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O H E-+ ~ a ~ w ~ H H W C] Ca 3 H ~ ~ ~ w H FC, W H Ri ,H w x U ~ C!1 H cn a H_ a ~-+ C:W ~ RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY V~'hereas, the North Carolina Clean Water Bond Act of 1971 has authorized the making of grants to aid eligible units of government in financing the cost of construction of wastewater treatment works, wastewater collection systems, and water supply systems, and Whereas, Resolution 74-31 of the North Carolina Board of Water and Air Resources established a policy for approving State grants from the Pollution Control Account of the Clean Water Fund for Step grants for wastewater treatment works projects, and Whereas, Title II of the Federal {Dater Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P L 92-500 U S C 1251 et seg) authorized the award of step Federal Construction Grants for waste treatment works, and Whereas, New Hanover County intends to request State and Federal giant assis- tance to aid in the design and construction of a regional wastewater treatment system as set forth in the Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facilities Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CONIIdISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY That New Hanover County will arrange financing for all remaining costs of the project if approved for State and Federal grant awards That New Hanover County will adopt and place into effect on or before completion of the project a schedule of fees and charges which will pro- vide adequate funds for proper operation, maintenance and administration of the system That New Hanover County will provide for efficient operation and mainten- ance of the project on completion of construction thereof That New Hanovex County will enact and enforce a sewer use ordinance in each jurisdiction of the project That Peter R Davis, Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners and successors so titled, is hereby authorized to execute and file Step II and III applications on behalf of New Hanover County with the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of North Carolina for grants to aid in the construction of the project described above That Peter R Davis, Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners and successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the appropriate Federal or State agencies may request in connection with such applications or the project, to make the assurances as contained above, and to execute such other documents as may be required in connection with the applications That New Hanover County has substantially complied or will substantially comply with all Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the project and to Federal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto, and hereby authorized the above designated rep- resentative to execute an affidavit so stating Adopted this thea2a~day of ~ 1976, at Wilmington, North Carolina Peter R Davis, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned duly qualified and acting as Clerk to the Board of County Commis- sioners of New Hanover County does hereby certify That the above attached resolu- tion is a true and correct copy of the resolution authorizing the filing of Step II and Step III applications with the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of North Carolina, as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the Board of County Co issioners, New Hanover County, North Carolina duly held on the ~o ~' day of 1976, and further, that such resolution has been fully recof~ded in the journal of proceedings a~ records i my office IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this, 7~.~ day of ~~~ , 1976 Alyce $ Brown Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County (SEAL) r SAp-temhPr 17, 7..97h Roa.rd of rmm~-i.ssi_oners~ pTew Hanover County T~irG. Flr:i ~ ht and f}entl~Yn~n of the Poard: tiVP~ the i,ndPrs_igned mPml,er. s n.f i,he .So?zihaa,stPrn Chanter of the rlori-h ra.rr,l_;na SnniFi~y of ~,~rveyors~ Tn''*~ a.11. 'heir; i.n the Privat.P r,r;~c*,tirr? of land survey~.nn~ ar,r,Par i,aforP yo,z toda~~ v~~th a very serious problem. m}1e State of TTcrth Carolina. has ~ln effPr't recta s.n laws that rP~~,l_~atF t},~, ProfPSGions o f I~1nd S»rv~~r'.ng a.nd ~;ngi.nnc;rir~. Chapter ~~-; of the renr~ral Sta±„~tr~s of plo~th rarn7.ina, clef i nr, the pranti r•e of T,arJd Sttrveyi n; and 1ngi_nePr; nn. Fn_l~s of T/`rofPSS; c,nal_ rondt~rt a,rP also Prom1J7.`atPrl ~ n a.C~Ord.aJ?r`P Pn-th ~ * S w ~9..I' a•rid arm i~l.nri;_n~ ,]pop nvnry PFr~r,n holda_ns; ?~egistrati on as ?. ProfPSS ona1. Land Su~rvPyor or ~;ngineer. The PTi_]_mi n~t,on - TTe,rr Tlanover planning Corrn?~i ss-i on ;_s ~hargPd with thr, rFrnnnGibili.ty of making plans for the development of pTPw Ha.ne~*er oovnty. Su??di_vi s; on rPg,~lati on:; have been Pnarted to assist the Pla.nni J7(* Cemmi.,,:~i_~n anti the dr~vel~,pPrsrP~,la.te the orrlPrly arowt.h of the ~%rn,rty. T~Tr. P~~il Foster? a member of the ti'Ti.1m; n •ton - pTew Iia-nover P7_~nn i nn romm~-^si.on, who rnns; dPr~ himsPl f a land n].~nn i nrr ronG,Jli-ant, has madn r;tatemPntG vahi.ch are a par. t of tha rProrci. (Fnn~ nS~,rF T} that a.ra dr`rn~*a,t,~~rv~ i.na.ee»rate~ defamat:nry~ non ~rofeGSi.onall_v ovr~r1_v on; n; r,natPd.~ and ~r,r!mletr'ly uncalled for, He has p~tblicl_y staters at rernnt meetinrys of the Pla.nni.ng Commi.ssi.on I-,ha.t a h~ahl.yresnr~r•t,ncT local rngi.neerin7 tu~.d T.~nd Survey~.rJg fixm is not c{ualified to nla.n a subdivision anti that they do not have anyone competent on th~i_r ~i;:,ff to Plan a. s~Jbclivi Gi-on. Tt ~ a obv_i ous that P+;r. Foster does not fee]_ that a d,J1y registered land surveyor a.nd evil enn~; peer havF thn cl,aa~;.ficati_ons to n1.an a s1,~livisi.