1976-10-04 RM Exhibits . r Stitt v~ .' ~'. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~t u / r ~~ _ JAMES E. HoLSHOUSER. JR. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES JACOS KOOMEN, M.O. M.r H. GOVERNOR DIRlCTOR DAVID T FLAHERTV Division of Health Services SEGRETART SHELLFISH SANITATION OFFICE P 0 BOX 769 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 October 1, 1976 Mr. Esso Clemmons Rt. #4, Box !~1{.6 Wilmington, N. C. Dear Mr. Clemmons Mr. George Gilbert, of our staff, has requested that I furnish you copies of the data collected on our sanitary surveys of commercial waters in the Page Creek-Harrelson's Marina area of New Hanover County. Enclosed are copies of our findings on surveys conducted in 1966, 1969-70-71, 1973-74, and the results to date this year. The stations that you will be most concerned with are Nos. 58, 21, 20, 59, and 66, located in the waters adjacent to Harrelson's Marina and in the Intracoastal Waterway, and Station Nos. 15 and 65, located in Page Creek. You will observe that the greatest amount of pollution exists in the waters adjacent to Harrelson's Marina. As currents move these waters into and along the Intracoastal Waterway they become diluted and the pollution ceases to be a problem. If we can be of further service, please let us know. Yours very truly, Edward J. Willis District Sanitarian Enclosures cc Mr. John Hazelton ~~ 3. Approved Areas.-Growing areas may be designated as approved when (a) the sani- tary survey indicates that pathogenic micro- organisms, radionuclides, and/or harmful in- dustrial wastes do not reach the area in dan- gerous concentration, and (b) this is verified by laboratory findings whenever the sanitary sur- vey indicates the need. Shellfish may be taken from such areas for direct marketing. Satisfactory complranee.-This item will be satisfied when the three following criteria are met a. Tlie area is not so contaminated with fecal material that consumption of the shellfish might be hazardous, and b. The area is not so contaminated with radionuclides or industrial wastes that con- sumption of the shellfish might be~ hazardous (see section C, item 7, regarding toxins in shell- fish growing areas), and c. The coliform median 11ZPN of the water does not exceed 70 per 100 ml., and not more than 10 percent of the samples ordinarily ex- ceed an 111PN of 230 per 100 ml. fora 5-tube decimal dilution test (or 330 per 100 ml., where the 3-tube decimal dilution test is used) in those portions of the area most probably exposed to fecal contamination during the most unfavor- able hydrographic and pollution conditions. (Note This concentration might be exceeded if less than 8 million cubic feet of a coliform-free dilution water are available for each population equivalent (coliform) of sewage reaching the area) The foregoing limits need not be ap- plied if it can be shown by detailed study that the cohforms ire not of direct fecal origin and do not indicate a public health hazard (19) (?d} a Public-health explanation.-A review of epi demiological investigations of disease outbreaks attributable to the consumption of raw shellfish reveals that two general situations prevails in- sofar us pollution of growing or storage areas are concerned. s Th1s ~IP?i value is based on a typlrnl ratio of conforms to pathogens and world not be appllrnhle to anti actuation in ~.