1976-08-16 RM Exhibits MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING RE BUDGET, JUNE 3, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 3, 1976, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold the public hearing on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1976/77 Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr William C Taylor; Vivian S Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager Dan W Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm George E Alper was absent Chm Davis called the meeting to order Rev James Brown offered the invocation PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976/77 Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-12, notice had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on Tuesday, June 1, 1976, and Wednesday, June 2, 1976, that the proposed budget for fiscal year 1976/77 for New Hanover County had been submitted to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and a copy was available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk to the Board, and also stating that a public hearing on the proposed budget would be held on Thursday, June 3, 1976, at 7 30 o'clock p m PRESENTATION OF CHARTS BY COUNTY MANAGER County Manager Dan W Eller made a presentation using charts that had been pre- pared showing the amounts and sources of revenues anticipated in fiscal year 1976/77 and showing the percentage breakdown of expenditures of each tax dollar He also presented charts comparing revenues and expenditures for FY 1975/76 to the anticipated revenues and expenditures for FY 1976/77 COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chm Davis opened the public hearing to discussion and the following persons appeared before the Board to express their opinions on the proposed budget Mr B E Huffine, Chm Tax Committee, Wilmington Board of Realtors Mr George Harrison, Vice-Pres , New Hanover County Taxpayers Assn Mr Mal Ballard presented a written statement from Mr Wilbur Bryant who was unable to be present Mr Lynn Batson Mr Bob Spivey Mr Alan Guptill Ms Doris Pierce Mr J T Jordan Mrs Jane Guptill Rev James Brown Mr Hal Stout Mrs Ellen Williams Mr Jim Hebbe Sheriff H G Grohman Ms Dorothy Nelson Mr Warren Stiles BUDGET RETURNED TO COUNTY MANAGER WITH REQUEST TO CUT UNNECESSARY FUNDS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to send the budget back to Mr Eller and ask him to hold meetings with department heads and cut the budget every place possible Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Taylor Absent Comm. Alper Page 2 r MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING RE BUDGET, JUNE 3, 1976 (CONTINUED) BUDGET RETURNED TO COUNTY MANAGER (CONTINUED) Comm O'Shields stated that he would go along with the idea of having the County Manager look at the budget again and see where he felt it could be trimmed up and then the Commissioners could take another look to see if they agreed or dis- agreed with what he had done He stated that he felt the funds allocated to begin implementation of a parks and recreation program was greatly needed in the County as it was necessary to look ten or fifteen years in the future Comm Taylor stated that the reason he was voting "noe" was that he felt that Mr Eller had done his job and now it was the Commissioners' responsibility to go over the budgets with the various departments and recommend additional cutting Comm. Wright stated that her motion was intended to mean that the County Manager would go back and recommend further cuts and the Commissioners would still go through each department's budget Chm Davis stated that he would like the County Manager to go back to each depart- ment and inform them that they would have to go "tourist class" instead of "first class" and would have to do without some things that they would like to have He also stated that there were no plans to lay off any County employees ADJOURNMENT There being no further persons to appear before the Board, Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm. O'Shields, Taylor, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 9 30 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Hrown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING, JUNE 8, 1976 C ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 8, 1976, at 7 30 o'clock p m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold the public hearing on the proposed budget for the New Hanover County Schools for fiscal year 1976/77 Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr William C Taylor; Vivian S Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager Dan W Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm George E Alper was absent Chm. Davis called the meeting to order Mr Dale K Spencer offered the invocation PRESENTATION OF THE BUDGET Members of the School Board present were Dr John Codington, Chairman; Mr LaMar McIver; Mr_ Charles Wells; Mr William Landen; and Mrs Pau]a Williams Members of the school administration present were Dr Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools; Mr Dale K. Spencer, Associate Superintendent; and Mrs Nina Tenuta, Finance Officer Dr Bellamy presented the school budget for fiscal year 1976/77 to the Commissioners, and he and Mr Spencer outlined the cuts that had been made to the original budget that had been presented and explained the non-recurring items that were listed in this budget COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Chm. Davis opened the floor to the public for comments, and the following people appeared to express their opinions Mr Wilbur Bryant Mr Harry Kaplan Ms Naomi Lawson Mr S J Howie Mr Jerry Beaver Mr Mal Ballard Ms Annette Long Ms Lucy Banner Mr Arthur Kaplan Ms Inger Shelton Mr Robert Pritchart Mr John Colter Ms Barbara Fillipelli Ms Sue Davis Mr Robert Bennett Ms Sally Hawthorne Mr Robert Cantwell III Ms Jean Dorley Mr Larry Mahl COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners present expressed their opinions on the budget, but no action was taken on the School Budget ADJOURNMENT Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to adjourn Upon vate, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor, Wright and Chm. Davis Absent Comm. Alper Chm Davis adjourned the meeting at 10 30 p m ab Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, JUNE 9, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 9, 1976, at 7 30 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Buildin„ Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the Mental Health Budget and the Social Services Budget Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr Vivian S Wright; Chm. Peter R. Davis, County Manager Dan W Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm. George E Alper was absent and Comm. William C