~n of 1v~ri~ and thaF in h; r op~ n~ on this v~~.rk sho„ld he d~,nF only by land. Pla.nnPrG,, mhn State of p~Tnt•th (;a.rnl ; na ma.Tces no nrovi.si nns for d~f ~ n-i.ns* the rrar•i; i ne of I~a.ncl Pl_ann~i rv~ or for the RPt*i.strat.i.on of ~tProfeGS:i.nna.1 pla.nn~rs~-. Tt i-G a1.^c, r,T~~i.n„G i,hat T'.r. Foster has nnd~lly i_J~flnnncPd r,thPr meml~err of the rommi.ssi on v~i.th hi_s oni_nior~ated verl~~rc~. tiYe reel. that hi ., presence on. the Corrunissi_on is a sFrious conflict of ini-,erFSt; his apparent ignorance of the law is inexc~JSahlP, anti hit commPnt,^ ennnFrn7.ng subdivision planning anti approval very daman~ nn. S ~ nce i t is apparent that Land Surveyors anti Fnn-i.nPers wi,l]. not r. Pr`~~-i ve d,J-r? consideration on su?~mitted p7.~ns~ vr~ thFrefnrF res~r,et:ivFly rr~qur~:~t that TTr. Fo^tr.rt G a.nnnintmr,nt tc, i;hP (',r,mn,i.sSi-on Y,e iJnTnr,di.at,ely tcrm;.n~tt;eci. L^^ ~ n ~Z~Cd.+Pa---+d. " Join !fie Benson ~ ~~~ / Tohi~i.e C. Garrison ~o~>r. t H. Goslee ~/~ _~ ~--! ., ~. ,max! ~~--~_._..~ Gebr~e Losalc ~nvard T,[. Lough]_in r-- ~ / ~~.,~ r /,~ Jack G. Stocks r ~....! ~' Tfi.lton F. Underwood ~~r~~sTrxE t Tn the meetiru; of the Planning Board on j~de~.nesc~ay~ SPntemlxr 1, 1976, r7r. Foster ma.dE the followi_n~ statements concerning the matter of Great Oaks S~.zbdivisi.on; ~~Very poor plans very poorly dPSi~ned p1:~.n...~~ nT thi_nlc he (Bradshaw) ounht to hire h~snsc_l_f a food land plannPr...o Bradshativ stated they ha.d personnel on their staff rapahle of pla,nn_ n~ land. Fosters s answer "Ohs nn ,yo~t dins t~~ Su.i~d~.viGi~n Revievr committee T,tecti_na At~rttst 23, 1976 Detail~:d siirrnary of. c~i.scussion attach~d.y CEP Pa~'P 9 SFe Pa.{~p 13 DE'TAII,ED SL'AiTi<~RY OF DISCI ~SION OF GREAT OAK ES'T~iTES, SECTION 1 - PRELiM1NARY PLAN DISCUSSED AT AUGUST 23, 1976 SUBDIVISION REVIEW CO>`Tr1ITTEE MEETING SRC Members Present T•ir I .john Tinga, Chm Air Paul Foster ~1`ir Hamilton Hicks, Jr Mr J D Orrell Ptr Al Sharp Others Present Mr Everett Hale, Developer Mr John Benson, RLS P1r Hoyt Bradshaw, RLS (Henry von Oesen & Assoc ) Mr Larry Goff, SCS Mr Jabe Hardee, Realtor Mr Jack Stocks, RLS Planning Staff Present Mr Harry E Oakes, Staff Planner Mrs Julie Weiss, Secretary The sketch master plan and the preliminary plan of Great Oaks l~~tates, Section 1 was presented by Mr Oakes Mr Oakes stated that Great Oakes Fstat~s is located in Harnett Township, east of U S Hwy 17 approximately 1,900 feet nortl of the intersection of U S Hwy 17 and S R 1345 (Alexander Road) The master plan was presented to the Subdivision Review Committee at the meeting on September 24, 1973, acid was granted a sketch plan approval The master plan consisted of 508 lots, 15,000 square feet plus in size and located in an R-15 zone The proposed lots were to be served by a centralized water system and individual sewage disposal systems Section 1 consists of 52 lots, 19,000 square feet plus in size Mr Oakes pointed out that as of this date no comments have been received from the County Health Department or the Department of Transportation on this plan Mr Larry Goff, Soil Technician, Lower Cape Fear Soil & Water Conservation District (S.C S ), discussed the soils report on this Subdivision He pointed out that soils in this tract were rated as very severe, 812 and 94, severe, 582, 891 and 836, slight, 724 and 79 Mr Goff recommended that the 812 soil, which has a very severe rating, not be developed, but left in i.ts natural condition The 94 soil, also having a very severe rating (deep muck soil to approximately 75") has the following problems high water table, high shrinkage, and would require mucking out and back Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 2 filling with suitable fill material prior to development He recommended professional engineers certify foundations and developments on this site Soils rated 582 and 891 have a severe rating for residential development utilizing septic tanks due to un- seasonable high water table and varying hard-pan layers He said they do not generally recommend septic tank use on these soils due to these problems Even with an adequate surface and subsurface drainage system, there is a probability of failure of septic tanks on these sites due to the varying hard-pan layers Mr Goff reported that 836 soil responds well to artificial drainage and should be adequate once a complete surface and subsurface drainage system is installed Soils 724 and 79 should be adequate for development utilizing septic tanks The main problem associated with these soils is deep sand ridges with poor filtering capacity, possible contamination of ground watt:r and also problems in establishing and maintaining vegetation Mr Goff stated tha this plat at the present time does not contain adequate planned subsurface drainage o the severe rated soils He said the need to grade and shape each lot for adequate surface water removal still exists Mr Bradshaw stated that the area mentioned as 94 soils, as stated on the plans, would be cleared and mucked and used as a disposal area for surplus excavation As shown on the profile sheets, they feel the road grading and proposed drainage will take care of the drainage situation for these areas called severe Mr Bradshaw said they were aware that the burden was on the developer to make the lots usable to meet the requirements of the percolation tests and the Health Department As each area is developed, when a lot does not pass the requirements, the developer will have to improve or abandon such lots Mr Sharp Why does this large a subdivision plan not utilize a central sewage system? Mr Bradshaw A central sewage system is being considered in a Countywide sewage plan But for a developer, on an individual basis, it