~Lich an abnormally lurge number of pathogens might be present. Conslderatlon must also be given to the possible presence of Industrial or agricultural wnstea in which there fs nn atcplcal coliform to pathogen ratio (JO) ~ There is n third general consideration in which shellflab mac be contaminated through mishandling. Tbia is not re- lated to b-rowing area Banltation and is considered fn part II of this manual. Jti\E 1065 (1) Gross sewage colrtuminatioii of a grow- ing or wet storage area. (A report of a 1910 outbreak of typhoid fever involving 41 per sons notes that raw sewage from a city with a population of 30,000 was discharged only a few hundred feet away from clam beds and floats (~7) (Q8) In 1947 a case. of typhoid fever tivas attributed to clams harvested 200 yards from tics outlet of a municipal sewage treatment ,plant (~9) In the latter case, the coliform DZPN of the harbor water exceeded 12,000 per 100 ml. and the area had been posted as closed to shellfish harvesting.) (2) Chance contamination of a growing or v-et storage area by fresh fecal material which may not be di$'used throughout the entn•e area (11~) (16) (17) (]9) and therefore not readily detectable by ordinary bacteriological pro- cedures. The possibility of chance contami- nation was noted by Dr Gurlon in his report on a 1902 typhoid outbreak, and who is quoted in Public Health Bulletin No. 86, as "there is a zone of pollution established by the mere fact of the existence of a populated city upon the banks of a stream or tidal estuary which makes the laying down of oysters and clams in these waters a pernicious custom if per- sisted in, because it renders these articles of food dangerous at times, and always suspi- cious" The 1956 outbreak of infectious hepatitis in Sweden (691 cases) attributed to oysters which were contaminated in a wet storage area is an example of such contami- nation (16) Similarly in 1939, 87 cases of typhoid were attributed to fecal contamina- tion of a storage area by a typhoid carrier (11~) It is well established that shellfish from water having a median coliform MPN not ex- ceeding 70 per 100 mLe and zchich. is also pro- tected against chance contamination aoith fecal material, will not be involved in the spread of disease which can be attributed to initial con- tamination of the shellfish. This is not snrplzs- ing since a water MPN of 70/100 ml. is equiv- alent to a dilution ratio of about 8 million cubic feet of coliform-free water per day for the fecal material from each person contributing sewage to the area_ This tremendous volume of water is available m shellfish growing areas through t~ `}~ i i ~; !~~ (, I,, I~ ~ ~~ I,I~ ~~ i ~' ~ r'. ~ ~i ''I ,I r;,~i ,~~ ~i 13 e rJ ~ 9 ~` i ~ //\~ •~ / 1 '~ 1 w// r».J G~,B !f ^"'•N w N Z ,~ v I R `1 ~!!IJ ~O~r I N H J ~ ~ D F~1 u - u O N 0 C - ~'1 u .-1 q M ~+ C WO .G m ~ m v a u u m ~' s u o m ~ N T aJ C F O N N u C ... d ~ .O C O L 1 e .~ C _ t a m a O W . a z ~O a ua ~ m m ~ - o G O d T ~ n ,~ O O s al ~ n s o ux c o .-~ u o - 1 .~ .G NF, d r+ o w u o u m c a '+ z w C d o 0 d 1. ~ U <'1 O ,G u w G 3 u .+ of .-.-~ .G u C _ Q +i L ~O +1 ~O O .3 ~ N O ~-1 N tll ~+ a W d.. +LIU W S G d ~ Oa 4 ~"1 d ° u 3 Hn N u J y w N O 1 O O 'L' N U 9 ~ ` ~ n ° N 41 . i N W 2 N m u 1 0 0 ~ .e - a ~' a° v o o z ~+ u m N o m - m ro ~ mN T w a r o 3 + u ~ ~ F m io - a 7. ? N .7 .d m L ~ m C F d m ~ `~ o 0 0 G m z . m 3 ~ o u ~n e a o - 0 3 ~ - N .~ ~o u o ~° o ~ u .+ ~ W u N O d - 'O .r CO N L N 00 N ,.1r d O f~ W N 'O 9+ f~ a w b O J 1 M T N ~ O r Q Z O d 1 .+ n v - N 1 W Q .-a N 7 .Z I: ~T .-~ O ~ ~ tl/ ap .-1 N 3" N .-1 J d - N .-~ O N +~ -+ 'O ~ N P'1 vd N d N d d 0 ~ ~ ~ y i C 7 d 4' +'~ O ~ r+ .Y W N M W 3 W F p, C ~` '1 O W TI ~ ~ V M .2: 11 L .. f +1 W cd O 1J ly -~ O F 3 ~ L d v~ •- ~ G W i0 H ~ H N - a .t°+ s w oM'o w 3 o u ua ~ ° w m o -, . e ~o .+ N O /1 w N cp C O .7 ~ N N N u0 ~ ~ N ` O d - i 7 a J ~ x v r u a o ~' u o x i w+ m r w N l m G u o T n ~o C N w ° a ~' G v s 1 i Z ~ '' ~~ o o x W ~ n ao z + + O N A U u O .d ~ ap ~ m C O ° ~ 0 0 p° ~ u so o o a- .