Taylor arrived late Chm Davis called the meeting to order Comm O'Shields offered the invocation PRESENTATION OF MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mrs Ethel Booth, Chairman of Southeastern Mental Health Board; Dr Burt Walden, Director of Southeastern Mental Health Center; Mr Burke Lennon and Mr George Murray were present to represent the Mental Health Center Mrs Booth presented the budget request for fiscal year 1976/77 and explained the reasons for the increase over last year She also explained the formula for dividing the expenses between the three counties involved and stated that she felt this method should be looked into with a possibility of making some changes COMM WILLIAM C TAYLOR ARRIVED AT 7 45 PM Comm. O'Shields commented on the budget since he was on the Mental Health Board MOTIONS TO APPROVE MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Chm Davis moved to approve the budget for the Mental Health Center up to the 66~ that they had requested, deleting the Contingency Reserve of $20,000 and reducing Pro- fessional Services to $40,000 The motion died for lack of a second Comm O'Shields moved to accept the budget as presented The motion died for lack of a second Comm. Wright moved to approve the budget with only half of the salary for the Physician II ($17,592) The motion died for lack of a second Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that the County appropriate what is left of the Capital Reserve into the operating budget; go to 50~ of the salary for the Physician II and assume it would be vacant for 6 months; and to cut the Contingency to $10,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm. Taylor, Wright and Chm DAvis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields Absent Comm. Alper Page 2 MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, JUNE 9, 1976 (CONTINUED) PRESENTATION OF SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET Mr Frank Ballard, Chairman; Mr Karl McGhee; Mr Will Echols and Ms Beatrice McIntyre, members of the Social Services Board; and Ms Lela Moore Hall, Social Services Director, were present to represent the Department of Social Services Mr Ballard presented the budget to the Commissioners and explained the increases over last year's budget and the equipment requests Chm Davis called for comments from the Commissioners and from the public Comm. O'Shields, Taylor and Wright stated their concern relative to salaries and what they felt should be done about them. Mr George Harrison and Ms Ellen Williams gave their opinions on the Social Services Budget MOTION TO APPROVE SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, to accept the Social Services Budget including Public Assistance, with the reduction of Code 02 by $10,000 and Code 05 by $1,000, and if anything is done before the end of the budget as far as salaries are concerned that would affect these items when the overall budget is adopted, they would be adjusted Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper MOTIONS RE SCHOOL BUDGET Comm Wright moved that the Commissioners adopt a continuing resolution to fund the schools at the same level as last year until they come up with a realistic budget The motion died for lack of a second Comm. Wright moved that the Schools be asked to survey the accounts that had a surplus left over and reduce the requests for those accounts by a like amount for next year The motion died for lack of a second Chm Davis requested that by common consent the Commissioners authorize him to talk with members of the School Board concerning their budget (See Minute Book 17, Page 176 for addition) ADJOURNMENT Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 10 10 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, ~o ~1 Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab .. MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 10, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, June 10, 1976, at 7 30 p m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina to discuss the Health Department Budget and the Sheriff's Department Budget Members present were Commissioners George E Alper; Claud O'Shields, Jr William C Taylor; Vivian S Wright; Chairman Peter R Davis; County Manager Dan W Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown No members were absent Chm Davis called the meeting to order Comm. Vivian S Wright offered the invocation MOTIONS RE SCHOOL BUDGET Comm Wright restated her motion to fund the School Board on a continuing basis, until they come up with a more realistic budget, at the same level they had last year The motion died for lack of a second Comm. Wright moved that in view of the fact that they had surpluses ranging from $300,000 to $600,000 every year, their budget be reduced by the amount of the surplus left over because it indicated a continuing trend The motion died for lack of a second Comm Wright moved that the School Board be notified that they had one week to come up with a substantial reduction or the Commissioners would meet and go over their budget line by line and reduce it themselves The motion died for lack of a second APPROVAL OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Dr Knox, Director of the Health Department, and Ms Mabel Price were present to present the Budget for the Health Department Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, that the salary for the two vacant laborer positions on page 109 remain at $3 00 an hour instead of going to $3 50 an hour Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm. O'Shields, Taylor, Wright and Chm. Davis Voting Noe Comm. Alper Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, that the salary for the Physician IV who would replace Dr Knox be reduced to step I on the grade level, making it Grade 91-1 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm. Davis moved to accept the County Manager's suggested reductions on pages 98, which would reduce Code 74, Equipment, by $2,820; Code 11, Telephone & Postage, by $1,000; Code 12, Printing, by $500; Code 57, Miscellaneous Expense, by $500; on Page 108, Code 16, Maint & Repair - Equipment, by $1,000; and on Page 110, Code 14, Travel, Meetings & Schools, by $300 Comm O'Shields moved a substitute motion to reduce only the items on Page 98, Code 74, Equipment, by $2,820; Code 11, Telephone & Postage,by $1,000; Code 12, Printing, by $500; and Code 57, Miscellaneous Expense, by $500 The motion died for lack of a second Comm Wright seconded Chm Davis' motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields and Taylor Page 2 MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 10, 1976 (CONTINUED) HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that on Page 103, Code 74, Equipment, the first three items be reinstated (Cold Quartz Light, Ultra Sound and