is not practical For a development this size, it would cost approximately 1/2 million dollars for such a plant Detailed Summary SRC rlinutes - August 23, 1976 Page 3 Mr Foster I see a vast amount of land with numerous types of soil conditions in an area where development pattern is very loose and very low density It would seem to be logical, from a land planning point of view, instead of making a rather tight street pattern and regular lots, to design street patterns and lots to avoid the weak soil areas Pir Bradshaw Due to the limited amount of land left to develop, we have to go in and improve land and bring it up to a usable point as we go Mr Foster Every square foot of New Hanover County should not be developed Mr Bradshaw No, of course not Mr Foster That's what I'm saying People of New Hanover County have stated they want to preserve the rural charm of portions of New Hanover County Let's don't make it all a bunch of subdivisions like in New Jersey and Richmond At a public mu tang, one gentleman said he has more money in his pocket, but his ditch stinks and hr would rather have less money in his pocket and have a clean ditch Why not develop the areas where the better soils are located on this site and let the rest remain i.n its natural state I think I can prove you can make more money leaving natural areas for better environment rather than developing tacky lots and houses Mr Tinga Ultimately, where will the water be drained to? Mr Foster To Pages Creek Mr Bradshaw explained the location of three different drainage areas (Middle Branch & Pages Creek) Mr Tinga That was one of my questions - is there enough fall in the street swans to handle water flow easily Mr Sharp Is there only one access to Hwy 17 which will ultimately accommodate all lots? Mr Bradshaw One is proposed now and there will be another access provided south of the one shown at a later date as development proceeds Det~i] d Summary `'KC ii i ites - August 23, 1976 Pi;e ~+ Mr Foster The areas designated as commercial have not been zoned for shopping? rir Bradshaw No Mr Tinga Is that a double street entering the Subdivision from Hwy 17? Mr Bradshaw Yes, as you can see it on the site plan Tir Orrell Mr Goff said that under the surface some 75" down is muck Pir Goff Down to depths of 75" Mr Orrell Can you get sufficient fall to provide good drainage to these soils for foundations? Mr Bradshaw I'es Mr Tinga One thing we ought to remember, in contrast to Crestwood Subdivision just reviewed, these lots are 15,000 square feet as opposed to 10,000 square foot lots Mr Hardee No, 19,000 square foot lots for Section 1 Mr Oakes The master plan delineated 1 ~s of 15,000 square feet, however, Section 1 lots are 19,000 square feet Mr Tinga What are the recommendations of the Staff? Mr Oakes Grant conditional preliminary approval for Section 1 with the conditions being to obtain approval from the Department of Transportation, County Health Department, the County Engineer for soil erosion and sedimentation control, and working with the Soil Conservation Service in preparing a drainage plan and obtaining approval from them Mr Tinga We should also stipulate that muck soils - it has been agreed to remove and replace these soils Mr Tinga asked for a motion to approve as stated by the Staff Mr Orrell Does Mr Bradshaw have anything he wishes to comment on? Does he have objections to these conditions? Mr Bradshaw No We realize the problems are there and the burden is on the developer to bring up to standards to accommodate septic tanks Mr Hicks What is the time table for development? Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 5 Mr Bradshaw As soon as possible We would like to start grading and. street clearing ~La~-e~~ and tweet construction We don`t know what will happen until we get our ditches and grading and drainage improved Mr Oakes Is there any way to revise the preliminary master plan and submit it? Pir Bradshaw The overall plan? Mr Oakes Fight Mr Foster Hss this every been approved by us? Mr Oakes It was a sketch plan only at one time, but it was never given preliminary Mr Bradshaw It was presented in the past as a sketch plan with soils and DOT review Mr Oakes [Je have to consider that DOT standards have changed and there was no valid preliminary approval at the time so it would be subject to present standards Mr Bradshaw Section 1 should meet the existing DOT's standards Mr Oakes I would think so, except possibly for sight distances Mr Foster Do you propose to completely bulldoze the property? Mr Bradshaw No Only when and where needed Mr Tinga (Stated to Mr Oakes) Are you requesting a preliminary approval of this master plan? Mr Oakes No We are recommending that an updated master plan reflecting the intent of the developer be submitted Since this was submitted in 1973, the master plan may require revision Mr Bradshaw The master plan is still generally our concept for overall development As we come in with a section at a time, we are refining each section to meet the conditions of the sketch type approval that we had originally We may find that as we continue to develop that streets, etc may have to be moved Mr Oakes Will your streets tie into existing streets in Bayshore Estates? Mr Hardee Yes, they will Mr Hicks Do you intend to raze the land? Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - /~„~iist 23, 1.976 Page 6 Mr Bradshaw No Just clear and muck out 94 soil type areas Road ditches as required by DOT will be 22 inches below the centerline and will handle surface as well as subsurface water Drainage cut for roadway is going to greatly improve the water and drainage situation Mr Foster jti'hy are the roads so straight? t,Thy not curved to slow traffic? Mr Oakes The road design standards of DOT almost forces the developer to design roads on a grid or block pattern Mr Foster We should do something about the design requirements of DOT Mr Oakes Various people have tried The S R C has asked for variances on various subdivisions and have received approval from DOT on about a 50 50 basis Mr Hicks Are the design requirements based on the premise that an individual is going to deed the roads to the State? Mr Oakes Yes For public roads and also for private road- since our Ordinances allow private roads if constructed to DOT's standards Mr Hicks Do private roads need DOT approval? Mr Oakes Yes To insure that they have been constructed to DOT's standards Mr Sharp Why, in a development of this size, is there no open space? All we have is blanket roads and lots Mr Hardee We have open space (Pointed out area ) Mr Sharp How do you get to it? (Enclosed with lots ) Mr Hardee Will be a street at a later date Mr Sharp Where? Mr Hardee We will leave an area to get in there As shown on the sketch plan there is none When we get to that point, we will leave access Mr Bradshaw These areas you leave as open land are good until you try to find out who will maintain them The County and the State do not want them Mr Oakes As stated in the Subdivision Ordinance, it is recommended that public areas Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 7 be reserved for parks, recreational areas, schools, fire stations and provide the County an opportunity to buy this land at a fair market value for a period of six months from the date of submission of preliminary plan Mr Sharp As I understand, the preliminary plan has not been submitted Mr Oakes That is correct On the dedication of park or recreational areas, we are initiating a case to go before the County Commissioners to see if they will accept public land for parks, etc and maintain said lands This will be a test case The policy has been not to accept land becuase of no money or Department to maintain the public lands Mr Hicks Leaving open wooded area left natural is advantageous to the development Mr Tinga The point is, from the developer's point of view, say the developer owns a 100 acre tract with 20 acre4 of flood plain that he cannot develop He can't get rid of it unless he draws his ~ildividual property lines to include the area Pir Foster Not a bad way of going it Mr Tinga Still, the buyer does not necessarily want that "waste land " If he buys it, it is his and he must maintain it What's happening is the developer is stuck with it if he can't dispose of it in some way and he has to pay taxes on it He sells lots out in bits and pieces and has an area remaining which is useless to him and he has to pay taxes on it Mr Foster One member of the ~P.C owned marsh land and gave it to the State and wrote it off as a tax write-off Mr Bradshaw The County does not even want a drainage right-of-way They want an easement instead Mr Oakes That's so each individual property owner is responsible for the maintenance instead of the County Mr Foster The County is going to have to face up to it and develop a County-wide drainage plan Detailed Summary SKC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 8 Mr Bradshaw With lots this size, it's not like your rural houses or redevelopment area with 6,000 - 7,000 square foot lots, or l0,JU0 sq ft lots These lots will generally be 20,000 square feet The first section has lots 19,000 square feet in size These are good size open lots not like those downtown where you have to .,o to the next block for recreational areas T1r Sharp Are these lots of sufficient size for a ball park or other type of activities? Mr Bradshaw No Not for a ball park Pir Sharp Or a place to bicycle or walk without restrictions? Mr Tinga The only area shown is the area noted as commercial and motel Mr Hardee Bayshore is proposing a recreational area with tennis courts and different facilities which does not join up with the sketch plan you see before you Mr Tinga Who will own it? Mr Hardee We are trying to find out now who will maintain and own it The property owners evidently don't what to It puts you in a position from a liability standpoint, that if an accident occurs, you may have a suit against you If the property owners had an association but we cannot get them to generate enough interest to do it We told them we would give them 10 acres of land and $10,000 and still could not convince them to do it What do you do? Mr Tinga Participants in homeowners associations become owners of the property and pay dues forever Of course this is a consideration the homeowner takes also Mr Foster is in a homeowners association of Figure Eight Island which he feels is worth- while A lot of people when they finish paying for their property, do not want the continuous paying of dues because each one figures he is not getting his share of the benefits Mr Bradshaw I agree that the open areas and parks are ideal, but there are numerous problems Mr Sharp They are handled in other areas and can be managed when there is a desire Detai7.ed Summary SRC riinutes - Itugust 23, 1976 Page 9 to manage them Mr Tinga True, but when a person goes out to develop an area that is a selling point The property owner must decide before purchase rir Tinga We were discussing the conditions of the approval The Staff recommends conditional approval subject to the conditions as stated previously Mr Orrell made a motion to grant conditional approval subject to the conditions as previously stated by the Staff Mr Tinga seconded the motion Vote Aye - Chairman Tinga and Mr Orrell Noe - Mr Foster, Mr Hicks and Mr Sharp Mr Foster I voted against it because it is poor~Iann g„~.. Mr Bradshaw Could I get some specific requests Mr Sharp I would like to see the total plan approved rather than piecemealing it Because once