1976-02-16 RM Exhibits~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET f r ~aanuber ,; ~~~ ~( ~o~ ~~ ~timtrtgtott, .~ c~ 28401 February 11, 1976 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collect>ons Thru January 31, 1976 MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 762-0391 1975 1974 Regular Scroll Charges $ 8,125,391 15 $ 6,510,471 59 Discoveries Added 1,202,064 81 1,491,607 14 9,327,455 96 8,002,078 73 Less Abatements - 209,406 31 - 22,529 67 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co 9,118,049 65 7,979,549 06 Total Collected -8,204,255 67 -7,468,763 20 Outstanding Balance $ 913,793 98 $ 510,785 86 Percentage Collected 90% 93 6% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 332,356 19 $ 305,089 15 Less Abatements - 279 42 - 16,676 25 Total Collections to Date - 74,887 51 - 102,136 72 Outstanding Balance $ 257,189 26 $ 186,276 18 Percentage Collected 22 6% 35 4% Back Taxes Personal Property $ 343,874 95 $ 343,62.7 23 Less Abatements - 203 05 - 33,876 33 Total Collections to Date - 27,321 36 - 26,186 65 Outstanding Balance $ 316,350 54 $ 283,564 25 Percentage Collected 8 0% 8 4% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $13,304,621 30 This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 Respectfully submitted, Yom, ~ j ~~ZQ Y~ Janie B Straughn Collector of Revenue JBS/rc 1 ~~ j ~ f ~, MFMORANDIJM TO FROM RE February 11, 1.976 Mr Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board. of ~'ounty Commissioners Larry J Powell, Tax Administrator Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 First Baptist Church $ 59 31 2 Seagate Community Cemetery 60 90 3 Lutheran Church 226 54 4 St Andrews AME Zion 19 l4 5 Oak Grove Presbyterian 341 90 6 NC Synod of Lutheran 432 86 7 NC District Council of the Assemblies of God 657 33 8 Trustee AME Church 23 61 9 church of the C'ood shepherd 2?_8 58 10 Long Leaf Baptist Church 139 66 11 Victoria Brown (Redevelopment C'ommisszon) 15 82 12 First Baptist Church Trustees 175 96 13 J A Knox (Car Bch ) 50 00 14 Benjamin McQueen (Redevelopment Commission) 7 81 The following taxpayers request the listing penalty be released as they received listing sheets late, were hospitalized, mailed abstracts in but were not received, or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 Stacy Dexter 2 Gene A Vincent 3 A C Roush 4 Charlie Miller 5 Robert Lovelle 6 Annie Hill 7. Franchise Realty /8 Michael Donahue 9 0 B Wrenn 10 A Ray Richardson 11 Grace P~Torris 12 Elma Johnson 13, C Richard Hobbs 14 Edward Freeman 15 Zeno Crotts 16 J H Carter 17 Thomas Allen $ 21 73($2 95 refund) 15 07 Refund 40 06 Refund 21 92 Refund 16 69 Fefund 124 88($6 ?_1 Refund) 234 99($117 97 Refund.) 78 95($31 57 Refund) 12 67 59 44 14 33 5 41 19 95 7 02 32 24 1?_1. 47 68 2_ The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizens Exemption Each lndiv~dual qualif2es for the exemption however, they failed to file _for the release zn January 1 Johnnie B Smith $ 72 52 ($29 00 Refund) 2_ Bennie Jordan 29 00 Refund 3 Raymond Batson 196 50 ($77 50 Refund) 73 & 74 4 Gladys Taylor 72 52 5 Frank C Brown 51 21 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 John Newber 2 Abbie Clark 3 Business Properties Inc 4 Carmen Betancourt 5 Sydney Baker 6 Alex Trask 7 Dorothy Stringfield 8 Robert St anahan 9 Annie Sprunt 10 ~~~alter Rivenbark 11 Everett Norton 12 Agn es Morton 13 Laura McCloud 14 Jerry Ludwig 15 Jocelyn Lockamy 16 Hewie Horne 17 Marcia Hamlet 18 Evelyn Futch 19 Edith M Friedberg 20 Frederick Homes 21 Tina Elkins 22 Robert P Brown 23 Aeronautics Inc 24 Norwood Johnson 25 Jack Hall 26 Edward Dereef 27 Robert Rainey 28 [n~alter Hunt 29 Joseph Commander 3~ John P Graham 31 A F Threa tt $ 5 39 Refund 1 00 Refund 295 80 Refund 342 37 ($158 86 Refund) 3?_ 67 ($11 95 Refund) 140 82 50 62 239 25 8 ~0 25 ?