1976-07-19 RM Exhibits~a~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET ~,attober ,~~ ~~~~ ~~ Q `° /~ ~ ., 1? ~t MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue ~tCtntngtott, .~'~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru June 30, 1976 762-0391 1975 1974 Regular Scroll Charges $8,125,391 15 $6,510,471 59 Discoveries Added 1,239,998 90 1,492,124 29 9,365,390 05 8,002,595 88 Less Abatements - 294,885 85 - 25,018 14 Total taxes Due New Hanover Co 9,070,504 20 __ 7,977,577 74 Total Collected -8,756,492 08 -7,703,111 13 Outstanding Balance 314,012 12 274,466 61 Percentage Collected 96 540 96 560 Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 332,356 19 $ 305,089 15 Less Abatements - 4,185 96 - 16,839 49 Total Collections to Date - 137,718 73 - 144,481 06 Outstanding Balance 190,451 50 143,768 60 Percentage Collected 420 50 to Personal Property Taxes Personal Property Taxes $ 343,874 95 $ 343,627 23 Less Abatements - 8,930 20 - 33,756 62 Total Collections to Date - 45,771 28 - 45,851 74 Outstanding Balance 289,173 47 264,018 87 Percentage Collected 13 6% 14 80 Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $14,674,031 89 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ l~ J nie B raughn C llector of Revenue JBS/pbc .r N C Department of Natural and Econonuc Resources Utt-s-on of Last' and Order ,~ ~, ~•~u P O Box 276137 Q Rale-gh, North Carolina 2761 1 ~ .~~~. Attarhmrnt F A10U}~L LOCAL GOVEKN)\~LN~ AL Rr..SC)L-lJ"i~ll)i\ (Srr re~rnr side fot policy statement) WHEREAS the New Hanover County Board of Comm~sioners herein called the Applicant has thomughl~ (Governing Body of Unit of Government) considered the problem addressed in the subgrant application entitled .~l•H. Co. Crime Scene Investigation and has reviewed the project described in the application and «'HEREAS under the terms of Public Law 90-351 as amended the United States of America has authorized the Last Enforcement Assistance Adnunistration through the North Carolina Division of Law and Order to male federal grants to assist local governments in the improvement of the criminal justice system, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Bod1 of Unit of Government) IN OPEN MEETING AS EMBLED IN THE CITY OF Wilmington .NORTH CAROLINA THIS~~_DAY OF~, 197 AS FOLLOWS ] That the protect referenced above is in the best interest of the Apph~ant and the general public '_' That Dan W. E11er _ be authuri~ed to file in behalf of the Applicant an application in the form (Name and Title of Representative) ,~ prescribed b} the Division of Law and Order for a suhgrant in the amount of $2,534 00 to hr made to they (federal dollar request) Applicant to assist m defraying the cost of the proµ~rr des~nhrd in the application This individual shall art as the authorized representative o}-the Applicant in amnecu~rn ~~uh all aeprrts of the application process 3 That if the subgrant is made the Applicant shall pn~~idc ur m.il.r ,uran~cnients to provide a local gash mat~hmg runtri hution to the amount of $6 X410.00 _an~1 ;+ 1~~,:rl in Lind matching c~rntrihution saluc~l under LI?,'~A (local cash match) guidelines at -0' (or proportiunatel~ redu.rd lu.al nistching contributions if the suh};rant amount (local m-kind match) is reduced) as required b~ the Act to defra} the cost of the prrlrrt 4 That the Protect Director designated in the apphcauon term shall tarnish or make arrangements fur uthrr appropnate persons to fiirnish such information data documents and reports p, rt:rrntn~ to the protect if appru~ed as may he reyuned b~ the Divisrun of Law and Order That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the apph.atnm retcrenced above e That this resolution shall take effect immediately up~~n its aJopttun f~ DOivE AIvD ORDERED in open meeting. ! "' j ~ h~ t ~ t. ` _, .__ Chairman/~la~ or Commissioner/C~mzx~il~nart= ~-.'~4..~--.. ~~ •,_ %_ c_ _~_„~rli•n•d the luregomg resuluuon and nu~~rd it> adoption which was seconded by Commissioner/a~+- ~-<,,~ ~_,,,--` _-~ _,`,__ and was dolt adopted Date %/~ j!!~ ATTEST Clerk Seal POLICY REQUIRING RESOLUTIONS FROM LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT I. BACKGROUND• It is extremely important that applications from local units of government which are submitted to the Division of Law and Order receive the official support of the governing body of the applicant unit of governme:a This support assures the financial hacl.uig and commitment to action required for timely and smooth implementation of a_~ approved project LEAH guidelines provide that all subgrants must be implemented within 60 days of the subgrant contract effective date Time limitations nn the expenditure of funds awarded to the State under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act also make it necessary for the Division of Law and Order to obtain assurances that an application if approved will be implemented as stipulated in the application within the subgrant period. II. POLICY The Division of Law and Order requires that each application from a local unit of government be accompanied by a certified copy of a resolution by the governing body of the local unit of government. The resolution must incorporate as a minimum all aspects of the Model Local Governmental Resolution presented on the opposite side of this page If an application proposes a project to be implemented b) more than one city and/or county governmental unit otte such unit must assume primary responsibility for administering the project This unit is the applicant In addition to a resolution from the governing body of the applicant, a certified copy of a resolution from each participating governmental unit is required This resolution should be drafted to incorporate items one (I) through (6) on the Model Resolution rephrased to pertain to the participating agency instead of the applicant agency ..