you have approved the area abutting the highway, then ti~u almost dictate the rest of the development Mr Hardee What if at a point of development someone wishes to purchase the remaining undeveloped portion, do you wish for him to be tied down to our specific development? Mr Oakes They would have to come back for preliminary approval Mr Hicks I feel like we should be fair in relating to Mr Bradshaw our feelings on this plan and reasons for denial I feel that a more solid overall conceptional total plan should be prepared like some of the other developments we receive which have preliminary master plan approval and then developed by sections As it stands, we don't formally have that type plan Mr Bradshaw The plan meets all the subdivision requirements now Mr Foster The plan that Colonel Dennison did for Dr Dorman (Shinn Point Subdivision) is a good sample of pulling everything together Mr Hicks That was a fantastic display of real work I was impressed with it The soil conditions, ditches, bad areas where he could and could not develop, etc were all laid out Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 10 Mr Foster There is no comparison in what he presented and what we have here He had aerial photographs, etc Mr Hicks He had a very marginal situation, but the way he presented it showed a lot of thought and planning rir Orrell An approval of the section does not hold you to approving additional sections Pir Sharp It begins to dictate Pir Orrell It does not dictate anything It might to you, but not to me Mr Sharp I'ou get a road constructed to a point, it dictates for a number of feet from that point how the adjacent section will be constructed P1r Foster This is a beautiful piece of land and I hate to see it subdivided in this manner Mr Bradshaw I would iCke to request the objections in writing so we can follow your recommendations ~f you are turning down Section 1, I want to know in writing what you require that goes beyond the subdivision requirements that we have been trying to adhere to over the past years 4~e try to meet these requirements If we have a new set of rules and requirements, I'd like to know what they are I stated in my letter, I realize we have some problems from here on out with the topography and soil conditions Mr Tinga As I understand the Committee, those objecting would like to see a pre- liminary plat approved before the specific final plats are presented Of course, I understand this is the preliminary plat over here Mr Bradshaw The Section 1 is a preliminary plat for 54 lots The sketch master plan for 500 lots is a master plan to show what is planned for future development Mr Tinga I must say that at this point I can't see why you would be required to dedicate public land as recommended It's desirable, but I can appreciate your difficulty not being able to ever rid yourself of it You have real difficulty in Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 11 ever clearing yourself of this whole subdivision which you ultimately are going to have to do I dont't say I approve the Ordinance as it is, but if the Ordinance is going to require open land or recreation land, there must be the machinery in the County to accept this, unless private arrangements can be made by deed restrictions or homeowners associations which may or may not be desirable Mr Sharp It's the nature of planning to look ahead and when you are dealing with a potential 500 lots, I think it behoves you to look at the total plat, then work with individual sections But Section 1 of what? How many sections? Mr Bradshaw If the real estate market opens up, it might be Sections 1 and 2 Mr Sharp Would it not be great to have all the planning done when you are ready for Section 2? Mr Bradshaw We have the planning done and that's what our developer wants It meets the subdivision requirements as they are now If we are to revise the overall plan, we have to ask our owner into it to see if he agrees to dedicate open land Mr Sharp Mr Tinga, isn't it procedure to have a preliminary master plan approved? Mr Tinga Normally, but this developer does not wish to go this route, he wishes to complete his work in sections Mr Orrell Does the Ordinance require a preliminary master plan? Mr Tinga A sketch plan One way is development of a certain level so styles of development will not be mixed in this area, because if you begin with building 19,000 square foot lots, with presumably $50,000 homes on them, and you get into difficulties and begin building with smaller lots, 10,000 square feet and put 1,000 square foot houses on them, the people who bought the original lots would have their property devalued by being located next to an inferior type subdivision That would be one advantage of developing this whole thing so the surrounding developers and property buyers could see the layout in its entirity and set up for a certain style of development Then they presumably would be assured there wouldn't be any little 1,000 foot houses thrown Detail ed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 12 in their midst as some subdivisions have Mr Bradshaw That's what we have on this master plan and have stated that lots would be 15,000 square feet Mr Tinga But you see that's not an official thing and that is one of the items rSr Sharp has considered Mr Hicks I don't doubt your intentions, but formally make that intention to us and we will work with it Mr Bradshaw We can see if the developer wants to tie himself down for that length of time f.or that size lots But we have stated 15,000 square foot lots for preliminary sketch approval Mr Sharp Mr Oakes, can you define for the gentleman the difference between a sketch plan approval and preliminary plan approval? 