+o u a ++ ++ w G ~ 'te °1 C m „ i i ~ ~ a v o N u o w o u a s 'o a iy ~ 7 p M ~O p G M 1 F x C ~ ~ Y aJ O 0 0 O u u au ~o a wu ~ N ` O r ~~° ~ `~ a u vd w 'O o a r 1 3 o m o N G u o ~ ~ u 9 x au d - t . a . z u o m c m u ~ u a u ~ v ~ O N C '~ u ~ F ~ o a i i s + + Y ' - ~p C - N 'O ~C m N . CI .l . O .G d C d0 N d O d .C O .p .a +I -+ r O u d w C d u0 4] .-~ m 1~ pq wl M O N 3 N U u 0 O Y ~ I W Q .Li O N 1 .- ' Y1 W M O .G d ~tl Y d O N L 01 u s d m .a d 'G d .C F 1~ Z N N O N F ~0 .+ U M a m S ° W N~ Tr O N .~ ..1 . O G O N X. G N a C C .G C Z. 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County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended as follows 1 Amend Article V, Section 50-I by adding the following (10) AR Airport Residential District (11) AI Airport Industrial District 2 Amend Article V by adding the following Section 59 2 AR Airport Residential District. 59 2-1 The Airport Residential District is established for the pur- pose of limiting the development of land within the vicinity of the New Hanover County Airport to low density residential development In promoting the general purpose of this Ordinance, the specific intent of this Section is to minimize aircraft hazards by excessive density, to prohibit the development of places of assembly such as schools, hospitals, rest homes or other uses which tend to concentrate large numbers of people, and, to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of New Hanover County by preventing the creation of hazards to the Airport, thereby protecting the lives and property of the users of the Airport and of occupants in the vicinity and preventing destruction or impairment of the utility of the Airport and the public investment therein 59 2-2 Permitted uses (1) Accessory buildings (provided there be not more than two (2) such buildings per lot) (2) Agriculture, forestry, truck farming and other vegetable and plant crop cultivation (3) Commercial vegetable and flower gardening, plant nurseries and greenhouses, not including any structure used as a salesroom (4) Golf course, country club and customary related facilities (5) Public and private parks, parkways and playgrounds (6) Single family dwelling or mobile home (7) Stable (private) (8) Wayside stand for the sale of agricultural products produced in the same parcel where offered for sale 59 2-3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses) (1) Cemeteries (2) Churches (3) Community center building (4) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U S or N C numbered highway (5) Game preserves, wildlife reservations and conservation projects (6) Government facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and/or Municipal government on land owned or leased by a governmental body not otherwise indicated as a permitted use or special use in the AR zone (7) Kennels (8) Private clubs or lodges owned and/or operated by a corporation or association of persons for social or recreational purposes, but not operated primarily for profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business (9) Public utility building or use (10) Riding stables or other public stables (11) Salesroom for commercial gardens, plant nurseries and greenhouses 59 2-4 Dimensional Requirements (1) Minimum lot area shall be 43,560 square feet (2) Minimum lot width shall be 100 feet (3) Minimum front yard shall be 25 feet (4) Minimum side yard shall be 20 feet (5) Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet (6) Maximum height, unless otherwise specified by the New Hanover County Airport Height Zoning Ordinance, no building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height -2- 59 2-5 Special Requirements The following special requirements shall apply to each permitted or Special Use (1) Lighting (a) A pulsating, flashing, rotating, oscillating, or other type of lighting intended as an attention- getting device shall be expressly prohibited (b) Flood lights, spot lights, or other lighting device shall be so arranged or shielded as not to cast illumination in an upward direction above an imaginary line extended from the light source parallel to the ground (2) Radio and electronic (a) Any radio or electronic device shall be permitted only in conjunction with a valid license therefor or other authorization as may be issued by the Federal Communications Commission (b) Any radio or electronic device, the operation of which would violate any rules or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission is expressly prohibited (3) Visual hazards (a) Any operation or use which emits smoke, dust or creates glare or other visual hazards is expressly prohibited 3 Amend Article V by adding the following Section 59 3 AI Airport Industrial District 59 3-1 The Airport Industrial District is established as a planned restricted industrial district in which the principal use of land is for indoor manufacturing and distributive type operations that are compatible with airport facilities and which require sites adjacent to railroads and/or major thoroughfares In promoting the general purpose of this Ordinance, the specific intent of this Section is to encourage the types of development having maximum compatibility with aircraft operations, to protect and promote the public utility of the Airport, and, to promote the health, safety -3- and general welfare of the inhabitants of New Hanover County by preventing the creation of hazards to the Airport, thereby protecting the lives and property of the users of the Airport and of occupants in the vicinity and preventing destruction or impairment of the utility of the Airport and the public investment therein 59 3-2 Permitted Uses (1) Airport facilities and related activities (a) Airport facilities may include, but are not limited to, locations of landing fields, aircraft hangars and repair facilities, administration buildings, passenger and freight terminals, control towers, aviation plots, fuel storage areas, navigation equipment, approach and clear zones, and other facilities essential to the operation of airports for private and public aircraft (b) Related airport uses may include, but are not limited to, those necessary to provide services and con- venience goods principally to airline passengers and those uses generally associated with airport operations including aircraft and aircraft parts manufacture, air freight terminals, aviation and airline schools, aircraft repair shops, aerial sur- vey offices, aircraft sales, equipment, and parts storage, aviation research and testing laboratories, and airline catering services and governmental facilities located upon Airport property (2) Automobile and truck rentals (3) Building contractor offices and accessory storage yards, including storage of general construction equipment and vehicles, and the sale of building supplies and materials (4) Commercial and package delivery service (5) Lumber, coal and construction material storage yards (6) Mail order sales warehouses (7) Public utility building or use including storage and service yards -4- (8) Sales, Servicing, repairing and renting of equipment by business, industry and agriculture (9) Service and light industries and related offices and showrooms that manufacture, compound, assemble, process, package, store and distribute goods and materials which are