Stimulator) and that the mount of money involved be taken out of Travel, Meetings and Schools, Acct #44 590 14 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, to accept the budget with the reductions that had been outlined Chm Davis made a substitute motion to accept the budget with the changes and that the amount for Supplies and Materials, Acct #44 590 33, be increased only 10~ over last year's budgeted amount Comm Wright seconded the motion with the understanding that if there was a deficit, it could be taken from another account Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Taylor, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields REPORT ON PROPOSED SALARY PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES At the budget meeting of July 9, the Commissioners had requested the County Manager to figure a salary increase of 4~ + $300 for employees with no step increases to see what effect it would have on the budget County Manager Eller had used the Tax Department as an example and reported to the Board on the effect this method of salary increases would have SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BUDGET Sheriff H G Grohman, Chief Deputy Jesse Blanton and Capt T H Evans, presented the Sheriff's Department Budget to the Commissioners and explained it to them Deputy Jack Willie addressed the Board as a representative of the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Recreation and Benevolent Association and requested on behalf of the Association approval of the budget as proposed by the County Manager Chm Davis asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the Sheriff's Department Budget, and the following persons appeared in this regard Mrs Ellen Williams Mr Ted Sampley Mr T D Love Mr Tom Fields Mrs Lucille Rogers Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that the Sheriff's Department Budget be approved as presented by the County Manager including the additional jail deputies, with the understanding that if any changes were made in the salaries of all County Employees, these would also be changed Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously See Minute, Book 17, Page 176 for add2tion) FURTHER DISCUSSION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Comm O'Shields left the meeting at 9 10 p m and was absent for the rest of the meeting Chm Davis asked if there was anyone present who had questions about the Health Department Budget and Mr Wilbur Bryant and Mr Alvin Ballard spoke in this regard A Y MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 10, 1976 (CONTINUED) Page 3 ADJOURNMENT Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Taylor, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm O'Shields Chm Davis adjourned the meeting at 9 20 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab k MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING JUNE 14, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, June 14, 1976, at 8 30 o'clock a m to discuss departmental budgets for Fiscal Year, 1976/1977 Members present were Comm George E Alper, Vivian S Wright, Chm Peter R Davis, County Manager Dan W Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm William C Taylor was absent and Comm Claud O'Shields, Jr arrived late FURTHER DISCUSSION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Dr James Tidler and Dr Frank Reynolds of the Board of Health appeared before the Commissioners to request reconsideration of the reduction of the salary for the Physician IV in the Health Department Budget They felt that the new physician, who had been hired to replace Dr Knox upon his retirement, may not accept the position since the salary would not be what he had been told Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to support the Committee in the ;siring of Dr Finger at the salary range requested Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm O'Shields and Taylor APPROVAL OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY BUDGET District Attorney, Allen Cobb, presented the budget for his office and requested an additional secretary The County Manager stated that he agreed that Mr Cobb needed an additional secretary in his office, but felt it was the responsibility of the State to furnish the secretary and the County might be setting a precedent by doing so Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to approve the additional position for one year and the FICA, group insurance and retirement that would be needed to go along with it Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm O'Shields and Taylor APPROVAL OF AIRPORT BUDGET Mr Eugene Edwards and Mr Lenox G Cooper of the Airport Commission and Mr John Westbrook and Mr Rudolph Shackelford of the Airport Staff presented their budget to the Commissioners Comm O'Shields a~°ri.ved at the meeting at 9 20 o'clock a m Chm Davis opened the floor for comments from the public and Mr Wilbur Bryant and Mr Alvis Ballard spoke in this regard Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to accept the budget with the deletions as suggested by the County Manager which were to reduce Code 15, Maintenance and Repair, Buildings and Grounds by $4,000, reduce Code 18, Maintenance and Repair, Other Improve- ments by $2,000 and reduce Code 33, Supplies by $500 00 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields Absent Comm Taylor Page Two MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CAPE FEAR TECH BUDGET Mr M J McLeod, Mr Charles Coleman of Cape Fear Technical Institute and Mrs Conrad Schwarz, member of the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Insti- tute, appeared before the Commissioners to present the budget for Cape Fear Tech Chm Davis moved to approve the budget proposed by the manager with the changes proposed by the manager, which were to reduce Code 6104, Salaries - Housekeepers, by $4,785, Code 6113, Supplies and Materials, by $2,000, and to reduce Code 9151, Buildings, Alterations and Additions by $2,000 Comm Wright moved to amend Chm Davis' motion to leave the supplements at the same level as last year Comm. Alper seconded Chm Davis' motion Upon vote, the motion tied as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields and Wright Absent Comm Taylor Chm Davis seconded Comm Wright's motion to amend his original motion Upon vote, the motion tied as follows Voting Aye Comm Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Alper and O'Shields Absent Comm Taylor Chm Davis moved to approve the budget as recommended by the Manager and including the changes proposed by the Manager except to reduce Code 9151, Buildings, Alterations and Additions by $1,500 instead of $2,000 Comm Alper seconded the motion Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF GOVERNING BODY BUDGET County Manager Eller pointed out