'ir Oakes Basically, a sketch plan is a tentative type plan which generally shows the lot layout, drainage and the street patterns Mr Oakes then read from the Subdivision Ordinance A sketch plan will be reviewed for the general compliance of the requirements of the Ordinance The subdivider or his representative may discuss the plans of the development of the proposed subdivision The Planning Department shall advise the developer as to regulations pertaining to the proposed development and the procedure the subdivider shall follow in preparing submitted subdivisions Mr Tinga Then the sketch plan deal is an acquainting kind of deal between the developer and/or his representative and the Staff of the Planning Department so they can find any obvious errors in concept The next step would be the presentation of the preliminary plan utilizing the advice of the Planning Staff Mr Tinga The issue is that Mr Foster, Mr Hicks and Mr Sharp are of the opinion that the preliminary plat approval should include the total tract and Mr Bradshaw's opinion is that he needs a preliminary approval on only Section 1 (54 lots) which is being presented tonight Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 13 Mr Foster You have 500 lots and you will be generating about 2,000 persons along that one entry road You should really have a soil sedimentation/erosion plan for the entire tract Mr Bradshaw If we had a place for another access we would be glad to do it [de do have access proposed at another location although it's not our property We propose another access road to the south of the one shown on Section 1 I can't find any other way to bring another road out to Hwy 17 I feel we have met the requirements by submitting this plan as a sketch plan and this as a preliminary plat of the first section If there is anything in the sketch plan that does not meet the requirements other than you want a park or some open land, we would like to know what it is Mr Foster The quality of your planning work is just not that good compared to what Paul Dennison gave us on Shinn Point Mr Bradshaw With the configuration and topography as it is, I know of no other way to develop it except for this collector thoroughfare through the development with the residential feeder roads coming into it Mr Hicks I think our message is that we are not comfortable with this plan Mr Bradshaw You don't like my layout? ~~ Mr Foster Yea we ust think it',$ ~~.,,l.c~u~~t 1ay~a.u.t.... Mr Bradshaw I'm sorry, we can't all be experts Mr Foster You've got planners, and I saw the presentation Col Dennison made It was masterful Mr Bradshaw There is really no comparison as to the land Pir Foster Yes, it is beautiful land Discussion on soils of total tract by Mr Goff on request of Mr Orrell Mr Foster Why don't you develop just the sand ridges (good soils) and forget about the rest of the place P r zi led Summary ~~'C '•:inutes - August 23, 1976 ?' „e 14 rir Bradshaw That's basically what we have done Pir Foster You`ve proposed development in the muck, the marsh and everything You've got lots in some of the worst soils on the site Mr Bradshaw discussed the proposed drainage of the various soils Mr Oakes What is the intention of the lake area once it's drained? Will it become a recreational area or will it be consumed into the individual properties? Mr Bradshaw No We left that as a lake area and will possibly have to run lots into the center of it Discussion followed on how the lake was created r1r Tinga Mr Bradshaw, the only comfort, if any, is that we will forward you a copy of these minutes so you may have the ~mments these gentlemen made Hopefully, you and your principal may come to some conclusion as to what you wish to do Mr Hicks I think this site has a potential of being a real fine development, good lot size, etc I don't want you to overlook something If we have served the purpose of having you relook at it and say maybe we can improve here or do this or we have given consideration to this, but we can't do it for this reason, etc then I feel we have served our purpose and the land is developed and sold and probably match with the quality of the land Mr Foster I see no reason why you could not have a mixture of $50,000 homes, $30,000 homes and even mobile homes Mr Hardee Nooo - not mobile homes Mr Foster You could make a planned development that could be handled very gracefully Mr Orrell That could be, but if the developer cut out the lots you were talking about, then the price would have to increase on the remaining lots You could price a lot of people out of buying in this subdivision r A w ~ Detailed Summary SRC Minutes - August 23, 1976 Page 15 rir Foster No, not by not developing the marginal lots Mr Hardee You have to pass them by with the asphalt on the roads and when ~ ~~ develop a piece you'll find out what it costs to put a street in and you can believe that in the ultimate end, the consumer will pay That`s why we are trying to put this development in in a manner where we can hold the lot costs down to where a consumer can buy j,Then you spend $15,000 to $20,000 on getting layouts and have to come back with new revised plans and spend another $6,000 laying it out, the consumer will ultimately pay Mr Tinga Mr Bradshaw, if you are interested, we will have a meeting of the Planning Commission on Wednesday week and if you would like to present this to the w}iole Planning Commission, it is your privilege to do this Mi Bradshaw I will have to speak to the developer and see what he wishes to do /jw . ~ CITIZEN PETITION To Meznc~ers of the New iianover County Commission P~lambcrs of the Planning Comtaission ~~'e .~nderst:and that you will be asked to approve a clevelopznez~t called Great Oak Estates to consist o residential lots, a shopping center, a motel., and riulti-fa,nily housing The proposed development i$ Highway 17 north of Wilmington and, roughly, lies Creek t•'e have studied the plans of the and soil conditions in the area to '.