dependent upon raw materials refined elsewhere (10) Warehousing and wholesaling distribution centers with stocks of goods or materials other than live animals, explosives or flammable gases or liquids 59 3-3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses) (1) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U S or N C numbered highway (2) Governmental facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and/or Municipal Government on land owned or leased by a governmental body not other- wise indicated as a permitted use of Special Use in the AI District (3) Motels and hotels (4) Restaurants (5) Service stations (6) Truck, bus or rail terminals 59 3-4 Dimensional Requirements (1) Minimum lot area shall be 43,560 square feet (2) Minimum lot width shall be 150 feet (3) Minimum front yard shall be 50 feet (4) Minimum side yard shall be 20 feet (5) Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet (6) Maximum height, unless otherwise specified in the New Hanover County Airport Height Zoning Ordinance, no building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height 59 3-5 Protection for Residential Areas It is hereby required in a AI zone when a new principal structure is built, an existing principal structure is renovated or expanded sufficiently to increase its value by twenty-five (25) percent or more, in any one or more expansions, or a change in use to a more intensive use is made of a property, before a certificate -5- of occupancy may be issued, a planted buffer strip (as specified in Section 67 of this Ordinance) must be pro- vided along all side and rear property lines which adjoin a residential zone or residentially developed area This provision may be waived only when evidence is presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment that such buffer would serve no useful purpose, and such evidence shall be heard in the same manner as a request for other variances as provided for in Article XII of this Ordinance It is further required in an AI zone, to protect and promote existing or future residential development, any means of direct access to or from any permitted or Special Use in the AI zone shall not be through any residentially zoned or developed area or along any street or road in any residential subdivision If it can be demonstrated that undue hardship will exist if this provision is strictly enforced, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a variance in accordance with Article XII of this Ordinance 59 3-6 Special Requirements The following special requirements apply to each permitted or Special Use (1) Lighting (a) A pulsating, flashing, rotating, oscillating or other type of lighting intended as an attention- getting device shall be expressly prohibited (b) Flood lights, spot lights or other lighting device shall be so arranged or shielded as not to cast illumination in an upward direction above an imaginary line extended from the light source parallel to the ground (2) Radio and electronic (a) Any radio or electronic device shall be permitted only in conjunction with a valid license therefor or other authorization as may be issued by the Federal Communications Commission (b) Any radio or electronic device, the operation of which would violate any rules or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission is expressly prohibited -6- ~~ (3) Visual hazards (a) Any operation or use which emits smoke, dust or creates glare or other visual hazards is expressly prohibited Section 2 Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed Section 3 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted this 7% day of ~~~;.G.