that the salary for the Clerk to the Board was not correct as shown on the proposed budget and should be treated the same as other unclassified employees Chm Davis moved to remove the funds for the new chairs for the Commissioners ($1895) except for the audience chairs Comm Alper seconded the motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields Absent Comm Taylor Page Three MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF GOVERNING BODY BUDGET (CONTINUED) Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, to remove $3,000 from the Travel, Meetings, and Schools (Code 14) Upon Vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to accept Mr Eller's suggestion to take $375 out of Dues and Subscriptions (Code 53) Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to approve the Governing Body Budget with the changes made in removing the large chair item, reducing the Travel, Meetings and Schools and reducing the Dues and Subscriptions Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATION BUDGET The County Manager stated that he felt his secretary's position had duties and responsibilities as great as any secretarial position in the County Comm O'Shields moved, that the County Manager's secretary be reclassified to Grade 61, Administrative Secretary, and Mr Eller's salary be increased by 10% The motion died for lack of a second Chm Davis moved, the secretarial position go to Grade 61 (-1), Administrative Secretary Comm O'Shields moved that it be a straight Grade 61 The motion died for lack of a second Comm Wright seconded Chm Davis' motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields Absent Comm Taylor Chm Davis moved approval of the Administration Budget with the reclassification of the secretarial position, with reduction of Code 14, Travel, Meetings and Schools, by $300 and the County Manager's Salary, as all other Department Heads, subject to change or confirmation later Page Four MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADMINISTRATION BUDGET (CONTINUED) Comm O'Shields moved that the salary increases for Department Heads be 5% effective July 1 and 5% effective six months later The motion died for lack of a second Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm Davis, that all Department Heads be given a 72% increase this year Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Taylor Comm Alper seconded Chm Davis' motion for approval of the Administration Budget Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUDGET County Finance Officer, Felix Cooper, presented his budget and explained the reclassifications and increases in the budget Comm Alper moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to reclassify Mrs Edens to Grade 61-6, but leave her salary at $11,148 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor Comm O'Shields, moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Finance Department Budget as proposed with the only changes being made as discussed on Mrs Edens salary and Mr Cooper's salary as a Department Head Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF CONTINGENCIES Comm Wright moved to approve the Contingency item on Page 17 Chm Davis moved to reduce the Contingencies to a level of $150,000 in light of what was spent this year Comm O'Shields seconded Comm Wright's motion that it remain at $200,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Wright Voting Noe Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor Page Five MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF LEGAL BUDGET County Manager Eller explained the legal budget and the necessity he felt for codifying the County Ordinances Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Legal Budget less the $8,000 for Codification of Ordinances Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET Mr Hyton Babson, Chairman, Mr Donald Britt and Mr Ed Snead, of the. Board of Elections, presented the budget to the Commissioners and explained the reasons for increases Chm Davis moved, to approve the budget as proposed by the Manager with the deletion of the equipment under Code 74, desk, chair and typewriter, that would not ber~eeded if an additional permanent person was not hired Mr Babson requested the Commissioners to increase Mrs Rehder's salary as requested in the budget instead of the manager's proposed in view of the fact that her duties had increased considerably Chm Davis included in his motion that Mrs Rehder's salary be approved at $12,OOO,,due to the increased workload as requested by the Board of Elections Comm Wright seconded the motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor APPROVAL OF TAX DEPARTMENT BUDGET Mr Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the Tax Department Budget to the Commissioners Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Alper, to approve the Tax Department Budget as outlined by the County Manager's latest changes, which were to delete the Steno II in the amount of $5928 and reduce Code 4, Professional Services, by $1,000, the Department Head's salary would be treated like the other Department Heads and Mrs Raynor to be reclassified to Grade 61 (-1) Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Taylor Page Six MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 14, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Wright, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Taylor Chm Davis adjourned the meeting at 11 50 o'clock a m Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~ ~L a-c„t,~ Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 15, 1976, at 7 30 o'clock p m to discuss departmental budgets for Fiscal Year, 1976/1977 Members present were Comm Claud O'Shields, Jr Vivian S Wright, Chm Peter R Davis, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown, Comm George E Alper and William C Taylor were absent Chm Davis called the meeting to order APPROVAL OF REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET Mrs Lois LeRay, Registrar of Deeds, presented her budget to the Commissioners Chm Davis moved that Mrs LeRay's Budget be approved as outlined by the Manager with the deletion of the equipment rent in the amount of $3,024 under Code 22 The motion died for lack of a second Comm O'Shields moved to delete Item 22, Equipment Rent, and allow the purchase of the 4th reader for the Register of Deeds office and accept the rest of the budget as the Manager had proposed Comm Wright seconded the motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Wright Voting Noe Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor CHANGE IN BUDGET MEETING DATES Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, to cancel the meeting for Wednesday morning, June 16, and schedule the budgets that were to be discussed at that time to be heard on Thursday, June I7, and