~e completely unacceptable ,. massive f 500+ an area for .located along J S along Pages proposed development, elevations, We find the proposed development 1 `1'he proposed plan depends an individual septic tanks Mucl: of the land c~~ncerned is low we can anticipate at least ?_,500 p~of~le on thu ~(7U+ lots, in the motel, and in multi-family dw~.llin,s The outcome is obvious - vastli. increased poll~.ztion in the form of increased coliform bacteria and ~creasec? BOi~~ Tn a word, very severe deterioration of .pater duality will un- questionably occur in Pages Creek, both north and south xn tte Intracoastal Waterway, in connecting channels, and rn tt:e salt. water marshes Areas not now Polluted will bc, rareas now. some- what polluted will become very znucli worse We confidently pre- dict polluted shellfish, marshes, and recreational waters at the minimum 2 Irz north~:rn New Flanover County east of U S 17 , drxnklny water is drawn from the Castle i~7yne aquif:.r Salt water in- trusion into our water. supply has been predicted in a report Y,y henry Van Oesen S Associates, Consulting Engineers and Planners Our water supply has proven adequate for a very low Density population The demand of an additional 500+ homes, a motel, ,~ sf~~opping center, and multi-family dwellings will rapidly haste salt water intrusion 3 Beyond rea unable doubt, construction of the proposed dr~velopmezt will rapidly and greatly increase soil erosion and fres:~ water runoff from the development site This will m~.an sedizno ;x.ation of i~~zyes Creek and the Intracoastal Waterway with. resulting ne~yative effec_t.s ~~n fi.sti/shellfi }i breeding habitats _znd oz7 navigation 'I"-:e salt water- grasses and marshes will un-- questionabl..x be damat;~~~d arac-1 pons Uly d~atroyeci 4 highway 17 nort}r of Ogucz is even now a very dangerous road. Numerous severe <~ccidents, ynjuries, and even death have recently occurred there With 500+ homes, not l-o mention a motel, a shopping center, and multi-family swellings, there will be thousands more cars each day trying to turn off and on U S 17 Iricreas~~c? numbers of accidents are a certainty under such conditions 5 Who will pay for the incres:sed cost of sc~l.~ol.s, 1_ir~. -3 3s police protection, and ot-.r~~.r services occt~sionec? .:,_;' such a ;~u~~~;, high density development? ~;:i_thcr increased t: ,h~:~~ for aai c.oi:crltti residents or a deterioration and d.rl.utiori of sarvyces fc~z all residents will follow upon suc~i a develc~r~rner.c 6 '.there is no need for such a develal~ment Mar; horlc~s ~r~c.. lots are now offered far sale in Phew fianover c r unty as ;r; i; spection of the MLS book shows There are already sev~~x:,a~ thousand residentially zoned vacant lots In the count;r Anl there is hardly a population boom :ir. Prospect The propa:~ed develops ent is a land speculatic n ~r;icrac w i ~ ~ ~ result in irrevocable er,viranmental daa~.:~ge Zt i.s ~r•necessa anc: undesirable in all respects We urge you to reject the plans and to disallc.~w tY~e ~_r;~.:s e development raAr~t~ ADDRESS { ~~ ~ y~ L s ,~ . ~.h..r~~--~ ~ ; l ~,~ R J '. 1~-- ~ ~~~.3Z.ti~..rr.S.idr.`.~._.1'~~~~- ..._. ~-- J ~ ~. .. ~~ ,, ~ ~ ,_ . f ~ /' . ~~ .t ~ .-~ ~~ ~ ~- ~. ~" ~ -~~t.~,._...--- ~( Q ~~.. ~ I ~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET ~aAri~ber kI \~I4 ~O~ fi~ ~timtngtott, ~ ~C 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru August 31~~~976 762-0391 1976 1975 Charged Per Scroll $9,887,734 29 -~ Collections to Date - 144,260 48 $ 41,480 29 Outstanding Balance $9,743,473 81 Percentage Collected 1 46% Back Taxes Real Estate $ 466,470 92 $ 332,356 19 Less Abatements - 850 88 - 91 12 Collections to Date - 40,925 47 - 22,826 44 Outstanding Balance $ 424,694 57 $ 309,438 63 Percentage Collected 8 8% 6 9% Back Taxes Personal Property $ 328,845 80 $ 343,874 95 Less Abatements - 218 72 - 93 96 Collections to Date - 9,631 33 - 6,767 46 Outstanding Balance $ 318,995 75 $ 337,013 53 Percentage Collected 2 9% 2 0% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date, $408,210 83 This report >_s for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 There is no comparative figure of percentage collected on current taxes as the 1975 charges were not turned over to collections until the first of September, .1975 Respectfully submitted, J~nie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue JBS/pbc i MEMORANDUM September 1.5, 1976 To Mr Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From Larry J Powell, Tax Administrato~'~~~f/~ Subject Abatements and Refunds The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizen's Exemp-tlon Each individual qual.lfles for the exempts_on, however, they failed to file for the release in January 1 Robert F Lewis 2 M Page Taylor 3 Garfield Clemmons 4 Nellie G Covil 5 Welbon Cox 6 Bertha Daughtry 7 Ralph Dry 8 Lucille Garrison 9 T E Goff l0 Edna Gore 11 Hrs John B Griffith 12 James Hanchey 13 R Harlee Kzrkum 14 Estella C Marshburn 15 W L McCorsley 16 Ida Mitchell 17 McKinley Moore 18 Eddie Nelson 19 Emma Newkirk 20 Lucinda Parker 21. Rosa Pearsall 2?