisfactory completion of the work activities as specified in the original scope of services, Attachment "A", or within the attached revised scope of service, if applicable If the above amendments are satisfactory, would you please sign all copies of this letter of amendment, retaining one copy for your files, and returning the other three copiers to Lenwood V Long Local Planning and Management Services Section N C Department of Natural and Economic Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ~~ We are pleased to have the opportunity to continue the Land Use Planning Program for your community If I can be of further assistance of if you have questions regarding the changes made, please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 8292850 Sincerely, Signature (Mayor or Chairman of the Robert S Ewing, Director;..--~~ Division Commission) of Community Assistance -/'