~.J , 1976 Chairman and Commissioner Commissioner ~ w Commissioner ~j .. ^'r 1 Commissioner / Commissioner -7- r o 0 ~I o U :tS ~ ~ ~ c cd 'C3 O O N o u a~ a~ +~ ~ +~ o U U ^LS O O O ~ cd ~ •~ cn N n n cn ~n ~n O ~n ~ ^ 3 >> vo ~a~ o v y zap o O ~••~ O N O N a ~ ~ ~ ~- O O }, o ' o o ~ ~ I ~ ^ o U ~ ,~, ~ ~- z ~ ° 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J J c :~ J O 3 J J -- :~ J J - 'J I ti14CH0~ IA E ANr. ~ TRUST COAiPANl ltiachovia has offered all the services requested and for all practical purposes well extend the arrangement now in effect They have agreed to certain payroll changes tihich well simplify the payroll preparation and verification jtachovia does not specify a compensating balance but kill benefit from the X350,000 balance mentioned in the proposal request since this is probably the lowest balance the county will maintain Cost = None NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK N C N B responded to the total request and will offer all services except payroll'fot`-the compensating balance Indicated Payroll costs would run about X5,500 annually N C N B has the facilities to maintain the county's accounts adequately Cost = $5,500 Annually FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK First Union's presentation is complete with the exception of the "notification of checks" presented which could very well be an oversight Their compensating balance requirement is extremely high and would be costly to the count} This may be due to the fact that the~~ do not have an affiliated payroll service Their balance requirement of X700,000 would be X350,000 in excess of that proposed First Union would be well qualified to handle the county's accounts Cost = $17,500 Annually 1tiACCAMAj;' BANK ~ TRUST COMPANY ~~hile offering all the services except the food stamp storage l~accamaw's cost plan would lock the county in to a calculated cost with the compensating balance becoming a credit to this cost Our present operations would be covered by this credit but additional accounts and check volumes could conceivably cost the county additionally L Cost = None (on present operation) O GL, t--i z ~ ~ ~~ H ~rn z ~~ W Q H ~ ~ L3.. ,..C S-a W c N ~ ~ z~ w o w ~rs +-~ H ri Q.. ~ ~ W cn C1~ Q ~~~y . ~i .~ N ~ '":~ G .K O ac ~-I ac N `b F-, oo N ~'~ O + ,"{ pp ~ . ~--~ .. ,~' .. ~' }J CS$ O r{ r..~ O ~ ~ ~ O O tV~ U ~. n N \ F+ O O ,--~ t1~ t~ O O n O O U lfS i N N to 00 lf7 00 M [~ ., ~ M O ~ w r-1 ~ M M ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-i ^I r--i ~ r-I rl i.. . CO ~ bg 3 ~ N ~ a~ o z ~ c~ ~ ~ a~ ~ •r n O ~p N O [~ ~ 2 M r--I 07 Ol I.I) 00 ~ ~ (~ M O M ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O i ~ S~r M r-I r-1 rl r-1 r ~ ~ ~ N a cti w tf~ rl N O t~ O O r--1 O fit' ~ O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- to CSC ~ O ¢, U fi r--I ~ ~ CS'J cd O H ?~ ~ '.n U ~ cd ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ o o ~ o w o ~ ~ ~ ~• U ~ O O ~ v~ 4-a +~ c0 _ N •ri ~ U ~ - ~ N ~ c4 ~ J • r-I cC .L` • --~ ~-+ ~ +~ N ~ •ri i-~ ~ O rd ~ N ri N Q •r-i a ~ ~ +~ o x ~ ~ U E~ :4 Q '~ a~~ 0 3 0 0 r-c r ~c NEi~ :'-iA?~OVER CvUATY, }~~~~Tri CAKOLIhA Office of Purchasing Agent Room 510, County Administration Building h'llmington, North Carolina REQUESTS FOR BIDS OTC SHERIFF'S DEPT. U1~IFORT4S BID X14-76 Sealed bids well be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing LakTs of North Carolina Name o f B i d d e r ~mei ,c..can G'n ~loicrr S~e~, Snc. Address !S3 S~.LCe~pi.e Stceet, G Box 564, .~a~e tte v<.,LLe, A' ~' 2c~~0 Signature of Authorized Agent ~z~~ Title ~nr+/iar,~nnf Manufacturer A~ inen~~.nrcec~ is n~rmm~~nr~.rnr ,/rlfrn c k'arranty Delivery Time !20 dau~ often o~de~ fran_ b~r~ fr.~h~n_ Exclude sales tax Prices 18 0 Pairs T r ou s e r s l•'~e.