_ James Prince 23 D G Raines 24 Hrs B Sldbury 25 ~7 M Slaughter 26 J D Snow 27 Alex B Stanland 28 W A Taylor Est 29 Carrie M Taylor 30 Mary Warren 31 Bennie Watts 32 Sara Worley $ 121 71 (Also clerical error) 47 34 (Also penalty) 34 50 84 00 84 00 84 00 84 00 92 40 (Also penalty) 101 27 (Also penalty) 84 00 84 00 34 50 34 50 57 46 147 86 (Also clerical error) 84 00 84 00 92 40 (Also penalty) 84 00 67 88 34 50 34 50 84 00 34 50 84 00 84 00 34 5 0 49 82 (Also penalty) 50 40 (Also penalty) 84 00 84 00 84 00 Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 Seagate Comm Cem $ 33 48 (1975 & 1.976) 2_ Mount Ho]_1y Baptist Cf:urch 173 27 (1975 f~ 1976) 3 City of Wilmington 65 97 (1975 5 1976) LI First Baptist Church 61 99 h ~ 2 5 Trinity Methodist Church $ 227 97 6 N H County 8 City of Wilmington 204 13 7 Fourth Street Church of God 761 56 8 Red Comm (Eva D'Lugin) 8 91 9 Cape Fear Mem Hosp 10,486 76 10 Love Chapel Church of God 548 48 The following taxpayers request the listing penalty be released as they certify they placed the listing in the ma~_1 during January, received the listing sheet late, or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 William Allen $ 66 47 2 Armstrong Dev , Inc 5 64 3 Bank of N C, N A 2 2 4 3 4 Robert C Batson 9 79 5 Clyde Bordeaux 27 07 6 Robert Bowden 14 36 7 Alice Bulluck 32 19 8 Lois Burkheimer 52 82 9 George Duer 32 57 10 W11_liam Carter 27 47 11 John Cheshire 145 81 12 Sterling Collins 13 00 13 Francis Fallon 2.1 56 14 Hrs Wm A French 34 60 15 John D James 32 03 16 Frank Johnston 59 65 17 John Judge 11 55 18 Hazel Matthews 35 00 19 James McIntyre 61 84 20 Roger L McNew 15 81 21 Ervin Myers 25 40 22 Ruby Myles 13 68 23 Dwight Philips 15 02 24 Phillip King 53 31 25 Thurman Sallade 33 02 26 Shannon Realty Co 61 23 27 Mollie Shepherd 57 02 28 George Sholar 34 11 29 William Smaltz 120 78 30 Gerald Smith 57 45 31 John Taylor 3 59 32 John Turner 19 92 33 Roger Van De Berg 27 04 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Joseph Williams $ 44 72 2 Monahon Tobias 21 84 3 Teresa Powell 42 00 4 Woodrow Noble 26 05 5 Kut "N" Kurl Beauty Salon 17 11 6 Robert Joe 9 66 7 Harry Green 23 11 8 Margaret Finley 10 67 3 9 Thomas Debeck $ 4 95 10 Marvin Brown 11 39 11 Guy Benton 9 00 12 Edward Ward 504 17 13 Merriwell Vineyard 83 34 14 Thomas Tuc]<er 141 2 2 15 G W Trask, Jr 125 79 16 Robert Grady 13 80 17 Smith Creek De.v Co 61 18 18 Charles Tilghman 46 38 19 Franklin Taylor 249 97 20 John Peterson 250 35 21 Wm Smith 98 33 22 John Ormond 657 71 23 Cont~.nental Const Co 159 77 24 Manly Carr 2.7 60 25 A Joyner Levels 576 93 26 Pine Valley Water Co 685 2.5 (1975) (1975 refund $231 59) Request the following taxes be released as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 Gladys Rldaught $ 5 89 2 Harry Parham 55 20 3 R H Mercer 82 80 4 Isaac Lasar 47 04 5 Rose Hudson 35 50 6 Barbara Evers 15 57 7 James Clifton 17 94 8 Larry Bowden 24 37 9 Luetta Booe 32 16 10 Charles Allo 10 70 11 Mar0orle pnoff 19 52 (1975 refund) 12 W Earl Beale 4 35 (1975 refund) 13 Alex Milllcan 10 47(1974 & 1975 refund) Request the .following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in addition, pricing motor vehicles, pricing appraisal cards, etc 1 Carl Yarborough $ 50 40 2 Timm Woodling 109 79 3 Gwendolyn West 15 63 4 Carl Watkins 31 86 5 Horace M Waters 19 32 6 Billy Watkins 46 58 7 John Ward 152 54 8 Henry Ward 4 21 9 W W Sullivan 7 81 10 Simmon Suggs 15 66 11 Wm Spencer 27 60 12 Southern Water Cond Co 8,376 48 13 Jeff Small 96 78 14 Edward Sloan 2 07 15 Clarence Skipper 9 08 16 Ruby Sakes 30 58 17 Ramesh Shah 2 11. 4 18 Robert Schmidt $ 17 92 19 Elwood Rivenbark 3 39 20 D S Reynolds 24 84 21 Howard Quinn 139 15 22 James Pierce 8 40 23 Ada Pierce 69 31 24 Howard Pepper 56 35 25 Linda Panfili 16 47 26 J Fred Murray 68 18 27 Joseph Morrison 19 63 28 Walter Moore 817 60 29 Tony MLlls 207 00 30 Liston Merritt 9 60 31 Richard Lundy 31. 23 32 Robert Little 1,344 00 33 Rex Little 205 61 34 Frank LeRay 205 27 35 Robert Kldd 9 14 36 J E Kelly 14 38 37 John Jones 67 12 38 David Johnson 117 19 39 Stephen Holland 10 70 40 Nora Hobbs 8 40 41 Robert Hill 7 22 42 Donald Harrlss 5 89 43 R Joseph Graham 5 72 44 Sandy Gilchrist 117 06 45 Georgia Ambulance & Hearse Servlce133 15 46 John C Gasklll 5 47 47 Roy Gantt 18 45 48 Ruth Donnelly 15 07 49 George Cooper 2 10 50 Claude Cooper 33 93 51 Dorothy Colby 11 95 52 Harold Christian 10 08 53 Wm Burrell 23 84 54 James Brown 2 55 55 W H Breazealle 193 87 56 Henry Benton 9 47 57 Robert Bell 58 O1 58 Robert Batson 52 93 59 Pauline Barlett 77 57 60 John Babb 56 71 61 American I.~ease Plan Inc 155 82 62 Christopher Williams 5 18 63 Alex M Trask 578 29 64 Albert Swann 1 66 65 Jerry Rivenbark 23 81 66 Edward Raglns 8 57 67 Mary Gage 62 77 68 Albert Brown 6 57 69 Armstrong Dev Inc 31 92 70 Felix Harris 97 10 (1975 refund $48 08) 71 0 E Lewis 46 62 (1975 & 1976 refund) 72 Harold Cleeve 28 81 (1975 refund $13 35) 73 Gwendolyn Jamison 13 48 (1975 refund) .. . 5 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside w~thln the city or town limits, or the personal property is located w~.thin the county 1 Rieman Fletcher $ 110 36 (1974 6 1975 refund $81 02) 2 Woodrow Bond 34 40 3 Jean Blalock 29 80 4 W E Bost 74 31 5 Henry Brown 111 92 6 Douglas Byrd 1.6 49 7 Eva Carter 12 62 8 Lawrence Clemmer 64 70 9 John Close 35 52 10 Craft American Hardward, Inc 324 12 11 William Davis 26 71 12 Gilbert Evans 36 58 13 Hanover Heights Superette 27 42 14 Catherine Hester 26 24 15 Kim Hester 10 26 16 Wade Hines 3 36 17 J A Horton 149 14 18 Bruce Kermon 27 17 19 Richard Koontz 45 54 20 Peter Kosky g gp 21 A Joyner Lewis 2 70 22 Robert Marlowe 202 35 23 Lynnis Matthews 30 70 24 Carrie Orrell 75 11 25 Virginia Orrell 6 68 26 Wm Plckler 19 80 27 Dennis Pope 22 77 28 Donnie Prevatte 34 16 29 Emerson Pridgen 11 44 30 Benny Prince 60 64 31 V G Proetsch 70 79 32 Hannah Shepard 26 98 33 David Thomas 74 03 34 Charles Thompson 68 81 35 Robert Toole 33 60 36 Louis Vinson 59 16 37 Johnnie Watson 22. 28 38 Thomas Williams 26 63 Request the .1975 and 1976 taxes charged to Seaboard Railroad for property in Spofford be released as this is a part of Seaboard Systems Property and is included in the State Appraisal of the Company ($101 26) Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of September 20, 1976 Copy Mrs Alyce Brown Mr Jim Fox