Monday, June 21 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Wright and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET Richard Fender, Planning Director, presented his budget to the Commissioners for approval Comm O'Shields moved the Planning Department Budget be accepted as proposed by the Manager Motion died for lack of a second Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm Davis, the budget be reduced as outlined intl7e County Manager's memorandum (Page 26 reduce Supplies by $500, Maintenance and Repair-Vehicles by $100, and Printing and Publishing by $250), reduce Telephone and Telegraph by ;250 and accept everything else as proposed by the Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Page two MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CIVIL PREPAREDNESS BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Civil Preparedness Budget as outlined by the Manager with the removal of $200 from Telephone and Postage, making a total budget of $14,525 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF JUVENILE SERVICES BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of the Juvenile Services Budget as proposed by the Manager with the Miscellaneous expense being reduced to $150 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF CORONER'S BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Coroner's Budget as proposed by the Manager with the Coroner's and Asst Coroner's salaries increased by 72% instead of loo Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, to fund the Local Military Units at the same level as last year Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of Port ~ Waterway funding in the amount of $1,000 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm Davis, approval of Southeastern Economic Development in the amount of $2,634 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Page three MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1976 (CONTINUED) NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS (CONTINUED) Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Training S~hcol Donations in the amount of $400 and Azalea Festival contribution in the amount of $3,500 Comm Wright moved to reduce Azalea Festival Contribution by $500 The motion died for lack of a second Upon vote, Chm Davis' motion carried as follows 'Doting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm Davis, approval of recommended funding for Cape Fear Council of Governments, Services for the Aging, Council for the Arts, Wrightsville Beach Lifeguards, Carolina Beach Lifeguards, Kure Beach Lifeguards, St John's Art Gallery reduced to $1500 which was the same as last year, Bicentennial Association, Soil and Water Conservation and North Carolina Commercial and Sports Fisheries Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Comm Wright stated that there was one in there that she would have voted for on a separate basis but she didn't approve of the entire list, APPROVAL OF DEBT SERVICE BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, that the $45,304 increased revenue in the Airport Budget be added as additional revenue in the Debt Service Budget, upon recommendation of the County Manager and the County Finance Officer Upon vote,the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor of Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval/Pages 87 and 88, Revenue and Expenditure budgets for Debt Service, as outlined by the Finance Officer and the County Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Page four MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF REVENUE SHARING BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of the Revenue and Expenditure Budgets for Revenue Sharing Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL WATER AND SEWER BUDGET Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of the Water and Sewer Budget (Acct #64 300 00) Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF REAPPRAISAL RESERVE FUND Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm Davis, approval of the Reappraisal Reserve Fund (Acct #73 300 00) Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF CLERK OF COURT AND LAW LIBRARY BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Clerk of Court Budget and the Law Library Budget with the removal of $250 from the Miscellaneous Acct Code 57, in the Clerk of Court Budget Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor APPROVAL OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRIBUTIONS Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, approval of contributions to Volunteer Fire Departments and reserve them the right to appear before the Commissioners if they were not satisfied Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor DISCUSSION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET Comm Wright moved the contribution to Chamber of Commerce be deleted The motion died for lack of a second CHANGE IN MEETING SCHEDULE It was agreed to meet on Monday morning at 8 00 a m before the regular meeting and on Tuesday night at 7 00 p m to finish up the budget hearings Page five MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 15, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Wright, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Taylor Chm Davis adjourned the meeting at 9 15 p m Respectfullyfs~ubmitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, June 21, 1976, at 8 00 O'clock a m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss departmental budgets Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr William C Taylor, Chairman Peter R Davis, County Manager Dan W Eller, and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown Comm George E Alper and Vivian S Wright were absent APPROVAL OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION BUDGET Agricultural Extension Chairman, Durwood Baggett, presented his budget to the Commissioners Comm Taylor moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Agriculture ~ Economics budget as proposed by the Manager Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Wright APPROVAL OF INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT BUDGET County Engineer Bob Williams presented the Inspections Department Budget to the Board and explained it to them Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, approval of the Inspections Department Budget as proposed with the salaries for the Civil Engineer and the Engineering Technician being reduced to 19 pay periods Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Wright APPROVAL OF BUILDINGS $ GROUNDS BUDGET Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, to approve the reclassification for Winfred Simpson from 62-2 to 65-1 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent, Comm Alper and