_2 42 11 740 54 35 29 17 57 8 12 4 93 27 72 10 50 11 20 171 56 25 52 Refund 761 61 188 02 45 OR ($22 74 Fefund) 31 49 22 33 23 61 65 77 18 42 ($7 37 Refund) 20 73 ($8 29 Refund) 218 42 ($87 35 Refund) Request the following taxes be released. as these are clerical and appraisal errors, in ad.ditzon, pr1_cing motor vehicles, lot sizes etc 1 Hezekiah G~llllams 2 A H [^Ji.l l Tams $ 67 28 138 60 ($55 43 Refund) 3 3 Thurston I Watkins $ 55 68 4 Thomas W Strange 14 61 5 James Smith 3 63 6 Francine Foster 1 45 7 Tlna C Elkins 36 95 8 Champ McD Davis 37 58 9 Peter Trainer 39 16 10 Chester Taylor 29 00 11 B J Peele 27 00 12 Hrs N C Newkirk 8 70 13 Adly Kassam 71 40 14 The Frontier 5 65 15 Tommy Cotses 110 75 16 Cape Fear Memorial Hospital 7701 76 17 W H Wendt, Jr 62 47 18 Victor Thompson 37 59 19 Laurence Sprunt 181 88 20 Anne Hollis 9 28 21 Joseph Commander 3 33 22. Bennie Ross 10 73 23 Herman Musselwhlte 103 O1 24 C Graham Kerr 5 80 25 Allen R Bridges 64 09 26 Calvin Bethune 6 38 2.7 Cleo Abernathy 234 00 Refund Refund Refund ( 58 Refund) Refund (1968 ) Refund Refund ($72 74 Refund) Refund (1 33 Refund) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located within the county 1 Murray K Seidel $ 49 89 2 Herschell Powell 116 61 3 Mildred Warlick 14 04 4 James Throughgood 44 91. 5 Banks Shuptng l5 75 6 Fobbins Used Cars 33 00 7 Edward Monk 107 66 8 Harris Minchew 16 10 9 Donna Key 21 32 10 Melvin Jackson 29 77 11 Gary Griffin 69 62 12 Robert Davis 18 49 13 Frances Currie 28 28 14 W T Cook 13 40 15 Julian Cocke 50 26 16 Patricia Cleaver 112 16 17 James E Casey 5 22 18 Robert Cannon 34 09 19 Nolan Bundy 54 04 20 Deborah Brown 9 19 21 Phillip Brady 12 96 22 William Bean 15 63 23 Donnie Barnes 25 67 24 Larry Barefoot 9 86 25 Richard Harris 3 80 (73 8 74) (1974) 4 ~ r Mr Maurice Barnhill listed a .1975 Oldsmobile for 1975 and he should have listed a 1970 Oldsmobile, therefore, request he be refunded $11 80 for overpayment Mr Bruce Cameron requested he be a7_lowed Use Value on 2 5 acres tract which adjoin his large acreage tract If this is allowed, his taxes need to ~Se abated in the amount of_ $632 28 Smith Builders Supply has furnished a letter from New Hanover County Health Department stating lot 17, Plne Clzff Sub-Division}~~-~' will not perc, therefore, request lot value be reduced If this G~-Gt'~`~~ is approved the taxes need to be refunded in the amount of $19 43 If the refunds listed In this memo are approved, I will need a transfer from contigencies account In the amount of $1,394 36 Request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissi.oners meeting of February 16, 1976 LJP/rc cc Mr Fox Mrs Brown MEMORANDUM February 11, 1976 'TO Mr Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commi_ssloners FROM Larr~~ J Powell ^, Tax Administrator RE Discoveries In accordance with General Statute 105-312, request the following additional values he assigned to the taxpayers listed below Each of the taxpayers have been advised of the increased values I^]illzam N Canady 1,320 Contemporary Builders 2,2.80 Margie Fletcher 8,100 Louise G,1 Gilbert 15 ,18 0 Core Tras}~ Const Co 4,490 Randolph T Gore 10,000 Samuel Crady 1,640 Christine C Nall 3,230 John P Nines 2,700 Hydro Scientific Inc 13,130 Edwin Jewell 1,210 Admah Lanier 14,110 Paul Reynolds 30,360 Chester Richardson 8,700 H G,1 Pichardson 10,82.0 Ripwood Co Inc 220 Saint Amand - Champion Davis 6,480 L^~ilmlre S Scott 4,680 Lonnie Tompkins 6,560 Raeford Trask Jr 5,20 G R.alford Trask 8 H Coupland 17,950 Virginia Trowbridge 14,162 Clara Warshauer 2,860 Lee Davis L~leedle 140 P.aymond E Whitehead 47,230 Ocean Side Villas 11,360, (Toum of gar Beach Tax only) Hollan Thomas Pickard 2,880 & 520 68,150, 11,20, & 57,530 Request this Item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners mePtznt? of February 16, 1Q76 LJP/p-jr cc Mr Fox Ms Brown