~ ~rn.C 9100!6-2jC$j x OC' 46f~0 00 180 Summer Shirts 180 11'inter Shirts 60 Jackets 60 R'lnter Hats 60 Summer Hats 1,000 Emblems / / SO 200.00 !/.7r 2//5.00 44 00 2640.00 /~ on ~Bo 00 /2 00 720 00 4C> 400 00 Total $ l440~' 00 /~, ~/~ S Remarks l~.Cecue note orut n~c.ce fon ~e ~ab~u~ SAP-G~ rnr ~nrrnnnn 2~ 7~ 505 QQ l~ea~.e Hate oruc nn.c_ce ~o~ the pahrr~r ~ (~~///~,-S/7'7_ t~~„~~~~ ~c nn 4500 00 P~E11 Hr.'~0~ .ER COU'\! 1 , t~liii ri C nOLI'~I1 Office of Purchasing Agent Roo~^ 510, County Administration Budding Y~ilmsngton, Tvorth Carolina REQUESTS FOR B IDS 0~' SHERIFF' S DEPT _ U1~ I FORMS BID X14-'76 Sealed bids well be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Lar,~s of North Carolina_ - ~'•~ Name of Bidder Fligel IIniform Company Address 207 East Trade Street Charlott®, h. C. 28202 D n / Signature of Authorized Agent ~~ ~ - t~ ,X~1 J Title Vice President Manufacturer Fechheimer Bros., R. T,1nnr~an. 41rnl~m Rat h~arranty ~Torl~rianshin unconditionally guaranteed Delivery Tlme 120 days Exclude sales tax- Prices 180 Pairs Trousers ~ lT311.00 180 Summer Shirts 1881.00 180 hinter Shirts 20.3.00 60 Jackets _____~ICK-~~ 60 Winter Hats 117.00 b0 Summer Hats 70.00 1,000 Emblems ?50.00 Total $ ~ ~P57 ~0 Remarks 'rrousPr~ t~ ~,P n~' K1 nr,mcn X621116-5127 P Office of PLrc7as~ng agent Room 510, County ,4 c,:rlnistratlon Duziding 1•,ll~:ington ~~orth CarGllna RrQUESTS fi0R R IDS O'~ S~'rRI FF' S DEPT U'~ I fiO~'~;S FID =14-i6 Sealed beds ~z1I be accepted on the abole item(s) subject to the attached specifscations and ir. accordance ~lth the Purchasing Laws of T'orth Carolina 1~ame of Bidder Fli~el Uniform Company Address 2O7 Fast "'rade Street Charlotte, 2v. C. 28202 Signature of Authorized Ager,t ~ Title z~i ce ~residert Manufacturer Feehheimer giros. ~tiarranty 'v:orkmansriu unccn ditionallr guaranteed Dellverv Time 120 dais Exclude sales tai: ~ 8 0.00 5 5 Prices 180 Pairs Trousers 180 Summer Shirts 1881.On 180 V~inter Shirts 2OL.?.~JO b0 Jac).ets ~~ nC_ ~n 60 1~inter Hats 7~1?-00 60 Summer Hats ?0.00 1,000 Emblems • 7K0.OO Total ~ iK~~F nn Remarks Trousers to be of RaPfnrrl ~K~R.-~~~~ C Office of Purcras~ng -;gent Room 5I0, County Administration Fun ding ~~,zir: ir.gton, ?+ort'^. Carcl~na ~.LQULSTS FOF BIDS 0'~ SF:ERIFF' S DFrT L'~~IF~~R~"S $iD X14-ib pealed bids Z+111 be accepted on the abole hem (s) subject to the a~tached specifications and ~n accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina ' Name of Bidder Fli~el linifor~ Company Address 2C7 Last mrade Street Charlotte, h 2202 . C. t d A ~ C~ '` 1 ~~~ Si nature of g gen Authorize ~.,-~.~,t3 ~- - ~ Title ~.1ce iresider!t Manufacturer Fechheirier B ros. _ __ h•arranty I^:ork-mansri~ unconditionally guaranteed Delivery Time 120 days Exclude sales tax Prices 180 Pa1rs Trousers ~ ~~~~_00 180 Summer Shirts 1881.O~J 180 1ti'lnter Shirts ?0~' • 00 60 Jackets ~~OC-_~~ 60 h'lnter Hats 101~.~~ 60 Summer Hats 7~0.`J0 1,000 Emblems _ 70.00 Total ~ 1.001.00 Remarks Trrn~GPrG to be of h? ~nmQ~ ~Q1 n~ ; ~,,.~~n~ V -~ _ T' G Oif~ce cf Purchasing went Foc::; ~? 0, Ceunt~ Adj~~.ir,~stration ruilding ti•,~lmington, t.crth Carolina RLQ~iESTS FOR B IDS 0?~ SHERIFF' S DEPT U?~ I FOR?~1S BID rl4-;o Sealed bids v,lll be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and In accordance kath the Purchasing Laks of north Carolina -. Name of Bidder Eli~el Lniform Compen~ Address 207 East Trade Street _ ' C~arlotte, T~. C. 28202 ~ Signature of Authorized Agent ~~ ~ ~.,~- .