Wright Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm Davis, approval of the Buildings ~ Grounds Budget as proposed by the manager including the funds to put Scotch Tint on the windows in the County Administration Building Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Taylor Absent Comm Alper and Wright Page two MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF GARAGE BUDGET Chm Davis moved approval of the Garage Budget as outlined by the Manager The motion died for lack of a second Comm Taylor moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of the Garage Budget as proposed by the Manager deleting the funds in the amount of $1,000 for the ceiling Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Wright APPROVAL OF RSVP BUDGET Ms Dolli Asbury and Ms Eleanor Edge requested a contribution in the amount of $2502 for the RSVP Budget and stated that this amount was $355 less than the letter of intent that was given to RSVP earlier Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of funding RSVP in the amount of $2502 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent Comm Alper and Wright DISCUSSION OF FUNDING FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Comm O'Shields moved to fund the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $10,250, which was the same as they were funded last year, and to notify Mr Reid if they would like to appear before the Board, they were welcome to come Chm Davis moved the item be tabled so that everybody on the Commission and possibly the public might have some input on the subject COMM ALPER ARRIVED AT THE MEETING AT 8 45 o'clock AM Comm Taylor seconded Comm O'Shields motion follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Taylor Voting Noe Comm Alper and Chm Davis Absent Comm Wright Upon vote, the motion tied as DISCUSSION OF DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAM There was considerable discussion on the funding for the Driver Education Program, and it was determined that this matter would affect the present fiscal year so it would need to be handled in the Regular Commissioners' Meeting which was to follow this budget meeting n n mr ro~.Tnt~rrm Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, to adjourn the Budget meeting Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Absent Comm Wright Page three MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 21, 1976 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED) Chm Davis adjourned the budget meeting at 9 00 o'clock a m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 22, 1976 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 22, 1976, at 7 00 o'clock p m in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to complete their discussions on the Budget for Fiscal Year 1976-1977 Members present were Commissioners George E Alper, Claud O'Shields, Jr , William C Taylor, Vivian S Wright, Chairman Peter R Davis, County Manager Dan W Eller and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B Brown No members were absent Chm Davis called the meeting to order Mr Dale K Spencer offered the invocation APPROVAL OF SCHOOL BUDGET Chm Davis stated that he would like to discuss the School Budget first since no decision had been made yet Chm Davis moved approval of the school budget as amended at the meeting on June 8, 1976, being the cuts made by the School Board in the amount of $76,968 and adding in the $5,000 for Cultural Arts Program and $8,333 for Driver's Education for a total decrease of $63,635 The motion died for lack of a second Mr Dale K Spencer and Dr Bellamy explained the teacher supplements to the Board Chm Davis read a letter from the County Attorney stating that in his opinion the fact that Chm Davis' wife was a teacher did not present a conflict of interest on his part in voting on the school budget Chm Davis opened the floor to the public for comments, and the following persons expressed opinions Mr Robert Moore Ms Amelia Collins Mr Terry Shew Ms Gloria Ramos Mr Jim Gearhart Ms Abby Davis Dr Heyward Bellamy Comm Taylor made a motion, seconded by Comm O'Shields, to approve the budget as outlined by Chm Davis with the exception that the amount of supplemental salaries would not increase more than 5% over last year's amount The following persons made additional comments Ms Catherine Solomon Ms Lois Thompson Chm Davis made a substitute motion, seconded by Comm Alper, for approval of the school budget as proposed with the decrease of $76,968 and addition of $8,333 for Driver Education and $5,000 for the Cultural Arts Program making a total decrease of $63,635 Upon vote, the motion was defeated as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields, Taylor and Wright Page two MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 22, 1976 (CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET (CONTINUED) Upon vote, Comm Taylor's original motion was defeated as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Taylor Voting Noe Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis Chm Davis recessed the meeting from 8 05 to 8 20 p m Chm eDaxvi eagain moved, seconded by Comm Alper, approval of the school budget with the~ocf ~~~,968 and addition of $8,333 for Driver Education and $5,000 for the Cultural Arts Program making a total decrease of $63,635 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Taylor and Wright APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr Kenneth Sprunt, Mr Joe Schwartz, Mr Tom Wright, Mr Jim Safford, Mr Dennis Anderson and Mr Van Reid appeared before the Board to request funds for the Chamber of Commerce Advertising Budget Chm Davis opened the floor for comments from the public, and the following persons offered their opinions Mr Ted Seawell Mr Robert Little Mr Rick Reeder '~ Mr Bob Kermon Mr John Montgomery Mr Mal Murray Mr C G Berry '(See Minute Book 17, Page 17G for eZarification) Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, that the Chamber of Commerce Advertising Budget be funded in the amount of $11,220 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Taylor Voting Noe Comm Wright and Chm Davis Chm Davis recessed the meeting from 9 15 to 9 25 p m APPROVAL OF ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET REQUEST Mr J W Johnson appeared before the Board to present his request for funds Comm Taylor moved, seconded by Comm Wright adoption of the Animal Control Budget as proposed Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously APPROVAL OF FUNDING RESCUE SQUADS Mr Tim Caulder, Mr Steve Gause, Mr Cliff Greer and Mr Hilton Jones appeared before the Board to request funding for the Volunteer Rescue Squads each Chm Davis moved, that both rescue squads be funded at the same level of $18,000 Chm Davis changed his motion to fund the rescue squads at $20,000 each instead of $18,000 each Page three MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 22, 1976 (CONTINUED) RESCUE SQUADS (CONTINUED) Comm Taylor made a substitute motion to fund each rescue squad in the amount of $18,000 Comm Wright seconded Chm Davis' motion Sheriff Grohman spoke in behalf of the rescue squads Upon vote, Chm Davis' motion carried unanimously with the payment schedule to be determined by the County Manager and Finance APPROVAL OF MUSEUM BUDGET Dr ~-ieyward Bellamy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Gary Eyster, Museum Director, appeared before the Board and presented the budget request for the Museum Comm Taylor moved the adoption of the budget as proposed by the County Manager in the amount of $90,514, Chm Davis seconded the motion Comm Wright moved a substitute motion to fund half of the Museum Budget and place it on the ballot in November for a decision on whether or not the County should take it over The motion died for lack of a second Comm Taylor stated that his motion included the change in the director's salary and to reduce Printing, Code 12, by $400 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright APPROVAL OF LIBRARY BUDGET Mr Joe Holman of the Library Board of Trustees and Miss Katherine Howell, Librarian, appeared before the Board to present their request for funds in the amount of $82,046 70 Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Alper,that the Library be funded in the amount of $82,047 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Mr Kirk Low addressed the Commissioners with regard to a study for a new library for New Hanover County Chm Davis stated that it was his hope that the first revenue sharing money that was available could be used for a library and for court facilities The following persons also offered comments on the need for a new library Mr John Colter Ms Mrs Karen Gottovi'~ Ms Mr Warren Stiles Ms '~ (See Nli~nute Book 17, Page 176 for correction) Comm Wright stated that she felt the matt the people to vote on whether or not the County of the library Martha Daughtry Louise Gorham Mimi Cunningham ~r should be placed on the ballot for should take over the entire funding Page four MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 22, 1976 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF PORTION OF ABI. PROFITS FOR KURE BEACH Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Taylor, approval of $6,033 for Kure Beach from ABC Profits Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR ST JOFIN'S ART GALLERY The Commissioners had approved funding in the amount of $1500 for St John's Art Gallery with the understanding that they could appear before the Board if they were not satisfied Dr R V Faulk of the Art Gallery Board of Directors, Ms Caroline Milner, Director of the Gallery, and Mr Allen Aiches who will take over as Director upon Ms Milner's retirement, appeared to request that the Commissioners consider additional funds Chm Davis moved to appropriate $2500 to St John's Art Gallery The motion died for lack of a second Comm Alper moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, to increase the appropriation from $1500 to $2000for St John's Art Gallery Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Taylor and Wright APPROVAL OF GENERAL FUND REVENUES Comm O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm Alper, approval of the General Fund Revenues on Pages 3 and 4 be approved Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously DEFEAT OF FUNDS FOR NEW COMMISSIONERS' CHAIRS Comm Taylor moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, that under Capital Outlay on Page 8 in the Governing Body Budget the funds in the amount of $1,895 for new chairs for the Commissioners be put back into the budget Upon vote, the motion was defeated as follows Voting Aye Comm O'Shields and Taylor Voting Noe Comm Alper, Wright and Chm Davis APPROVAL OF NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, that the Social Security, Group Insurance and two retirement accounts be approved as listed Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously for the Social Security and the two retirement accounts Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, that Comm Taylor be allowed to abstain from voting on the Group Insurance Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Upon vote, the motion approving funds for Group Insurance carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Wright and Chm Davis Abstaining Comm Taylor Comm Wright moved that the Miscellaneous Expense Account be deleted The moticm died for lack of a second ,, MINUTES OF BUDGET MEETING, JUNE 22, 1976 (CONTINUED) Page five NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS (CONTINUED) Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Alper, that the Miscellaneous Expense Account be reduced to $500 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, Taylor and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm O'Shields and Wright Chm Davis moved to delete the $25 deductible clause from the Group Insurance The motion died for lack of a second Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm Alper, approval of funds budgeted for Group Care Home Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously APPROVAL OF CETA II FUNDS Chm Davis moved, seconded by Comm O'Shields, approval of CETA II funds on Pages 75 and 76 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS Comm O'Shields moved the General Capital Reserve, Code 99, be approved The motion died for lack of a second Comm Taylor moved, to cut the General Capital Reserve to $50,000 Comm O'Shields made a substitute motion to compromise at $75,000 The motion died for lack of a second Chm Davis seconded Comm Taylor's motion fox $50,000 in the General Capital Reserve Upon vote, the motion carried as follows Voting Aye Comm Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm Davis Voting Noe Comm Wright APPROVAL OF GENERAL CAPITAL RESERVE BUDGET Comm Wright moved, seconded by Chm Davis, that the Berm and Dune Erosion Control, Code 540-15, be left at $72,000 which was the same as previously appropriated Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously ADJOURNMENT Comm Wright moved, seconded by Comm Alper, that the meeting be adjourned Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm Davis adjourned the meeting at 11 00 o'clock p m Respectfully submitted, Alyce B Brown Clerk to the Board ab ~a~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET ~aA1~ObPI' ~l~ ~~ ~tCmtttgtott, ~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru July 31, 1976 762-0391 1976 1975 Prepayments collected to Date $ 10,293 41 $ 11,852 00 Back Taxes Real Estate $466,470 92 $332,356 19 Collections to Date - 22,744 12 - 16,809 45 Outstanding Balance $443,726 80 $315,546 74 Percentage Collected 4 880 5 l0 Back Taxes Personal Property $328,845 80 $343,874 95 Collections to Date - 6,029 07 - 5,0'3'7 79 Outstanding Balance $322,816 73 $338,837 16 Percentage Collected 1 830 1 46% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date, $99,284 05 This report >_s for fiscal year beginning July 1, .1976 Respectfully submitted, ~. J nie B traughn C llector of Revenue ' ~o~ ~~ MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE 8. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue JBSlpbc ~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE, JR. Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET Ano ber ~d1~, ~1 ~tCmtngtott, .~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Settlement of Tax Collections for 1975 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Advertising Cost Collected Real Estate Liens Sold for Taxes $ 275,214 06 Delinquent Personal Property 39,349 22 Prepayments 3,725 19 Deposited - Wachovia Bank 8,776,719 94 Less Refunds on Prepayments - 183 23 Total Over Remitted Known Overpayments $ 433 90 Known Underpayments - 65 51 MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 762-0391 $8,125,391 15 1,239,998 90 9,365,390 05 - 2'9'4,'885 85 9,070,504 20 21,534 09 2,418 50 $9,094,456 79 9,094,825 18 + 368 39 368 39 $ 00 Respectfully Submitted, Ja ie B Straughn Co~lector of Revenue ~o~ ~~ JBSIpbc ~, ~. I, Janie B Straughn, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not Inconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me Cod C~ YWYI~J 1~J ,....----- (Mr~ ) Janie B Straugl~ Col ector of Revenue The above oath was administered to Mrs Janie B Straughn on August 16, 1976, before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners on this date -y .ill C-' ~. Ho orable Clerk of Superior Court MEMORANDUM August 12, 1976 To Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners From Larry J Powell Tax Administrator Subject Property Under Appeal to State Property Tax Commission Of the appeals pending before the State Property Tax Commission, Mr Shugart has reviewed the following property and recommends the changes as reflected in his letter attached herewith If the attached changes are approved, we will need to issue refunds as reflected below Also, the 1976 taxes must be abated to agree with the new valuation Mr Shugart will be available on August 16, 1976, if you desire to discuss any recommendations with him Faye T Yates $ 32 34 Harold P Laing 6 24 John W Hales 50 48 ($30 29 Refund) James E Sneeden 936 47 I A Carney 57 43 I A Carney 41 04 N L Vann 33 41 M F Barnhill 49 60 M F Barnhill 110 09 Request this Item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on August 16, 1976 LJP/pbc Copy Mrs P.lyce Brown Mr James C Fox ]A'.t ES E HOL SHOI tiE R, ]R. GOVERNOR ] HO~'ARD CABLE SECRETARY ~~~~ ~ ~`' ~4~r~ ~ pa~r.f` STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE P O BOX 25000 RALEIGH N C 27640 ]OHN E LANSCHE ROBERT B MCBURNEY~ ]R. DEPUTY SECRETARIES July 1, 1976 Mr Larry Powell, TAx Administrator New Hanover County 119 North Fifth Street Wilmington, North Carolina, 28401 Dear Mr Powell• After afield review with you and the New Hanover County appraiser, we would like to make the following recommendations regarding changes in the values of properties which have been appealed to the Property Tax Commission Faye T Yates (48-17-I5-7.001) Correct lot size from 3325 sq ft. to 2945 and allow additional 20/, reducing the value from $6,650 to $4,420 Harold P. Laing (48-17-15-08) Correct lot size from 3230 sq. ft. to 2945 and allow additional 20~ influence factor, reducing the value from $6,460 to $4,420. John W Hales (55-14-09-06) Change depreciation on house from 20~ to 35~, reducing the value from $22,240 to $18,760. James E Sneeden ~ Walter Sigman (49-16-01-13) Allow influence factor of 50~ for unimproved and restrictions, value from $312,000 to $156,000 I A Carney (48-20-03-?.001) Change land influence from 15/ for corner and economic misimprovement to 25%, value from $45,850 to $41,890. I. A. Carney (48-20-03-07) Change depreciation on building from 50% normal and 30/ obsolescence to 60% normal and 35/ obsolescence, reducing value from $29,160 to $26,330. N. L. Vann (45-00-067) Change lot size from 330 feet to 298, reducing value from $88,710 to $82,950. M F. Barnhill (49-19-08-20) Change land influence from 20~ to 80% for topography and unimproved, reducing value from $4,460 to $1,120. ~f~~ V f ~ Mr Larry Powell - 2 - July 1, 1976 'M. F. Barnhill (49-19-08-12) Remove 60/ land influence on lot and change rear land influence from 60/ to 80J for topography and unimproved, reducing value from $51,210 to $43,580. Sidney Abrams (90-06-09-O1) I have discussed the income approach with Mr. Abrams and it does not seem that he wants to accept our recommendations Therefore, we would recommend that the county prepare to hear this case based on the original value Yours very truly, D R. Holbrook, Director AD VAIAREM TAX DIVI N -, ., rya yy, ~,~~~~1' ~ By Emmitt C. Shugart ~ ~ Real Property Appraiser ECS•ml MEMORANDUM August 12, 1976 To Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners From Larry J Powell -\_ J~~ Tax Administrator Subject Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside w~thi_n. the city or town limits, or the personal property is 1-ocated within the county 1 Eugenia C Kennedy $ 29 46 (1974) 2 Christine Landen 25 74 (1972) 3 Carolyn Milliken 20 13 (1972) 4 Dock Swenson 17 66 (1971) 5 Robert J Lahrschall, Jr 39 90 (1972) 6 Archie W Landen, Sr 162. 82 (1970-1.972, 1974) 7 Paul Edwin Jarrell 46 88 (1974) 8 Mary Hardwick 47 74 (1973) 9 Rufus Eaton ~+ 38 (1966) 10 Daniel Jezewski 27 00 (1972) 11 Charles A Lewes 16 70 12 John W Covil 100 62 Request the following taxer be released as these are clerical and appraisal errors, In addition, pricing motor vehicles, lot size, etc 1 Frances Pugh $ 17 97 (1971) 2 Donald Watson 108 00 (1.968) 3 Carey Gordon 14 35 ~+ Joseph Orli 36 68 5 Angelo Ciardella 28 54 (Refund) 6 Thomas Brookins 3 77 (Refund) 7 Frank Anderson 20 81 (1974) Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported Incorrect information 1 Lawrence Brown $ 26 37 (1972) 2 Robert Summerl~n 3 83 3 Patrick Gallagher 5 08 ~+ Fox"s Holsum Bakery, Inc 243 55 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 J T Carroll, Jr $ 1 28 2 Jeffrey Schaffer 14 22 (1970) 3 Figure 8 Tsland 117 29 (1973 8 74) 4 Lonnie Burris 38 63 5 Douglas Byrd 31 58 (Refund 15 09) 6 Delaney Realty Corp 2,884 03 (Refund) Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners August 12, 1976 Page 2 Request the taxes charged to St Joseph's Society be released as this property is exempt ($1,780 67) Request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meetzng of August 16, 1976 LJP/pbc Copy Mrs Alyce Brown Mr James C Fox