`~~ Title rice President Manufacturer Ro~.Tard IIniForm (:emnan~ ti•~aTrant~ l~orkmanship unconditionally guaranteed Del~~ erv Time 85 days E~:clude sales tax Prices 180 Pairs Trousers ~ Iif~~K_!ln 180 Summer Shirts 1881.40 180 ti,'lnter Shirts 20l~3.40 60 Jac~.ets ~1~~-n~ 60 titi`lnter Hats 1!11-7.00 60 Summer Hats ?0.40 1,000 Emblems 7`'0.00 Total ~ 1L181.40 Remarks Trousers to hP ~,f wn~rAr i~n~' Decrori *~nl~aGtPr i\~l"~ !'~=1y~\i'~ ~I: C~ii11\ 1 : , *i~) i i~ ~, ^ ROLIhA Office of Purchasing Agent Room 510, County Administration Building h'llmington, Forth Carolina REQUESTS FOR SIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UI~IFORI~4S BID X14-~6 Sealed bids well be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance ~+ith the Purchasing Latins of North Carolina .' Name of Bidder FRA2~~S tINIF02M5, I?~. Address P . 0. ~C 9665, SATAIINAF., GEORGIA 31l~02 Signature of Authorized Agent ~?.~~~~./~=~ -F ra ter: x . ae.uy Title President Manufacturer Trousers -See bela; -Skirts -Wide l;:ake - 8ackets - Blauer ?';fg. -Hats - Alboux 1~~arr anty Delivery Tlme 30 days Exclude sales tax Prices 180 Pairs Trousers ~ see belox 180 Summer Shirts 180 k'inter Shirts 60 Jackets 60 ATinter Hats 60 Summer Hats 1,000 Emblems 2,].15.00 2,277.0 2,665.00 975. ~ 765 .oo 650.00 lsave used total ~~3.tin highest pricQ'c~rua$rousers listed ~ 15,092.00 ~~~ belox Remarks Rae'ord 53E-137 Gaba~ rA FP~~hei ~r $~O 2~ der =Dr Items 1 ~J3~~ ffi.opsa~ 910016-2303 Tezturized Polyester Gabardine Feckheizer $211.25 pr Ztea 2 .~ ao3 Klog:at 62116-5227 Textxrized Polyester Serge - Fech1-ei~er $23.35 pr Ite: 3 Horaard ihitor:s Texttcrized %sit $28.75 Pr ~ ~~~ Itei 1t -lp~ p F'~ 1~LPi~Pr a~ Ftrr~'+vt +z•.+ -e ti, s + •- .~,-. flgship NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Office of Purchasing Agent Room 510, County Administration Building W1lmington, North Carolina ~~ REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT. UNIFORMS BID X14-76 Sealed beds will be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina ` Name of Bidder THE HUB UNIFORM COMPANY, INC. Address 514 N. COLLEGE STREET, P. 0. BOX 209 CHARLOTTE, NORTH GAR~OLINA 28230 Signature of Authorized Agent / l' !/~~~'~'K- ~~~~-Cj~'~-- /J Title PRESIDENT `' Manufacturer i~A~iS - ~ Ect-!N~i~~R~t 5~,2~5 - ELa~=cel r Ira ~,~--s - ~! Au.~t~~~ r~P,iS- ~AWMAN~ :. arranty ~~-~ F ~~ ~ o ~,~ elzvery Time - ? p ~pAYS o-~% PAn.; ~ 5 ~ ~ DAYS p-; ALL OT}tt~ 1 ~ E?-~iS Exclude sales tax Prices 180 Pairs Trousers $ ? ~; Of? I ~ ~ <PC ;iG 180 Summer Shirts _ 1 ~ ~ I ,Z ,ZSG GG 180 Winter Shirts 13- S~ (~ 'S'..~G Cl~ 60 Jackets ~i n ~'C ~.2. ~~D GG 60 Winter Hats 60 Summer Hats 1,000 Emblems Total r,e-rarhs _ -- _ ~ ~^`- r ~ D .~.r -y I ~: Jb ( O~G. G'D _ 12 G L I ~,2 D. ~~ ~ I ~ ~ `f `= G; /G C~ .-e. /fit ~. ~ NEW HA~~vOV"ER COUNTY, 'NORTH CAROLINA Office of Purchasing Agent Room 510, County Adminzstratlon Building Y111mzngton, North Carolina REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UNIFORMS BID tt14-76 Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina Name of Bidder ~ ,z7cr~ / ~ y •~~ l~ r ~ ~c ~ddress ~y/ ~ ~~k.s~ r~ .~~ ~~x~- ~,J L~ ~L ~ C ~~7 I~- L'am' U Signature of Authorized Agent ~~i r~~.~~-~%; Tit 1 e n~ !" ;t ,~ _.:, r_ ~ Manufacturer ,~T;t-T ~tP+~^ i,f~.~:v /2-~~~ ~.~. G~ _T~ ~' ~iwz~m.~,., ."r ~f ~ _~f../ /y~C.t-2_ Warranty -~~t1~~.~_ ~.,/ c-~.,,,~~~ ~--~~- ~„ ~~~..«.-. ,:..,~~~r~. ~.-{,/ I / ~ ~ ~ Delivery Time ~-~ (- ~~.:-~.: w~ ~--*, of F ~T~, ~~e~__r ~?~_-.~, /~o .~ e~..~, ~ Cj Exclude sales tax ~' z 3~9~F Sa~I~~~ Prices 180 Pairs Trousers ~ ~ _s~, s,; 180 Summer Shirts /~;y~ a 3~ J ' `• ~ 180 Winter Shirts / 3~' ? ~ // ° 60 Jackets ~X ~ a ~ ' ~' d ~ 60 Winter Hats /7 yj / ~ '~ ~ ~ G 60 Summer Hats /~ ~' ~ ~ ~' ° `'~ 1, 000 Emblems ~~ '~ ~' ~°' ~"~ Total ~ ~ ~ Remarks ./~i,r' ~ ~ ~..7L ~ °~ J~' Tv i<< ~.=,,/ p~ N. _~ -~-~ ,~ :v r ~ Y ` ~ ^7 _ r.. ~-